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tv   Viewpoint  Current  June 19, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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old, he was in italy. incredibly sad. we're done here. "viewpoint" is next. see you tomorrow. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> john: good evening, this is "viewpoint." tonight barack obama's poll numbers have fallen steeply over the past month. he's meyered in controversy, and any normal political party would make hay out of this and exploit the weaknesses. but political party in modern times is not a normal political party. indeed they're eating their own and their own interparty squabbles threaten to derail any possibility they have in the polls. and paula dean, this may shock you, may be an incredibly ignorant and unaware racist, which makes one long for the wholesome days when she was teaching everyone how to free base butter.
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just look at those three people. you will never see them together again. and 148 years ago today my friends. slaves in galveston texas, were told they were free two years after the emancipation proclamation was signed. this is "viewpoint." [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> john: good evening, and welcome to "viewpoint." i'm john fugelsang. thank you for joining us tonight. god bless the great james gandalfino. the crowds are thinning out and time may be running out on
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theonthe audacity of hope. take a look at these two images. if you've been watching fox news you've been seeing this all day long. the image on the left, a crowd of 2,000 people who came to cheer yes we can. today in berlin it was less than 4500. now, this can mean a lot of different things. the president has been in office quite awhile. he doesn't have the new factor that drove so many germans to see him. his speech was swimming in the division of, descent over dissent over syria and gridlock galore. our friend are not capitalizing on the president's woes but they're eating each other alive. >> senator rubio says that
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they're going to have to pay. [ booing ] >> john: it was fitting that president obama continued his defense of the nsa in germane where the topic of surveillance has a strong bit of residence. >> we know of at least 50 threats that have been averted because of information not just in the united states, but in some cases threats in germany. so lives have been saved. >> john: so as a number of terrorist plots have been prevented seems to grow every day shows how much credence we can put in these numbers. if the terror plots have been foiled as rapidly as we've been told, wouldn't the government tell us in great detail and post of it like long ago?
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and joining me to talk about the nsa is from the great rick unger. welcome back to the show. always a pleasure to have you with us. we're happy to welcome ben--sorry welcoming to the show david sirota, and ben, are you there? >> i'm here. >> ben is with us. i'm getting conflicting information in my ear piece. thank you for joining us on chaos wednesday. >> sure, and happy to clear things up. >> john: thank you very much. you heard that the president is speaking to throngs of adoreing fans and less teeming in berlin than five years ago. while he's struggling with these alleged scandals and woes, what we're seeing is the g.o.p. not capitalizing on this at all. are you glad to see they've done
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a good job building up these scandals and non-scandals. >> in the bush administration we had this image of the republican party almost mythically coordinated entity that could speak out of both sides of its mouth. where you have the hail yes barber and jeb bush winning that could speak to the base, and then another base that could be populous. they watt of it as a well-coordinated machine that could tie the two messages together at once constantly. what we're seeing right now is a lot of that was just a mask of success. with immigration reform in particular there is a very clear theme that the republican, haley barber particularly, jeb bush particularly wants to see happened, that's the marco rubio immigration reform plan to make it through. yet without the white house and without the aura of success that
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republican establishment looks weaker and unable to cord incarcerate all the the desperate elements. >> john: would you agree? we've seen benghazi and the irs which seem to be more and more fake scandals, yet in the nsa they can't use it against him. it's like a wedge issue with no wedge. >> they can't possibly use it against them. one thing they're looking at now is one way to give up immunity. facebook and google, they're going to get sued for sharing this data with the government. they did it against the telephone companies in 2008. what's fascinating you have republicans whoa are having the most difficult time deciding on wh pition to take on this. back in 2008 the bush white house was so intent on getting this immunity through and they used it to trade to strengthen the fisa protection. so you know, you now have this
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flip flop going on. they don't know where to be on the nsa and that's why they're not going as heavy on this as you might expect. >> john: ben, there has to be concern in the white house over the nsa sticking to this president, and you have the same images of the berlin crowd today over 200837 do you 2008. do you think the president needs to come out and make a speech about what is monitored and specifically what information is being gathered. >> i'm not sure how much of a speech would help. it seems like every time he has talked about this issue, it seemed only to add to the mystery. i think there is kind of a basic underlying issue going on here, which is, most americans do not have a good way to figure out right now what does a terrorist threat look like? and if we're supposed to be judging in a cost-benefit way
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all of the measures of the perceived threat it would be helpful to have a better sense of what that threat is. a couple of months ago the president gave a very detailed and clearly well thought out speech about the state of--the state of terror. and he sort of said, we've moved back to a pre-9/11 scenario. we no longer have the big structure of al-qaeda out there. we have instead all of these self-starting, self-radicalizing groups around the globe, and that requires a different policy to get at. for whatever reason the president seems reluctant to pinpoint exactly what that looks like in this kind of debate, and i think, you know, every time he has come out and tried to address that, it has seemed not to clear things up, but would
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leave that impression of what is it that we're fighting at this point, and what measures are appropriate, kind of muddy. even this talk about the 50 plats. there is no specificity of how mature these plots were, and if they would have happened without the specific information that they picked up through these programs. i think people look at these attempted explanations and say i don't really know what sense to make of this. i don't know how to weigh this and what to believe. >> john: i sense that rick unger does not agree. >> i don't agree when you say americans don't know what a terrorist plot looks like. i think they do know flow what it looks like. when you say we have no way of judging whether they're telling us about the truth about of these 50 plots. maybe they are overstating it.
