tv The War Room Current July 23, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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>> michael: coming up 15 minutes ago, anthony weiner gave a press conference to simply reassure the public that he was staying in the race. instead he gave the media something new to do and with that we enter the anthony weiner sexting time line of events phase of this election cycle. i'm michael shure, you are in "the war room." [♪ theme music ♪] >> michael: well it's a national hot dog day so how in the world could we not focus on a weaner? we're going to do with that bill press and christine pelosi.
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but first up summer vacation, break out your sunscreen and trashy novels it's a billion degrees in washington and congress is ready for summer break. it's been a long year and republicans have been bad students. >> so for us to see a republican party who's attitude towards our great president obama is nothing, that's our agenda does that work for you? never! that is our timing mr. president. does that work for you? nothing and never. that is their attitude. >> michael: i love when she speaks like that. the house leadership also seems to think their members need some remedial reading, and no wonder since 52% of republican voters think the gop is heading in the wrong direction. so they handed out the summer play book.
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a 31-page handbook called, wait for it, "fighting washington for all americans." you are washington. it encourages members to go on a gas and groceries tour in their district. wear clothes in which you feel comfortable doing hands-on work. while you are out there think about posting creative vine videos highlighting your foray into the real america. this is representative steve king of iowa giving voice to the real republican view for instance on immigration. >> for everyone who is a valedictorian, there is another hundred out there that they weigh 130 pounds and they have calfs the size of can -- cantaloupes because they are hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert. >> michael: that is a racist.
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all of the bluster about jobs and rule of law are revealed for just what they are. cheap phony attempts to cover up what is at its heart bare ugly racism. joining us now from washington you may call him bill press. we like to call him carlos danger here. he is host of current tv's own, the "bill press show." welcome back into "the war room." >> i don't know whether i like that nickname or not. >> michael: hello, bill. i'm just playing with you. i have to ask you about anthony weiner. let's take a listen to his press conference. >> to some degree with 49 days left until primary day, perhaps i'm surprised that more things didn't come out sooner. i'm responsible for this behavior that lead us to be in this place, but in many ways things are not that much
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different than they were yesterday. >> michael: so bill will the public agree? do you agree things are the same today after more of these things became public? and weiner promises to just keep coming back. do you expect that that will be the case? >> i have lost patience with anthony weiner. i think he was a very effective member of congress. he did a very stupid thing. he did the noble thing and resigned, and we really thought it was behind him, and we thought he learned from his mistakes. i find this very very sad today. and i wish he had dropped out of the race. if i were a new yorker i would have to say, anthony we gave you a chance. but i think this raises serious questions about his judgment and ability to lead this city. this latest stuff happened after he left congress after he told us this was behind him.
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after he and his wife had their baby. after he is back on the rehabilitation tour, and it just shows he didn't learn a damn thing. i have had it with anthony weiner. >> michael: yeah, those are big words, the rehabilitation tour should have hand after you have been rehabbed. but let's turn back to national news, what do you make of those comments that we just heard from steve king. >> you nailed it. that was the exact same thought i had when i hear ittedd it. balk about brood brushed stereotyping. steve king idiot, an embarrassment. but more importantly this document that he put out there michael is really telling. this idea that their job is to fight washington for you. no, they are supposed to come here and fight for you in
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washington, right? to make life better for you, make government work for you whether it's education or tax reform or the environment or all kinds of issues. that's why people send them to washington, and the republicans think that they can really get back, right, and get the confidence of the people by being just against everything. i keep asking a question, what are they for? speaker -- i keep calling her speaker -- but leader pelosi asked that same question. the answer is nothing. >> michael: you are right. and i hope you are right about speaker one day again soon too. but what strikes me is their oblivion. they are clearly the problem washington as you said, and they are totally oblivious to it. and it's almost a blessing to us, if they continue into this oblivion, we can be outraged about it, but it's great if they keep doing this because then we
