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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  July 15, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT

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them [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> stephanie: all right current tv land. looky here, chris after a year-long investigation upenn likes casual sex. well good morning, jacki schechner. >> i did not partake participate into in that
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study. >> stephanie: not only do they enjoy casual sex, they like it. >> yeah, that's my alma mater. it seems that we predominantly end up in studies. >> stephanie: here she is, jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody. even as george zimmerman's criminal trial is over, the federal justice department is considering the possibility of filing criminal civil rights charges against the man who shot and killed trayvon martin. the d.o.j. is well aware that a florida jury found him not guilty over the weekend. protest broke out nationwide and people took to the streets in new york city, detroit l.a. and oakland among others, as many as ten thousand people packed times square and demonstrateors in los angeles blocked traffic on interstate 10 and other busy
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intersections. most protests were peaceful although cities like oakland reported minor violence and some arrests. the call for community leaders for constructive dialogue and calm moving forward. president obama echoing that sentiment. he called trayvon martin's death a tragedy for america and he asked the nation to respect the call for trayvon's parents. and asked us to ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to prevent future tragedies like this one. this is the best way we can honor trayvon. eric holder is scheduled to speak at the naacp convention not far from where the zimmerman trial was held. naacp leaders want a petition saturday night asking that
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justice department for that civil rights suit. the request was so popular that it crashed the organization's website. we're back after the break. ever, ever use the "n" word?
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>> yes! >> only on current tv.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> maybe for george zimmerman. >> yuck. good morning and yuck. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll-free. talking about our weekend buzz. >> state of florida versus george zimmerman, we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty. >> well, he shot him. >> right right right.
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>> stephanie: i was trying to decide which headline made me madder. george zimmerman's gun that was used to kill trayvon martin is going to be returned to him. >> he's going to get it because much all the threats he's been receiving. >> stephanie: yes, he should get a gun back. >> andand a mounds bar. >> if someone else had been prosecuting this, there would have been a different verdict. >> stephanie: i'm not a lawyer but there are some things i just don't get. how can you not inject race? he's on a 911 call. >> one of the f-ing punks. >> stephanie: [bleep] these punks. who is they? what do you mean they?
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>> you know, "they"," them. >> stephanie: another friend was talking about the prosecution's closing arguments asking all these questions. i didn't think it was a strong closing argument. they say many times why did they they they cede that martin was on top. just a lot of points. >> he had to be on top because he couldn't have reached his gun because he had it in the back of his belt. >> stephanie: you were just saying just the stand your ground laws is part of it. >> the jury had no choice. they had to follow the law in the state of florida. >> they have to stay with the laws of florida. >> stephanie: it means you have to go with the shooter.
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>> until then they have no choice. >> but florida is going to sink in the ocean soon, so we don't have to worry about it. >> stephanie: "the stephanie miller show" would like to apologize. >> no, it's going to happen. not just the sinkholes the ocean rise. >> stephanie: jim is pointing out where he is not happy about it, and we're sorry about the sharknatos that will follow. we apologize. here is this headline george zimmerman looks forward to getting his life back. just fill in your own thought. >> speaking of a-holes. >> stephanie: how about his attorneys. really? talk about spike the football, there is a dead kid regardless of what you think should have happened or shouldn't defense
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co-counsel don west said that the real tragedy here is that there was a trial. >> yes, that's the tragedy. >> this is a tragedy just like many losses of children, just not one that george zimmerman is responsible for. >> george zimmerman put the bullet through the boy's heart. he had something to do with it. >> stephanie: how about this, did you see george zimmerman's brother, robert on cnn. i want to know if it was true, i don't know if it was true, that trayvon martin was looking to procure firearms to grow marijuana. >> i want to know if it is true, and i don't know it is true that trayvon martin was looking to procure firearmses was growing marijuana plants, whatever he was doing, i want to know that every minor, high schooler that would be reaching out in some
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way for help, and they may feel it's by procuring firearms or whatever they may be doing that they have some kind of help. i think that's what george was trying to do. >> oh, come on. >> stephanie: oh, my god! >> reaching out to black children. >> stephanie: it's not enough that the kid is dead now you have to smear him based on nothing? >> he may have had marijuana. >> stephanie: i mean, did they call him on any of that? >> no, he's a twit. >> stephanie: he could just say that based on what. he was obviously a gun-running dope fiend and george was trying to help him oh, my god ♪god. [ oh, my god ] >> stephanie: ironically people want to have their own say on this alvin in orange county,
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you're on "the stephanie miller show." good morning. >> caller: good morning. two things, first of all when the case first came out there was a dispute as to whether he said f-ing punks or f-ing coons. that's an important think? you think there is a racial element? >> caller: also the prosecution i say he was following. and i would say he's chasing. oh he's running and you can hear him jumping out of his car and he went running. i don't think the prosecution tried to win it myself. >> stephanie: yeah, yeah, i agree with you. i did not think that they did the greatest job. let's go to curtis in hollywood. you're on "the stephanie miller show"." hi curtis. >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: i want to make a point here. when the jury sent the letter to
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the judge asking about more information about manslaughter, the judge september it--the judge sent it back but the jury didn't have any help with the problems they were having problems with. >> they're not under obligation to do. >> caller: the lawyers could have hammered it out and then that was just suspicious on my end. >> stephanie: it did look like a little move of weakness to ask for the manslaughter after they already obviously went forward with the second-degree. to me didn't it seem like well, we may not be able to make second-degree, how about this? it seemed like a move made out of weakness, to me. again, i've never gotten how this is a weak case. i think that's what the prosecutor, the closing arguments, this is a very
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difficult case. you don't say that. this shouldn't be a difficult case. >> the stand your ground law made it a difficult case. >> stephanie: i just did not think it was a strong closing argument. derek in birmingham alabama. >> caller: hi, the point is this, what is going on we had an all white jury, all white women and basically you get how do you think george zimmerman felt if he had five blacks on his jury and maybe one hispanic. his lawyers would have been objecting to this. basically it would have made no difference what the evidence was, baby. they didn't care. if you have one black mother up there, and then i heard that
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really call black people porch monkeys. >> stephanie: a lot of people speculated this, and it was written suppose trayvon was a 230-pound black man and zimmerman had been the 17-year-old kid who was walking home. this is america shows that a black boy can be shot by white men, because whit men are terrified by black boys, and it's called playing the race card. if you point that out, it's called playing the race card. trayvon martin was stalked because he was black. trayvon martin is dead because he was black.
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and george zimmerman was acquitted because trayvon martin was black. if you deny these things, then you're a liar or an idiot or both. florida's laws extend to all races vigilante killing. this is in salon. >> yes, but trayvon had a big block of concrete that he hit him over the head with. >> stephanie: yes, michelle in louisiana. you're on "the stephanie miller show"." >> caller: hi, i disagree with the gentleman that called that. this trial was a fluke. he told his defense attorney, and he snapped. when they say it's all the
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women, all the juries were women, i said heard all of them were white women what good is it going to do me to have a trial, your black trial is dead. if anyone should go after them, attorneys. the prosecutor and the defense picked the jury. why couldn't have been three whites, three blacks, hispanics, asian. not to cut you off but like i say, this man look at george zimmerman's face when he was not guilty. his life is on the line, but
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it's not guilty. george zimmerman knew he wasn't going to go to jail. >> stephanie: sorry, we got a hard break. i understand. i had a feeling people might be upset and emotional. but i was speaking about i wonder if this might be another--where they could very well win the civil suit. lose the criminal and win the civil suit. we'll see. 18 minutes after the hour. we come right back to "the stephanie miller show." >> there is a tea party in her pants, and you're invited. 1-800-steph-12 the number.
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. [ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> stephanie miller. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> slacker, 23 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll-free from anywhere. eric boehlert with great stuff coming up at the top of the next hour. he wrote is fox news still looking for those race riots. that was supposedly their whole story. from the zimmerman trial. nancy grace with an interesting tweet. i still think if zimmerman had taken the stand this outcome would are been different. a lot of people pointed out there were a lot of inconsistencies, and he told outright lies.
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i agree with that, which is why i was disappointed. jay in atlanta, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi jay. >> caller: good morning, good morning. glad you're doing this because you know almost all americans are angry about this, black white, hispanic, this is ridiculous. this remind me that--you ever see the andy griffith show? do you remember andy used to barney fife's bullet out of the gun because he knew barney fife would go berserk. that's what this guy was doing. i'm going to be a hero. this black kid i'm going to kill him. this is absolutely ridiculous. when i hear some people calling in or some of these other shows or making statements like phoney fox news to suggest that this kid was responsible for his death.
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you know, what bugs me-- >> stephanie: did you hear geraldo talk about the way he was dressed? >> caller: what did he say. >> stephanie: he was basically saying if you dress like that, i can't remember. >> you're asking for it. >> stephanie: hang on one second. eric boehlert said it. lecturing that he dresses like a thug he gets treated like one. >> caller: this is ridiculous. the kid had nothing but a bottle of tea and skittles in his hand. do you know most teenagers dress in sloppy clothes. it doesn't make him a thug. african-americans live under this what are you doing here unwritten law because we feel uncomfortable, you don't fit what you're supposed to look like here.
