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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  July 16, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT

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[♪ theme music ♪] >> all right. hour number one, charlie pierce of coming up. and tina dupuy, so jim that make that creepy sound. >> ahhhhh. >> we'll continue wenting today,
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and i'm sure someone will call me race traitor or worse. >> yes, there should be some interesting observations from our accidental fans who sit on the remote. >> right exactly. >> i just stumbled across your show nazi communist. >> right. a little gift basket for me every morning. >> good morning, everybody. eric holder is going speak in orlando today. he is expected to talk about the not guilty verdict in the zimmerman trial, and the justice department investigation into whether or not it can file civil rights charges against the 29-year-old volunteer. >> we are resolved as you are to combat violence involving or
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directed at young people to prevent future tragedies, and deal with the underlying attitudes, mistaking beliefs and stereo types that serve as the basis for these two common incidents. >> police arrested 13 people in centshaw after they raided a wal-mart. hundreds had gathered for a peaceful protest, but a smaller group broke off and started to cause some trouble. in oakland authorities arrested a small group of people on charges of vandalism and assault. and one of the jurors has spoken out, identified only as juror b37. she also signed a contract with a manager company and planned to write a book, but reuters reporting today that she has abandoned that plan. she said she is best off just
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returning to her life as it was before she served on this jury. we're back with more show after the break. stay with us. >> did anyone tell the pilgrims they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar.
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>> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ ♪ don't let it get away ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. it's a good day for fox news you know what? >> why? >> stephanie: because they are going 24/7 with race riots because a couple of people broke windows. >> right. >> stephanie: i say that because i'm a race traitor because i think george zimmerman is
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guilty, guilty guilty. >> they sucked out our liberal progressive plan to make brown people angry so we can subdue them or something. >> stephanie: exactly. ♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ ♪ race traitor ♪ ♪ will not be there for you, race traitor, it's amazing what they'll do ♪ ♪ race traitor beep beep [ inaudible ] ♪ >> wow rebecca says cartoon channel online for me already. >> wow. [ applause ] >> jim can do all of the voices. >> there you go. >> stephanie: it's race traitor everybody. charlie pierce,, who is mad as we were about the
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zimmerman verdict. >> i dare say he is not going to take it anymore. >> stephanie: exactly my point. lots to get to with that. did you see this -- [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: after his acquittal on murder charges, george zimmerman may go to law school to help people wrongly accused of crimes like himself. >> oh my god. >> stephanie: represent people like him who shot an unarmed person crazy people think that's murder -- [ cuckoo clock chimes ] >> stephanie: so he'll be helping other victims like him. >> wink, wink. >> oh, my god. >> stephanie: yeah. are his attorneys getting to be bigger and bigger douche nozzles? >> yes. >> stephanie: christopher had the same reaction i did to that press conference. really you are going to spike the football when you have a
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dead kid? >> disgusting. >> stephanie: and then i got re-mad. have you ever gotten re-mad when o'meara said that trayvon martin caused his own death. [ buzzer ] >> by talking home. >> stephanie: why i ought to -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: eric holder speaking today at the naacp, he said month it was a tragic and unnecessary shooting and it provides an opportunity for the nation to speak honestly about complicated issues. on sunday the justice department said they are reviewing the case to see if civil rights charges are warranted. he said we are mindful of the pain felt by our country. i want to assure you the justice
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department will act in a manner that is consistent with the facts and the law. i have heard experts say that this will be a tough -- and i really feel like they are in a no-win situation in a way that let's say janet reno and bill clinton couldn't have been because let's see -- [♪ "jeopardy" theme music ♪] >> stephanie: oh, i know they are both black. if you are going to go with what the attorney general said and have an honest conversation about race give me a [ censor bleep ] break. this is all about race. >> fox news doesn't think it was about race. >> stephanie: he wouldn't have followed him if it was a white kid. >> you and i know that. >> stephanie: i saw ben jealous on tv, and he said there is a
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lot more evidence that never made it into trial about other people that knew george zimmerman talking about his racism. >> you would think that would have been relevant. >> stephanie: right. >> but no, it is not about race. >> stephanie: right. and i believe he said other black kids in the area that was talking about feeling targeted by him and yadda yadda. this was not a complete mishap. chris wrote a great piece, the former oj prosecutor, he said there may be justice yet for trayvon, and quotes melissa perry who i think has been great on this. that's the one thing we heard on the phones a lot yesterday there is a different reality for black and white parents. black parents instinctively understand about this stuff. somebody wrote a piece about the
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black code just what black young men instinctively know in terms of how they should behave -- >> and the clothing that black parents have to tell their children to wear -- >> stephanie: right. the struggles continues, our work is not ever. darden writes, i agree, work on a national level to further the debate over racial profiling must continue. and a lot of people are talking about there are going to be more trayvons and more george zimmermans. it's like open season for racist vigilantlies. and we'll talk about that. this jury was going to write a book about -- it allows you to
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basically kill your only witness and go here is one side of the story. here is the other one, oh he's dead. i guess there is no other side to the story. >> and you talk about that or that or that or that or that. >> stephanie: right. he says as a former prosecutor i never would have brought the case to court. but i know it was a victory just putting zimmerman on trial. and he said no doubt there will be a civil suit and he will have to testify. the outcome may echo the oj simpson trial, where he will be forced to testify. african-americans felt justified supporting oj's pay back.
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and we were talking about it in l.a., because it came right on the heels of the rodney king trial. but he said oj simpson was no hero framed by the police. he was a cold-blooded killer guilty of a gruesome double murder. he says the election of barack obama pulled us up from the bleak hole created by the simpson trial, and brought hope again. i do not see the same divide with the zimmerman verdict. but the details show real experience. would zimmerman have followed a white teenager? >> no. >> stephanie: racial disparity in killing, demonstrates that black life is not valued like white life in this country. that's our reality. the televised zimmerman trial became a trial about demonizing
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trayvon martin. and that's -- you know and you alluded already, chris, you know ginned up and helped by the fox news of the world. >> absolutely. >> stephanie: after the verdict, zimmerman's defense team was deplorable. those lawyers felt the need to spike the football with no regard to the martin family. even in the courtroom he said trayvon martin caused his own death. really? the zimmerman case was a race case. he would not have followed trayvon martin if he were not black. the media did not make this a race case, the family did not make it a race case george zimmerman did. when i look at my son i'm now compelled to take note of how very much he looks like trayvon.
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i'm glad it was not my son who ran out for ice tea and skittles and is now dead. in many ways we are all trayvon. that's the thing you think what -- if there had not been even this stupid gun debate if you didn't have the sean hannities of the world championing you, what kind of justice would he have gotten? that's the thing, he became the poster boy for -- and really that's your hero? whether you are a gun right's person or whatever that's your hero? i think i'm even more disgusted than i was yesterday. >> it sounds like it. you had a chance to digest all of this and now you are having indy indigestion
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indigestion. >> stephanie: exactly. seventeen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: it's not radio it's stephanie miller.
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this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding.
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♪ ♪ come on get down ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller ♪ fight the power ♪ >> stephanie: oh, i see, we're going with my whole race traitor music catalog this morning? >> we are. >> stephanie: awesome. eric holder yesterday. >> we are as resolved as you are to combat violence involving or directed at young people to prevent future tragedies and to deal with the underlying attitudes, mistaken beliefs, and stereo types.
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justice must be done. >> stephanie: so i am both the man this morning, and the man that is keeping me down. >> yes and you are the woman. >> stephanie: thank you. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. mary in sacramento. >> caller: hi stephanie, can i be your official race traitor from sacramento? >> stephanie: please thank you. >> caller: last night twitter started blowing up about the juror on anderson cooper, and oh, boy, it's like -- there is talking on this -- what is it -- "think progress" is all of the seven things that she -- not seven things -- i'm so nervous right now. >> stephanie: that's okay. that's all right. >> caller: okay. it sounded like she disregarded the judge's information about not using stand your ground. they weren't supposed to be using it. it was like self-defense.