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will get back the congress because people will reject that. >> yeah. >> michael: a new poll found barack obama's approval rating under 50% for the first time since september. what is causing this drop? >> one quick footnote on the republicans. you just can't be against stuff. you have got to be for something if you ever want to win. republicans have not learned that basic lesson. on president obama's approval rating, whether it's 41 or 46%, i don't think it makes a damn bit of difference. he is at the blessed point where he is never going to run for office again and we have raised this question with jay carney at the briefing, the president can focus on doing what he believed is the right thing for america. and he is trying to get the focus on jobs and the economy where it has to be and should
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always be, and he is not going to worry about whether it is 35% or 45%, he is going to do what he thinks is best for this country. >> michael: yeah, i tend to agree. 35, i think i might argue with you a little bit, but you are right about 45 and if there is ever a time to be in a bad cycle it would be now because it gives you time to get out of it. >> yeah of course. >> michael: harry reid addressed democratic organizers yesterday. let's listen. >> remember the strength of the presidency and the mighty senate. we have to have enough to stop mcdonell in what he doesn't do. >> michael: harry reid mentioned michelle nunn in georgia, two democrats running in red states
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do they have a chance of winning? >> i think they do. and i think harry reid grew a pair in the last couple of weeks. we saw that on the filibuster where the hung tough and brought republicans right to the brink, and they blinked he did not, and he is still holding the nuclear option over their head and so he scored on that. and mitch mcconnell he fell in love with the tea party or tried to, and they didn't like it. and he has also taken on john boehner later, and pointed out that john boehner is just a loser as speaker and has passed no bills, and has repealed no bills. so if you look at it getting things done, or get stuff repealed, it is still the most do nothing congress ever. >> michael: yeah, and that goes back to the lesson that you have to be for something not just
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against things. i totally agree stones on the guy that we haven't seen before. >> amen. >> michael: turns out that 14 house republicans who voted to cut food stamps out of the farm bill -- you'll remember that -- they themselves are farmers who have received government subsidies, an average of over $500,000 each. why isn't this a national outrage? why aren't people going crazy about this? >> i didn't know that, but it is an outrage. and i think the more people know about it, the more people will see what their priorities are. the republicans would in a new york second give the wealthiest americans another tax cut and give the wealthiest of the farmers, including themselves, another subsidy, and yet not allow 47 million americans who depend on food stamps -- they would take that program -- they would shut it down entirely across the board. there is zero funding for food
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stamps in the farm bill passed by house republicans. >> michael: amazing. and they are there taking money -- they are going before congress casting a vote against snap funds while still taking in one case $3 million in farm subsidies. it should be criminal. >> leader pelosi did say they are literally taking food out of the mouths of children and senior citizens. if that's your priority you don't belong in public office. >> michael: yeah, that is not figuratively, it is literally taking food out of children's mouths. liz cheney trailing 54-26. does she have a chance? and what is her long game there? >> i think her long game may be
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2020, maybe. but not 2014. i think liz cheney, she is too full of herself. she always has been. she thinks her daddy's reputation alone is going to get her wyoming. the people of wyoming don't want a fancy national celebrity. they want somebody that is going to get the job done. i think she is in trouble. >> michael: she is one resident of virginia who is in a lot of trouble running for senate in wyoming. bill press, guest of the "bill press show." coming up, from new york to san diego, bad news for dems, but worse news for dems looking for leaders on women's issues. plus are we getting out of two war zones overseas only to start a new one in our own backyard.
