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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  July 17, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT

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[ ♪ theme ♪ ] >> stephanie: all right. hello, tv land! representative linda sanchez coming up. sexy liberal hal sparks in hour number three. in hour number, two guess who we got. >> whowth get? >> stephanie: jacki schechner. health plan costs for new yorkers iset to fall 50%. oh no. >> i know. it's working. >> stephanie: oh, no! republicans' worst fears that come true. >> today they're going to take another vote. >> stephanie: really? >> on the affordable care act.
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>> stephanie: awesome. >> so glad they're getting it done. >> stephanie: let me get this straight. we're paying them with taxpayer money? >> lots. >> stephanie: that's awesome. nicely done. nicely done. way to go, everybody. okay. she'll put on her nurse jacki cap for hour number two. her in her jaunty news cap jacki schechner. >> the zimmerman trial may be over but the conversation continues about the tragic death of trayvon martin and what we can do moving forward to make changes both to society and to the law that governs us. hillary clinton spoke before an african-american sorority group last night referencing the deep heartache that saturday's not guilty verdict has brought to the families involved and to the community at large. and as attorney general eric holder addressed the naacp convention in orlando yesterday. he got personal saying that the issues at the core of the case are the same ones that forced his father to sit down and talk to him years ago as a young black man who may encounter law enforcement and how he should
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behave in the instance and has forced him to now speak to his son. >> no mother, no father should ever have to fear for their child walking down a street in the united states of america. >> troy van's death last spring caused me to sit down to have a conversation with my own 15-year-old son. >> holder went on to talk about the importance of taking a good, hard look if he stand-your-ground laws in this country pointing out they're crafted to fix something that was never broken in the first place. and cnn airs more of its interview with juror b37 -- >> do you think trayvon martin played a role in his own death? >> i believe he played a huge role in his death. >> four the five other women on the jury have penned a letter to the press emphasizing the one juror speaks only for herself. they call their experience on the jury highly emotional and physically draining and they asked for continued respect of their privacy. we're back with more show after
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the break. >> did anyone tell the pilgrims they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar.
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>> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ ♪ don't let it get away ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. representative linda sanchez of the great state of california coming up to talk about immigration reform. liberal hal sparks, hump days with hal. very sexy healthcare corner with jacki schechner in hour number two. it is a big, big show. [ applause ] all right. so i feel the need to balance it
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out with a little audio vomit. [ laughter ] which i -- you know, of all the things people have said about the zimmerman trial this one i did not see this coming, jim. i could see ted nugent's vomitous pieces he's written because he's all about the guns and -- [ whatever! ] >> stephanie: however i did not see this coming even from rush limbaugh. did you hear this yesterday jim? hear we go. >> when trayvon described zimmerman to her creepy -- she began to fear that zimmerman was gay. >> what? [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> a rapist. she then told trayvon to run run, run. she just said so. after i say may be a rapist, that means she said to trayvon this guy could be gay.
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he could be a rapist. he might want to rape you. you run trayvon run run. for every boy every man who's not that kind of way everybody who's straight. see, a grown man following them, would you be creeped out? she's telling us the reason trayvon martin descended on zimmerman was because he was offended. he thought because of what she said to him zimmerman was gay. >> stephanie: right. >> zimmerman got beat up because trayvon was gay. that's what she's saying here. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> what? no! >> what other interpretation is there? >> stephanie: well, he had a gun. >> i thought boy the left is going to have a real problem. they're going to have to balance which group are they going to favor. >> wow. >> stephanie: i see. >> gays or what? because here you have zimmerman
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was assumed to be gay. this woman told trayvon run dude. you got creepy ass crack rapist following you. run, run run. anybody would be creeped out by that. trayvon's not the kind of guy that runs but trayvon was mad. creepy ass cracker rapist coming after him. i'll give him what for. so we have trayvon martin, who the media has made practically an angel. we now find from no less than rachel started beating up on zimmerman because he thought based on what she said, he might be gay. so trayvon martin is angel recipient of all of the government and support from the left wing, the democrats actually is a gay basher. >> nice try. where did you come across this
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expertise in one of your vacations to the dominican republic, perhaps? you seem to know an awful lot about it, rush. >> stephanie: first of all she didn't say anything like that. first of all any guy in prison, rape is not about being gay. okay. all right. wow. that was just magic wasn't it? [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] >> what a leap! >> he's a gay basher. who do you like? the negroes or the moment toes -- or the homos pick one. >> stephanie: ice down your groin, rush. >> if he can find it. >> stephanie: wow. so that's when we finally went off the rails on the whole zimmerman thing. okay. all right. so i was on cnn last night by the way and i was saying, i don't know if i made this point on the show but give me a break about this whole race issue. obviously justice department, all of that, would this -- if it was a white frat guy from the university of miami would this have gone down this way?
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who in their right mind thinks so? >> by f'ing punk, george zimmerman meant black guy. >> stephanie: also by the way i was reading more about the justice department. does anyone think that the police department did a good job as we were saying yesterday the only thing about the justice department is they can actually do a real investigation. they can go back on a lot of stuff they were talking about that you know, obviously the police missed. that may be the biggest think that happened, jim. we talked about this. a lot of the best evidence witnesses, all of that stuff is probably gone but it was six leaks later oh, really? how did he not get charged in the first place. guy is standing there with a gun. a kid is dead. is that the story? >> stand your ground. >> trayvon was black. >> stephanie: didn't interview anybody in the community to see -- by the way, anybody
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missing a teenager? it is incredible. didn't interview witnesses at the time. forensic evidence. >> did they leave the body lying there overnight? >> stephanie: yes. he was in the morgue for three days or something like that. one lawyer said they have a separate set of evidence they're look at, the justice department. they might have additional witnesses never called upon by the state. that would not surprise me since they didn't interview practically anybody. >> did a crappy job. >> they're saying investigators aren't limited to existing evidence. they can pursue new evidence as they see fit. >> what? new evidence? >> federal investigators could look more closely for any evidence of racial bias which we're told there are -- >> probably should have done that before the trial. >> stephanie: so it the department will sift through trial testimony interviews and evidence during what is likely to be a month-long investigation into whether george zimmerman violated trayvon martin's civil rights. the key will be whether evidence
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exist he was motivated by racial animosity. to anybody who's being honest, and again whether they can prove that i know is a different thing. it is just -- give me a break. >> trayvon a gay basher. >> stephanie: the reverend al sharpton says there remains a fundamental question. does trayvon martin have the civil right to go home? thank you. yes, we have it. >> we've called on the department of justice. because trayvon martin had the civil rights to go home. and that was interfered with and violated. >> stephanie: thank you. a former federal prosecutor here in l.a. said many people simply cannot process how an unarmed teenager is killed and yet no one is held criminally accountable for their death. somebody was saying the best known example is rodney king. the cops were acquitted here and then federal prosecutors brought two of the four officers were
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convicted in federal court of violating king's civil rights. so we'll see. this is a different case. but you know, some interesting questions anyway. charles blow wrote a great -- just a great piece about all of this. and i think i need to repeat that before i go to ted nugent. i just think i'm gonna burst! >> oh, dear. you need the heimlich? >> stephanie: i'm fine. [ ♪ battle hymn of republic ♪ ] nobody touch me. nobody help me. charles blow in the -- and this is in "the new york times," i believe. the whole system failed trayvon martin. it is a bigger picture. i think that's what goes to this justice department thing. the system began to fail martin long before that night one of the things we keep talking about is the stand-your-ground law. he brings it up. the system failed him when florida's self-defense laws were written allowing an aggressor to blame self-defense if you use
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deadly force and no culpability for his role in the events that led to that point. and that's -- i think 22 states have this. how is this legally -- this is just -- this makes no sense no matter what race you are no matter what partisan stripe you are. you can kill your only witness and then what? the cops just have to -- this could happen to any of us. >> stuff happens. >> stephanie: okay. here's the only story because i'm the only one still alive. >> stephanie: the system failed him because of his disproportionate force he and the neighborhood watchmen could bring to the altercation. zimmerman could legally carry a concealed fire a.m. while martin could not. >> he could carry a concealed sidewalk. >> stephanie: he had just turned 17. barely out of 16 is. the system failed him when the neighborhood watchman described motive behavior and intent and criminal history to a boy walking home. the system failed when the
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bullet ripped through his chest and the man said he stretched his arms out wide preventing him from clutching the spot that hurt. the system failed him when the slapdash sanford police did a horrible job of collecting and preserving evidence. the system failed him when the officers didn't value his dead body enough to canvas the complex to make sure no one was missing a teen. imagine this? in brentwood out here in beverly hills. give me a break! the system failed him when he was labeled a john doe and his lifeless body spent the night alone and unclaimed. the system failed him when the man police found standing over the body of a dead teenager, the man who admitted to shooting him was taken in for questioning and allowed to walk out without an arrest or charge to go home after taking a life and take to his bed. the system failed him when it took more than 40 days and an outpouring of national outrage. a jury who may have been zimmerman's pierce but not peers of the teenager who was being tried in absent sha.
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the other jurors said that first juror, she doesn't really represent necessarily what we think. what the hell happened on this jury? when three of the people were voting for a conviction. how did that suddenly end up -- >> they got clarification on the charges. that changed their mind. >> stephanie: whatever the jury instructions were -- >> charges for you. if you don't vote the way we want stuff could happen. somebody might have to stran their ground. >> stephanie: everyone in the courtroom raised racial bias when the defense held up a picture of a shirtless martin and told the jurors this was the person zimmerman encountered but it was not the zimmerman -- it was not the way zimmerman had seen martin subconsciously or consciously. they asked the all female jury. charles blow talks as many of our callers as a black parent, as a parent, particularly a parent of black teenage boys,
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now what do i tell my boys? >> move out of florida. >> stephanie: there's 22 states with these stupid laws! we used to say not to run in public because that might be seen as suspicious like they had stolen something. but he was under suspicion because he was walking too slowly. what precise pace should a black man walk to avoid suspicion. can they ever stop talking away and stand their ground? can they become righteously indignant without being fatally wounded. martin was in a gated community carrying a candy and a drink. the whole system failed martin. great stuff. [ applause ] >> what are the states that have the stand your ground laws. >> stephanie: stevie wonder can tell you. he's going to boycott all of them. we'll talk about that as we continue. 18 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: there's a tea party in her pants and you're invited. call now.
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv.
