tv The War Room Current July 15, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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>> michael: coming up tonight, a guy with a gun follows your unarmed teenage son through your neighborhood confronts your unarmed teenage son, and eventually killing your unarmed teenage son. now tell me again what a good job the jury did not letting emotion get in the way of the law? i'm michael shure, you are in "the war room." [♪ theme music ♪] >> michael: all eyes were on florida this weekend after a jury acquitted george zimmerman in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin.
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>> state of florida versus george zimmerman verdict, we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty. >> your gps monitor will be cut off when you exit the courtroom over here, and you have no further business with the court. >> michael: in response protests held vigils and rallies across the country. thousands of people pored into time square in new york yesterday and today and in los angeles protesters actually shut down the freeway for 20 minutes, and there were also protests in chicago, san francisco, denver boston, detroit, washington milwaukee, atlanta, philadelphia, and miami. there were a few isolated insids insids -- incidents in oakland, with smashed windows, the vigils were almost entirely peaceful. the president called for calm
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saying, quote . . . but protesters are demanding further action by the justice department. the naacp has called for civil rights charges against zimmerman. barbara boxer issued her support and so have the more than 450,000 americans who have signed a petition demanding the justice department take action. eric holder responded saying the doj is look going the matter. >> the justice department shares your concern. i share your concerns. [ cheers and applause ] >> and as we first acknowledged last spring, we have opened an investigation into this matter. >> michael: there were similar national outcry just after the shooting, and today video was released of one of the zimmerman
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jurors talking about those protests before she was selected to the jury. she described riots in the neighborhood where the shooting took place, there were decidedly no riots in florida. >> angry people and picketing people, and a lot of news media. >> do you think it was inappropriate what they did? >> i think maybe it was over done. >> michael: she also told the lawyers what she already knew about the case which includes her description of trayvon martin as a boy of color. >> if i asked you to tell me the most significant issue or fact about this case that you remember, what would it be? >> that it was -- that there was a -- a death. >> do you remember who it was that passed away. >> trayvon martin.
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>> describe him. >> he was a -- a boy of color, and i believe teenage years, older teenage i believe. i don't know how old he was. >> michael: and this is america, so today that juror inked a book deal. and george zimmerman told george stephanopoulos that he plans to continue carrying his gun. >> we know he will continue to carry one, but the prosecutors say he should haven't one. >> heard him say that i don't know why he would not carry a gun now. this is the worst moment of his life. >> michael: at least he still has a life to live. joining me now, jason johnson,
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chief political correspondent at, he joins us tonight from atlanta georgia. jason thanks so much for being back inside "the war room." i want to ask you, the verdict seems to have taken many americans by surprise. first and foremost were you surprised? >> no, i wasn't. if democratics are destiny the idea that five southern white women would say it's okay for someone to be afraid of and shoot a young black teen isn't surprising. i don't think the prosecution did a particularly good job, and american history shows us that this is the kind of behavior that can often be excused or justified under the law. you have fruit vail station coming out in a week. so i wasn't particularly surprised by the verdict at all. >> michael: and fruit veil station was based on the shooting of a police officer here in the san francisco area of another unarmed teen.
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do you think the reaction would have been different had there been a guilty verdict? >> i think it would have been a similar reaction. if george zimmerman had been found guilty i don't think people would have been celebrating. i still think there would have been marches in the street and vigils because a 17-year-old boy died. i said this long before the verdict. first off, nothing believe about america was going to be effected, what i think how this country matters wouldn't matter if it was guilty or innocent verdict -- >> michael: i want to stop you there. because that is a totally compelling fact. we talk about the progress of race, jim crow law is obviously gone. we have a black man in the white house but this is no different than the goddamn emmett tilt trial. you see these fat men sitting there with smirks and they got away with it. so what happens now from this
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moment? that was in 1956 or 57 so what happens now, jason? where do we go from here? >> well, there's very little that is going to happen. first and foremost, george zimmerman is going to live the rest of his life in relative obscurity. he is going to end up poor and destitute and hidinglike monica lewinsky, and for every other african american in the country, it is par for the course. your life can be in danger. the likelihood that any laws are going to be changed -- people forget that last year after the trayvon martin shooting, several red states actually passed and enhanced stand your ground laws. so i don't see much change happening. conversations will happen, people will be upset, but i
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don't see anything radically changing that will make someone like george zimmerman or anyone else like him behave differently in the future. >> michael: let's go to what you say, people of all colors. one of the warming things is people of all colors have been offended by this not just by the verdict, but by the fact that these laws exist. the verdict, that was a case that was a trial, but the law that does exist is so offensive to so many people. do you think there is something encouraging there? >> i would have said that in the state of florida until about two weeks ago. this is the state where the head of the republican party came out and said we passed voter id to keep black people and young people and latinos from voting and now they can change any kind of voter laws that they want.