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>> did anyone tell the pilgrims they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> only on current tv. ♪ >> michael: from weiner to filner, and even a little bit of spitzer, it's icky male politician day here in "the war room." first to bob filner. yesterday his own communications director went public and slapped him with a sexual harassment lawsuit. here she is yesterday. >> i was placed in the filner head lock and moved around as a rag doll while he whispered sexual comments in my ear. his behavior made me feel ashamed, frightened and violated. >> michael: as the allegations against filner keep rolling in the san diego police department had set up a public hot line to
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report harassment against the mayor. two weeks ago, filner made an apology video. check this one out. >> i am embarrassed to admit that i have failed to fully respect the women who work with me and for me and at times have intimidated them. >> michael: yesterday he said quote . . . >> michael: here is hoping that justice does prevail sooner rather than later. joining me now in studio with a lot to say about the scandals of the day. christine pelosi, chair of the california democratic party women's caucus. thanks as always for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> michael: christine, filner apologized. he said he was sorry. talked about rehabbing, getting better himself. what is going on here? >> i'm a strong believer in the
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recovery movement, have experience there as a volunteer for dozens of years. i really think it's very important that people have the opportunity to change and reform. we believe in that sort of justice, and we believe in standing by women. we had a very substantive meeting friday night, and what made me so proud was that men were standing up and saying look, what these guys do is on them, how we respond as a party is on us, and we have to stand with women. and that was what moved me to be part of the you unanimous resolution that we passed to call for the resignation, and stand with people who are in this situation. >> michael: it is a little more complex with filner than with others. he was a freedom rider. a white guy getting on a bus
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that he knew was going into a fire storm. he registered people in mississippi to vote. he was on our show recently in that capacity. what do you make of that? how do you take the measure of the man then? >> well as irene said yesterday, if your words don't match your actions then you lack character. and frankly the people who were coming up with the -- the drive to see justice be done in san diego were people who said about him exactly what you said and more. these were his former supporters. people who worked their hearts out for him in congress. so this is not a situation that -- that people took lightly. this was very, very intense. these were former supporters deeply disappointed and realizing that this -- this confrontation that originally occurred in june, and there had
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been no rehabilitation, there had been promises but no efforts of going under a doctor's care, of trying to do anger management at looking at these issues for five weeks before we met last friday night. so in fairness you can have a person who has done great things and the tragedy here is this is somebody who couldn't match the rhetoric and the voting record that he established. >> michael: a terrible finish to bob filner which i think he is going to resign. i was talking to john lewis and he said he feels terrible for bob filner but it is clear what is going on here, and that's the direction it is going to go. anthony weiner as you know today gave this press conference the ""the dirty" has uncovered past contact that he has had with a 22-year-old woman. he was going under the name of
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carlos danger when he was doing this. these don't time at the exact same time as these past infractions, or they were last summer after he resigned from congress. how is this going to hurt anthony weiner who says he is staying in the race. >> first of all relapse is part of recovery. however, i think the broader question is if you are trying to promote the democratic party, the party for women, if we want to elect people whom women can trust to stand up for us, and fully respect us why should we undercut our own principle by electing somebody who clearly is not in a position to do that for whatever reason. maybe it's because he is an addict or a jerk. but for whatever reason why not choose the person who fully respects women. >> michael: exactly, and as far
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as we know everybody else in the race does. but he has the respect of a woman and that is his wife. she spoke today. what did you make of that? >> as we discussed the first time this story came up on your show, i always thought she should run. she is incredibly talented and an incredible person. and i felt that galentry should have been the course of the day. and i don't think it's appropriate for him to subject her -- >> michael: but she may have said i want to speak. >> i understand that. there comes a time -- of course you want to stand by your spouse -- >> michael: yeah imagery is important. >> but i don't like the fact that it was done for the
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imagery. you are a little kid and you grow up and watch mom and dad on tv, why does her first official statement have to about that? but new yorkers are going to make that decision. i'm related to one and have got many, many friends in new york. and they say, look there has to be some transition between the addiction and the recovery some level of time of good works and perhaps this was not enough time lapsed between the rehabilitation and the attempts -- >> michael: and this may give people a serious chance to take a look at other candidates as well. let's go to the third pea in this pod, although i don't think eliot's role is totally similar. but he released this ad today. let's listen it to. >> look i failed. big time. i hurt a lot of people.
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when you dig yourself a hole are you going to lie in it the rest of your life or do something positive? >> michael: do these apology ads help? >> of course. we all have to get back up and start fighting again. and if you have a public disgrace, if you then go on and try to help people in a different way, again, people are going to make their choices. they elected sanford -- and they reelected vitter -- >> he got the easiest path of all of them. >> well, if that's what people want, that's fine. but i think women's voices should be raised and say what does this say about a party that says i'm from the democratic party, and i'm a champion for women, we want the voter on the other side of the door to believe us. there has to be a restoration,
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and there has to be -- >> michael: yeah, and i think a walking of the walk on women's issues, and democrats have always walked that walk. christine, thank you so much for being here always love it when you are on the show. >> and knowing that the cure is always electing more women. >> michael: i'll remind everybody of that. >> thank you. >> michael: more women that's the cure. border wars, if you think extra security on the border means a couple of more local cops you need to think again.
