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tv   Viewpoint  Current  July 24, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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tor having to stope jack lating was the tragedy here. that's insane. the rapist often can't maintain erections let alonee jack late. it doesn't matter what the woman wears, how much she drinks, rape is not acceptable. >> cenk: great point. thank you for joining us. bye-bye. >> john: hello there coming to you tonight live from new york city where the weather is so nasty huma abedin just defended it. president obama gave a speech about the.also what do you do when you're the world's leading terror organization and you need better pr. how about an ice cream eating contest in a war zone. and you may have heard about the controversy surrounding the koch brothers documentary "citizen koch." we'll be here here to discuss how
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the one great political party is ruled by koch feeds. happy birthday, and on this date in 1567 mary queen of scots was force to abdicate and was replaced on the throne by her one-year-old baby son and that's the only royal baby we'll mention all night. that's "viewpoint." [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> john: i'm john fugelsang. this is "viewpoint." thank you so much for joining us this evening. by now most americans know that the supreme court's 2010 ruling on the citizens united case allows unlimited and anonymous donation to political
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candidates. it's hard to overstate the damage to our democracy created by that filming. the new women called "citizen koch" does just that. you no doubt recognize the name koch. it is staggering to realize just how much influence these brothers possess over politicians, and over your life. take a look. >> this is an agenda that the less than 1% wants. >> lobbyists are not in my budget. >> this can't happen. this is wrong. >> they're just going to keep crushing the middle class crushing the poor people. >> don't the kochs own factories and oil. >> i'll take another question. >> listen to me, america. you're unimportant. they don't care about you. because you don't bring a check.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> if you never voted before, i bet you will now. >> john: so if you think the koch brothers are powerful in politics, there are a now even charge that they tried to limit the release of the film we're about to discuss. let's go to the filmmakers of "citizen koch." welcome to "viewpoint." it's a pleasure and honor to have you here. >> thank you so much. >> good to be here. >> john: good to have you. for people who don't know and just hear about the nebulous stories of koch brothers. why did you want to make a film about them? >> the koch brothers are some of the most creative political spend necessary mourn politicalers in modern political history. they cultivate the issues of what voters vote on.
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>> john: what does that mean? >> they've been working for years trying to undermine environmental regulations and by backing groups of systems for a sound economy which sounds like a group that might have america's best interest at heart. >> john: when you stop pollution you're hurting the job creators. >> exactly. but that's a group that's been around for over 20 years. >> these are not political wonks. these are guys who stand to benefit for this kind of junk science. >> john: well, the problems they have presented to our democracy is so multi laird. people hear citizens united. they know it allows unlimited political corporate funds, but they don't know how it came about, can you fill us in? >> it's not just political action committees. it's political spending. it's electioneering. it allows organizations that
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were previously prohibited on spending money. >> john: but they can give directly to campaigns. >> what citizens united did do is allow political spending right out of the coffers which is very hard to track is other money that is spent politically and a freeded up a lot of that have money and it's impossible to track. >> john: and we have hillary clinton hate to thank for this. >> citizens united, an extremist right wing organization called " "hillary the movie." it was a take down of hillary clinton. the entire intent was to cast the campaign finance laws that were passed in the 90s. >> cenk: they didn't do it for art, really? >> citizens united group had a long history of doing political politically motivated commercials. they were the group behind the
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willie horton ads. they supported clarence thomas in his confirmation hearings in 1991991. >> john: that's interest, he and scalia had conflicts of interest in this case. why didn't they recuse themselves? >> i don't know, john. i don't know why but the fact is that in addition to the group citizens united who is a party in the case having spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on an ad campaign for clarence thomas 20 years earlier clarence thomas' wife is politically engaged and that led to her accepting two enormous gifts which she then spent politically on tea party candidates or candidates who supported the affordable care act in 2010. now jenny thomas clarence
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thomas' wife now consults for non-profits and how they can deploy money politically. >> john: why was he able to give an opinion in the obamacare verdict? but a lot of folks know that scott walker was able to outspend his recall opponent 8-1. they don't know how invasive that money was other than tv ads. where did the cash go? >> some of the cash went--there was a loophole in wisconsin law that allowed walk for raise direct contributions an unlimited number for a certain amount of time. but the money being spent from outside by organizations like the americans for prosperity which is a non-profit organization that is essentially the political arm of koch industries and the koch political empire, that's one way that that money was deployed. they spent $10 million in wisconsin organizing rallies