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it's how she was calling him georgi. her husband is a lawyer. they were going to write a book like two days after the verdict. it sounded like she was talking to her husband during this thing. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: right now as my hands are shaking, i am so angry, that's how i was when i heard that verdict read. i was so angry i couldn't even think straight, and i can't even imagine how this family feels with this injustice now. if we're going to start hearing stuff about a juror -- she influenced the other jurors -- because it was a split vote at first. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: okay. from -- as a white person, and i'm not trying -- i just have to say this one thing -- >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: hearing like melissa harry perry on chris hayes last night, this -- not just this
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case, it's all of these other cases with black victims or black suspects or possible suspects -- you know, how they are treated, and it's never going to be an equal system because it is set up to be unequal. >> stephanie: yeah, did you hear yesterday that one person was going to vote for second degree murder, two for manslaughter. >> caller: yeah, and i guess it's insinuated that she had influence to change their minds, because they had plans this weekend. >> stephanie: oh, now you have made me remad. >> uh-oh. >> you are wasting my time. >> stephanie: we need to go. because we're going to the central coast this weekend. >> have you ever sat on a jury? >> stephanie: no. >> if you are getting close to the weekend -- >> stephanie: and your attorney
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husband wants to go wine wasting. >> and you are close to a verdict, the jury does what it can to hurry it along. >> stephanie: will that will be a comfort to the next family who 's teen george zimmerman decides to shoot. >> remember when i had jury duty -- >> stephanie: who can tell when you are here or not. [ laughter ] >> it was a really mundane case. but the trial started on monday and the jury got their case on friday, and we were out by 5:00. we all agreed so -- >> stephanie: i envision you saying please my boss doesn't
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understand the law, she'll fire me if i'm not back on monday. she is a bitch on wheels i'm telling you right now. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: yeah, the president of martin literary agency said my hope is that people will read the juror's book and understand the commitment it takes -- blah blah, blah. the reader will learn why the jurors had no option to find zimmerman not guilty. jim what do you make of that? i have heard a lot of legal experts say he was overcharged. because of the burden of proof they should have gone originally with manslaughter, because i did say that made it look -- when they did that at the last minute, it made it look like,
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never mind how about this? >> but, again, the people on the jury really didn't understand the meaning of manslaughter for the longest time. >> stephanie: yeah, how this is not a slam dunk manslaughter, i don't know. >> he killed the kid. an unarmed kid. >> stephanie: yes, there's that. >> so he killed him. that would be manslaughter. >> stephanie: yes. did you see the prosecutor when asked when you think of zimmerman, what word do you think of? and he said murder. mike in memphis you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, mike. >> caller: good morning. it's my first time calling. >> stephanie: okay. >> caller: to me i told my mom the same thing, because we were discussing it, like george zimmerman was told not to chase the guy, but he did, so essentially in my opinion,
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trayvon martin stood his ground so the prosecution should have brought that up, and, you know, probably had a better case. but especially when it comes to the whole being black thing, especially being in memphis, my dad and mom taught me, being black, especially in the south is trying, because no matter where you go, you are considered a criminal. and i used to walk home at night -- i used to work at fedex, and they used to say keep your hands out of your pocket and do all of these things to prove you are not a threat. and many a time they would stop and ask, where i was coming from? and it was pretty obvious, because you work at fedex, you wear purple and orange all night. and it was pretty obvious -- >> stephanie: who would choose those colors for god's sake.
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>> caller: yeah i looked like grimace walking home at night. they were like where are you coming from? and i'm like dude isn't it obvious? >> stephanie: chicks tell me they dig a man in a uniform. let's go to arnold in north carolina. >> caller: steph, what you are doing right now is you are keeping it in the [ inaudible ] what we usually do on racial relations in america. we usually slap a band-aid on it, and move on to the next one. but the chief justice said a long time ago the negro in america has no rights that the white man will ever respect. >> stephanie: yeah. all right. twenty-nine minutes after the
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hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." agenda, actually supporting one democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> you are a little bitch! ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show," welcome it to. thirty-four minutes after the hour 1-800-steph-1-2. jim, b37 -- bingo! no the juror. >> we thought about it for hours, and cried over it afterwards. i don't think any of us could ever do anything like that ever again.
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>> stephanie: my husband nearly missed the best shiras wine tasting. did you see the post that all six jurors are paula dean. >> it is posted on your facebook page. >> stephanie: let's go to pam in new hampshire. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i just want you to know living in new hampshire i had to call boston this morning, and i put a little thing in they should investigate the husband and the wife, because there were two women that the state wanted off and the woman made comments and her husband being a lawyer, did him and mark hang out in the same circles, and is the book deal going to sell better if he is found not guilty. and one more.
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mark o'mara in court played that four minutes of silence when trayvon could have run, and george's statement to the 911 was -- >> did you get that current tv? >> stephanie: what the lady said. he dropped the f bomb and started running -- >> people don't know how to sensor themselves. >> stephanie: what if you were running to get home to the game or something like that? all right. amanda you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi, stephanie. i want to tell you, i absolutely have the biggest crush on you. i'm in love with you. and i think we would have the biggest relationship. >> stephanie: it would be a big relationship? [ laughter ] >> caller: and i'm very beautiful too. >> stephanie: jim she is very
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hot she wants you to know. >> caller: i have nice breasts. >> stephanie: awesome. >> caller: just for you. >> are you of the lipstick variety >> caller: yes, i am. >> stephanie: stop it! stop encouraging that. jim won't be able to think for the rest of the show as it is. all right, back to race traitor talk. >> instead of lipstick lesbian talk. >> stephanie: hi, go ahead. >> caller: i'm the caller that is not in love with you. >> stephanie: let's pretend that didn't happen. >> caller: okay. baby. if you saw the interview with anderson cooper she is right. her husband went to law school with mark o'mara so why is that not a conflict of interest. >> stephanie: is that true?
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>> caller: yes. and when anderson cooper talked about the book deal he said when did you know you were going to write the book? and she said oh georgy could do no wrong. >> stephanie: wow. >> caller: listen to the interview. >> stephanie: wow, if that is true, that would seem like not just a conflict of interest but a mistrial. just saying. let's go to lila in atlanta. >> caller: hey, stephanie, i'm a fellow race traitor, i'm married to a mexican, and our daughter is married to a black man, and he is the nicest guy. straight as an arrow, but he wears styles that are popular among 21 year olds. >> stephanie: lila, i was reading somebody -- i can't remember who yesterday -- but a black parent who said his kid
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dresses preppy but he has an afro, and he said i i'm thinking it is time to tell him to cut the after foe. and i'm thinking really this is where we are at? >> caller: i know it's scary. my granddaughter has a little bit of all of us and i'm worried about her. >> stephanie: i could have been shot because of my hair style but that because of the perm. >> stephanie: didn't your mom rip out entire chunks of your hair -- >> stephanie: no in addition to the afro i had hair that went straight out like this. >> so you looked like a doll that went through the washing machine. >> stephanie: yeah mom,
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well-known liar, i said what is this? and she, said oh honey i had that when i was your age too. >> and you had the bloody holes in the middle of your eyebrows, right? >> stephanie: yeah, it is not pretty the first time you tweeze a unibra. [ screaming ] >> what did you use pliers. >> stephanie: yeah under her breath i heard her go oh dear, stop bleeding. >> oh wow. >> stephanie: that's not a good think. wait, can i see a mirror? oh, no, dear i'm not quite finished. >> you kind of wished you were carry and got covered with a bucket of blood -- >> yeah so you wouldn't see the bloody holes on your face.
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>> stephanie: no wonder i turned my boyfriend gay. i had an afro and hair sticking out and bloody holes where my eyebrow used to be. all right. laverne in chicago. >> caller: hi, stephfy i wanted to thank you guys for doing such a great job of keeping the information out there. this is one of my favorite shows. >> stephanie: oh, thank you. >> caller: i have a question and a comment. the comment is i really found it disrespectful, the statement that mark o'mara made about george zimmerman and if he was black, if he would have been arrested. >> stephanie: what did he say? i have this somewhere. you are talking about during the trial, right? >> caller: actually the press conference or their celebration
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speech. >> stephanie: he said if george zimmerman was black he wouldn't have been arrested? >> caller: he wouldn't have been arrested. and that was so offensive for every race -- >> stephanie: first of all that is completely inaccurate but he is a douche. >> caller: yes, he is. but stephanie do you all think that possibly maybe the martin family can actually have a lawsuit against the state of florida? because, i mean they withheld this young man's body for three days without his parents being notified of his death. george zimmerman walked the streets for 26 days and the prosecution who are now playing the blame game really didn't do the job that i -- i would figure the taxpayer's money pays them to do >> stephanie: yeah and the drug and alcohol tested trayvon and
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not george zimmerman. >> caller: exactly. none of his domestic violence history was admissible yet trayvon's marijuana usage was able to be heard by this jury. >> stephanie: yeah, and the other thing is in terms of the whole race thing, give me friggin' break. if this was a white frat guy would this have gone down like this? >> caller: yes. so you guys keep doing what you are doing. you are making a positive stance in america. >> stephanie: oh, thank you. >> caller: and if they consider you a race traitor you are more than welcome to come to the other side. >> stephanie: listen, i'm down with it. >> you'll be the honorary black lady. >> stephanie: i'll go back to my '70s hair. >> am i the only one that thinks that mark o'mara is just a mealy
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mouth turd. race is just wrong. >> stephanie: because, that is my new favorite impression. [ applause ] >> stephanie: that is a little lost on the radio, but if you are watching on current -- >> that's hysterical. it also looks like he is perpetually smelling something bad. >> i don't like this. there is something wrong. it's just . . . [ laughter ] >> stephanie: okay. that one is mostly visual but it is true.% someone said he is like a polydent commercial. he needs new teeth, something. something. george zimmerman defense's lawyer called florida prosecutors a disgrace to by profession. blah blah blah. we'll get into the details of that. forty-five minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie
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miller show." >> ladies and gentlemen, prepare yours for a shock. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> did anyone tell the pilgrims they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say
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anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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(vo) this afternoon, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. it's the documentary series that raised the bar for excellence. >> and on the next vanguard: >> i remember like saying like "alright, whatever i'll just do it this one time". thats not what happend. >> homegrown and legal, oxycotin is the new "gateway to heroin". next, on current tv.
