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tv   Full Court Press  Current  June 21, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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[♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: here we go on a friday. friday morning, everybody, good morning, what do you say, great to see you today. it is friday june 21st, and this is the "full court press." we're coming to you live from our nation's capitol, washington, d.c., on this the first day of summer where we will tell you the news of the day, and most importantly give you a chance to talk about the
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news of the day. let us know what it means to you and your family what is going on around our nation's capitol, around the country and the globe, and you can do so by giving us a call at 866-55-press, by joining us on twitter @bpshow or on facebook at facebook/billpressshow. and if you want to know what is wrong with washington just take a look at what happened yesterday. first of all over in the senate the big news is there was an amendment to the immigration reform bill which will spend $30 billion to put 20,000 new border agents on the border, that is one agent forever 1,000 feet, and in the house they slashed $20 billion from food stamps for the poor. talk about having your priorities all as backwards, and for the second year in a row,
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talk about defeats, the house refused to pass a farm bill thank you, john boehner. we'll bring you up to date on that and everything else that is happening on current tv. honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his
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abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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we have a big, big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the conversation started weekdays at 9 eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. (vo) sharp tongue. >>excuse me? (vo) quick wit. >> and yes, president obama does smell like cookies and freedom. (vo) and above all, opinion and attitude. >> really?! this is the kind of stuff they say about something they just pulled freshly from their [bleep]. >> you know what those people are like. >> what could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush? >> my producer just coughed up a hairball. >>sorry. >>just be grateful current tv doesn't come in "smell-o-vision" >> oh come on!
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the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo)only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> bill: the first day of summer! the full court press ready for the new season. hope you are too. good morning, everybody, what do you say? it is friday. ♪ hallelujah ♪ >> you forgot.
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>> bill: i didn't forget that it is our favorite day around the "bill press show." boy, did i ever ever ever feel more like tgif? absolutely. and again, thank you all for putting up with this scratchy voice for five days in a row. i'm not going to talk the entire weekend. once the show is ever, three hours from now. boom, that's it. >> is your wife going to enjoy that? >> bill: probably she'll thank me for that. great to see you this morning. thank you for hopping on the bus and we take off for our little round about here, to take a look at all of the news of the day, all kinds of crazy stuff happening at our nation's
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capitol on immigration reform, on the farm bill. we'll let you know what is going on around the country and the globe. we'll do a little hopscotch of what is going on, and then take your calls at 866-55-press, 866-557-7377, our toll-free number. we want to hear from you as we do so many of you on twitter, follow us on twitter, @bpshow, and on facebook at facebook/billpressshow. the entire team is not here today. peter ogburn is on suicide watch this morning. >> come on. >> poor guy, you know what is spurs fan he is. i'm sure it has not been a good week, as he has stayed up watching every one of these
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games. >> but no game was by any means -- well they had a blow out early. >> bill: don't tell him he is a good loser. his team lost. >> but they played well. >> bill: that is bs. >> i bet he would say they almost won. >> bill: no, that's like the coach that says it doesn't matter whether you win or lose it's how you play the game. here is the final last call. >> the clock says four, the clock says three, back-to-back, they have done it again, miami, big three, the nba champions again. the miami heat have won the 2013 nba title. >> bill: there they are two years in a row. they'll be back at the white house soon. and the most valuable player
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that trophy presented last night by david stern nba commissioner to lisa fergusoneeebron james. >> it feels great. this team is amazing. and the vision that i had when i decided to come here is all coming true. through adversity, through everything we have been through, we have been able to persevere, and to win back-to-back championships it's an unbelievable feeling, and i'm happy to be part of such a first class organization. >> bill: first class statement there from lebron james. >> he took his talents to south beach. >> bill: he took a lot of heat for that decision. >> yeah. now he's laughing all the way to the bank. and he deserves it. he played incredibly well he
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scored 37 points last night. which is very impressive. >> bill: wow. so peter ogburn wherever you are, we're sorry. dan henning is hereal -- alicia cruz, and siprion bolling. >> siprion bolling got some love on the email machine yesterday. >> bill: people a little upset we haven't showed his face. >> there he is. >> bill: yes indeed dan stone will be on a little bit later to give us our science quiz. avery friedman will be here to talk about the zimmerman jury which was seated yesterday, and for the first day of summer we are going to take a look at what wines you ought to be
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considering maybe serving or enjoying this summer. so we will rename the show today, the full court wine press, and we'll talk about immigration reform coming up next. but first -- >> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> i like that. i like to a lot. some overhead lines, big move in the media world yesterday. media critic howard curt is jumping from cnn over to fox news to anchor a weekend media program there. he had always been working at the "daily beast" until he was fired on inaccurate reporting on the relationship status of a gay nba player. >> bill: good for howie. he has a new job. the question is did he jump or was he pushed. >> uh-huh. reports are coming in that kim
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kardashian and kanye west have settled on a name for their new baby girl. >> bill: this is not the most difficult -- a lot of people have done this before them named their babies right? >> yeah. they have named their daughter north. which would make her name northwest. >> bill: no. oh god. >> no confirmation or appearance from the parents, but two pretty credible sources. >> bill: oh, god. >> and out in halwood, robert downey, jr. knows not to it quit on a good thing. he has made a fortune off of playing ironman, and three signature films, and now he has signed up to play the character
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at least two more times. he will act in the avengers two and three. he did take home a $50 million payday for the first avenger's payday. >> bill: wow. wow. i don't know if you have heard what happened on immigration reform yesterday. i couldn't believe what they did yesterday. now we have talked so much about this, and sun kim is going to be along later to give us more details, but this is a real problem facing this country, no doubt about it mainly because we have 11 million people -- i
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think that's conservative, 11 million people living here who -- who themselves or part of their family came here illegally years ago, and they are living in the shadows and making great contribution to this country, but with that large percentage of the population who's legal status is unclear it creates all kinds of problems. so we have to do something about immigration reform and making sure our borders are secure. and so this issue which is a priority for president obama is a really, really big one. now then the gang of eight in the senate went to work and came up with a pretty good bill. they had the votes overwhelmingly to start debate. then they had the votes, pardon me one sec sorry -- one more
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day. >> one more day. two more hours. >> bill: then they had the votes to get the bill passed, but they didn't want just 60 votes, or maybe 65 70. they want more than that. so they introduced an amendment yesterday to get republicans to sign on, an amendment that is so tough this is almost like the sequester, that is so tough that republicans will be able to vote for the bill but then go back to their tea party constituents and say, yeah, but do you realize how we cracked down on those as they call them illegal immigrants? so they introduced this amendment yesterday, which will get -- add 20,000 new border agents to the border on top of some 26,000 that are already
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there, lindsey graham yesterday called this a surge, just what we need yeah, another more militaryization of the border. now dammit we have a surge at the border and this will mean there will be one border agent every 1,000 feet along the entire southern border. they are also building 700 new miles offense -- of fence line and this is going to cost $30 billion. here is senate jeff flake. >> we have had enough republicans to pass the bill, but we want it to be overwhelming, and in order to do
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that you have to have a bill that is strong on some of the elements that republicans find important particularly border security. >> bill: so senator flake says here is what this new amendment does. >> first and foremost we have an amendment that will be voted on likely early next week that will bring a number of other republicans on board. >> bill: yeah, by adding again, 20,000 more agents by adding one every 20,000 feet. this long line of cops standing alongside the southern border. the border is more secure today -- here are the facts. the border is more secure today than it ever has been. president obama has doubled the number of border agents that were there under george w. bush. there are fewer people coming
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across the border today than there have been since like the 1960s. there are more people being deported by the obama administration than ever before, certainly than under president reagan or bush or clinton or anybody, being deported so the flow today is going south, not coming north. it's a fact but despite that they are spending $30 billion to send 20,000 more border agents 700 miles of fence, and i think 15 drones or something like that to the border. where the hell is that money coming from? i'll tell you. in the house meanwhile yesterday they cut $20 billion from food stamp program. so they take money from the poor, again, and they spend it on this absurd surge, ridiculous, even bob corker from
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tennessee said it's probably overkill. overkill. probably? absolute i will overkill. i have got to tell you. to me this whole thing just shows what is wrong with washington. it's comedy of errors. it's sad that on an issue like this, they couldn't come to a real reasonable tough bill but not one that goes this extreme. what do you think? 866-55-press, 866-557-7377. again, it's matter of priorities. let's steal from the poor take the food stamps away from the people who really, really need it more and more those people have been unemployed out of their job for years now, take the food stamps away from them, and let's send so many agents to
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the border. they will be falling all over themselves down there. i don't get it. let's talk about it. 866-55-press. >> announcer: radio meets television, the "bill press show." now on current tv. ♪ documentaries... on current tv. for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but
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somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for care about them right? ♪ >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: okay. how do we do on the science test? daniel stone from national geographic is going to help us
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out on that. right now we're talking about the massive overkill, if you will, to the immigration bill. it will pass and then come out of the senate with maybe 75 votes. kim is calling from california. hi, kim. >> caller: hey good morning, the most intelligent man on the planet. [ laughter ] >> bill: oh, my god, save the tape. >> caller: you are. i mean you can't beat that. >> bill: thank you. >> caller: what is it with the illegals? do we only have mexican illegals? what about the porta ricans the cam bodians, the canadians, the cubans. if you swim here is it legal, but if you just come from mexico -- come on. >> bill: it's a lot of racism and a lot of ignorance. all of these people so upset about the border not winter ris suspect, right?
