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tv   The War Room  Current  July 31, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> michael: coming up, the optics of unity, democrats come together to have a laugh and a piece of birthday cake, while republicans engage in pork product royalty name calling. and for the record, i'm the king of bacon, okay? this is "the war room." [♪ theme music ] >> michael: in washington they are counting down the days until summer vacation. congress has just a few days left before the bell rings for recess. so what is happening on the republican side of the play ground? >> good morning. when i was a young mother i was
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very concerned about giving my kids the tools they would need to fight back with bullies on the playground. we talked a lot about using our words, and talking about things, standing up for themselves, and getting an adult if necessary. this week we are going to have stop government abuse week on the floor of the house. >> michael: getting an adult if necessary. if there were only any adults to call on in today's house gop. and the "washington post" described it this way . . . got it. they haven't passed a farm bill. they don't even have a plan to fund the government past september, but with just two work days left, the house will be voting for the 40th time to defund obamacare.
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who's bright idea was that? oh, right. this guy. >> instead of working together, the president yesterday threatened to shut down the government and recycled some of his own partisan proposals. i'm not going to speak for what the president is doing or why he is doing it. if i had poll numbers as low as his, would probably be doing the same thing if i were him. >> michael: what? a poll last week had the house gop approval rating at 22%. that's less than half of obama's and it's the whacko wing of your party, speaker boehner that is threatening to shut down the government. speaker boehner, in case you haven't noticed, your party is in complete disarray. a new poll asked republican voters who is leading the party. and they have no idea.
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republicans, your guess is as good as mine. joining us noun from austin, texas, is wayne slater. always great to have you back in "the war room." >> great to be with you always. >> michael: is anyone leading the republican party today? >> it reminds me of that seen in apocalypse now where martin sheen shows up and asks somebody who is in charge? and the guy says i thought you were. i don't think anybody is in charge. there is a civil war that has resulted in the republican party. i think the whacko bird as john mccain said, has decided to shut
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down everything over obamacare. it's a heck of a thing to watch. >> michael: it is a heck of a thing to watch. this would have been the perfect time for al hague. they have been very effective in blocking obama's agenda, which is that agenda. are they actually crazy? or are they crazy like a fox? is this effective stuff? >> yeah, i think the problem is what are you talking about? a full national policy that the white house represents or a set of individual policies off in safe districts? so it is smart policy in some cases for the republicans, individual republicans in certain districts and in certain states like texas, to pursue a pretty strong anti-obama policy.
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you just say obama. i'm against obama, and it sells tickets in a lot of places. the problem is when you have a group of folks the far right, the ted cruz, mike lee, rand paul, marco rubio, who threaten to shut down the government, you see the more adults in the room. the purist who are saying wait a minute, we know what happened the last time that happened, we the republicans got blamed. so i really think it's easy to lampoon the republicans because of a lot of what has happened with the division in the party, but there are still some smart guys at the top. >> michael: yeah. today john mccain went into the democratic caucus and got a huge round of applause.
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if that is the moderate republican things have really changed. press secretary jay carne described he president's relationship with larry summers like this. >> if you were to level criticism at one of the president's top advisors on economics, i would -- especially somebody like larry who played such a key role in the possess that lead to policies that helped turn around the biggest depression since the great depression, it would make a lot of sense. >> michael: i don't necessarily agree with carney's assessment there, i also don't remember anything like this about the fed chair. why has this appointment become so politicized? >> yeah, i think obviously the economy is such an important issue.
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and you have this division within the democratic party where you have, as you said, an active campaign with januarys that yellen, i think deputy at the fed right now, and larry summers, who -- one of the things that carney saad i think is important and really key here. when the president met today with the democratic caucus and defended larry summers, he was doing it as a person who recognized that larry summers was very, very important to this president in the opening months of his presidency. when obama inherited a terrible economic situation from the bush administration, and larry summers was there. but you have a sense that summers is not one of us. he is too close to wall street, that he's too inclined to be bullish about financial deregulation at a time when a
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lot of people are saying there ought to be more regulation, so it's a heck of a campaign that is going on politically. in the end the president said in this closed door meeting that we know all about -- in the end the president said, look, i don't think there's that much difference in terms of pure administration of policy between anybody in the mix right now. >> michael: right. and that's important. i hadn't heard that. so thanks of reminding us of that. to hear the president say that, i guess it's an important thing. let's go to electoral politics for a little bit. tom cotton announced that he plans to challenge mark pryor in arkansas. is this -- is mark pryor's candidacy the last stand of the southern democrat? >> that's a nice way of saying this. this is a republican state.