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♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ get up in the morning, girl it's -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ playing that song ♪ ♪ what you going to do ♪ ♪ get up in the morning girl it's -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ playing that song ♪ >> it's too early to get popping. >> stephanie: no do it. i'm playing the entire race traitor catalog this morning. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. you see how nicely black people
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have welcomed me into their fold after being called a race traitor by white folks. >> that's right. [ applause ] >> you have become an honorary black lady. >> stephanie: i'm an angry black lady this morning. if mark o'mara speaks again, i'm going to -- [ buzzer ] >> i used to think that that -- that that -- sorry, what? >> stephanie: he looks like a deminted chip monk. it really was just an end zone dance of a press conference. shut up, there's a dead kid. it's like this was such a disgrace, and oh he is such a victim. oh, please. nothing like oh our condolences going to the family. literally it's just -- anyway. so the chip monkey defense
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attorney mark o'mara -- the florida prosecutors are a disgrace to my profession and pledge a new effort to impose sanctions against them. they are a disgrace to my profession. angela responded o'meara's comments were inappropriate. they talked about stuff that were in trayvon's phone. who doesn't have embarrassing photos in their phone? >> i don't. >> really? really stephanie? >> stephanie: so what he had a picture of a gun? like that is anything. >> is your phone out? >> stephanie: no it's hidden. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: and rachel -- the friend -- >> jontel. >> stephanie: she was on cnn
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last night. and she said he occasionally smoked marijuana, but he never expressed aggression. he said in my area weed didn't make him go crazy. it just made him hungry. but, again how is that relevant. and she said it was racial, let's be honest. if trayvon was white and had a hoodie on would it have happened? and then she reacted to people making fun of her on the way she speaks or whatever. eric holder yesterday. >> the justice department shares your concern. i share your concern. [ cheers and applause ] >> stephanie: all right. and the president's carney yesterday. on the president. >> he will not comment on a department of justice investigation, or on a decision that the department of justice
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will make on how to proceed, if to proceed. >> in case you didn't notice he is black so he is not allowed to have an opinion. good morning you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: morning folks. when they were trying to get their country back when obama was first running, they was trying to get back to legislation -- think about this. we need civil rights because these people are still alive who were discriminating back in the 60s and 50s, so now they want us to not vote, two they want us to be scared of them so they pass these laws that you can shoot anyone you want. they are slowly manipulating the supreme court and are now back to where they can take their country back to where it was, only a handful of people are rich, black people have to be
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afraid of white people. affirmative action. they are getting their country back in the worst kind of way, and people really need to look at it. and also women they have to stay in the kitchen, make less money, stay pregnant so we're going back to beaver cleaver days. >> stephanie: yeah, and not the good kind of beaver. this weekend, he writes the ruling is complying with florida law. because they didn't technically use the stand your ground but the burden of proof was on the state to prove that zimmerman didn't reasonably believe his life is in imminent danger. according to florida law he did not initially provoke --
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>> yeah, he did. >> not according to the way that florida law is written. >> stephanie: there is not something wrong with that law. for george zimmerman then the system worked. he got the fairest trial america has to offer. a shining example of upholding the law even when the law isn't ideal. he went with the president of the seminole county bar association who worked the case pro bono. instead of having an overworked underpaised quite possibly incompetent court-appointed attorney that most people have. >> exactly. >> and they are pretending it is irrelevant --
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>> stephanie: and i always said the oj case is not black or white, it is green. this guy is lucky. doughy pant load that sean hannity was a hero. >> yep. >> stephanie: states with those laws on their books are simply more favorable environments for white defendants accused of killing black people. they are more likely to be found justified in their killings. in stand your ground states the number jumps to 354%. this is my alex perini, in salon salon. even michael steele mocked the
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reality. we talked about that sen their you over and over again. america will be a more just case when everyone's trials resemble george zimmerman. for now this is an acquittal only certain people would have been able to afford. >> sounds like stand your ground is inherently racist. let's go to [ inaudible ]. >> caller: good morning, honorary black woman. you have your black husband waiting for you. >> stephanie: awesome. >> caller: we have already done the kiss your bride part. >> stephanie: all that is left is to haul my black ass to dc. >> caller: absolutely. you are even talk the vernacular
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now. you know it is rough, although on the plus side my white coworkers royally kissed my ass yesterday. >> stephanie: we have a black guy that works in the studio and he walks in and says hey, folks, i'm just trying to get to work here. [ laughter ] >> caller: absolutely. and sexy liberal d.c. crew i'm in need of intense comfortable. >> stephanie: right. it's like all of that america strikes back sex that the firefighters got after 9/11. i'm sorry for trayvon sex. >> caller: but i do want to say, you know, i hope this wakes people up. this is a serious issue, the way the jury acted and a lot of white people i know personally, makes me believe that everyone believes in this deminted crap.
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>> stephanie: exactly. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show."
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. current tv hour number two. charlie pierce of coming up at the bottom of the hour. jacki schechner just me that had a lot of the america strikes back sex after 9/11? no? >> just you. >> stephanie: different time, different phase. >> yeah. >> stephanie: i'm just saying if we want a really post racial america, i'm just saying there are ways to show you are really sorry about the zimmerman
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verdict. >> that's how you want me to apologize? okay. >> stephanie: we all need to do our part. >> i'm not sure i want to open that giant can of worms, stephanie miller. >> stephanie: oh, she's in her little news cap getting all serious. >> not really, but i don't know where to go with that? >> stephanie: it was an impossible toss. >> it's retro. >> the impossible toss. >> stephanie: here she is the impossible dream, jacki schechner in the current tv center. >> good morning, everybody. harry reid has scheduled the first vote this morning, which will help determine the next steps in the ongoing filibuster fight between the two parties. they will vote on the nomination of richard cordray. if republican filibuster this one, reid says he will change the rules to require the rules for a presidential nominee to
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move ahead in the process. all but two senator spent more than three hours trying to work out a deal last night that would avoid the showdown today but lawmakers couldn't manage to find a solution. vice president biden is going to mare in a new senator. now ed marky elected by special election last month is taking over john kerry's former seat in the senate and five democrats currently running for the spot and whoever wins the primary on october 15th islikely to take the general election on december 10th. and edward snowden officially has applied for temporary asylum in russia. the source a russian lawyer who claims he helped snowden with the request. at the moment he is still stranded in the moscow airport.
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we'll be back with more show for you after the break. stick around. criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do
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care about them right?
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air
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and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv! ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ ♪ don't let it get away ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show," welcome it to, six minutes after the hour. charlie pierce is mad about the zimmerman verdict like we are. we will talk to him at the bottom of the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. the representing lines are still open. >> oh, yeah. >> stephanie: think of an
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alternative to call me other than race traitor. just saying. the website, check it out. next hour, tina dupuy has a great piece. hey, don't forget about the sexism kids. we do recommend an airline if you want to get out of texas. >> from san antonio to el passo, from austin to fort worth, suddenly we have noticed that people want to get out of texas, we're transvaginal airlines and thanks to us people have discovered thousands of exciting destinations outside of the loan star state. contact our travel agent and meet us at dfw's new tampon gate. ♪ transvaginal airlines something special in the air ♪ [ applause ] >> stephanie: thank you rocky mountain mike. a proud new sponsor of the
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"stephanie miller show." >> sure. >> stephanie: representative jeffries of new york. >> a grand jury should ultimately determine whether he shot trayvon martin because he was black in violation of our nation's civil rights laws. >> stephanie: by the way, ben gel i saw on tv last night he said there was a lot of evidence that did not get in the trial, about george zimmerman talking about black people and other kids that were targeted in the neighborhood. >> part of keeping the faith in our justice system is being able to access the full extent of our justice system and that's what the people of this country are crying for. >> stephanie: and now here is the angry chip monk mark o'mara. >> obviously we are ecstatic with the results.