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not winter ris has ever come across the southern border. all of this talk about nsa and we have to protect ourselves against terrorism -- >> caller: but why don't they understand this? my god what is it with these people. where is the democracy with this -- and boner -- calling boner, because that's how it name is -- >> bill: i understand. not one jobs bill since they have had control of the house of representatives. oh, kim, i love you, baby where have you been all of my life. come back again. bobby in albuquerque, new mexico. hey, baby. >> caller: thank you. i'm getting a little burnt out on these racist republicans referring to mexicans and illegals in the same context. >> bill: oh, yeah, you heard it all day yesterday, right. >> caller: you made a point that i was already going to make. most of the terrorists across
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the border to canada ever time they talk about security at the border, as if we only have one border -- >> bill: yeah. >> caller: here in new mexico they bring in -- they give out scholarships to people from australia because they want to win basketball games with no focus on education whatsoever, they just totally, the primary purpose of colleges these days is sports. >> bill: yeah, it's a matter of priorities, bobby. and they are all backwards. again, i was waiting for somebody to stand up yesterday and say wait a minute what are you doing? we have already secured the border. president obama has already done that. it is secure right now. we're not going to spend $30 billion. republicans want to spend more
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money and hire more public employees. does that make sense? >> announcer: is the "bill press show." ♪ you must be high. >> i think the number one thing that viewers like about "the young turks" is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. >> you're putting out there something that you're proud of. journalists want the the story and they want the right story and the want the true story. >> you can say anything here. >> i spent a couple of hours with a hooker. >> your mistake was writing a check. >> she never cashed it! >> the war room. >> compared to other countries with tighter gun safety laws our death toll is just staggering. >> the young turks. >> the top bankers who funneled all the money to the drug lords, no sentence. there's just no justice in that. >> viewpoint. >> carl rove said today that mitt romney is a lock to win next pope. he's garunteeing it. >> joy behar: say anything. >> is the bottom line then that
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no white person should ever, ever, ever use the "n" word? >> yes! >> only on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> bill: you bet it is it is the "full court press" here on a friday morning, the first day of spring. how about it. >> summer. summer. summer. >> bill: spring. last day of spring first day of summer. >> when is the vernal' kwen
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knox, or the summer solstice, when is it? i thought matt geo dan might know. >> that's a question i should know. we'll find out. >> bill: we are coming to you live from our nation's capitol brought to you by ulico, providing specialty insurance, risk solutions, and investment products and services to unions across the country. so i'm very excited to get into this next topic. our good friend daniel stone is here from national geographic magazine. good to see you. >> good morning, sir. >> bill: i first read about this, and then daniel has written about the same thing about how americans rate when it comes to knowing their basic
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science. right? not stuff you have to have a doctorate in or have majored in chemistry or physics. >> some basic scientific concepts related to chemistry and physics. this came from a pew survey that the pugh research center did, and what they found that not as many as you would think could identify the sources of these problems or the concepts behind some of the mayor scientific issues that we discuss on a daily basis. >> bill: i have seen similar surveys for american history, civics, and now for science. are we good at anything? >> we're better than last place. there are a lot of countries behind us, and maybe we can get into some of the questions.
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>> bill: oh, yeah. >> half of the people answered correctly, which is glass half full or glass half empty. >> bill: and is the idea of this study to show that we need to start spending more money in our schools for basic science and math, is that it? >> that's the point that pew wanted to make in saying when we're discussing things like climate change how we extract energy from the ground things like frac-ing these are major policy issues. it's sort of revealing if the public doesn't understand the basics of what we're talking about. >> bill: and when you have senators who deny climate change and a member of the united states congress this week claim that 14 week old male
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fetuses are masturbating in the womb, maybe it's no wonder we score low. >> they are probably all linked. >> bill: so are we ready for a little science quiz? >> i'm ready. by the way it is already summer. 5:04 am eastern this morning was the summer solstice. >> bill: okay. >> second hour of summer. >> bill: happy summer. yes. boy. i'm into it. hit me. hit me. is this a real question that was on the survey. >> let's start with some easy ones. >> bill: are you playing, dan? >> absolutely. >> bill: all right. so we're sitting at home and get the phone call from pew. >> uh-huh. electrons are smaller than atoms. >> true. >> i would say true. >> true.
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you are both right. >> bill: by the way i'm known as the science man in my family. i don't know crap. >> that says something about your family. >> bill: they jokingly refer to me as the scientist. >> 47% of people got that right. a little less than half. >> bill: really? >> yes. with all of these questions, males generally did better than females. >> aren't electrons and neutrons part of atoms? >> yes, electrons, neutrals and what is the other part? >> nucleus? i don't know. >> i heard it from the other room protons. >> all right. lasers work by focusing sound waves, true or false? >> bill: false.
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>> would say true. >> answer is false. lasers work by focusing light waves. 48% of people got that right. >> bill: to me that -- laser beams, right -- >> yeah. moving on. you both are stacking up directly with the population -- >> bill: no, no no. i'm two for two. >> all right. which of the following types of solar radiation does sunscreen protect us from? x rays ultra violate waves, or microwaves. >> ultra violate. >> that's right. that's the most commonly answered. >> bill: yeah. >> all right. now here is an interesting question.
