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tv   Viewpoint  Current  July 3, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> cenk: okay, more reason to see it. we have more about egypt on the young where you can catch more of this show. have a great night. "viewpoint" is next. bye bye. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> john: happy fourth of july, egypt has forced its president to resign his office, and here in america republicans are saying, you can do that? now in if you think that edward snowden is a traitor he's stuck indefinitely in a foreign airport, and he may never be allowed to enter america again he may have to live in texas. and the committee to elect hillary clinton in 2016 has been formed, and so far it consists of rick perry marco rubio ted cruz and rand paul. today is the bit of george m
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co-than p tom cruise, and glory gloria allred whose birthday president is that i'm mention herring name on television and showing her picture. this is "viewpoint." [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> john: good evening i'm john fugelsang. this is "viewpoint." thank you so much for joining us this evening. egypt, a year-long experiment with democracy came to an an abrupt end. thousands of celebrated in could i roar's tahrir's square that deposed morsi. many are been demanding morsi's ouster and a new government.
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now morsi who won the election with a round 52% of the vote broadcast a passionate speech insisting his government was legitimate and warning of violence if he was removed. but tonight egypt heard instead of defense minister, and the general insisted that the military had a removed morsi not that it south power for itself but wanted confidence and stability for the people. they announced a road map for the country that included suspending the constitution, making the supreme discussion that will court chief as acting president, and for his part morsi intested he was still president, called the military action a coup. president obama said he was deeply concerned and called on egypt's military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible
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and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of president morsi and his supporters. however, 300 muslim brotherhood supporters are said to have been arrested including some of the groups' leaders and president mercy. the military has closed several television stations where the staff was reportedly arrested on air. violence has been reported both today and last night when 18 people were killed and more than 300 injured in fighting between morsi's islamist supporters and opposition in the streets near cairo university. now i'm very pleased to be joined by ryan crocker kissinger senior fellow at yale's jackson institute for global affairs, and former ambassador to lebanon, kuwait syria, pakistan, and iraq and most recently afghanistan. and by pj crowly professor at george washington university and former assistant secretary of state for public affairs for
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president obama and former special assistant to president clinton for national security affairs. i will not be comparing my resumé to either of your resumé resumés. good evening. >> good evening. >> morsi government lasted just a year in power. what were his biggest mistakes, and are you surprised that they were enough to force a rapid fall. >> i'm not surprised. two years ago when we saw the arab spring we understood that as egypt moved towards democracy it was not going to be a straight line. there were going to be steps forward, steps backwards, no one knows more than ryan crocker about how hard it is to take countries that didn't grow up in democracy, and still fill institutions and expectations with these kinds of expectation expectations. >> john: indeed. let's go to ambassador crocker. why did the military step in,
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and was this coup a continuation of past conflicts between jilt military and security forces and the muslim brotherhood. >> there were periods of civil unrest. the widespread rioting in a number of egyptian cities. the army did not move then. i think general el -sisi did it with reluctance, and president obama had it right. it's very important now for the military to maintain order be calm, observe rule of law and move swiftly for the elections. >> john: were you surprise that this administration lasted only a year? >> actually i wasn't. it lasted longer than i really thought. i thought when the riots took place during the winter, that
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that was probably going to be it. they rode through that because of the restraints of the army, but clearly it's a new face now and we'll have to wait and see where it goes. >> john: pg, did president morsi really control egypt? he clearly didn't have the support of the military, and what about the police and the other security services? >> obviously he was dually elected, but we have seen that there were more people who signed the petition to remove him than actually voted for him a year ago. i think it's important to understand that while he was dually elected he was not governing as we would describe as dumbcally. he was operating under a constitution written by a narrow
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conconstituentcy for a narrow constituency. now can egypt follow through with this road map and through critical steps create a democracy that is more inclusive inclusive, a democracy that is better at protecting the interests of minorities, and one of the challenges here is for those who were in tahrir square and wanted the change over, they came together because of what their opposed to. they're opposed to morsi. they now have to show that not only can they unify behind a revised egyptian democracy, but through the expects through as long as this process will be. >> john: would you say that they have rejected an islamic
