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tv   The War Room  Current  July 29, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> michael: coming up tonight, rand paul through a great big political pie right in the face of new jersey chris christie, who naturally devoured the projectile and asked for seconds. yeah, i said that. i'm sorry. i'm michael shure. this is "the war room." [♪ theme music ] >> michael: first up, more republican bickering. how about that? last week's vote on the controversial amendment to defund the nsa's blanket collection of metadata has reopened the debate plaguing the
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republican party. the vote just barely failed, and despite john boehner urging all of their members to vote against it, 94 voted aye. this weekend peter king wasn't very happy with his party. >> i thought it was disgraceful that so many republicans voted to defund the nsa program. this goes totally against the party of eisenhower, reagan, bush. we are a party of national defense. >> michael: nsa surveillance has become a key issue in the ongoing role that has em-boldened libertarians and tea partiers alike. >> this strain of libertarianism that is going through both parties right now, and making
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big headlines, i think is a very dangerous thought. these intellectual debates, i want them to come to new jersey and sit across from the widows and orphans and have that conversation, and -- and they won't, because that's a much tougher conversation to have. >> michael: both parties? it's going through both parties? really. he joined king in calling out rand paul. he said his views put the country at risk of future terrorist attacks. to which paul responded . . . yes, heaven forbid senator paul that we waste time and money
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help those who lost everything in a natural disaster. i don't like to agree with any republicans, but in this case chris christie is definitely the lesser of these two evils. joining us from d.c. is friend of "the war room," friend of mine, bill press of current tv's own "full court press." great to have you here as always. >> good to be in "the war room." hi, michael. >> michael: bill, what do you make of the latest split in the republican party when you hear king and paul and christie like this. >> i love it. i want more of it. i want republicans to be at each other's throats between now and 2016. eugene mccarthy once referred to fight among republicans as civil
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war in lepar colony. as far as i'm concerned, they are both wrong. questioning this huge spying issue on the nsa, they are un-american. some great democrats are questioning this as well as rand paul. the nsa, i believe, has gone too far and we should be asking questions, but rand paul is dead wrong. he wants fema to help victims of tornados in kentucky but not the hurricane in new jersey that's what fema is all about and what we should be doing. >> michael: and the hypocrisy is so blatant. sometimes it's a little more subtle. let's talk a little bit about this shutdown that they are threat inning. i reader harry reid saying if you don't think the government is going to be shut down, give
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newt gingrich a call. i'm sure you can get him on the call. are they threat? >> i don't think they are, but even the fact that they would be talking about them is totally irresponsible. we remember what happened during the government shutdown wh when -- bill clinton was president and a lot of people got hurt. it's paying our bills, and republicans now suddenly to make this a political football is totally irresponsible and president obama is very correct in saying last time you got me to make a deal with you. this time no deal. debt ceiling clean as a whistle or no deal.
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>> michael: and it seems foolish. they keep going back to the things that don't work. i don't understand it. but like you said, keep talking about it. we keep talking about anthony weiner still in the news. a recent survey showed these results. do these mayoral scandals in any way hurt the national party, bill? >> i think they do. we talked about that one week ago. and i told you at the time, i've had it with anthony weiner. i think there's no doubt weiner should drop out of this race and bob filner should resign as mayor of san diego. get out of the way. we're tired of talking about it. >> michael: yeah, the whole embarrassment to yourself thing, is the most important.