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this is the question that most people got wrong. what gas makes utmost of the earth's atmosphere hydrogen nate row again, carbon dioxide, or do oxygen? >> bill: most of the earth's atmosphere? >> hydrogen, nitrogen carbon dioxide or oxygen. >> bill: i'm going to say co2. >> i'm going to say oxygen. >> you are both wrong. it's nitrogen. >> bill: i don't believe that. >> you sound like a member of congress. >> bill: oh, oh. get out of here. can i turn his mic off. i do question that -- sometimes when you take the sats you
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know, you have to wonder if they got the answer right. >> uh-huh. >> bill: nitrogen. >> most of our breath is nitrogen as well. >> bill: where does that come from? a chemical analysis -- >> the periodic table of elements. >> bill: it is just out there. >> about 20% of people got that right. so don't feel bad. >> bill: all right. >> what is an example of a chemical reaction. a, water boiling, b, sugar dissolving, or c nails rusting. >> bill: chemical reaction. >> yeah. >> bill: i'm going to say nails rusting. >> that's correct. and about two-thirds of people got that correct. all right. i got a couple more here. what gas do scientists believe
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becauses temperatures in the atmosphere to rise? carbon dioxide, hydrogen he lee um, or -- >> i'm going to say carbon dioxide. >> bill: james enhoff couldn't get that right. >> yeah. which natural resource is extracted in a process known as frac-ing, coal diamonds natural gas, or silicon. >> bill: this is unfair right? because anybody who watches or listens to "full court press" knows we have talked a lot about
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fourth quartering -- frac-ing. i will never forget when i went to ithaca new york, and stephanie miller was there, we were appearing at a big public event up there. and we got together with -- dan who you remember her name? >> susan johnson, right. >> bill: she is great. and she just said you will definitely get a lot of questions about frac-ing. neither one of us had ever heard of frac-ing. you know? and we said what frac-ing? right. so i have been in to frac-ing ever since then. so natural gas. >> yeah natural gas, yeah, c. we have been talking about natural gas for a long time too. with the latest boom of natural gas, with frac-ing it was on the cover of national
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geographic -- 51%. >> bill: and yet it is a big deal in new york state, i don't think cuomo has decided what he is going to do about it. but it's a big deal out in the west in new mexico, particularly, i know. a lot of talk about frac-ing right now. >> right. and with all of these questions -- you know, the purpose is not to feel bad about what you do or don't know but when we're discussing some of these issues especially about natural gas, climate change understanding the concept indicates how informed you are about issues. >> bill: all right. you can follow daniel stone at national but when i come back, i want to tell you about some people this
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week who say we're spending too much money on science and math. here on the "full court press." you can weigh in too. how did you do on the test? amateur scientists welcome 866-55-press. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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(cenk) it's go time! it's go time! it's go time! go time. you know what time it is. go time! it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks go time! it's go time. oh is it? oh, then it's go time. anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. it's go time! >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view.
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if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: like politics? then like the "bill press show" on facebook. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: daniel stone from national geographic, here to tell us that we are all basically ignorant when it comes to basic science, at least some of us are, and we'll get your comments about it, and find out
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more from daniel in just a minute here, here on the "full court press" at 12 minutes before the top of the hour. oh, boy, saw this story and i thought huh oh identity theft here it comes, staring us in the face. a california firm closed its doors, that's okay, but when they did so, they dumped all of their records containing senstive personal information in a nearby dumpster exposing thousands of people to the possibility of debitty theft. that could happen to you, unless you protected against it. i am can life like ultimate. lifelock services can't protect you if you are not a member. call them and mention press 10 and get 10% off of your lifelock
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ultimate membership. the number to call 1-800-356-5967. so right after i read this article in smithsonian, i see in the "new york times" there's a report coming out this week that's going to congress. this report is just published after a two-year study by the american academy of arts and signses which says that we are not spending enough money on liberal arts humanities and social sciences, and they are worried that president obama's emphasis on science and math is going to ignore basic humanities. so you are stealing money from english majors and political science majors and literary
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majors. >> for years we have heard the opposite. we have so much social education, not enough science, technology, and math. we are losing this brain drain to countries like china, and korea. >> bill: right. >> so it's a push and pull. you can never spend too much on education, but spending more on one topic means less on another, and it's a push and pull. >> bill: these people point out that most they say -- many of the country's most successful and creative people had a humanities education. president obama, for example, political science, mitt romney english, majored in english, 54 members of this commission that was created to look at where the emphasis ought to be 54 members of the commission all had
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liberal arts educations, so you are right, it is a push pull. and i guess the answer is we ought to be investing more in education, and let kids choose which path they want to take. >> that's true. would you like to have people who have that sort of liberal arts creativity or people who sit in labs and create things and innovate problems? the answer i think is both. >> bill: i didn't mean to debunk the science, but it's important to have both. >> yeah, i did some research during the break about how nitrogen is the most voluminous gas -- nitro again 78% of our
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atmosphere, then oxygen then argon with .93%, and carbon dioxide picks up the caboose with .038%. and this is a very potent greenhouse gas, so we don't want more than we need. but it's nitrogen by far. >> bill: i'm just really puzzled by that in the sense that you didn't live, breathe -- without oxygen you are dead. but what about without nitrogen? >> we couldn't live without nitrogen either. >> bill: and nobody talks about that. when you are in a plane, the mask will drop so you can get oxygen. they have oxygen bars in las vegas .
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i have never seen a nitrogen bar. >> nitrogen we breathe in a lot also, but there is so much out there, we're not at risk of getting too much. but it is pretty central to everything we do, so it's not going anywhere. >> bill: you can follow dan stone on national geographic on twitter. i love your twitter handle handlehandle handle @natgeodan. thanks for getting up early for us. i'm not as dumb as science as i thought. >> thank you, sir. >> bill: thank you, dan. we'll see you again soon. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and
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pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me
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all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. ♪
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>> announcer: taking your emails on any topic at anytime. this is the "bill press show," live on your radio, and current tv. >> bill: legal beagle avery friedman at the top of the next hour here on the "full court press" this friday morning. here is another science question from wane b. how old is the earth 6 gazillion, 6 days old, 6,000 days old, or it doesn't matter because jesus comes back next week. [ laughter ] >> bill: if you circulated that in the republican house of representatives, i know which one would win. jesus is coming back next week.
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all right. and we're coming back with two more hours of the "full court press" friday morning.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: good morning, good morning, good morning. it is friday, friday june 21st, the first day of summer. great to see you here today on the "full court press," coming to you live from our nation's capitol, and bringing you the news of the day across the board, where it's happening. we're on top of it whether it's here in our nation's capitol, whether it's in any of the 50 states or any country on the
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planet, we'll tell you what is going on and find out from you what you think about it all. 866-55-press is our toll free number, or you can second us your comments on twitter twitter, @bpshow, or join us on facebook at facebook/billpressshow. and if you want to know what is wrong with washington how they have their priorities all as backwards just look at what hand yesterday. in the senate they introduced an amendment which would spend $30 billion to double the number of agents at the southern border. they are going to send 20,000 mortgage ents to the border 15 drones, and build 700 miles offense. that's going to cost $30 billion. how are they going to pay for it? in the house of representatives
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they took $30 billion out of the food stamp program. absurd. that and much more here on current tv. (vo) current tv gets the conversation started weekdays at 9 eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. (vo) sharp tongue. >>excuse me? (vo) quick wit. >> and yes, president obama does smell like cookies and freedom. (vo) and above all, opinion and attitude. >> really?! this is the kind of stuff they say about something they just pulled freshly from their [bleep]. >> you know what those people are like. >> what could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush? >> my producer just coughed up a hairball. >>sorry. >>just be grateful current tv doesn't come in "smell-o-vision" >> oh come on!
