tv Full Court Press Current June 17, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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(vo) current tv gets the conversation started weekdays at 9 eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. (vo) sharp tongue. >>excuse me? (vo) quick wit. >> and yes, president obama does smell like cookies and freedom.
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(vo) and above all, opinion and attitude. >> really?! this is the kind of stuff they say about something they just pulled freshly from their [bleep]. >> you know what those people are like. >> what could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush? >> my producer just coughed up a hairball. >>sorry. >>just be grateful current tv doesn't come in "smell-o-vision" >> oh come on! the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo)only on current tv.
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> i think the number one thing that viewers like about "the young turks" is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. >> you're putting out there something that you're proud of. journalists want the the story and they want the right story and the want the true story. >> you can say anything here. >> i spent a couple of hours with a hooker. >> your mistake was writing a check.
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>> she never cashed it! >> the war room. >> compared to other countries with tighter gun safety laws our death toll is just staggering. >> the young turks. >> the top bankers who funneled all the money to the drug lords, no sentence. there's just no justice in that. >> viewpoint. >> carl rove said today that mitt romney is a lock to win next pope. he's garunteeing it. >> joy behar: say anything. >> is the bottom line then that no white person should ever, ever, ever use the "n" word? >> yes! >> only on current tv. you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that
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current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? [ music ] [ music ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> dick chaney says that edward snowden is a traitor. who cares what dick cheney says about anything. what do you say? what do you say? hello, everybody. friends and neighborshoods, good to see you today. it is monday, monday june 17th. here we are on the "full-court press." hope you had a great, great weekend, a very relaxing weekend and are ready to tackle the big stories of the week.
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a whole new week with a lot going on and a lot to talk about even if you've got only a scratchy voice like mine but it's better today than it was friday. at least i can get through maybe one sentence without gagging. and we thank richard fowler for coming in on friday and filling in with all of you and keeping up the good pace here of the "full-court press." we've got lots to talk about today and lots that you are going to want to talk about. and on a day like today, the more we hear from you, the better because that means the less you hear from me. so there you go. so, particularly encourage your calls at 866-55-press. 866-55-77377. i feel fine. just have a scratchy throat. you can get to us on twitter twitter twitter twitter @bpshow. we will be following your leads and looking at your comments on twitter, reading as many of those as we can on the air and
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for all of our friends on facebook and, if you are not yet our friend on facebook why the hell not? join us at peter ogburn's got the week off. he actually is starting this vacation in las vegas. dan henning is here. >> good morning. >> running the show, flying the 747 with the hem of alicia cruz. she has the phones covered and cyprian bowlding has the cameras covered. i talked to peter yesterday or texted him. >> how is he making out. >> he is doing fine, i guess. he was about to put down a lot of money on the spurs game last night. >> oh. >> he was heading for the sports vetting arena this. >> sure, sure, of course. >> and i am sure we know, cyprian. we know he bet on the spurs. >> yeah. >> probably made a little money. odds were probably on the heat last night. i mean on the -- yeah, on the heat last night. right?
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not the spurs to win? >> yeah. i mean, yeah, because it was was -- i mean, it was basically, it was not a must-win for the heat. but it was a must-win. tomorrow night is. so... yeah. >> bill: speaking of facebook i have to tell you the funniest thing. i was at a reception friday evening at the -- i know it sounds like i am just place dropping here but at the embassy -- no. at the residence of the australian ambassador to the united states. i tweet out a couple of photos. >> yeah. because pat oliphan. who i think is the best political cartoonist in the nation is an australian native and he was given the australian basically medal of honor. he was made like an australian knight. sir pat, we have to call him now, at any rate. so i was there at this event. and this man came up to me. this has never happened to me before. and he said hi. i don't know you. but i am your friend on
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facebook. >> i love those. >> bill: i told him, i said, boy, i have no idea who is my friend on facebook. i said i know i have a lot of friends. >> dan: we have about 15,000 >> bill: i said thank you for being my friend on facebook but you are probably communicating more often with dan and peter. >> dan: like maybe he will write on our wall this morning. we will say hi to him. you don't know what that means. >> that's okay. >> bill: that's all right. >> dan: i love it. >> bill: lots and lots and lots. by the way, we mentioned the spurs but the other big sports news yesterday, i tuned in the end of the afternoon because i wanted to see phil mikelson finally, win the u.s. open. the golf gods were against him. it didn't happen. the poor guy who came in the
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only one who was below par of the whole field for all three days and then the last day he got a couple of bogeys. justin rose is the man who won it. the first brit to win it since when? >> dan: early 1970s, first englishman to win it. >> bill: phil mikelson it broke his heart. >> this is probably the toughest for me because at 43 and coming so closes, you know five times, it would have changed the way i looked at this tournament all together and the way i would have looked at my record. instead, i just keep feeling heartbreak >> bill: coming in 2 for the 6th time. as too many people i said always a bridesmaid never a bride. >> it's really too bad. >> bill: he is a class act. >> dan: everyone was pulling for him. >> bill: michael tomasky from
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daily beast, one of our favorites, one of your favorites here as a friend of bill. will dobson from scat skate" will be here to talk about syria. covers fortunately policy and the young arthur delaney from huffington will be in studio as well to take a look at what's happening on the social security and economic front and we will talk about president obama's decision to send arms to syria, but first, this is "the full court press." >> dan: other headlines making news in sports as we have just talked about the miami heat now have to win two games at home to win the ngba championship over the san antonio spurs, the spurs winning 114 to 104 last night thanks to tony parking posting 26 points and genobli's point because it was a surprise he even started in the game but coach greg popovich took a reward. post the spurs and miami game
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six tomorrow. what they are up against u.s.a. reports only three teams have won the final two games at home since 1985. the lakers in people 88, the houston rockets in 94 and the new york knicks in 2010. >> bill: the heat tomorrow night at home? >> dan: yeah. it's a must-win. if the spurs win tomorrow they win. saint peter's square became a harley-davidson parking lot yesterday in celebration of the legendary motorcycle maker's 1/10th anniversary, thousands of riders rolled in to mass at the vatican where pope francis blessed the motorcycles and their riders as part of a massive four-day harley celebration in rome. the pope, they were hoping he was going to get on a motorcycle >> bill: i was disappointed he didn't hop on a bike. >> dan: they wouldn't have been surprised if he did. >> bill: i saw one guy, the ones that thepost pope -- the motorcycles got to park up front had a little special sticker,
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you know, that they would get the pope's blessing. yeah. the report i saw -- i forget. on cbs or whatever said, are you happy to have that sticker? he said i hope it means i can get more money for the bike when i sell it. >> dan: i saw that too. >> bill: blessed by the pope. >> dan: what a schmuck. one of the most anticipated babies in hollywood was born kim kardashian giving birth to a wrapper with kanye west at her side. most predicted the baby was not coming until july. it only weighed about 5 pounds at birth but reportedly healthy. no word on a name yet. we know the first pictures will go for a lot of money. >> bill: that poor little kid. forgot to say happy father's day. coming to you on your local
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progressive roll station and we thank our eye fill "s for letting us start the day with all of you. if you are listening on your local progressive talk radio station, be glad you got one or sirius xm. be glad we are there one hour and too bad we are not there for all three hours. you can talk to sirius km about that. glad to be with you on current tv and all fathers of america, listening and watching, i hope you had a good father's day. i certainly did. i had a chance to talk to my two sons and wish them a happy father's day as well. let's talk about syria because here we are. i know you talked a little bit about this with richard fowler. i wasn't here. i would love to giveet your take and wanted to give you mine. we are involved in yet another war in the middle east and this one, now, we are involved in yet another war in the middle east. this one, of course, being syria.
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you know how it all came down thursday. the announcement was made not by president obama but by deputy national security advisor ben rhodes talking to us reporters on a conference call. the president had said if we -- pardon me. if we verify that syria had used chemical weapons and france and a couple of other countries had come up, come to that conclusion before we did, but the president said if we ever verified that that would certainly be a game shame changer. we have been studying the evidence for several months. ben rhodes making the announcement. we concluded the assad regime had used them to a degree. >> assessing that the asad regime has used serin multiple
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times in the last year. ben rhodes says, that's it. >> that's the point of no return. >> the use of chemical weapons violates international norms and crosses red lines that have existed for decades. >> bill: president promised some action. ben rhodes spelled it out. >> as we reviewed this evidence, we have increased our support and provision of assistance to the oftenzition. >> bill: and not in that bite but what he did spell it out was that our assistance would come -- we were sending some non-military assistance before in terms of medical supplies and food supplies, now, we are sending small weapons and small weapons only but dennis mcdenna, the president's chief of staff on "face the nation" yesterday with bob schieffer, he said don't worry, we are going to more very very slowly here this is not going to escalate.
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>> here is what we want to do, though, bob: we have to be very discerning about what is in our as best as and what the outcome -- what outcome is best for us and the prices that we are willing to pay to get to that place. we have rushed to war in this region in the past the we are not going to do it here. >> no rush to war says dennis mcdena. love to get your take on this, 866-55-press. first of all, nobody disputes the fact that assad is a bad guy. nobody disputes the fact that the people of syria and the world would be better off without him. nobody disputes the fact that the civil war -- and it is a self war -- has gone on too long two years, cost 100,000 lives, massive distrucks of the resources of that company, but i still think this is a big mistake. i think it's a big mistake for afy reasons. p because syria unlike libya this is not going to be seize.
