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tv   Viewpoint  Current  July 17, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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tv. please don't say his name because it encourages copy cats, and it makes people want to do it, yet the news people can't help themselves. >> cenk: that's exactly right. we're done. look we don't show the guys who are streaking in the baseball games, but we show these guys on the cover of "rolling stone." the young we'll see you there tonight. bye-bye. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> john: thank you, turks. good evening friends. richard cohen wrote a column on profiling in the "washington post" that was so racially incentive that paula dean just invited him to her next "gone with the wind" party. geraldo said trayvon martin in his hoodie dressed like a thug. which means like a white kid on track team. and the "rolling stone" cover cause dzhokhar tsarnaev a
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monster. today is the birthday of james cagney p chancellor merkel, and david hasselhoff. and i realize we live in a society where the voting rights act was gutted but sharknado is a sequel. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> john: good evening i'm john fugelsang. this is "viewpoint." now many articles have been written in the wake of the trayvon martin decision, but one of the most controversial was the op-ed piece by richard cohen for the "washington post." while he presses sympathy for the loss of trayvon martin, he does sides with george zimmerman's suspicions of trayvon quote wearing a uniform we all recognize, in other words, the deadly hooded sweatshirt, or if you're a white
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kid, then it's probably just another kid's track suit. in an effort to call for politicians to open a dialogue on the complexity of this problem, and quote acknowledge the widespread fear of crime committed by young black males as mr. cohen sees it he further asserts the public knows young black males commit a disproportionate amount of crime. in new york city blacks makeup a quarter of the population, yet they represent 78% of all shooting suspects, almost all of them young men. we know them from the nightly news. which loves to shove local crime down your throats. i'm pleased to be joined by a very insightful insightful panel. mr. rick unger. poll let'ser prize winner who
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owns a publishing company. >> he says that young black men are responsible for more crime in america and we should be suspicious of them. personally after 2008 i'm suspicious of white guys in suits. it's dangers of profile isn't this it? >> this article is weird he's usually pretty good. this is what happens when a columnist tries to be pro fund profound. he took a right turn and went off a cliff. i'm stunned that it's richard cohen doing it, but he wasn't the only one in the post doing
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it. >> john: it's sizing someone up when i do it. it's profiling when you do it. does he have the experience of being racially profiled? >> no, he hasn't, and i disagree with you. i think a lot of people feel this way and they don't say it. they lock their doors when certain people walk by. they have these notions and it's not politically correct. is it you go on social media you see how people really feel when they hide behind their computers. i don't think what he's saying isn't out of order from reality which is black kids do make up the majority of people in jail. but why? we never get to the why. we only throw out these statistics, as if they're law. >> john: that's how crime is handled in america. we don't talk about the sources of crime. we don't prevent crime. we arrests criminals.
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errol were you surprised at all that mr. cohen feels these things or that he admitted that he feels these things. >> i was a little surprised. but karen is right, this is part of the main treatment mainstream conversation. the mayor not too long ago-- >> john: we're going to get to him in a minute. >> they don't talk about the source of the crime one problem. black men, we know that, they do commit a disproportionate amount of the crime therefore, you stalk every kid that comes by? therefore what, you profile people in violation of the law? you keep it to yourself, and just carry a gun and start calling people all kind of names and provoke a confrontation. >> i don't think black kids commit a disproportionate number. i think they get arrested in
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disproportionate number. and convicted in a disproportionate number. a cop friend of mine said its easier to arrest a black kid. i don't have to deal with parents lawyers community, i just roll it through. these are black cops. the system is conspiring against these young blacks kids. a judge said, when i see a young white kid come before me i see my son. i let him go. we have a disporeproportion in the of white makes these decision. >> john: i'm fond of believing we don't have a crime problem we have a poverty problem and a crime symptom. now we asked our viewers do you consider race as a factor in determining whether or not weather someone looks suspicious. is racial profiling inevitable? this is what our viewer had to say:
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>> john: i think your heart is in the right place but unfortunately not everyone sees it that way. here in new york we have a stop-and-frisk policy that mayor bloomberg advocates in an effort to deter crime. he supported this policy in a recent radio addresses by focusing on the crime in the city: >> john: he went there errol. at least he has the guts to say it out loud. >> yes, there is that. there are a lot of people who feel the same way. there are people who now with the blessing of the mayor that this is where the conversation needs to stop. unfortunately we're in an
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electoral system, and we're in a campaign season, and unfortunately, this is the last six months of the mayor's term people are going above and beyond that limited conversation about relateing murder statistics to why you should there for stop people what is put down on the 250 police form as movement, might have been armed looked suspicious or something like that. we should not be confused. it's not like the police are out there looking for murderers all day. that's not what policing is in new york. it's responding to disorder crime that is the majority is not murder. the painting over an entire community, and what the mayor hasn't answered, what about someone who doesn't commit murders? does every black kid now have to answer for the incident?