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how do these people do it. i don't understand anthony weiner coming back after seeing all of that. all i would want to do is climb into a shell. he is actually in fourth place in the latest quinnipiac poll in that race. another poll shows 44% of americans will blame the republicans. we talked about blaming the democrats for weiner and filner, they will blame the congress if there is no immigration reform bill. how badly can immigration harm the gop? i'm asking this as a 2014 and 2016 question as well, because i think the answers are different. >> they are very different. first of all i don't think passing comprehensive immigration reform will hurt the republican party, but they are operating under the premise,
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john boehner is, that it will hurt the party in 2014. john boehner only cares about 2014, not 2016. so they believe if they were to pass the senate bill or anything that obama could sign, right, that they would hurt their chances of holding on to the house in 2014. i'm sure you saw the latest abc poll said 47% of americans said it wouldn't make any difference how their congressmen voted on immigration reform. in 2016, i think it's very clear. if the republicans have any hope of ever winning the white house again, they must be seen as supporting and actively supporting comprehensive immigration reform. >> michael: yeah, and we don't see that anywhere from their party. i want to ask about attorney general eric holder, then i want to bring in jason johnson of
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politic365. president obama is meeting with eric holder, and civil rights leaders today, to discuss the civil rights act. can holder reassembly what the scotus decision took apart? >> i think it's a little too little too late for eric holder. but he's starting with texas. there's no doubt texas is very guilty of violating people's basic voting rights. so i'm glad to see the president make this a priority and holder make it a priority. i wish he would have done it last year. >> michael: yeah, bill, and jason, i'm going to ask you this now. bill and i tend to agree on eric holder, that he has been a disappointment. but one area where he has been strong is voting rights.
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what is your take on this meeting, jason? >> i think it's a good thing, because barack obama -- the legacy he is going to have is he has create such an incredible ground swell movement. and eric holder has been incredibly active in trying to working for voting rights. it's good they are getting together now, because this fight is not over, unfortunately. >> michael: yeah, that's a good point. jason based on the media coverage today, you might think the biggest story in all of the world was hillary clinton's white house lunch with the president. she is scheduled to have lunch
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with joe biden tomorrow. what does this have to do with 2016? >> it has a lot to do with 2016. she is going to tell the vice president, joe biden, that she is going to meet him at 9:30, and she won't show up until 10:00 and basically try to undermine him early now, because hilary very much thinks this is a position she deserves, she doesn't want to have to compete with joe biden for the role, and it is setting up what she thinks will be a cake walk for her in 2016. >> michael: bill, that makes a lot of sense. do you think she is going to say, hey, listen, joe, i'm telling you i'm running for president. don't tell anyone, please? >> she doesn't have to do that. he knows it. [ laughter ] >> i was at the white house today. two things, quick. i see that they ended up having
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lunch outside. that's the very table where president obama had the beer summit in the rose garden -- the lunch was originally scheduled for the private dining room, and they moved it outside. i just find that curious, but at the briefing today, somebody asked what are they going to have for lunch and they handed out the menu. so both sides enjoyed this today. it keeping them all in the public view, and they are friends. >> michael: yes. jason and bill, stick around both of you. we're going to talk more politics on the other side. coming up on the show tonight also not loving it, 1% of the world's population buys food from mcdonald's every single day. plus the march goes on, same
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path, different faces. we look back on one of the leaders in the fight against japanese/american internment. and when we began our study to discover who was more intelligent, fox news or a rock? we all thought the rock was going to win. we just didn't think it was going to be a blowout.
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies.
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if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. >> michael: welcome back to the show. your united states senate just voted 93-1 to confirm james comey as the next fbi director, the one vote? rand paul. jeff merkley and ron wyden voted present. we'll see what that means in the coming days. we can't survive on 11.25. that was the cry across the
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country. workers in seven cities walked off of the job at fast-food outlets. it was the latest of a series of one-day strikes that have spread across the country in recent months. $7.25, is roughly $109, rent is 70, gas is 30, and i'm at a deficit. >> michael: on friday president obama told the "new york times" that he wants lawmakers focused on, quote, how are we increasing middle class incomes and middle class wages? if we are not talking about that, we are talking about the wrong thing. for now it looks like he is
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talking to himself. back with us now, bill press and jason johnson. bill, even obama is talking about middle class wages, not working class, $7.25 wages. will these protests change the conversation in washington? >> i think they will. these are some of the most exploited workers in this country, first of all not all of them are making minimum wage. those that are making minimum wage are still only pulling down $15,000 a year. the poverty rate for a family of four is $23,000. so these people are still living in poverty. that's an outrage. i'm glad they are raising this issue, and i think they are effectively doing it, by one-day strikes in certain cities, at the same time. i think it will make a difference. >> michael: yeah, and when you look at how much these fast-food
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companies are making it's outrageous. the d.c. council tried to implement a minimum wage increase, and wal-mart threated to pull out of the city. the protesters are asking for $15 an hour is that possible? >> it's possible, what is sometimes more important is access to health care and access to affordable public transportation and access to child care. those are the reasons we have to keep arguing for higher wages. and what is important, if we could get some real infrastructure done. if you can get to and from your job without having to spend $30 a week or $50 a week on gas, it would be a much easier problem for us to solve.