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running campaign ads changing the messaging around scott walker's so call reforms which were taxed organized labor. >> we don't know how much he spent because this is another consequence of citizens united. these groups can filter their money and we won't know where it will come from. >> we just see buses in wisconsin roll in all over the place, and you could hear it in your head, americans prosperity or tea party express. >> john: scott walker more or less did it on the platform for collective bargaining of unions and, which hurts millions, but cutting taxes for millionaires doesn't. how does citizens united affect me? how is this spreading across the country? >> well, the kochs bankrolled scott walker and we have people like john kasic and la page in
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maine. there were governors who swept across the legislature throughout the country. >> schils. >> they were schills. they're operating off a playbook cut the taxes cut regulation for industry, and cut rights of ordinary people to vote. >> john: who can forget the prank phone call to scott walker walker and they said he was koch and the hoops that scott walker would jump through. it was hilarious if it wasn't discouraging. i'm wondering what is the wide array of forces that are combining now to buy elections on a local level that we may not
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be hearing about as much as on a state level? >> well, there's always alec. the american legislative exchange council, which is largely corporate supported organization that creates lathes laws on things like voter i.d. on things like the collective bargaining rights that get passed at the state level. scott walker embraced an entire slate of alec reforms. these are laws being written in washington, d.c. >> john: then they cut and paste them. >> exactly and they pass them at the state level. the state where they make the rules, that dictate how the democracy actually functions is where people decide, where you register to vote, the hours the place you register to vote is open, i.d. all that. >> beyond that, education and things that relate directly to
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our kitchen. >> john: the struggle of this republic since the independence. >> john: what is there to worry about. >> false positive. both the democrats and republicans are guilty of taking money from corporate interest. >> john: thank you. >> this is not a democrat reserved issue. this is 99% versus the 1%. this is what our movie looks at. the strongest voices condemning citizens united and scott walker were republicans.
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their fiscal conservatives. they are people who are infuriated and feel betrayed by their own party they're working towards that. >> john: it seems the koch brothers are not just constricting voices heard in the election. they're trying to restrict your voices being heard with this film. what happened with your funding from pbs. >> we were very proud to be in a production partnership through pbs, their funding branch. they dispersed public money to support the production of and also advocate for the broadcast of quality documentary films. we were headed towards their independent programs. >> john: an excellent show. >> free tv, largest television audience available for this topic, we were very happy to be doing it. but what changed is alec they aired a film that took down david koch in november.
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they caught hell for it from one of the large affiliates in new york city. and it trickled down to us. >> so they pulled our funding. not only did they pull $160,000 of funding they pulled our broadcast. >> john: david cook has resigned from the board. >> he has resigned but he remains on the board of wgbh. >> john: we offered them an opportunity to appear, but they said it would violate their policy of publicly discussing their partnerships with filmmakers. they said they weren't happy with early cuts of the film and dispute over licensing agreement, but you have taken the kick starter. >> they weren't happy about the name "koch" in the title, is the truth of it. we had to turn to craft funding. david koch's money and his position of power at pbs killed the funding of our film. we're going to kick starter. we have a project on kick
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starter. we're at the halfway mark in our campaign. we're trying to replace all the dollars lost through the funding funding. >> john: what can people do through your kick starter funding. >> look for the kick starter page and type in "citizen koch," it will give you all the information that you need. >> john: are you going to send them dvds of the film? >> absolutely, if they don't already have one. >> john: it's a pleasure. the directors are carl and deena, thank you for sharing what youer whatare doing. >> thank you. >> john: racism is alive and well, is it the same as bigotry stake around.
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livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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>> john: welcome back friends. we've heard a lot about racism over the last few weeks what am i saying, it's been around forever. we have a half black president in the white house what's the problem says rush. but racism still exists. sometimes subtly, and sometimes so blatant out of mouths of people who should snow know peter. this issteve king. >> forever everyone who is a valedictorian, there is another hundred out there they weigh 130 pounds and they have calves the size of cantaloupe because they're hauling 100-pounds of marijuana across the desert.