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the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo)only on current tv.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: first day of summer 2013. get ready. let's hit the beach. well, got a couple of more hours go yet. hey, good morning, everybody, what do you say? it is friday june 21st. great to see friday roll around and so glad that you have joined us here for this last "full court press" of the week as we
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take a look at the big stories of the week and what happens particularly yesterday here in our nation's capitol. that's where you will find us in washington, d.c., on capitol hill in our studio just down the street from our united states capitol building bringing you up to date on the stories of the day, and getting your comments on what it all means to you. give us a call at 866-55-press send us your comments on twitter, @bp show. peter ogburn is in mourning this morning. the spurs lost to the heat. the heat pulled it off. they came back from san antonio and everybody was saying the heat might win one game but nobody has ever won two games in a row in the final playoffs, da
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da, da. listen, you can't predict what is going to happen. they won it and ely -- lebron james the most valuable player. daniel henning -- >> please don't call me daniel. >> dan henning, and siprion bolling on the video cam. we are showing siprion, because we had some emails from people who were upset that we hadn't shown siprion for a few days. >> he is the best looking one of us. >> bill: i wouldn't say that. >> i would. >> bill: thanks a lot daniel. you know what happens in the
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summer, all of the shows go on rerun, including down at the white house. >> programming reminder from the white house, all scandals will be reruns. >> bill: and david letterman like the rest of us from the photo from the g8. lack of body chemistry between president obama and vladimir putin. you could see neither one wanted to be there. as david letterman pointed out it was awkward. >> show the picture of obama and putin. look at that. look at those guys. wow. this is like thanks giving with your relatives isn't it? except for the flag. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> yeah, see the problem there,
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they have nothing to say to one another, because they have been bugging each other's phones. they have nothing to talk about. [ applause ] >> what are they going to say? >> bill: had to get that dig in at the nsa. so we have got a lot to talk about, starting with the fact that they now have a jury in the george zimmerman trial and opening arguments on monday. what is that going to look like? avery friedman will be along here at the top of the hour, and we'll talk about some of the new emphasis on poverty from pope francis, and in the next hour we'll end the show taking a look at some of the best wines that you might want to serve or enjoy this summer. but first . . . >> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> overhead lines making us in
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the heat repeats. miami beat the san antonio spurs 95-88. lebron james put up a massive 37 points. that got him named the series mvp for the second consecutive year as well as them winning for the second consecutive year. impressive game throughout the point lead was never greater than 7 points. miami was up by just one at the start of the fourth quarter. >> bill: lebron james, man, he has really come through. made the right move. >> big time. snooki hopes to be a mom to a gay child some day. she is a big supporter of the lbgt community and attended a fund raiser for the trevor project, and she said she is so grateful for the project. because, quote, i'm praying i have a gay little boy one day.
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>> bill: did she realize you can't decide whether your kid is going to -- >> right. but she wants one. she wants one. and happy birthday to senator dianne feinstein. >> bill: tomorrow. >> the california democrat turns 80 tomorrow. she does not have any big plans this weekend, that she knows of at least. happy birthday. >> bill: i have been to previous birthday parties for dianne feinstein. so i haven't been invited to this one if there is one. boy, everywhere you look there are fascinating legal questions these days. can we really legally extradite
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edward snowden from hong kong or will he be able to hide out there forever? what is going on with all of the professional hit men in boston. but the biggest story comes out of florida where yesterday we learned that they have now seat adjurery in the george zimmerman case. and avery joining us on the line this morning. how are you? >> hey, bill, how are you doing? why weren't you invited to senator feinstein's birthday party. >> bill: since i wasn't invited i have to assume there isn't one. >> okay. >> bill: this jury how do they get away with only six people on the jury. >> yeah that's quirky about florida. this jury was selected less than
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24 hours ago and there are pundits out there many of whom have never been in a courtroom, bill, have no idea -- and at least there won't be a hung jury. >> bill: oh, god. because they are alluding to the fact that there are six -- all women. >> yeah. >> bill: that's pretty unusual, isn't it all men or all women? >> yeah, i have had that before. pundits are out there saying if it is all female this is how you have to appreciate. and the george zimmerman team has a defense advisor sitting through it. but the stereo types that people make about women and how women are approached the stereo types don't work in the courtroom.
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>> bill: i think it's insulting to assume that women will respond differently to the evidence than men would. >> the difficulty in analyzing some of this is judge debra nelson who has been a wonderful judge -- i think she has been pretty good, has not told us a whole heck of a lot about the jurors. i think education would be a more important criteria and formula in trying to understand this jury, rather than the gender of the people sitting there. >> bill: yeah. >> and we don't know that. >> bill: you say that but i did see one story this morning -- usa today has a story -- it doesn't identify them by name but it does say the jury of six -- i'll read it a little bit, b-29 is a young women of color. b-76 is a middle-aged white
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woman with short hair and glasses -- it has a paragraph on each of these jurors. i have never seen that before. >> well you often have access to the jurors. but what difference does it make over the fact that she is wearing glasses or has short hair? how does that go into figuring this thing out? >> bill: this is all televised, isn't it? >> yeah, well, to the extent that we're going to see what is going on. you are not going to see those jurors, though. >> bill: oh, okay. >> even from the beginning, i think in the george zimmerman case, bill the greatest outrage will have nothing to do with the trial, and that is it took 44 days for an arrest after one man was dead, and that has nothing to do with the evidence here. >> bill: okay. that gets to my next question,
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really, which is monday opening arguments, so what do you expect in a brief summation to hear from the prosecution? will that be one of the issues that they raise and then from the defense. >> the prosecution is going to play it -- remember this is one step short from premedication -- >> bill: second degree murder. >> yeah, the original investigators, whether one believes they did a good or bad job, said this night be negligent homicide. you won't have the victim testifying orso there's one issue, reasonable doubt? will the defense be able to establish it? and i have to tell you bill this is going to be very difficult. >> bill: they had to prove that he had malicious intent?
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>> yeah, depraved mind that type of thing. george one could argue was looking for trouble. he was a cop wanna be, the judge has prohibited the defense from using statements like that monday morning in opening statements. >> bill: i think that was a big factor. the fact he was told to stay in the car and he didn't. he had a gun and he wasn't supposed to. >> that's a very very significant part. why did he get out of the car? the explanation is he got out of the car, because he needed to tell the cops what the name of the street was so they could get this particular suspect, and i'm not sure how you rebut that. >> bill: yeah, good luck with that. all right. we'll be watching and talking to you more about it. so edward snowden, there's a big legal issue. he went to hong kong.