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government is that an indication that they're ready for a less draconian democratically elected theocracy? >> i think there is a mindset and ryan crocker experienced the similar mindset in iraq. they're operating and a zero-sum calculation than they are a positive-sum calculation. they don't necessarily how to compromise. they don't necessarily know how to have an inclusive tent, including with people they are uncomfortable with. you have an opposition, are they going to try to move to minimize the impact that the muslim brotherhood can have. the muslim brotherhood have a right to compete again and hopefully learn from the mistakes they made in the past year. if an inclusive tolerant society emerges from this, then it's an advance. if it's replacing one political constituency with another then egypt will continue to be
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challenged. >> john: ambassador crocker, do you agree we'll be back discussing another presidential overthrow a year from now? >> anything is possible in that part of the world. p.j. is right, democracy is not easy particularly in countries that don't have a background in it. we had our own challenges building our own democracy goodness knows and it's still a work in progress. anything can happen out there. it's going to be a rough uneven road. i guess again hope that general sis, who i think has acted with restraint, does move to set the date for the new election, and then as p.j. says, it's up to the political parties. there is a zero-sum mentality that's absolutely correct. when you look at organizations like the muslim brothers, like
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the dowa party in iraq that were suppressed oppressed driven underground, it doesn't create an atmosphere of willingness to compromise because compromise can be fatal. >> john: indeed. p.j. i want to go back and talk about the muslim brotherhood. they are persecuted for decades. one that had specifically sworn off violence. now clashes are reported with least six killed. do you expect more violence going forward? >> i certainly think in the coming days, unfortunately we're going to see episodic violence. here's where the muslim brotherhood has to recognize its own self interest. it is a part of the egyptian political structure. it is probably the most organized element inside the
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egyptian political society. it still has advantages. if it works within this revised system, it can compete again learn from its mistakes, demonstrate not so much to the united states although that is important, too but primarily to those in tahrir squire that they square that can set it up. they have an opportunity if they seize it. >> john: what lessons do you expect president assad and his opposition to take from this comparecomparatively easy transfer of power. >> i think syria is very much operating under its own dynamic of violence. i don't see much relevance in egypt for syria. i think they'll continue to slug it out. if anything, assad will simply
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dig in harder. we'll see if the options are able to unify enough to actually oust him. right now i wouldn't bet against him. >> john: i think you may be sadly right. assad said morsi's fall of political islam. that's surprising. >> i don't put much stock in what assad said. he's focused on his own survival. he's very cunning. he has held his regime through two years of conflict. we have 100,000 dead and counting in syria. he may play to the wider audience but he's focused to the fight to the death in his own backyard. >> john: it's very much in the united states interest to keep the camp david peace accord
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alive and peace between egypt and israel. what is the likely impact of israel and the palestinians especially now that secretary kerry is trying to restart peace talks between them. will this impact that? >> first, let's talk about camp david. i have no concerns whatsoever about egypt's ongoing respect for those accords. they have no stronger proponents than the egyptian military. the military is running the show. that piece is solid. it's in its interest. it's in the interest of the egyptian military. we've seen any number of crises, dangerous, threats and that peace has held solid. through several other regional wars. that is not an issue. the impact that it will have on
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palestinian-israeli process is difficult to predict. i would like to think that this is a setback for hamas and it willitwill strengthen the political moderates. but again, we'll just have to see. you can't make a direct connection in these different countries or gauge with any real sense of appearance what the impact will be. >> john: what do you think president obama's next move should be? >> i think he said exactly the right thing. i think he'll want to view his diplomatic assets, particularly secretary kerry in cairo to follow through to do everything
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we can to be sure that, a, the egyptian military sticks to its word and sets the terms for elections. but, b as p.j. was saying earlier, to work with all the political parties to see that they do everything they can to participate in open and fair process, and do something that none of them have been very good at: compromise. >> john: your belief that camp david is safe is the best news i've heard all day and considering the $1 billion in military aid i think you're right. p.j. are you optimistic that egypt's various factions come together and in democratic elections make a functioning democratic state. >> this is still an uphill struggle for egypt but as egypt goes, that will have broad implications for the rest of the
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region. it's important to get this right. you mentioned age on obviously the key decisions are being made by egyptians within egypt. the united states has limited influence here but has some levers. the president's order today of the review of u.s. assistance, this is not exactly your garden variety military coup, so i think there will be some flexibility for the united states to use military aid to hold the egyptian military's feet to the fire to the road map, expand civilian assistance. number one egypt does need help in building democratic institutions. number two part of the equation in promoting democracy is getting the egyptian economy back on its feet. it's been devastated over the last couple of years. there are leverages that the united states has that uses aid