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>> john: that's what he said, calves the size the cantaloupes. he defended it. here to discuss steve king doubling down on dumbing down is alexis mcgill johnson pretty much what i do here, welcome. >> thank you. >> john: always a pleasure to have you on the phone. >> thanks for having me. >> john: i was shocked by peter king's comments. not that he thinks that way but he would say it out loud in front of a microphone. and steve king, stephen king, of course, is a writer of horror fiction. steve king is horror reality. you have house speaker john boehner and eric cantor issuing statements denouncing king's remarks. but the fact is it's out there and among the political leaders. what does it say about the progress of race in our country?
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>> it's so funny because avr was started because there was this assumption that when president obama was elected all this explicit racial conversation with a go underground. we wouldn't be able to have these conversations around race because we would have an african-american president half white president and we would be ushered in this new era. but what's happened is people feel even freer to say what they always thought about race. it's very sad. one of the amazing leaguecies of the civil rights movement is we've been able to name what is racist and what's not. we've been able to set bounds boundaries of what you can and cannot say the fact that people feel they can say these things are very troublely. >> john: i would like to talk about the difference between bigotry and racism. when paula dean happened we
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coined the phrase, bigorace. i want to look at something that is more subtle, although nothing that donald trump ever does is subtle, but look at this oldie but goody. >> president obama is the at least transparent president in the history of this country. i'm very honest about him releasing his long form birth certificate. if barack obama opens up and gives his college records and applications, and if he gives his passport applications and records, i will give to a charity of his choice a check immediately for $5 million. >> john: now my staff is really mad that i wanted to talk about donald trump in this segment
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but i think it's interesting. donald trump said this racist stuff, and he has never asked an caucasian candidate for their birth certificate ever. but why does he want his college transcripts, clearly he's black and not intelligent enough. mr. touches response to this, how can i be racist? i made arsenio hall an apprentice. you laugh but that's the real argument. tell me if i'm wrong, but is that the difference between bigotry and racism? a bigot has hate in his heart. but a racist may not necessarily have malice but they're part of the problem and part of constitutionalized racism where it's so ingrained in the culture. >> i would say implicit and explicit. in the sense that a bigot is an
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explicit racist, someone who has full anamous in their heart. they have the sheet on, they do not like me because of the color of my skin. the same we understand sexism, we do not like someone because of their gender. and raceism is focused on relations. 80% of americans think of themselves as very fair minded people. if you put a race scale a racial question in front of them they would say they are absolutely not racist, they would fall where we are. but if you wantedded to know how much i weighed you wouldn't ask me, pulled put me on a real scale because i won't tell you the real truth but if you put me on a scale, you can. explicit racism he will helps us to understand that there are associations that we make subconsciously and quickly an it's the result of embedded
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stereotype. >> john: we all do. >> we all do. i could say i'm african-american and a woman. and i'm racist and sexist. i grew up in a culture that devalued race and devalued sex, and this is a decision that we're seeing with representative king starting to dehumanize race and gender in a way that we haven't seen before. that really to me is the line that we're crossing. >> john: dehumanizing race and gender. would that be like saying that trayvon martin was evil and deserved to die because he had gold teeth? >> yes put trayvon martin on trial for his own death. that's exactly right. it's trying to take these characteristics, these associations that we know are embedded in someone's brain and then amplify them to public opinion that will lead to the local conclusion that we're these fair minded people but there are these people who are out there where there are
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problems. >> john: it's led to the new normal well, if i criticize obama, i'm called a racist, but too many libs have been free throwing that word around. >> we see this as an attempt to increase racial anxieties as we've seen around trayvon martin and other issues. i think the right has been very effective in suggesting that race doesn't matter any more, and we live in a clothesline society. it's difficult to talk about race because we have anxiety having that conversation, but then these anxieties are increased in our heads. i don't know how to reconcile it it. >> john: i hear politicians saying we need to have a dialogue on race, and i'm ready for action. why does it seem that we've plateaued in the conversation on race? nothing new or meaningful seems to happen. >> i think it's a problem on both sides. when you hook people you will to mri, and you flash images of
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black boys in front of them, you can see stress growing inside the body. all because we're being primed to have these responses that are very quick very kind of unconscious in a way that doesn't reconcile in our understanding of where race is supposed to be. what happens in this, when race drops into the conversation on both sides our executive brain shuts down. so we go into fight or flight mode. we don't know. we feel like we're going to be called a racist if race enters the conversation. and if you're not a person of color, if you're a person of color that you're worried that someone is going to level a racial epitaph towards you. it's well beyond historical. >> john: i know the human evolution involves rising above those impulses but when i see chris brown i feel my stress
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rising because i'm against lip-syncing. thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> john: of course. up next, everyone loves ice cream. even those in the middle of a war. stick around.