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we have an extradition treaty with hong kong, but it's not automatic, is it? >> heck no. the united states has a treaty on extradition with italy, you really think amanda knox is going back there? it's not going to happen. and in extradition treaties there's profound expression -- and the reality is -- by the way we don't even know where snowden is. he has not been captured. we then face the issue of extradition. and in hong kong while there may be some effort to hold him temporarily, the likelihood of extradition is limited. >> stephanie: now we mourned the loss of james gandofinirk of the
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sopranos yesterday, but there is a show going on in boston that is bloodier than the sop plan knows, and it's the whitey bulger trial. have you ever seen anything like it? >> so much for the code of honor these days. but you know -- look this guy is 83 years old he claims to have murdered 40 people. the prosecution will tell you about 19 murders, and day after day after day you are hearing testimony about the impact on the victims, but his own admissions is very prevalent. the guy is what 83 years old? >> bill: yeah. >> at the end of the day, you are going to see some convictions, but for what? there is no death penalty in massachusetts. you might in some other jurisdictions, but right now we're focusing on massachusetts. at the end of the day, look for convictions, the reality is
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he'll spend the rest of his life in the penitentiary. >> bill: the one that got me murdered his best friend because whitey said he wanted him dead but he wouldn't lie to him. i would rather have somebody lie to me than shoot me in the back of the head. >> i never thought of it like that. that's true. [ laughter ] >> bill: wouldn't you? if you had a choice. >> the stories are so unbelievable. it really made the sop sop -- sopranos look like nothing. >> bill: i'm starting to regret i never went to law school avery, but we have friends like you we can turn to. >> i'm delighted to be here bill. >> bill: thanks, avery. >> pleasure. >> bill: talk to you. >> announcer: this is the "bill
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press show." ♪
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one
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party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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♪ >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: whether the catholic church is going to get back to focusing on poverty and poverty issues, and the poor that's what the pope seems to want to do, and what jesus did. we'll talk about that next. but first the house of representatives for the second year in a row failed to pass a farm bill a very strong farm
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bill with bipartisan support has passed the senate. they couldn't get the job done in the house mainly because the tea party republicans will only vote for a farm bill if it basically ends the food stamp program after the vote. nancy pelosi said yesterday these guys just don't know what they are doing. >> what is happening on the floor today was a demonstration of major amateur hour. >> bill: amateur hour on the floor, yes, with john boehner in charge, yes, indeed it is. claire mchas call got a call
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from hillary clinton. >> she did call me after this all happened the other day, and we had a great conversation. i'm not going to talk about what we said, but i think she has got a big decision to make and i think she is in the possess of making it, and the more people that are out there urging her to run. i think it will help grow the grassroots effort. it was interesting how this blew up yesterday, coming out publicly and stating the obvious that we all want her to run was an important thing to do right now. >> bill: yep. so she says i'm not going to wait until the midterm elections or until we know who the other candidates are, or until hillary clinton decides she is going to run or not i'm just going to endorse here anyway and hopefully that will help her make a decision. here we go it is the "full court press" on friday
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june 21st, this first day of summer. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the
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minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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♪ >> announcer: connect with the "bill press show" on twitter, follow us at @bpshow. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: here we go first day of summer june 21st. the "full court press" coming to you live from our nation's capitol, brought to you by the united steal workers, and their international president. north america's largest industrial union representing 1.2 million active and retired
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members. you can find out more about their good work at their website, so from the catholic bishops, most often it seems we here them talking about same-sex marriage and gay rights and abortion, and maybe a lot of us didn't know that they also have a very effective for a long time have a program to help the poor anti-poverty program here at the u.s. catholic bishops, but there are some conservative catholic organizations that don't even like what the bishops are nothing the poverty area. that report issued by the organization called faith in public life. their program director, john gehring joins us in studio to talk about that. good to see you. >> goods to be here. >> this calls this catholic
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mccarthyism. >> yeah, strong term. but it characterizes this level of fear. >> bill: this is news to me the u.s. catholic bishops that i am always going after because they are going after same-sex marriage and these other issues they do have a poverty program. >> they do. it started in 1969 to address the root causes of poverty. not just a charity organization but this is about addressing inequality. >> bill: looking at jobs and -- >> exactly. the issue has been of course conservatives don't love the idea of addressing the root causes of poverty, and so they have attacked the campaign as a
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den of socialism since at least 1970, and those attacks have increased since 2008 since obama was elected. >> bill: in chicago, i mean his -- from reading his book right, his work as a community organizer was really a faith-based operation. >> yeah. >> bill: he worked with catholic churches and non-catholic churches in that area on issues like -- >> exactly. and something lately that has happened that i found in my report -- which i have case studies of groups that have lost funding because of their association with organizations that support same-sex marriage not groups that directly advocate for same-sex marriage but just being in the same room
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or in a coalition with somebody that doesn't agree totally with the teaching, for example, they lost a $48,000 grant simply because they were part of a coalition. they lost their money. >> bill: they were a member of a coalition -- >> right. so the minnesota -- they lost $48,000 from the bishops on this. they were part of the minnesota council of nonprofits in a group called take action minnesota which works on a diverse range of social justice issues. as the name might imply it works on fighting factory farms, good ecology. they don't work on same-sex marriage. and the bishops gave them an ultimatum ultimatum, you will lose this grant if you don't resign from this group? and they said no because this help us become a more active
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partner with the farmers. so the bishops told them they had to quit because there was a marriage campaign they were pushing on. and they didn't want to work on that. they are empowering farmers. >> bill: who are these groups that are trying to derail, basically what the bishops are doing? >> the american life league is a $6 million a year organization. it's a grassroots pro life organization that has been attacking the bishops on this for years. they put out lengthy reports saying this is what these groups are doing. this is why they are anti-catholic. part of what i'm hoping in this report which has been endorsed by a number of bishops, and i
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hope this report can spark a dialogue to say wait a minute, what are we doing here? it doesn't make any sense to defund these groups. >> bill: who are these conservative organizations? you mentioned the american life league, but where is their funding coming from and where is their influence? >> that's a good question. >> bill: the koch brothers, i suspect again. >> i wasn't able to find the smoking gun, but these are well-funded groups and they have an agenda and i think the problem here is this is part of an effort to rebrand catholic identity just to be about the hot button cultural issues. we have pope francis who is putting the gospel and outreach to the poor at the center of the church and i think that's what most catholics want.
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>> bill: i remember the late great tim rusert said you are a sermon on the mount catholic, aren't you? i said i hadn't thought about it that way, but yeah. >> exactly. >> bill: that does differentiate two branches of catholicism today. pope francis is clearly a sermon on mount -- >> yes. i would say francis is trying to bring the church back to its simple gospel essence. he has talked about the need to reach out to the world which was part of the vatican two
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call. so he is getting rave reviews from catholics and non-catholics. >> bill: will he be successful in redirecting, if you will the focus of the church to what the gospels were all about, rather than the social agenda? you hear some of these catholic bishops -- they might as well be pat buchanan. >> right. i think time will tell -- he has only been pope for a hyundais but he is off to a pretty good start, and this is a pope who understands that symbolism is substance. he has refused to move into the lavish apartments. he wears much simpler clothing. benedict liked the prada and the frill outfits, so i think taking the name francis is really roots
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himself in the simplicity of the gospel, which is inspiring. >> bill: are the american bishops getting the message? >> time will tell. some are calling it the francis effect. there are over 100 bishops, are some moderates who i think see the need to bring the church back into the forefront of social justice problems but that's going to take a long time, i think. >> bill: the latest issue, for example, on obamacare, i mean their position still is contraception should not be part of any health insurance -- >> and this is the second summer they have done a fight for freedom. i think most catholics are sympathetic that the church speaks out on these issues, but the way they have gone after the
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administration for being anti-catholic is so over the top. and many faithful catholics are like, what is going on here? this is not the catholicism we know, that inspires so many. the sermon on the mount catholics that you are talking about, which should be the image of the church in society. >> bill: yeah. we can go down the list. so the focus of the catholic church isn't going to get back on the basics back on what jesus talked about, back on the gas pells, francis seems to be moving in that direction, but there are some catholic organizations that are trying to undermine any attempt of the catholic bishops to do that. your questions and calls welcome here at 866-55-press.% it's the "full court press" on a friday morning, june 21 first
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day of summer. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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>> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. (vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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♪ >> announcer: this is the "full court press," the "bill press show," live on your radio, and on current tv. >> bill: thirteen minutes before the top of the hour. so with the new pope getting back on track to serve the poor. that's what we're talking about with john gehring, director of a great organization called faith
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in public life. this article about identity theft caught my attention. the university of massachusetts has informed nearly 1700 individuals that all of their private information, including their social security date of birth, et cetera, might have been released out into the atmosphere because a computer workstation broke down through a -- an virus as they call it making all of that information available to everyone to pick it up. sounds like it's ripe for identity theft for me, and that's why it is important toe be protected against it as i am with lifelock ultimate. but of course, lifelock services can't protect you or your bank account if you are not a member. visit and enter any the promo code press 10 or give
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them a call and mention press 10 and get 10% off your lifelock ultimate membership. call 1-800-356-5967 for lifelock ultimate. john you are the author of this report, where can people read it? get a copy of it? >> it's on our blog. >> bill: right. i was impressed to see that one former bishop, archbishop from houston signed your report endorsed your report supported your report, and here is what he said about it. quote, at a time when poverty is growing and people are hurting, we should not withdraw from our
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commitment to helping the poor. catholic identity is far broader than opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage. catholic identity is a commitment to living the gospel as jesus proclaimed it and this must include a commitment to those in poverty. i mean bingo, right? >> amen exactly. >> bill: aren't more bishops saying that? >> i wish we did have more bishops like that. i think there has been a generational shift. you have some younger bishops who -- for them same-sex marriage and abortion are the only issues when it comes to catholic teaching, and that's not aligned with centuries of church teaching on immigrant rights, labor rights, peace, all kinds of stuff. it's sad to see. and my hope is that francis will
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inspire some bishops here to be more sermon on the mount bishops. >> bill: yeah, most of the time you hear them speak openly on any issue. it's abortion contraception, and same-sex marriage. >> look, francis is going to talk about that stuff too, but he doesn't emphasize it. >> bill: that's what i mean. >> there is a way to put the gospel at the center of your ministry, and that's something that i think is refreshing for a lot of catholics and non-catholics as well. >> bill: are faith leaders and catholic organizations involved today in any of the kind of cutting edge issues like immigration reform for example? that has always been -- roger mahoney as bad as he was on the priest abuse thing, on immigration reform he was always in the forefront.