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george zimmerman was never guilty of anything. i'm glad the jury saw it that way, and i hope that everyone who thinks -- particularly those who doubted george's reasons and background, now understand that the jury knew everything that they knew was enough for them to find him not guilty. >> he is just the best i must say. >> like nathan thurm on steroids. >> it's me right? i know right? i know that. you think i don't know that. >> stephanie: ray in iowa you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, ray. >> caller: hey, stephanie. [ no audio ] it's obvious he is disturbing himself and making himself angry about a total fixity --
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-- fictitious thing. >> stephanie: right. at the press conference didn't o'meara say, you know, george zimmerman -- trayvon is dead, but george zimmerman has absolutely nothing to do with it. what? >> he fired the gun. >> stephanie: right. i mean -- yeah. the fact that he literally said during the trial trayvon caused his own death -- >> that's offensive. >> my point is he's black. i mean right? am i the only one? come on. it's trendy. >> stephanie: i can't look at him when he does it. renee in nashville, tennessee. >> caller: hi, steph, how are you guys this morning? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: do you remember years ago in live color, jim carey did
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this character, fireman bob. >> fireman bill. >> caller: from the moment i saw mark o'mara's face that was he only thing i could think about every time he talked. >> stephanie: he looks a little bit like the clackety comedy teeth. >> caller: yeah, it was almost as disgusting is the entirety of this -- >> stephanie: yeah you can't tell which is more irritating what he is saying or what he is saying. it's a toss up. >> caller: fireman bill. >> stephanie: bob. okay. denise in maryland. hello, denise. >> caller: he -- hello, i wanted to talk about the four minutes
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of silence. since when do you have to go straight home? maybe the way the tea was shaped, he couldn't get a through way to go out? and he had to run back up? and by then george zimmerman was looking for him again? >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: and i thought we teach our kids if you see a stranger you run you get on the phone, and talk to them until you feel like you are someplace safe. why didn't think they he was stalking him? >> stephanie: yeah. that was the problem. the stand your ground law really applied more -- but in this case he was unfortunately unarmed. my friend michael tomasky who i want to kiss and date and marry was not the happy clappiest
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after this. he talks about what a lot of us talked about -- we were all so hopeful right after the president was elected, and i think we expected some backlash maybe not the degree and ugliness that we have seen. he writes i can't quite call it a good one, but an opportunity to talk about race. i believed from the start there would be remarkable examples of progress and powerful backlash. once you get past the fact of obama's election itself there hasn't been much progress. the paradox that the country's first black president can't really talk about race. we'll get to another one that [ censor bleep ] bachmann
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talking about the president needing to be spanked. oh, shut up. imagine stead -- he talks about, the president just responded to a single question, and said i imagine if i had a son he would look like trayvon. but tomasky is arguing he should talk even more about race. but the fox news of the worlds, and rush limbaugh say it is him -- anyway. there were many times in the lives of most young men that cops were following when they didn't do anything wrong. such testimony from the president of the united states would have been power. stuff. anyway it talks about what -- made a lot of -- he said an empathetic way it made
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americans think hard. the right-wing media would have immediately started howling about how obama was racializing the incident. and now civil rights have gone backward, and because so many states have passed laws to carry weapons, there will be more trayvon martins. [ applause ] >> stephanie: yeah, that's the problem -- you know. sean hannity and rush limbaugh they are going to accuse you of hating white people no matter what you do, so i think at least if we're having an honest conversation about race that's something. >> yep. >> stephanie: let's go to danielle in oregon. >> caller: hi, love the show. came upon it a few months ago, and watched ever since. i was calling about the trayvon
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martin trial -- or the george zimmerman trial, although it was more -- >> stephanie: actually you said it right the first time. >> caller: [ inaudible ] to have said that the jury came back with the right verdict based upon the evidence and the way the case was presented, but i have a question. if what we know about jury b17 bingo -- >> stephanie: 37. >> caller: about how she -- her husband went to school -- >> stephanie: yeah, with mark o'mara -- >> caller: i'm getting a little nervous -- and the possibility that there was a book written before the jury verdict -- >> stephanie: yeah. i don't know. that's what jim said mistrial but we'll see. guy in new orleans you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, guy. >> caller: i really thank your
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show for making us laugh to keep us from crying i really do. >> stephanie: oh thank you. >> caller: anderson cooper never asked this juror did trayvon martin have the right to stand his ground. and it's just ironic that they started their deliberation right at the point of contact when they think trayvon martin threw the punch. so they disregarded this man following this boy getting out of the vehicle when the people told him not to. i just cannot understand why they would just start right there? you know, over the whole period of time everybody was saying that the prosecution was doing such a bad job they would never get a conviction. well, it was surprising to me that the jurors said when we went in there it was three to three, so somebody believed the prosecution. >> stephanie: yeah, i was
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surprised to hear that and one was for second degree murder. interesting developing as tom brokaw would say. all right. seventeen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: call stephanie now, she's easy, 1-800-steph-1-2. ♪
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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♪ ♪ all i want to do is -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ i got a feeling, i'm not the only one ♪ ♪ i all i want to do is -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ until the sun comes up over santa monica boulevard. >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." this hour brought to you by carbonite. carbonite has online backup and has restored over 20 billion, with a b, computer files that otherwise would have been lost. that's why we do it here and i
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do it at home. >> yeah. >> stephanie: it's -- because you can't afford to lose all of that stuff in your computer. you can always replace a computer, but the stuff in there, forget about it. it does all of the work so you don't have to. you never have to worry about losing all of those professional or personal files again. $59.99 for the entire year. [ gasping ] >> and it's also a bar-goon. >> stephanie: exactly. go to, the offer code is stephanie. [♪breaking news theme♪] >> stephanie: all right. another case that had nothing to do with race, paula dean barn
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door horse. you two haven't met. we're told the video is colorful. [ censor bleep ] >> stephanie: fill in your own joke there. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: but you will probably never see it at least if the judge has his way. too wait for you. >> was the judge wearing short pants and tap shoes? >> stephanie: not reportedly. let's go to daryle in michigan welcome. >> caller: was trayvon martin not a hero in he did not lead a creepy ass cracker back to his dad's girlfriend's place where a 12 year old was. and secondly for assumptions made by the place, trayvon martin and george zimmerman, and the only one who was correct was trayvon martin. >> stephanie: what? >> caller: trayvon martin did
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not lead george zimmerman back to where a 12-year old was. how did he know that george zimmerman was not a pedophile? >> so he stood his ground because he didn't want to lead him back to his dad's apartment? >> caller: yeah, he didn't know who this guy was. he could have been a pedophile. he could have thought, hey, man, this guy is creepy. trayvon martin made that assumption, and he was bright. >> stephanie: okay. that was random. >> he could have been made of marshmallow. >> stephanie: right, he could have been. >> he might have been a shape shifter. >> stephanie: exactly. hi, al. >> caller: with the creation of citizens united and striking down section four of the voting right's act, dismantling everything that martin luther king fought for, and now you
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have this zimmerman case, and you remember during the health insurance reform debate when members of congress were being spit on as they were trying to get back into the building, and holding up signs basically calling the president every single name except the n word. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: i just think there is an element of culture shock with the first african american president. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: i myself am just -- if they win -- i mean with the -- the governor from -- i think it's colorado he's not going to run for senate. is that true? >> stephanie: who are we talking about? hook inlooper? >> caller: no, schweitzer. >> stephanie: oh, montana. >> caller: yeah jso we're not going to win that senate seat is that right? >> stephanie: it doesn't look like it, no. >> caller: that worries me. >> stephanie: me too. it could be a toss up.