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syria is a big country with a big army, a well-equipped army with a lot of powerful friends and an army that is loyaling, looks like it. proven it so far, assad. it will be turn to bring them down. the tied has turned. presently, they are, syrian regime are beating back the rebels, pushed the rebels back from some key positions that they held. number 1. no. 2, the rebels the opposition in syria is not very -- it's not clearcut that they are the good guys and the bad guys. right? b bash a. r, assad. but some of the rebels are bad guys. it's going to be impossible for us to guaranty that all of the assistance that we send is going to go to the good guys the free syrian arm and none will go to the bad guys who are the
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al-qaeda-linked rebels among the rubles in the opposition who hold the al-qaeda people hold a lot of territory and some say are even stronger than the free syrian army and better equipped and may be better motivated. no. 2. number three, you know damn well, as well as i that we start with small weapons. it's not going to stop there. in fact, john mccain one who put the pressure on obama to escalate our involvement in syria, he has been doing it for a long, long time, if mccain had been president we would have a war in syria and a war in iran with troops on the ground. mccain already was out saying small weapons are not enough. we ought to give them armor-piercing weapons and anti-aircraft weapons. here is mccain. >> i am comfortable with giving them whatever the weapons they need to defend themselves against the onslaught of russian weapons of the most
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sophisticated kind iranian weapons and the kinds of unequally battlefield that we are in today. >> only that, mccain went on to say we ought to also establish a no-fly zone which means, of course, american planes over syria, which means -- i mean, what's next? boots on the ground? can't be far away. here is my point. again, i think this is a big mistake for obama's part. he will now be known as the president who stopped two wars, ended two wars, war in iraq and war in afghanistan and started another war, started a third war in syria. is that really the way he wants to be remembered? where does this go? how soon before we have to send boots on the ground. trouble, trouble trouble in syria. big mistake if you ask me. 866-55 might have 866-55-press. let's buck talk about it on this
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a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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[ music ] >> this is "the bill press show" live on your radio and current tv >> bill: how about it? 26 minutes after the hour bill press here and all of you out there, thank you so much for joining us. talking about syria i know it says a lot about the way this all came down. president obama didn't touch. he had a big sports team over on friday he had the big celebration for the lgb.
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community because this is gay pride month. never said anything about syria. he let ben rhodes handle it. this was not something he wanted to do. >> dan: i would assume he will bring it up at the g8 today. >> bill: he has to talk about it. i think he has to talk to the american people about it and explain why we are doing this. chuck is calling from santa fe new mexico. good morning. >> sirius about syria. i think the president is making a the mistake with the this one. the reason i say it is because a lot of people are pushing it. we have had problems in that area before. and we've always had bad circumstances. although i am very humanitarian
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and, you know, bashar al-assad he is a despo. >> bill: he is for sure. chuck, it's good to hear from you. we it's fun hanging out with our friends pat ala foun. on friday. nobody is defending it bashar al is it fair to says assad. but is it in our role to be supplying small arms to the rebels there? can we make sure they go to the right parties and, also do we think we can get away with supplying small arms? i mean this does -- pardon me for being irreverend but this is like the old thing. you can't be a little bit pregnant. you are in for a penny, you've got to be in for a pound, you know, and if we are going to supply the rebels then it seems to me we have to do it full-bore or not at all. this is, at best a half-assed approach to syria. i don't think we ought to go
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there at all. we ought to go full-bore. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ] young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air
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[ music ] >> get social with bill press. like us at this is "the bill press show." >> thirty-three minutes after the hour here on monday. monday, june 17th. welcome back everybody. taking your calls on syria, the president has said he followed through. he warned if we find out they used chemical weapons, that's it. >> that's the red line. we will take some action. i have been to i don't know how many briefings when jay carney
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said we will definitely take action. they did. they took -- pardon me -- the smallest possible step the white house decided sending small arms only to the good guys among the rebels in syria. so my questions to you are: is this the right thing to do? number 1. 866-55-press. do you think we can possibly make sure that these arms go to the good guys and not the bad guys and three, does the president really think we can get away with sending small weapons only when the pressure is growing to establish a no-fly zone and it may be even send in boots. by the way, since we have made this decision iran has already said they are going to send in 4,000 revolutionary guard troops to syria to help the asad
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regime. here we go. we could easily be i think, sparking another international war, regional war in the middle east. 866-55-press. your comments. by the way, i want to get your comments on twitter, too. but do want to mention this could be a big, big day in the supreme court. they've got two more weeks in june and this is the time they end their session when all of their big decisions are coming down. we are expecting to hear from them perhaps as early as today on immigration i'm sorry. on affirmative, on voting rights and, also on marriage equality. again, your calls at 866-55-press. first, dan, you have been following the social media. >> we are on twitter @bpshow and at press. they then we talked about mahmoud ahmadinejad obama saying the irony of dick cheney calling anyone a traitor is priceless
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>> bill: it really it. cheney also said he thinks that it could be a chinese spy. >> yeah. yeah. >> i mean, cheney, come on. go away. >> on syria and the president, now going in f ikillfascism says i have been around too long to expect anything else from obama, and says i honestly don't think obama gives a rat's ass about what his legacy will be not that he will be allowed to do anything thanks to the gop. >> that's true. but 'til still, you know, he has to care about what his legacy is and not let the g.o.p. decide what it is. >> steven boss 2000 says i am with you a big mistake. areas under rule send women back to the stone age with public stonings. we should not be in there. >> bill: we could easily ends up with asad out and an al-qaeda-linked group of
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opposition in charge in syria. i am not sure that would be a plus. you know, again, i give credit. i have before. i give president obama a lot of credit for not rushing into this. i thought he showed admirable restraint. members of the washington press corp, i have heard him in the briefings for weeks now have been pushing the administration: what are you going to do? john mccain wants to do something. even former president bill clinton came out last week and said, we've got to do something. the president cannot just hold back. he has to do something in syria. but finally the president bowed in to all of that pressure and bowed into the evidence. i think we would be better off saying we are going to basically wish them well and see what happens. we cannot -- the old phrase. right? can't be the world's policemen. we cannot be everywhere in this world that there is trouble with
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a military presence and think that is going to solve all problems. haven't we learned that lessong yet? gary is out in spaokane, washington. >> caller: i think your assistant should know how to spell s pocan e seattle. we aren't on the dark side of the moon. that being said, i think we should stay out of it. i feel sorry for the people over there who are killed and maimed and all of that. but it's not our problem. it's like you said about afghanistan. it's not our problem. we shouldn't go in at all period. the end. >> bill: gary, you know what? you remember, you mention afghanistan, under jimmie carter, we were involved in afghanistan and we ended up. right? supporting the taliban, kicked the russians out and got the taliban. right? >> caller: that was a terrible idea. >> bill: i know. i know. we could be doing the same thing in syria. >> caller: i agree. the thing is a lot of this goes
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back to bush invading iraq. as bad as saddam hussein was, he maintained stability in the whole region. >> bill: there was opposition in iraq that might eventually have been able to topple saddam hussein. it it would have happened internally and we would have been better off and we wouldn't have had a 10-year war in iraq and the lots of 5,000 american lives. >> exactly. what the about the gall of dick cheney on fox news yesterday. what is with that creature not worthy of being called human? >> bill: you know, i mean i just wish dick cheney would take a lesson. he was the vice president. right? not the president, number 1. no. 2, george bush has done an admirable job, i think, of keeping his mouth shut. right? she's he's shown -- i give him credit -- a lot of dig of anyanythingty of -- dignity of staying on the sidelines. dick cheney can't do that. i think anybody who released the name of a secret undercover cia
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agent is a traitor to this country, you know. i mate to bring up past hear here dave calling from phoenix, arizona. hello. >> caller: how are you doing? we have no one in that country to -- i could have sworn they said he used chemical weapons on as much as 150 people. we have we have no way to verify that. the people who want to get involved could have examined it themselves, chemical weapons. you said last week that the international community said that he used chemical weapons. correct? >> bill: well, some of them. france, a couple of weeks ago, said that they had concluded that he did. there were some others. i forget who they were. right. >> right. international community. i think they confirmed we used phosphorous in baghdad. right? >> yeah. yeah. yeah. and, okay. so we are not that shining
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beacon on the hill p because someone used band weapons and all of the sudden we have to come in and get involved because someone is trying to drag us in which is another country which i am sure you know who that is. >> yeah. i do david you make good points but let me just say in this country. right? a lot of the pressure is coming from john mccain. you know what? here is something i wish president obama would remember. we have a chance top -- had a chance to elect john boehner. at the time. remember john mccain. bomb, bomb bomb bomb bomb iran. that was his jockke. right? we know he would take us to war in share i can't but we didn't vote for john mccain. he is not only not the president. he is not even the head of the
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republican party. he is not even the most receipt presidential candidate of the republican party. he is a washed-up, has-been grouch from arizona. >> that's who john mccain is today. okay? the idea that he would have any pressure at all? that i wouldn't have any pressure forget john mccain. they rejected his war-hungry approach to foreign policy. what's going on how about ricky from fitzgerald, georgia? good morning: we got it read journal standing by. he joins us next editor-in-chief of "the hotline" here on a monday morning june 17th. >> heard around the country and seen on current tv this is "the
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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[applause.] >> on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> hey, how about it? on a monday morning, it is monday, june 17th. good to see you today. and joining us now to bring us up to date on -- help bring us up to date on the news of the day, he's become a monday regular. we like that here on the "full-court press" at this hour. reid wilson is editor-in-chief of the national journal, "hotline." >> how are you doing? >> bill: pretty good. president obama already has
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given his big speech in belfast. you hop on a plane, get over there with that time change and get right to work. right? >> 8:30 a.m. speech. that was what? 4 comb 30 a.m. our time or something like that. i wake up and i am getting speech highlights on the twit twitter. how about that? >> i know. obviously et cetera there for the g8. before he left the united states, he made the decision, we're going to start sending small arms to the rebels in syria which is probably not going to be that -- well, let's say not universally acclaimed at the g8 summit to say the least. right? >> it's got support from france and the u.k., both of which have been way out ahead of supporting the rebels. >> bill: right. >> it was friends from the u.k. who key claimed that syria -- that government had been using chemical weapons against its own people well before -- before we were comfortable with our own intelligence on that. so the -- at the moment, it looks like we have -- we have
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caught up to the position that some of our allies have been in for a while now. >> shredvladimir putin probably not on the same train. >> i shouldn't say becoming. this has been the thoughts of 70 years. we do one thing and russia does the other. >> bill: that's the way it's been going, it seems. do you remember a time? i have been trying to think. do you remember a time when we took military action in another part of the world and the president didn't announce it, himself, but he had a deputy deputy national security advisor do so? >> i don't. that's interesting. also, of course, in the back of president obama's mind in all of this was the notion that the u.s. was getting involved in yet another conflict in the middle east, something that obviously got him e led his opposition to military conflict in the middle east got him elected in the first place. so a good point there. >> bill: yeah. i think it's something.