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effectively, wisely to help egypt move this process forward. >> john: i hope you're correct. former ambassador ryan crocker kissingkissinger senior fellow at yale jackson institute for global affairs, and p.j. crowley professor at george washington university and former assistant secretary of state for public affairs. thank you for your time tonight. i think it's the lasers. if they had would have had it earlier it would have helped.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the
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spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his for us." only on current tv! you. >> john: a c.i.a. officers whose currently serving overseas is suing the recreation in a case that could quickly become explosive for america's intel services. using the alias john doe this plaintiff claims an unreasonable delay over an investigation into
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alleged war crimes committed overseas by a paramilitary organization used by the u.s. it's a complex case and many details are classified. sow let's bring in his lawyer. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> john: let's start by saying your compliant does not consider himself a whistle blower. he's trying to clear his name by ending an investigation into a paramilitary operation that he was part of. >> right. the way we handled this case by the way i filed it,s which is an unclassified document that was reviewed by the u.s. government, by the c.i.a. purposely so there was not classified information in there. he was not looking to reveal any more than that was in there at least for now. there is nothing that was classified. >> john: parts of this story are under wraps, can you walk us
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through the case for our viewers the best you. >> much of it,:of it is classified. we do not know what actual event the u.s. government was investigating. we may have a sense of it, of course because we was overseas for specific period of time, and in a specific country or countries at that time. but we have never been told what event was under investigation internally by the c.i.a. or criminally by the department of justice. the case has been open for three or so years. to our knowledge. it could have been opened a littlelittle bit longer. the event was four or so years ago. the justice department has closed it's case. they have decided there is no criminal prosecution warranted in fact, they never even interviewed my client. but the c.i.a. investigation remains open. while it's open it could--it
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does understandably cause harm to my client's career, it's nerve-wracking stressful. anyone who has been in a regular lawsuit can understand how stressful it can be, especially when you're being accused of committing war crimes. the purpose is to get that investigation to be completed. now that investigation could be negative. it could be favorable but we would respond which ever way it might be. but we need the investigation shut down. >> john: so we know the what, the what was this paramilitary event that consists of war crimes. the who is your client, who we don't know. the where we don't know. the when, we don't know. we contacted the c.i.a. and they issued a statement saying, quote: >> john: so what specifically can you tell us are the allegations against your client? >> well, that's what i said, we don't know.
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because the government has not told us. they never told us this part of the investigation. they haven't told us as part of the criminal investigation. all we knew there was an investigation that encompasses more than just this one person, that dealt with allegations of war crimes while overseas. and the details of which haven't been shared even with us. >> john: so given the timing of this how does the snowden affair affect your case? does it help your client? >> i think it has helped the client. i've looked at it at different ways. i've had this case for a number of years. it's coincidental that the snowden case broke at the time i was filing the lawsuit. i had it in works before snowden. but what it really shows that is relevant to snowden in particular or anyone in his particular situation or circumstance is this is what he
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could have done. this doesn't directly relate to the c.i.a. case i filed. i think it gave more publicity. we're talking about it now. i think we would have been if snowden didn't happen any way because it's an interesting case and it reveals information. but after snowden it shows what he could have done. he could have come to me or any lawyer that practices in this area and told the lawyer enough information that he could have been put into a lawsuit. i can think of a number of actions that i could have laid out in a lawsuit that would have sufficiently revealed as it did in this case information that would have engendered a public event, yet he wouldn't have been in any trouble whatsoever. he wouldn't have necessarily crossed any lines, criminal or otherwise. yet he never made that effort. so the message i'm hoping, and the coincidence of filing it at
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the same time. the coincidence i'm hoping to show other national security whistle blowers current and perspective, there are other avenues that you can pursue without violating your oath of security and not leak classified information. >> john: please keep us updated on your case as it moves forward. thank you for joining us. i hope the day comes when we're allowed to learn all the details of what is being done no your name. >> i hope so. >> john: happy fourth of july. >> you, too. >> cenk: up next we'll be visiting california where the law has declared that sometimes a hot dog is just a hot dog. we'll explain all.