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there was a piece in the "new york times" about senate control which is -- ah. yeah, the juror in the -- b37 -- >> bingo. >> stephanie: you sunk my battleship. >> oh. >> stephanie: who made her first public appearance since the trial said race did not play in the jury's decision but admitted that she believes that zimmerman went above and beyond his role as neighborhood watch member. you think? okay. jim in orange county. >> caller: good morning, i think we are going through the growing pains of a racist sexist country. i think the pendulum was ready to swung back before bush stole the second election, and it has swung back so far, and obama was absolutely the best choice. but i have a big problem with this juror b37, she went to the
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georgey zimmerman warehouse of lies. couldn't she have literally just said, wow, we felt he was lying? i keep hearing people say the way the law was written -- almost like it was a forgone conclusion. he had so many freakin' lies and what she should have said is three people felt he was guilty two who didn't want him to be guilty, and then there was me and we convinced the other ones. >> stephanie: i was reading christopher jargon who made the same point, that if there is a civil trial, it could go the same way that the oj trial did. >> caller: i hope so. he lied about so many freakin'
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things. how did this kid see the gun if it was tucked behind him. and she just believed get little georgy. >> stephanie: it seems creepy to call him georgy also. >> caller: and jim i love your impersonation. >> stephanie: that is one creepy cracker that mark o'mara. >> i don't -- i don't think this is right. i think race shouldn't be an issue at all. he had a big piece of concrete with him. >> stephanie: okay. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. charlie pierce next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs
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bodies ... (adam) we're going to places [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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>> by the way -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- another accepted usage for the term ho. >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show," welcome it to, thirty-four minutes after the hour 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. well, you know there is going to be entertainment, when you start by saying that charlie pierce is mad. ♪ >> stephanie: there is only one in america now that understands, and that's the author of video in america. ♪ pierce pierce ♪ ♪ why is everybody always laughing with me ♪ >> stephanie: there is nothing funny this week. >> hi, guys i may have to interrupt our segment from sometime to time because i have the electricians trying to fix my air conditioning. so you can play some music or
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something. >> it is supposed to be 89 and very, very humid there in boston. >> yes, it is very very hot, and we are not in a good mood! >> stephanie: my air conditioner just went out when we had our heat wave. air conditioners know how to do that. >> yes, they are fritzing and we sprit spritzing. >> stephanie: yes, you said now if he chooses george zimmerman with load his piece in his pants, drive around sanford looking for [ censor bleep ], and [ censor bleep ] punks. were you surprised by the verdict? >> no, not at all. but to me the whole point of what has happened since
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has -- can be summed up in the phrase, they gave him back his gun. >> stephanie: right. >> can we at least all agree that george zimmerman might need a skosh more firearms training before we send him out there again with the same weapon? >> stephanie: right. you say of course if the roles were reversed trayvon martin would have been doing time. of course black kids have to walk through a world where how they are dressed is used against them. and you said nothing good has come of this whole situation, nothing. i have to say, with our first black president in 2013, this was depressing. >> and look at all of the heat that the president and the attorney general are already getting about what they may or may not do because they too happen to be black. >> stephanie: right. >> it's another
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combination -- it's not complication. >> stephanie: and i quoted you earlier, where you said this -- they have circumstances lined up against them they would not have lined up against bill clinton or janet reno for obvious reasons. >> and they should ignore them and do what they think is right, but let's not pretend the circumstances are not there. >> stephanie: right. the most disturbing piece you wrote is our vigilantly nation. this is a green light. >> yeah, we have vigilantly cops and to an extent a vigilantly foreign policy. and we're all very comfortable with it. as long as it is aimed at the right people. >> stephanie: you have to say this is not about race or guns you say it was not about the propaganda of the gun trial that sends george zimmerman out there in public free to choose to make
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sidewalk judgments of who belongs and why. and you say we now live in a vigilantly culture. this is what is terrifying, right? >> not to you and me, because we won't face these circumstances, but black parents who have sons i have no idea what you would say to your kid now. >> stephanie: right. >> not only do you have to behave in a certain muted way when confronted by police you have to behave in a muted way whenever some white person who thinks he has authority comes up and talks to you? i mean that's 1929. >> stephanie: yeah. >> you are -- when you pass this, whether you know it or not, you are asking for these events to happen. >> stephanie: yeah. >> you want these events to happen, because you want to demonstrate to the, quote
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unquote, criminal element what can happen. >> stephanie: yeah. and you say there will be more george zimmermans and more trayvons, you know, and the hope that you go, gee, will florida look at this law? probably not. >> no, i don't think so. i can't see it happening, and i can't see a national conversation about anything. >> stephanie: yeah. and george zimmerman had the great good luck to -- the shan hand advertise of the world decided he was such a hero. he got a great lawyer pro bono it really is incredible -- >> i think the other important thing to remember is that the original outrage over this whole incident wasn't about wanting george zimmerman to go to jail. it was about wanting him to go to trial. originally there wasn't even going to be a trial. >> stephanie: right. >> and now you have the local
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prosecutor saying we were going to indict him for manslaughter any way -- the only drug test that was performed was performed on the victim. >> stephanie: yeah, and not only to say would you do anything different? no. that oh, it was god's plan. really it was god's plan that an unarm unarmed dead teenager? how about those attorneys? how about that end zone dance of a press conference? >> the whole thing that he wouldn't have been charged if he was black. that is so freaking absurd i thought melissa was going to have a stroke. you could see her braids tighten. >> stephanie: yeah. you are right, you and i have never -- >> yeah, i never had to have that conversation with a son.
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and my son wears a hoodie but i never had to have -- you know that if a stranger comes up to you and says what are you doing here the proper response is not what the hell business is it of yours, pudge ball? but the proper response is i'm just walking back to my father's girlfriend's house to watch football, sir. >> stephanie: yeah. >> well charlie great stuff as usual. >> maybe things will be funnier next week. did you see michele bachmann talking about spanking the president? >> stephanie: yeah. >> don't you think marcus was thrilled? >> stephanie: yeah, another barbarian -- >> you have to understand barbarians need to be educated. they need to be disciplined. >> stephanie: that's the thing you go is it disrespectful,
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racist, or just kind of kinky and weird? >> i don't know, she is retiring and now has to go back to marcus full-time, so i have no idea what is going to happen there. i think ball gag sales will go through the roof? >> stephanie: you can't -- >> go fix your air conditioning. >> stephanie: bye, honey there he goes. charlie pierce. [ applause ] >> stephanie: you get so numb to this stuff that you go is it just disrespectful to the office -- >> yes. >> stephanie: is it racial -- >> all of the above. >> stephanie: right. you go really with the histories of flogging black people that wasn't inappropriate at best for her to say we need to spank the president. >> and take away his magic wand
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sounds an awful lot like castrating. >> stephanie: right. michele bachmann said republicans are in danger of losing control of the house in 2014 if they allow obama to wave his magic wand and allow [ inaudible ] to vote. >> there it is. >> stephanie: she said the only way to prevent this from happening is to give the president a spanking on immigration. he has a perpetual magic wound and nobody has given him a spanking yet and taken it out of his hand. that's what congress needs to do. the way we spank the president is through the checkbook, in denying him the funding -- blah blah blah. >> whatever! >> so she wants more gridlock. >> and bankrupting the country. >> and that's why they have less than 10% approval rating.
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>> stephanie: right. juror b37 -- >> you sank my battleship. >> stephanie: i offered you the opportunity -- >> there was a b47 and a b46 bomber, but -- >> stephanie: no. she discussed whether race was involved in reviewing the case. she said i don't think it did if another person came in to the same situation, i think george would have reacted the same way. really? >> what are you doing here f-ing punk. >> stephanie: we never had that discussion. i think he profiled him because he was on the neighborhood watch and profiled anyone who was acting strange. >> sure. >> stephanie: while was trayvon acting strange? >> he was walking while black. >> stephanie: two jurors
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initially pushed for manslaughter, and the third pushed for second degree murder. and she said it just went terribly wrong. i think he is guilty of not using good judgment. when he was in the car and called 911, he shouldn't have gotten out of the car. when asked if she was sorry for trayvon martin? he said i feel sorry for both of them. >> yes, i think hitler and roosevelt were equally responsible for world war ii. >> stephanie: i think they could have each made the decision to walk away. really? >> he did walk away. that was the problem. >> stephanie: oh my god. he said i think he has ever right to carry a gun. i think everyone has the right to carry a gun. [ buzzer ] >> blind people? >> stephanie: not everyone. >> criminally insane people?
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>> fell -- felons in some states. >> stephanie: she paused when asked if she would want george zimmerman to serve on her neighborhood watch committee? if he didn't go too far. so he just gets a one-off for shooting someone through the heart. george has learned a good lesson now. >> he stopped after one bullet so yay. >> stephanie: now a warning? >> now a warning! >> stephanie: oh good well we all feel better. okay. forty-six minutes after the hour. >> my heart hurts. >> stephanie: right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> it is a happening spot. >> announcer: it is the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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(cenk) it's go time! it's go time! it's go time! go time. you know what time it is. go time! it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks go time! it's go time. oh is it? oh, then it's go time. anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. it's go time! >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state's rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. >> only on current tv. ♪
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♪ there goes a string ray there goes a manta ray, this one -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ >> stephanie: chris in yankton is correct, we have not yet heard from juror b52? >> is it cindy wilson or kate pierson. >> stephanie: all right. fifty-one minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. here is the real justice. george zimmerman lawyer to resume abc news lawsuit asap. george zimmerman now set to push for legal action against abc
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news. they were forced to apologize for the botched editing of the 911 call. he was responding to a question about martin's race. nbc fired a reporter and producer for the error. however -- >> kind of missing the point. >> stephanie: there was plenty of other evidence that didn't even make it into trial about racial stuff with george zimmerman. and as al sharpton said on tv these [ censor bleep ] punk and these [ censor bleep ] holes always get away with it. who is they? >> people eating skittles. >> stephanie: exactly. let's go to zoe in michigan. >> caller: i have three points, first of all the prosecution could have blown away the defense. when they showed pictures of the
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self appointed sheriff from his injuries that could have been from the ricochet of his gun and he hit himself. and they never mentioned the police chief that resigned after the investigation was started which was only suspended not terminated. >> stephanie: correct. >> caller: and the other thing i wanted to mention is since when do burglars walk through a neighborhood on a rainy night a night of a big game and case a neighborhood? >> stephanie: right. >> caller: give me a break. >> stephanie: and that seems -- >> she meant kickback not ricochet. >> stephanie: right. kickback from the gunfires. one of the things i never got, is these were such superficial injuries, they did not match up with his story at all.