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it seems pretty apparent it was something he would rather not do but felt he had to do. >> exactly. >> bill: a lot of questions but one, are we going to be able to keep it to just small arms. already john mccain saying this is not enough not enough. not enough. on the home front here, reid i wanted to ask you about immigration reform. bob menendez making a telling political point yesterday, message to the republicans. here is men en des. i think it was on "meet the press." no. on cnn's "state of the union" show. >> i would tell my republican colleagues in the house and the senate that the road to the white house comes to a road with a pathway to legalization. without it, there will never be a road to the white house for the republican party. >> bill: 23u79 a path to the white house, you have to have a path to citizenship. pretty blunt statement. wouldn't you say? >> a bet of a tortured metaphor,
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i would say. i think he has a good point there. a lot of republicans, when you talk to both the activist class and folks on capitol hill, the more political class will say to you something like, you know, hispanic voters are largely in line with the republican party. and in some cases, that's a true. at hispanics are more socially conservative than the electorate as a whole. they tend to be -- attend church more often, but the bottom line is, you can get in and have a conversation with a group of voters if that group of voters is convinced that you don't like them in the first place. in a lot of senses the national republican party's image with hispanic is so bad right now that they can't even have the conversation about social issues or about economic issues. anything like that because the average voter doesn't feel that this is a party that welcomes them. so a big part of passing immigration reform is getting the issue off of the table and beginning a conversation.
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you know, immediately passing immigration reform won't heal the republican party's wounds among hispanic hispanics but this is not a two heave year or a four-year project. this is a 20-year project that the republicans need to embark upon if they are going to avoid the same fate that they have experienced with african-american voters who vote 90 to 10 in a good year for republicans. >> bill: yeah. yeah. >> for democrats. so to avoid that same fate, you know, hispanic are moving in that direction, you know, more than 7 and 10 hispanic voters cast a ballot for president obama in 2008. if republicans don't want to see that going forward, well, they need to start this conversation. and a part of that is simply changing the way they talk about the immigration issue. >> bill: reed is where you can find him and follow the hotline p what's up with rand paul? he is -- he really looks like
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he's serious about 2016 and et cetera making some headway. >> yeah. it's interesting to see, you know, one of the big things that we are noticeing over the last couple of months is his sort of insistence on moving away from the legacy of his father. his father's popularity with the libertarian basis is the reason rand paul is in the conversation in the first place. he has taken a few steps over the last weeks and months to move under that isolationist shadow his father cast. last week, he spoke to a group of orthodox jews in new jersey. >> chris christie territory. >> exactly. >> this is interesting because his father did not have the greatest relationship with the pro-israel wing of the republican party.
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and rand is trying to change that today. some notes from the "ledger" who said i don't embree with the guy all the time but he is willing to listen top me. big front page story yesterday about rand paul's fascinating relationships with mitch mcconnell, his fellow senator from kentucky. i thought it was interesting that mcconnell had helped rand paul get a seat on the senate foreign relations committee in an effort on paul's side to demonstrate that he is not his isolationist father. i thought that was fascinating. >> it is. by the way, mitch mcconnell who, of course, we know opposed rand paul in the primary down there and lost to rand paul that mitch mcconnell has hired rand paul's campaign manager to run his re-election campaign. >> that guy was ron paul's campaign manager in 2012. again, i mean what a fascinating relationship there between the ultimate in republican establishments.
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>> bill: yeah. >> and the ultimate in sort of tea party insurgency. mitch mcconnell made a big push against rand paul in that primary. and now, you know, they are never going to be the best of friends. of course, the ultimate kentucky anecdote was the two of them didn't mingle during the kentucky derby. but they have never going to be best friends but for political ex ped he knewencypedency, it works on both sides. one thing to notice that is impossible that this tea party guy rand paul is playing politics now. >> bill: indeed. strange bed fellows as they say. right? reid withlson, great to have you with us, from >> this is "the bill press show."
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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[ music ] >> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time, this is "the bill press show." live on your radio and current tv. >> arthur delaney e from huffington post joins us at the top of the next hour. we will be joined by will dobson from "slate." meanwhile on the e-mail front, richard maxwell says the recent decision by the supreme court to not allow dna to be pattonented analyzes what people of our government lack. matthew filler says, nobody i've heard has pointed out that republican congressmen are on both sides of border security. yeah. no kidding. both sides of every issue.
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[ music ] >> bill: good morning, everybody. what do you say? it is monday june -- june. that's right. no of june. june 17th. great to see you today. welcome to the "full-court press" here on current tv. all across this great land of ours from our studio on capitol hill in washington, d.c. on this beautiful monday morning bringing you the news of the day. president obama at the g8 summit in bellfast northern ireland.
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republicans are doing everything they can to schedules healthcare reform. we are on top of all of the issues on our nation's capitol, around the globe. of course looking forward to hearing from you at 866-557-7377. before he left for northern ireland, policy and procedurepom giving the orders to start sending small arms to the rebels in syria because they crossed the red line the government of syria using chemical weapons. will we be able to maintain only small arms or will this escalate into regional war? right here, on current tv. young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how
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washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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we have a big, big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the conversation started weekdays at 9 eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. (vo) sharp tongue. >>excuse me? (vo) quick wit. >> and yes, president obama does smell like cookies and freedom.
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(vo) and above all, opinion and attitude. >> really?! this is the kind of stuff they say about something they just pulled freshly from their [bleep]. >> you know what those people are like. >> what could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush? >> my producer just coughed up a hairball. >>sorry. >>just be grateful current tv doesn't come in "smell-o-vision" >> oh come on! the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo)only on current tv. you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar.
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>>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? [ music ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: dick cheney says edward snowden is a chinese spy. who cares about what dick cheney says about anything anymore? just shut up, cheney. good morning, everybody. what do you say? monday, june 17th, welcome, welcome to the "full-court press" on a monday morning coming to you live from our nation's capitol, bringing you all of the news of the day.
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giving our opinion on what's going on and most importantly, looking forg yours. give us a call at 866-55-press and sound off, or you can do so silently on twitter. we will be looking for your twitter comments @bpshow and all of our friends on facebook, line up at good to be back with you today. thanks for richard fowler for filling in on friday so i could rest my voice, which i did all weekend. but you can see i didn't quite get out of the woods entirely. apologized for being a little scratchy-voiced this morning. so here is the deal: to save my talking, we have just brought in some big talkers to fill in the rest of the show. starting with arthur delaney from huffington post. we will let him rattle on the way he always does and i won't have to say a thing. good morning, arthur. >> i am here to help. >> bill: good. thank you. you saw the sos? >> yeah, the bat signal.