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>> john: if nothing of non-violent drug offenses. >> six times more likely to be arrested for drugs black kids. 11 times more to be convicted. white kids use nor drugs than black kids. and stop and frisk, they stop and frisk nor more black kids than existed in new york city. what is that allowed? >> the mayor gets away with it because people in new york feel safer and they're convinced this is why. i don't feel that stop and frisk is the reason that new yorker is safer, if it is. take a look at real estate values and compare it to what you said about poverty, and you may find your answer. the stop and frisk program is the not the reason. >> john: poor community a deliberately underfunded. we talked about this earlier karen, it comes down to the difference between bigotry and racism. you could have a person who is not a bigot whatsoever, but
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still be part of a racist mindset where the news shows scary images every night of what a criminal is. that's why errol will have a tougher time hailing a cab than i would. >> my father grew up in a time when profile was so he wore a suit all the time, but he still got arrested. >> john: errol you're major media figure here. how do you think the media plays a contributory role in racial bias. >> on something like this, the media will tend not to do a full-stop what do these numbers mean? what are the implications of this. sometimes you want to on some of these questions maybe not just do the he said-sheds.
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he he said this, al sharpton said that. what we really need to do is have people try to get behind some of this stuff. maybe look at some of the stuff that you and others have been doing. people have been saying, when people say as if it were like they're splitting the the atom like they just discovered, hey black kids commit a disproportionate number of crimes, we have to keep an eye on them. they were saying in 2013, 1913, and 1903. >> four percent of the newsrooms are african-american which does not represent the numbers in society, and you have editors who are already made up in their mind what the story is. you're sent out for the story that march "march now exist. >> john: if there wasafter 911 there
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was a ton of racial profiling in this country. there were 19 middle middle eastern men who were involved with that tragic day. a person i respected said, i respect racial profiling because it's young, mid eastern males that we have to watch out for. then you have richard reed, white guy. the underwear bomber, he's from africa. they did not fit the profile. >> and they were dressed as americans. >> they react in a way that they think will make us feel more comfortable. look at what happened in boston. no middle eastern people there. to believe that terrorism would continue with a certain type of a profile was ridiculous right
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from the start. >> john: but my question is is it ever appropriate? can it be appropriate for the good of a society? is there ever a right time to do it? >> it is appropriate when you have actual information when someone matches a certain description is planning to do a certain thing. >> john: i wouldn't say that's profiling. >> well, you are you're going to check everyone coming in. >> john: profiling is someone that might commit a crime. >> well, it probably didn't work. >> ask the people who were murdered and beaten for looking muslim, hindu right. no, i think if one person gets erroneously profiled, killed, murdered as a result of this, we should not do it. >> criminal profiling as everybody understands as you're saying, if there is a theory behind it. we think there might be a group of people in a cell in this part of town. let's take a look at them and see what is going on. everyone understands.
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when it's very broad, if you're classified as black then you're in this likely to murder category and we'll watch however many thousands and millions of you that there are, and we'll treat you the very worse of that very large group. if not outright he will legal inappropriate and likely to let real criminals get out of way. >> john: how do you fight it? how do good people of good conscience push back against this cultural phenomenon. >> there has to be the will. take new york. that's the best example. people don't care. intellectually they know it's wrong. it violates people's civil rights, but they don't care. >> it's not effecting them. >> and they convinced themselves it's making them safe. >> this great melting pot of new york, it's one of the most segregated places.