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(vo) later tonight current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege.
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>> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> john: tonight's wtf california in our ongoing series wtf america is appropriate in light of the fact that tomorrow is the fourth of july, a day in which many americans will be eating hot dogs because it's an essential part of the celebration to set off fireworks not just in the sky but your poor abused digestive tract well. in the california legislature, members of the assembly health committee has taken it upon themselves to come up with the legal definition of "hot dog." the proposed law will state that a hot dog is a whole cured cooked sausage that is skinless or stuffed in a casing that may be known as a frankfurter frank, furter, wiener, red hot
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vienna bologna garlic bologna or knockw, rsp appropriately the one word that is not used on this list is food. the law is to honor and respect the low standards that hot dog enthusiasts have had throughout the history our great nation. when the star-spangled the "star spangled banner" plays, vendors always first place their hands on their hearts because they almost never take the time to wash another hands. wtf, california, if you're going to have ale heavy neglects for hot dog, you should also have a legal definition for diarrhea, after haul the two go together like mom and apple pie. happy fourth of july. now. (vo) she gets the comedians
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laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? "r"
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" behalf
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>> welcome back. and now we turn to the invasion
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of legislators into women's collective american uteruses, or uteri. the offense took hold in texas despite the efforts of wendy davis to filibuster the bill that would declare ban abortions after 20 weeks. now apparently governor rick perry has struck the cord with other conservatives, including marco rubio who is now the lead sponsor of a senate bill to ban abortion after an unborn child is 20 weeks old. and in north carolina where republicans in that legislature this is the best story you're going to hear all day. tacked a stringent abortion measure on to a bill targeting sharia law, of all things, that would essentially close all
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women's health clinics all but one in the entire state of north carolina because they don't want to live under muslim law. are you playing along? this is america. 2013, let's have some fun. here to discuss this war on women, and i do think it is, and why congressmen are not listen to their constituents, more than half are women with me are edit editor in chef of, tina dupuy founder of l.j.w. strategies, president of the brooklyn nba but she still finds time to come here and be brilliant, l. joy williams. and writer, actor tv's frank frank conniff. thank you. let's get started on the republican rising star, march crow rubio. he took on immigration reform,
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and with its panels he would look like a bit of a g.o.p. hero. why is he dipping his toes in this issue next? tina? >> he's stepping in it. look this is just to give a wink and a nod to the tea party. this is not going to be law. this will never get to obama's desk. it's just not going to happen, but it doesn't do him any favors with anyone but his base. >> john: is alienateing the tea party base by making nice with immigrants. >> he has to do something to make up ground. from a political standpoint there is a group of people under written by alec and other people, who are screaming louding to make abortion the issue of the day. not employment, healthcare, a job, not any of those things, it's abortion we need to address right now. he's respond to go whoever is
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vocal, whoever is giving him the most attention, and whoever is giving him the most money right now. i think not only nationally but legislature across the country that's what they're responding to. if you look at the polls, people still--you read this information to them, and people don't believe that we need to be focusing on this issue right now. >> john: jobs, jobs. >> it's all jobs. so this is all the distraction. i think this has been a distraction from us really getting to do something critical in this country with addressing unemployment addressing our infrastructure problem, all of those things. this is a distraction so they don't have to get there. >> john: frank, since you're a man. >> thank you for pointing that out. the audience was wondering. >> john: i agree with everything that l. joy said, but i think there is a purpose. i think it's about getting the base consolidated, riled up and raising funds and getting the
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ready for 2014. why do you think congressmen are easily ready to dismiss their constituents? >> i think if you're a republican, and you have any kind of intelligence which maybe marco rubio has, a lot of your effort is covering up how humiliating your life is. [ laughing ] >> it comes easy for someone like santorum, but for someone who is intelligent you're always pandering to the lowest common denominator, as as a comedian, i've done it meantimes myself. >> john: our friends in florida seem to have an abortion bug attaching an abortion bill. according to suzanne buckley the director of narrow
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pro-choice of north carolina said quote. it seems to me that they're trying to pass undercover of--ness legislation that would otherwise not be passed. tina, i have to say ms. buckley, what she's saying is that's with what you do when you're trying to sneak in legislation that would otherwise not be passed. even republican governor pat mccrory expressed concern that the senate had unfairly rushed the amendments on tuesday night. this is a governor who said he would not in any way sign any bills regarding abortion. what's going on, now the $25,000 question. this guy made a promise. the republicans want this no sharia law bill passed, do you think he'll sign it? >> i think he shouldn't. that's my own opinion. this is what republicans do when they're trying to look busy and when they're going after this is basically a minority of people in their state actually have reproductive--they're in their
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reproductive abilities. they're going after a minority to make themselves look incredibly busy. it's a way of being unresponsive but looking busy at the same time. looking like you're doing something but not actually accomplishing anything. it's a bit of a trick. >> john: i think you're exactly right. it will help with fundraisinger and they're just moving deck chairs around. last year in the perennial swing state of ohio, in after effort to cut off women's reproductive health services. here is a quote. the bill to regulate men's reproductive health by requiring men to visit a sex therapist and get their sex partner to sign an affidavit impotencecy before they can get a prescription for viagra. we'll get into more topics that divide us today. this is "viewpoint."