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>> you live close enough, you could just run over? >> right. >> good to see you this morning. thank you. you join our team here well part of our team peter ogburn has the week off. >> that's why the chair is empty. he is in las vegas actually as we speak. >> uh-huh. >> having a wild time out there. dan henning, though, is here. >> dan: good morning. >> bill: running the boards keeping track of twitter and facebook and otherwise running the show. with the help of alicia cruz on the phones and cyprian boulding is always keeping us looking good on television. peter when i talked, i tweeted yesterday to find out or texted. right right? to find out how vegas was. i don't know whether you knew. we hired peter from -- he was working for the spurs. >> wow. >> in san antonio. so we stole him from the spurs to come be our producer executive producer. so he was in las vegas last night. you know what he was doing. not only watching the game. when he texted me, he was on his
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way to the betting parlor to put down a big bet on the spurs last night. >> nice. >> bill: you watched the game? >> dan: yes. >> bill: and? >> dan: the spurs won. >> bill: big-time? >> i am reading for the heat. i like lebron james. he has been trashed enough. it's time for redemption >> dan: a lebron james defender on the bill press. >> the lebron hate has long ago become group think. i like him. he poses reading books. too big. >> too bad peter is not here to take you on. >> dan: we could have crossfire. peter is the president of the lebron james hater fan club. >> bill: he is indeed but here is what the final call sounded like. >> the san antonio spurs drew 6% from the field. they will take a 3-2 lead back to miami. the final score from the acc
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center, spurs, 114. miami, 104. >> bill: what i hearu saying arthur, is tomorrow will be a heat? >> it has to be. >> dan: it has to be the heat tomorrow night. have they lost two consecutive games since january am? >> bill: don't ask me, dude. but i don't think so. >> i am not much of a basketball analyst but i have a gut feeling here >> bill: okay. you know what? >> as good as is anything gets in sports. >> politics and sporpts, gut feeling. >> bill: all of the analysis is feeling. >> they have mo. they will have it. they will regain it. >> they don't have any mo this morning. maybe they will get it back tomorrow morning. >> slo-mo. >> bill: we will be joined by will sobdoneson from "legislate" to talk syria. michael tomasky from daily
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beast. i'm sorry. will be here in the next hour as a friend of bill. we will get right into the news of the day arthur but first. >> this is the full court press. >> other headlines making news on this monday always a bridesmaid, never a bride, phil mikel son came in second yesterday for a record six times. justin rose became the first englishman to win since 1970 beating mikelson and jason day by two shots at marion outside of philly. the star shot was hit by sean s. is it effani. got a hole in one next to a favorable bounce to the rough on the right side of the green, a nice 50-foot role into the cup. 43rd hole in 1. >> phil mikelson a class act led all the way and had a bad
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day yesterday. >> that's life. >> bill: i know. time for number 2. >> dan: "days of our lives" was the big winner at the emmy awards last night taking home the best drama award. the first wing in that category since 1975. the "bold and beautiful" won for writing and directing. best morning show bill press snubbed. actually went to cbs sunday morning with charles osgood. best talkshow host ricki lake and ellen de generes won best day time talk show. the best game show "the price is right." "days of our lives do you realize it's been on the air mid dafrnlthsz since is the '60s? >> dan: i don't know what that is. >> bill: days of our what. >> i don't know what it is. i've always had a job. >> you've always had a job.
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>> bill: when you were in school. it was here longer than you guys are born. >> price is right, i know it from my sick days great show s >> dan: drew carry is hosting that. right? wapitiastic. railroad happy birthday is headed to the courtroom. a documentary film maker has filed al lawsuit against the warn per group this woman is producing a piece about the song and she is being forced to pay a $1,400 licensing in the movie. she believes it should be invalidiated and it should be free for anyone to use. she names sever others. >> godspeed lady >> bill: i think -- i don't think anybody needed a permit to the sing happy birthday. >> a licensed song. >> bill: arthur, you have been right writing about a whole mess of democrats are trying to bring attention to the so-called snap program. >> yes
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>> bill: the food stamp program. first, why are republicans making this -- why are they targeting this? do they think people on food stamps are, like what? chinese spies? >> essentially. >> bill: first of all, how big is the program? what does it mean? how many people are on it? and what's it like? >> it's a big program, been costing about 80 bill$80 bill i don't believe dollars a year, has 47 million americans, 15% of the population is poor enough to qualify and disqualify and receives food stamps. >> bill: no kidding. >> that's about $133 a month. and this is part of the farm bill. it passed the senate and right now, we have hot, hot house farm bill action. at first, we knew this would come to the floor for a vote. >> bill: yeah. yeah. republicans wanted to return to regular order, pass the usual probangs bills and get away from crisis to crisis governing. but now the version of the bill
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that passed the hours agriculture committee may not get floor action at all because it might not have the votes to pass. and that is because, like you said, it is insufficiently cruel. it does not take food stamps away from enough people. they -- they pass the cut. >> bill: i want to make sure. so the republican agricultural committee in the house -- >> dan: yeah. >> bill: -passed a bill that the tea party people believe is too kind or generous on food stamps? it's a republican chairman? right? >> dan: yeah. >> initially they thought they would lose -- they knew they wouldn't get the conservative republican because of insufficient cuts. cuts only, about three % would deny benefits to 2 million people. is that the most dramatic cut they could make. they knew they had need to cobble together a co ald list of moderates and democrats. but of course, to more liberal
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democrats, the kits are too steep. about 25 of them right now to dramtize how it's not easy street doing your food budget on snap. they are limiting themselves for one week to what you get out of a quarter of your monthly snaps. >> they are doing it? >> yeah. >> right? it's not sxwrufrt a press release or something? they are actually doing it. >> barbara lee is out in front and sandy levin, ranking member on the house ways and means committee. they went to safe way. >> $133? >> that's the average monthly benefit. >> monthly. >> per person. it varies from state to state. >> bill: that's like $48 a week? >> yeah. it's like 4.50 a day >> bill: 4.50 a day? >> yeah. it's challenging. you have to look for deals. and you have to buy the cheap stuff and you will be huck re. >> bill: that's it? food and beverage?
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right? >> that's everything. >> bill: okay. >> it only works for, like shelf stuff. you can't take it to a restaurant. you can't go to mcdonald's with it. >> bill: you couldn't afford to go to mcdonald's with it. >> this is something that politicians have done for about six years. remember when cory booker was doing this in december? >> bill: others had done it. we had somebody in the studio. i forget who was doing it. >> i did it in december >> bill: you did it? why did you do it? >> we wanted to see what was all of the fuss and how hard is it? and we took between the two of us, a quarter of the monthly benefit for two people. we had $54 at safeway, and -- >> bill: to last you how long? >> one week. one thicken that's a little unrealistic about it it's a monthly benefit and you can buy things that might last longer than a week effects the week, you are constraining. >> a lot of canned. una?
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>> i am lucky because i don't mind seateating the same thing every night so we made a big pot of chili. >> bill: yeah? >> with cans of beans and some turkey. actually, i think beef was cheaper at the time. and i had that for dinner and for lunch every day on noodles, which were really cheap. >> bill: yeah. >> and i had lots of coffee to suppress the appetite because i was hungry the whole time and lost a couple of pounds. >> bill: here is what gets me. so, first of all the republicans who oppose this this -- boy, there are so many questions. the republicans to oppose it in the house, the tea partyers who don't think it's tough enough. what would they want to do? destroy the whole program? >> they say this program increases government dependancy and the goal is to turn this into a block grant like they did with welfare in the '90s and
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send it to the states and take it away as something that the federal government will just pay for, for whomever qualifies and make it stricter. this was the paul rind budget. it's not just tea party. it's a little more mainstream than that. but you remember that whole presidential campaign, there was the debate over obama being the food stamp president. >> bill: oh, yeah. >> the truth is the program has grown dramatically in the last few years but that's not because of new liberal policies. >> that's because the disney sucks and more people qualify for it. no fact, they sort of go around that and look for at the margins where it was made more liberal and, you know, they can blame the president for that. >> bill: the senate farm bill. >> yeah. >> bill: on food stamps does
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what? >> it has a $4 billion cut. >> that's 4 billion over 10 years out of 800 billion. so it's a pretty small cut. >> bill: basically maintains the program? hum? >> essentially, yeah. it keeps it the way it is. even with no cuts, the oles aren't going to keep going up. cbo says they are going to start declining anyway. but it is an expensive program and democrats in the senate feel like they had to do that to get that bill passed. and it worked. >> bill: it's amazing to me in terms priorities again, the republicans would not even -- not even open debate on the question of whether or not the wealthiest of americans are getting too many tax breaks. >> right. >> but they are spending all this time. right? denying people on food stamps. right? >> you don't get a lot of money. you have to be poor to qualify. >> bill: you have to be poor to qualify. right? but they would rather pick on the poor.
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right? an ever ask a billion air to pay a little more in taxes. arthur delaney is here from huffington post. he has been all over this story about food stamps. your comments or questions at 866-55-press, on republican priorities in the house. we'll be right back. >> connect with the bill press show on twitter follow us at bp show and tweet using the hash tag: watchingbp. this is "the bill press show." [ music ] for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and
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pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? [ music ] >> this is "the bill press show." >> bill: 25 minutes after the
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hour. what do you say? it is the full court press here and i am bill press with the scratchy voice this monday june 17th. arthur delaney is here to save the day from the huffington post we have been talking being food stamps. dan? you have comments >> dan: we are on twitter twitter twitter @bp supreme court show. phillie fan says the g.o.p. and the tea party pick on the school yard and rsn for life says with all of the waist money by investigations by the republicans, we wouldn't have to cut billions from the snap program and rex searney took much responsibility from the poor away from the federal government. it was a mistake in the longrun >> bill: if we took over darrell ice a's oversight, we
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could pay for the food program? >> i think we have a question of millions versus billions there. that would be nice if it were true. >> bill: it is a question of priorities, however, and clearly the bottom priority for republicans is anything that would help the poor. >> i think it's not unfair to say that they opposing taking money from rich people as much as giving it to poor people. >> bill: they hate both. >> they think it's bad policy. >> bill: rick perry signing a bill in texas that if you wants to get unemployment insurance -- again, here we go, picking on the poorest of the poor. if you want to get on it first you have to have a drug test does any state do this? >> he wanted drug employment for welfare. unemployment insurance, you don't squallfy for that unless you've got nearly al middle class if not solidly middle class income that youdron strike
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that in order to qualify. but, yes, it is essentially picking on people who receive government benefits. what's interesting here, though -- >> bill: development they think they are losing their jobs because they are druggies? >> i think the theory is they are not getting jobs after they've gone on government benefits turns them in to dependent zombies who might be on drugs. there isn't a whole lot about it. >> bill: have other states done this? >> no state has -- no states have drug testing as a condition for receiving benefits. but some others will disqualify you. if you lost your job for failing a drug test. >> right. >> this is a little different. it will be up to the obama administration to say which categories of people can be tested. so they are waiting on a labor department regulation. labor department is taking its time. >> let them hope they still take their time. arthur, great great to see you.
