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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  August 1, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT

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[♪ theme music ] >> stephanie: hello, current tvland. hour number 1. what is that you say, jacki schechner? are cat people weird? yes, they are, that is a picture of jacki schechner's cat in a sink. >> cats love sinks. >> i know, and i thought i would send you an emmy in the sink picture to start your august. >> stephanie: thank you very much. >> they like sinks because sinks
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are cold. >> every time you come to my house you remark on how emmy likes to sit in the sink. >> stephanie: can i say one thing, do not send this picture to anthony weiner. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: hey, want to see a picture of my -- never mind. >> in a sink? that's a little kinky but all right. >> stephanie: here she is jacki schechner at the current news. >> good morning, everybody. edward snowden is on the move. his lawyer confirms he gave him his papers to leave the moscow airport. snowden has now entered russia with temporary asylum for one year. president obama is going to meet with a bipartisan group of congress today to talk about
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fisa. the administration has said it is working to declassify what information it can to shed some light on the operations. al franken wonders why it took up until the very last minute before the senate hearing for the white house to release the documents that ordered verizon to turn over metadata. he and senator blumenthal will interview legislation today. and a third extension has been filed to for google and microsoft to release details on what fisa asked them to do. the u.s. and pakistan have agreed to mend fences and try to reestablish full partnership.
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we are back with more show for you after the break. stay with us. ♪ cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number% 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical, the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience
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gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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this show is about analyzing, criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the
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minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ don't let it get away >> well, he let her get away. it is the "stephanie miller show." >> sort of. >> yeah, about three seconds before the theme song played she said -- >> i'm having a gastrointestinal event. >> let's hope none of it gets on the ceiling. >> i don't remember the carpet
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being brown. >> oh, well! she said talk amongst ours. >> yes. >> oh, there she is. hi, are you okay? do you need some toilet paper. >> stephanie: that was a really good bag of salad. i don't know what could have hand. okay. i'm fine, everybody -- i'm mine. i'm sorry. >> that's just weakness leaving your body. >> stephanie: right. right. i think it was the picture of jacki schechner's pussycat in the sink that got us all excited. >> not in that way. >> you know what gets me excited this morning? it's dexter von frisch's birthday. >> stephanie: no way. ♪ karl >> stephanie: karl frisch ♪ frisch >> stephanie: hello birthday boy's daddy. >> good morning. now that is what we call in the
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business a segue. >> how about that? >> gastrointestinal event, edit, a dog's birthday. >> is he three years old today? >> he is now of drinking age according to dog years. i caught him sipping tequila out in the alley with some hooligans. >> stephanie: i forgot what type of canine. >> he is a wheaton terrier mix. >> stephanie: he is precious. and he is also gay marry in minnesota now. >> that's right. i knew things were getting close when buzzfeed posted video. and get this, you know the state of affairs is getting dire when buzzfeed is posting video of a dog nursing a cat. >> yes, i saw that. >> stephanie: the world has gone in cane. >> the predictions that rick
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santorum had made are coming true. >> stephanie: right. dogs and cats not just living together -- >> but in sinks. >> stephanie: right. exactly. it's a big deal, right? >> it's a huge deal. not just minnesota, around midnight it started in minnesota and one other place -- >> rhode island. >> rhode island. >> stephanie: rhode island, yeah. >> it is fantastic news. but of course, minnesota is just so much the bigger story here given how crazy the legislature went two years earlier trying to push a constitutional amendment down folks throats and having it rejected and this is also the
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state of michele bachmann and marcus bachmann. >> i was going to say these barbarians have been disciplined. >> marcus kept calling michelle from the back room at the eagle, which i know is -- >> it's a promise's keepers event. >> right. >> stephanie: yes, as john fugelsang says the couple both against gay marriage and in one. >> that's right. >> stephanie: we wish everybody well. [ applause ] >> stephanie: the more interesting thing legally is what is going on in pennsylvania. >> oh, yeah. >> stephanie: in one county it's not legal, but there's a judge there that started marrying gay couples anyway. >> oh, wow. >> stephanie: yeah. >> and this one guy he is the register of wills. i love the east coast because
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they have all of these weird elected positions i have never heard of in california. >> stephanie: yeah. >> i'm in charge of removing dead dogs from the road and making sure people are officially dead. he said he was in charge of marriage licenses, and he consulted his general counsel, and they determined that because doma had been ruled unconstitutional, and because the state constitution in two places guarantees various rights that marriage would be included under, and that because of those three issues, they kind of determined that -- and because the state attorney general was not enforcing their own state version of doma, they determined that they should just be able to start giving folks marriage licenses. this guy was about the cutest thing you have ever seen. he is, you know, 60 years old, tweed jacket, big mustache, he
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looks like my dad's colleagues in the government. and he was like it just seemed like the right thing to do, rachel. >> stephanie: yeah, i saw him. but karl what we talked about, this has created this sort of leg patch work around the country, right? >> we're going to have all of these history makers all across the country. >> stephanie: yeah. >> somebody reminded that minnesota is getting marriage equality early this morning. 40 years ago -- this is for people that think marriage equality efforts just started overnight, ten to 12 years ago. 40 years ago, one of the first couples that tried to get same-sex marriage licenses took place, and that was in minneapolis/st. paul, and they were rejected and took their case to court, and you know -- when they would appeal nobody would take it because that's how on the out skirts of society lbgt people were treated
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in the '70s. >> stephanie: and meanwhile you tweeted why hashtag gay men -- i don't know what gay men without hashtags are supposed to do -- are dumping gay vodka. stolely has been supportive historically of lbgt events. >> they have. >> the main owner of stolely in russia is an adversary of putin is actually a supporter of lbgt rights in russia, according to [ inaudible ] magazine. >> stephanie: right. >> and he's -- i think we need to look beyond stolely towards all russian vodkas. okay, a boycott -- people keep thinking boycott in the literal sense. you are going to force a company to go bankrupt.