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so the likelihood that the ballot box is going to lead to any fundamental changes in that state are very, very slim and that is a disappointing harsh reality from this case. >> michael: and that's another one of the biproducts of this case. was this is a failure by the prosecution, or were the laws written such that it was nearly impossible to convict zimmerman? personally, i thought they were going to get him on manslaughter. >> there were two ways to look at it, either one you thought democratics or destiny, which the chance of five white women giving you a conviction would be slim, but if they could be persuadable, you would have had to have sam waterson from law and water, and matthew mcconaughey from a time to kill
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advising them. they would have had to put on the perfect prosecution in order to get a conviction. so the laws didn't work against them, and they had a very very small margin of error. i think they were doomed from the start, which is unfortunate. >> michael: yeah that is part of the problem here, and i think a lot of us secretly thought it was doomed. today newt gingrich from the fantastic state of georgia where you sit tonight compared the peaceful protesters to a lynch mob, and i'm not kidding. take a listen to the former speaker of the house. >> i watch these protesters none of whom read the transcript, none of whom stat through five weeks of the trial, all of whom are prepared to be a lynch mob. they wanted one verdict, and the verdict was guilty. >> michael: as a party the
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republicans turned gingrich away last year. but what do statements like these say about the state of race relations in this country? >> i don't think that -- here is the thing, newt gingrich is anomaly because he speaks out loud. >> michael: yeah. >> the people who are in favor of george zimmerman are very very quiet today, because they know, even the majority of white americans think something about this isn't clean. there is a difference between law and justice. and i think that most americans think that somehow, some way, justice did not manifest itself in this case so you are always going to have those newt gingrich. joe scarborough wrote this morning in "politico" saying this is wrong. so i think the vast majority of americans think a mistake was
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made here, and that's probably the only sign of progress we can see from this case. >> michael: and unfortunately joe scarborough represented the state of florida. that is an interesting point you make about gingrich is one of the few people who actually speak his mind. george zimmerman's attorney said his client never would have been charged if he was black. tell me quickly what you make for that? >> it's disingenuous nonsense. you have marches in chicago all the time. no one is happy about death. and had this been a black man who shot a black boy, he probably would have gone to jail and george zimmerman was
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given the benefit of the doubt because he wasn't a african american. and the safest person to be in america is a white person who shoots a black man. >> michael: jason johnson thanks as always for joining us to talk about this. coming up on the show give them hell harry. the majority leader throws down with mitch mcconnell over the filibuster. plus harry also gets on john boehner's case smacking him around on a vote on the immigration bill or lack thereof. and moral monday in north carolina and these protests are becoming more important than ever. it's a the war room on a monday. we'll be right back.
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president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. >> michael: republicans are nothing but a bunch of bullies
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who just want to make sure no one gets anything done. we all know that. exhibit a senate confirmation, and harry reid agrees with me. he slammed republicans for delaying executive nominations. >> everyone knows that under the constitution we have a responsibility to give advice and consent to the president on his nominations, but all we have from the republicans is not advice and consent, we have obstruct and delay. and that's really the truth. >> michael: how bad is it? at the current rate obama will have more of his nominees filibustered than all presidents come pine -- combined. there are currently 161 pending nominations, they include richard core -- cordray who has been waiting over two years for
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senate confirmation. consumer protection environmental protection who needs him? and then there's the so-called nuclear option. this isn't going down easy. joining us to wade through this political muck is david shuster host of the syndicated radio program "take actions news." he joins us from new york, and ben mankiewicz with us from los angeles, a political correspondent on the "young turks" and the post of turner classic movies. thank you for being with us, both of you knew -- new fathers. >> thank you michael. >> michael: harry reid says the filibuster changes are no big deal.