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♪ i've been driving all night my hands wet on the wheel ♪ ♪ there's a voice in my head that drives my heel ♪ >> stephanie miller. >> stephanie: this hour of the "the stephanie miller show" brought to you by carbonite. here's a little-known fact. carbonite online back-up has restored 20 billion computer files that otherwise might have been lost forever. >> was that christopher walken with a wow? >> stephanie: that's why i rely on carbonite to back up my own computer files. whether you have multiple computers for your small business or one personal computer carbonite provides
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especially jim. you always know how to sing happy birthday to me. thank you. >> stephanie: did you enjoy your birth birthday sex with kevin in d.c.? >> caller: i love the show for so many reasons. you know how loyal i am. i have a much better sex life on the show than i do in real life. >> stephanie: me, too! >> caller: i know. it is amazing. i do have a message for everyone. i've been listening since the heinous verdict came down the other night. i have my suspicions on whether it was fixed given the fact his father was a judge but with all of the anger and the legitimate rage and expresses of frustration, we have to mobilize. we need to get into the state legislatures and get people registered no matter whatever tricks they tried to disenfranchise people. every single one of us who is upset needs to put some time in to just help get people registered so we can take back the state legislatures. i'm safe in maryland. i will go to pennsylvania or to
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virginia, make sure the cucc can't win steal the governorship. i want everyone who's mad to do something. >> stephanie: that's the thing, sue. you're right. while we're not paying attention and you know, twittering about shark nado, they're like you say, state by state doing these egregious anti-state laws. alec has been behind the stand your ground laws. now we're seeing the results right? >> caller: then the federal judges, one judge after another strikes down the laws. i think north dakota or the south dakota law was struck down last night. the judge had a great ruling. and said this is just -- and it is going to get struck down but they shouldn't be done in the first place. we need to eliminate in any way you want to understand that word, all of these republicans who are just hateful. hateful against progress and the only way we do that is make sure no matter what barriers they throw up, we will get people registered. we will get them out there and get them to vote so that we can
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make progress in the news century. in the new century. >> stephanie: absolutely. guess what else zimmerman verdict allowed rush limbaugh to not just be homophobic in that ridiculous clip we made at the top of the show but also to be more racist than he already was. >> really? >> stephanie: we bleeped but he actually said the "n" word. >> with an "a" on the end. i think i can now. isn't that the point? because it's not racist. that's the point. i could be talking about a male. i could be -- a chinese male. a guy at the laundromat. i could be talking about a man. that's what she said. >> what? >> stephanie: yeah. he said it's okay now for he actually said the "n" word. >> because rachel told him that it was okay. it could be used for any male. >> stephanie: okay. just when i thought he could not get more despicable. michael in new york city.
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you're on the "the stephanie miller show." hi mike. >> caller: hey hey, sexy liberal mama. you know, i'm so dog gone blad that eric holder and the justice department is investigating not just the zimmerman trial but what the hell is going on in florida. this stand your ground stuff is racial crap. the way this trial was handed was racially motivated and i mean i believe that the prosecution tossed this case. when i see the smirk from the prosecution on the defense, on the cops and even on the judge's face that, tells me the fix was in and it seems like trayvon martin's rights as well as his family rights were violated over and over and over again. it has become a much bigger picture than what we imagined. yes, we need the justice department to have federal prosecution against all those that committed the federal crimes, obstruction of justice -- >> stephanie: look at what
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that attorney said. trayvon -- we're sorry trayvon is dead but george zimmerman is not responsible. then who is? >> caller: you know something? that's a whole bunch of using joe biden's words, malarkey because you have george zimmerman, when he entered his plea of not guilty by reason of self-defense that admitted -- he admitted to killing trayvon. i gotta say one more thing. kudos to stevie wonder who are taking the stand that he did and saying he's boycotting florida and all of these other states that have stand your ground. he's not performing in any of those states. >> stephanie: exactly. that's not very superstitious. that's taking a stand. >> it is. >> stephanie: i just had to go through -- >> he took higher ground. >> stephanie: 29 minutes after the hour. back are representative linda sanchez next on "the stephanie miller show."
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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>> i can't do this anymore. i'm a good girl. >> stephanie: 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. what else is going on in the world, in washington where they're debating immigration reform. representative linda sanchez our good friend of the great state of california joins us now. good morning representative. >> good morning, how are you? >> stephanie: i'm good, home slice. the president yesterday said an immigration bill without a path to citizenship is not who we are
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as americans yet that's what's happening in the house right? >> unfortunately yes. that's what the republican-controlled house is doing. >> stephanie: what are they -- i don't get -- they're trying to do i guess what they call it is a step by step approach. tell us what that means to them. >> well, we call it a piecemeal approach which is not the way to do comprehensive -- the immigration reform an overhaul. they've passed basically four different bills out of the judiciary committee which has jurisdiction and they've all been party line votes. that is 100% of republicans voting for and 100% of democrats voting against. and there are things like criminalizing all undocumented immigrants and you know, doing the everify bill which makes employers use employment verification to ensure that they're not hiring undocumented workers. which is a system that's rife
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with problems and needs an overhaul as well. so they're doing this piecemeal approach and these bills are really really bad bills. they don't talk about you know, positive steps toward fixing the overall broken immigration system. it is basically their pet proms and the ways they want to describe immigrants as being a threat and you know, of having to guard against them rather than you know, trying to put people who have lived in this country, some of them for countries who were brought here as children, instead of trying to bring them in out of the shadows. >> stephanie: representative, it seems like there's no better evidence how far right this republican party has moved. george w. bush just spoke out about the need for comprehensive immigration reform. which, of course, you know, house republicans are rejecting entirely right? i knew this was going to happen. border is never going to be secure enough for them to say okay, now we'll have comprehensive immigration
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reform right? >> right. they have argued about the cost of the bill and then when cbo came out and stead is going to save the country money then they shifted to, you know, we gotta spend billions and billions and billions of dollars at the border, you know, essentially militarizing the border. by the way they're only talking about the southern border. they're not talking about our northern border. there is a reason for that. there is this perception we don't want those kinds of immigrants coming in. and the problem is that you know, the country is ready for comprehensive immigration reform, poll after poll after poll. should the majority of americans support. these republicans are in seats where their base is overwhelmingly, you know, white conservative base and they're simply playing to their base. it is not -- they're not thinking about the broader interest of this country. they're not thinking about the broader interest in terms of the businesses in their districts that rely on the workers.
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they're not thinking about what's good for america. they're thinking about their own self-interest. >> stephanie: that is the problem. what you just said is they're really only afraid of getting primaried by a tea partier farther to the right of them. this is why it just feels like we're never going to get anything done. i can only imagine your frustration that after the election, that seemed like okay, that's the one thing they're going to do if for no other reason than politically because they took a drubbing in the hispanic vote. yet here we are. >> they seem to have very short memories. they've forgotten that already. they're stuck in what i will say is the proverbial rock in a hard place. they're own political survival, their own re-election depends on them playing to conservative base and trying to outconservative any tea party challenger. they have no incentive to reach beyond their traditional base but the numbers demographically show that the country as a whole is increasingly diverse so they put at risk always losing national elections and statewide elections, you know, because they're putting their own
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re-elections ahead of the ability of their party to reach out beyond their traditional base. >> stephanie: aren't they voting yet again to repeal the affordable care act? >> yes. we've only had about 45 votes on that but apparently it is not enough. if they need to burnish their credentials to the folks back home, they really mean they want to repeal it. >> stephanie: congresswoman did you see "the new york times" headline healthcare for new yorkers set to fall 50%. enacting the exchanges and all of that. right here in california. >> it's going to help all americans. and you know, they -- they do not want to hand anything, anything to the president to make it seem that he may have gotten anything done. in fact, they're just being obstructionist. they're the sand in the gears that keeps the country from doing the basic business. and it is bad for the country. and somebody described it like
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this. they're willing to sink the ship in order to drown the captain. and the ship is our country and they really don't -- aren't look at what's in the best interest of the country. they're looking at their narrow self-interest and their ideological interests and that's harming this country. >> stephanie: as you wrote me on the day that prop 8 was struck down, supreme court you said some days, the hill kicks your ass and some days, you kick ass on the hill. >> that's a favorite saying of mine. you have those victories and you learn to savor them because there are a lot of disappointments up here right now. >> stephanie: i'll say. on a personal note, before you go, how much are you going to miss michele bachmann? a lot? >> it's interesting because her office is on my same hallway so i see her all the time. >> stephanie: awesome. >> but she does provide interesting discussion topics. based on what -- [ laughter ] based on what she's on it tv saying on any given day. >> how crazy do her eyes look in real life?
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>> stephanie: jim, stop it. don't get her in trouble. representative linda sanchez with the great state of california. thank you so much, congresswoman. >> thank you stephanie. >> stephanie: talk to you soon. oh great newsbusters is getting ready to type. all right. so lots to get to. eric holder, the attorney general yesterday talking about the zimmerman verdict. >> we must stand our ground to ensure that our laws reduce violence and take a hard look at laws that contribute to more violence than they prevent. >> stephanie: all right. let's take a quick one here. laura in florida. you're on "the stephanie miller show." welcome. >> caller: yeah, hi. how are you today? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: i'm from florida. and i was sitting up watching the verdict come in and when they passed the verdict about five minutes later i heard gunshots going off. it was like 4th of july or something.
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i mean, it's ridiculous. i retired here. >> stephanie: i'm guessing us gun rights people celebrating the rights of an unarmed -- >> nice when the bullets come back down. >> i'm from new jersey and i retired here and i'm having second thoughts. >> stephanie: all right. thank you. appreciate it. let's go to sharon in oakland. welcome. >> caller: hello. i wanted to comment about the caller yesterday. who talked about trayvon being -- possibly being afraid that george zimmerman was a pedophile following him. i all thought that was so far-fetched but no, it's not. we have a problem with sex trafficking. we have a problem with pedophiles and we do and that's not a false idea. i'm a 57-year-old woman who grew up in oakland california. i have been profiled, hoodie, no. my best friend, short sleeve shirts. >> stephanie: are you taking a bath right now? >> caller: no.
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and he was profiled. this is oakland california. this happens all over the united states. has nothing to do with hoodies. has nothing to do with male, female. has everything to do with black. when we walk out our door, we're black and we're suspect and it is day in and day out and people need to recognize that fact and the prosecutor they didn't do their job. >> stephanie: agree with all of that. rush trying to say that he thought that zimmerman was gay and so trayvon is a gay basher. i think that trayvon has been smeared enough based on nothing. let's leave that where it is. okay. tracy in l.a. you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: hey, stephanie, how are you? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: listen, i think i share a common disgust for the verdict. what pisses me off i'm sorry if that offends anybody is they're still trying to slander trayvon.
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it is -- the boy is dead. you guys won. let it go. but it just seems like there is a lot of conduct. i feel like this lady was a plant. and i mean -- paranoid but it's like is it so far fetched because they were determined to win at all costs. >> stephanie: how did she get on the jury? my friend mike tomasky wrote juror b37 holy smokes! i mean seriously. right? >> right. the thing is that she -- she couldn't really explain how she came up with the summation that georgie was innocent. and by saying there was a rash of vandalism. nobody said anything about vandalism. >> stephanie: did it make anyone -- arouse anyone else's suspicion that she called him georgie? >> caller: you know, i work for law enforcement and like said, i have a degree in criminal justice and forensics so i've been analyzing all of this all
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along and the same inconsistencies that they talked about were already picture up. it is like wait a minute! calling him a suspect? he didn't do anything. >> stephanie: exactly. by the way speaking of smearing trayvon after he's gone, ted nugent. >> oh god. >> stephanie: we'll talk about his little article when we get back. we call him skittles, hoodie boy. okay. enraged black man child. >> we can call ted nugent a few names. >> stephanie: i already did in my thought bubble, none of which i can say on air. 45 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> it even vibrates like real. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy!