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arkansas republican-leaning state. pryor really has survived two terms because that name is a dynastic name there in arkansas. so you have this interesting fight there. this is a bright young guy. he went to harvard, harvard law, fought in iran, and in afghanistan, is not a total whacko bird. he is conservative, free enterprise conservative. he was for the nsa program. he is not with rand paul and ted cruz, he is a serious serious contender in the state. >> michael: i hate to ask, wayne, but are you picking cotton? sorry. >> i am not because i'm not in those southern states. >> michael: you don't even have to answer the question. it was a ridiculous question. michael bennett is in charge of keeping the senate democratic. he said the democrats have to
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hang on to seats in several states and pick up gop seats in either kentucky or georgia. this assuming they would lose some seats. are they going to be able to win five of the six seats? >> maybe. you know, i think this is going to be close. if this is a republican year, you could see them -- the republicans edging closer to a majority and retaking the senate. i think if i bet a nickel, i would say they are not going to do that. but look at arkansas and frankly you look at the situation? louisiana, and alaska, and there may very well be republicans picking up seats. we may well see and that's what obviously some folks in the republican party want with regard to defunding obamacare and all of the other policies, we may see the congress turn
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republican, and if that happens, both the house and the senate is, then republicans have a very serious playing field to stop obama even more than they are doing now. >> michael: yeah, that's true, and that's probably why the president is making it so much a part of his agenda now. we're going to be talking about that later on the show. wayne slater, thanks as always for being on the show. coming up, what do you get the president of the united states for his birthday? plus with mayors in the news from coast-to-coast, we welcome the mayor who's nickname is the mayor. and then can you imagine what it took to be the first a family to desegregate an all-white school? i didn't either.
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those stories and more right here inside "the war room." so stay with us. ♪
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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>> michael: former san franci o franciscocan major, willie brown is famous for his ability to wield power and maintain discipline. he paved the way for many african-americans as the first to become speaker of the assembly. he later became the first african american mayor of san francisco. although he left public office in 2004, he continues to thrive in the bright spot light. personally, i welcome you back here. to me you are also the guy who hosted the 49ers postgame show.
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and did such a great job. >> listen, i have two great teammates. they opened holes, and told me what to say and do and i did it. >> michael: was that the most fun you ever had? >> it was the most fun. i would love to be doing that today. >> michael: a lot of mayors would like to be doing something else today, and one of them is bob filner, the major of san diego. we have anthony weiner trying to become mayor of new york and we have bob filner who -- it seems like every day we wake up and there is a new accuser. what do you make of why this is happening and what can these guys do it about it, both of them? >> in reality, i think they are just two guys that have conducted themselves like lots of guys conduct themselves. >> michael: correct. >> the difference is the spotlight is on each of them. and with social social and the method of communicating and all of the things that happen, you
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can't get away with it anymore. and they didn't know that. >> michael: right. and if you were in a room with anthony weiner right now, mayor, you won twice, you had your share of controversies and your share of victories, what do i do now? >> i don't think i could give him a formula for that. you said houdini. he needs something better than houdini. he may need something better than the lord. >> michael: should he get out of the race do you think? better than houdini and the lord, i don't know where you are going to go? >> i would never tell people to get in or get out of a political race. but i do say this, you ought to be realistic about your chances of winning. >> michael: yeah. >> and if you have no chance of winning whatsoever, maybe you ought to consider doing something else. >> michael: right. >> going back to texas.