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>> if he's found in a porn store he should be treated as such. >> stephanie: yes, please treat geraldo as a porn star. what does that really mean. he was acting like a vigilante. that's the fear. this verdict allows anyone with a gun to go and acting like vigilante. why did they test the dead boy's body for drugs and yet failed to test the live man's body for drugs. why did they feel after arriving on the scene the police warned black people not to riot. but not telling zimmerman supporters the same warning. and the fear is there is going
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to be a lot more of this. particularly by those who feel there are too many brown people here in the first place. jay had a great tweet. the danger to the verdict is not more riots but more george zimmermans. nicely said. and another tweet, it might be good idea for electronic stores and shoes stores to close up shop. another great tweet. just a reminder that justice john roberts thinks that racism in america is over. joan welcome. >> caller: i can't understand--well, i can understand it, but here is an african-american teenager who was murdered, and then put on trial and found guilty for his own murder. >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: now african-american males cannot stand still for any
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length of time. they can't walk fast. zimmerman accused trayvon of walking too slowly. they can't run. they can't make sudden moves. what is it that african-american adults are supposed to tell their young african-american males? they say why didn't trayvon go on home? if white people saw african-americans as human beings they would have seen trayvon martin responding and acting like any teenage boy would. he was going to stand his ground, he had a right to stand his ground. >> stephanie: the reason for those who aren't really attorneys this story could not seem clearer. >> why are you following me. >> stephanie: he stalked a black kid. picked a fight with him, started losing the fight and decided to shoot him. >> caller: that's exactly what happened. now what will come out of this, probably, a so-called discussion
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or conversation about race, but my problem these conversations do very little to improve the relationships between white and african-american. the reason why is they only talk about one part of the equation and that is african-americans response to what whites do to african-americans. they never talk about why whites act the way they act towards african-americans. why whites eight african-americans. it has nothing to do with what we wear, how we act. it's the fact that whites stop terrorizing african-americans. >> stephanie: okay, right back on "the stephanie miller show."
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>> what do you think you are, a comedian or something? >> stephanie miller. >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show," welcome to it. 1-800-steph-12 34 minutes after the hour. it's monday, everybody. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> stephanie: good morning papa papa. >> good morning. >> caller: good morning. >> stephanie: yuck. >> caller: i'm trying to be chipper for you. >> stephanie: i know. were you surprised, i have to say, the official cynic of the stephanie miller jim ward called it. >> i knew it. >> caller: he had to walk. there was no way to convict him. >> stephanie: i had lawyer friend who really thought
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manslaughter. >> caller: the problem is there were no witnesses. you know, the only evidence as you said before was really what george zimmerman said and what he did. >> stephanie: that's what we're saying exactly that line i read about. this law if allows you to kill your own witness you're the vigilante, kill your only witness and get away with. >> caller: actually late last night i wrote it's like committing the perfect crime. it's not only perfect because you got away with it. it's perfect because the state sanctioned your crime. >> stephanie: right, right. >> caller: the state said, go ahead, go ahead. florida, it would be one thing if florida fairly applied the the stand your ground laws. and the woman who fired a shot
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at her ex-husband, and tried to--because he had beater her beaten in the past, and was threatening her and she was being prosecuted by the same prosecutor, and she was prosecuted to the full extent of the law. when a week before that a white guy who had shot somebody under stand your ground, this guy caught somebody having sex with his wife, and said, well, i thought she was being raped so he shot and killed the guy. he got acquitted because of stand your ground. okay, so you created a law that only applies to--that doesn't apply to black people. >> stephanie: yeah, yeah you're absolutely right. i mean, we were saying that i blame also the prosecution, do you? i fell it was not as strong. that mistakes were made.
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>> awful. >> caller: well, yeah, it was ridiculous. thewhen they were smiling and answering questions for. what is this lumpy space princess, stop it. that's a shout out to my "adventure time" audience. >> stephanie: you're on vacation from the blog. tell us what you're doing. >> i'm, there are going to be a bunch of women writers from states that either have or are about to have zero abortion restrictions put on the books. today it's going to be a bunch of writers from texas including people who were on the ground in austin protesting.
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there are going to be people from ohio everything from this moving piece coming out later this week about george tillers people women who have never blogged before, but planned parenthood essentially saved their lives. and they want to speak out. people from oklahoma, from mississippi. all these women who said they wanted their voices heard. the whole week is to them posting stuff. >> i mean, after this weekend i went off on--of course, of course the place that everybody goes to is to express their immediate gut reaction and anger
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is on twitter and said mean things to people. i got to tell you you know what my favorite part of the defense was? >> stephanie: what's that? >> it was when o'mara picked up the chunk of concrete and said, this is the sidewalk, and this is a deadly weapon. >> stephanie: yeah. >> i thought holy crap, we better regulate sidewalks. i want to start the national sidewalk walkers association. >> a sidewalk registry. >> that's right. george zimmerman brought a gun to a sidewalk fight. >> stephanie: yes, anyway, you say state after state lines have to be total [bleep] holes. they decided that government owns all of our uteruses. did you see in texas i love this. they banned tampons.
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they're going through women's purses, and you cannot bring a tampon in the state house because they're afraid they might be used to throw at state legislature. >> you know, i don't thing anybody is going to take their gun and throw it at somebody, but a tampon, they took food away from women who had diabetes and didn't want to collapse. but when they took away the tampons, they had this big bag of tampons and said you come back and claim your property. >> my favorite sign was no tampons, only douches. >> that's funny. >> i hope this inspires women to
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start beaming legislature with tampons. i don't think i ever heard in the middle of a legislation that women started raining tampon doom on legislature. >> stephanie: that's right. the shower scene from "carrie." >> i hope someone reaches up under her skirt sand says, here you go. >> oh. >> stephanie: doubly shocked when he's rude. now you have drawn our attention to a column by jacki gingrich kirshman. who said, those republicans are mother [bleep] 37 you bring our attention to this cool klum
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where she says why are the dually disgraced eliot spitzer and anthony weiner that would cause any lesser man to stay home. whoa jacki, have you read the bio of your father? >> yes, like i said, there are reasons why he's called the disgraced former speaker of the house. >> stephanie: and point out to her those reasons include [bleep] around on your mom with the woman who became the second wife and then [bleep] around on her. >> fyi. >> just in case she happened to be reading me and all of a sudden she would come across and go what? that's what my dad did? wait a minute there. she, by the way is the person who said, oh, no, no, dad didn't make mom sign divorce papers while she was in the hospital with cancer. you know, if you have to say
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that then you're either completely insane, or your dad is a total d-head. >> stephanie: i hope she did read your posts and say o i may be perhaps a little irony sufficient. perhaps i need more irony in my diet. >> i read it first i thought she has to mention her dad at some point. but you know, it's okay that dad ran for president because he was chased out of office because of ethics violations. it wasn't sex. yeah right. and clinton was prosecuted because of a personal a perjury. >> stephanie: right. >> then at another point i thought it was satire. oh she's obviously sticking it to the old man. >> stephanie: right. >> but oh, no, there was none of
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that. there was a call for really good candidates to run instead of all of these you know, sex-depraved maniacs, i don't know. >> stephanie: maybe you could point out to her that he was the one calling out president clinton the pervert while he was [bleep] himself, you remember. >> sure, and while on the phone with officer erica which is kinky. >> stephanie: thank you, see you next week. >> while that's going on. >> stephanie: let's go to rodney before we go to a break. >> caller: hello, nice to be able to share with you guys. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i think this is just a travesty, this trial. i watched what the defense put on to carry in a big hunk of
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sidewalk in and to say that that was a weapon. >> stephanie: laughable, yes. >> and people start to compare this case to another trial and in that trial there was reasonable doubt. and in his closing it wasn't 84 hits of color color form, and right there that's a big hole in the defense case. in this case we know he was told not to get out of his car. we know that he had a loaded weapon on hip. we know that he followed this man, and we know that he shot him. if he would have hit trayvon martin with his car that would have been manslaughter. and if you were a cop there would have been an
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investigation. the whole thing is ridiculous. >> and if trayvon martin would have slammed his head into a sidewalk like that, it would have fractured his skull. >> stephanie: "the stephanie miller show"." >> it's "the stephanie miller show."