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republicans are saying it is an affront to the senate. who is right? >> harry reid is partially right. it eaches a pretty narrow scope that he would change specifically for executive nominees, but the minority could still revoke and put in place a filibuster, so in that sense, harry reid is correct. the danger is that whenever you start changing senate rules and you have the republicans say if harry reid does it this time then the next time we are in the majority, we're going to change the rules even more and get rid of the filibuster completely. so it could set a dangerous precedent. but we have never had nominees have to wait this long as you pointed out. >> michael: or this many of them. john tester said he is not going to -- i'm sorry brian schweitzer said he is not going to run for senate in montana. there's a chance the republicans are within striking distance of
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taking control of the senate then would either party change their tune if those roles were reversed? >> i don't worry about whether what harry reid does sets a precedent for republicans. if they find it advantageous to change the rules when they are in charge they will change the rules when they are in charge. so i would go ahead and do it and i wouldn't worry about what the republicans are going to do because i wouldn't trust them anyway. >> michael: that's a good point. they just think about what they are doing and what they want to do. david what do you think is going to come out of this meeting today? >> i think republicans are going to blink. harry reid is simply asking for them to allow an up or down vote tomorrow. these are not big deals. republicans have just made it so because they hate these
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agencies. they don't want the agencies to exist in the first place. harry reid is not asking for much, and even senators bike john mccain, john mccain has certainly suggested that harry reid isn't asking for too much. the question is can harry reid get enough republicans to say okay, fine we'll let you have the vote on the seven. we'll try to unblock some of the nominee votes, but you still have to allow us to use the filibuster on other things. i have a feeling that the republicans will back down, and we'll certainly know tomorrow if harry reid will change the senate rules. >> michael: yeah and that would bring on a bigger fight. i want to go back to the george zimmerman verdict that we were talking about. president obama released a statement about the verdict, which is pretty rare for pat to do. what is a president's role in a case like this and is it different for barack obama.
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>> i think the statement was great. you know, every article that sort of analyzes what the president said after the zimmerman verdict talks about the grief that he was going to catch from either side because of it. but i don't think the president would give the president any grief for this. it wasn't a stirring indictment. it suggested that you sort of before you go around gloating as mr. zimmerman supporters have, look around as to whether or not we doing enough to foster a positive feeling of coming together in our communities. and that is one of those rare moments for people who supported obama in 2008 and 2012 to actually feel like he is
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delivering on something. >> michael: yeah, he shows up every once in a while and makes people remember what could have been, but there is still time ben. i want to jump into the scandal in virginia. it has been revealed that bob mcdonald has been received hundreds of thousands in undisclosed gifts. david do you think mcdonald will step down? >> i don't think he will step down, but this is going to essentially jam things up in richmond virginia and not let much get done. his wife is also caught up in undisclosed sums and i'm thinking that he either has to submit to a special prosecution, but i don't think he resigns,
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but it does mean not much work gets done while this is hanging over him. >> michael: yeah, and it's a time also when republicans are trying to win the seat in virginia, so it could cost him some votes, i would imagine. now to san diego, the major, a previous guest on our show he is embrailleoiled in a sexual harassment scandal, take a listen. >> as someone who has spent a lifetime fighting for equality for all people i am embarrassed to admit i have failed to fully respect the women who have worked with me and for me. >> michael: ben can he survive this? >> yeah, you can always survive it, but end up being incredibly marginalized and it makes it very difficult to get any city
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work done. today the mayor was hurt because his fiance suggested that he was asking other women out and sexting them on his phone while he was with her which i thought at least he has got some balls. >> michael: yeah, he does. he was a brave guy, he went into mississippi to register voters as a white kid a long time ago, but he has done so much for the country, and then he has this personal foible, it's an interesting story to follow. gerald ford would have turned 100 yesterday. in 2013 how do the rest of us remember former president ford? >> wow, how do we remember him? i remember him as being a klutz. i think he'll always been remembered as a moderate republican that unfortunately this generation doesn't
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recognize anymore. >> michael: and the pardon good for america? >> no, when george w. bush mentioned it at the funeral, but the story of willis ward and michigan didn't let him play because georgia tech today we won't take the field if that black guy is on the field, gerald ford said he wouldn't play if willis didn't play. so the personal part is a lot more appealing than the political part. >> michael: that's a great story. well done. david shuster, ben mankiewicz thanks for coming into "the war room." really appreciate it. unfortunately many americans are just now realizing the impact of these crazy republican state laws. that's not the case in north carolina where moral mondays are
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quickly becoming a tar heel tradition. that's next in "the war room." documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> did anyone tell the pilgrims they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring.