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>> michael: i think you are absolutely right. let -- let's -- i guess they are always buoys by the mark an forced of the world, but i think you are right. >> well, weiner's situation is a little bit different than filner's situation. he is the mayor, and his credentials on subject matter is pretty good, but his conduct in grabbing people so these accusers say, and the kind of things he did, employees, all of that is clearly, totally and completely unacceptable. what weiner was doing is what guys do in bars regularly. they pass the word. pass a note, and in this case he is electronically enhanced and informed and so he uses that method, and he was not doing it from a government standpoint.
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he was doing it strictly from a can i catch and who can i catch standpoint. >> michael: exactly. they are totally different. let's talk about the roles of mayors in a serious way. mayors against illegal handguns a big movement right now. how much power does a nay your wield in taking on an issue like this? >> almost every mayor of major american cities are equipped with lots and lots of powers to do the job of mayors. they really deliver the services, the transportation, in some cases the polices, schools, in some cases health care. all of that is within the per view of who the mayor really is. and if the major has great working relationships with the people at the state level, like
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in jerry brown's case, and people at the national level, you can really do things, and it would not surprise me that if majors like nutter and others who are pushing this mayor's against guns, i think they can succeed. right now you have gun control in the city of washington, d.c. bloomberg is really pushing -- >> michael: he is really behind this. >> so this could very well overcome all of the political problems created by the nra and organizations of that nature, but i say, the real issue on gun control, we ought to focus on who makes the guns. when we want to do auto safety, we don't go to the guy selling the cars. we go to the people making the cars. >> they are the ones that recall. >> exactly.
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we put the breaks and turn signals and all of that because that was a safety issue. we should do the same thing with guns. we ought to be focusing our attention on who has them, but it really ought to be on who makes them. >> michael: that's true. or like michael shure, sr. said, we ought to make bullets illegal. let's talk about the movie here in oakland. let's take a quick look and talk about the film. >> hey, oscar. how are you? >> i'm good. i'm good. happy hanukkah. >> happy hanukkah. [ screaming ] >> get off the train now! put that phone away! >> michael: mayor how important is a film like this to
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illustrate the black experience in america in dealing with the police specifically? >> this film should be mandatory for all of us in america, because this film objectively and very directly demonstrates what young african american males experience in trying to operate in the system, period. and in this case, he ends up losing his life. in if other cases it's something short of losing your life. if you know that's a reality, then you can begin to deal with it. >> michael: is there a chance for meaningful nation-wide legislation on cases with guns like this, but more specifically in a case like trayvon martin stand your ground laws? >> i don't think there's any chance whatsoever, frankly. >> michael: really? >> i think america is in many cases politically fascinated with guns. and when you start talking about
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guns, the further you get away from oscar's death, from trayvon's death, the less amount of passion people begin to express. and the politicians yield to the gun owners, users, and clubs. >> michael: we had a group that is starting to try to be a gun owner's club that is different from the nra, so the lobying is not as divisive. >> i'm telling you, though, michael, if there was a forced attention to the people who make the guns, you could impose the regulations in such a way -- for an example, guns could be manufactured and made so only the person who acquires that gun can fire it. >> michael: yeah. >> and that could be in what we call real safety issues. >> michael: yeah. >> and believe me no one on the nsa could object to that. >> michael: and that's what we think about background checks
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and they found a way to object to that. we had frank mancowwist on the show. >> yeah. we had a senator named kunny. and frank was for george mcgovern. i endorsed george. somebody said, oh, we have the heavyweight champ's son for my candidate -- >> that was kunny. >> that's right. and frank said i would rather have -- i don't think that the son of the heavyweight -- the lightweight son of the heavyweight champion is a good idea. i would rather have the heavyweight son of the lightweight champion. >> michael: which is fantastic. and he made you admit that your father was a lightweight champion to make that work. >> absolutely. >> michael: is the bay bridge
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forever going to be called the bay bridge? because i heard they are going to rename the western span, the willie brown bridge. >> i heard the as well. and i opposed it. why would i want a bridge? [ laughter ] >> michael: that's true. but one day, you know, i got a bridge to sell ya, you can always have that. mayor willie brown thanks so much for your time. coming up an early gift to the president at the capitol. and we'll tell you how the democrats are planning to take their gloves off and get tough. man, i hope that is true. they thinking? ç]
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real,
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gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. >> michael: president obama turns 25 on sunday. today he was on the hill with democrats from both chambers to build support for his economic push, and what early birthday gift could they get him? how about a chocolate cake. because that's what nancy pelosi gave the president as house democrats all sang happy birthday. that brings the count of political parties in washington that seem to be getting along to exactly one. joining us here, christine
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pelosi, chair of the california democratic party women's caucus. christine the democrats today looked like a united front. is this a democratic lovefest? >> it is a lovefest. we are a big tent, and the president has a frank discussion. >> michael: and does this carry over. they are all about to go on vacation. >> i don't know that it is vacation, because people are going home to travel in their districts and hearing an earful about health care, immigration reform. and talk about issues that matter to the american people. so i wouldn't call it a vacation. >> michael: what if a member of congress is on vacation and the leadership finds out about it?