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just
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care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern [ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> stephanie miller. >> stephanie: this is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 50 minutes after the hour, 1-800-steph-12 toll-free from
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anywhere. the zimmerman judge. >> your gps monitor will be cut off when you exit the courtroom over here, and you have no further business with the court. >> stephanie: awesome, sorry to have held you up so long. lope we didn't inconvenience you in any way. john and pam. it's the john and pam show, hi john and pam. >> caller: hi. >> good morning. >> i had to call this morning. john is still trying to pull his jaw up from the floor after this trial. i have two things. zimmerman was told by dispatch not to pursue trayvon. that the police were on their way. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: he deliberately followed him, got out of his vehicle. and that's the first thing he did wrong. the second thing it was reported, and this was a fact, that it was either 32 or 36
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phone calls he had made to 911 about black, strange people in the neighborhood. now we have a neighborhood watch program, steph, and honey, there ain't none of us that care on the way that zimmerman did--that carry on the way that zimmerman did. when you're part of the neighborhood watch, you are given certain rules. and i'm here to tell you that what happened was a bunch of bull crap. he walked out of there and i got to say this, too. i believe the prosecution dropped the ball. they did not get some of the things in that they should have. >> stephanie: it's under the title of neighborhood watch. your job is to watch and then call the police. >> caller: exactly. that's what they tell us. you know now, i'm not the nosy type person here, but i do watch our neighborhood. i do not go out my front door
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with a gun. i don't care who they are. you do not do that. >> stephanie: yeah, because the other thing if it hadn't been a cop, you know, i'm sure none of this would have happened. trayvon would have seen he was a cop. even if he said, hey what are you doing? i'm going to my dad's house. the kid isn't armed. he goes home. if he's a train law enforcement officer, he's not going to pick a fight. >> caller: that's the point. he was on his way to his dad's house. he had a reason to be in that neighborhood. what zimmerman--i'm just so peeved. zimmerman deliberately hunted him down. >> stephanie: yep, i know. i don't get why there isn't a stalking charge in there. >> it's florida. >> stephanie: yeah. mark in chicago, you're on "the stephanie miller show," hi mark. >> caller: hi, i was wondering since zimmerman was allowed to kill trayvon martin because he was afraid for his life, and
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he'll now be carrying the murder weapon around with him because he's afraid for his life. is he now allowed to kill whoever he wants whoever approaches him? >> in florida stand your ground. >> stephanie: that's the ripple affects of this is not going to be good in a lot of ways. shannon in lake wells, florida welcome, shannon. >> caller: hey i've been listening to all of this, being in florida stand your ground, and i agree with the woman who was last speaking. to be honest with you we're part of a neighborhood watch as well myself and my husband, and i'll be honest with you i don't leave the house if i see suspicious people. i call 911. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: that's their job. that's what my tax dollars pay for is for them to get suited up, have protective vests and find out why this creep is in my
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neighborhood. >> stephanie: that's the thing i'm sure the vast majority of people are like you. they're in a neighborhood watch because they care about their community. they don't want to be a vigilante like george zimmerman. >> caller: exactly. i live next to a school. you see strange things happening all the time. the kids congregate over there da da da, what gets me most about this jury. i'm in lake wells florida. i'm only an hour--an hour and a half away from this whole seminole county area. what gets me they bussed in from all over florida trayvon martin supporters. there were very little george zimmerman supporters, very little. to the point of almost 16,000 people. when that jury came back with a question about manslaughter, all
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you heard them people out there saying was murder, murder, murder murder. so if those women had any question of a doubt at that point they should have been listening outside the window of their deliberation room. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: because that's all people were saying. the prosecutors they dropped. >> stephanie: i agree. >> caller: they dropped the ball. >> stephanie: i agree. that was my instar-friend poll this weekend. lekesha in palm beach. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i would like to point out the fact that if they would get the time frame between when trayvon martin was killed, and when zimmerman was arrested and then put to trial, he had enough time in between to talk to every witness who was put on the stand on his behalf to come up with a story or a lie that he needed to
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get himself off because his so-called best friend wrote a book in the process, and he knew almost exactly everything that zimmerman said happened the night that trayvon was killed. >> stephanie: yeah, i remember that the convenient black friend that suddenly sprang up like magic. [ magic wand music ] >> stephanie: i had discussions with my best friend, if anything went down. >> she said no. >> stephanie: she said no. >> stephanie: help i need a convenient black friend to vouch for me. sherry in kenosha hey sherry. >> caller: i appreciate your show this morning. it's very needful. the first thing i want to bring out, and i'll go through this very quickly. this is a man so keen upholding
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the law yet he broke the law by disobeying direct orders. this is a man who really wants to be a white guy. he's really disgracing the hispanic community. he said i am a white hispanic. then he's sending a strong message he's beginning to make our young people paranoid. >> stephanie: oh yes exactly. >> caller: he's sending a message. >> stephanie: you know what is going to happen now? more guns. i better have a gun now to defend himself. yuck. >> the nra is loving it. >> stephanie: eric boehlert next on "the stephanie miller show."
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> stephanie: all right hour number two eric boehlert from media matters is coming right up. jacki schechner i would ask you what you did this weekend but i know the answer. >> because i was with you. >> stephanie: that is adoreable. >> i've been in a little east side west side duel. >> come on, i'm a horrible schedule. i know, so am i. >> i know am sure there was whining and wining. >> one of us has to drive to the other person's house and then there can't be that wine
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consumption. >> stephanie: it's the wrong kind of whining. here is jacki schechner. >> the full senate is going to hold a rare private a caucus to talk about the filibuster. democrats need 60 votes and debate and the republicans have been holding up nominees for agencies. harry reid pointed out that mcconnell has gone back on his word to not use the filibuster shocking. >> when he has failed to live up to his commitments, he failed to do what he said he would do. i refuse to unilaterally respond to this breach of faith. >> the hard left is so convinced that every one of the
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nominations should sail through the confirmation process. if they're willing to do permanent irreversible damage to this discussion. >> not so much. reid has scheduled several of the nominees for tomorrow, and consumer financial bureau and three sected for the national layer relations board. if the g.o.p. blocks them then democrats say they will use clear options. back in 2005 the roles were reversed carrie mcconnell threatened to use options to push through president bush's nominees. the two men need to work out a bipartisan compromise at the last minute. that's what we're hoping will happen tonight. we're back after the break. (vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of
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marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> stephanie: it is the stiff instead"thestephanie miller show," welcome to it. 1-800-steph-121-800-steph-12 the phone number toll-free from anywhere. people are talking about the zimmerman acquitcal. mark o'meara. >> obviously we're ecstatic with the results. george zimmerman was never guilty of anything but protecting himself in self defense. >> yeah, against a bag of skittles. >> stephanie: eric boehlert with some great tweets. [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> stephanie: good morning, sir. yeah, you tweeted what i was thinking. you said has fox found zimmerman riots with the? maybe they can hire actors to stage one. they've been setting the stage for this all along. >> yeah, sort of preemptive race baiting, i guess. we saw this not as race baiting but as the republican convention remember the week before there was this phoney allegation there was going to be riots, and violence, and you know, they went for that for two or three days based on nothing. it started last week on the reilly show, and the justice drum beat, will there be riots will there be violence? in the last quarter century i can think of that happening twice in america. it's not something that happens
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during the three weeks of the trial virtually no activity outside of the courtroom. there was nothing to indicate that any of this, and then you know the local police put out a psa you know, last week suggesting well, it's raise your voice, not your hand. and breitbart and fox took that to say they're preparing for riot. nowhere in that did it suggest that anyone was preparing or riots, and of course they haven't materialized. it's another layer of race baiting that is surrounding the story in the last 17 months. >> stephanie: you pointed us to geraldo collects a paycheck by stomping on trayvon martin's grave by saying if he dresses like a thug he gets treated like aing. >> and ted nugent, who we
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actually have to deal with as a media commentator. ted nugent says trayvon martin, a dope smogged racist wannabe. stomping on graves is the job for right wings media. >> stephanie: you know, you make the best point. you say a conservative press remains incapable of dealing with issue that the nation grapples with, especially when it deals with race and there is an african-american sitting in the white house. has the president responded to a single question about the controversy? and they cast him as a central villain. >> if you did think that obama was going to be a central player in this murder case, then you haven't paid any attention to obama derangement syndrome. obama injected himself into the story when 16 months ago he was
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asked the direct question at a press conference, and he gave a simple, heartfelt answer. then last week we had this complete phoney controversy about the department of justice sending a community relations unit down to sanford, florida, last year during the tension and turmoil, and this was revealed as some sort of conspiracy that obama sent his henchman in florida to organize, quote anti-zimmerman rallies. what they did was report in realtime and it was completely uncontroversial. they were peace makers. this is an unit of the department of justice that has been in existence since the civil rights act of 1964. they're dispatched to communities that are experiencing tension, and they work with civic leaders religious leaders, the police, to make sure that the protests that happen, happen peacefully. and guess what, it was a
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success. because all of those protests in sanford, florida, were peaceful. so obama's justice department helped to over oversee peaceful rallies. >> stephanie: or instigated race riots as rush limbaugh puts it. >> of course there were no race riots in florida and there is was no violence in florida. this is all part of a right wing fantasy about how they view race in america and frankly how they view protesters. >> stephanie: you say in terms of unfiltered racism no one has reached rush limbaugh, latching on the phoney spin, limbaugh accused the president of promoting racial strength so the rest of us could get a taste of slavery. rush limbaugh's race to the bottom. >> yes, this is a theme he has
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used for years that obama has a chip on his shoulder. that obama wanted to become president to pay back white america. >> stephanie: right. >> wanted to become president. remember in the earlier years he wanted white people to be unemployed, he wanted white people to be poor. he talks about this unhinged fantasy, which is amazing then you compare him to the obama--the person. you know, completely mild mannered president who is--who frankly seems to be very reluctant to talk about race at all because the two or three times he has done that, people like limbaugh--so they create this fantasy about obama, that he's obsessed with race, and he's this radical and you look at him and it's the harvard law grad constitutional lawyer, and they don't match up. this obsession that limbaugh has
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with slavery and obama has particularly intrigued me. >> stephanie: by the way, it's hard to find someone more continue limbaugh. there was a tweet thinking that he's clever about hangers and abortion, and he wonders why he's #creepy man. >> there is this problem of republican men and abortion. there was a pretty good piece in buzzbuzzword with republican women asking republican men to stop it. but this has become--it's very--you know, it's fascinating and frightening to watch in north carolina and texas there is absolutely an anti-abortion crusade going on right now. >> stephanie: by the way eric, in case people missed it. he tweeted now that abortion restriction versus passed you
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liberals better stock up on coat hangers. >> oh, he was being clever and nobody understood it. the only reason why he deleted it a coat hanger company hated it, and he didn't want to offend them. so in 2012 do we need to repeal the women or repeal the latinos. how do they respond? the anti-women crusade and all indications they're killing the immigration reform. >> stephanie: i love your tweets. we must tell women and kill women and latinos. >> the people who wrote that autopsy, and these are people who tried to win elections and try to position the republican party to appeal to the greatest number of independents, and that is a vanishing number of people
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in washington, d.c. because they're incapable of steering the party towards any sort of sanity. >> stephanie: you think people who write those reports are just banging their heads. >> why do we try. >> stephanie: i love your tweet g.o.p.'s radical anti-abortion crusade, they're hoping that it will reach hillary clinton in in 2016. does g.o.p. have a death wish? >> it's injury yemen gerrymandering. they have all these house seats forget it. we'll give up on the national campaigns. we won't win the white house so let's obsess over the things that drive us crazy. abortion, hot-button issues that score poorly nationally but make them feel good about themselves. and the anti-abortion crusade
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the anti-women's choice crusade seems to me that hillary clinton would be able to make--would be able to parlay that into a very effective campaign. >> stephanie: by the way look who is right back in the middle of it, presidential candidate rick santorum. who is running for what now? he's back in the middle of the abortion debate, right? >> yes, that comes out on the heels of rick perry who says he might run in 2016. the man who could not win a single delegate is now in 2012 2012 is now back in line for 2016. and rick santorum, who didn't do too much better, just gives a snapshot in terms of the white house perspective. not only for the people but the agenda. >> stephanie: hashtag deep bench. we're scared. eric great stuff as usual. we'll talk to you next week.