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>> michael: yeah, i think that's right. jason, i'll say with you, more protests today, also the last moral monday in north carolina, where the naacp has been leading the protest. north carolina naacp president william barber said this morning. >> pulpits are catching on fire across this state. there is an organizing fervor that we have not seen since the 60s. >> michael: are moral mondays having the impact that barber wants and is stopping them the right thing? >> well, they will eventually, because i think first off, you have 926 people get arrested, everybody in the state is going to pay attention. and the reality is the knee-jerk reaction. what you see in north carolina is a microcosm of what you are
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seeing in merck from 2010 on. these people who get elected in this anti-obama fervor, they wear out their welcome very quickly. and these guys will be out of a job in the next two years. >> michael: that is encouraging. bill the hashtag defund obamacare has been trending lately. does this make the republicans look foolish or is it working for them? >> well, it's insane. it's totally insane. they go off -- by the way they have worked so hard in washington. they are going off for another whole month vacation, and before they leave they are going to vote to repeal obamacare again by somebody's count for the 40th time, michael. and you have -- you have a
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parallel universe. at the same time, california, new york, and maryland have announced they are going to offer health insurance under obamacare to people who don't get it at their workplace for the lowest insurance premiums ever, so while more and more americans are benefits from obamacare, these insane republicans keep trying to repeal it. >> michael: yeah. it is the law of the land. bill, violence returned to egypt this past weekend. the military classed with protesters supporting recently deposed president. the obama administration has been very quiet about it. and this is kind of angering to me. they are not saying anything. they are condemning it with words, but they are also keeping the money flow going in there. what do you think of that bill?
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>> i am very angered by it too. it was hard for me not to scream out loud at the briefing today. because the white house said, first we blame the violence, but they said they need an investigation as to who was responsible. we know who is responsible. the military was firing at the head and chests of unarmed protesters, and the fact that we continue to send them money, i think is reprehensible on the part of the administration. >> michael: yeah, i agree. jason back to you, russia's president recently signed a slew of anti-gay legislation resulting in wide-spread protest and violence. meanwhile the pope said this yesterday. >> if a person is gay and seeks god and has goodwill, who am i to judge him? >> michael: not really the voice
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i thought the pope would have. but jason is this going to have any impact on domestic or international gay rights? >> i think it will have a huge impact. the catholic church has been the firewall for so many arguments about homosexuality, and i think a lot of the world and legislators and common sense leaders have been waiting for some religious leader to say, look, as long as they are not harming anybody, let's move on with our lives. and i think the pope saying that, it's a great time saver. >> michael: i think it's appropriate to say amen, jason. bill what do you have on that? >> i have to add, the pope was
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speaking about gay priests who do not practice sexuality. so if they are not sexuality active, are they really gay? so this is progress, but we have a long way to go. >> michael: the progress with the catholic church is always a little blurry bill press and jason johnson thank you for being on the show. up next, a new group is hoping to pick up the slack from the nra. that story is next only here in "the war room." (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. ç]
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♪ >> michael: welcome back inside "the war room." only 5 million gun owners are members of the national rifle association. that means about 95% of people that own guns want nothing to do with the nra. but despite that, they say they are the so-called overall voice of all gun owners. gun control activists are on one side, the nra usually heartless rhetoric is on the other. but many people who are gun owners say their view is missing.