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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>> if the only play we have for immigration reform is a military-style surge that waste $46 billion, it's not a plan it's a war. >> michael: that's talk show host bill maher, peeling back the curtain on border security bill that passed the senate. defense contractors like raytheon and lockheed martin are looking for their next fix. and they found it on the u.s./meksxican border. it proposes building 700 miles
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offensing, 416 personal radio detectors, 286 fixed-camera systems, and much much more. what is it they say about building fences and neighbors? what no laser guided dolphins there? is all of this money making our border more secure or just in fact christmas for haliburton? to answer that question, we council on latin america, who has written about us-mexican border issues for more than ten years. he is also the author of an upcoming book, "border patrol nation," he joining us from tucson, arizona tonight. welcome. >> great to be here. >> michael: what is this
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enormous border police zone like? does it really feel like a war zone? >> in many ways it does. if i were to travel 60 miles to the south of here i would enter an entirely different world, a world where i foresee a 16-foot wall that separates the united states from mexico. peering over the wally see cameras that are looking into mexico. along the wall i'll see border patrol agents in their vehicles. in the town there will be border patrol vehicles cruising around and if i -- if for someone reason if i didn't fit a certain profile or if i were suspect, they could pull me over for basically no reason at all at do a routine search.
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and it's not like a traditional war zone in the sense that bullets are flying everywhere, or that hollywoodesque imagination of a war zone, but there is a sociologist who defined it as a low-intensity war zone. it's definitely a variation of it, and -- and bullets do fly sometimes. >> michael: it's berlin wall like in that way too. >> yep. >> michael: the border security expo was held in phoenix just this past spring. tell us what that was like. >> yeah, it is actually going off of something that you mentioned earlier in your intro. you mentioned that as wars are winding down in afghanistan and iraq that they are coming to the border. at the expo is where a salesperson actually told me
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that we are, quote unquote bringing the battlefield to the border, and i should tell you what it looks like. every time -- i have been to it twice, it's the phoenix convention hall. and it's like a gigantic mall with all kinds of booths. lots of military companies are represented, like lockheed martin and raytheon. there is almost like a sort of disneyesque quality to how things are arranged as well. you'll see barbed wire and different -- different sorts of props that make you think you are in a border -- in a militarized border zone but it's a place of commerce and milling around you'll see law enforcement and business people -- >> michael: that answers the question, because it all goes back to the money. so we're going to build this
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wall, make a lot of money doing it, and contractors will make a lot of money doing it. >> exactly. >> michael: border patrol is currently staffed at its highest level in his 88-year history. the immigration bill which i like to call a republican's job bill would bump it up to 38,000. the number of undocumented immigrant per agent has dropped to just 19 per agent last year. are more agents just going to be standing around then doing nothing but cashing our checks? >> there's a lot of analysis that tends -- that suggests just that. there is also the possibility that the agents will find new jobs to do like put up more check points. all around tucson for example, there are check points within
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50-mile zone of the border where all cars are stopped and people are asked for their citizenship, and if you raise suspicions of the agents they'll bring you into secondary. there is a possibility there will be more of an enforcement, entrapment web. the presence of border patrol will be much higher and much more visible, but at the same time, yeah, i just saw -- i mean, i heard a lot of people mention that, well, what are they going to do? apprehensions are at an all-time low, but border patrol's priority mission as they say on their website is to stop terrorists and their weapons of mass destruction from coming across the border. so rhetorically they might have another -- another way of framing why they would need such a force of -- of agents. >> michael: yeah, it does seem odd, and i think -- i laughed when you said that not laughing
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at the issue, but laughing that building this fence is going to stop that from happening. are the republicans just pushing for a secure border do you think? because it's a never-ending pursuit much like the vague war on terror? could spending money on building fences cause more harm than good do you think? >> i think so. the problem with a military immigration complex is that you need a perpetual enemy, and -- and that's what seems to be happening on the border. there is -- there is always an enemy. there's -- if it's not -- if it's a narco terrorist, a drug smuggler, and they are never ending, and it doesn't seem like any of the things that are put up on the border can ever stop it as long as there's a push. but what happens is that you