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>> stephanie: 17 minutes after after look at how fast you guys get out of here every day. >> you're the one who is out of here first. >> stephanie: i will not stay a second longer than what you pay me for. 17 minutes after the hour. it's "the stephanie miller show." >> it's "the stephanie miller show." [ ♪ music ♪ ] wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they
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thinking? >> only on current tv.
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. [ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> stephanie miller. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show," welcome to it, 21 minutes after the
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hour. 1-800-steph-12 the number toll-free from anywhere. don west. >> i think the prosecution of george zimmerman was disgraceful disgraceful. >> stephanie: yeah. >> i'm gratified by the jury's verdict. >> stephanie: who is the bigger douche, that guy or the other. >> mark o'meara. >> stephanie: yeah. >> i think mark o'meara is. >> stephanie: yeah, that was the real disgrace, not that there is a dead, unarmed teenager. it's that george was inconvenienced. >> so inconvenient for him. >> stephanie: this guy was mostly excited that he thought that his knock knock joke was to funny. knock, knock who is there. george zimmerman, you're on the jury. >> i still think it was funny. i'm sorry i didn't tell it
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better. but there needed to be a disconnect. >> stephanie: yeah, that was the real problem your delivery. not that you're a disgusting douche nozzle. robert zimmerman, george's brother, by the way on cnn. >> he's a free man in the eyes of the court but he's going to be looking around his shoulder for the rest of his life. >> stephanie: oh. >> that's what i said the other day. >> stephanie: someone just wrote me, how many people can you kill now because you feel threatened? >> you should read charlie pierce's article. can't read it out loud. >> stephanie: not on air? >> stephanie: a little salty is it. this is on the unarmed dead teenager. >> i want to know, i don't know if it's true b but was trayvon looking to procure firearms and growing illegal marijuana plants, i want to know that every minor, high schooler that would be reaching out in some way for help, and they may feel
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it's by procuring firearms or whatever they may be doing, that they have some kind of help. i think that's what george was trying to do, reach out to black children. >> right. >> stephanie: oh, i see. obviously based on something that i pulled out of my ass but the gun-running dope fiend and george is just trying to mentor on him. >> he basically crapped on the corpse of a dead boy. >> stephanie: and you're basing that on? because i would like to know, really? ooh. let's go to mel in illinois. >> caller: hi, instead of, i'm the one who brought the situation near to the chicago show. >> stephanie: oh, my god, thank you. i have it. >> caller: well, it was a pleasure to meet you. i was at the really show. really great. my point is the real tragedy of the trayvon martin kill
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something that it took law enforcement to disarm the black community is now completely upside down. it's a tragedy. not to be ironic. but if we started a major stand your ground campaign to rearm the black community, it would be done in ten seconds. >> bernie. >> i'm disappointed with the verdict. we live in a great country that has a great justice system. >> stephanie: not always the greatest prosecutors. >> john dye, a prosecutor as well. >> we pray for the truth to come out, and for peace to be the result, and that continues to be our prayers. we believe that they have been answered. >> yeah, right. >> stephanie: okay. not the strongest prosecution in my opinion. maureen in los angeles, you're on "the stephanie miller show."
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hey, maureen. >> caller: hi, if george zimmerman had gotten a minor fender-bender or hit a neighborhood pet he would have been you put through a more stringent investigation than he went through for killing a black man. he could easily have been on drugs. he's a bodybuilder, he could have been on steroids meth, coke, we don't know because the police didn't do their jobs. i'm tired of white people like the head prosecutor saying this case is not about race. this is 100% about race. >> stephanie: the fact that they didn't use that, they accepted the story that it was zimmerman on top based on one gunshot--when they had witnesses that say it was zimmerman on top, right? >> caller: yeah, i'm very suspicious of that john goodbye.
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he brings in mma mixed martial arts. george zimmerman is obsessed with mma. did they know each other before? they're neighbors. did they get their stories straight? >> stephanie: a lot of inconsistencies from george zimmerman. >> caller: and we only have the killer's word, and the police, until they were forced by public pressure, the police just said it was good enough for us. but look at mark o'meara when he was trying to smear trayvon in the weeks before the trial. he released a picture of a gun. so trayvon had a picture of a gun, and that is sinister but zimmerman can't walk out of his house without a bullet in the chamber and that's not sinister, and tell me that's not. >> stephanie: yes, exactly. joe, you're on "the stephanie miller show."
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hi joe. >> caller: hi, how are you? >> stephanie: good, go ahead. >> caller: steph, i have a couple of points. this trial i thought in our country, i'm a senior citizen been around for a lot of years formerly from chicago o.j. simpson, ring a bell? do you remember what happened there? remember the slaughter of two people. do you remember what happened outside of that courtroom? >> stephanie: no. >> caller: after he was acquitted? do you remember that? well, i remember, i'll tell what you it is. >> stephanie: top the pop quiz and tell me. >> caller: they sat out there hundreds and hundreds, i'm not prejudice in my life, never had been but hundreds of black people cheering he's free. now eight years later he's in prison. that's one. number two there were five or six women who sat on that trial trayvon martin. we weren't there.
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i don't think any of the callers were there. what did they see? what was their thoughts that they freed this man? okay, now i'm going to give you another one, cnn-- >> oh, boy. >> stephanie: he's ignorant. i'm the only one that found that irritating? >> you know what else, there are black guys with guns. >> that didn't go anywhere. >> stephanie: this reminds me of the most irritating teacher ever. just tell me, what. >> you want to know what, you know what else? you know what. >> stephanie: pop quiz. >> you know what happened then? stuff happened. that's what happened. >> stephanie: right back on the instead of stepstephanie miller. but still support the drug war you must be high. >> i think the number one thing that viewers like about "the young turks" is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. >> you're putting out there something that you're proud of. journalists want the the story and they want the right story and the want the true story. >> you can say anything here. >> i spent a couple of hours
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>> your mistake was writing a check. >> she never cashed it! >> the war room. >> compared to other countries with tighter gun safety laws our death toll is just staggering. >> the young turks. >> the top bankers who funneled all the money to the drug lords, no sentence. there's just no justice in that. >> viewpoint. >> carl rove said today that mitt romney is a lock to win next pope. he's garunteeing it. >> joy behar: say anything. >> is the bottom line then that no white person should ever, ever, ever use the "n" word? >> yes! >> only on current tv.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to
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call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv! [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> stephanie miller. >> why movie stars use luster cream shampoo. >> stephanie: it is the "the stephanie miller show," yeah, we took a little poll during the break, and that guy was the most irritating guy. >> you know what else? >> stephanie: what else. >> i have just saying. >> stephanie: he was generally guilty. >> not prejudice or anything. >> stephanie: i think i have to say i'm not prejudice but something after that, what happened? >> but look what the blacks did. >> stephanie: he was bringing up that some black people cheered when o. gym-- >> not all of them did. >> stephanie: right, exactly but that was the point. black people generally-- >> he went to prison again.