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>> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given
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to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern you've heard stephanie's views. >>no bs, authentic, the real >>now, let's hear yours at the only online forum with a direct line to stephanie miller. >>the only thing that can save america now: current television. >>join the debate now.
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♪ oh, we've got some places to see ♪ >> stephanie miller. ♪ jump in ♪ ♪ we're going riding on the freeway of love ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. jacki's healthcare corner coming up at the top of the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. jim, we need a light comedic sorbet to cleanse our palate between the vomitous rush limbaugh homophobic and saying the "n" word and ted nugent's article that he wrote about the zimmerman verdict. because we've been bitching about this for years. i'll take credit. we've been bitching about the song ironic there. is nothing ironic in there. a lot of things that are unfortunate. >> black fly in the chardonnay.
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>> that's kind of gross. >> stephanie: just not really ironic. it just makes you want to smack her with a thesaurus for years. >> or makes you want to smack her with 10,000 spoons. >> stephanie: someone has done something about it. >> rachel did this on youtube. ♪ ♪ an old man turned 98 ♪ ♪ he won the lottery and died the next day ♪ ♪ paper cuts on his lottery ticket ♪ ♪ black fly in your chardonnay ♪ ♪ that was specifically purchased to repel black flies ♪ ♪ a death row pardon that causes your demise, you leave the jail
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and get hit by a bus ♪ ♪ and that is really is ironic ♪ ♪ we fixed it for you alanis ♪ ♪ it is like rain on your wedding day ♪ ♪ a day and place you chose because it's known not to rain ♪ ♪ it's a free ride ♪ ♪ but you get mugged on the way ♪ ♪ it's that advice forcing you to sing ♪ ♪ who would have thought it figures ♪ [ laughter ] >> brilliant. >> stephanie: funny funny funny. [ applause ] oh lord. all right. [ ♪ "nbc nightly news" ♪ ] and now ted nugent. >> ugh! >> stephanie: not since he gave me the finger live on television have i felt so -- i'll have to watch what i say. >> wouldn't it be ironic if he
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shot himself with his cross bow? >> no, no. >> stephanie: one day after musician ted nugent penned a column railing against dope smoking racist trayvon martin, he fired off more harsh words calling him an enraged black man child who was a skittles hoodie boy following george zimmerman's acquittal, future sent speaking out about the damage he believes the damage has done to the defendant's family at the hands of the race baiting industry ii, obama and holder. okay. should i read some choice parts? >> only in the name of journalism. >> stephanie: george zimmerman does what anybody -- first of all, he takes zimmerman's word for everything then makes it even -- basically embellishes even on that. to make trayvon seem like a maniac of some sort. some notable passages. george zimmerman does what anybody wishes to live would do.
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he reaches for his concealed handgun with a deadly force -- against the deadly force reeled upon him. >> like the sidewalk. >> stephanie: this represents the purist form of self-defense there is. it is why people who believe in good over evil carry a gun to protect themselves from the well-documented violence that plagues our country to protect yourself from a life-threatening attack. >> stephanie: with skittles and a sidewalk. here's the lesson from all of this america teach your children to not attack people for no good reason whatsoever. >> that would be george zimmerman. yeah. >> stephanie: conduct yourself in a responsible civil manner and everything will be just fine. try to kill someone and that someone may be exercising his or her second amendment and you could get shot. it is self-defense, the oldest, strongest and most righteous instinct known to man. >> oh, my god! >> stephanie: teenager with the skittles.
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yeah, listen to this version of events. after expressing racism and hostility on the phone to a friend in response to being followed the suspect changes course and turns toward george and immediately initiates a hostile, verbal confrontation that quickly escalates to a violent physical assault. within seconds the suspect is overwhelmed, has gained advantage pinning george to the ground further escalates the force by smashing george's face and slamming his skull into the concrete with all of his youthful at letcism. >> were you there? >> no. he's pulling all of this out of his bony ass. >> stephanie: the professional law enforcement officers did not hold zimmerman op on charges. they saw it cut-and-dried self-defense. based solely on what george zimmerman said. >> stephanie: it was until the race breeding industry saw the ways to further the careers of sharpton jackson the black panthers. i don't know what they have to do with this.
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president obama -- he threw them in there too. president obama and eric holder who swept down on the florida community, refusing to admit the 17-year-old dope smoking racist, gangsta wanna be, trayvon martin was at all responsible for his bad decisions. and standards of always taking the violent route. an obvious racist chip on his shoulder referencing the guy as a creepy ass cracker to his racist friend who admitted this is how nonblacks are referred to normally in their circles trayvon had no reason not to attack because it was the standard thug thing to do. the only racism that night was perpetrated by martin and everyone knows it. >> oh, my god! ♪ are you an idiot ha, ha, ha, ha harks ha, ha ♪ >> i wish you hadn't read that. i think people shouldn't have to hear the garbage. >> stephanie: just have to tell you what's out there. it is my job. now i need more light comedic
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sorbet of some sort. cornelius in phoenix you're on "the stephanie miller show." hello, cornelius. >> caller: hello. i'm going to move very quickly. zimmerman, there was no fight that occurred. i've been trying to get to a few talks shows. there are some code words in this thing. no fight ever happened. when zimmerman said -- he said he's reaching for his waist. that's a code for police officers that i can draw my weapon. he had his weapon out when he approached trayvon. he stated he's running. trayvon was trying to get away. as a matter of fact, rachel admitted she heard trayvon ask why are you following me? how do you know? because you sped up to try to get away. zimmerman knocks the cell phone out of his hand, grabs trayvon. zimmerman told him you're going to die tonight. he had to state -- zimmerman had to state someone said that. he had to state that. trayvon yelled. that's the scream of horror. that's not the scream of someone beating up another person. that is the scream of horror.
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>> stephanie: cornelius face face -- that's the fact. his injuries are not consistent with his injuries. >> the night he was questioned, we have clear police footage that shows no bruises. the reenactment video should have never been admitted as evidence. she's not a sworn statement under oath. as a matter of fact, that's -- i do videos and film. that's a great makeup job in that video. >> stephanie: i don't know. >> i don't know that you can put that out there. >> stephanie: again one thing that seems logical is the kickback from his gun could have caused that one thing on his nose. 58 minutes after the hour. jacki's healthcare corner next on "the stephanie miller show."
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>> stephanie: sexy liberal hal sparks coming up next hour. coming up next, healthcare corn which nurse jacki. talking about "the new york times" headline, cost for new yorkers set to fall 50%. one guy quoted in here, i swash to god it is like the japanese coming out of the forest after world war ii. said i'm scared to change though. can they really not discriminate against me for pre-existing conditions? people don't believe it. there's been so much misinformation. >> yeah. that's the problem right. we're still educating people on the nuts and bolts of the affordable care act and here we are almost four years in. >> what about the -- >> stephanie: he doesn't believe they can't discriminate anymore. >> there's so much fearmongering
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on the other side that it's hard to believe that the government's actually doing something good. and doing something that's going to work for people. can't wrap their brain around that concept. >> stephanie: that's why god created jacki's healthcare corner. here she is in the newsroom. >> good morning everybody. let's start with a little bit of this healthcare news. house republicans are scheduled to vote today on bills that would delay both the employer responsibility provision and the individual mandate and the affordable care act. and besides being a giant waste of time because neither of those bills would go anywhere past today's vote, they come on the same day that new york state officials are going to announce premiums in the new insurance exchange in new york state will be at least 50% lower than what an individual can get on the market right now. "the new york times" gives an example. someone who pays $1,000 for health insurance right now would be able to get a plan for as little as $308 a month. it would be less than that if they qualify for a government subsidy. officials say they've had a
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17 -- 17 plans that have been approved to participate in the state exchange so far. eight of those are new to the state. >> liz cheney wants to be a senator. the former vice president's older daughter posted an almost 6-minute video online explaining she's made her decision to run and why. >> i'm running because i believe it is necessary for a new generation of leaders to step up to the plate. i'm running because i know, as a mother and a patriot, we can no longer afford simply to go along to get along. >> cheney makes no mention of senator mike enzi, the man that would be her primary challenger but she spends plenty of time attack the president and his "liberal allies." cheney moved to wyoming last fall and has been active in state political events ever since. but the national republicans and the other senator from wyoming say they'll support enzi. we're back after the break. but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into
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the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ ♪ don't let it get away ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. sexy liberal hal sparks next hour for hump days with hal. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. than says i need good news. nan says i need good news in light of the hatred spewing -- >> from the ted nugents of the world. >> stephanie: rush limbaugh from the zimmerman verdict. ♪ i believe that chirp are our future ♪ >> stephanie: my 10-year-old grandson saw you on tv for the first time yesterday and asked me how old you were. when i asked -- told him he asked if i had plastic surgery. i asked why he would ask that?