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we don't even connect with each other. we don't even know each other. this profileing runs rampant because we don't look at each other as neighbor, friend, buddy but as a type. >> john: are you saying that we intersect much more. >> my neighborhood was more mixed than l.a. than it is here. >> john: last word. >> new york is like third most segregated after milwaukee and detroit, yes, it's easy to miss because we don't mix on the sidewalks, restaurant, subways and then go home to different blocks and neighborhoods. what we need is leadership. just like the mayor was on the radio saying one thing. putting more people on the radio maybe saying something different different, new conversation. >> john: mr. errol lewis, thank you for your time. we'll be back later in the show. up next the condition of prisons in california is criminal, and 3,000 plus criminals are taking a brave, moral stand. stick around.
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(vo) later tonight
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current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> i think it's brilliant. (vo) first, news and analysis with a washington perspective from an emmy winning insider. >> i know this stuff, and i love it. (vo) followed by humor and politics with a west coast edge. bill press and stephanie miller. >> what a way to start the day.
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>> john: prisoners in california have been on a well-publicized hunger strike, and they're calling for the end of reported violations nap range from coerced female sterilization you heard that right and long- long-term solitary confinement some of which last for more than a decade? where do they go from here jules lobel is the president of the center for constitutional rights. and victoria law is an advocate for prisoners rights and author of "resistence behind bars: the struggles of incarcerated women." i would like to begin with you mr. lobel, if i could. some say prison is supposed to
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be a bad place. what puts these conditions in california beyond the pale, and what are the the the prisoners biggest concerns. >> my clients tell me that they committed a crime. they accept responsibility, and they accept that they have to spend time in prison, but they don't think they should be tortured treated unhumanely. this is what makes it inhumane. if you can picture yourself in a cell the size of the average american walk-in closet with no windows, no phone calls, no programming, you spend 23 hours a day in that cell, and you only get to go out one hour a day essentially to another cell where you can recreate all by yourself, if you think about spending a month in that, i would think that most americans would say that would drive me crazy. my guys have spent not just a
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month but decades. some of these people, almost 100, have spent over 20 years in this situation. that to me is cruel and inhuman treatment. i think there are things which we look back on american society and say how did we do this to people? i think this is something that we'll look at 50 years from now and say, how could we put people in this kind of inhumane situation for decades. >> john: it does seem shocking america has 5% of the world population and 25% of the world's prisoners. victoria coerced sterilization. >> i've heard stories that run the gamut to coerced sterilization where they're coerced to agree to tubal
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ligations. also women being entering the prison system while pregnant and being denied adequate medical care being shackled while in labor and delivery and postpartum recovery, abortions if they seek abortions. on the outside women's rights to what happens to their own bodies are being negated while inside prisons. >> john: is there any sort of legal justification for it or just punitive. >> there should be no legal justification for coercion into sterilization. >> john: i don't understand how this could be legal even for someone who has lost their liberty and is doing time. >> some of the california state senators are calling for an investigation to figure out why nearly 150 women have been coerced into sterilization. between the years 2006 and 2010
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in california alone. and they're wanting to find out why this happened, how this happened without any proper state approvals. all of these procedures are supposed to go before the state medical board, and they had no request for tubal ligations go before them for approval. these all happened without state sanctioned approval. they're asking how did this happen, and how can they stop it from happening. >> john: that's barbaric. professor, people would be surprised that they keep prisoners in isolation for more than a decade. what would you consider a fair solution for the problem. >> again what my clients want, if they commit a gang-related act or bad act in prison, if they assault another prisoner, if they murder a prisoner, guard, riot, smuggle in drugs they should be funner punished.