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see, justice is--never mind. you know what. [ buzzer ] >> some blacks said that, so i don't really care. >> stephanie: stop that, captain pop quiz. >> you know what else, a white guy, if it happened. >> stephanie: okay, let's go to illinois you're on the stephanie miller. >> caller: hi. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: hi, i love you guys semi love you. all right, go ahead. >> caller: well, i'm calling mr. zimmerman's lawyers are calling trayvon a thug. they don't know what a thug is because a thug would really would have beetle living hell out of george zimmerman with iced tea. >> that's right, choke him with skittles. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. the participant family martin family attorney. >> this is a very trying time
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for their family, and we ask that you respect their privacy for trayvon to rest in peace we must all be peaceful. thank you. >> stephanie: yeah, they were not in the courtroom for the verdict, and you have to wonder if they got a heads up what it was going to be, it was going to be emotional. >> i think it would have been emotional either way. i think that's probably why they weren't there. >> stephanie: martin family attorney. >> we're very, very saddened the waybythe verdict in this case. tracy martin they're just heartbroken. >> stephanie: angie, get angie. >> caller: what i'm calling about today as my mother puts it i'm working on uterus gene,
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i'm pregnant right now. my boyfriend is black i'm black and puerto rican. this case is emotional to me. it made me realize that at 35 years old when my son grows up or becomes a teenager, if he makes any stupid juvenile mistake he won't be--his act won't be looked at as some stupid juvenile mistake. it will be looked at as threatening, menacing man child that some how someone kills him or anything like this, he deserved his actions. >> stephanie: yes. >> people will just looking at how the media has treated trayvon martin, the media will run over his reputation, you know, it hurts. >> stephanie: i hear you. i hear you. if i were a parent, i would feel the same way. i heard a lot of parents say the same thing. john in chicago you're on "the stephanie miller show."
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hi john. >> caller: i appreciate that last caller. that was amazing. i just want to say like a lot of people i feel like the confrontation between zimmerman and martin began when zimmerman chose to get out of the car and defied what he was instructed to do and knew that the cops were coming. for everyone who likes to say guns don't kill people, people kill people. what compelled zimmer toman to get out of the car? he had a gun. trayvon martin was unarmed. it was the gun and he knew that he would be protected by florida law. >> stephanie: you're actually right, 99% of us reasonable people in the world if you see something going on, you're not going to be idiot enough to go to the middle of it, you're going to go to the police, who is armed and trained. you're absolutely right. >> caller: the law says you can feel threatened. well, he put himself in a
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position to be threatened. he didn't stand his ground until he got out of the car with ground to stand. what's the deal? he got out of the car. >> stephanie: yep, yep absolutely. where are we, jan in grand rapids. you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: hello, i think zimmerman's nosebleed was caused by the kickback of his own gun. >> stephanie: i've heard a lot of gun experts say that. it has a particular kick pack. >> caller: well, what the hell check this out? >> no, it's over. >> stephanie: maybe for the civil trial. maybe it would be like o.j. where he could still lose the civil suit. john in chicago you're on "the stephanie miller show." hello john. hi john, or not. how about edward in massachusetts. hi ed. >> caller: yes basically this whole thing about zimmerman
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yes, it's very racial with respect to the fact that it's all about preventing white people from being able to defend themselves against black thugs like mr. trayvon martin. >> stephanie: he was a thug based on what? >> he had a hoodie on. >> caller: no, the fact is trayvon martin attacked george zimmerman. >> stephanie: how do you know that? >> caller: it was fully justified. >> were you there? >> stephanie: because the only guy alive said so? >> said george zimmerman. if someone attacks me, i'm going to do the same thing. i have a gun i'm going to cut their throat. if i have a gun i'm going to shoot them in the head. >> all right. the most important part of is a white woman being raped by a
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black man. when george zimmerman was attacked by that thug, trayvon martin. >> what evidence is there that trayvon martin ever was a thug. >> you're a race traitor. >> come on, traitor. [ singing in german ] >> stephanie: i knew i should have had more to drink this morning. >> should we send rebecca out? >> stephanie: yes, she knows where the good hooch is. >> there is a wine cellar in this building? i had no idea. >> caller: good morning. there was a key piece of evidence that being overlooked in this trial. zimmerman told the police that when trayvon was repeatedly hitting him in the face and head zimmerman thought trayvon had something in his hand. we know it's not a soda can.
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we look around, what else could trayvon had in his hand? the answer it had to be that tactical flashlight. it happens to be a self defense weapon. if it had a nylon cord on it, a nylon strap, that would explain the friction burns the rope burns on trayvon's left hand that hasn't been explained. the private investigator explained yes that tactical flashlight would institute a blunt force trauma instrument. those lacerations are clearly blunt force instrument, and-- >> stephanie: what? no one said that they were blunt force drama. they're superficial wounds. people are scaring me this morning. >> clearly they're blunt force
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trauma. traitor, you race traitor. >> look what hopped up on my screen hitler. i wasn't searching for it at all. it just popped up. >> stephanie: as jim has pointed out, if zimmerman's story was vaguely correct, he was taking thistakingthis beating from trayvon martin martin trayvon had no blood nothing on his hands. >> now it's the flashlight and not the hunk of concrete. >> stephanie: right, sure. someone called me the n-word lover, let me go on record saying yes, i am. >> race traitor thug. you're a thug. >> stephanie: mark in illinois, you're on "the stephanie miller show." wow. >> you know what else, white guys. >> stephanie: before i started-- started--did he say something about me being raped by a black
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man? was he wishing that on that on me? >> trayvon's biggest mistake is that he brought skittles to a gunfight. zimmerman had no ground to stand on because he had a weapon. when you have a conceal carry and stand your ground, and you're against a minor. >> stephanie: why is stalking not one of the charges against zimmerman? i don't get it. mike in minneapolis. you're on "the stephanie miller show"." >> caller: this tragedy has kkk written all over it. there is a teenage boy dead from a gunshot wound. the police say go on home. take a shower, we'll get in touch with you if we need you. there are people screaming and no one comes out to look to see what is happening. my neighborhood is a diverse
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neighborhood, and when something is going on, there are four or five people looking outside to see what happens. trayvon martin was a courageous young man to face an adult bigger than him heavier than him on a dark night on a street in a gated community. lastly i would like to say america, boycott florida. don't buy grapefruit, don't by oranges, don't go to disneyland. >> we have that in california. >> which will be underwater soon. >> stephanie: or the victory of a sharknato. we'll be back on the stephanie miller. >> it's a good place to see celebrities. >> it's "the stephanie miller show."
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you've heard stephanie's views. >>no bs, authentic, the real thing. >>now, let's hear yours at the only online forum with a direct line to stephanie miller. >>the only thing that can save america now: current television.
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>>join the debate now. you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? [ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> stephanie miller. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> welcome to the white supremacist hotline. leave a message after the beep. >> stephanie: beep. this is "the stephanie miller show," 50 minutes after the hour. just in case you tuned in, i'm a race traitor for feeling that george zimmerman was guilty. all right. speaking of inappropriate racism racism. >> is there appropriate racism? >> stephanie: this is horrible. >> this rocketed around facebook facebook. >> stephanie: someone pranked. >> the fox tv affiliate up there. >> phoney names. >> stephanie: yes, yes they
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used phoney names for the asiana plane crash. summer interns erroneously named the pilots. >> they confirmed that these are the names of the pilots on board when it crashed. we're working to determine what roles each of them played in the landing. >> oh, what a moran. >> stephanie: wow. a lot of anchors are dopey and just read whatever-- >> it's on the paper in front of me so it must be true. >> stephanie: one, but four? >> when they called the ntsb, they confirmed it.
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the tv station did what they were supposed to do. >> but there is no judgment. wi i tu lo. >> stephanie: this makes most anchors to look like morons. >> i read the paper whatever is in front the page. today in flegeritep-- >> stephanie: asiana said that it's reputation was damaged by the report, and is considering legal action. she apologized after the break. >> i'm apologized i'm a moron with no sense of human humor. >> stephanie: i would love a copy of the commercial tape. really? >> wi tu lo. >> stephanie: thank god she
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didn't say the word, mary in chicago--oh, no, i have a feeling. hi, mary. >> caller: hi. >> stephanie: oh, boy. >> caller: oh, boy. here we go. >> hi, mary. >> caller: here we go. you know what, i wish you would get your facts straight about the george zimmerman case. >> stephanie: what did i get wrong? >> everything. >> everything? >> everything. >> stephanie: really? >> caller: you keep saying oh, he's following him. is there a law that you can't get out of your car? >> when the police tell you not to yes. >> caller: it was non-emergency. it was non-emergency. >> the police told him not to do that. and he did it any way. >> caller: he asked him if he was following. he said don't do it. he said okay. he went back to his car.
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trayvon attacked him. >> his car attacked him in his car with a bag of skittles. >> caller: yeah, yeah, skittles, right. 13% of the population, 8% are in jail figure out. >> stephanie: where did you get that statistic from? >> caller: look it up. >> stephanie: 18%, really? >> caller: look it up. >> at race >> look it up in the white supremacist handbook. it's right there. >> stephanie: oh, boy, does everyone start a sentence with "you know what? ." >> you know what else? she's not through. >> stephanie: travis is on vacation. he's been gone for while. i didn't realize it was her mary, oh no. >> mary in chicago. >> he attacked him in his car. he went far. >> stephanie: and she's accusing me of getting the facts wrong?