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(vo) later tonight current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> john: somebody at al-qaeda's community outreach has realized indiscriminately
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killing innocent people hurts the organization on a pr level. okay al-qaeda, some of us americans have figured that out here. here's an idea. syria, torn apart by civil war and an american president powerless to help, and the president backing up the murderous assad regime, and unspeakable violence on both sides of the conflict with chemical weapons, rape and genocide what a perfect spot for a kid's ice cream eating contest. so the goes at aq went all dq and invented family fun day. this ice cream eating contest twice teen two confused boys. there was a tug-of-war contest and qur'an contest.
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seeing the worst sirens in violence in syria, and it's great to see that far right wings muslims can be as tone deaf as our right right wings christians. it's great to have a fun bowl of ice cream from jihad not realizing they're being recruited for terrorism. where do you see yourself in five years? dead. good answer. we'll be right back. they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your
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daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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>> john: we kick off this segment with that all too lovable political figure, carls danger aka former congressman and future mayor candidate anthony weiner. even though he resigned for a sex scandal when no sex broke about him after sending pictures of his crotch on the internet we
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learned he has not learned to keep it in his trousers: we heard not just an apology from anthony weiner, but a defense from his wife huma abedin as well. >> anthony has made horrible mistakes, both before he resigned from congress and after. but i do very strongly believe that that is between us and our marriage. really what i want to say elections, i have forgiven him. i believe in him. and as we have said from the beginning we're moving forward. >> john: horrible mistakes, is that just like saying bill clinton was too familiar with the help? this latest apology which took place on tuesday regarding another woman another bunch of sex texts and pictures of mr. weiner's apparatus all took
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place just a few months before his mayoral run. here to talk discuss whether we should even be talking about it my panel mr. rick unger the wonderful tom doorty, and author comedian jeff krisler. thankthank you for being here. horrible mistakes. is that like calling the ruling peevish. >> when it happens twice he's admitting it's wrong. and i'm starting to think as a new york city resident maybe he should be mayor. he can't be trusted with all this time on his hands. >> and he has other things on his hands too. >> that's true. >> john: i don't think we're picking you up on mic, we'll
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have to go and get your mic fixed up. let me ask you this while jeff is wired for us. is huma abedin right on this level, that it is between her and her husband and it's none of our business? >> it is from the standpoint if she wants to stay married to him. that's between the two of him. but to think-- >> john: there are those who have committed much worse sins, and they worked it out in marriage. >> that's why i say what happens between the two of them that's up to them. he apologized for doing these terrible things and then he continues to do them. while his wife is pregnant with their child. >> john: name three presidents, clinton kennedy and johnson three presidents in office who cheated on their wives and their wives forgave them. >> is it worse? >> john: this is the only sex scandal with no sex and imagine how long it will be before this guy gets any again do you really think by any standard, the
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united states congressman taking a photo of his crotch and sending it to a 22-year-old woman that he doesn't even know. and then coming up with some name carlos danger. that in of itself should rule you out of public office. carlos danger. >> john: when you have creepy online behavior, when you've taken pictures of your junk and then call yourself carlos danger he's using this as a platform not as a mayor but porn maker. >> i feel like i've been flashed. >> john: it's more pathetic than disgusting. >> i'll put top's comment on the website. sex is sex. that's deeply profound. >> for us younger guys, sex is sex. >> john: we're talking public figures, david vetter, republican senator. >> yes. >> john: took a piper fetish to a dc madam should he be kicked
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out. >> what about the guy who was kicked out of the house for posting pictures of him without a shirt on. >> john: he was trolling for underage guys. >> weiner made the choice himself to pull back under pressure but they weren't voted out. they chose not to continue. this is the problem with weiner. any leg you have to stand on saying this is okay. he lost because when did he it before he said it wasn't okay by resigning. >> john: you're right. >> here's the serious issue aside about serious questions about his character, do you want this guy to be the poster boy for the democratic party? because that's what the republicans will turn him into if he becomes mayor of new york. >> we're hoping. >> john: but he has no chance. >> for new york he would be great. he would take care of stop and frisk. he wouldn't allow anything oversized any more. and offshore drilling. >> john: let me ask you to look into your chriscal crystal balls and