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>> well, you have some family time of course. but by and large, you'll see a lot of community meetings, a lot of local listening tours and townhalls, and the reason of course is that a lot of these ideas are being road tested at home. the republicans on immigration, i think the republicans would like to cut a deal on immigration, but they have to make sure that the folks at home are willing to stand by their members who do that. that's why activists are going to be doing rallies across the country in what we would consider to be swing districts. >> michael: do they more when they are not in washington than they do when they are washington? >> the john boehner congress does, the nancy pelosi, passed the stimulus package, passed an energy bill. the list goes on and on.
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so there is work to be done if you are willing to work across the aisle as the democrats do. >> michael: let's talk about the work that they did do today. they passed the student loan bill. overwhelmingly this is the bill that ties student loan rates to the financial markets, probably pushing them up to about 3.8, but not doubling like they were >> it's a great thing that it isn't doubled, but the media got ahold of a memo that the republicans wrote saying when you go home, go on a college tour. so they couldn't go on a college tour without having passed a bill to lower student loan rates. here in california we passed the middle class scholarship act to actually lower the price of tuition. it's one thing to say we want to
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lower the rates on student loans, it's another thing to say let's eliminate the need for so many loans, and make college truly in reach for americans who want to go. >> michael: and that truly is leadership. so i -- i don't know how that would work nationally, but it certainly is encouraging to hear that is coming out of california. let's talk about something the president said today. he said it's his goal to see that nancy pelosi is the speaker of the house, when the house reconvenes after the elections. you are going to say that is a doable goal. i believe it is too. but how is it done with this gerrymandered congress the way it is. what is the plan? >> right after i left the white house with the giants delivering a bat and ball to the president and getting a good pep talk, i
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went over to my friends, and went through state by state by state and are planning our next congressional candidates boot camp. and we looked at least 30 races on your radar right now, we're expanding that going forward, but we believe that there is a combination of democrats, independents, and fed-up republicans who are willing to come out and vote for a pop list agenda. so when talk about immigration reform, jobs, raising the minimum wage, protecting worker's voices, and women's health, and voting rights. we see a path to victory. >> michael: can you give me an idea of one specific race that you thought this is one we're really going to focus on? >> oh, there are many. but let's take southern california, returning in
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district that has more democrats than republicans in it. there is an anglo republican sitting now who doesn't vote for the immigrants, doesn't vote to raise minimum wage, and you have pete aguilar who is a very solid person. has a non-partisan job, and can carry a poplist manner. >> michael: is voter registration part of that? >> absolutely. and voting rights. that's online here in california all the way through the absentee ballot. so we have a whole program to track the vote. >> michael: it's all fascinating stuff. i would have loved to have been at a meeting like that.