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he said you look so much younger. [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] isn't that precious? [ applause ] >> you on wouldn't believe how much plastic surgery. >> stephanie: there was something broken in this face. i took it to my shop, to the doctor's shop and i fixed it and brought it back here. >> get the holes in your face -- in between your eyebrows fixed. >> spackle. >> stephanie: all right. ♪ >> stephanie: good morning nurse jacki. >> i think i'm more bothered that there is a 10-year-old who knows about plastic surgery. >> stephanie: exactly. >> when i was 10 i saw phyllis diller on tv all the time. i knew about plastic surgery. >> yeah, but you're gay. [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: jacki, you can confirm my story that all children are tiny terrorists. went to a 4th of july party remember? >> yes, with the pinwheels. >> stephanie: we had 4th of
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july pinwheels remember the toddler. bloodcurdling screech. >> we love that we all handed them over. it was like we had all been mugged. she reached for them and we all immediately without a fight, we did not stand our ground at all. here! >> and the drooling over the cupcakes. it was like a panting dog. >> stephanie: right right right. yikes. all right. let's talk about "the new york times" headline. [ ♪ "nbc nightly news" ♪ ] health plan costs for new yorkers set to fall 50%. individuals buying health insurance on their own will see their prices tumble as healthcare changes take effect. thoughtful chin scratch. >> that disaster of the affordable care act huh? >> stephanie: right. state insurance regulators say they have approved rates for 2014 but released 15% lower so beginning in october individuals in new york city, for instance who now pay $1,000
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a month or more to be able to shop for health insurance for as little as $308 monthly. the costs will be even lower. >> i'm rarely wrong but when i am, i'll admit it. i was really concerned and i am still concerned without a public option in the mix there wouldn't be as much competition as we would like. but it looks like the plans are getting into the mix and there are a lot more that are willing to compete for the increase in business that they'll have as more and more people buy health insurance. and that competition alone is enough to drive down prices. so i hope that this stays and that we -- it turns out as much as i would love to have a public option still that the competition alone is sufficient at least in the short term. >> stephanie: we're going for berg doff's to eileen's here. >> berg cover's went -- filine's used to be a good store. >> i did love myself from
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filine's. >> stephanie: who didn't. the extraordinaire decline for consumers demonstrates the profound promise of the affordable care act. obviously administration officials quick to add new york to the list of states that appear to be successfully carrying out the law and setting up exchanges. once again they said we're seeing in new york what we've seen in other states like california and oregon which we've talked about here. competition and transparency are leading to affordable and new choices for families. it also makes you feel bad for red states, right? the governors are doing everything they can to obstruct and not implement affordable care act. >> yeah. a couple of things here. one is that i worked in new york and i worked actually with health insurance in new york, trying to help freelancers. it is now i guess -- now the freelancers union. it was working today at at the time. we were trying to help people in freelance positions in new york get affordable health insurance. so i know how difficult the market is. it is why i got into this in the first place because it was so
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difficult for me in new york to get covered as freelancer. so this is a big deal d is a big deal just in terms of covering a large market and a large group of people who otherwise wouldn't have access to affordable insurance. especially in a state like new york where the prices can be so incredibly high from cost of living to you know, health insurance in general. the other thing i think that is important to know is the obama administration is going to start for lack of a better word, shaming some of the governors who are not allowing for the medicaid expansion. what they're doing is as the exchanging open up and people go to buy health insurance there will be a little note that says if you're below 133% of the poverty level, you could have had health insurance but because of your governor or because of your legislature, you can't. >> stephanie: oh, yeah. republican governor slut shaming. >> it's going to remind people that this is not the federal
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government's fault. that the state government -- and maybe, yeah, perhaps they should think about that as they go to the polls. >> stephanie: talking to you. >> it's hard to rally the uninsured. it is hard to rally people who are just struggling to make it day to day. that's a real problem. imagine if you're not jumping online on a regular basis. if you go to buy health insurance and the option for the exchange is not there for you because you don't make enough money, it is going to make it clear whose fault that is. >> stephanie: and yet and yet, jacki as you reported in your news duties they're voting to repeal affordable care again. the last time boehner said because he wanted to give freshmen a chance to vote on this. what is the reason now? do we have a reason for the what time is this? 39th? >> why are they voting for it now? >> they're attempting to point out the hypocrisy allegedly between delaying the employer responsibility provision and the individual mandate.
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but it's such a false argument because first of all, you can't get rid of the individual mandate because it would dismantle everything and the insurance companies aren't going to allow it. that's the big point here. we know that the health insurance companies and a large number of other sort of big companies who make money off of our health insurance market send a lot of money to republicans and they are not going to let the republican lawmakers dismantle the individual mandate because they can't cover everybody without the mandate. it is just not affordable for them. at least they claim. i would argue differently. they can't cover everybody pre-existing conditions, unless everybody is in the apo they won't allow them to get to the individual mandates. the president would veto it if god for byrd it did the insurance companies would not allow it. >> stephanie: yet another useless exercise is what your point is? >> totally. total waste of time.
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we should somehow calculate the money and hours being wasted on legislation that's never going to go anywhere and stuff that doesn't have the support of anybody but the stubborn house republicans who just want to pass the same stuff over and over and over again. it is almost like a waste of time. >> stephanie: it is almost like caving into toddler's demands. >> we have to stop giving them our pinwheels. >> stephanie: there you go. jacki schechner in the current news center. thanks honey. >> my pleasure. [ applause ] >> stephanie: all right. let's go to dana in chicago on the zimmerman verdict. hello, dana. >> caller: hi. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: i am probably about the 11th million call you've gotten about this. and i'm sorry? >> stephanie: yeah, go ahead. >> caller: so i apologize for the redundancy. i am white professional person from chicago. and i am just livid over this -- the outcome of this trial.
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i'm alternating between seething and profound sense of saddens. i cannot let this go. i'm having such a problem doing that. and i would just like to know who was involved in choosing this jury? from the jury pool? i got something from the daily show that showed the zimmerman jury with all paula deens there. >> stephanie: they probably got it from our web site. [ laughter ] no, i mean, you know, that's one of my many questions too is who allowed that? you know, who thinks that's fair? >> it's not. aren't you supposed to have 12 people on the jury? >> capital cases in florida you only need six. >> stephanie: that's -- annette from new york. you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: i want to address two issues. one is i echo what your previous
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caller just said about the zimmerman case. i was totally shocked. it was just unbelievable this they cannot come up with manslaughter guilty. the second is regarding the president. and i would like to give an analogy if i could. >> stephanie: okay. >> caller: i remember john mccain, he came out very quickly and criticized the military coup. my question is to mr. mccain, what does he think that the congress and the senate is doing to this president? it is a coup. they're trying to make this president fail. and it's disgusting and it is disgraceful for this to be happening in the united states. >> stephanie: by the way -- >> caller: that's all i have to give you. >> stephanie: i hear you. by the way a lot of experts have talked about the fact this is really a people's movement that was assisted by the military in egypt. just the opposite here. this is a democratically-elected president twice in landslides that is absolutely being thwarted in everything he wants
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to do. anyway. it is coupish. it is coupish. 17 minutes past the hour. >> the military is not involved. >> stephanie: that doesn't stop republicans from saying that. who was it that said that. i wish he could have a military coup here. >> someone said that. >> stephanie: whatever. 17 minutes after the hour. we roll along on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: for a good time, call now. 1-800-steph-12. wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> only on current tv.
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries
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that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ get up, stand up, stand up for your rights ♪ ♪ get up, stand up, don't give up the fight ♪ >> stephanie: all right. 22 minutes after the hour. george has some thoughts for us. gee whiz you guys are so
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committed to your n word loving [ bleep ] >> wow! >> stephanie: you don't have the common honesty to realistically and honestically address the subject as presented to you. you're so [ bleep ] committed to your left wing extremism, you can't be honest to yourselves. shameful. [ applause ] >> stephanie: did i tell you? not long after being called a race trader, i would be called an "n" word lover. ♪ ♪ race traitor ♪ ♪ race traitor ♪
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[ applause ] >> stephanie: thank you. you know, it seems to me that again, i think obviously a lot of people have been talking about the o.j. trial for various reasons. i think most -- most reasonable people think he did it. he was a cold-blooded murderer. has nothing to do with race. he happened to be black. in this case, i think a lot of reasonable people that watch this think an unarmed innocent teenager was shot to death and by the way george, here's some fun facts for you, why i shouldn't have been on the prosecution. look at this. maybe they should have brought this up. the neighborhood watch manual, have you read it? remember community members only serve as the extra eyes and ears of law enforcement. they should report their observations of suspicious activities to law enforcement however citizens should never try to take action on those observations. trained law enforcement should be the only ones to ever take action based on the observations of suspicious activity. >> he didn't really read the manual. >> stephanie: maybe he didn't get to page 22. [ applause ] all right.
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attorney general eric holder yesterday. >> by allowing and perhaps encouraging violent situations to escalate in public, such laws undermine public safety. >> stephanie: mike in toledo, you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi mike. >> caller: hello. i called to say i think it's time that we get pro-active. instead of crying about it after it happens. the only way to stop this is to vote with your dollar. we need a wallet ride. we need to withdraw funds. we need to take tourism and conventions away from states who do things like florida texas. do you think it easy. we've got athletic figures, the people from the miami heat where i'm saying how terrible this is, what if they said i'm not coming back to florida unless they change. >> stephanie: interesting this last letter i got, you know again, i don't think this
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is racial. i was surprised to hear right wing host on the station in the afternoon, feels exactly the same way i do about this. this guy should have been convicted. you know it is looking at the facts of the case is what i think it is. of speaking of speak with your -- stevie wonder boycotts florida in the aftermath of the zimmerman verdict during a concert in quebec city. he told his audience he will be boycotting all states that have stand-your-ground laws on the books. i decided today until the law is abolished in florida, i will never perform there again. whenever i find the law exists, i will not perform in that state or that part of the world. that is according to "huff post," that's 22 states that have stand your ground laws, similar to the one in florida. and somebody points out stand your ground was not directly tested in the zimmerman trial. the law was quote-unquote explicitly mentioned in the jury instructions. remember we said what the hell
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happened in the jury instructions that made -- >> blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada. >> stephanie: i guess not. i mean really? really? i have a superstition something went wrong. i dance to this very badly at oprah's, remember? >> you're continuing to dance to it very badly if you could see it on tv. ♪ very superstitious ♪ ♪ writing's on the wall ♪ >> stephanie: it was the oprah fund-raiser back in 2008. remember i got to go to it? i felt black people were looking at some of the whites with a little pity. >> what are you doing? are you having a seizure? >> going to do the sprinkler. >> stephanie: i'm going to start torquing. >> no!% ♪ [ applause ] >> stephanie: i challenge you black or white not to lose your [ bleep ] when you hear
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"superstition." >> it is a good song. of>> stephanie: it is a great song. hey, roger. >> caller: hey, steph, great show as always. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: here's the thing that bugs me. dr. de mayo, the expert forensic witness for the defense has been touring all of the talk shows and neither the prosecutor nor any of the talk show hosts have asked him the most important question and that is if a slender kid is wearing an extra large sweatshirt and an extra large hoodie and in the hoodie's patch, he has an ice tea that measures about three inches across the bottom, how is that not two to four inches away from his body. couldn't it be consistent with him being shot standing up? this doctor did no testing. >> stephanie: roger, i asked this question as well. they had witnesses that said it was zimmerman on top. and i have no idea why the prosecution went with this
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one -- because you're right. it is one witness. they can be wrong right? excuse me, not witness. the gunshot expert. >> if he's wearing that large a sweatshirt, that can have it two to four inches away from the body. >> stephanie: let's go to ronnie in jersey. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi ronnie. >> caller: hi. is this stephanie? >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: i'm not getting audio. i guess i'm directing this toward the guys, i don't know. i know myself and if i was in the situation where my body and my mind was screaming for help, my life is in danger, and if i shot this guy especially the first and only guy i ever shot, i don't know how i would stop scream at that point. i would either scream curses at the guy for trying to kill me or i would scream oh, my god i shot somebody. >> or help, help, help!