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we'll be right back. compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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we have a big, big hour and the iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the conversation started weekdays at 9 eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. the troops love me. tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. (vo) sharp tongue. >>excuse me? (vo) quick wit. >> and yes, president obama does smell like cookies and freedom. attitude. >> really?! this is the kind of stuff they say about something
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they just pulled freshly from their [bleep]. >> you know what those people are like. >> what could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush? >> my producer just coughed up a hairball. >>sorry. >>just be grateful current tv doesn't come in "smell-o-vision" >> oh come on! the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo)only on current tv. you. >> john: welcome back. i'm here with my perfect panel tina dupuy, l. joy williams and frank conniff. in the healthcare assaults continue in today's certainly media question where we asked our viewers how bad an one-year delay for the obamacare employer mandate for the president and
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bridget gibbons wrote: how bad is this for obama? who cares. how bad is this for workers? bridget, thanks for reminding us that it's not always about the politics. the push back providing workers a bit longer before implementing the plan. folks, is this ever going to be a reality and if it is what will the reality look like? >> it will be implemented. people who voted against it 37 times, they are grievance is that it's too radical. now it's less radical, and they're giving employers time to catch up, and they're trying to figure out the rules and what this means for individuals. i think more time is fine. i don't see like, immediately the right wing response is this is a train wreck. i just don't see that. >> the only people who are more angry about this than the six people are republicans. they need that obamacare.
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they need to bash the president with this in the 2014 midterms. now they got to wait a year and now they can't blame it sapping the economy dry. now this has taken the wedge issue away from them. but what about the sick people, what are your thoughts on it? >> what i find interesting on that, we live in an age where you have to have a response to everything immediately. you can't have time to look at data research develop opinion but i don't have an opinion in terms of when, how it's going to directly affect people, how it's going to directly affect the businesses. we don't even have the budget office has not put out anything to say what the affects or not will be. what i do kind of call b.s. on is whether or not this will take the issue away from republicans to use for the president. because they've been using it as this is coming and it's a train
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wreck, and they still get to do that. >> john: but they can't use the layoff argument, that businesses are laying off employees. >> but they're going to say they are laying off employees. this is why they've delayed it a year. i think they still use people in terms of why and what, i don't know if it completely removes it from the conversation, and you know, i just blame me for being having some faith in the president and the administration. maybe they just wanted to get it right. >> john: well, absolutely right. you could be right about that, and they're just not ready. >> i know, responsive government? >> maybe we talked to people and here is a different ways to do that and a better way to implement it and they did it. >> john: but the timing is interesting. >> i just hate having to wait an extra year for things. i have to wait a year to see the next season of "mad men," and
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now the next "game of thrones" book could come out. >> john: there could be five egyptian presidents by then. this is the part of the show where i talk about the insanity of living in a system where employers have to provide insurance for their employees in the first place. no other country where they have single pair have ever tried to get rid of their system to have the kind of thing that we have here. currently 50 billion u.s. americans don't have insurance. do we have to wait? >> really, sick people--people who are going to have catastrophic illnesses right now or in the next few months, it's going to be really hard for them. that's the shame of it. those are the people that the sick people, people who really need care that our society really morally should be providing for. >> it's still the number one cause of bankruptcy in america. >> we still have the exchanges.