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thanks for having me. >> this is "the bill press show." you must be high. >> i think the number one thing that viewers like about "the young turks" is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. >> you're putting out there something that you're proud of. journalists want the the story and they want the right story and the want the true story. >> you can say anything here. >> i spent a couple of hours with a hooker. >> your mistake was writing a check. >> she never cashed it! >> the war room. >> compared to other countries with tighter gun safety laws our death toll is just staggering. >> the young turks. >> the top bankers who funneled all the money to the drug lords, no sentence. there's just no justice in that. >> viewpoint. >> carl rove said today that mitt romney is a lock to win next pope. he's garunteeing it. >> joy behar: say anything. >> is the bottom line then that no white person should ever, ever, ever use the "n" word? >> yes!
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. [ music ] >> like politics, then like "the bill press show" on facebook. this is "the bill press show." >> bill: here we go 33 minutes now after the hour on mopped june 17th. the full court press coming to you live from our nation's capitol. president obama already at the g g8 summit in belfas. northern ireland. gave a speech and went over to the join the world's leaders for the g8. the first family is along with him. they will be going down to
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dublin. in the in fact, they already have. they went with them for belfas. and the need to get away from the heavy diplomacy and maybe all of the talk about syria. speaking of syria, will dobson is the foreign affairs editor of "slate magazine" joining us here in studio this morning. will, it was pretty clear the way this came down just before the weekend that it's not something president obama was very excited to have to do. >> you get that sense given that this is something the white house has been talking about for more than a year. there were there were sharp divisions in two camps as to what to do. we are at this point still left to sort of speculate as to what was the thing that tipped the balance? why did the decision come now. >> with chemical weapons? >> that's the professed reason, but, you know, if we sort of zero in on the last several months, the reports of chemical we hope use go back to the ends of last year.
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>> yeah. >> all of our allies were at near certainty, you know, months ago. and the issue that the white house was claiming before as to why they weren't at 100% certainty was that they didn't know what the absolute chain of custody of chemical weapons. it appears they still don't. yet they are saying the red line has been crossed. so 99% certainty seems like it's enough now. but it wasn't a couple of months ago. so, i think it's important. i think it's a factor but i mean there is a baseline of reality here we have to sort of acknowledge. nearly 93 ,000 people have died in syria. we believe up to 150 have died because of chemical weapons attacks. so we are not going in because of the other 92850, you know. so, you know, i think it's a factor. but i would -- i think it's hard to believe it's the only factor. >> to what extent do you think former president clinton's comments, criticism of the president for being basically a weenie on this issue?
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>> i don't think that -- i have a hard time believing. i don't want to believe. let's put it that way. i don't want to believe that that's actually a factor. you know, if you actually look at president clinton's comments in the context of his speech they were actually much more reserved than those individual words make it sound like. that said, you know it doesn't bespeak of sort of a growing amount of pressure on the administration. what i think might have been more crucial is, one, that the rebels are losing. >> that's one factor. >> right. >> the game is forcing their hand. the second is that, you know, they are actually, to some degree this limited measure, which pleases no one. it doesn't please the reynolds. they say this isn't the right weapons and we want more than what you are offering. it doesn'tblies people who are against involvement, obviously, because it's the first step to greater involvement. it will doesn't please the people who want greater involvement because again, like the rebels, they say that's not what they have in mind. >> you are not tipping the balance. i mean, it's cold-blooded and cynical, but one thing this does
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do is it proceed lodges the war. by prolonging the war, it proceed longs what is now a full-scale proxy war between ultimately ourselves and the reanalyze andiran hezbollah and russia. you could look at these events and say the administration is trying to make this iran and hezbollah's afghanistan from before. >> bill: meaning -- by the way, iran, as you know, has already said they are going to send in 4,000 revolutionary guard troops on the ground in syria to help the bashar al asasd regime. >> right. >> could this escalate into another regional middle east war, or it already has? >> you could make the claim no matter what we do in this instance that possibility is more real than it's been. senator mccain has said many things in the last year and certainly the last few months which are outrageous and absurd and easy for him to say from his office in the senate, but one
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thing that he has said that has merit is that this is looking more and more -- middle east is more unstable than it was 12 months ago. it's looking more and more not so much that borders matter very much as much as sunni- shia divides. over the weekend you have president morsi in egypt saying we are cutting ties with syria and it's -- i am under pressure for sunnis to support the rebels there. so let's do so. so, it's so much -- now so much the diplomatic relationships aren't actually in some cases appearing to be the lever or the pivot point. it's religious. >> that's deeply alarming. >> bill: saudi arabia has said they will send missiles? >> the saudis have been chomping at the bit to have the united states become involved and increase the flow. they have been doing what we will now be doing. now, it's quite likely to
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believe that they would increase the quality of their weapons to include the anti-tank, anti-aircraft that they want. >> bill: two questions: one, what certainty do we have that the rubble -- the weapons that we send are going to get to the good guys among the rebels and not the bad guys? >> anybody, anyone can answer this question which is there is no such thing ascertain topic that question. we are getting those promises and assurance but to believe those would be really incredibly naive. >> bill: you have been reporting on it. i haven't. but what i have read is that the free syrian army which are the white hats among the rebels. >> right. >> bill: are losing territory and the al-qaeda-linked are stronger? >> you have seen add vasquez by asad's forces and then over the weekend, we saw another suburb near damascus. the airport fell. it is the case that they are losing ground where they were looking much better before. now, you know general edri.
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who we are trusting says don't worry about it. we will take care of you. >> bill: we have heard this. >> you have to look at those, you know, honestly and say that he can't offer those assurance. >> bill: we have heard that before. let's play a quick clip from senator john mccain which raises my second question: >> i am comfortable with giving them whatever the weapons they need to defend themselves against the onslaught of russian weapons that are the most sophisticated kind iranian weapons and the kinds of unequally battlefield we are in today. >> bill: that is classic. right? mccain for months pressuring pressuring, pressuring, demanding, calling on president obama to do something about syria. you've got to get involved. you have got to send military weapons. the president says we are going to send small arms and right away, mccain says that's not good enough. >> you can never satisfy these war hawks.
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he wants armor-piercing weapons anti-air currently missile i see or weapons or whatever and he wants a no-fly zone over syria. >> yeah. >> bill: my second question is: how can we guarantee that this is as far paz we are going to go? >> you can't. you can't. >> that's the whole -- that's why people that are concerned about this wouldn't say, well, if you could actually guarantee to me you are just going to stop with small arms, fine. it's a bad idea but you are going to do it. but no it has a self-fulfilling logic. and as -- once you have a no-fly zone in place, then you have american pilots flying over the air zone. one of the planes gets shot down, then you must send personnel in to extract the pilot. senator mccain if anyone knows that, senate mccain knows that >> bill: he ought to know that of course. >> so, you know, you have sort of a slippery slope that is, you know, it's icy as can be. obama. >> president obama, will he then be remembered as a man who stopped -- ended two wars in the middle east and started number
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3? >> started one which had less immediate -- i mean, you know, if you -- if you knew what we know now about iraq, you could say, well, you know it was obviously a terrible idea but if you took, you know, if you took for granted that there was w m.d. if you believed, in fact that iraq posed some sort of threat to the united states, at least there was some logic to it. as i will-founded as that logic was. in the case of syria the president did not come out and explain the u.s. national security interests involved in syria because he can't. he -- you know, what we are defending here right now are international norms. we are defending the fact. we are punishing someone who has violated international arms abuse of chemical weapons. that's the rational. that rational must change but if it does, it's going to be largely a part of the fact we got involved and have to defends our own interests we inserted there in the first place. there are reasons to do it. but he has not articulated those
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reasons right as of yet. >> bill: that is stunning, what you just said because a lot of people had been -- including myself saying that the president should explain. if we are getting militarily involved in another country, it's a duty of the president it seems to me and to be smart on the part of the president to explain to the american people why the hell we are doing this. what you say is reason obama hasn't done it is because he can't, because there is no way he can make the arrange that this argument that this is necessary to protect the security of the united states. correct? >> that's right. i don't see how -- he could explain to us and, you know, we could agree or disagree as to whether or not this is a good reason. he could explain the humanitarian mission. he could explain the fact that it's protection of international norms. he could explain he thinks this is the best reason to secure middle east stability and for these reasons. he hasn't done those things. if anything the most likely
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options fors why we are doing it, he has said those aren't good reasons to do it in the last 12 months. we are left with a red line. >> bill: would you p. syria, worse than we thought. big mistake? yes or no? 866-55-press. what do you say? will dobson in studio with us. politics in foreign affairs editor for slate. calls, comments, welcome. you can get to us on twitter twitter @bpshow. radio meets television "the bill press show." now, on current tv.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me.