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>> something. just stop screaming at the point. >> stephanie: that's what i'm saying. all of this stuff. it is just common sense. anyway. all right. 29 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." but still support the drug war you must be high. >> i think the number one thing that viewers like about "the young turks" is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. >> you're putting out there something that you're proud of. journalists want the the story and they want the right story and the want the true story. >> you can say anything here. >> i spent a couple of hours with a hooker. >> your mistake was writing a check. >> she never cashed it! >> the war room. >> compared to other countries with tighter gun safety laws our death toll is just staggering. >> the young turks. >> the top bankers who funneled
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all the money to the drug lords, no sentence. there's just no justice in that. >> viewpoint. >> carl rove said today that mitt romney is a lock to win next pope. he's garunteeing it. >> joy behar: say anything. >> is the bottom line then that no white person should ever, ever, ever use the "n" word? >> yes! >> only on current tv.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and
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we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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>> the moment i saw her i felt as if i'd met her before. >> stephanie: i'm having that effect on people this morning. david in north carolina said i had the pleasure of seeing you attempt a twirk this morning. i'm not afraid of spiders anymore. >> not afraid of spiders? [ applause ] okay. >> stephanie: let's see. another one dear steph what kind of weird jesticlation was that? signed elaine benes from seinfeld. >> whatever that was was not twirking. >> stephanie: i don't know what it is. i need to watch an instructional video before i can do it wrong. [ laughter ] >> elaine bennett. >> stephanie: sandy in florida. you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi. i just wanted to call in and make an observation. after sitting back and look at everything that's been happening, i'm just absolutely
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amazed at how many people on both sides of the issue are complete experts on what happened that night. it's really truly amazing. >> stephanie: you know what? i don't claim to be an expert. i think that's the difference is you know, clearly a lot of people take exactly george zimmerman's word for what happened. i think, you know, by virt you've the fact that only one person is still alive you know, i'm not saying i'm an expert. i'm saying what seems logical to me. does it seem logical to you that someone is screaming the one that is unarmed? it stops immediately after a gunshot? what does that say to you? wouldn't that say to you it is the person that got shot? >> i'm just saying on both sides. everybody is saying -- >> both sides. [ ♪ hypnotic ♪ ] >> stephanie: i stumbled upon your show. both sides are being unfair. >> i'm judy collins. look at clouds on both sides.
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>> stephanie: up and down and still somehow i'm a small business owner that has just stumbled upon your show. [ ♪ hypnotic ♪ ] >> judy collins and mitchell are not the same. >> stephanie: dreams and schemes. i know the whole song. i used to sing that into my hairbrush. >> really? at 17. >> stephanie: i learned the truth. love was made for beauty queens and not unibrow armenian dudes with an afro. >> and bloody stumps. >> and doll's hair. for a hairline. >> stephanie: troll hair. okay. maryland republican andy harris said on a radio show, anyone angry about the zimmerman verdict needs to get over it. >> stephanie: all right. >> i am not one of your fans! >> stephanie: okay. eric holder. >> separate and apart from the
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case that's drawn the nation's attention, it's time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and so dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods. >> stephanie: thank you. eric holder not getting over it. investigating, perhaps seeing if there is grounds to bringing civil rights charges. eric holder again. >> i want to show you two things. i am concerned about this case. i can promise that the department of justice will consider all available information before determining what action to take. >> i don't think there were problems like this in different countries where different states and provinces have completely different sets of laws. >> no. canada is similar to us. australia is similar to us. >> stephanie: um, i thought reverend al sharpton made a good point. nothing to do with pie. >> we've called on the department of justice because trayvon martin had the civil rights to go home. and that was interfered with and violated.
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>> stephanie: by the way juror b37 -- >> bingo! >> stephanie: i thought you were going to go battleship. here she is. >> if there was another person, spanish, white asian if they came in the same situation where trayvon was, i think george would have reacted the exact same way. >> spanish. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] those people from spain? people who speak spanish. >> stephanie: tomasky writes juror b37 holy smokes. did you see that interview? seems very clear she makes no effort to be informed about the world at all and she carries around a slew of racial assumptions. she thinks zimmerman's heart was in the right place and then she thinks it would have gone down the same way no matter what color anyone was including spanish. >> spanish? spanish isn't a color. >> stephanie: what's more
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incredible than her proud ignorance is the prosecution didn't strike her in the first place. i agree. there's something weird there. that she doesn't trust the media which no one does but she doesn't read a thing that you'll never get all of the information. a former federal prosecutor jumped back when she said you'll never get all of the information. that's exactly what a defense attorney loves to hear. that's reasonable doubt right there. >> what? she watches too much nancy grace. >> stephanie: it sounded like a fox news thing. we never really get the whole story. >> all of this guesswork. >> stephanie: tomasky writes someone -- she's not completely hopeless. someone talked sense to her. someone had enough sense to cancel the book deal made over trayvon's grave. there's something weird about it. that she said -- first of all like well, he did go a little too far? a little bit yeah. >> shooting an unarmed kid in the heart?
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>> completely against the rules in the handbook for neighborhood watch guys. >> but i guess paul blart mall cop didn't read the handbook. >> stephanie: dana from maryland. >> caller: hello fellow race traitors. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: couple of points before my main point. if it's raining, i would have my hoodie up, too. i don't know if anybody's mentioned that. then you know, the right and fox, they don't want -- they want us to drop it and get over it and tucker carlson is calling reverend al and jesse jackson pimps and hustlers. i mean, you know, come on. this isn't racist, right? pimps and hustlers. is there a way we can revamp the whole jury picking system? you don't get paid very much. you know. a lot of people get out of it you know. they toured o.j.'s home. he had all of this african-american stuff up that
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replaced all of the white stuff he had up. how do they get away with that? >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: i just think we need to kind of toss out the jury selection thing because don't they know they're going to be able to write a book and make money. >> in south africa, as we found out, in the pistorius case, we have professional jurors who are presumably retired lawyers and judges who aren't as easily swayed by overzealous lawyers. >> stephanie: paul in michigan, you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: how you doing? great show. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: yeah, i want to say that isn't it ironic that ted nugent called trayvon martin a man child. ted nugent is the ultimate man child. he actually peed and crapped his own pants to get out of going to vietnam. that's his words. >> stephanie: exactly. he only likes to shoot defenseless animals. he doesn't like to -- >> with a cross bow so they die
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slower. >> stephanie: hey malick in new orleans. >> caller: hey, steph, thank you for being a champion for the people who can't be champions for themselves. as a young black man we're profiled every day. it is nothing new. i didn't expect the jury to come back with a not guilty verdict anyway. >> stephanie: malick, did you happen to read -- i was talking about charles blow, his piece in "the new york times." he said zimmerman at one point said he was suspicious because he was walking too slowly. he said -- you tell your black sons, don't run because people might think you stole something. what's the precise speed a black man can walk that he's not suspicious exactly right? >> i agree. the funny thing about it. we're the real illegal immigrants. constantly, every day, for example, when i'm driving down the street, i know not to wear a hoodie. if i'm wearing a hat you take the hat. i know if i'm pulled over by a cop, that i have to say look,
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i'm reaching to the glove compartment. what i do now is i get out of the car with all of my information and unlock my door so you can't search my car. if i go into a store and i have a bag, as soon as i get get in the store i give the bag to the clerk. because you don't want people to think you're stealing. this is something that we as black men are on a parallel universe in comparison to everybody else in the country. we know that we're instantly assumed guilty until proven innocent. that's sad because a lot of us have to tell our sons and our nephews and other black men how to act. >> stephanie: malick that's something that i think if we're going to have an honest conversation, white people have to be able to admit like any good liberal, i have black friends, as you know. >> you're required by law. >> stephanie: a guy friend of mine who said yes he's been pulled over in beverly hills i don't know how many times because he's driving a nice car. >> what are you doing with that
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shopping bag? shopping. >> stephanie: i remember eating dinner once and my friend, like he touched the cooler -- we were -- where they keep the beer. the restaurant owner threw him out. can i prove it was racism? no. but i think if i had done that, would he have thrown me out? probably not. i think you're right. and you can't understand it unless you've been through it, right? >> i agree. the funny thing about it is everybody think that we're always claiming to be victims. but if you think about it, we deal with this every day as black men. to us, it is just like waking up every day and putting on your underwear. we expect it. it is nothing new to us. it is not like we're mad about it. we've been surviving. if you think about it, only maybe 1% or 2% of black men are criminals. the other 98% are being profiled as criminals because of what the 1% or 2% does. that's a sad thing. i don't know anybody else as a human being that's held to that standard.
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and it is obvious to me that it is said -- i love -- honoring black men and black women i call everybody on your show honorary black men and women because you guys do something a lot of us can't do. you have a bully pulpit to make sure people out there know what's really going on in this country. i love you guys for that. as a matter of fact, i got tears in my eyes now because a lot of people don't understand that it takes a lot for you guys to do that, ka being called race traitors, that's harsh. people don't understand. >> stephanie: you missed the harshest part. i'm a race traitor that i hoped would get raped by a black man. >> caller: doesn't he know if you get raped about it's black man, that's pleasurable thing. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: all right. now you both have to go in the penalty box. before you said that, i just want to say word on the lamest, whitest way possible.
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wow. i need to go -- i'm going to go take a nap. 46 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." he was kidding. okay. 46 minutes arrive the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> it was so funny in my head when i planned it. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show."
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. (cenk) it's go time! it's go time! it's go time! go time. you know what time it is. go time! it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks go time! it's go time. oh is it? oh, then it's go time.
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anybody? anybody? oh, right. it's go time! >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪
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>> stephanie: jim ward on air guitar everybody. 51 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. democrat luis gutierrez sent a letter requesting they hold hearings on both the zimmerman case and the issue of gun violence in general. he said when any child is gunned down and nobody goes to jail, it is incumbent on lawmakers to determine whether justice has been done or the underlying law is just and whether legislation could help prevent another death like the death of trayvon martin. the thing now is preventing more trayvon martins whether it is gun laws or all of the stuff that went into that. george zimmerman's brother robert, nice to hear from him again. [ ♪ "nbc nightly news" ♪ ] >> oh, god! >> stephanie: is he continuing his fox tour? he claims that he and his family
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feared the administration might be tapping their phones. >> oh, shut up! really? >> stephanie: welcome to our world. >> he thinks he's so important that the obama administration would personally go out and tap his phones? >> stephanie: we do have concerns and always have of having our phones tapped and listened to by the administration. >> georgie thinks highly of himself, doesn't he? >> stephanie: he think the justice department is being pressured by civil rights groups to open an investigation. >> they're called the justice department. >> stephanie: justice has not been done here. deidre in -- >> the president's black! >> stephanie: hello deidre in annapolis. >> caller: hi. >> stephanie: hello! >> caller: before that other guy went off on a weird tangent, he was saying the right thing. >> stephanie: it was going well. >> caller: you never accept a compliment.