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maybe we would have found these things out without this program absolutely possible, but on the other hand maybe we wouldn't have. so doesn't this really come down to a game of who do you trust? if you trust what the nsa is telling us is true, if you trust the obama administration, and i'm not suggesting that you have to i'm saying that's what this really comes down to. who do you trust? would they have discovered these plots without it? i don't know. you don't know if they would have or if they wouldn't have. who do you trust. >> cenk: ben, a response? >> um, i don't know. you know, no, i don't know. >> john: well, i kind of feel the same way. i want to bring edward snowden into this. we haven't heard his name that much over the last 4 hours. i was afraid my tv was broken over this. we don't know if he's laying low. what do you think will be
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happening with mr. snowden? will he be given asylum? >> it's hard for me to see any state seeing a sufficient benefit in granting asylum to him. to do it. this is a case that matters way way, way more to us than it does to anybody else. my suspicion is the obama administration doesn't want to look like--my suspicion we'll see a deal cut. we'll see a deal cut where he can eventually make his way back to the united states. >> john: by make his way back, you mean return here and spend the rest of his life in prison. >> something like that. >> john: lucky guy. i think you're right. i think he does have a case for asylum pointing to the treatment of bradley manning but i think you pointed out astutely it will be hard to find any nation-state willing to anger america that much. when we come back we'll go to david sirota of sol so of salon don't
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go away. (vo) later tonight current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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we have a big, big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the conversation started weekdays at 9 eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. (vo) sharp tongue. >>excuse me? (vo) quick wit. >> and yes, president obama does smell like cookies and freedom. (vo) and above all, opinion and attitude. >> really?! this is the kind of stuff they say about something they just pulled freshly from their [bleep]. >> you know what those people are like. >> what could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush? >> my producer just coughed up a hairball. >>sorry. >>just be grateful current tv doesn't come in "smell-o-vision" >> oh come on! the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo)only on current tv.
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>> john: welcome back to "viewpoint" where we cleared up most of our technical difficulties. i'm join about benjamin wallace wells from washington, d.c. and rick unger, and now we're joined direct from the great state of colorado by the the great david sirota. thank you for joining us. david, i wanted to go over to you. you had two great pieces that speak directly to the nsa controversy. the first was does anybody in government understand the fourth amendment. do you mind sharing your thoughts about that? >> the issue of fourth amendment, when we talk about what is legal and what is not legal. we've heard this argument that the nsa surveillance is automatically illegal. edward snowden's disclosure first and foremost disclosed possible perjury by the head of nsa james clapper. there are questions of whether
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the nsa has over stepped it's bounds of federal statute that says what you can and you can't surveil. it's whether the warrants are federally constitutional. the supreme court has refused to take a case so far about that fundamental request of whether the warrants from the it secret fisa court are actually constitutional. the problem with them not taking a case like that is that we're left to wonder whether these warrants are, in fact, constitutional. is the government really saying that we all are--the government itself has a probable cause to consider all of us suspects? that's what the fourth amendment says. warrants will not be issued unless there is a probable cause. if you're saying that these warrants to collect mass amounts of data on millions of people,
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if you're saying if that's constitutional, then you're saying yes the government has probable cause to consider millions of american people criminal suspects. >> john: i want to open this up to rick unger specifically about director james clapper. it's clear that he lied to congress, how can he keep his job when others have been asked to be impeached? >> this whole apparatus of counterterrorism has evolved in a way that is both invisible to and therefore kind of immune to the normal political pressure. simply because we are told over and over again that we can't know what the real threats are what the real responses are there is a shroud of invisibility that protects clapper and many others from the kind of public scoot scrutiny that