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>>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. [ music ]
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>> on your radio and on current tv, this is "the bill press show." underlies here we go 13 minutes before the hour, 12 minutes before the top of the hour, at the top of the next hour, michael tomasky will be here special correspondent and columnist forqual. >> "daily beast." we are joined by will could bedobson talking about the president's decision to get militarily involved, at least sending -- in syria, sending small arms to the rebels in syria. and that has already begun. will dobson, before we get to the phones so if we are sending the small arms in in effect we already have some manpower on the ground in syria. don't we? >> well, we do. the cia has been there for a long time. in part, i mean there are a
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number of reasons for them to be there. one is to sort of take the temperature of these people that we are going to be arming. one of the things the administration has started to say over the weekend was that we now have a much better sense of the players than we did a year ago, that we really didn't know who these people were and they spent the past year trying to make sure and get confidence that these weapons we were going to be given to people, we know where they are going. >> that's one part of the role they have been playing. now we know they have set up basis in the region as sort of conduit points for the armed shipments to move through. so jordan, turkey. we recently had a military exercise in jordan. >> bill: yeah. >> that squadron of fighters. >> bill: did jordan stay out of this by the way? >> jordan is an interesting situation because they are receiving the refugees. i think they will diplomatically, i think they will be supportive but at the
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same time, they don't want to be too involved because they have an comic crisis of their own by these refugee flows. they are sort of a quiet supporter as opposed to egypt or saudi airrabia we are winding down in afghanistan. we have sendended in iraq but now it is up, up, up, in sir 8 steve is calling from hollywood, california. steve, good morning. >> hi, bill, great show as usual. >> mistake or not? what do you think? >> let me say that here in los angeles, there was a pbs program on yesterday for the first time, a frontline program called: syria, behind the lines. unspeakably brutal and bloody what's going on there. absolutely when you watch it really see what's going on there is no doubt that this country needs to get involved, get the cia speaks going, get the arms flow going, give them everything possible to go against the tanks and the planes and things like that. the slaughter is outrageous when
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you see it in the real thing. americans get off on these video games and junk like that. they need to see the real deal the real thing about what's going on. this idea about the faxes within the rebels that might have some questionable allegiance and questionable, you know future problems as far as jihadists and things like that common sense tells me if i was one of them and i was getting armed, really sophisticated good arms from the west, i would definitely think twice withholding the west in disregard. >> bill: i got it, steve. there is a point of view. but we had a similar situation in afghanistan under jimmie carter, will. right? >> right >> bill: when we were arming the taliban to chase out the soviets. and then the taliban didn't exactly turn out to be friends of the united states. >> no. we are dealing with that. i mean the holdover of that
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policy has been something we dealt with for the past decade obviously and are dealing with and trying to put to rest now. i mean, you know the caller's point absolutely valid. i mean we at no point along the way have we lacked images of what's going on syria and they are horrible. i mean there is nothing that this regime won't do to hold on to power. >> right. >> and part of that has been to make it very clear to the rest of us the length that he is willing to go, which there is nothing he won't do. the problem, though, is this: is that you, when this conflict ends, for what reason do you believe that there wouldn't now be further killings? i mean you then have 10% of the country, although it's not all. it's not as though all of the alloy population is participating in these killings. the regime is led by allowhites. this could be stage one for another blood letting. the reason those allies are fighting is they believe if the
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rebels win they will ought be slaughtered. it's much like iraq where you had an initial phase of the fighting and then as soon as the balance shifted, then you had a second wave of sectarian killings. so, i mean the caller -- what the caller is pointing to in that the kill something gruesome but what is not being explained by the administration is how doing this would stop the killing. in fact, the policy that we are now pursuing by arming these people is going to prolong the fighting even further. so because it's not decisive. it's not -- you know, you could look at this maneuver and say it's the most cynical move of all. >> steve did point out, i forget his exact words, that he was talking about we've got to give him everything we can. >> right. >> everything we can. how can you go to arm or-piercing weapons to a no-fly zone to anti-aircraft missiles
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without actually then also sending -- putting boots on the ground. i mean call it a slippery slope. it seems it is a big mistake. will sobdon, you came in with the facts and explained it well. we appreciate that very much. >> thank you. >> bill: you and i will have a lot of chances to talk about this. >> i am afraid that's true >> bill: next time. i will be back to tell you what the president is up to today in northern ireland. >> this is "the bill press show." people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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ç] current tv, it's been all building up to this. >>bill shares his views, now it's your turn. >>i know you're going to want to >>connect with "full court press with bill press" at and on twitter at bpshow. >>i believe people are hungry for it. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high.
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. >> this is "the bill press show."
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>> bill: hey, you bet it is. all right, with the top of the next hour, michael tomasky will be here as a friend of bill in the next hour from "the daily beast" we will be joined by angela kelly from the center of american progress to talk about immigration reform at the half hour. president obama in belfas. northern ireland. he has begin his speech this morning at the belfas. waterfront. now he is meeting with david cameron, the head of the g8 summit this afternoon. he is also holding a bilateral meeting with president vladimir putin of russia which should amount to an interesting and lively discussion about syria with russians supplying arms to asad and now we are supplying arms to the rebels. the president has a working dinner with leaders of the free world tonight at belfas.
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[ music ] >> friends and neighbors, what do you say? good morning. good morning. this is it is monday april -- no. not april. june. let's make it june. june 17th. great to see you this morning. hope you had a good weekend. happy father's day, a little belatedly. we bring you the news of the day and most importantly reach out for your xhrnts at 866-55-press. 866-557-7377. that's our toll-free number.
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send us your comments on twitter @bpshow and on facebook at press show. president obama in belfast ireland for the g8 submit. before he left he gave weapons, sending small arms. john mccain and other critics are saying it's not enough. you have to send more and more weapons weapons. is this a slippery slope? is this a big mistake? we will take about that and a whole lot more right here on current tv. young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw
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the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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we have a big, big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the conversation started weekdays at 9 eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. >>excuse me? (vo) quick wit. >> and yes, president obama does smell like cookies and freedom.
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(vo) and above all, opinion and attitude. >> really?! this is the kind of stuff they say about something they just pulled freshly from their [bleep]. >> you know what those people are like. >> what could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush? >> my producer just coughed up a hairball. >>sorry. >>just be grateful current tv doesn't come in "smell-o-vision" >> oh come on! the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo)only on current tv. you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that
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current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? [ music ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> president obama in belfast ireland, a little bit later today. i imagine, though, something to say about syria. one supplying arms to one side. now, we are supplying arms to the other. oh, my. good morning, what do you say? good to see you this morning. it is monday june 17th. great to be back with you. i almost have my entire voice back.
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we are working on it. but thanks to richard fowler for coming in friday morning so i could rest up the voice a little bit over the weekend. good to see you today. thank you for joining us. thanks for being part of the "full-court press" on your local progressive talk radio station and of course on current tv as well. we have lots to talk about to at least two or three or four or five e six big issues here on a monday morning, issues that you are going to want to talk about, too. you can do so by giving us a call at 866-55-press the. you can join us on twitter invite your comments on twitter@bpshow and of course always on facebook for all of our friends on facebook at press show. so, the trick this morning is we -- that the lessee talk, the better my voice its. so we bring in our good friends who talk a lot to cover for me this morning. we put out the batman signal this morning and one of our good friends, michael tomasky from
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daily beast comes to join us as a friend of bill this entire hour. michael, nice to see you. >> great to be back. >> everything good? >> great. great. my tooth hurts but everything else is fine. >> we are a full-service shop. >> really? >> yeah. cyprian has a drill in the desk. he does dental work too. >> we could take care of you. >> sorry about that. you know could be worse. >> that's the spirit. are you a brit? stiff upper lip there. of course, joining our team peter ogburn is off for the week, but dan henning is here of course, still. >> good morning. >> running the show with and the board with the hell of alicia cruz and the aforementioned cyprian bowlding. the video cams for us on current
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tv. george bush has, i think done an admirable job as former president of staying on the shrines in dallas and letting president obama do whatever he wants to do, you know, and that's his turn. george bush said i had time in the spotlight. let him make his decisions good or bad. he is president. dick cheney doesn't have the same attitude at all. dick cheney who is only vice president in theory can't stop talking. he was on fox friends sunday fox news sunday yesterday morning. and he was asked about edward snowden, the youngman who told -- the one who told the guardian all about what the nsa was up to. here is dick cheney's take. >> i hope deeply suspicionussuspicious. >> that's not a place where you ordinarily want to go if you are interested in freedom and liberty and so forth. >> he suggests maybe snowden is a chinese spy, a spine for
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china. >> it's not insane but we wouldn't want dick cheney to be any other way? would we? i guess not. first of all, maybe this is not a distinction worth mentioning anymore. he went to hong kong where most people who still think of hong kong as a little, you know, entity of itself it does have a different constitution. it has a constitution. and it does have an extradition policy. china, it really part of china now and china is hovering over it but it's not clear that everything china wants happens in hong kong. >> it's not clear. it's not clear he is there anymore. >> i think it is. >> i think he said he is going to let the people of hong kong decide. >> we don't exactly where in hong kong he is. >> if i were him i would get to iceland as fast as i could. we will talk more about edward snowden and what the chairman of
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the republican party was up to this weekend with a whole mess of conservatives on the religious right here in washington, d.c., michael tomasky is on top of it. angela kelly for the center of american progress on one of the big issues of the day but first dan. this is "the full court press." >> dan: other headlines making news on this monday new england patriots owner rost kraft is claim that russian cap vladimir putin showed the ring to pu. in who put it on and said i can kill someone with this ring and walked out with three kgb guys and kraft never saw the ring again. he was told by the u.s. during the bush administration not to pursue the issue and just say it was a gift to keep u.s. russian relations positive.