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you still have as an individual, the arguments is that it gives employees not having to provide that, and maybe forcing or coercing the employees of their theirs to buy into the exchanges. >> some care is better that no care. >> john: absolutely. while americans may have mixed feelings about the affordable care act, they have mixed feelings about the supreme court's ruling on voting rights. a poll shows 33% of americans approve of the ruling while 51% disapprove. and among african-americans the unapproval soared to 71%. what does this say about the court's disconnect or judicial activism. i think these numbers of disapproval made me proud of my country.
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>> definitely, 33% is three times more than people who elect congress, and trust them to do anything about this, which is what the court said could actually implement a new bill to protect, voters. which they're not going to do because this congress and the last congress that john boehner the speaker they just don't do anything any more beside name things after reagan. >> john: and pass bills to repeal obamacare. j. joy isn't this a gutting of the civil rights act. it doesn't just hurt african-americans. this is designed to keep republicans don't want to vote from voting, namely college folks, poor folks-- >> in terms of the coverage. this is just for the protection of african-americans in terms of the vote. it's not.
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it's that widespread. one, we have to do a better job of talking about that. this is not just a special voting for african-americans. this is for all americans to be able to vote. two, i think even more than now we then need to push for our constitutional right to vote. because we do not have that. i say that all the time to people. we have protections not to be discriminated against that you don't have a constitutional right to vote. until we have that each individual state will be able to pick and choose who they want to vote or not. >> john: frank, you get the last word. in one week they get rid of doma but kill the voting rights act. how can this supreme court be this schizophrenic. >> judicial activism is just when they do is that you don't agree with. >> john: yes, that's right. i want to thank my incredible panel, tina dupuy, and l. joy williams and frank conniff. it's great having you on the show. up next i'll pay tribute to the
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united states of america. which will be as self-serving and insincere as these kinds of tributes usually are. [ ♪ music ♪ ] they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar.
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>> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they >> only on current tv.
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>> john: so i wanted to celebrate this fourth of july in the most authentic way possible, the fourth of a july is a special time, it's a time when deejays think they're very patriotic playing bruce springsteen's "born in the usa" without listening closely to the lyrics. and america is many things to many people, but since it's america's birthday, it's worth pointing out something that we're not. we're not a christian nation. many think we are. this land was founded by the puritans. they were so up tight that they
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left england. we do swear in the president on a bible and we cry out god during sex. but america has a long history of not being christian and a longer history of not really acting like it. our constitution does not mention god christianity, and article six pore bits any religious to hold office. george washington was religious. he ratified article 11 of the treaty of tripoli signed by john adams which stated the government of the u.s. was no way founded on the christian religion. they greed agreed on this. they tried to add references to jesus, but in 1874 the house judiciary committee voted it down warning of adding anything into the constitution or frame of government which might be
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construed to be a reference of any religion, creed or doctrine. yes, mentioned god as of 1954 in god we trust is in our money as of 1956. which means people who leave in church and state are the real conservative. yes, christianism played a part in building in country. it was christians who used the bible to create slavery. we just need to fix a few injustices. give to the needy turn the other cheek and follow christ's admonishment close the naked feed the sick, feeding immigrants, that will open our hearts to jesus but not jesus. we need jesus to run for president. can you imagine that campaign? wouldn't the fundamentalists
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really want to vote for jesus? a guy who hung out with lepers, hookers and criminals, he didn't speak english. anti-wealth, anti-possession anti-greed, anti-death penalty anti-public prayer. never once anti-gay, never mentioned premarital sex never justified torture. never called the poor lazy never fought for tax cuts, and was a long haired, brown skinned homeless, community organizing, womens rights, outrageously liberal jew. republican, may all your people of all faiths, or no faiths act like jesus without feeling the need of forcing his unauthorized fan clubs on us. happy birthday america. when i call you a cancer, i only meant your astrology sign.
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thank you to tina dupuy, l. joy williams, and frank conniff. happy independence day have a safe and healthy weekend. good night mom. >> joy: tonight we're talking sex and food, two of my deadly sins. all of that and more next on "say anything." [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> joy: my guests tonight say if you give them two weeks they'll give you the world. they'll change your life, make you thinner, healthier and give you more energy. i could go for that. with me nutritionist extraordinary, dr. amen and


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