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they deserve. >> john: rick? >> i would go further than david. clearly clapper lied. he admitted that he lied. he said that he went with the least untrue answer. and that is problematic. this may be one of those times when it's right for congress to make an example here. david pointed out that the supreme court has consistently refused to take up the warrant question, and he's exactly right. i wonder if people understand who appoints members to the fisa court? do you know? it's the chief justice of the united states court. he picks the members of the fisa. so i don't think the supreme court will be too anxious to get involved in that qstion. >> john: when you focus on the money that is behind the program, and the actual power that booz allen where edward snowden worked, the power that i dare say is far greater than the
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average american realizes. >> one thing that has been written completely out of this story is whether the people talking to us in political office have a vested financial interest in defending the national security state. indeed, they do. when you look at campaign finance disclosures. when you look at the size of the industry the private contracting industry, a lot of those companies give a whole lot of money to politicians. booz allen is one of them. booz allen is the parent company of the carlisle group. those are huge donors to applications like barack obama john mccain, the political parties themselves. i think one thing reporters should be saying when you hear john mccain come out and saying edward snowden is a traitor, he has committed treason, and that this is worthwhile and you hear barack obama saying the same thing.
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those are not ideological or principled politicians making a declaration, they're potentially speaking for some of their biggest contributers in terms of their campaign contribution. >> john: you know, mike mcconnell, who is head of nsa now workedonce worked at booz allen. is booz allen becoming the halliburton of our decade? >> well, i don't know--yes in a sense that you can say that metaphorically. i mean, they were in two different operations, but here's the thing. you're right to use halliburton because halliburton became this symbol of, well is the bush administration, are they operating on behalf of hallibton when they make the energy policies? that's the same exact question we should be asking when a politician defends a national security apparatus that is making lots of money for a company like booz allen. when those politicians are bankrolled by a company like booz allen and those other
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companies, that affects not just their vote, but it affects what they say and they defend rhetorically, because that creates the assumption that keeps the money flowing to those campaign donors. those corporate campaign donors. >> john: i want to bring ben wallace wells on this. you heard everything that david said, of course. is there any way that the g.o.p. can use this against the president? >> you know, there is something perversely admirable about the sense that a lot of republicans have taken, which is, you know, however you feel about the national security state and the republican role launching and defending it they're sort of standing on principle here given the extreme lengths they have gone on the irs and other issues. there is something almost kind of principled here. i think that the real issue is
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not one of opportunity, but of will. and they just don't seem to be willing to go at this particularly hard. an earlier point that david raised the growth that they have here in d.c. the physical shape of the city has changed so much. it has been written about a lot thanks to all of these contractors that you see down in the resting card, up around fort meade where the nsa is. we're talking about a real profound transformation not only of the economy of the city, but the demographics, the it's physical shape that has come about simply because of all of this national security contracting that begs a lot of questions that david talked about. you know, over time
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progressively we've gotten a little bit more information about what happens in the nsa what are these guys up to, but it's been a topic of creeping ominousness for a decade now because we've all seen just the scale of money and employees that these companies have. >> john: david, before i move off this topic i do want to ask can you explain what the no- no-money rule is when it comes to booz allen? >> i've written about this before. when it comes to political reporting, the influence of money itself, of what politicians are saying to us and how they're vote something essentially written out of the story. you'll have some stories that are specifically about just about the money going into the political system. but in the day-to-day political reportage, if you read about a given issue you're reading well one politician says this, then another politician says this, and an interest group says this
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and the money is written out of the story. i haven't seen any news stories that says john mccain takes a lot of money from booz allen or that barack obama takes a lot of money from booz allen and this impacts what they're saying. that any no "no money" rule, in a washington culture that converse it uncouth and inpolite that money could be shaping both and what could be shaping what is coming out of the mouths of politicians. >> cenk: if may be uncouth myself, gentlemen, one of the things that i like about this story is the stark truth makes both political parties very uneasy. one of the great things about this job once i took over for governor spitzer, the time i got to spend with great journalists who ask the right questions.