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now, he wants that 25,000 dollar piece of jewelry back, which is reportedly in the kremlin somewhere. >> if you ask john mccain john mccain would say bomb them. it's worth starting world warr iii iii? >> why couldn't they make him another ring? the miami heat now have to win two games at home to win the nba championship over the san antonio spurs because the spurs won last night 114 to 104, thanks to tony parker putting up 26 points. genobli putting up 24. coach greg popovich got the reward. the heat 3 to 2 hosts game 6 tomorrow. >> you mentioned peter and his wife are in las vegas. a little anniversary vacation here when i texted him yesterday -- he is a big spurs man. >> uh-huh. >> before the game, he was on his way to the betting parlor to
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put serious money on the game. i think he is probably feeling good this morning. he had the right horse. >> saint peter square became a giant harley-davidson parking lot yesterday in celebration of the legendary motorcycle makers 1/10th adversar, thousands of riders rolled into mass at the vatican where pope francis blessed the motorcycles and their riders for the part of a 4-day celebration in rome. the pope did not however hop on a hog and take a ride. >> too bad. too bad. it would have been fun. >> a cross 15 the motorcycle lobby. >> and the gay lobby? >> i was wondering about that, too. we mentioned earlier, saw a guy on the news last night who was very pleased that his motorcycle had been blessed by the pope because he said he thought he could get a better price for it now when he sold it. >> all right then. >> bill: special blessing. where do we start? where do we start? let's start with, maybe, the
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tweet, the column about rince priebus appearing in front defendant religious conservatives. >> we all railroad rince priebus did his autopsy after the election and announced the iran party had to change. not more tolerant. let's say less intolerant and, you know, was going to start hating, you know, gay people a little less and all of this kind of thing and women and so on and so forth. so, yesterday he goes before -- there haven't been many developments. he just announced it as if announcing it made it reality. so over the weekend, he goes to ralph reid 's outfit faith &
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freedom coalition. you might think if you are serious about this reform movement, this is an audience that you might think, you know, ought to hear this message >> bill: uh-huh. right. >> he didn't say a word about it. actually, said one sentence but it was a sentence that sort of the logic folded back on itself and it made no sense and he said we are here. we would like to change minds, but we don't have to change values. it's completely illogical. you do have to change values. >> that's how you, you know, that's what you are talking about if you are talking about real change inside that party, you do have to change the way people think. >> you know, a lot of social questions and life in the united states and if you are not willing to do that, then you are not reforming anything and so i thought it was a cowardly speech and, you know, left a lot of questions hanging in the air. it made news because you talk about moving the convention
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forward. that also, i think emphasizes my point. he tried to persuade them that we can win by making a few procedural fixes. but they are still -- talking to the very people still driving the train. this will extreme conservative religious right on the issue of abortion, on the issue of same-sex marriage, the very issues that not only the autopsy report put out by the republican national committee? >> uh-huh. >> but a report just last month by the college young republicans who said the same thing. got to get off of this kick here and start talking about things people really care about and start reaching out and showing with we do care about young people, about women, about minorities. nothing has happened. nothing will. >> they are just trying to do it superficially and trying to have it both ways. immigration is a good pace in point. officially, ralph reid supports comprehensive immigration reform but if you look at what went on at that conference the best
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majority of the speakers on the subject were anti-amnesty anti-immigration reform and it was clear, you know, where the energy was. the energy was in hoping that the bill goes down. >> here is a question: ralph reid still a player after his association with jack abramoff here is the guy representing the christian coalition, anti-gambling as one of their principles making millions of dollars by supporting indian tribes, you know and gambling casinos, a total hypocrite. >> who knows? we can't even fathom that question. i guess, actually the answer to these questions is usually redemption. right? or, you know admission of guilt and redemption because that plays big with that crowd but i don't recall him actually at all
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asking forgiveness. dick cheney says that edward snowden is a traitor and it may be even a chinese spy. what's your take on the whole nsa thing? you have written about it. snowden in particular. >> well, you know i am a little wishy washy on this. i don't think he is a traitor or a hero. i suspect that he probably overstayed to some extent. this has been reported in the los angeles times and other places. i suspect he probably overstated to some extent a, his own authority and, b the extent to which the state can and individual employees of the state can get in and start listening to people. many nsa people former nsa people have come forward and said, no, no no. >> that's just not how it works at all. they know you saw the jerry
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madler from new york whom i know well and respect a lot. he originally came out with a statement last friday saying, kind of backing up what snowden said, but then he walked that back over the weekend, and corrected himself and said it's really not the case. so mainly what i think so nar is that snowden kind of oversold his product. >> did he break the law? >> i don't know. i guess so, but i don't know. i am no expert on that area of the law. i would rather not. do you think he should be prosecuted? >> i guess i do. break the law, you pay the consequence even if you did it for a noble purpose? is that what you are saying? let me ask you this: so what -- if this -- forget listening in on calls. let's assume they don't listen in on calls, which i am not sure i believe but let's assume they don't. they are still keeping a record of every freakin phone call by
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everybody. i mean everybody. everybody in the united states of america. right? >> i guess. >> now, they say this is necessary to protect us. then why the hell don't we know about it? why do they have to keep it a secret? what difference does it make? i've made this point before. our listeners and viewers are going to get tired of hearing me say but like surveillance cameras, i hate these damn surveillance cameras. we know why. we have been convinced that they help catch bad people and they did in boston. so we accept it. if we knew, i wouldn't stop making phone calls if i knew about this program but i would like to know about it. >> you make a great point. this is what i will say in snowden's defense and certainly in defense of the guardian and the washington post where the story's appeared that, you know it's good that we are having this debate finally. right? i mean if snowden hadn't come forward and we hadn't had these stories, we wouldn't be having
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this conversation and we absolutely have to have this conversation and i think you are right and this is something to be critical of the obama administration for, for sure that, you know, there is too much secrecy and they should be willing to have this public debate. >> i will just make one slight addition to what you just said. it's good to have this debate as long as people are willing to have this debate but what i see is too many damn democrats not willing to have the debate because it's obama's administration they are afraid they will be branded as being soft on national security so they run with the high leads except here on the "full-court press" with michael tomasky. your calls welcome the join the conversation. get in trouble. i won't be the only one. 866-55-press. this is "the bill press show." (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting
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my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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[ music ] >> radio meets television "the bill press show," now on current tv. >> here we go. 26 minutes after the hour, michael tomasky, who is not only special correspondent for the "daily beast," of course. he is the editor publisher of democracy magazine. >> the editor. >> and that is what? >> by the way, since you mentioned it very quickly, the summer issue launched last week. >> brand now, so please come to and look at great articles we have. >> always have some really good in-depth stimulating articles
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about issues of the day. you can also find michael tomasky in the new york review of books. yeah. all right. >> here on the full court press, you, among the -- sort of the renaissance man, you get into sports this week or last week talking about the redskins. what's wrong with that name? >> everything. >> everything is wrong with it beginning with the fact that it was -- it was given to the team by an owner in 1933 who is -- >> that far. >> the most racist man, you know, probably in the 20th century american sports. a devout segregationist, george marshal who owned the team in the 1960s stipulating in his will that the foundation he was creating was the bulk of his state could not direct a single dollar toward any cause that had anything -- did anything to
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promote racial integration in any form. this was this man. that was 1969. that was this man. so, even in 1969, 1969, fifteen years after brown v. board of education and we all know this was the last team to integrate. you can call that ancient history but intoxthe team carries the name that was given to it by that incoveragebly racist man, it's a stain and his legacy and acts and beliefs become relevant and it's obviously just, you know, i don't want to say these other words on the radio, but we all know. it's not the equivalent of the n word which is in its own category to me but we know there are these other words for jewuice black people for italians. redskins is the equivalent. >> the strongest argument i have ever heard against the redskins. i agree with you 100%.
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thank you for coming in. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ] compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy!