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they say they don't like solitary they think it's inhumane but you can put someone in for a definite time for a bad act. but that's not what is happening here. they're putting people in indefinitely for the rest of their life for having a piece of art work with an aztec warrior on it because they say that's the symbol of a mexican gang. or their name showing up on a list of gang members in good standing. because someone says this guy is a gang member or not even a member but simply being associated with a gang. you say hello to a friend of yours who happens to be in a gang then you're associated with gang members. this is like mccartyism. they're using this to keep people in solitary conditions for essentially forever unless they become an informant. that's the only way out. >> john: there is a conflict of
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the number of prisoners on hunger strikes right now. what are the guidelines being used to determine if someone is officially on a hunger strike. >> the department of connections states they don't consider the person to be on a hunger strike if they miss nine consecutive meals. but does that mean those who who have not missed nine consecutive cells. when you consider they're in cells with no windows and only a steal doorleads to a steel con concrete wall. i imagine they are not watching these people eat. they slide the tray in and slide the tray out. if the food is moved around, does that mean they have eaten? >> john: what are the biggest challenges in your view for both sides of the conflict? >> the real challenge for california is credit weather
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they really have a desire to reform the system. the system is broken, and it's broken in many ways. it's overcrowded. the causerthey have ordered better medical treatment, and better treatment for mental health. people who need mental health, and california is just digging in their heals and not making any of these reforms. that's what led to this situation of a hunger strike. i think that california is going to have to decide if they want to make significant changes. for my guys i think they feel desperate. they've tried the courts. they've tried petitioning. they've tried fileing grievances. they've tried hunger strikes in the past where they ended it for promises, and now they say we're desperate. we have no hope left, and this is our only real solution. >> john: professor jules lobel is the president of the center
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for constitutional rights, and victory story i can't law is an advocate for prisoners behind bars. thank you for giving voice to the voicest and the most despised of our society. thank you. >> thank you for having us on the show. we appreciate it. >> john: up next, to fund tribute to north carolina crazy ass g.o.p. legislature. stick around.
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(cenk) it's go time! it's go time! it's go time! you know what time it is. go time! it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks go time! it's go time. oh is it? oh, then it's go time. anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. it's go time! >> john: today on wtf north
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carolina, we focus on the state's criminal class by which i mean the hundred or so people arrested this week for protesting outside of the state senate chamber as part of the citizenry's moral monday movement. in the state where the rights of women, the poor, and middle class are under siege, actual morality has become a crime. more than two-thirds of the those arrested were women who used nonviolent civil disobedience to protest the fact that the republican-controlled legislature in the process of passing bills that will close most states abortions clinics despite the one little minor technicality that abortion still happens to be legal in america. i don't want to portray these lawmakers as one dimensional. they don't cater to one constituency. they're devoted to the service and needs of both cook brothers.
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wtf, north carolina, i know there is nothing really unique about your republican-controlled legislature. they're all your basic classic anti-government conservatives which is why they want to post an armed federal marshal inside every woman's uterus.
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>> john: hair which reid talked a big game on monday about getting rid of the is that the's filibuster if the president's executive nominations didn't go through. but come, who believed harry reid's options. who takes those threats seriously? harry reid? mr. reid backed down on the filibuster threat, but guess what, he actually won the day any way with a little help from his new friend. you see what harry needed was a hero, a real live american hero riding on a white steed with the wind blowing away all memories of his ill conceived vice presidential pick.
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enter senator john mccain who worked in a bipartisan fashion. i'll say that again for those who are unfamiliar with the determine, bipartisan passion to broker a deal to confirm five nominees, and he did it behind mitch mcconnell's back. >> a lot of people have been extremely helpful but this was all directed towards john mccain from me. no one was able to break through but for him. >> john: it's like the return of 80's john mccain, and he did it behind mitch mcconnell's back. here to discuss kumbaya moment, we're joined i rick unger of and karen hunter is a politzer
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prize winner who owned her own publishing company karen hunter and sam seed seder. is this a victory for john mccain or harry reid. >> it's a victory for both. it's a bigger victory for harry reid, it's a big victory for the country. we've basically got who we now have the legal counsel for the afl/cio who is going to be sitting on the the national labor board. and the bottom line for john mccain, this is a big victory because john mccain loves the filibuster.
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every politician loves the filibuster. one, it enhances their power and two, they don't have to face hard votes. it came from harry reid reed to corral the caucus. >> cenk: it's like the deja vu of the bipartisan john mccain. what does this did to center mcconnell's stock. >> can it get any lower? i don't think it can get any lower. it does drop it dramatically. but i was happy to see that the grownups are coming back to their senses in congress. we sent them to congress to get our business done, and to reach acrossacross the ail which they've done until recently, and i think their 11% approval rating might be, hmm, this is not working.