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>> he attacked him in the car. that's how he broke his head open with the bag of cheese skittles backed it on the window and broke his head. >> stephanie: has anyone said that george zimmerman was attacked in his car? >> mary. he went back to his carr and he was attacked in the car get your facts straight. >> stephanie: ed in detroit. >> caller: how are you stephanie. >> stephanie: i have a headache in my eye. >> caller: i just wanted to call and clarify the black reaction to the o.j. situation. o.j. was not a beloved character in the black community. he never used his position to help influence any particular things that might be important to that community. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: however, the black response to o.j. was strictly
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about how black americans and now certainly we can put trayvon trayvon in that category how they're systematically victimized by the system. how young black men are shot and killed by police who are then exonerated. the reaction in the black community was strictly how the tables were turned. whether o.j. did it or not, it was the same system that was used against them, and now all of a sudden we have white america crying in the streets. they're not crying in the streets for you know, a young man a day before he's supposed to get married where he's shot and killed, or a 17-year-old kid with a bag of skittles that was shot and killed. but now they're crying in the streets because somebody of means, o.j. used the system against them that they use all of the time. that's equally with the o.j. >> stephanie: it was on the heels of the rodney king trials as well. with any person with a set of
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eyes, how could they be acquitted? stephanie in pennsylvania. you're on "the stephanie miller show," hi steph. >> caller: yes, good morning. i have a question. now that zimmerman has been found not guilty, is there any way that the parents can file a civil suit? >> stephanie: it sounds like they're going to, and the justice department may do something as well. >> caller: my last thing, what is the matter with florida instead of kansas? >> stephanie: somebody does need to write that book. wtf florida? adrian in pennsylvania. welcome. >> caller: yes i'm a concealed permit carry holder. i carry a weapon with me wherever i go. the biggest coward walk the streets. it's my responsibility as a person who carries the gun to make sure that i could put myself in a situation that i could shoot someone.
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if someone said something to me or anything. i'm the one who has to avoid it because i'm the one with the gun. i have to take the responsibility of that. >> stephanie: yes, no, that's a very good point. that's the problem, it's just--this was a special storm. clearly zimmerman was a wannabe cop a vigilante. >> he broke into the car with the skittles, and you. >> stephanie: jim, i don't need to relive that call. thank you. 58 minutes after the hour. >> race traitor and a thug. >> stephanie: right back on "the stephanie miller show."
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> stephanie: you know what, jim? it's time for jacki schechner. we should write that book together wtf florida. >> i don't know if either one of us have that kind of time. >> stephanie: too many chapters, just when you're done you have to write another one. >> i have a little company in the news center today and we were having a conversation it's one thing to be racist in your own head, and it's a horrible thing to be, of course, but to be so racist to call a national radio show to spew your racism. that's a whole other level in racism. >> stephanie: are a traitor like me, jacki schechner, also a thug. >> yes well.
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>> stephanie: all right, you're all part of my gang. >> and you hang out with people like stephanie. >> i'm always so surprised when there is so much hate. >> stephanie: here she is, my little love bug, jacki schechner schechner. >> good morning, everybody. a court in pennsylvania will start considering the constitutionality of the voter i.d. latte. libertarians and state officials are arguing whether it's right for voters to show i.d. at the polls. it has been blocked on the ground that disenfranchised voters may not have proper identification. the naacp, the league of women voters, and the home advocacy projects are among the plaintiffs in the trial. the state said a free photo i.d.
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is available to those who don't have driver's license but the plaintiffs point out only 20 those have been issued so far and how relevant are they really. that's going to be the key issue in nine days of trial we have head of us. former president george hw bush will be back back. receiving the award outreach which she received in helping starving children in tanzania. president bush started the award back in 1989, and it's made for thousand points of light reference in his inaugural address. we're back.
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war
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you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> stephanie: not really, not if you've been called a race traitor, and even the request 9:00 a.m. on the west coast wow. 1-800-steph-12 the number toll-free from anywhere. everyone is reacting to the george zimmerman verdict. >> we the jury found george zimmerman not guilty. >> at we in the rest of the country find floor out of your bleepin' minds. >> stephanie: that's how we judge you. we judge you to be [bleep] crazy. that's what we say. somebody tweeted injustice, and john roberts said racism is over
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in america. based on the voting rights act. did you see this story jack hunter aid to kentucky senator rand paul. a former radio shock jock, a member of the league of the south, a pro segregationist group. paul has refused to condemn hunter. >> well, is secede, by all means. blow up all the bridges power lines, you know, you're on your own. >> stephanie: oh boy. >> god help you if your house catches on fire. >> stephanie: racist goldman sachs employee gets punched in the story. a drunken goldman sachs employee apparently over his job and dissolving marriage started
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shouting racial slurs to at a couple before he was knocked out by a man who was trying to help him. he stumbleed. >> stephanie: their table. douglas reddish tried to help him. and then the man said he tried to clock me, said the racist drunken man. the man then just smacked his head into the pavement and knocked himself out. the racist man fled the scene only to be arrested a few minutes later and charged with assault. if this guy dies right the black guy who tries to help him gets called the n-word: sherry in kenosha hi, sherry.
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good morning. >> caller: the man who enforces the law he disobeyed a direct order from the law and because of this a young man is dead. trayvon martin did not die in vain. trayvon did receive justice not by the court system but by the revelation of the disdain of racism. >> stephanie: he was pronounced not guilty, but he's not innocent, either. let's go to--let's see craig in alabama, you're on "the stephanie miller show"." >> caller: hey, stevie, i was just calling to tell you i'm joining the race traitor rankings with you. >> stephanie: come on, come on
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with me. >> caller: and i hope black people don't take my black card from me, but i don't think that george zimmerman was a racist. i think by conditioning through his 29 years. you go to the movies. the villain is the black guy. he saw trayvon martin in this hoodie at night and he automatically profileed him as being up to no good even though the kid was minding his own business. he didn't pull out his gun to shoot trayvon martin because he was black. i they he pulled it out and shot him because he got his ass kicked. >> stephanie: but when he kept referring him as a suspect. what was he suspected of? he was walking with skittles. what was he doing that was suspicious. >> caller: so if a white guy is walking in a park with a hoodie on, you would think that he's part of the row team or something.
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a black guy, he's up to no good. the black guys are always suspicious. >> stephanie: hoodies only a bad fashion choice if you're black then? >> caller: say that one more time. >> stephanie: hoodies are only a bad fashion choice if you're black, then? >> caller: exactly. there are certainly things that black guys can't do that only white guys can done. >> stephanie: i guess so. >> it shouldn't be that way. >> stephanie: julie in california. >> caller: hi, stephanie. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: i wanted to comment on the last guy who called. i don't think zimmerman was a racist. i think everything happened the way it's been happening for the last 200 years. we have a race problem and i've been picked on. i've been in jail, as most are incredibly racist. thank god i had a jewish lawyer,
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or i don't think i would have gotten out of jail. >> stephanie: have we covered every stereotype possible on this show this morning? thank good i had a jew lawyer, okay. >> this will be another alan smithy production. >> alan smithy wi tou lo production. >> stephanie: hello,. >> caller: how are you doing. >> stephanie: i'm a race traitor. >> caller: i don't have a problem. >> stephanie: because i'm on your side, obviously. >> caller: i did want to let you know i'm an an extremely angry black man. this comes from the headlines of the daily news. willie edwards james cheney
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michael donald michael griffin james bird jr. trayvon martin, these are all black men who weren't doing anything to anybody other than--i mean, with the exception of a couple of people maybe they may have stepped up and said, this is wrong. this is what is going on, the conditioningcondition that my people happen to be in, and then they end up dead. the person that kills them either ends up not being charged or walking away. the biggest thing about this, he wasn't charged for 44 days. there had to be protests just for him to get charged. >> stephanie: you know the evidence and all that been better had they treated this more seriously from the beginning, you're right on a lot of counts. let's go to milli in florida. how are you doing millie.