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let's talk about another campaign, two years beyond that, the presidential in 2016. hillary clinton had a few pretty high-profile lunch ons this week. her super pac said they raised an unimaginable amount of money for a race so far in the future. is it a forgone conclusion she is going to run? >> well, a lot of people are ready for hilary. but right now we need to focus on this president's agenda, and absolutely a push for comprehensive bipartisan immigration reform. so anyone who is looking ahead to 2014 and 2016 needs to stop, and be ready in 2013 to get something done. and the more people support hillary clinton help smooth a path for her, by growing the
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democratic party and the progressive left center coalition, and the better off for her in 2016. >> i'll take that as a yes that she is going to run. christine pelosi thank you so much. up next, we continue our march to freedom series. that's right after the break, and it's here in "the war room." ♪ >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. >> michael: over the past six months we have been revisiting some of the most iconic moments in the civil rights movement. today we go to drew, mississippi in the 1960s. black schools were delab dated, used outdated materials and only operated a few months out of the year. but even after the civil rights act passed, some rural towns in
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the south like drew found a way around the law. they gave them a so-called choice. it was a tactic to discourage black children from enrolling in white schools. but the carter family enrolled in the white schools. they were constantly harassed. in 1969 the carters won a lawsuit against the drew school district. their fight is considered one of the most heroic of the time. those seven children, plus the youngest, karl went on to graduate from drew high school. it's a story you won't see in many textbooks, but my next guest, connie curry tells it well. connie made frequent trips to drew to make sure the carters
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got their education. decades later connie wrote a book called "silver rights" about the carter family. thank you so much for being here, connie. >> you are welcome. thank you. >> michael: you went to drew, mississippi in january of 1966 to help the carter family. what did you do with them when you got there? >> well, after finding my way through the delta, which was quite an experience driving out to the plantation, mrs. carter and her family knew that we were coming, because gene fairfax an earlier staff person had told me to go out there, and we just talked and she and matthew told me their story. and i never will forget, i said what made y'all do it? and they said we thought they meant it. talking about the freedom of
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choice. >> michael: right. so the freedom of choice forum went out, and they were just trying to pull the wool over people's eyes, but these people took them seriously. mae bertha carter, the mother, wrote many letters to you over the years talking about the children's daily struggle. one later said . . . all this and still mae bertha and matthew carter, kept their children in the white schools. where did they get such courage? >> um, i wondered and wondered about that, because -- well, mae bertha used to tell me that she had something called the covering, which i think was sort of a religious concept, and she said, we just believed we were
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doing the right thing, and when the children would get home from school, we would all get in the living room -- and you have to remember now, this is right after freedom summer, so the civil rights movement had -- had -- had been there, and a lot of [ inaudible ] people -- they didn't go to drew, because they were afraid, but they were in sun flower county, and they just believed it was the right thing to do, and the children would all get in there and tell the terrible things that happened in school that day, and then they would all join hands and sing we shall overcome, or not my mind on freedom. we traveled around, and when he is finished talking she would say remember to get out there and vote, and then she would start singing. so they were just really unusual people, and matthew supported
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mae bertha. he lost his job. had to move off, and he was the one that bathed -- he couldn't get a job anywhere, and he would bathe the children and wash their clothes, because mae bertha got a job at head start. >> michael: it's an extraordinary story of who people -- >> yeah. >> michael: and ten people, really. you stayed in touch with mae bertha until she died in 1999. tell us about where the rest of the carters are now. >> well, the -- the -- mae bertha and matthew actually had 13 children in all. all 13 of the children are fine. there's a group in -- some friends in hollywood who are trying to make this into a film, and we had a family get together about two years ago in savanna, and everybody came so the filmmakers could get some idea of what is happening. but all of the children and all of -- 13 children, 37
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grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren, and they are all doing fine, and i lost track of them for -- i guess about ten years when i had left my job with american friends service committee, and then i ran into mae bertha in 1988 at a conference called women in the civil right's movement. we hugged each other, and i asked how everybody was, and that's when she told me that all of the children had graduated from the white school, and seven had gone on to college. and i said that's when i have to write this story. >> michael: well me about the title. why is it samed "silver rights." >> in rural areas the term civil was an unknown word, and as alice walker says, it sounds
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like a bureaucratic term. and my brother said i want silver rights for my children. there was something inspiring about silver rights, where civil rights didn't mean anything. >> michael: you were involved in many aspects of the civil rights movement. reflecting on where we are now, how would you say your country is doing with regards to civil rights? >> well, it's kind of discouraging. as you can imagine the trayvon martin and just all of the stuff that's happening. the fact that the majority of people in prison in this country are young black men. i actually heard a legislator say, we keep all of those black men in jail, they don't be able -- this is when there buzz worry about white people being
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in the minority. he said put those black men in jail, and then they won't be able to get out and have babies, and we can stay in the majority. and that plus what the supreme court just did, the voting right's act, my feedback from my civil rights friends is they are already beginning to feel the withdrawal of the voting rights. so it's not a happy day, i don't think. >> michael: and tell us about what the day is like then -- well us what a carter family in drew, mississippi, what life is like there today? do you have any feel for that? >> i don't. gloria, who is one of the kids still works out of their house in drew where they grew up. nobody lives there since mae bertha's death, but gloria lives in jackson, but works out of their family house in drew.