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we need need to get working this is why we're here. >> harry reid and john mccain are dating now. i've been a much bigger proponent. the joke is on the democrats. in 2014 should the republicans take control of the senate which absolutely could happen, what is the first thing they're going to do? they're going to use the nuclear option and it go far beyond the presidential appointment. >> i don't think so. there is a reason why the republicans backed down. they want--they want the filibuster in place as much as the democrats. they want the filibuster in place so they have an excuse for not doing anything in the senate. this way they can cannot pass those laws that we anticipate that they will pass. if you don't have the same level of true believers in the senate in terms of the republicans that you have in the house. in the house you have a literally significant portion of that caucus, maybe half, three-quarters are nut jobs.
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in the senate they're just crazy crazy. they'll appeal-- >> wow. >> they will not get across that line and the filibuster gives the power they need fought to cross that line. >> john: they would have to put their money where their mouth is. >> rand paul. >> he didn't have to. >> he did it well, and it paid off for him. >> john: bernie sanders did it. we learned that 70-year-old guy can go seven hours. >> i look at ted cruz, and i go, yeah there are nut jobs in the senate, and i think you're going to see more of them in 2014. >> john: i want to move on a bit because there is something more depressing than that g.o.p. gleason told the real story behind voter i.d. laws. >> do you think all the attention drawn to voter i.d.
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affected last year's elections? >> yeah, a little bit. i think we had a better election. we cut obama by 5%. which is big. he beat mccain by 10%. he beat romney by 5%. i think voter i.d. helped a bit in that. >> john: i haven't seen someone expose someone like that since anderson tooked to juror b 37 two nights ago. that's quite the admission. >> that's the second time we heard that coming out of pennsylvania. >> john: they bragged in advance, but here they say it actually worked. >> it's difficult to measure but i think it's quite possible. that's the agenda. there is no--i mean, everyone knows that's what the agenda is. that's clearly why they proposed these laws. there is really no other reasons, frankly. there is no evidence that there is a problem here. that's why you saw the republicans attack, attack, attack the voting rights act. in section five.
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>> john: disenfranchiseed minority voters only seven cases of voter fraud out of 3 million votes cast in wisconsin during the 2004 election. that's a fraud rate of .0002%. more people are killed by tvs every year than vote illegally. karen, the scale is tilted in one direction. >> no doubt. it makes the supreme court decision even more heinous when we think about that. i'm on ruth bader ginsberg's side when she said it was just buildings in california have a greater need to be earthquake proof. this had to happen because we need to protect ourselves from what we're seeing. it's not just pennsylvania, but
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ohio we need to expand. >> the supreme court decision did not need to be reduced. it needed to be expanded. today the hearing started and we'll see if anyone in the senate cares. >> john: i'm waiting for someone to stand up and say it's not a problem for our society. coming up, being on the cover of rolling stones. stick around. converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political?
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a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? >> john: okay, "rolling stone," you may have heard about this. an in-depth feature by boston
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bombing suspect tsarnaev. now, the april 15th attack as you know killed three people and injured more than 260. stop and shot, cv s and walgreen's have chosen not to sell this issue of "rolling stone" despite the acclaim for the article. it is a gratuitous grab of readers or a misunderstood article. here rick unger, karen hunter, and mr. sam seder. this picture appeared on the "new york times" back in may.