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tell me what it looks like for congressman weiner. will he drop out or will he go to a graceful loss in the primary. >> graceful loss in the primary. as i have said all along there with a no, sir way the democrats were going to let--there was no way that the democrats were going to allow him win this race. he's helping bill thompson in this race. in the end bill thompson should be the mayor if he becomes runner against christine quinn. >> the problem with that argument is that there is no one--i compared to mitt romney and the campaign. weiner is coming in when all those candidates have popped up hot, and there are scandals in some way but there is no way that the base is going to really layrallyaround quinn. >> it should be thompson. >> it depends on what the other candidates have on him that they're saving.
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>> what could they have on him that he doesn't have on himself? >> john: more texts. by the way, any guy out there if you're sending pictures to a woman that you haven't met of your penis she probably already has a penis. >> how do you know so much about this. >> john: i don't have much of a life. how does this affect our good friend eliot spitzer in his campaign? does he look as good. >> he was facing the question yesterday. >> john: he's been facing the question everywhere. he's been a rock. i am biased. he's my friend. >> it certainly doesn't help him, but i think that the tv ad versus been spectacular. spitzer ads have been phenomenal. the question is how much is are they able to put together, the coalitions with the women group
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who come out and support, i don't think it's enough at the end of the day. >> john: you think eliot won't lose? >> i think eliot is the comptroller. >> john: my panel is with me when we return. it's a stump speech, action plan. what was obama doing today? you decide when we come back. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning
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documentaries that take you inside the headlines. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. >> john: welcome back to "viewpoint." president obama's on another road trip across america. this time he's talking about the
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economy, and his plans to fix it. the president's big focus today was on income and equality. >> when wealth concentrates at the very top it can inflate unstable bubbles that threaten the economy. when the rungs on the ladder of opportunity grow farther and farther apart it undermines the very he is tense of america that idea that if you work hard you can make it here. that's why reversing these trends has to be washington's highest priority. >> john: i agree nice talk. can he get it done? can he get it done with this congress? can they get it done with the congress he'll have after next year? let's bring our panel back in. rick unger from and tom dourty and jeff kreisler.
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>> john: modest improvement it's called reform, and it's the same unless they get worse. rick i'm rooting for this guy but why should we think that it will be any different? >> you shouldn't. it won't be. >> john: why does he keep saying it. >> he keeps saying the same thing, but it has to be said. i don't fault him pore that at all. everything he said in that speech was right, it's true, and he said it numerous sometimes before but it doesn't make it any less true. with the congress he's got we all know the result. he's not going to be able to do it. >> john: i don't know if this is about the poll numbers or exciting the base again. but uneven income growth over the past 0 years is a significant problem for the middle class what's left of it? >> i think it's a problem for
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the middle class but this is the president who hasn't been able to get anything done. this is a speech on july whatever. no one is paying attention, and quite frankly this is a president who should be getting immigration reform done right now. he moves off topic. >> john: to be fair i would say the middle class is more important than. >> then make that his issue. >> why isn't he put it in the immigration. he'll lose that in the house too. >> convince the american people. i think on immigration reform there are enough people who want to get it done. >> john: is that what today about? was today trying to use the bully pulpit to get a movement of people wanting to advance reform in the economy? >> i think it is, and he spoke passionately saying this is a fight he doesn't want to give up on the middle class but the problem this is his grand oratory, which a receptive
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congress would take action, but this is a congress that wants to take everyone with them. yes, he put his foot down on an immigration or jobs. but his style is to give it to congress and let congress work it out. >> john: then he's not the bad guy, but nothing gets done. we're not a mean people. we're not selfish people, why should we be mean and selfish in our policies? i thought that was an interesting thing for the president to say. is the president right? are we a mean and selfish people. one viewer wrote, no, we aren't, but republicans think that's the american way. i don't think all republicans think that. and andrea wrote based on our election yes we are. have we become a selfish mean