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and she is organizing parents, because they just closed all of the public schools in drew, including the one that the carter children graduated from. and they are sending them by bus down to [ inaudible ]. and glory is trying to organize black families to get control -- all of the white kids are going to private schools. >> michael: yeah, and we call this series the march goes on. connie curry, the book is called "silver rights." i urge -- i have read every page of the book, it's fantastic book. and tells an amazing friend. we'll be right back. you are watching "the war room" right here on current tv. ♪ >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up.
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>> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in
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the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? ♪ >> michael: it has been a star-studded and highly informative show. let's see how quickly we can get you to forget about all of that, because we now welcome in brett ehrlich. hi, brett. >> great to see you. i'm a magician, and i'll prove it, because i just spilled water on my shirt, and we'll see if it turns dark blue as we speak. if not, just forget i said that. anyway, it's hump day, perv day, so let's talk about anthony
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weiner. sydney leathers, the most cent person to come out as having had sext conversations and more went on the howard stern show. >> is that really her name? >> he cared more about his two cats than he did his child or his wife. >> you saw the name carlos danger. were you sickened by that. >> i thought it was so [ censor bleep ] funny. >> do you want him to be the next mayor of new york city. >> i think he is a little too busy [ censor bleep ] to do anything. >> i can't believe they had to bleep that. >> it's true. it's a contract thing we have with sirius satellite.
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we have to love with it. >> anyway. that happened. her name really is sydney leathers. it was either that or brenda hot pants. >> michael: you can also see weiner being interviewed and saying i didn't believe her name is sydney leathers. >> yeah, here is a great name. exactly, carlos danger. that has had a negative effect on the generally nice, sweet, and reserved thomas roberts from msnbc, who had this to say on national television. >> i am proof that you have not changed. >> this chick is so [ censor bleep ] bat -- you know what. excuse me. >> yeah, can you believe it. that she is so crazy about "the war room" -- >> michael: right. >> they couldn't say that on
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television. >> right. it's amazing how much play we're getting and nobody can say it. >> it's -- it's crazy, but i don't know. this whole thing has got me -- in the interview, sydney leathers also went on to say that -- that she and -- and anthony weiner are no longer continuing conversations together, and that she has a person has moved on to greater endeavors, which may or may not include an adult video, where she does nasty things with people as opposed to just correspondence over the internet. >> michael: i can't wait to see the male look-alike anthony weiner guy. >> exactly. >> michael: by the way, i'm just saying. >> me? i don't have that amazing chiseled ravine when my pectorals like he does. on buzz feed they showed if you look at the ravine, it looks
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like luke skywalker in the original poster for star wars. so keep a look out for that. >> michael: i will keep a look out for that. brett ehrlich thanks for joining us on "the war room." i will see you on "the young turks" after this. marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> that was president obama this morning on the hill. welcome to the "the young turks." i'm mark thompson for cenk, who is off tonight, and what a day for the president. he's pressing his agenda on the hill. we'll talk about that, action in the bradley manning trial continuing to set the scene for that trial, and a lot more. we have g.o.p. on g.o.p. today that was pretty delicious as well.


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