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>> caller: i'm from florida, of course and it's not the sunshine state any more. it's the shameful state it really is. as a woman of color, while i was watching the trial, and my friends found out that the jurors were white women okay, we were actually extremely worried. this is what i want to get out-- >> stephanie: i think a lot of people hope that the mother card would trump race in this trial. >> caller: yeah, but no one has ever talked about is that the white mother, okay, they never had to worry about their children, now or ever, being racially profiled. you're speaking in terms of mothers that never have to worry about their children being stopped by law enforcement in an unruly way just to mess with him. so you have to think in terms of
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that. >> stephanie: yes, yes. >> caller: maybe that's why they did it the way they did it, because they don't see it. they can't relate. >> stephanie: let'slet's go to kevin in orange county. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i heard a couple of callers call in about george zimmerman's right to self defense. trayvon martin has the exact same equal right of self defense under under the law. it's not just a single action. it's a formula of actions. the first duty under self defense is retreat. i don't see any evidence where george zimmerman retreated. he gave up his right to self defense as soon as he got out of the car and confronted trayvon martin. trayvon martin by all the evidence that i heard his first action was to retreat. when you have a threat of imminent bodily harm, which anybody would feel that way in trayvon martin's circumstances they're allowed to react to that with force. even if you say that trayvon
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martin threw the first punch, he had every right to under the same self-defense that everybody is saying that george zimmerman had. >> stephanie: right, yeah, yeah, i'm sure if he knew he was going to be stalked by a vigilante cop wannabe, he would have had more skittles. >> caller: i wanted to say a few more things. if you strip everything from it, and look at it from a mental standpoint, i feel that the court should have as a murderer that's what he is. he was told to stay in the car. he had a mental process that told him he needed to take this gun and harm somebody. regardless of race regardless of who was he got out of his car, and i think he should be--should have been pegged for
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a murderer. >> stephanie: for second-degree you have to prove malice. to me why does the 911 call not qualify? when you call somebody these [bleep] is going to get with this these f-ing punks. did he get fonder after that during the fight? how is that not with malice? 17 minutes after the hour. we're on "the stephanie miller show." >> wow, i don't believe it. this is too good to be real. of course this is real. >> it's "the stephanie miller show." the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare.
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(vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. [ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> stephanie miller. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> i'm not sure i'm ready. >> stephanie: well, 22 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12. >> i'm just looking for someone who is bootylicious enough, not too much. >> stephanie: yeah right. let's go to danette in west virginia. you're on "the stephanie miller show" on the zimmerman verdict. >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hey. >> caller: i wanted to make a couple of comments. one of the things was about the prosecution. in the back of zimmerman's head were cuts. but they're not on the ball of the head. occipital ex-xuberance. >> caller: how do you slam somebody's head into the concrete even once without doing that. that's kind of a no-brainer.
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but the second thing i wanted to say is really about our society. how is this young man this beautiful young kid, not young man, but this beautiful young kid killed, but not one of his neighbors come out and help him. i don't know how they sleep at night. they have to be thinking about that too. no one tried to help their child. >> stephanie: exactly. thank you. let's go to lindy in colorado. welcome. >> caller: hello. i just want to apologize to their parents. it is so sad that nobody can get justice any more like this. i'm a race traitor, too. >> stephanie: well, good welcome to the club this morning. >> caller: i know, it's really sad. that we have five white people, i just don't know what it says about us any more. >> stephanie: i hear you. i hear you. ed in detroit you're on "the stephanie miller show."
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hi, ed. >> caller: i heard the drones from the left. now i'm going to give you the mechanisms for what happened. that is that there's a culture of violence, and it's perpetrated by progressive dogma. >> stephanie: progressives are making black people violent? >> caller: no, there is a culture of violence, rejection of education it's more important--it's less masculine to pick up the book and it's more masculine to carry .9mms. >> stephanie: who was carrying the .9mm? it was george. >> caller: are you going to keep talking over me. i'm giving you an opposing view. >> stephanie: your opposing view is that blacks are inherit
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presently violent. >> caller: no, but where they're told they're victims instead of dealing with the real problem which is black america resorts to violence instead of backing away. it results in tens of thousands of crime. what happened in florida was not racist. >> stephanie: no white people are violent. >> caller: yeah, at times but not to the extent that blacks are. >> stephanie: not to the extent. >> caller: that's a general general--it's progressive dogma. it's okay to lash out. >> stephanie: it's not really blacks' faults. it's progressives. >> caller: the entitlements that pay fathers to leave their family they rewards they receive instead of keeping teams together. >> where do you get this evidence.
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>> caller: it's called reality. go to any inner city school, the evidence is in the scores. these schools are hellholes. >> stephanie: what is your evidence. >> caller: the black america has been exposed to progressive dogma and progressive violence. >> stephanie: what is your point. is this why zimmerman is not guilty. >> caller: zimmerman is not guilty because the court of law charged him not guilty. but the problem was that this young kid that didn't deserve to die has been taught all along he has experienced what you're doing in the black community if you're confronted, you're not manly if you don't confront the man, you go and hit him. that's not the way you deal with problems. i heard some idiot. >> stephanie: really if a guy was following you and stalking you and you couldn't get away. >> caller: he's not stalking me with a gun. george zimmerman did not pull the gun out of his back pocket. >> stephanie: how do you know. >> caller: that's what the evidence shows.
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>> stephanie: that's what one guy alive said. >> you liberal progressive left wing race traitors like you. >> and there is no evidence of any fact he was spouting. >> stephanie: congratulations. i now have a headache in both eyes. >> it's liberal progressive who is tell black people to be violent, so they have it coming. >> stephanie: and now i'm a victim because i gave jim my last two advil. >> and you gave ed all that air time congratulations to that. >> stephanie: oh god i hate everyone. hello, cory in atlanta. hi cory. >> caller: good morning. i was calling because you asked earlier about why they didn't use stalking? >> stephanie: right. >> caller: as a charge? that's because in florida the problem is you have to repeatedly follow someone. >> stephanie: i see. >> caller: so since it was just
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one night he was being harassed. >> stephanie: it's a one-off if you're only stalking someone one night. >> caller: exactly. >> you need to stalk more people. >> caller: the thing that really bothers me, the second point to that certain people who are calling in with their thug issues. i moved from florida last year. >> congratulation as soon as nicely done, sir. >> caller: people fail to realize she didn't find it important enough to take over the case, but she found it important to charge a woman 20 years because she was defending herself in her house. >> someone tweeted. holy crap, i'm not a violent black guy but these callers are making me want to go to a
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pawnshop 38-point. >> stephanie: when i said i hate everyone this morning i meant everyone but black people because i am a race traitor. okay. >> good to know. >> stephanie: make a note of it. okay 29 minutes after the hour. >> shall we see what the next segment has. >> stephanie: i'm just tottering. we'll be right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> did anyone tell the pilgrims they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me.
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>> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> i think the number one thing that viewers like about "the young turks" is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. >> you're putting out there something that you're proud of. journalists want the the story and they want the right story and the want the true story. >> you can say anything here. >> i spent a couple of hours
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with a hooker. >> your mistake was writing a check. >> she never cashed it! >> the war room. >> compared to other countries our death toll is just staggering. >> the young turks. >> the top bankers who funneled all the money to the drug lords, no sentence. there's just no justice in that. >> viewpoint. >> carl rove said today that mitt romney is a lock to win next pope. he's garunteeing it. >> joy behar: say anything. >> is the bottom line then that no white person should ever, ever, ever use the "n" word? >> yes! >> only on current tv. [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> i'm also known as benny the groin, benny the snooze. i'm also known to people who know me the best as--stephanie miller. >> stephanie: 34 minutes after the hour. well, you know what, people watching on current tv could see that my previous caller is right, i'm a race trailer. traitor. i'm reading about story in sunday l.a. times rock on. i love the producer of "archer." speculated that tyler is from workerstan. she's prettier, and smarter than
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we are. the collective shely she's funnier. she may be a robot. scary thing i think she could do more. take over the world or rule google glass. >> okay. >> stephanie: nicely done. she has a new book out also. self-inflicted wound. at least i got a mass e-mail from her the other day. i'm still on her list of people to tell about her new book. >> anyone who has had contact with her at all got that e-mail in she meant it mostly for me. hello michelle, michelle in atlanta. >> stephanie: very personal mass e-mail. hello, michelle. >> caller: hey, stephanie. i am just so frustrated with this case because i remember in the beginning of the trial the investigator at the scene had been asked if there was any
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blood on the concrete from george zimmerman's head being bashed and she said no. why didn't the prosecution use that? he said that his head was bashed 25 times and where was the flesh? >> stephanie: i just brought it up trayvon had no blood or dna on his hands of any kind. how could he give this epic beating on zimmerman right. >> caller: right, but the evidence was not handled properly either. i couldn't understand that why tracy martin didn't know anything. why didn't the police go door to door? why were parents not contacted initially? so everybody has fault in this. that is really the disgusting part. >> stephanie: i agree with you. by the way one the zimmerman's friends tweeted george always kept everyone safe. really? really? everyone? did he keep everyone safe? hi scott in north carolina.
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>> caller: hi, i just want to say i heard a lot of people speak about this issue and the truth of the matter is the jury deliberated on the wrong issue. the main issue was what caused the root problem? what caused it? the truth of the matter, yeah george zimmerman probably did have to defend himself so did trayvon. trayvon was a scare kid with a strange man following him. what would you do? i would fight for my life too. the bottom line is that the jury went in, and they only deliberated on what happened in the scuffle. well, what caused the root problem? what could trayvon have done to prevent this whole issue? not go outdoors? that's his civil right. but what they failed to realize is that george zimmerman had several options that he could have done to stop this. he could not not gotten out of
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his car. he could have said, i'm the neighborhood watch guy. can i help you? trayvon would have said, i'm going to my dad's house up the street here. where i'm from there is a lot of racism. it's very heavy. we have an active klan recruiting people, putting notes out on your car at the grocery store. >> stephanie: nice. >> caller: where i'm from, i'm very aware of how somebody can be profiled. >> stephanie: yes, absolutely. i know, ed in houston you're on "the stephanie miller show," hi ed. >> caller: hey stephanie. first let me say that a lot of your callers today have presented several points i wanted to make, primarily the one that was made about melissa alexander. this is a lady that shot into her roof.