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>> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. >> michael: for eleven weeks thousands of activists have gathered outside of the state legislative building in north dakota for a weekly moral protest. they are protesting bills that will block obama's medicaid expansion, restrict voter rights, cut corporate taxes and cut education funding. over 700 people have been arrested including the president of the north carolina naacp. >> you can't just hurt women and hurt minorities and undermine voting rights you swore to
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uphold. i'm a real conservative evangelical. i believe what the book says, and the book says you can't love god on the one hand and hate your brother on the another! [ cheers ] >> michael: the protests started when the republican governor cut unemployment funding. it disqualifies 170,000 people from receiving unemployment benefits. north dakota's 9.2% unemployment rate is the fifth highest in the country. those still receiving unemployment checks will have their weekly benefits drop from $500 to $350. right now only one abortion clinic in the state meets the new standards. he ran for governor claiming he would not limit women's access to abortions but he now says if the house bill reaches his desk
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of course he'll sign it. it's not just that the governor flip flopped shortly after taking office, the republicans held control of the state and executive branches they are attacking progressive issues and quickly and haphazardly as possible. joining us now to look at moral mondays is lee fang a contributor to the nation a well-known political blogger welcome back. >> thanks for having me. >> michael: you see something underneath all of this which is a really pro business agenda that is happening in north carolina. >> the radical shift in north carolina politics was greased on -- by a lot of money. big donors set up nonprofit groups several years ago to move the state towards the right.
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they dumps a lot of money to win back the governorship last year, and now as i'm writing about in my last piece, they are also shawering lots of gifts on these lawmakers. >> michael: it's funny, you come in regularly to the show and we talk about different states and different issues and the koch brothers must have so much money, because they come in to every story in every state in america. tell us about their issues. >> they are pushing new frac-ing laws, and off-shore drilling so new voting restrictions penalizing students and their parents if they try to vote. payday lending. it's a flurry of action.
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>> michael: five years ago, north carolina elected barack obama, they put kay hagan in the senate, now they have this right-wing legislative agenda going on. how did that happen? >> kind of the host of jesse helms. the state has always been divided, but what tipped the balance was this outpouring of political money. not all in the traditional campaign donations, a lot of it going to these new think tanks. this soft money that has just been dumped into north carolina, and that's one of the implications of citizens united on these smaller races, big money can make a big difference. >> michael: yeah, and that's where they are putting that big money on those small races. you in your recent article you list all of the parties and events that lobbyists have been putting on for the governor and
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the republican legislators. is that different than it has ever been? or it is just business as usual. >> lobbyist always sort of party. but in the last six months alone there have been over $100,000 spent on these parties going to nice clubs, really just showering these newly elected lawmakers and the governor with all sorts of gifts as they are implementing these very probusiness policies. >> michael: republicans have a bet er time. >> they have the money to have a better time. because it is paid for groups like payday lenders, as the legislature lifts the cap on how much payday loans can be offered at for whatever interest rate.