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have all kinds of companies that can make a profit off -- off of such a perpetual enemy. >> michael: yeah, they can jump up and invent those enemies, and it is just over the fact that there is a border patrol expo in phoenix, there you have it. >> exactly. >> michael: todd miller thanks for joining us. coming up we'll talk about a crisis made all the worse because we as a country re fuse to deal with it. the tragedy of military suicides.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> michael: last year a record 524 military veterans committed suicide. today more military veterans die at their own hands than in combat. before 9/11 the military suicide rate was about half that of
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civilians. after the war began in afghanistan in 2001 the rate began to climb. today one-fifth of americans who commit suicide are or were in the military. the most logical explanation is ptsd. but 52% of troops who committed suicide were never deemployed. in not ptsd then what? and why? in 2006 the armed forces weren't meeting their recruitment quota, so they relaxed their standards for two years, that period has been a point of contention in the debate. mental illness can easily go undetected during re -- recruitment and then remain sidden. in may the major general wrote this . . .
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admitting to emotional struggles also disqualifies troops for promotions. troops were four times as likely to seek help when anonymity was promised. whatever the reason, the rise in suicide is a trend that most expect to continue. joining us is suicide survivor joining us is suicide survivor survived after jumping off the golden gate bridge and author of the new book, "crocked but not broken." thanks so much for being with us today. your story on its own is amazing, and that you are take your experience and turning it toward the military is so admirable. you reach out to veterans because you think that the military is in dire need right now of mental health care. >> yes. >> michael: how does it get to be to that point, and are we doing enough at all? >> it gets to be that point when for the longest time in that
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culture, being quiet was the key. now we're talking about it. now we're telling the truth. now the pentagon is releasing these numbers. it's time to take full action. and by that i mean -- i wrote an article called "military suicide is the answer." in the article i described that a good idea would be to look into things like transindental meditation department wide. and have people take care of their mental health issues on a day-to-day basis, giving them the time to do so. >> michael: does that include screening people during recruitment? >> i think heavy screening needs to be done prior to and during recruitment. because if you are not delving deep into that pool, you are not going to find what is at the bottom. >> michael: that's interesting, because as they said there was a
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two-year lapse in doing that. tell us about ptsd. what is the danger of assuming ptsd is the cause of so many of those. >> the danger is that we miss the truth. we have to look at the 52% that are non-deployed non-active combat. what does that mean? what is that telling us? that there are bigger and broader answers here and we need to find out what those answers are. we need to help them at every level, mental health prevention otherwise. >> michael: in the military -- let's talk about mental illness as it per tines the military. i understand the military's point of view to a certain degree. you don't want people with mental health issues out on the front lines as it were. and if you were in the military you don't want to admit because then you lose your commission. how do you strike that balance? >> we have to come to sort of
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middle ground. we can't put our military out there in the field having just been put on mental health medications and not used to those medications yet. which is a high number of that going on now. so we have an opportunity to solve this problem at the base level and work extremely hard to do so, and talk to our mental health clinicians and get the answer we so desire. >> michael: one thing we have covered i would say very well on this show, is military sexual assault, 26,000 women in the military assaulted in just a year. is there any tie to the two? how can we address both problems at once? because they are both abtaboo in a way. >> they are. but we need to address them. i was at a marine base last year, where i spoke abouts prevention, and my story, and prior to me speaking there was
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a sexual assault seminar, and the number that they quoted was that there were 15 open rape cases at that base at that particular time. that's unacceptable. that means an entire culture needs changing. we need to work harder in finding those answer. >> michael: are you finding the military receptive to these conversations? >> absolutely. everybody in the room were ears wide open and eyes wide open and they are paying attention. i work with general mark graham who said we are the land of the free because of the brave, and we speak about suicide prevention all over this great nation, and we want to stop this from happening anymore. both of those situations. it's time that we do the right thing all day every day. >> michael: what about your story, and how long was it that you attempted suicide? >> i attempted to take my life