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okay she didn't shoot at anyone. she shot at her roof. >> stephanie: because she was threatened by her ex who had beaten her up for years. >> caller: exactly. so now she has outstanding warrant against him. but my question, and i present this to jim, why didn't the prosecution present any of this evidence? they presented such a lame lame--what's the word?--they presented such a lame class. i thought they should have been able to present this. this kid is walking home. you tell me that this guy brings in a piece of concrete? he's walking down the street with concrete in his hand? >> stephanie: exactly. >> also they didn't test for the tissue samples or blood on the
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concrete. take our word for it. >> stephanie: yep, john in iowa. welcome. >> caller: good afternoon--good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i'm sorry that the young man is dead. it's a tragedy no matter how you look at it. i'm sorry that i was born white. i didn't have anything to do with that. but my concern more is than anything why doesn't anybody care about anybody getting killed in chicago and washington, d.c.? >> stephanie: who says nobody cares? >> caller: that's exactly right. >> stephanie: who says nobody cares? >> caller: what are they doing about it? we had a situation in davenport iowa, where we had some gang influx into the city. and our police department department pulled out all the squad cars and started patrolling heavily, and they moved right back out of town. there has got to be a way to stop it.
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maybe the president needs to bring in the military. >> stephanie: what cities are you talking about? >> chicago. >> caller: 26 people killed the weekend before last. this is terrible. >> stephanie: okay. >> the situation in chicago is a little more complicated than davenport, iowa. >> caller: absolutely. >> it takes a lot more money and a lot more manpower, and we may not have it. >> stephanie: it's so easy to get a gun so close to chicago. >> gary, indiana right across the border. >> stephanie: that's right. chanel hey chanel. >> caller: i'mi listen in a well-established predominantly white neighborhood. my husband and i are young black
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americans and we're peaceful. but there are young black men who live in the inner city. we're faced with the two americas. i'm fearful for my nephews and my cousins to even visit me here because i assume that something may happen to them as a result of all of this. mothers, the term we use are wwbb or awbb, and we each our young men that you can be stopped for these two reasons and those are walking while being black or driving while being black. so this is not a new thing for the average black american who wants to raise healthy productive young men. we teach them to be afraid of the police just pretty much lay down on the ground and put your
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hands up. this is from a black mother as well. so when i see six white women who have no idea of what it's like to try to save a black man from the american prison, and create someone who is a good example in society, it's very hard. >> stephanie: you know we've had other black women call in this morning and share the same experience. it makes you wonder why there wasn't more diversity on that jury. >> why were there only six. aren't there 12? >> stephanie: i don't know. jennifer in georgia. >> caller: hi, steph. i want to translate something from my language to you. it's in the courtroom of your conscious. you may have walked out of the
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guardcourtroom, but he'll never walk out of the courtroom of his conscious, he'll have to deal with it. >> stephanie: i'm not sure that i caught your point. >> caller: george zimmerman, he got out of the courtroom yes but his conscious went out with him. that will be there every day. >> stephanie: it doesn't sound like it from his interview with shawnsean hannity. would you do anything different? no i wouldn't do anything different if i had to do it all over again. >> zimmerman's brother has been an a-hole. >> stephanie: should we play that again? robert zimmerman on piers morgan cnn. >> i want to know, i'm not sure if it's true but trayvon martin was looking to procure firearms, or was growing marijuana plants, or making lean--whatever he was doing, i want to know that every
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minor high schooler that would be reaching out in some way for help, and they may feel it's by procuring firearms or whatever they may be doing that they have some kind of help. i think that's what george was doing when he mentored two black children. >> he's like breitbart really nauseating. >> stephanie: really nauseating combination. the problem was not that zimmerman had a gun and trayvon was shot in the heard, but that trayvon might be trying to procure a gun? >> i had a sense that he was going to get a gun growing drugs, growing gun drugs. >> this is what he said on piers morgan, this is the last time i want to hear about bags of skittles well, this is the last
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time i want to hear from you people. >> stephanie: he meant it in a racist way you people. >> you know what i'm talking about, you people who go on piers morgan. >> stephanie: that's what we mean. talking to you. right back on "the stephanie miller show." [ laughing ] >> i don't get it.
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john fugelsang: if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern.
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. [ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> getting jiggy with what?
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>> it. you don't question will smith. >> stephanie: no it. 51 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 toll-free from anywhere. did you see beyonce in concert. the verdict came down just a few minutes before the concert started, so she held a moment of silence, and she then sang "i will always love you." >> you okayotherstrategy over the weekend. "glee" star died, very sad. he had a history of substance abuse, but that is very sad. also very sad, mitch mcconnell
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on meet the press. >> did you watch? >> mitch mccome. do we have to go back to the galapagos islands ancestral homelands. >> stephanie: he's having a showdown with harry reid, and i have to say he played a clip of how mitch mcconnell back in the day talked about how he wanted to do this. but now it's totally different. >> "wheel of right wing hypocrites." >> stephanie: i love this one on the "huffington post"." senatorsenate majority leader harry reid, he apparently said, i [bleep] some of those nominations in a caucus meeting. the salty language. he said this is unheard of, and now it's an unacceptable pattern.
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>> wow. >> stephanie: may i say he was on "meet the press" as well, and he's not our best spokesperson. i just found he and mitch mcconnell had an equally creepy laugh. okay. >> well. >> stephanie: i'm just saying he's right. i just wish jim could work with him on using his outside voice. >> i'm sorry you just have to see me like this. i'm enraged. [ whisper ] >> stephanie: then mitch mcconnell, i had to turn the volume back down again. michelle in tampa you're on "the stephanie miller show" show. >> caller: just as a mom of a school-age child and my child gets all a's. to have the girl who was on the phone with trayvon you know, for her to be called uneducated really, really bothered me. no children here in florida are taught cursive.
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they have completely written that out of the curriculum. >> stephanie: how did that become the issue of anything? >> caller: they seem to--when she couldn't read the cursive they made that--you know, they made her seem uncredible because she wasn't intelligent enough. >> stephanie: ridiculous. >> caller: also the politics in family court here really need to be looked at. i mean, if people can google my son's name, dillon read radly, maybe i can get him back home. when people tell you the politics in florida court are bad, they're really bad. the family court judge that i just had was just arrested for dui. >> stephanie: god in heaven. yeah we--we were saying you could never stop writing the wtf florida book. it's good to be right about one
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thing. >> what. >> stephanie: no one else wants sarah palin to run for anything either. most americans are not keen of sarah palin. as u.s. senator or any other public official according to a new poll. 15% could not muster you have enthusiasm to be sure either way. in a poll palin would face an uphill battle to unseat mark begich. is it a pathetic attempt to look relative? >> okay, guys and gals. >> stephanie: okay, guys and gals. >> i'll try to find some and bring them to you. >> stephanie: someone who wants to you run? >> bring them to ya. >> stephanie: katrice, welcome to "the stephanie miller show"." >> caller: hi, stephanie. i want to say that you're not a
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race traitor. you're a human lover. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: it's just so crazy how we all live in this melting pot called america and we don't even try to get to know our neighbor. i truly believe that aliens would have to show up before we consider ourselves one human race. that is just the fact of it. nevertheless zimmerman he's an idiot, he makes me want to stuff a bunch of donuts in his mouth. >> stephanie: yes, we should keep [bleep] until we're all one color. then what will the racists will do. their heads will implode. i can't tell what is what, who the hell are you? hi, don. >> caller: good morning, stephanie. i want to let you know as a parent and grandparent i feel much safer now let my teenage kids out the door because george
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zimmerman is out there. my daughter is heading out the door. now i feel so much better that george zimmerman gets his gun back. holly moleyholy moly. >> stephanie: jumping jehosaphat let's go to patricia in florida. you're on "the stephanie miller on "the stephanie miller show," hi, patricia. >> caller: hi, how are you? >> stephanie: good, how are you. >> caller: i'm a 54-year-old white female who lives in florida. i have a concealed weapons
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permit. i have no idea how this piece of garbage george zimmerman got away with this. it's ridiculous. yet again a young black man was killed for no reason. >> stephanie: trying to get home. that was his crime. >> caller: trying to get home. and he lives in the same neighborhood, then they're going to give this guy his gun back? >> stephanie: that's a great headline. get the gun back. okay, i did not enjoy today's show. i hope you did. that's it for us. >> becausier an f-ing punk and race traitor. >> we'll talk to charlie pierce about his article. >> stephanie: charlie is mad. that will be fun. thank you we'll see you tomorrow on "the stephanie miller show."
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>> i'm jacki schechner. it's noon eastern and here's what is current. deputy secretary of state bill burns is in egypt today and met with president monsoor in cairo. burns plans to meet with
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additional interim government officials and civil society and business leaders and will emphasize that the u.s. is in support of the people's will which includes the transition to a new democratically elected government. burns does not have a meeting with the muslim brotherhood that backed the ousted president morsi.


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