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country? >> i would be inclined to split those. by and large americans are not mean but they're selfish. >> i tend to agree. we have our own selfish interests at the end of the day. if i'm doing well, i'll give a couple of checks to charities and i'm not worried about the economic distribution around the country. >> john: but doesn't the poor getting poorer ultimately hurt the 1%? less customers to buy products. >> as you just pointed out are they feeling that right now? they may in ten years from now but not right now. every time i hear that the 1% keep getting richer and richer. when they're feeling it. >> john: that is true. jeff, does this end when the poor storm the gated communities and the 1% become food? what is going to happen? >> they're going to build the walls higher and higher, and not just mexico but parts of
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florida. go back to selfish people. i live in hoboken. i was in a place where the floodwaters met. and that was a moment when we were not a selfish people. the people in my community rallied to help with food, taking care of kids, but that may have been a special experience because there are communes who feel they need a gun to for protection during a flood. >> john: i hear people who say and do nice things and then do the opposite. do you see the president doing this more? will anything come from this summer barn storming campaign? >> i hate to be so negative on this. i think everything he's saying truly matters and it's really important. but there is no reason to believe that this congress is ever going to do anything but blame the plight of the middle class on higher taxes. >> you're exactly right but summer barn storm something a waste of time. people are on vacation.
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it's not season. it's beach season. they done want to hear. >> john: i got to go to break story, jeff. i want to thank every for another great panel discussion. y'all are so smart. and finally when stick around. i'm going to tell you how to get a get out of jail for free card for all eternity. thanks pope, stick around. they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing)
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>> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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>> john: earlier this year pope benedict quit running the catholic church after eight years of inspireing catholics to quit attending the catholic church. now pope francis visits rio day jannero. and let me tell you there is a package for those who cannot attend. and it's a very nice package. it's like a get out of purgatory free card. when den picture did this a few years back, it was for young
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people who couldn't make it to youth day but prayed really hard, but promised full forgiveness for all sins to anybody who attended like murder and birth control. but for francis they've invited catholics who cannot make the pilgrimage in person to rio to follow by twitter. and its like worshiping in person. what matters here is that the vatican is trying anything they can to generate good will, good vibes, and good pr, no hell for you. the catholic church is doing everything they can do to get out of their own purgatory after all the sex scandals, and pope francis is doing a really good job of salvaging the image.
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and he ditched the popemobile. let me offer some advice to francis. he cares about the poor neglected downtrodden and forgotten, so i know he still watches current. i admire your commitment to non-violence, but i want to pitch a package that will help your image. i love, frankie but the no knob, no job on women priests nothing in the old testament said that women can't be priests. they say no women priests because the 12 12 apostles were men, but there were three women about them every time. but they said no, no, 12 apostles, three groupies. if 50% of the population is unfit for the priesthood, take it up with the manufacturer. and priests cannot marry. priests married way before the
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di da vinci code not that married couples don't love getting relationship advice from a guy in a dress. and stop the homophobia. most of the church's sex prohibition had nothing to do with jesus but the hangups of dead guys. and the vatican could be nicer to divorce women. women should be allowed to break up with abusive husbands. often the pews are filled with seniors who can't understand the accept of their foreign-born priests. you can fix that, but it takes more than forgiveness and tweeting a stairway to heaven. when you do reform, i hope you hire a really good food taster. that's hour our show. thank you for joining us. three weeks and counting we're
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still here. good night mom. we'll see you tomorrow. >> joy: tonight anthony weiner says that there will be more photos of him that have yet to surface. this guy needs fewer skeletons in his closet and a lot more clothes. and more tonight on "say anything." >> joy: as editor at large for salon, my first guest spends


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