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the exact cover. why is "rolling stone" getting flack for something that we already seen? >> i don't know. to be honest with you probably because it's slow news day on some level and maybe because there is an outdated perception of what "rolling stone" is? >> john: people don't realize of the serious journalism. >> they've had many non-celebrities on their cover and there is some of that misunderstanding. and "rolling stone" was aware this would be provocative in some fashion. >> well? >> yes, they darkened tiger woods, o.j. simpson. it's for sex. they think this guy is sexy. they said it fits their demographic. >> john: they said that. but in the sense that this is an evil man and he's called a monster. >> they could have picked a
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myriad pictures of this guy that exist. why did they pick that one? >> john: i think he looks like syd from pink floyd in '68. >> you're not a teenage girl. >> john: that's the thing. when we think terrorism we think of it in a beard. >> what is playing to the average young person i've heard it. these girls look at this guy and say he's cute. he's not so bad. maybe he's innocent. maybe he didn't really do it. >> john: maybe one girl. >> a host of them. >> there is a very bizarre subculture of-- >> john: of women who tsarnaev is chechen for menendez. >> this is the same picture from the post, but look at rolling
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stone's picture. it was cropped that it gave him a teen idol look. >> john: they also called him a monster. >> who is reading words. >> especially stay. look at what they did with it. it was absolutely on purpose. there were a million of things they could have done if they didn't want to stoke this kind of fire. >> john: is this cover where theypeople see what they want to see in this picture. and in defense the fact that they had this inflammatory cover we're talking about this story where it has been largely forgotten by the media and by doing this we're not talking about sharknado. >> we're not doing it in the right way. we're not talking about the horrific act that he and his brother committed. we're talking about the cover not the story. >> john: is this a desperate
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that print is. >> no, what they're expressing in the article is you've got a kid who is an enigma to his friends, completely hard to understand. even people who are closest to them, there was in some way a teen agnst going on. he had been abandoned by his family in some fashion. there is a myth in that regard. they wanted to stoke some controversy. >> profiling where you want this kid to be all of those things, and he was a terrorist. they want him to be this misunderstood kid. >> if we simply write off the notion that he's a terrorist that's it. you have to make the argument that there is no value to understand what drove this kid was this a-- >> this is what i'm talking
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about. see how you're trying to find a way to make an excuse for why-- >> i'm not making a making an execution at all. >> john: it does go back to profileing. terrorists are middle eastern men, and down other throat, arabs, arabs arabs who are to be feared. but we have a bomber who is white. turns out it's a white muslim terrorist and evil comes in pretty packages. >> even more importantly than that, the notion of a terrorist that we're told is someone who is completely directed, raised from the bottle to the moment that they fly into the towers or until they do some type of suicide-bombing, and the bottom line is, you need to understand that the at the very least who these people are in terms of measuring what the threat is
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around the world. because we're told day in and day out we're losing our civil liberties-- >> i remember central park 5 remember headlines and everything but what you're doing doing for this young man. >> i spent two days talking to ken burns about the central park five. i wasn't living in new york, but i think that's exactly the point. the point that you're making is that we should examine who the central park five was at that time. because the bottom line. >> john: that was lies. this article tells the truth about him. karen, i'll give you the last word. >> i said it. >> john: rick unger, you have the last word. >> yes. >> that was a great word. >> john: i have so much hate all day on twitter over it. i appreciate the debate. i think it's valuable. if it gets people understanding
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more, and hopefully it will be good for journalism. that does it for another great panel. i want to thank rick unger karen hunter and sam seder. watch our segment about russia in russia. young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me.
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>>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> john: hello americans from mother russia. >> greetings from russia. >> we're traveling to hear your senator lindsay graham say there should be boycott of russian games because we allowed your edward snowden live live in our airport. >> why would you do that? we're watching boy for you. >> we're sorry our american friends would be angry. we make you an offer to visit russia you should not be refusing. >> are you tired of gays having free time. >> the president is macho and incredibly straight lindsey
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graham. >> your these gays upset russian president putin and distract him when he's trying to relax by watching shirtless men wrestling. come down and visit president putins ain't gay wonderland. credit is why russian is telling you we're homophobe dream. >> now any packages of the gay is to be passing 20,000 rubbles or $6,000 american dollars. >> we are not able to arrest gays up to two weeks. >> and it is illegal to promote homosexuality that be used by youth. >> the gays are in new york, who knew. >> sorry to bother you can i
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eat something that is not borst. >> get back to the arcade. >> they had only one game of frogger be and it ate my quarter. >> don't make us look bad. >> we don't want our children to accept gays. >> we want our children to hate them. >> this is why we're going to run ain'tanti-gay wonderland. >> guys if i oppress gays, can i stay here? >> shut up. american conservatives do not boycott our politics because we have our snowden. and see how we bring our gays to their knees.
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>> i hear he has little gold flecks in his eyes. >> you know tchaikovsky was gay right? >> what are you waiting for? >> quit stalling. >> come to putin's anti-gay wonderland. >> before they're sent to the gulag. >> good flight mom >> chuck: it's been almost a year since the curiosity rover touched down and tonight i'll talk to "mohawk man." and curtis stone he not only cooks, he baked his own wedding cake. show off. and i'll sit down with josh fox who's new movie,


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