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[ music ] >> go mobile with bill press. download podcasts at bill and listen any time anywhere. this is "the bill press show." >> here we go 33 minutes after the hour the full court press on a monday morning. michael tonightaski is here as a friend of bill. i sort of lost my train of thought there at the end of the last segment and said goodbye to michael. we are glad you are here for another few minutes. very pleased to welcome back to the studio this morning, very
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timely visit by angel kelly at the center for american progress here in washington, d.c. this is the issue of the hour. good morning, angelie. no is to see you. >> thank you so much for having me. >> i have to say that i until a week or so ago, i was absolutely confident that we are going to see an immigration reform bill not only out of the senate with 70-something votes but john boehner was going to be forced to bring it up in the house of representatives and the president was going to sign the immigration reform bill. i am not -- i don't think i don't believe it's going to happen. >> cool. my coffee. you need to have some confidence. you have to make your energy on this. come on. >> i am convinced that republicans will do everything -- are doing now everything they can to schedules this bill. i am going to start with marco rubio who is one of the authors
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of the bill who has introduced an amendment in the senate because they are debating it on the floor. >> that's right. that's right. >> that says even if you go 13 years, the whole -- which is far too long. the path to citizenship and you get it and become a united states citizen, you can't qualify. you can't get obamacare for five more years. >> yeah. yeah. >> that's just downright outright cruel. he doesn't want a bill. >> i disagree. >> you defend rubio? >> i am trying to explain rubio. i am not defending rubio. i am trying to explain him. i say marco rubio is bilingual more than one way. he speaks conservative talk which is what he does. he is the connective tissue from the gang of 8 to the conservatives in the senate and he is reaching out to them and has to do it by being frankly tough earn necessary. at the same time, home base for him is still the latino community and every -- i am
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telling you, the 55-year-old guy who cleans my office asked me the other day how the bill is doing. he is at that talking about the house gang of 8 and this 55-year-old latino who cleans my office every day knew that the house gang of 8 bill had lost a member, that he was a republican from idaho. >> now a gang of 7. >> and it was because of a healthcare issue. >> yeah. >> this is a guy who cleans my office and he knows more. but why? because the latino community. he is emblem attic i think of most latinos. he has his papers. this is about his family, about his neighbors. >> that's another audience that marco rue yes also can't lose. he doesn't have an exit ramp. the exit ramp is success from marco rubio. he is going to have to get there. the issue, i think, that you are going to see them tackle this week has to do more with border security and what kind of triggers have to be met in order for the 11 million to get their
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green cards. i mean that's where you are going to see the republicans trying to coalesce around a security agreement. >> washington post talking about it yesterday about john cornyn. john cornyn says i've got -- here are the standards on boarder security. unless you can prove to me that the border is basically 100% -- 98% safe how much more secure can the border be? >> like the berlin wall wasn't secure. i don't think john cornyn is -- he is like the boy in high school who said i will give you my phone number. i am going to vote for you. but he never will. i think there is a distinction difference between those two republicans. marco rubio is serious about getting this done. i don't think john cornyn is. i think there are a number in
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the middle trying to look to get to a yes. >> uh-huh. >> and are going to need something more on boarder. probably that issue even more than coverage, you know, healthcare coverage down the road or anything like that. >> michael? >> i have to say and i would like your reaction from the real politic point of view rubio's real interest, his best outcome in terms of 2016 and running for president, which we know he wants to do his best outcome is that he is the guy who fails and tried. >> i don't know. i think he will look bad as a guy who fails. >> he can blame cornyn and others and the base and he will get credit in the media as the guy who tried to make the republican party comes to terms but yet, because it failed -- >> the base isn't going to turn out. they are going to hold him as
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squarely responsible for not being able to deliver a bill. he put himself out. we are talking about the latino community. who are you talking about? >> the right-wing. >> i don't know. i am less adept in that world. i can tell you with the latino community he has to win if he ever wants to get inside the white house. i don't think he has any other way but to the finish line. >> bill: speaking of getting inside the white house, i think bob men endes from new jersey yesterday on the cnn state of the union put it about as bluntly as anybody ever has. >> the demographic death fire. >> here is the get senator from new jersey. >> i would tell my republican colleagues both in the house and the senate that the road to the white house comes to a road with a pathway to legalization. without it, there will never be a road to the white house for the republican party. >> so path to the white house equals path to citizenship. no path to citizenship, no path to the white house.
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>> yeah. >> do you think personally, he is accurate? >> i do. i do. i think he is spot on. this really is, you know the willie wonka golden ticket for people is whether they can get event annual green cards and then event annual citizenship. it's a long road as you pointed out. this is a tough bill. this is like the biggest enforcement in security bill that we have had in addition to being tough on the 11 million. but what is key to the bill what holds it together is that it does over time give people a path to green cards and event annual citizenship. the more you erode that the more the bill becomes less workable and you will see democrats start to back off. >> lindsey graham agreed with bob mendes the republican party is in the death spiral unless they pass this bill? >> yeah. graham has been from what i see -- you follow it more closely than what i do but graham has been very good on this bill and, you know, it's just while you two were just talking, i was just thinking back to last november and
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december and everybody saying republicans, every republican saying, this is the one we have to do, you know. >> john hannity. >> john hannity and charles krauthammer said i evolved. guns? no. gay marriage, no. immigration, yes, we are going to doismgration. if they screw this up, it will be just the most amazing political failure by a political party in the last 30 years. >> that you knowing about two of the hot-burton issues: border security, healthcare and there is more to talk about on both of those areas. but you just mentioned gay marriage not really divorced from the immigration thing because pat leahy had to drom his and. >> right >> bill: will that come back on the floor? the sometime in the next two weeks is going to rule on doma. how is that connected? >> this is super interesting like right out of the west wing
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episode. that's right, an issue in the immigration bill is -- which is not included in the legislation is by-national same-sex cowbells can petition for each other. pat leahy swallowed hard because if the republicans offer it, it will blow up the deal. he van gel cals' heads would explode. he didn't. the supreme court in reaching a decision which could be this week or next week on the defense of marriage act, if it strikes it down, then it will be permitting -- it will be creating the space for bi-national same-sex couples. so we wouldn't need a session if the supreme court goes in the defense of strikeing marriage down. the third branch of government that can speak on this is what the administration can do in
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giving these folks administrative relief like with the dreamers you saw a year ago on saturday and defer action on those access and permit those folks to stay where goetheboth of the couples here it's high drama and high stakes. >> i remember one of your visits here you said emphatically that there would not be any gun safety legislation and i told you, you were dead wrong. turns out you were right and i was wrong. i thought we were going to get that, the background checks through. >> i hate being so right. >> bill: i know. so i know you have to leave at this segment because you have to take care of that tooth ache of yours. >> yes, i do. >> bill: what's your take? >> i have been a skeptic about this, bill for a long time against the grain skeptic because i thought that it's going to come down to the right-wing base and whether they can tolerate this thing being passed. i think, though, that if it gets through the senate i do think that obtain will pass it.
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>> some version? >> some version of it, and, you know, it only needs 20 or 30 republican votes, and i think he might just let that happen. so, i would still wager slightly against -- against a bill. unfortunately, but only slightly. >> michael you are like eyor. never positive. come on. come on. >> bill: angela kelly remains with us. she will be with us. we will be glad to take your calls. this is the big issue of the day. it's extremely important. pardon me. want to hear from you at 866-55-press. michael tomaski, my friend thank you for coming in. we will see you next time. angelie, don't go anywhere. >> connect with the bill press show on twitter. follow us at bp show and tweet using the hash tag watching bp. this is "the bill press show."
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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this this this >> to bring one of those or several much those bills to the floor then they would send that to a conference committee. the senate bill would send that to a conference committee. >> that's where the negotiation would begin for a final bill that ultimately both chambers would pass. we are in the early chapters of a pretty long book but i see the house beginning to write its story and seem serious about wanting to get something done. >> bill: there is no doubt the latino community is not going to let up on this issue. right? >> right. this is not a -- this is not a passing fancy.
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this is like kind of core to the community. and it is a litmus test if the mer can pass a bill or not, do -- are they open to voting for them? this is where the republican party could give itself so much more space in the latino community if they just pass the issue, get it behind them and then they could have a real conversation with the community. so we will see. but i can tell you any spanish lang studio, this is the top story at the top of every hour. you can ask anybody in the latino community what's going on with the immigration bill they can give you more detail than i can. >> keep the pressure on. >> that's the only way to do it. it's been a long, long time in coming. the time is now. right? >> i think so >> bill: angela kelly follow the good work at the center for american progress. i'm sorry. american american angella kelly is the director of immigration, policy and advocacy at the great centre for american progress.
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thanks for coming in. >> great to be here. >> >> bill: prove me wrong. >> i will >> bill: i will be back with a parting shot. >> go mobile with bill press, download podcasts and listen any more anywhere. this is "the bill press show." touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. we have a big big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does
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not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. [ music ] >> the parting shot with bill press, this is "the bill press show." >> bill: well, what a mixed legacy for president obama now that he's decided to send weapons to certainsyria. he will now be remembered as a president who stopped two wars and who started a third one.
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clearly this is not something president obama wanted to do. he held off as long as he could. we would give him credit for that. but i still think this is a big mistake. for one thing, we risk igniting another regional middle east war with iran getting involved. and we also know that sending paul? weapons is just the beginning. it's a slippery slope. already john mccain is demanding we do more send armor-piercing weapons and create a no-fly zone. i would hope president obama, in dealing with this, would remember one important thing, which is that the american people had a chance to vote for % john mccain's war-breaking brand of foreign policy back in 2008 and we didn't vote for that. we didn't vote for it then and we shouldn't be listening to john mccain now. my parting shot for today, folks, have a great day and see us here again on the "full-court
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: all right. good monday morning everybody. current tv land. jacki schechner. >> good morning. >> stephanie: did you see "the new york times" yesterday? a very scary story for the right wing. million anecdote baby. what will happen in the end if obamacare really works? [ screaming ] it appears to be work already. >> in the end there can be only one. >> oh, my goodness. >> stephanie: we'll have to do a little healthcare corner today. wayne knight is on the show. >> we saw him on the plane on the way to charlotte. he w
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