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perhaps no matter. there is a new organization in town. it was launched earlier this month on july 2nd, in on for of the second amendment. for incites and perspective, i'm joined by robert gelinas. he's the president of american rifle + pistol. thank for being with us in "the war room." >> thank you, michael. it's good to be with you today. >> michael: what specifically is missing from the gun debate, and what does rifle and pistol seek to add. >> the voice of the gun owners. the numbers you just cited are very accurate. but regardless of which number you use, it's a big number. in fact what we have learned is
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that even of late -- you know, the national rifle association for the most part speaks for the gun lobby, for the fire arm's industry. and what is good for business is what they are for, and people like me and my fellow gun owners have long since felt that we didn't have a place in the argument just as you said in your opening there. we have factions of people that would like to come out and pass de facto prohibitions, and then you have the national rifle association at the table, and all of us who are the users and players in the game, we lack representation for far too long, so after the tragedies specifically the event up in newtown, connecticut, we decided to put together this
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organization. we said these same arguments with the same players just keep happening over and over and over again and nothing really happens because there really is no debate, there's just a lot of noise, gnashing of teeth and nothing ever happens. is it possible that because a lot of us are coming out of the technology background, could we use some of the digital tools to give a voice. >> michael: yeah, we haven't heard a lot from sensible gun owners in the media. we have covered the gun issues pretty closely in "the war room." i want to ask you where you stand on some of the most controversial topics. i want to start with something that wayne lapierre said after the newtown tragedy. let's take a listen. >> join with us, and help create
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a national school shield safety program to protect our children with the only positive line of defense that's tested and proven to work. >> michael: so where do responsible and reasonable gun owners and rifle and pistol come down on guns in schools? >> well, on that specific issue, let me give you a small disclaimer here that i got to throw out. we're not a gun lobby. it's not our intention to come out and buy candidates, run people for office, things of that nature, and on the major issues of the day, my little caveat from that is we share a lot of common, brood principles that we all adhere to, but when it comes to security guards in schools, things like that, that's something we want to foster a conversation about. you can say what do you
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personally think about the issue, and i'll be more than happy to give you my opinion, but speaking on behalf of the organization, that's the kind of thing where i would let the organization tell you what they think -- >> michael: bob, what do you personally think about that issue? >> i think having any and every good idea we can implement to help safeguard our children is worthy of discussion, but i don't believe that a one size fits all solution, in other words where a lot of the vips send their kids have armed guards they must have it because they think it's a good idea. on the other hand, some school maybe in a rural community and doesn't have the same risks and threats that washington, d.c. represents, that might not be considered a good idea -- >> michael: such as newtown,
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connecticut? there is one reason when people are getting death threats c consta constantly, you understand that a little bit more. but what you would say, i imagine forms what rifle and pistol says. where do you stand on background checks and stand your ground? >> on background checks i personally believe as far as wide as background checks can reasonably be made is a good idea and we should talk about it and look into it. very much -- as far as stand your ground -- i believe that's been pretty much settled law for almost 100 years. 1921 justice maintained there is no duty to retreat when someone is attacking you. >> michael: right. well, i guess there are issues
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that we would not agree on, but i appreciate you are take some reasonableness into what i think is an unreasonable side of this argument. what is it going to take for you all to stand out as that voice of reason with everyone against the nra. >> really it is going to be the cumulative valiu -- volume of o voice. we're going to be rolling out new technology with the specific goal and intention, of taking away all of the stuff that is happening in the back room and under the covers. so there is sunlight shining in on what people are really saying with the hope that good ideas can bubble up to the surface.
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>> michael: i certainly think that's a start, because those good ideas are not coming from the nra, so someone who is totally opposed to where i sit on this gun issue, i do -- i do appreciate the reasonableness that you are bringing to this. >> well, the nra has what i refer to as the nancy reagan strategy of just say no. >> michael: i consider it the mitch mcconnell strategy too. >> right. >> michael: robert gelinas, thank you so much for being here. he is the president of the american rifle and pistol association. maybe they will make a difference. up next, one can spend a lifetime, cataloging american heroism during world war ii, but there is also a very big stain on that catalog. we're talk about the treatment of japanese americans during the war.