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it is a small down payment on big rewards to these donors. >> michael: yeah, it's amazing. let's talk about the protests themselves. will they have any impact whatsoever? >> if you compare them to maybe the occupy we saw two years ago, and look at what has been going on in north carolina. it shows a brood diverse array of groups, and they are incredibly disciplined. they go in there with a single message and they are well behaved -- >> michael: and they are specific. i think a lot of what came out of occupy was vague. these people are very specific. >> yes organized trainings. they do their civil disobesence and get arrested, and we're all talking about it which is a good thing. >> michael: yeah. another thing you have talked
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about is wal-mart and their refusal to sign on to avoid something like the tragedy in bangladesh recently. how -- tell us about what is going on? how different is their plan? why wouldn't they sign on to this. >> well, there have been a series of tragedies, but the biggest one that killed over a thousand people in april, the majority of the european makers signed on to commit money and force the retailers to stay there, and hire independent inspectors. wal-mart, gap, target jc penney, they refused to play ball. they have come up with their own agreement. no teeth attached. the inspectors are hired by the retailers, so it's a radically different plan. but when wal-mart released their
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competing safety plan, they said it was from an independent group from two independent elder states man and what is interesting here is there's no independence at all. the think tank is funded by wal-mart. and one of the two senator unveiling it works for a lawful that represents gap. >> michael: one of the big retailers. lee fang you are always following the money thanks for joining us. up next, just about everyone wants an immigration bill so naturally house republicans are threatening to shut the whole thing down. that story is next right here. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ >> michael: republicans and democrats seem to finally agree on one thing, the immigration bill needs to happen and it needs to happen soon. majority leader harry reid said
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the following on meet the press sunday. >> yes, they will act. they have to. this is something that the vast, vast majority of republicans, democrats and independents support, and john boehner should let the house vote. if the house voted it would pass over. >> michael: a gallup poll shows that american people want immigration reform. 48% of adults said democratic views on immigration were more closely aligned with their own, while 36% said they connected with republicans. thousands of undocumented immigrants across the country are depending on an overhaul. among them are the young. they call themselves dreamers and have exposed their undocumented status in an effort to humanize their experience. here to talk to us about the immigration bill is jazmin
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segura, a dreamer, and the policy and communications manager at educators for fair consideration, a leading organization supporting undocumented youth. you got to this country, jazmin at the age of 9, undocumented. tell us what that experience was like. >> it was a very difficult experience to live with my country back in mexico. i came here at the age of nine to be reunited with my father. >> michael: how old were you, or what time did you realize that -- you know, the restrictions that your life would have because of the fact of your status being undocumented? >> i think i realized it in high school when i was trying really hard to apply for college, because back then we had paper documents, so having to ask my parents about think social security and driver's license
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that i couldn't get, so that's when i realized i had big, big trouble. >> michael: yeah, i can understand that. it has been just over a year since daca was put into place. why is it so important for undocumented youth in this country? >> daca really changed a lot of people's lives. it provided us the security we needed to continue to advocate for immigration reform and this process for her families. >> michael: did it always feel like a movement. do you always feel that you are part of a movement; that that is never ending. >> you get a lot of support. a lot of the dreamers we understand really what we have been going through, so i think we call it a movement, it's a family moving forward for a just cause. >> michael: yeah, and that's important. last week the republicans put
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forth a peace meal version of the immigration bill. what is the status of that right now? now? >> i think the republicans agree that the system is broken. they are talk about piecemeal legislation, but we're seeing we need a real solution to bring about 11 million aspiring citizens that want to be full contributing members of society. >> michael: when you hear them so -- practically obsessed with a fence, how does that make you feel? >> it's extremely frustrating. i think we need to look at a comprehensive approach. the fix is a pathway to citizenship. a fence is not going to deter undocumented immigration. we need to provide a pathway for people who are here who want to
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work and be full tributing members of society dreamers who want to become the next doctors and lawyers -- >> michael: taxpayers, which is a big part of it. and that's a big part of the myth that they put forward. let's talk a little bit more about the bill. if it doesn't pass what is at steak? >> it would be a lost economic opportunity for this nation. we have the opportunity to fix a system that has been broken for over 30 years, that we're deporting a lot of dreamers who could be our potential next doctors and astronauts, so we need to make sure that we are putting america, united states, at the forefront and this could generate millions of trillions of dollars for america. >> michael: and people don't realize it's an economic issue as much as they ought to. you know, last week as the republicans headed into debate this last wednesday, there were hundreds of dreamers outside,
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singing the national anthem and talking about what their readiness for citizenship. let's take a listen to that. ♪ oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ [ cheers ] >> michael: tell me jazmin what are they putting at risk? when you come out as undocumented? >> yeah, let me just say this video is extremely emotional. a lot of us have been here for such a long time we really consider this country our country, and we're american in everything but paperwork, so when we are talking about our status, we really put our families in danger. there's deportation, there's people who still don't agree that we need immigration reform.