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there is no blood on trayvon, no dna, nothing. how did they have this major fight where he felt he was this close to death that he had to defend himself? >> right. >> stephanie: deb in chattanooga. >> caller: hi. how are you guys? chris, i really like your hair. >> oh, thank you. >> caller: you are welcome. and i also have been called a race traitor but down here they use much uglier terms. >> stephanie: i have been called that too. >> caller: and i have been called a bleeding heart liberal, a tree hugger but to all of those things i rely well, thank you. >> stephanie: yes, that's how i reply. >> caller: yeah, listen i wanted to say that the only person that could even claim self-defense was trayvon martin. i mean zimmerman was a bully with a gun, and trayvon was a kid with skittels.
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i'm not surprised those after the oj verdict, and the casey anthony verdict, i truly was not surprised that people are just idiots. >> stephanie: yes, thank you for calling the race traitor show we appreciate it. ♪ ♪ race traitor, beep beep ♪ race traitor, it's amazing what they'll do ♪ ♪ race traitor, beep beep ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. okay. [ applause ] >> stephanie: also a tree hugger. i may have an interracial relationship while hugging a tree just to see how much madder
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i can make news busters. [ explosion ] >> stephanie: okay. let's go to christine. >> caller: good morning y'all. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: wanted to bring back the issue about the american legislative -- the american -- let me get it right, the american legislative exchange council which is alec -- >> stephanie: right. >> caller: okay. because this -- callers before have talked about the scotus taking our country backwards and for months -- well since the president became president, we have had issues -- the race issue has never gone away but then we have this black man in the white house, and we have these rulings come undown from the supreme court of the united states but we have this alec -- >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: and there was a great website, i was watching melissa or rachel, and they came up with
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the, and it is talking about the corruption of the corporations of this country. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: and our listeners -- let's just call them ours -- >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: the, papa john's and state farm and all of these big corporations that are donating and are supporters of -- >> it's alec not dot-com. >> stephanie: thank you. aldis. >> caller: hey, a lot of people who are happy with george zimmerman coming away not guilty
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are pointing to the not presumed innocent until proven not guilty. and trayvon martin was not pre presumed not innocent. >> stephanie: yeah that's right. and then he was convicted again. somebody slipped and said the trayvon martin trial, and i say you got it right. this wasn't a zimmerman trial. this was about trying trayvon martin in absentia. >> stephanie: that's right. we're back with tina dupuy as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ♪]
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>> stephanie: all right. hour number three tina dupuy, editor of coming up next. jacki schechner i was talking about asiana airlines suing that tv station. they think it is giving their company a bad name. although i would argue that the [ censor bleep ] plane crash is hurting their name. i would like to point out you are not the dopey type of news anchor that would read those names -- >> right. considering i write my own stuff i would not let that slip by. >> stephanie: all right. here she is. >> good morning, everybody.
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senator gillibrand is collecting more bipartisan support. rand paul and ted cruz are adding their names to the growing list of lawmakers who would vote in favor of her proposal. she pointed out herr plan for how the military will deal with future acquisitions of sexual assault comes from conversations from victims themselves who felt like they couldn't report their experiences to the chain of command without fear of retaliation. >> this is not a democrat or republican idea. it is a good idea that meets the needs of the victims, creates transparency and accountability and creates the needed objectivity that this issue deserves. >> "politico" reports that there has been lobbying behind the scenes to kill the bill. but now with cosponsors and her
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continuing to lobby herself, she and her allies believe they can get the plan to the full senate floor. and hillary clinton has agreed to take on a new cause. she is going to help in the effort to save the african elephant. the animal is being killed in large numbers in china and other asian countries due to a growing demand in ivory. she has agreed to use her connections to recruit her world leaders to make them away of the dangers of the ivory trade. we'll be right back. >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka?
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>> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going.
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[lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ ♪ don't let it get away ♪
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>> stephanie: ah. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. don't forget most days you can see me on cnn at 4:45 or so unless i am bumped for something, which is most of the time. however, i was on yesterday talking about the asiana airlines they think their news defames our reputation. you know what defames their reputation? the fact that they had a [ censor bleep ] plane crash. an anchor woman at ktvu fell victim to a prank, and reported four pilot names including sum
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ting wong, and we tu lo. as racially insensitive as it was, it was funny. and it is just as funny when bill o'reilly falls for it. >> dick pinch. >> i have no judgment about these things. [ giggling ] >> i merely make sounds from my meeth, sorry, mouth. >> stephanie: all right, kids -- >> speaking of funny and smart, i want to bring on tina dupuy. ♪ oh, tina ♪
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>> stephanie: oh, god, good morning, tina dupuy. >> good morning, stephanie miller. >> stephanie: that is a filthy little jingle we have there. [ laughter ] >> indeed. >> stephanie: great piece on the southern fried christian sharia. wow, let's forget racism for a minute there's a lot of good old fashioned sexism going on state by state, didn't there? >> there is. there is a lot of paranoia about sharia law, so they have used that as an excuse to wait for it, subjugate women. >> stephanie: that's right. it was described as an anti sharia law. it would blur the line between church and state.
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men with absolutely zero app -- appreciation for irony. nice tactic scare people with islamic total tearism, and then pass a bill that would make pac stan pause. i see what you did there. nicely written. >> yeah i think we haven't been paying attention, because we really have thought that these republican lawmakers are going to focus on things like jobs and infrastructure, like the things that lawmakers are supposed to be doing, and instead they have been singly focused on making sure that women have less access to women's health care clinics. and if you have a vagina -- just
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saying -- these health care clinics are not just there so you can kill your baby -- their words -- they are not just there for abortions, that is not true. if you get a uti and you do not have health insurance, this is where you go to get treatment for that. this is not something you can just go to the drugstore for. our reproductive organs stephanie, are very costly as far as upkeep. >> stephanie: that's true. they are an indulgence i may not be able to afford much longer in this economy. >> that is so true. and that's why before obamacare it was a preexisting condition to have reproductive ability. >> stephanie: yeah. >> so the health care clinics a lot of women depend on them to for their primary health care.
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if they need screenings or whatever, to be seen without going to an er. it's subsidized health care and before i had health care which was a pretty recent thing in my life, i was going to planned parenthood for all of my health care needs. >> stephanie: yeah. my favorite line is religion is the sand you throw in someone's face before you rob them. in this case it's true -- >> what would jesus do? give me money. >> stephanie: yeah christianity has been used to justify everything including christian rock. that is the most egregious crime against rock music in my opinion. >> i'm not arguing with that. but a buried story, and it's hard to find it even in the
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international news is that they are having riots and 32 cops have been injured in -- in ireland because they are having you know sectarian violence, and the protestants are mad at the catholics and they are throwing moll-to-cocktails. and it's like if we can just pray to the same god everything would be different. >> stephanie: yeah, and you say including gluten-free people. >> and they are the worst. >> stephanie: yeah you tie it into everything from what is happening in egypt to even
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george zimmerman. when asked about if he regretted killing the teenager he said it was god's plan and he wasn't going to second guess him. you are right, religion is used to justify just about everything. >> that was shocking to me. and he had to get egged on by sean hannity to show a little [ inaudible ]. he really like -- shan hannity is like, come on come on you feel a little bad, right? and towards the end, zimmerman was like i'm sorry i was put in a position where i had to kill him. and i was like, that sounds like a cop. but he is talking directly to the audience and says it's god's will. >> stephanie: yeah, and you draw it to what happened in texas with governor oops as you call him. you say in texas they want to
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deregulate everything except the womb. fertilizer plants do whatever you want, but it's lockdown on the womb. >> texas is open for business unless your business happens to be your business. >> stephanie: right, your lady bits business. >> right. >> stephanie: where do you think this is coming from? literally i'm going what is going on? transvaginal bob in a virginia was one of the first ones right, with the transvaginal probe, but now it is spreading across the country? these really egregious laws. >> i think it is happening in the vacuum of economic distraction. i think out there history, any time there's social upheaval or economic downtime to kind of like religious extremism is able to take root, it happened during the depression, it happened during the 60s, because of the
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upheaval, it happened during the fall of rome and during the civil war. you have these movements that get oxygen when we're having any kind of turmoil in our country. and right now things are -- we're having turmoil and a lot of people who are not doing well economically. they are angry, and they don't know who to blame, and instead of the white criminals on wall street, we suddenly want to have hunting season on black teenagers with skittles. >> stephanie: exactly. somebody said if transvaginal bob has to resign women should be able to do a full body cavalry search to see if there is any other bling he is trying to get away with. >> exactly. >> stephanie: tina dupuy great stuff as always honey. thanks.