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in the year 2000. it was a terrible time in my life because of bipolar disorder. i would go one to three weeks out of the year and visit hospitals and other military groups to talk about why they should not decide by suicide. when i did that once in at a base in north carolina a young man came up to me and he said to me, i was going to kill myself today. you are the reason i am not. and he took off his lance corporal chevron and placed it on my lapel. >> michael: that is about the most moving story i have heard in a long time. did you survive a jump? >> i did. 220 feet, 25 stories, 75 miles an hour. >> michael: just an extraordinary thing even to imagine. your story, though it silences
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a room when you say it here. when you are in a room of military general, do you speak to them in general, or speak to most of them in a big room? >> i would say both. i would say i look at the room and i assume that there are people in that room that are thinking about it right now, and i want to help them directly and reach them right now, or right at the time of the speech but i also speak to them in a general sense, to let them know there is help even though they may feel the controversy in the military not to help. >> michael: and kevin hines there's no telling how many lives were saved by you because you weren't able to take your own. so thank you for doing what you are doing. we'll take a quick break and we will be right back ♪
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inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. ♪ >> michael: buckingham palace and its future resident has been getting the world's attention in the last 24 hours. we haven't our version of a royal birth in 120 years. that's right. there was the white house birth of esther cleveland. grover cleveland was a bachelor when he took office. soon after he married the 21-year-old daughter of a family
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friend. after cleveland lost in 1888 to benjamin harrison they had a daughter ruth and then he won back the office in 1892 and then they had a second child. ironically she wasn't the most famous daughter of cleveland. it was the daughter that was named after ruth cleveland, the baby ruth. to come full circumstance circumstance -- circle esther went on to marry at westminster abby. perhaps the prince will one day have a confection named for him. or maybe a favorite athlete.
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while the world was fixated on the birth of the royal baby yesterday, a whole lot more kids were born. including one from an american political dynasty. mitt romney had yet another grabbed child yesterday who was also a boy. mitt romney tweeted this today . . . if you don't count the horse, 23 with the horse. he has so many grandkids he is now referring to them by number. the parents of grand kid number 22 are romney's son josh and his wife jen. as for another former presidential hopeful, the dean scream is back. it has been nearly a decade since former vermont governor howard dean gave us his famous howl. let's refresh our memory.
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>> we're going to south dakota and oregon, and washington, and michigan! and then we're going to washington, d.c. to take back white house. yeah! >> michael: howard dean is bringing the scream back. he said this last night. >> this shirt was kind of wrinkled and all of that the reason it is wrinkled is it is ten years old, this is the shirt i was wearing when i gave the scream speech in iowa. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> we're going to manhattan and all the way! yeah! >> michael: he is still having fun with it. it still makes me laugh. we're going to statton island!
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and finally george zimmerman reportedly helped a family from an overturned suv last wednesday. really? four days after hiding? four days after being acquitted of murderering a unarmed 17 year old. twitter has a bunch of people thanking good old george zimmerman for saving them too using the hashtag thanks george. let's take a look at a few. the doctor who delivering the royal baby passed out, thankfully zimmerman swooped in and delivered the crown prince. i saw zimmerman back flip through a window and hand this girl an iphone charger. the tongue in cheek less son from all of this yes ear all one big neighborhood and zimmerman
3:57 pm
is on the watch. thanks for joining us here in "the war room." "the young turks" are next. i'm going to be joining them, so stick around. ♪ >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
4:00 pm
♪ theme ♪ >> anthony's made some horrible mistakes. before he resigned from congress and after. i very strongly believe that it is between us and our marriage. we discussed all of this before apartment knee decided to run for mayor. really what i want to say is i love him i have forgiven him, i believe in him and as we have said from the
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