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>> michael: welcome back to "the war room," where we're continuing our series the march
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goes on. today we turn now to the internment of japanese/americans during world war ii. not many people know the courageous story of a young japanese/american man who resisted the camp. two months after japan bombed pearl harbor, the president s n signed a bill that authorized the u.s. military to send over people of japanese decent, most of which were u.s. citizens into camps. fred korematsu, a 23-year-old living in oakland, california resisted and didn't report to the camps. he was eventually found and jailed. korematsu went to the supreme court to challenge the imprisonment on the basis of
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quote military necessity. he lost, but in 1983 his case was reopened and his wrongful conviction was overturned. but the supreme court ruling remained intact. in 1998, bill clinton granted korematsu the highest civilian honor, the presidential medal of freedom. and his life and legacy was documented in the film of civil wrongs and rights. here is a clip. >> i didn't think they would go as far as to include american citizens to be inturned. and then later on they changed my draft card. [ inaudible ] those days asian people think you don't belong in this country. you are not an american. ♪ >> and -- and i thought that was wrong. >> michael: we're pleased to be
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joined? daughter of fred korematsu. she's the co-founder and director of the fred t. korematsu institute for civil rights and education based in san francisco. thanks so much for being here, karen. really appreciate it. this story certainly merits telling over and over again. tell us about your dad, the regular old fred korematsu at 23. >> well, thank you, michael. it's a pleasure to be here, and as you said, you know, my father was born in oakland, california, so he was an american citizen, and he was just like any ordinary kid. he loved hot dogs and hamburgers and hang out with his buddies. but he learned about the constitution in high school. so when the executive order was
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issued, he thought he had rights as an american citizen, and he -- he lived by his principles. not everyone can say that, and he was -- really believed in this country, and what it is to be an american citizen, so that was one of the reasons why he decided to disobey the military orders. >> michael: as we looked into the civil rights movement and civil rights in the country, we have seen that, ordinary people doing extrordanaire things and all of them out of principle. what got this conviction overturned? what document specifically? >> it was professor peter irons who was doing research for a book i think in 1982 when he found the evidence in the government's own files, that there was no military necessity
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for these people to be forced to move from their homes, and at the time of my father's supreme court case which was heard in 1944, the evidence showed that the department of justice had lied, had destroyed evidence, and altered evidence at my father's case, so on that basis, they were able to reopen his case. >> michael: and then overturn the conviction. >> yes. >> michael: even though it was overturned the ruling on the order still stands. what does that mean for us today? >> well, that means a lot actually as far as american citizens are in this country, because -- especially in regards to the national defense authorization act, someone still can be detained without due process, and -- and that's the relevancy of my father's supreme court case today. >> michael: and in looking back
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at -- first of all it's something we should always be aware of, because like other supreme court cases, it probably bares looking into once again, because history repeats itself. when your father -- you know, he spent the rest of his life fighting for japanese redress, and, you know, he likened -- even after september 11th, likened what was happening to arab americans in this country to what happened to him. i was wondering what his feelings and the american civil rights movement meant to him. >> well, he -- he also -- you should know that he never gave up the chance and the belief that some day his case would be overturned, and so when it was, he -- he knew that he needed to learn the lessons of history, so that it wouldn't happen again,
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and that -- that really gave him the courage to criss cross this country. so after 9/11, when the arab and muslim americans were being targeted, the similarities were quite clear. and he said we need to learn from our mistakes, and not -- and not, you know, racial profile the arab and muslim americans. >> michael: and there is the likening. did he ever talk about the american civil rights movement? >> a little. he was a very quiet man. because i didn't even learn about my father's supreme court case until i was in high school. >> michael: really? >> my father never spoke about this, and it was in the -- my social study's class when i was a junior, that my friend mia who was giving a book report about
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the japanese/american internment, and then she said there was this one man who disobeyed the order, and it ended up being a supreme court case. you can imagine my surprise, but when i asked him about this later on in the evening -- because he got home late, he had employment problems, in discrimination as well as housing. he said basically it happened a long time ago, and what he felt like he did was right, and the government was wrong, and it was that simple. >> michael: and if he was that quiet with you, imagine how quiet he was to the rest of america who don't know the story well enough. what is the goal on your foundation, very quickly, to try to accomplish? >> well, education, and that's what my father spent the rest of
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his life pursuing was education. in 2010 when the governor signed the legislative bill for the state of california, honoring my father with fred korematsu day in perpetuity on his birthday, we created education curriculum from kindergarten to 12th grade. and now teachers can order the kits for free. >> it's >> yes. >> michael: and that's where people should go. thank you for sharing this story with us here in "the war room." >> thank you. >> michael: when we come back, political trivia, and then brett ehrlich on fox news and their latest little disaster. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind...