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thanks for coming on. >> stephanie you are the best. thank you. >> stephanie: no, you. all right. love ya, buy. let's go to yvonne in sacramento. >> caller: hello. good to talk to you. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: i just wanted to mention something. i'm one of those folks who of course is infuriated by this whole zimmerman, trayvon martin issue, and i'm from california and i see people protesting -- we even have had a few riots, but i'm also one of those folks that go on vacation and i just canceled by trip to florida. my kids were really excited about disney world, but they are not going because i'm not spending one dime -- >> come to disneyland. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> they have better rides. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. seventeen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: i got her number off of the men's room stall,
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1-800-steph-1-2. ♪ parited. i was always like an athelete always working out. >> how did a high school football injury lead to a heroin addiction? >> i don't think that i've met anybody under the age of 30 thats a heroin addict that did not start out using oxycodone. only on current tv. this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care
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about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern
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i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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♪ ♪ and those hollywood nights in those hollywood hills -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ was looking so right in her diamonds and frills ♪ >> stephanie: that's me, diamonds and frills. >> yeah. >> stephanie: tim in eureka spent me -- we were just talking to tina dupuy about the anti-abortion stuff going on in texas. how to smuggle tampons into the texas state capitol, and you put
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them in a gun. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: because you can have a gun, but no tampons. >> stop using tampons as a weapon. >> stephanie: and there's another weird cartoon that said i ran out of tampons, so i'm using a peep. >> that doesn't sound sanitary. >> stephanie: no only douches allowed, no tampons, get it? [♪ circus music ♪] >> wa ka wa ka wa ka. >> stephanie: mary hello. >> caller: i just had a comment about juror bs. [ laughter ] >> caller: when she was asked why do you think george zimmerman found trayvon martin suspicious, and she goes into
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the situation into it being late at night. i don't consider 7:00 late at night. that's ridiculous. and the other thing is about the sanford police department and why they didn't take pictures of the sidewalk the blood on the sidewalk, how come they couldn't identify trayvon when they had a cell phone to leave him there unidentified overnight. and then not testing mr. zimmerman's blood, because he was actually on prescription drugs, wasn't he? >> stephanie: i think so. >> caller: and aggressiveness is one of the symptoms dr or the side effects. and i agreed with the woman who canceled her florida vacation. my husband and i only vacation in blue states and florida is
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one that now has to be crossed off of the list. and was george zimmerman's wife prosecuted? >> stephanie: yeah, there were a lot of lies and inconsistencies. let's go to howard in hollywood, florida. >> caller: hi, steph, just off of the subject, i suggest that any woman appearing in front of the legislator ask that legislator if he is circumcised or not and he is if he answer? >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: zimmerman lied to his own defense attorney who took that rubber doll and banged it on the ground it's impossible to do that physically. if you brag a person from the armpit, the person only have to
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move their arms to break that grip. if you try to bang someone's head on the ground, that would free their hands. and if you were getting your head banged on the job, you could put your chin to your chest and you wouldn't get your head pounded, and you would turn your head so his ears would have been pounded. so it makes no sense. >> and if he had his head pounded on concrete, he would have had a fractured skull and brain swelling and that was not the case. >> stephanie: that's right. let's go to katy in massachusetts. >> caller: hi guys. the irony that if he actually stayed in his car and ran over trayvon, he would have been
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investigated. whenever someone died on the side of the road they have to do reconstruction and all of this investigation, and he was barely detained. >> stephanie: yeah. that's our gun culture, katie. that's exactly the point. this ridiculous gun worship that if you use a gun you are i guess automatically a hero. richard in florida says he is not a racist but -- hi richard. >> caller: you folks can't see the treese for the forrest and the reason being -- >> it's forrest for the trues. >> caller: i have situations that have just come about that has gathered hardly any national publicity. we had a 13-month-old baby that was being strolled by her mother, a white baby white mother, a teenager came up and
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shot this baby in the stroller between the eyes and you mean to tell me that that doesn't deserve national attention. >> where was this? >> caller: brunswick, georgia. the woman was merely out strolling her little baby and black teenager came up and shot the baby between the eyes and why don't we hear publicity about that -- >> stephanie: what does that have to do with the trayvon martin case? >> caller: there was no rhyme or reason -- >> stephanie: so a black person committed a crime somewhere -- >> caller: at least zimmerman showed physical conditions of -- of being assaulted. this baby was just -- >> stephanie: that doesn't mean he is justified -- >> caller: this baby was merely taking a nap. >> so every murder in the
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country has to be on the news 24/7. >> caller: and not only that, but you know most of the crime as far as blacks are concerned is black on black. black on black. >> how about just calling that crime. >> caller: i would call that a crime. but most of the blacks that are getting killed are being killed by their own. >> stephanie: what does this have to do with the trayvon martin case? >> caller: they are taken this case and blown the hell out of it -- >> stephanie: that's because george zimmerman blew the hell out of trayvon martin -- >> angela corey will do anything to get publicity -- >> stephanie: really, and george zimmerman won't? >> caller: right here in this district, we had a sexual predator -- >> stephanie: richard i understand that other crimes happen -- >> caller: this particular one was in angela corey's district.
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and she let this guy out. he kills a little eight year old, and she spends all of her attention on the trayvon case because it is national publicity -- >> stephanie: i'm not saying she has never made mistakes. but what does it have to do with this particular case. >> other stuff happens so we should ignore this case. >> stephanie: right, exactly. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played
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sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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>> did anyone tell the pilgrims they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me?
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>> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. ♪
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. >> that glittery diamond of superevil. >> stephanie: yep. thirty-four minutes after the hour. sue in rockville said the line is too busy to get through today, and i was busy having birthday sex with kevin in dc. >> it is her birthday. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> stephanie: oh great, asiana studio is going to sue us now. [ buzzer ] ♪ happy birthday sue in rockville ♪ >> hole fuk. >> stephanie: careful now. our friend, michael tomasky who i want to date and kiss and mary, i love this. this is too much all of this
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baby talk from mitch mcconnell. a president has the right to appoint the people he wants period, and yes, i would say this, if and when ted cruz or rand paul was are the. harry reid. >> we have a responsibility to give advice and consent to the president on his nominations, but all we have from republicans is not advice and consent, we have obstruct and delay. >> stephanie: yeah. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: and michael tomasky points out as harry reid did on meet the press on sunday it is not legislation or judges. this is not what has been proposed in the past. >> for the first time in the history of the country, they filibustered the secretary of defense. >> stephanie: yeah, and he did the numbers -- i can't remember what they are -- he said in the whole history of the country there has been some teeny
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amount -- he said 400-something filibusters on his watch. he said when lyndon johnson -- he said a handful. and he had had 400-something -- obama has had 16 already in terms of nominees. mitch mclipless. >> the president has had 1540 of his nominations confirmed, only four defeated. he has not lost a single member of the cabinet. he is getting them faster than president bush was -- >> stephanie: oh, my god, it is amazing how you can spin numbers. >> he has had a million people -- billion, no trillion. >> stephanie: and then he was talking on meet the press about illegal immigration. easy for him to say, because a lot of his relatives were able
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to slip under the fence on their little turtle feet -- >> slowly but they were able to slip in. >> slow and steady wins the race. >> stephanie: senator flake of arizona. >> one a simple majority can be used why can't it be used for judicial nominees that have a lifetime tenure. >> stephanie: slippery slope argument. now with the fun facts -- [♪ fun-facts music ♪] >> stephanie: since 2009 senate republicans have filibustered almost everything betting that the public will blame the democrats as well as the gop. no far that is not working out.