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>> stephanie: i have the right to not accept compliments. >> caller: in any case, i just wanted to say oh little georgey prince prince porgy may wish he had a manslaughter charge. all he has to do is look at high profile murderers like o.j. and casey anthony. life didn't turn out well for them. if he had served his time, his mom wouldn't have to be on tv whining he doesn't have any money. >> stephanie: well, i mean, that's the problem. people just -- that's why people are angry. again, you know, look, i'm a white person that thinks o.j. got away with murder. this is nant black kid that got killed. not guilty is not the same as innocent. judy in chicago you're on "the stephanie miller show." hello, judy. >> caller: good morning, stephanie. i just wanted to say that, you
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know, when emmett was murdered i was a young housewife murder. the correlation between the two of these is really rather striking. two young kids, minding their own business. not hurting anybody and he probably said something to the woman in the store emmett till. nobody will ever know because he was murdered like trayvon. nobody is ever going to know whatever happened between him and george zimmerman. and i personally think george zimmerman is a mother's worst nightmare. >> stephanie: you know what another case, judy, somebody made an analogy to, it is all of the intersection of what kind of justice you can get or you can buy in this country as i said yesterday, it wasn't black or white with o.j., it was green. he was able to buy a lot of reasonable doubt. ennis cosby pulled over -- >> bill cosby's son. >> stephanie: he had pulled over to change a tire and was robbed and shot in the head at
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gunpoint. but somebody was talking about bill cosby was in court every day. it may have helped because he is beloved. it may have helped in terms of that guy is convicted and in prison now. where someone was saying about trayvon martin's parents maybe they felt they're nobody. but there shouldn't be different levels of justice here. there really shouldn't. let's go to karl in tennessee. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi karl. >> caller: hi. this is karl from deep in the heart of redneckville tennessee. >> stephanie: yikes. deep deep undercover. >> caller: it is harder to find a cop that doesn't say the "n" word down here. i've got a few choice words for little teddy boy. apparently his memory is more of a -- more than his soul is because as i recall, he's talking about this pot smoking and all of this craziness.
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i recall as a younger version of me seeing him in the '70s where the pot smoke was so thick, it made london fog look thin. then you've got the fact that my guitar students can outplay him. worst part about this man -- did i call him a man? shoot me now. he ain't a man. women -- isn't he married? i think he's married. how could you marry a man who writes a song called wapping go tango. cat scratch fever. >> stephanie: i don't want to hear anymore ted nugent lyrics. i had a visual of being naked under ted nugent. >> i'm sure he's thought that of you, stephanie. >> stephanie: rhonda in virginia, you're on "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi, good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i was calling because
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i saw during a police investigation, they were questioning george zimmerman. he was telling his story he said that trayvon martin yelled "help"! and then when the person that was questioning him asked who said help? it is like something clicked in his head. he changed it. he said i started yelling help. i did. that's just very suspicious to me. >> stephanie: yeah, well. >> notice that during the trial? >> stephanie: a lot of things very suspicious. >> oh, no, no, no, i yelled help! >> stephanie: rosanna in palm beach real quick. hello. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i'm calling because -- to let you know a piece of information that the original stand-your-ground law was based on a black man defending himself. he was getting out of his car
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and he was approached by a white guy who was intimidating him. this guy had no intention of even firing his firearm. he had it for protection. and he verbally, you know, did a lot of warnings. i will do this. he was like scared. he could not retreat. >> stephanie: that there is the main thing. retreat. all right. sexy liberal hal sparks next for hump days with hal on "the stephanie miller show."
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[ ♪ theme ♪ ]
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>> stephanie: all right. hour number three. tv land, hal sparks on his way in for hump days with hal sparks. oh jacki. >> yes? >> stephanie: kevin in chicago, two of your favorite subjects, florida and edward snowden. why doesn't edward snowden apply for asylum in in other word. apparently lawbreaking white men are heroes there. [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] >> awesome. >> stephanie: more trouble with hal. >> perfect spot for him. he would hide out there. no one would care. >> that's true. >> he could get a much-needed tan. >> stephanie: little pasty. >> aptly named snow-den. >> you don't want to put that mole in the sun. >> stephanie: gotta get that checked. here she is, jacki schechner. >> that was bad. good morning everybody. house democrats are doing well on the fund-raising front so far this year with a reported six-month total at close to $41 million. the dccc raised $6 million in
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june alone and this pace, ahead of last year's record breaking haul. the number has gone to pay off the committee's $17 million debt much earlier than in years past. more and more small donors are getting online. nine of the $41 million has been via the web and that's more than twice the amount at the same time in 2011. tomorrow, house democrats are bringing back treasury inspector general jay russell george to answer some additional questions about accusations the i.r.s. targeted conservative and other tea party groups seeking tax-exempt status. maryland representative elijah cummings has released a new memo saying there's no evidence the tax agency had any political motivation for screening process and absolutely no evidence the white house was involved. cummings says his employee should explain why new documents show that progressive groups including some connected to the occupy movement were supposed to be referred to the same agency allegedly scrutinizing conservatives. house republicans think george will push back on this
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allegation but that could just be wishful thinking. >> and same-sex marriage now legal in the united kingdom. british house of commons passed the law yesterday and queen elizabeth iii has now given her assent which a formality but a necessary one to make the law official. same sex yups probably won't start until next year. earliest could be summer of 2014. it applies to both civil and religious ceremonies. we're back after the break. stay with us.
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk
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about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ ♪ don't let it get away ♪ >> stephanie: are you having some sort of medical condition? >> stephanie: i've only seen a twirking video once. that's the best i could do. >> i get that you're constipated, that would help. >> stephanie: hey, looks it's hump days with hal. >> stephy. >> stephanie: what's that i hear? could it be? ♪ the humpty dance do the hump ♪ >> yes yes! >> lower body spasm. >> stephanie: i have to go to my chiropractor now. i only had a few seconds to study twirking. >> hal: it is a skill you develop over time. there is no magic to twirking, i'm sorry. there is a lot of -- trial and error. >> stephanie: you introduce us to the gay man's response. it is gay man twirking to classical music in the kitchen.
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>> hal: can't go wrong. [ applause ] it is a good way to start your day. >> stephanie: sue in rockville says the queen gave her approval. jim have any comments on that? britain's gay marriage bill cleared through the house of lords which could not sound gayer. >> hal: the irony -- in the states, we have to get the approval of several queens. they hide the fact that they're queens. i am not gay. i have never been gay. >> i am the queen! we are royalty. >> stephanie: what does well-known southern belle lindsey graham think about that? >> oh, my stars. >> i bet ya lindsey graham -- >> stephanie: with john mccain at home.
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>> oh, yeah. >> twirkers need to be disciplined. >> stephanie: good morning hal sparks. >> hi. race traitor. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: that sounds like a cartoon series that hal could voice. >> totally. >> stephanie: race traitor. >> yeah. character that looks very much like eminem and irritates a lot of midwestern, white people. here's the thing. i actually think i have a positive -- both i think maybe lesson and a movement that could come from this. which would be trayvon's vote. trayvon martin died at 17. he was never able to vote. a lot of the unfortunate -- the right wing's minds another lost black voter is -- they're all keen with that. that's a plus. i would say to everybody who didn't vote in the last election or might not have voted or -- or they're in a state where they
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didn't -- you know, it's hard. make that extra effort. and maybe weren't going to vote next time. maybe you didn't vote last time. vote for him. he nerve got a chance to. >> stephanie: yeah, very good point. >> that's how the laws get on the books. >> stephanie: by the way, i don't know if you had a chance to hear -- lovely ripple effects of this whole thing. rush limbaugh gets to say the "n" word. we bleeped it but he said it. [ bleep ] with an a on the end. i think i can now. isn't that the point? because it's not racist. that's the point. i could be talking about a male. i could be -- a chinese male. guy at the laundromat. i could be talking about a man. because he said it. >> stephanie: the chinese guy is a laundromat. because of the n word at the beginning. >> totally miss the point. he goes guy at the laundromat.
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excuse me? you couldn't leave the point you were making about how there is no racism because it is all even keel like you know, because chinese people work at laundromats. cue leave the conversation without dropping that in there? >> stephanie: by the way, he was even able to get homophobia in this. this is a little bug ga bug ga. >> when trayvon described zimmer machine to her as cracker, she began to fear that zimmerman was gay. >> stephanie: she didn't say that. not at all. >> a rapist. she then told trayvon to run run, run. she just said so. after i say may be a rapist, that means she said to trayvon this guy could be gay. he could be a rapist. he might want to rape you. you run trayvon run run. for every boy every man who's
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not that kind of way everybody who is straight, see a grown man following them, would you be creeped out? she's telling us the reason trayvon martin descended on zimmerman, started pummeling because he was offended because of what she said to him zimmerman was gay. zimmerman got beat up because trayvon was gay. that's what she's saying here. >> what? >> huh? >> what other interpretation is there? >> stephanie: that you're a moron? >> i thought the left is going to have a real problem. they'll have to balance which group are they going to favor? gays or blacks. because here you had zimmerman was assumed to be gay. this woman told trayvon run dude! you got creepy ass crack rapist
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following you. run, run run. anybody would be creeped out by that. >> hal: i don't know. >> trayvon is not the kind of guy that runs. but he runs. some creepy ass rapist coming after him. i'll give him what for. >> hal: i don't know how to feel about this. >> we have trayvon martin who the media has made practically an angel. we now find from no less than rachel, start beating up on zimmerman because he thought based on what she said, he might be gay. >> stephanie: right. >> so trayvon martin, angel recipient of all of the love and support from the left wing meed ya, the left in general actually is a gay basher. >> stephanie: okay. >> first of all he's right as a liberal, i'm confused about who to support. i'm going to have to call my black, gay friend and ask him which side he falls on. secondly again the right has a real problem with consensual
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sex. have you noticed this? they seem to have a real hard time understanding consent and desire. if two people want to be together, who are of the same sex, that's gay. if one person wants to be with another person, regardless of what other person's sexuality that's rape. there's no actual gay. he's being followed. if you want to follow the crazy architecture. >> stephanie: whether rape is gay. >> never occurred to limbaugh that you could be gay and black. >> because they've been compartmentalizing groups forever. again, if you'll notice this. this is where they go from gay marriage to man on dog business because they don't understand two consenting adults, is
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different. >> dog can't consent. that's the difference. >> stephanie: in this situation, he's like -- he thought he was a rapist and gay so he wants to go back and gay bash him. that's not gay. that's pedophilia and that's rape. that has nothing to do with being gay at all, actually. but it is also a fantasy he made up. >> stephanie: creepy guy with a gun following him. >> limbaugh's not a moron but his listeners are and he knows that. >> stephanie: we caught him getting lost in his own story because trayvon was gay. what? was trayvon gay or a gay basher. >> which is it? >> stephanie: angel in florida. you're on with hal. >> caller: couple of comments. i would like to point out the fact that if you put aside what the prosecutor and the defense team did it doesn't matter if you're black white asian or chinese.