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>> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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(vo) later tonight, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you
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inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> michael: for the second time in three years, the san francisco giants visited the president at the white house today. both of them were doing much better back when they scheduled the date back in october. the giants had just become world champs, and the president was about to win his second election. what a difference a year makes. but today they both took a moment to relive the glory. tonight's political trivia looks back at how this tradition began.
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the first team visit took place shortly after the end of the civil war. the president welcomed the atlantic. god those are terrible team names. the first world series winners were the washington senator in 1925. calvin coolidge, no fan of baseball, he, initially ignored the pleas of the fans to honor the team. he welcomed them a year later after they won the pennant. baseball's dodger, and the football giants were just some of the teams to visit reagan's white house. typically teams start in a holding area, get a tour of the white house, despite
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sequestrati sequestration, that end at the president's oval's office. and even the stanley cup needs to be sniffed by security dogs. when the yankees visited in 1999, the president turned to the owner, and said, don't get any ideas, it's not for you. last year's time-out was much needed from the dog days of summer for the giants and the president. now over to brett ehrlich. what do you have for us on fox news? >> first of all there is a new interview trending online, and it is being called the most embarrassing interview ever on fox news.
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it comes from an online show hosted by lauren green, and it's called spirited debate. it's a religion show. i used to watch it back when it was called something else. we used to indicate holy crap. [ laughter ] >> and then we changed the name later to -- what was it? i think it was good lord. [ laughter ] >> any way they had this man who is muslim and he wrote a book called "zealot the life and times of jesus of nazareth." so lauren green said we have a muslim guy. he wrote a book about jesus. who does he think he is. and she didn't do her homework, and it played out like this. >> you are a muslim, so why did you write a book about the
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founder of christianity. >> well, to be clear i am a scholar of religions with four degrees, including studying the origins of christianity for two decades, who also just happens to be a muslim. so i'm not just some muslim writing about jesus. i am an expert with a phd in religion -- >> but why would you be interested in the founder of christianity. >> because it's my job as an academic. i am professor of religion. that's what i do for a living actually. >> it's amazing -- this is such a great interview. that goes on for a while. it is as though she was saying michael, you have a beard, yet you talk about people who don't have beards, how do you live with yourself? in addition, later on she thought she would catch him on
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another thought she has, which was that he never tells people that he is muslim. here is how that played out. >> i believe you have been on several programs and never disclosed that you were a muslim -- >> ma'am, the second page of my book says i'm a muslim. every single interview i have ever done on tv or on print says i'm a muslim. i would actually encourage you to actually try to find media that doesn't mention my biography, which again is on the second page of my book. >> it was amazing. >> michael: brett ehrlich thanks so much. i don't know why you are qualified to talk about that, but i appreciate you being on the show. thanks for joining us on the show, everybody. "the young turks," a program i like a lot, that's next. ♪
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they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that
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current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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[ ♪ theme music ] >> welcome to "the young turks." we have a great show ahead for you guys. i'm excited about this show. i'm ready to have fun. colonel morris, we've got an awesome panel for you guys, ana kasparian and jayar jackson is here. the pope came out with some controversial statements. he said, well, it's controversial in a good way, don't get me i don't think. if someone is gay, and he searches for the lord and has good will, whom am i to judge? whoa, the gays will not be judged any more by the pope--kind


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