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as someone said they don't want those governing bodies -- yeah gop has already violated hundreds of years of senate present by filibustering chuck hagel and using the filibuster to delay the cia director. this shouldn't be considered a victory. it's a sad commentary of where we have come to. and the meeting yesterday shockingly produced no agreement. so i'm hoping to go nuclear, at least on the appointees -- >> maybe that's what is causing the heat dome. >> stephanie: maybe. let's go to gerald in california. hi, gerald. >> caller: hi thank you for taking my call. my comment was one that i think the shooting was justified, but the previous caller -- snoo --
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>> stephanie: i'm sorry, why was the shooting justified? >> caller: i'll state that in one moment. but the previous caller was trying to show that there is a double standard as to where you can have a white child killed by a black person with zero media attention -- >> stephanie: really? >> caller: and yet you can have a what is a new term white hispanic, kill a black man and it's all over the news. it's just a double standard. >> stephanie: are you kidsing me -- >> caller: that isn't the purpose of my call. please let me finish the purpose of my call. >> stephanie: oh, okay. just go right ahead. >> caller: thank you. george zimmerman was on the phone talking to the police saying there is suspicious person in our neighborhood trying to get the police to come
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to the site. and then you have the girlfriend saying racial slangs -- if he was concerned why didn't he hang up and call 911? >> stephanie: i see so it's his fault? >> caller: you didn't answer the question. why didn't the other gentlemen -- >> stephanie: permission to treat the caller as hostile. [ laughter ] >> caller: he didn't do it because he wanted to start a fight. >> oh come on! >> caller: two days before this -- >> he got what he deserved because he didn't hang up. >> caller: -- beat up a bus driver because he couldn't get a free ride -- >> stephanie: okay. you can pulling stuff out of your ass now. oh, god, the headache in both eyes has returned today. >> do you need a motrin maybe a pafrprin? >> stephanie: i am just bloated
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as we speak. we're bloated with idiot callers, except for debra in georgia. >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hello, deb. >> caller: i just heard that man, and the case about the baby wasn't all over the news. but anyway i wasn't surprised about the verdict. what i was surprised about is the area where i live immediately after the verdict was announced they set off a firework celebration. i just thought that was so disgusting. >> stephanie: yeah, exactly. yay, an unarmed innocent black teenager is dead. hurray. i need something to cheer me up now. >> okay. >> good thing she hung up the phone, otherwise george zimmerman might have shot her. >> stephanie: right. >> is this fun facts? >> stephanie: it's just you are having a better day than somebody.
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snake hiding in toilet -- >> oh goodness. >> stephanie: there could be a woman climbing up a chain-link fence -- >> stephanie: i men the one with spikes >> stephanie: oh wow. a 35-year-old israel man was rushed to the hospital after a snake crawled up the toilet and bit him. >> how did the snake get in there? >> stephanie: oui, do i have a story for you! >> [ inaudible ] having a forskin. >> oh god! [♪ circus music ♪] >> oh, god! >> what? >> stephanie: more to chew through to get to -- >> the meaty part. >> stephanie: right.
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[♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: the man was in good enough spirits to joke about the incident. the hospital said there will undoubtedly be bite marks on the area in question. >> would be worse. >> stephanie: that could be a questionnaire tail for him -- >> now he'll be kicking the toilet to make sure there are no snakes in there. >> flush several times before use. >> yeah. >> stephanie: and you are also not a brazil man that was killed in his bed by a falling caw. >> i hate when that happens. >> stephanie: a brazil man was killed when a cow crashed through his roof crushing him. it was the third incident of crashing cows -- the cow walked from an adjacent hill on to the roof of his home.
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>> oh. >> stephanie: as cows i guess in brazil are known to do. >> okay. >> stephanie: so we still live in a racist america, however -- >> people need to cow-proof their houses in brazil. >> stephanie: right. lawrence in new orleans. hello, lawrence. >> caller: hi, momma, how are you? >> stephanie: good go ahead. >> caller: okay. make i wouldn't be as angry and ticked off as i am about this whole verdict thing if zimmerman would have just said i made a grave mistake in judgment and i am very, very sorry. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: that's it. >> stephanie: yeah, instead of going to sean hannity and saying how it's god's plan and he wouldn't do anything differently. >> caller: he never said he was sorry. and that's what is angering about it. he killed a child and he is like, not my fault. >> stephanie: yeah, how do you get a defense attorney who says
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trayvon martin caused his own death? it is unbelievable. all right. we'll be right back with the remaining moments of the "stephanie miller show." >> this is too weird, man. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens
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current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern it's the documentary series that raised the bar for excellence. >> and on the next vanguard: >> i remember like saying like "alright, whatever i'll just do it this one time". thats not what happend. >> homegrown and legal, oxycotin is the new "gateway to heroin". next, on current tv.
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♪ ♪ nah nah nah nah nah nah nah ♪ ♪ nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ so-so what i'm still a rock star, i got my rock moves, and i don't need you tonight i'm all right, i'm just fine and you're a tool so-so what i am a rock star, i got my rock moves, and i don't want you tonight ♪ >> stephanie: yeah, welcome to
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the "stephanie miller show." so what. oh looky here it is one of those touching stories about having kids. p!nk said she never wanted kids but now she said she would be terrified at the thought of not having one. and things have never been better. [ applause ] >> stephanie: in my opinion, many children are terrorists. >> john fugelsang agrees with you. >> stephanie: i know i was going to a 4th of july party with jacki schechner, and hot brie we walked into a house and there was a small terrorist, child, and we all had pin wheels, because we thought that would be fun -- and the child shrieked at the top of her lungs, and we all
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just immediately handed her our pin wheels we knew immediately that we had to surrender -- she just screamed at the top of her lungs. >> very effective technique. >> they know how to get what they want. >> stephanie: tiny tiny -- >> i want everything i want now. >> they know how to work it. >> stephanie: my friend was telling me she was at the park with her kid and there was an ice cream truck and the kid started once again -- [ screaming ] >> stephanie: i want ice cream now, now now. i want it now. >> and adults give in. >> stephanie: the mom said dinner first. it's the rule the world over. but at some point she gave in to the tinethy terrorist. >> what kind of adult is she going to be? i want everything in now. [ screaming ] >> i know a few like that.
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>> stephanie: every parent i ever had it is always a hostage situation. no. no. all right. here. >> i don't like blue! [ screaming ] >> kids are awful. >> stephanie: by the way parenting specialist jenny mccarthy has been named the new co-host of "the view." she is a playboy playmate and also an anti vaccine crewusadercrusader. >> sickened that the view that "the view" will give genmy mccarthy a bigger said one. she deserves to be on a history conspiracy show not "the view." mo wrote i for one am amun to her charms.
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[♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: because -- >> yeah. >> well, there was some thought that the element they used to -- >> it had mercury in it or something. >> yeah, but it didn't pan out. >> stephanie: a doctors and stuff like that think it's very dangerous -- >> a lot of people will have bad reaction to vaccinations, but if the benefits outweigh the risk. >> stephanie: kevin bacon bribes djs not to play "foot loose" at weddings. >> i'm 60 years old -- >> and all he has to say is please don't play that song and they know what song he is talking about. >> stephanie: i am a thousand years old now. i cannot dance like that anymore. >> most of that was a dance double anyway. >> stephanie: really? well, see that's even more
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embarrassing. >> when he was going through the flower factory that was not him. >> stephanie: oh. couple driving into dave matthews show spots a hitchhiker, and it turns out to be dave matthews. he had a flat on his bike and didn't have his cell phone. she said she and her boyfriend were far too star struck to have any meaningful conversation. he offered them dinner and then front row seats to the concert. >> and they got some really cool pictures taken of him inside their car. >> stephanie: that never happens to me. and see i thought i was the only
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one who gets things wrong. no. elton john's tiny dancer no it's not hold me closer tony danza. coming in at number 1 -- >> excuse me while i kiss this guy. >> stephanie: coming in at number one on the list blinded by the light. >> wrapped up like a douche. >> stephanie: i'm just blinded by the light, wrapped up like a deuce another runner in the night. oh, excuse me while i kiss this guy jimmy hendrix, purple haze. rock the cat box. >> when i was a kid i thought our lips were sealed was alex the seal. >> stephanie: you are a moron.
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full moon on the rise someone thought bathroom on the right. i blow doubles when you are not hear. my world crumbles when you are not near. well who the hell can understand what macy gray is saying anything. sharknato did not get good ratings. >> oh, no. kind of like snakes on a plane. >> stephanie: twitter not the same as real life everybody. [ laughter ] >> just wait for a frog-icane. >> stephanie: i think we started the twitter frenzy because we are on first in the morning. >> right. >> stephanie: the latest movie
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spectacle, in which it picks up hurls great whites towards dodger's stadium -- it could happen. would we stay that long? >> there's the opening pitch. let's go. >> stephanie: it was clocking 5,000 tweets per minute. >> like really prominent people were tweeting about it. chuck todd tweeted about it. >> stephanie: i know. so it did no better than their normal fair. and not the first time social media has mislead executives in to thinking they had a hit on their hands. snakes on a plane was another one -- >> how about lizards on a helicopter? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. let's do one quick one before we go. dan in florida. hi, dan, welcome. >> caller: hi, as a small business owner, i would like to
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ask awful of these people who want to boycott florida not to. when they do that, they are hurting small businesses although we may have may i say a moron as a governor we did support obama in both elections, so this is not such a red state. >> disneyland is better than disney world, though. >> stephanie: yeah just saying. neener. that's it for us. we'll see you tomorrow on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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i'm jacki schechner. it's noon eastern, and here's what's current nothing like leaving things to the very last second. the senate has reached a deal that keeps the filibuster intact and avoids forcing harry reid from following through on his promise to invoke the nuclear
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option. reid said it is john mccain who was able to break the gridlock between republicans and democrats, but details are still emerging as to what the deal might be. the goal is to get seven of president obama's nominees confirmed starting with richard cordray, and the senate has now voted at least to go ahead with the vote on


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