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hanging out with men like you has been a fun part of my job trying to get the truth out to the american which brings me to speak about the death of michael heyings. he has been on the show many times. david, he was your friend. what did you most admire about him. >> michael hastings was a guy who was willing to make people uncomfortable, willing to make people in power uncomfortable and getting information to his readers was more important than coddling up to government resources or military resources. michael wasn't just somebody who would be willing to go up against politicians and go up against staff or go up against people in washington, d.c. he took the courage that i think takes even greater courage to actually question the military
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and military policy in a country where militarism is basically the national religion. he was one of the rare reporters willing to--if information was embarrassing about the military, he was willing to publish it in the name of getting that information out and it was a huge loss for journalism and for those of us who knew him. >> john: is really is. we're showing footage of michael's appearance on this show. ben, you once worked at rolling stone"rollingstone"." how did michael differ from other journalists you knew. >> many will talk with nostalgia about how reporters were hard hitting and they would take on. michael hastings was like that.
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he was the ideal that most reporters create as a matter of nostalgia. in my generations and reporters coming up in the last ten years he was unique and original. >> john: and you spent time with michael on this sow and in the show and on in the green room. >> we've talked about michael's talent which are extraordinary. but he could be a go in guy. i had seen him on m s nbc, i was giving him all kind of trouble and he took it like a man. he thought it was funny. he had a very good sense of humor. you said this earlier and i'm going to say it for you now he's going to be legendary. he won't live to get to be what we all thought he would be, but he will be that person that in ten years, 12 years, some writer
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is going to say i'm trying to be michael hastings. not everyone will know who that is. >> john: the insiders, but i think as you're right. when actors want to be james dean who died young, i think michael's influence will continue to expand, and there is no way of know how much his work will influence writers to come. you'll see michael wearing a suit uncharacterriccally wearing a tie. but that night was his second wedding anniversary he came o the sh and made his wife wai he came on the show to share his thoughts and made his wife wait for him, it was an honor to have such a courtesy. it was an honor to have known him, and it's an honor to discuss his legacy with three men who knew him.
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thank you. >> thank you. >> john: we'll be back after this.
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(cenk) it's go time! it's go time! it's go time! go time. you know what time it is. go time! it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks go time! it's go time. oh is it? oh, then it's go time. anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. it's go time! >> john: way on wtf utah, we celebrate the great state devotion to competitive sports. by competitive sports today specifically i'm tug about the beloved national pastime that is cockfighting. let me explain. 40 states have felony penalties for cockfighting but not my friends, utah. senator gene davis has twice
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attempted to pass legislation that would make cockfighting a felony. and i would tell the state senator in the case of people who enjoy going to cockfights, it's a little too late to abort them. oh i'm sorry is that harsh? the first rule about cockfighting club is never to talk about cockfighting club, you probably have a mullet, no teeth, and no one can understand what you're saying. wtf, utah. your state is majestically utah. i would think you would object to making such a sport your pastime. pass the bill, which would make it felony to breed fowl for for for fighting. if that is not the worst thing you can do to a beautiful bird that never hurt anyone, i'll buy
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you a great turkey dinner. guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> john: oliver stone painted an unflatterry picture of wall street in his film called "wall street." turns out he didn't tell us the half of it. and our next guest memoirs tells us more about the character of charlie sheen. it's called "buy side." it chronicles how pitch black the financial world has come and how hard it will be to change the culture. the author, tourney duf. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> john: thank you for sharing
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how twisted the culture was. i think it's summed up best in a t-shirt that your friends had made for you that i want to share. your friends made a t-shirt out of your phrase that says "i don't stand in line. i snort them." that's one of the cuter parts of the book. what exactly is it that some of things from the wall street culture that the average layman doesn't understand. >> it was part of a subculture. you can't take my character or my experiences in the book and say, this is all of wall street. but it is there for the taking. you know, in new york it's almost a step below celebrity status. i had millions and millions of dollars in commissions to pay out so i go to any restaurant. i could sit on the floor seats of the knicks, get private jets. it was there for the taking, and i took. >> john: sorry. >> one of the things i was going to say i called my editor
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halfway through the book. i said, rick, i want to change the title. he said, really? why? i want to change it to boo-hoo. you got a guy who has a waspy name, making millions of dollars on wall street and he was a drug addict. i knew the only chance i had with this book was to be 100% honest and never try to get the reader to like me. this is what happened. >> john: this is a dairy literary choice you made. i wouldn't call it a tale about addiction and recovery, but that is part of the native narrative. it's interesting to look at where the money went. what you did with the world series ticket pretty much blew my mind. can you share that with us? >> sure, you know, i had gotten the car service and headed up to yankee stadium. a buddy and i had eight tickets front row.