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the jury had audio and visual of what george zimmerman said. everybody can recognize a liar and they still found him not guilty. but when they came to rachel, because she had something that didn't affect the tape, the fact that she didn't go to trayvon's funeral and that her age her whole entire statement she's a liar. but george zimmerman is telling the truth. i don't understand how the jury -- not the jury but the people who are for george zimmerman, they do not like to start from the beginning. they like to go right to will trayvon be this. the people who are not racial, who -- and understand this is just right and wrong. they start from the beginning. why is this romance -- i want to point something out. >> hal: that's because they're jumping into the middle of filling in the blanks with their own personal bigotry.
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>> caller: i want to point out i'm a military wife. my husband is it about to retire. i've been in in other word for three years. i want to say the things that i notice about this state. i -- that juror when she did her interview, she said george zimmerman had the right to stand his ground. it wasn't about stand your ground, it was about self-defense. i want to point that out. i also want to point out that a lot of people try to figure out what was trayvon thinking? trayvon was thinking exactly what rachel said, that man might be trying to rape you. florida is known for amber alerts, sex trade just so many horrible acts that trayvon was in fear because this man in his suv, with tinted windows is patrolling the streets following him. two weeks ago the witnesses in florida watched two men jump out of the truck and force this woman in the backseat of the truck. no one followed this woman.%
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they just called 911. trayvon was really scared that george zimmerman was a sexual predator. >> stephanie: i don't think we know what trayvon thought. he was scared. you don't know why someone's following you. >> hal: the problem with the stand-your-ground law, it was a factor in these -- even though it was not used. they used it as part of their deliberation. they useded it as their establishment as to whether or not it was law. they used it as to whether or not it was self-defense. at the exclusion of and this one juror said at the exclusion of every moment that led up to that, all that mattered that at that moment did he fear for his life? at what point does a rapist in the future, all they have to do is convince a jury somewhere that the dead victim was engaged in consensual sex when they fought back. >> stephanie: only one person knows -- you killed the only witness. >> hal: stand your ground is a
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snuff the witness law. >> stephanie: thank you. all right. 18 minutes after the hour. when i say it, it is only because you said it, you sexist pig. >> that's because he's prettier. >> stephanie: he's prettier than everybody. >> i have a way with words. other people have no way. >> stephanie: right back on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: as it turns out the revolution will not be televised. it's on the radio. it's "the stephanie miller show."
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv.
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♪ i hear you call my name ♪ >> stephanie miller. ♪ and it feels like home ♪ ♪ when you call my name ♪ >> stephanie miller. ♪ it's like a little prayer, i'm down on my knees, i want to take you there ♪ ♪ in the midnight hour, i can feel your power ♪ ♪ just like a prayer, you know i'll take you there ♪ >> stephanie: your prayer. >> but not really. >> stephanie: sometimes your prayers are answered, sometimes they're not. stop asking. that's a sad little cartoon, the talk, white americans the white father talking to his son the birds and the bees and black father and it is a gun and the u.s. justice system is the talk. i don't know if you saw charles blow's piece in "the new york times."
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also eugene robinson in "the washington post." very good stuff. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number. hump days with hal sparks. let's go to sherrie in california, you're on with hal. hi sherrie. >> caller: hi. i just want to make one little comment, stephanie because i absolutely love the show. about ted nugent. that was very, very hurtful. it was horrible. and rush limbaugh. he's in the same boat. people are still trying to get over this. like i said before, i love your show and that's all i have to say. >> stephanie: aww, thank you. appreciate it. >> ted is actually one of those people you can ignore and i think a lot of musicians realize that right around the time coming of able came out by damn yankees. that's an inside joke for metal heads out there.
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in reality like it's funny to me the shut up and sing crowd never bugs ted. you know what i mean? i'll hear it all the time. i call -- >> daniels. >> charlie dams has a store in nashville, tennessee okay? go into the -- >> stephanie: what might you buy there? >> nothing. >> stephanie: a fiddle? >> the front of it is just kind of a countryish kind of a store but there is a shelf in the back. >> there is a shelf in the back with black people saltshakers. a shelf in the back corner. >> in the racist section? >> stephanie: wow. >> the upside is that used to be in the window, i suppose. times are changing. >> i've heard it called nigro belia. >> stephanie: prince in alabama. >> caller: listen, do you really believe that that guy would have
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gotten out of that car if he didn't have a gun? >> stephanie: no! >> caller: steph, that's next door to imperial polk county. they knew better than to have no blacks on the jury. i blame it on the prosecution because this is the weakest case they could have ever did. all kinds of doors opened up for them. >> stephanie: sort of lacking. >> how he was a wanna-be cop. how does a cop approach a car. how does a cop approach a suspect ever? they unclip the top of their gun and they keep their hand on it the entire time. are you telling me that george zimmerman in his cop fantasy didn't walk up and point it, where are you going? what are you doing? with his hand on his gun the entire time? >> stephanie: that's why you don't do that if you're not a cop. an unarmed person sees someone who is not a cop. may or may not be indicating a
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gun. what are you going to do? >> hal: the right wing is amazing to me. because somehow they're okay with the idea that armed vifnlgel anti citizens or some arm of the government which would be neighborhood watch can stop you an your way home and shoot you and you have no recourse period. in the abstract. it is same thing with like the vaginal ultrasound. they'll screen that obamacare wants to put an rfd chip in your body and never realize wouldn't any government putting something in your body be a slippery slope to that? >> stephanie: yes. >> but they don't seem to care when it is a woman and her body. it will never happen to them. that kid was black. they're not. >> stephanie: chris writing the concept that busted his nose is spot on. an all too convenient fact is the story a liar would use to justify his stupid actions. google broken nose and recoil for examples. >> i've seen film of that.
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>> i'm sure you could youtube that. >> hal: there is a picture online that i saw that was impressive where somebody -- they took the outline of the bumps on the back of his head and showed from that picture and lined it up with the size gun that he has he hit himself when it was over to give himself some wounds. that's as plausible -- we can speculate about the details but the prosecution's problem with it they let the defense's idea of what happened and zimmerman's version of things be the standing version. >> stephanie: as i said, a inconsistent with his story. b, not one speck of blood or dna on trayvon. of george zimmerman. how did that happen? if he is beating him almost to death? >> hal: not possible. >> no dna from zimmerman. >> hal: that's because i think he was shot from feet away. he was screaming the entire time and wondering why this man came
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out of the darkness, questioning him as he was walking back from the store. >> and stopped screaming after the gunshots. coincidence. >> hal: the entire story that seemed to be floated and debated by both sides was zimmerman's account of things. >> stephanie: yes exactly. >> hal: then you have to paint your own story after the fact as long as that person's dead and you have enough time to figure out what you're doing. >> stephanie: hump days with hal. "the stephanie miller show." but still support the drug war you must be high. >> i think the number one thing that viewers like about "the young turks" is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. >> you're putting out there something that you're proud of. journalists want the the story and they want the right story and the want the true story. >> you can say anything here. >> i spent a couple of hours with a hooker. >> your mistake was writing a check. >> she never cashed it! >> the war room. >> compared to other countries with tighter gun safety laws our death toll is just staggering. >> the young turks. >> the top bankers who funneled
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all the money to the drug lords, no sentence. there's just no justice in that. >> viewpoint. >> carl rove said today that mitt romney is a lock to win next pope. he's garunteeing it. >> joy behar: say anything. >> is the bottom line then that no white person should ever, ever, ever use the "n" word? >> yes! >> only on current tv.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local
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level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv! >> i had no reason to hug her
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depend her boobs. >> i would work my angling so you wouldn't be against my boobs. >> you can twirk anything. anything is possible. >> stephanie: it is the "the stephanie miller show." hump days with hal sparks. this is right up your alley about apple and a guy from tennessee. how about this? apple sued for porn addiction. mac book cost him his marriage and kids. a 36-year-old man from tennessee got so addicted to porn videos, his wife took his children and left him. he calls apple a silent -- his addiction started when he accidentally replaced the ace in facebook with uck and then suddenly, lots of porn i guess -- >> that's his own damn fault. >> that doesn't happen because you click on a side link on some page that you've ended up on or anything. >> stephanie: he even took some time in his complaint to
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remember the good ole days of america. can i have some music? in the 1950s before things like the internet and the aclu created homosexuality -- [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> stephanie: sex trafficking. >> can we see that machine? the aclu gay master 2,000. >> was he accidentally watching gay porn on his mac book? >> it made know download the grinder app. made me -- >> stephanie: made me twirk. >> damn you apple. >> stephanie: apple responsible for turning people away from the unquenchable reality that god is real. [ whatever! ] >> okay. he accidentally downloaded scruff. >> stephanie: hate when that happens. hey, looky there. the senate has reached a deal to avert the nuclear option. whew! [ ♪ "nbc nightly news" ♪ ] harry reid yesterday. >> i think it is going to be something that is good for the senate.
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it is a compromise and i think we get what we want and they get what they want. not a bad deal. >> stephanie: yeah. handful of president obama's executive branch nominees. averting the threat to use the nuclear option. so let's see. already, yesterday morning, the senate voted to proceed with richard cordray bureau of consumer financial protection. >> yep. >> stephanie: senator john mccain. >> i think all of us got to the edge and looked in the abyss. republican and democrat, simply the overwhelming majority. we step back from. >> stephanie: harry reid gave him a lot of credit. reid praised john mccain -- and mcconnell. >> stephanie: to persuade -- he told the onion belt story until they said okay! >> stephanie: mitch mclipless. >> prices have been -- crisis has been averted.
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we'll still be dealing with controversial nominees in the way that controversial nominees inevitably are produced a great debate. >> stephanie: yeah. except none of the nominees have been controversial so far to say no. >> he had nothing to do with it. all of this kind of reporting on the back door wrangling of this business and then mcconnell came in kind of early to try to stop reid again with the same kind of b.s. he passed off for a couple of years now. and this time, reid wasn't hearing it and mccain was talking to him about moving this along. and mcconnell kind of -- i guess in the middle of the talks came back twice. they were like thanks, mitch. we got this. hang out. and he was kind of like -- gangeling outside the door, you know. and then at the end of it, he came back. he wanted to join the talks with mccain and reid and mccain went to the floor.
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glad we didn't have to pull the nuclear option. mcconnell wanted to be in and standing nearby basically to act like he was part of this talk and he absolutely was not. and they basically gave him the elbow. and now -- >> stephanie: photo op, he slowly poked his turtle head in. he did photo bomb like the squirrel. he photo bombed them. like the squirrel. terry in maryland, you're on with hal. >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hi, go ahead. >> caller: is this stephanie? >> stephanie: yes. >> caller: i'm nervous so please bear with me. >> stephanie: i'll be gentle. go ahead. >> caller: i love your show. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i respect all of the people sitting there especially the gray-haired gentleman. >> stephanie: jim ward. the twod gray-haired gentleman. >> caller: you should let him do more impression. >> take him off the chain. cut him loose. >> caller: turn him loose.