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>> right. and catholic bishops are very good on immigration reform too. and other groups are doing important work also holding catholic members of congress who aren't supporting immigration reform like john boehner to do the right thing, and listen to your church tradition on these issues. so we have to give them credit on issues like economic justice and -- and immigration, where i think they could be emphasizing it more but they do have good positions. >> bill: is there any effort here in washington among faith-based groups to organize so that you have a lobby on some issues. i'm thinking of another one climate change. look at genesis, right? our responsibility to care for this planet. a stewardship, if you believe the bible, it's in the bible.
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>> and pope francis took that name in part because st. francis was one of our first environmental activists. but, yes sometimes it doesn't get as much attention as we would like to see it. so we need to do more. but the more they can talk about these issues in the publish square and media, that will help push the agenda. >> bill: i think it's so important that organizations like yours be there to keep the focus where it belongs, and serve as a counter balance to what we hear too often from the american catholic bishops on the -- the u.s. conference of catholic bishops. john gehring is the catholic program director at faith in
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public life. john thank you for coming in. >> thank you for having me. >> bill: see you again soon, bill press show back to tell you what the president is up to today. >> announcer: heard around the country, and seen on current tv this is the "bill press show." ♪
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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>> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> and current will let me say anything. >> only on current tv. ♪ announce this is the "bill press show." >> bill: all right president obama came back from the g8 and from his big speech in germany. yesterday was his day off, today he is back on track.
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the president getting the daily briefing this morning at 10:45 then he'll be meeting with his senior advisors and then a big public personnel appointment at 2:00 this afternoon. the president will officially be naming james combmy as the next director of the fbi. jay carney will be back in action as well with his briefing today at 12:45. i'll be down there for both of those events. tweet out some pictures and comments. don't forget to follow us at at @bpshow. in the next hour we'll talk about the latest on immigration reform, and then we will kick back and share our ideas for the best wines of summer. how is that? right here on the "full court
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press" wine press. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: hey, good morning, friends and neighbors. happy summer. it's a the first day of summer june 21st, and welcome to the "full court press." we are live in our nation's capitol. we're right here on capitol hill where lots of fun and games were being played yesterday. we'll tell you all about it, tell you what is happening around the country and the globe, and give you a chance to tell us what you think about it
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all. i hope you know by now how to do that on the phone, at 866-55-press, on twitter twitter @bpshow, and on facebook at facebook/billpressshow, and if you want to know what is wrong with washington, just look about this clown act here yesterday. okay. so in the senate they introduced an amendment in order to round up some more republican votes to the immigration reform bill which will double the number of agents at the border build 700 miles offense, and 15 drones down to the border and spend $30 billion securing a border, which is already more secure than it has ever been, ever ever, ever ever under any president. meanwhile talk about $30 billion to send mortgage ebts to the border, and the house of representatives voted to cut $30 billion out of the food stamp program. so steal from the poor send
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mortgage -- more agents to the border. throw the bums out. that and more right here on current tv. at 9 eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. (vo) sharp tongue. >>excuse me? (vo) quick wit. >> and yes, president obama does smell like cookies and freedom. (vo) and above all, opinion and attitude. >> really?! this is the kind of stuff they say about something they just pulled freshly from their [bleep]. >> you know what those people are like. >> what could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush? >> my producer just coughed up a hairball. >>sorry. >>just be grateful current tv >> oh come on!
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the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo)only on current tv.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. [♪ theme music ♪] >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation on your radio, and on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> bill: first day of summer, 2013, how about it? let's go to the beach. one more hour to go and then we can go to the beach. good morning, everybody, it is friday june 21st. great to see you here on the "full court press." good to have you with us as we go in to the weekend, but not before we bring you up to date on all of the news of the day.
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that's what we do here on the "full court press" coming to you live coast-to-coast. lucky you have got a progressive talk radio station to get you through the day and coming to you live from current tv. you can join the conversation at anytime. give us at call at 866-55-press. send us your comments on twitter @bpshow. and join us on facebook at facebook/billpressshow. the house of representatives yesterday -- pardon me -- still fighting this sore throat -- rejecting a farm bill and the senate considering immigration reform and faced with a blockbuster new amendment yesterday that they say will line up a lot more republican votes. we'll start off the top of the hour talk about those two
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issues, with a congressional reporter from political, making her second appearance here on the "full court press." good to see you again. >> good to be here. >> peter ogburn is off mourning the loss of the spurs last night. poor peter. what a week not to be here. i guess he's glad not to be here this week. >> yeah after such a loss. >> bill: dan henning is here with alicia cruz on the phones, and siprion bolling here on the video cams. so one of the big issues, of course, still out there is gun safety, and we know joe manchin was able to put together this little -- with pat toomey from pennsylvania -- this compromise on background checks. leading democrat leading
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republican, they thought they had it together. it didn't pass. and now the nra is going after joe manchin who is a big gun guy. >> he is the guy who shot obama's copy of the climate bill with a big gun. >> bill: that was a campaigned a. >> uh-huh. >> bill: now the nra is going after him. and he is a tough guy, and he is fighting back. listen to this. >> i'm joe manchin and i approve this message. i'm a lifetime nra member but i don't walk in lock step with washington the nra, west virginia you know me. i think most law-abiding gun owners agree with me.
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call the nra and tell them to support criminal background checks. >> bill: don't mess with joe, huh? >> exactly. and he is not up for reelection until 2018, years away. he is already having to shore up his support back home by releasing this ad. >> bill: it is also i think sending the nra a message. >> exactly saying look there has to be a middle ground. unfortunately i don't -- for people who are pushing for this i don't think that it would -- the background check issue is going to come up in the senate any time soon. >> bill: it may not, but i love the fact that he is not just rolling over. and former governor senator, very popular, all through this ad, by the way, we couldn't show you the video, he is standing in the field with his hunting
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rifle. >> uh-huh. >> bill: so no doubt about where he is on this issue. >> exactly. >> bill: so we'll get into that and for the second half hour we'll bring in john genderson who is the coowner of schnyders right here on capitol hill who will introduce us to some of the fine wines for this summer. but first. >> checking overhead lines the heat repeat. miami, beat the san antonio spurs 95-88, another close game for game seven of the nba finals last night. lee bron james put up 37 points. he was named the series mvp for the second year in a row. the point lead was never greater than seven points. miami was up just one at the
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start of the fourth quarter. but it was miami that did prevail. >> bill: two in a row, two years in a row and two games in a row to punch it. >> got to hand it to the spurs, though, they played an impressive seven games. >> bill: yeah, but they lost. >> they did. in insta gam will soon let its users start-up loading short videos to compete with vine. on vine, it will let you up load 6-second videos, instagram will let you up load 15-second videos. howard kurz is jumping from cnn to anchor a fox news program.