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so it's really brave for a lot of the dream act students to come out and be at the forefront. >> michael: and just so you know, we consider this your country too. >> thank you so much. >> michael: jazmin thank you for coming here into "the war room." up next here, the good news is that brett ehrlich watched a full newscast for the first time ever over the weekend, the bad news is he was watching ktvu his take on frank name gate next. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing
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marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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but they can still by quite dramatic. let's take you back to 1988 and the arrest of bob packwood of oregon. why? because he was absent from a quorum call, i kid you not. in 1988, robert bird ordered the sergeant at arms to arrest absent senators and mandate their presence on the senate floor. packwood retreated to his office, which was i think an obvious place to hide placed a heavy chair in front of one office door, and a bolt in the other. they used a skeleton key to open the door and then began a door-shoving contest. backwood lost later saying it was their mass against my mass.
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the cops then dragged his mass to the senate floor. ironically, it was to control campaign spending. and the only injury was a reaggravation of a bone injury on his ring finger. then we resigned in 1995 over sexual harassment by ten women. now it's head down to los angeles and our own brett ehrlich. brett. >> that was an amazing story. anything that involves a skeleton key is just all the better. >> michael: i made that up for you. >> oh, okay. because facts are not an issue. i think everyone is familiar with the crash of asiana flight
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and now there is the fallout of ktvu. they thought they knew the names of the pilots and reported it but it didn't seem like it was exactly right. >> ktvu has just learned the name of the four pilots on board, captain something wong we too low, ho lee fuk, and bang dang ow. >> if being the kaine anchor of the news, she made it all the way through that without noticing that there was anything on, and just moves on to the next story. >> michael: but not oblivious because she pronowsed f-u-k,
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fuk. >> right. it's like she will just read anything on the teleprompter. asiana says they will file a lawsuit against ktvu which is actually channel 2 news, and it's amazing. they say they want to respond to this racially discriminatory report, i think asiana just didn't want to be the only people getting sued as a result of this plane crash, and they said they had it all confirmed by an ntsb agent who said that those were the names, and the name of the person from the ntsb i'm told is mr. seemore butts. i think. this is according to my source ip freely. >> michael: and you double checked with that source? >> yeah. and then another fact i found
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out today, michele bachmann used to baby sit gretchen carlson of -- of fox and friends in the morning. >> michael: wow. >> and if you go on buzz feed you can find a photo of them an insane photo of michele bachmann in what she describes as her share phase, tolding a young gretchen carlson who is just learning how to swim. it's quite delightful. >> michael: i love that. i move that michele bachmann was somebody's baby sitter. brett ehrlich thank you. and thank you all for watching us here in "the war room." have a great night. "the young turks" are next. we'll see you here tomorrow. guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are
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coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: all right, we're here on "the young turks" on a very interesting day obviously over the weekend we had the george zimmerman verdict come in, and it was not guilty, if you don't know that, amazing. okay, so what we're going to do on this show is we're going to discuss it, and we're going to have a conversation about the case the implications, and whether it should have been not guilty or not, but already there are statements all the way up to the president because the whole country is dissing
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