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♪ i've gotta be me ♪ >> stephanie: see what you did, terry? now we can't have nice things. >> caller: okay. listen when this trial started i said to a very good friend of mine, he asked a question, i said this guy's going to walk. >> that's what i said. >> caller: i said, he's gonna walk. >> stephanie: no wonder you like jim the official cynic of "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: you have to think beyond convention, okay. you have to understand what you're dealing with. and we're in a dark place in this country okay? very dark place in this country. first of all let me qualify myself or identify myself. i'm a black male. i'm 59 years i will be 60 in july, god willing. i spent a year and a half in the south in the military from '77 to '79.
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i was stationed in moody air force base in georgia. my first experience when i got on the plane to go south, i was a little nervous. i thought well, things will be different. i'm not going to go into a long, drawnout story but i met a man on the plane as i was flying out of atlanta going into value -- value gus ta. i was traveling in a suit, not in uniform. i would change into uniform when i got to the base before i reported. you were not required because first of all, i was still on vacation. so i looked like a regular civilian. gentleman approached me on the plane. i'm reading a magazine. minding my business. he started the conversation. he said i see you're traveling down south. i said yes i am. he said are you from the south? i said obviously not. you could tell from my accent. he knew this. he said well, i hope you enjoy yourself while you're here.
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i just want to tell you you know, a lot of folks down here don't require what you require. i became real curious at this -- as to where this conversation was going. he said yeah, i've got a boy that works for me and he's perfectly happy doing what he's doing. you seem to be very ambitious. he said so when you come down here, i just want you to feel comfortable. understand you don't need to change anything down here and you know -- >> hal: he thought you were like a civil rights worker coming down there? >> he was very nice. >> no, he wasn't. >> he was using a public voice for -- he was paula deening the moment. there's this version, you can try to -- i'm just trying to give you a little piece of advice. >> bless your heart. >> stephanie: bless your heart. don't go causing no trouble down here. >> don't want to stir things up. >> stephanie: brian in santa fe you're on the "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: this is christopher
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brian's partner. we did a little switcheroo. >> stephanie: go ahead. >> caller: he wanted to make a point which i'm going to do badly at paraphrasing but it has to do with misalignment of societial priorities. paula deen said one word. maybe more than once but lost everything. right? george zimmerman killed someone and nothing happened. lost nothing. >> stephanie: christopher -- brian would be so proud. i'm confused. >> caller: it's his birthday. >> stephanie: happy birthday. >> caller: thank you for taking my call. >> stephanie: thank you, boys. that's cute. they're totes adorbs. >> hal: i will say that the reason why she's in arguably more hot water -- >> she had sponsors. >> stephanie: she's hard-boiled technically.
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>> hal: there was no -- in some people's minds there will always be the option -- this is where the reasonable doubt -- that something went down that wasn't right. we don't know all of the details. they'll give that option to the situation because confronting what happened to trayvon is too horrible for them. they don't want to even believe it's possible whereas paula deen was completely optional behavior. she as a human being did not have to believe what she believed. she did not have to treat people the way she treated people. she chose to and she was never at the barrel of a gun when she did it. >> stephanie: right. so that's why she lost more. in our culture anyways. not that it's right but that's why. [ ♪ "nbc nightly news" ♪ ] >> stephanie: edward snowden has apparently applied for temporary asylum in russia. >> hal: after they just told him to take a hike. >> stephanie: might allow him to leave the airport. >> hal: they've gotta drive him out there. >> he got tired of eating the vending machine food.
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no good. >> stephanie: jim eats it every morning. he can tell you. >> hal: yeah. in reality yeah, he can't fly over a lot of our allies' airspace so it is hard for him to get a flight out of there. they gets temporary asylum, they can drive him a border and get him out some other way. i think that's what they're shooting for. sort of sneak him out. >> stephanie: am i the only one getting a skosh tired of glen greenwald. you saw this. he said snowden has a lot more damaging information. >> well then release it. >> stephanie: nightmare for the united states. he has a large number of documents he's given to some people. the u.s. government should be on their knees every day praying that nothing happens to snowden because if something happens all information will be revealed and that would be their worst nightmare. >> tell me -- tell me this isn't glen greenwald doing george bush's bring it on. how do you not paint a target on snowden's back because dmib who wants to bring down the united
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states or do damage to the united states, all they have to do is kill snowden and glen greenwald will immediately believe that the -- that runs the government -- including colonel sanders he'll blame the u.s. no matter what happens to snowden. just kill snowden and you can get away with it. that's what glen greenwald just said. >> stephanie: hot brie said this weekend when we were all together she said edward snowden is a zit on the ass of whistle-blowers. [ applause ] i have to say, i agree. >> hal: glen greenwald just admitted that some of the material that edward snowden has is not indicative of a crime or he would have released it earlier but is simply just details. he may even mention the idea there might be a noc list in there. that the operatives, he has a list of where they are and the companies they fake, all of that
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information so that's all nsa available. he might have that according to greenwald. and how do you not kill that guy and take it now? and why is glen greenwald want him dead so badly? glen greenwald, request are you trying to kill edward snowden? said by hal sparks. >> stephanie: we're all going to get called neocons on twitter. >> hal: i said nothing about snowden's worth or value. i'm just calling out greenwald for putting a target on his back. >> stephanie: right back on the remaining moments of hump days with hal on "the stephanie miller show." >> oh, come on, you gotta admit this is cool!
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words
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"carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv.
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♪ i don't know what on you've done to me but i know this much is true ♪ >> stephanie miller. ♪ i want to do bad things to you ♪ >> stephanie: awesome. a 1 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number. hump days with hal sparks. hey, looky here. going to challenge michael enzi of wyoming. liz cheney -- >> she's an unpleasant person. >> perfect for wyoming. >> stephanie: set to challenge senator michael enzi of wyoming. he's not retiring. she said i'm running because i believe it is necessary for a new generation of leaders to step up. >> blah, blah, blah. >> stephanie: she made no mention of mr. enzi. she implicitly took a shot at his low-key consensus-oriented style. we cannot longer afford to get
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along to go along saying wyoming needs a strong voice in washington. i will never compromise when our freedom is at stake. [ whatever! ] >> stephanie: in reference to mr. enzi's pension for working with democrats to find common ground. >> freedom! [ whatever! ] >> because wyoming finds itself under attack so often. >> wyoming, why not? >> stephanie: mr. enzi was not notified by mis cheney or her father whom he's been friends with for years. >> stephanie: i think dick will invite him to go hunting. >> if i was that guy, i would not go -- i would not take that invitation. >> i know my daughter's running against you but let's go on a little hunting trip. stand right over there. >> stephanie: your mouth was a creepy dick cheney impress. >> i'm a werewolf. >> stephanie: sara in detroit. >> why are you drinking so much,
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dick? >> i don't know. sometimes i don't have the nerve. >> stephanie: what did you say? >> oil can make me very rich. >> stephanie: sara in detroit you're on. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i'm a first time caller. little bit nervous. however, i first started watching your show back in november around election time and i have to give you great kudos. i recently have become interested in politics and there are so many boring political shows on tv that your show is such a delight. i've learned so much from you. >> stephanie: why, thank you. i am a delight. did you hear that? >> hal: oh yeah, i'm taking notes. >> stephanie: sara, go ahead. >> caller: one of my main questions is regarding zimmerman, trayvon martin. if i remember correctly when zimmerman noticed trayvon on the streets, he called the police or
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dispatch. and they told him to stay in the car. even though they were not the police, isn't the dispatch an extension of the police and that if he would have listened to them, none of this would have happened. >> hal: of course. that's exactly it. here's the thing. you want to talk stand your ground or self-defense, a man is following you in his vehicle. you have no idea why. you're not committing any crime. you're just walking back from the store. this guy is following you through the apartment complex. he approaches you with his hand on his gun and starts asking -- and you have nowhere to run. if you try to run, he can just shoot you. he gets up close in your face. he maybe even points the gun in your face. you fight back to try to save your life. he manages to shoot you. >> stephanie: i can hear some of our right wing callers. >> hal: that's what the law allows. >> stephanie: he's not going to say i had my gun out.
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>> hal: i'm not even talking about zimmerman. i'm talking about the stand your ground law as a concept because it opens the door to creating murder. you can just manufacture a murder now. there is a guy who shot his wife's lover for coming in the door. >> stephanie: i thought it was a rapist. >> he knew he was coming over. they had been arguing about it. he used that as he's the intruder. he owned the house. he manufactured a murder. >> stephanie: linda in albuquerque, you're on with hal. hi linda. >> caller: hey. hi stephanie. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: i wanted to -- i'm a white woman with a black teenage son. and i wanted to support the idea that young black men are targeted and even hunted. something happened with my son and i, he was 18 at the time. and this happened last summer. we were leaving albuquerque
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going to a little village outside of the city to a little party. we were stopped by a cop. and the cop came up to the car i, of course, got my driver's license out. i started talking to him. why did he stop us? he completely ignored me. and would not address me at all. and he stuck his head halfway into my window and directly looked at my son and told him to give him his i.d. luckily, my son had it because half the time he doesn't. and then he told us that you know, he had just stopped us because my son didn't have his seatbelt on which was totally false. but at no time did he address me, look at my license nothing. >> wow. >> caller: and it was pretty shocking event. i would like to also suggest
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that this whole thing with even -- was even more sinister because zimmerman knew. he saw trayvon. he saw him really well. he knew he was a teenager. that's why he went after him. i don't think he would have the guts to go after a full-grown black man or maybe a full-grown -- any kind of race man. i think that, you know, it was a very very sinister thing. more than reported. >> stephanie: i think as most people said, because he had a gun. that's why he makes you awful brave. >> hal: especially if you're fed up. i've said all along this felt a lot more like an. aurora shooter moment than a self-defense case. this is a guy who you know, had this resentment building up, you know, this desire to be reckoned with that -- >> stephanie: the creepiest thing, i don't know if you heard this detail we were reading earlier, he straddled him and
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spread his arms out after he shot him. for what reason? he knows he just shot him through the heart with a hollow point bullet. >> hal: his arms were tucked under his body when the cops arrived. so that's not true. i think he stuffed them under his body to make it look like he was reaching for something in his waistband. >> stephanie: >> hal sparks on twitter. >> stephanie: see you tomorrow on "the stephanie miller show."
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i'm jacki schechner. it's noon eastern and here's what's current. president obama spoke this morning about the consumer financial protection bureau and it's now initially confirmed director rich cordray. the senate confirmed cordray yesterday 71-29 after a long republican standoff.
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in his remarks the president pointed out that he first nominated cordray two years ago this week and even though cordray was eminently qualified and had bipartisan support senate republicans denied him an up-or-down vote because of their opposition to the law that set up the cfpb in the first place. the president temporarily appointed cordray last year and now consumers have someplace to go with complaints with bad mortgages or loans. students and parent have more information about student loans. vete


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