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he was tired from inaccurate reporting from "the daily beast," and he is also writing a column for fox's website. >> bill: okay. good luck in the new job. there was a lot of activity on capitol yesterday. i wanted to talk to you particularly about immigration. before we get into it, the house of representatives for the second year in a row, faced with the challenge of passing a farm bill. it used to be the farm bill was automatic. okay. america's farmers need support, and it always went through. just like transportation bills. and the house failed to pass a farm bill yesterday. >> they did, and it was a surprise to see, and embarrassing for the house republican leadership speaker boehner and leader cantor.
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it's interesting because immediately after the vote came -- the blame game started. republicans were saying, look, democrats promised us 40 votes. that would have put it over the line -- however, if you are the republican leadership -- >> bill: yeah, they are in charge. >> exactly. there were fights over some controversial amendments democrats say that's what lead them to withdraw their support. but i think there is no doubt that there is another significant defeat for speaker boehner. >> bill: and for eric cantor, because you say both of which were pushing it, and it's a victory for the tea partiers because they felt it gave too much money -- even though they slashed food stamps
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significantly by $20 billion, i think, they wanted more cuts in food stamps. so they cut the food stamp funding more which meant that some of the democrats just said wait a minute, you reneged on your deal this is too far for us, so here we are left for the second year in a row without a farm bill. it's another one of those issues that everything is upside down. it's the senate that is getting things done. >> exactly. yesterday it was bragging a little bit about what happened on immigration. >> bill: yeah, but relatively speaking they have been getting done more in the house. let's talk about immigration reform. the deal is, the gang of eight get the bill on the floor, and
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now there are all of these amendments, and yesterday, this amendment that the jeff -- no it's -- >> john hogan and bob corker. >> bill: right. the amendment on more border security. why? >> this is -- i mean they had to strike some sort of balance put -- between giving more border security to satisfy republicans, especially those republicans who are on the fence about the bill but also making sure you don't throw any obstacles in that pathway to citizenship. and until the last couple of days it was really difficult to bridge that gap, and then they figured throwing more resources at the border -- >> bill: so what would this amendment do? >> double the current force of the border patrol agents so add
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20,000 border patrol agents over the next ten years. it would finish the 700-mile fencing along the border, and drones -- all of this electronics upgrade is going to cost about $3.2 billion so whatever leads to that amount. but they don't go as far as some senator wanted like the plan from senator cornen in terms of the stricter triggers. >> bill: and a cost of about $30 billion, right? >> it will be north of $30 billion over ten years. >> bill: dan, if we can, senator jeff flaik, one of the gang of eight, right? we explained why they thought this amendment was so important. >> we have had enough republicans to pass the bill but we want it to be
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overwhelming, and in order to do that, you have to have a bill that is strong on some of the elements that republicans find important, particularly border security. >> bill: all right. so this is a new concept. i have enough votes to get the bill passed but i want a overwhelming number of votes so i'm going to make the bill worse. >> well, they want to make sure as many senator -- >> bill: but why 70 or 80 votes? >> i think they still believe if you pass the bill with an overwhelming margin, not just 60 or 61 but all the way to 70 or 80, it will put pressure on the house, maybe not necessarily to act on the specific bill but to
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act on immigration reform. and as you saw yesterday with the farm bill, they are going to need some sort of pressure to get at least something on their part done. >> bill: let's start with some facts. okay? the fact is there are mortgage enths at the border than there ever been before. >> uh-huh. >> bill: fewer people coming across than -- i wouldn't say ever, but certainly in the last 25 or 30 years. there are more people being deported than ever. >> that's right. >> bill: so the flow across the border these days is going south, it isn't coming north, right? >> uh-huh. >> bill: and you already have how many miles offense, and there has never been one terrorist coming across the
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border. lindsey graham said this means there is going to be one agent, every 1,000 feet. it will be like a line at the movie theater. [overlapping speakers] >> bill: a human fence. why? republicans are saying if you want our votes you have got to spend more money and hire more public employees. isn't that sort of ass backwards for republicans? public employees are great, but republicans hate them. >> that argument has been made that how can you throw more money, more public employees -- this seems like a significant stimulus activity which democrats would normally
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like. but it's saying we have boosted up border security -- >> bill: i just think they look like fools. in the same day they take $30 billion, which they just -- i guess i can say this piss away at the border and then they cut $30 billion out of food stamps. how can you keep your sanity and cover these clowns? [ laughter ] >> they -- it keeps me on my toes. i'll just say that. >> bill: very political answer. i'm glad you got the job, not me. what do you think of what is going on? 20,000 mortgage -- more agents on the border. we'll be right back. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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>> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over.
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cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv! ♪
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>> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: all right. twenty six minutes after the hour. it is official kim kardashian and kanye west have named their baby north. >> northwest. >> it's amazing. >> bill: summer wines coming up in the next segment. right now we're whining about what the senate did yesterday -- well, they haven't done it yet. when are they going to vote on this amendment. >> we're expecting a release sometime today. i think a vote sometime early next week, but unclear right now. >> bill: not today. >> not today. >> bill: even senator corker said yesterday it's probably overkill. >> uh-huh. >> bill: when the author of the
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amendment calls it overkill it is pretty bad. >> yeah. >> bill: let's say a quick hello to gilligan from phoenix, arizona. >> caller: it's jillian. >> obama: i'm sorry. go ahead. >> caller: i have lived in phoenix for 40-some years, and this nuts. cork corker was right on this one. i mean it just -- we have not had the influx of immigrants since arpaio was a nut case here too. we have got some really craze see people down here. people have fled from this state. they just don't want to be here. >> bill: you are right. the flow across the border now
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is from north to south, not the other way. >> caller: absolutely. and the crux of this is people want to sequester everything. >> bill: yeah, that's insane. it looks like this is the way it is going to go. >> most likely. people are saying this compromise could bring as many as 15 republicans on board. democrats don't think they will lose anyone because of this. they might bring on the red state democrats likechin and maybe mark pryor. >> bill: yeah. this is a problem, and they have to muck it up. thank you for coming in. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ to the fire.
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are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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♪ >> announcer: get social with bill press like us at facebook/billpressshow. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: here we go thirty-three minutes after the hour, on a friday morning the first day of summer. quick story, last week a very good friend of ours was in town from santa fe new mexico the best political cartoonist in the country, pat olefant, and carol and i gave a little party for pat at our house here on capitol hill on wednesday night, pat and his wife susan conway and of course the question was what wine are we going to serve? well i did what i always do.