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there is no re-entry to yankee stadium, if you have a coke addict and want to smoke we brought eight tickets. and they were thousands and thousands of dollars. when i think about it now--i had to tell the truth. >> john: the fun stuff aside can you describe for viewers who really don't know how the financial world works what the culture is like for the sellers and the buyers, how you figured into that picture. >> um, it's a bottom line. make money. if you're on the sell side you're servicing hedge funds mutual funds and you're trying to get commissions. if you're on the buy side you're trying to get performance. at the end of the day there is a quantitative number that says if you were good today or bad today. by any means necessary.
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what happens at night is just as important as what happens during the day. >> john: the guys you worked with, they would look at something like dodd frank and laugh or did they consider it real regulation to try to clean up the culture? >> you know what, years ago there would be some laughter. the culture has changed a little bit, and people are a little more aware. >> john: really? >> i believe so. the people that i still talk to who are in the business, it's not the same culture as it was when the collapse and seeing the people who have adjusted their ego a little bit. >> john: you got out before the fbi started to investigate your old boss. how would you say in terms of how you mentioned how the culture has changed. >> right. >> john: what would you say that means in terms of the guys who are there now?
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>> i showed up in '94. even by that time they were a distant memory. we didn't think about any consequences. our idea of insider trading was charlie sheen dressed up as a janitor stealing files from a law office. if you see the movie, you realize charlie sheen goes up to the courthouse. we never see michael douglas go to jail. or charlie sheen go to jail. the late 90s and early 2000 we are were not seeing people go to jail. today i'm sitting on a hedge fund and there are suspicious trades that come across my desk i'm hesitant j before we go, let me ask this. what are red flags that an investigator should look for when they look at hedge funds coming across their desk? >> it's a tough call because all they're getting is a monthly statement or quarterly statement saying this is the performance.
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ten years ago it was okay to care only about the performance and obviously madeoff and everything else that has transpired it's important to know where your money is going to. i have a seven-year-old daughter, and i wouldn't hire a nanny or pick a school just out of a hat. so i would establish a relationship and know as much as i could about the place or the person before jumping in. >> john: you ascended to the greatest heights made tons of money, fell horribly, recovering grace in your life. i know you won't be going back to work at wall street again. what is next to you? >> i'm going to continue to write. i love storytelling. my priorities today are, number one, stay sober. number two be the best dad son, friend i can be, and three keep writing and i believe the rest of my life are just details. >> john: i thank thank you for sharing.
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>> thanks for having me. >> john: you're an inspiration as a recovering addict. "the buy side": the wall street trader's tale of spectacular success" and it's wherever books are sold. >> thank you. >> john: when we come back we'll be discussing racism, paula dean, and other obesity matters. don't go away. very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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>> john: welcome back. we just spoke about the excesses of wall street. now to discuss two more of america's favorite pastimes, obesity and racism. i'm joining with my panel of all all-male non-experts. the lovely and talented frank coniff. the author of "get rich cheating," the great jeff chrysler. and a great comedian you can see here in new york mr. scott blakeman also familiar to viewers of fox gentlemen, welcome. obesity is not just a major hubble health problem. it is now officially a disease. it has been classified as a disease opening the door for improved treatment and insurance coverage for 36% of americans who are obese offering a wide range of treatment for diabetes
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and cardiovascular disease and lap band surgeries. that's my introduction. here's the question. i'm sure we're going to have opponents of this classification, oh, now i want to eat twinkies and i need a crutch. i now have a disease. this runs of risk of encouraging reliance on big pharma and lap band surgeries. >> well, you got your chocolate diet pill. i don't think it's a concern. if it forces people to get on board to taking care of themselves so be it. right now obesity is obviously an epidemic. disease may not be a strong enough word unless you've seen people in places who look like a different species. and heart disease. >> john: the cost to us is $135 billion a year. is there a hope to bring the
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costs down. >> we have to bring take it seriously. you'll be able to have drugs and lap surgery covered oh, do whatever you want. it's a life or death situation. whatever people can do because the money will be spent eventually. if you don't do anything to deal with obesity and deal with it, no people, lung cancer is a disease, and people contribute to it by smoking but we don't quarrel calling that a disease. >> and juggling chainsaws, you don't call it a disease when they amputate themselves. >> i was about to say that i think it's been helpful that things like depression and alcoholism is looked at like diseases and treated as such. i think people who have suffered from these things, and hopefully who suffer from obesity will look at it an an illness that