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i got in the car and drove about four blocks from our house to what i consider the best wine store in the entire country, it is schnyders, located here on capitol hill, it is a great institution. i said here is what i'm going to do, what do you suggest? got my recommendations and walked out with a case and a half of fine wines. john is a co-owner and he is in studio with us this morning. >> good morning. >> bill: i love the store, really, you guys -- i don't know whether you remember, but you have served me before and everybody there i find it doesn't matter they know their wines and can just match the wine with what you are going to serve or what the event is, and that's what it is all about. so we're talking about wines for
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summer. summer, you don't necessarily have to drink beer and soft drinks, right? >> exactly. we have a lot of really nice wines that work with the dishes. and i brought four of them to show you. >> bill: am i wrong in thinking that summer is more a time for white wine than red wine. >> you can drink more white wine in the summer, but there is still a lot of things you can do with red wines in the summer. there are a lot of lighter reds that will go with a wide array of foods. >> bill: i have a feeling today, we're getting wines -- i'm from california, okay. so for me, wine is -- i'm very prejudice, nap pa valley
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sonoma, maybe even down to santa barbara, but we're getting wines from all over the world now. spain, france, australia -- >> south america. very big. yes, because of technology and information with the internet, ease of travel wine maker's information is going all over. >> bill: up in northeast. ithaca, new york the finger lakes up there. >> yeah, the finger lakes they have been taking great reislngs up there. >> rhode island, everywhere. >> exactly. all right. so start i brought a very interesting wine it's called a modao, it's a very light crisp
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white. it is very inexpensive, and sells for $14 a bottle. >> bill: gadao? >> that's the name of the variety -- >> bill: i have never heard of it before. >> g-o-d-o-l-l-o. >> yes, that's the grape variety. >> bill: not too much. >> that's why i have baukt. >> at 8:30 in the morning, you don't want to drink too much. >> bill: this is like sideways, right? wasn't that the movie? >> yes, it was. john, what are we looking for in this wine. >> i like to see what the wine is telling me. so when you stick your nose in
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the glass, you get a huge burst of fruit. you want to swirl the glass and it air -- airates the wine so release the bouquet. >> that's very nice. >> no oak super young and fresh. great wine to drink by itself, but there is a lot of food this would go really, really well with. >> back porch, warm day, this is perfect. this is awesome. >> bill: go with seafood? >> yes, it would work very well, especially lighter seafood,
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muscles, clams. with krab andcrab and lobster i will go with the second wine. >> all right. that's good. we're using the same glass and why is that? >> i'm glad you asked that question. if a tasting is prepared properly you are going from lighter wine to heavier wine. the heavier wine will remove any flavors from the lighter wine you served before. there are always exceptions to every rule, but generally you never want to rinse your glass. the water will have more off flavors than the wine you served before. and waters down the next wine. >> bill: okay. makes sense. pardon me. i was checking -- you can find out -- sorry -- it's my sore throat, not the wine. is the website. >> yes and we list almost all of the wines we carry on that
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site. we have a huge selection. we have all of the rare wines going bag to the 1900 vintages so if you are looking for a birthday, that is our specialty. >> bill: all right. >> next is a white burgundy. they have the oldest continually operating winery in the town of bone, which is the center of burgundy. this is a 2010 which was a great, great year in burgundy. this sees a small amount of oak, none of it new. it's also -- both of these white wines we have had so far are screw cap finished. which is my favorite closure.
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>> bill: no kidding. >> i love this richness of this, i'm not normally a chardonnay drinker. but this i'm taking home. >> this is so different than chardonnay from burgundy. in burgundy they don't make chardonnay, they make burgonia but the taste of place is so different, it's a totally different wine. >> bill: this is excellent. >> it's very crisp. so here you have enough richness to go beautifully with lobster, crab, rock fish. >> bill: great. i'm in so i'm -- i'm very curious having spent a good time in france and good time in
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provance, that i see you have a rose. >> we do. it's got -- well let's taste it. >> bill: yeah, let's taste it. >> it has beautiful fruit. the roses from this location tend to be very, very light in color, as opposed to american roses. but a bone-dry finish. so this also will go very well with seafood. it's a great wine to sit on the beach and drink. >> i love that. all of these will be listed on our website. >> bill: and -- >> this is a $20 wine that
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we -- because the direct import ours, we sell it for $15. and the chardonnay is $25, which is very reasonable for me for that quality of a white wine. >> bill: what a way to start the day. happy summer. i'm curious about the red now, because i don't drink a lot of red wine in the summer at all. and this is? >> i had a choice of what to do with red. i settled on a span gnash gnash -- spanish granache. it has a big, big intensity. beautiful, beautiful fruit qualities. very full body. but the wine sees very very little oak. there is a slight amount of oak
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but -- that sounded good -- there is a slight amount of oak, but this wine is all about the fruit and richness. >> bill: and this is the same thing you do? >> exactly swirling to release that bouquet. and this intensity of fruit, it's really lush deep fruit. >> bill: oh, wow. you can really taste the fruit in it. >> and it's perfect with grilled dish. a steak it might stand up to a steak, but that's one of the only things you do with your nap nappa valley chardonnay. but it will go with ribs. >> i was just about to say ribs.
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>> bill: we apologize for all of our listeners and viewers on the west coast that we don't have any wines from california, oregon, or italy, but we're just happening just a little tip of the iceberg here. >> i can come back tomorrow. >> bill: next week. ever day. if you can't get to the capitol is where you can check out that selection every day. john it is great being a customer of yours, and especially great to have you here in studio. happy summer. cheers. >> cheers. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now.
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>> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. ♪
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>> announcer: this is the "full court press," the "bill press show," live on your radio, and on current tv. >> bill: all right. now this wine is sun tea. >> come on. >> bill: i'll tell you how to make that one. here we go good morning, everybody. welcome back. it is the "full court press." we're wrapping up here after the wines of summer, we come to a friday. ♪ >> on friday we look back at our five favorite sound clips of the week. david letterman says what? the germans are criticizing us for spying on phone records. >> i love this germany is mad at the united states because of the nsa eves dropping.
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let's do that again. germany is mad at the united states for the nsa eves dropping. this, ladies and gentlemen, from the country that gave us the gastopo. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> bill: that shows how bad the nsa mess really is. in the house of representatives michael burgess who is a member of congress believe it or not, republican, of course, from texas says here is another reason we should never allow anybody to have an abortion because fetuses as young as 12 weeks old, are masturbating in the womb. >> watch a sona graham of a 15-week old baby if they are a male baby they have their hands
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between their legs. they feel pleasure. why is it hard to believe they peel pain? >> bill: yes, ladies and gentlemen, he is a member of congress. gary bentavoli, republican from michigan. he was presiding over the house, and wanted to call on the representative from american samoa, the problem is he wouldn't pronounce samoa. >> number three. >> the chair recognizes the gentlemen from american somolia, mr. -- [ inaudible ]. >> thank you mr. speaker it's american samoa. >> there it is. >> bill: dumbbell and last night it was game number seven, and the heat came through, winning two years in a row.
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here is the final call on espn. >> announcer: number two. >> the clock says four the clock says three, back-to-back, they have done it again. miami heat the nba champions again. the miami heat have won the 2013 nba title. >> bill: lebron james scoring 37 points and picking up the most valuable player award. and chris christie from new jersey asked by a group of school kids, what are your favorite sports teams? he mentioned basketball and then he mentioned baseball and then he got to -- he gets to football, and he gets in trouble. >> the last answer is one of the things that gets all of my political advisors nervous. so get ready for a nervous moment for them. they are going to get nervous
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now, because my favorite football team is not the new york giants, it -- it's not the new york jets. and it's not the philadelphia eagles. >> bill: no? >> no. get ready now, my favorite football team are the dallas cowboys. ♪ >> bill: if you are from new jersey and running for reelection you have got to be ahead of in the polls to say your favorite football team is the dallas cowboys, and of course he is, and that's why he got away with it. and bilei'll be back with the parting shot. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show," live on your radio, and current tv. ♪
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minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
5:55 am
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(vo) current tv gets the converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> only on current tv. ♪
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>> announcer: the parting shot with bill press. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: well, you know, this was a busy news week, we had arms to syria, obama at the g8, nba playoffs but for me the one that left the biggest impression was news out of detroit that ford motors now says self driven cars will soon be here. ford reports its cars with accelerate, turn corners, and even stop if a pedestrian gets in the way. i don't know about you but i find this really scary. think of all of the things you have to worry about when driving
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your car. the car in front of you coming to a sudden stop some idiot running a traffic light, a construction zone where you have to slow down. the list is endless, and you are going to really trust a robot to figure all of that out and react automatically? not i. i have beater idea. if you are too lazy to drive yourself, take a bus take a cab, take the train, walk you lazy bum, but don't get in any car driven by a robot. that's my parting shot and best advice for the weekend. have a great weekend, folks julie mason will be here with us on monday. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. happy friday everybody, current tv land. jacki schechner. >> good morning, i have practical advise. >> stephanie: yes, please. >> if you are going to put your spinning shoes in the washing machine, make sure it is on the right cycle. because if you don't, you sled -- destroy your shoes and


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