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needs to be treated and hopefully follow the process that needs to be followed instead of feeling like they're all on their own and it's all up to willpower. >> we do have the tools, we are there to help, and it is a burden. >> in my school it's called forks, knives, and spoons. >> john: yes enablers. does this open up the flood gate of other ailments now being called diseases, baldness or buck tooth suffer. >> you have viagra and restless leg syndrome. >> i think viagra, letting people have sex into their 90s is something we should strife for. >> john: i agree with you. >> and i'm sure on fox they'll be railing oh, oh, oh,. but just like those with eating disorders, why don't you just
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eat. this is a disease let's treat it as such. >> there are people who eat too much, and then there are people who don't eat and suffer that way, too. >> john: of course speaking of ignorance and obesity let's talk about paula dean. someone who can speak directly to obesity diabetes and racism. she's being sued by a former employee who repeatedly useing thewords and wanting people acting like happy slaves. when you have a "gone with thegone with the wind" do you have to cast happy slaves. >> i think it would be overlong and over rated. >> look, i don't know what is in paula dean's heart judging from
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what she cooks i can judge what is in her bloodstream look, even if all or some of this is true it's irreprehensible. but i'm not in favor of trial by twitter in this country. the lawsuit was filed over a year ago in savannah. unfortunately her brother's name is bubba that is a southern stereotype, and he has uncle bubba's seafood and he's being sad of racism, and she was part of it. the story came from the national inquirer, which can be correct. there is a video supposedly, which we don't know. and there was on daily news citing something based on radar. let's take a breath for a change and i'm glad we're bringing this up. it is a problem when someone is demonized. look unhealthy food. if she said these things, it's horrible. >> john: we know she's bigoted
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towards arteries. >> yes, but let's take a breath and see what the facts are. >> she has possibly type 2 diabetes and type 1 racism. >> thasmaudience on twitter is not her audience. her audience didn't michael bloomberg and the editors of the root. >> john: no, her audience are people who like southern food and that's a lot of african-americans. >> yes, i think she's a perfect avatar of our time. america needs to have important conversations. but instead of having those conversations we call each other names and eat our feelings. that's what she represents, and then we take drugs to help our arteries. >> john: that's stupid, we're moving on. will it hurt her or help her?
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>> i don't think--i don't think the people who eat terribly unhealthy food are that concerned. look if she's treating her employees badly and using racial discrimination, that's something that people should keep in mind. we'll see how it plays out, but i don't think we should demonize before we know all the facts. >> john: indeed, i think the same thing. i would like to changes my guests. --i would like to change my guests. when we come back we'll talk about sick leave. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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[ coughing ] >> john: hey hey what's the matter fella? you don't sound too good. >> i have an outbreak of e. coli, but tomorrow i start my new job the olive garden in orlando. i hate to call in sick. >> john: turns out you can't call in sick. who told you you have paid sick leave. >> this is america. >> john: no, this is florida. you see over 50,000 people just signed a ballot measure that would force administrators to give local workers paid sick days off. why? >> why. >> john: they hate success. we're alec. >> who is alec? >> john: we're the group that write big business anti-labor bill and hand it to officials who copy paste and sign their
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own names to it. working people have had too he is ofeasyof a time. governor rick scott just signed one of the bills this week that blocks local government from passing any laws that could even allow paid sick leave. >> you mean we the people aren't allowed to help we the people? >> john: you're getting it, my infected friend. this statewide uniformity in florida creating low paid sick people will have to come to work. even if there is small pox, they can't afford to miss a day or two. workers work harder and we all win. >> so i have to all show up and spread my e. coli all over the
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breadsticks at olive garden? >> john: that's right. and your customers won't be allowed to miss work, either.. got cholera diarrhea, shingles? let's say you work at a theme park in florida i can't think of any specific ones on hand, and you come into regular contact with children, and you have west nile, you can't take paid time off goofy. >> is there anything that we can do? >> john: just call in to fox and let us laugh at you. >> okay, thank you. [ coughing ] >> john: and don't forget to sneeze into all that food.
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go to work, you lazy people, that's our show. this is "viewpoint," have a good evening. michael moore joins us tomorrow. [ coughing ] >> john: you milked that so hard. [♪ theme music ♪] >> joy: can women be their own worst enemies in the workplace, the author of this finerman's rules and ceo, and founder of the list, rachel slar.klar. and the lovely bonnie fuller. let me s


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