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the queens in san francisco when they boycotted miller light or bud light -- >> or was it coors light? >> coors light, back in the '70s. they were not look to bankrupt the company. they were looking to make news so that more people knew of coors brewing company's discriminatory policies against gay people. they were looking to dent the pocketbook a little bit. when you look at companies and don't think they are a success anymore unless they double their profits from a year ago. even a dip in percentage points, it will be felt. cnn was talking about the vodka boycott and why the vodka was being boycotted. i was watching the -- the nightly news and they talked about it, and the talking head
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shows were talking about it, and newspapers are talking about it, and editorial pages are talking about it, and it started other conversations about whether los angeles and other cities should -- >> stephanie: yeah, but chris asked a good question is it fair to stolely, a company that has supported gay rights in the past? >> well, it certainly has an impact on russia. they are not nearly as clean and cut away from the russian government as they would have folks think. one of the places that i have been reading religiously for us in on this boycott and everything is, a america blog, and i would encourage folks to read up there. they do cover when there's developments in the story, for example the one that chris mentioned. there was a write-up where somebody went through and said here are the facts. this guy was kicked out of russia. there are two separate stolely
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companies now, et cetera. >> uh-huh. >> and they have walked through those complaints and issues there, and i'm still reasonably content with the explanations. >> stephanie: it has not affected one guy. russian lawmaker, we will arrest gay athletes and tourists after the olympic games. >> yeah. i have seen the typical russian person. they are not athletic if you will. >> stephanie: the gay propaganda law will remain in force during the olympic games. it comes as the russian government has assured them all athletes and spectators will be safe from arrest. he said i can say the best figure skating in the world is the soviet school of figure skating. >> stephanie: yeah, there is
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nothing more macho than a male figure skater. >> yeah. those blades are kept pretty sharp. >> yeah, they are. >> stephanie: he said all of our people have brought up in a very traditional way. wow, his gay-dar might be on the fritz. >> he said yesterday, i have ways to make sure talk, and he said that's fine, but let's have sex first. >> stephanie: he says many politicians have supported our stance on this issue. michele bachmann? >> yeah. he said there had never been a divorce or gay in his family. >> so though former communists are lauding the right-wing now. >> more and more -- liberals
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always used to say i'm moving to canada where they have good health care and government programs and respect worker, blah blah blah. more and more the countries that conservatives are going to have to move to when their democrat graphics become too small are going to be places like, you know, serbia, russia, afghanistan. >> stephanie: and your final answer for how many write-in votes carlos danger will get for new york city mayor. >> i'm hoping at least three. >> stephanie: all right. karl happy birthday to dexter once again. >> i will tell him you said so, and bring him in from his ear from thattally away from those
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hooligans. [ applause ] >> stephanie: all right. major of san diego said san diego should pay for his defense. you made him do it, san diego. >> you put that tongue on that woman's cheek. ♪ you made me lick you >> stephanie: ewe. nineteen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: call the political party line now. 1-800-steph-1-2.
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything. ♪ ♪ you're no good, you're no good, you're no good -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ you're no good
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♪ i'm going to say it again, you're no good, you're no good, you're no good, baby you are no good ♪ >> we need more linda ronstadt. >> stephanie: yeah, why not. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. bob filner, san diego mayor -- this is just awesome -- [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: he deserves to have the city pay for his defense because he never had proper training. oh, you mean you are not supposed to put women in a head lock and lick the side of their face? i didn't get the manual. >> and the sad thing is, the city of san diego may be liable because they didn't give him sexual harassment training.
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>> stephanie: come on, that takes a big set. >> wow. >> stephanie: that really takes some elephant balls. his lawyer said san diego is legally obligated to provide training to all management employees within six months. >> stay classy san diego. >> stephanie: yeah, he wasn't acquainted with workplace behavior. the city failed to provide such training to the mayor. in fact it is my understanding that such training was scheduled, but that trainer canceled and never rescheduled such training for the mayor and others. >> okay. >> stephanie: so you can imagine that without instruction you would not know -- >> you would just go around licking women willie nilly. or licking willie's nilly.
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>> what? no! >> stephanie: can you imagine at this show -- you would be like our whole show is about sexual harassment. >> if i lick the side of your face, would you be liable? >> stephanie: i don't know. i would like it. i forced jim to sexually harass me in the elevate. >> i think i touched your ass once or twice. >> stephanie: you didn't like it, but jim did. >> actually i did kind of like it. >> stephanie: maybe it is because we have skipped the course as well -- >> let's sue san diego. >> stephanie: travis just im-ed me, he said don't bring up
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cuddling duty again. >> stephanie: do it travis. he added the city will almost certainly be liable for paying for the defense. look what you made me do! [ applause ] >> and we thought comic con was the stinkiest thing in san diego. >> stephanie: no. it's filthy filner. it went a step further by suing the mayor in superior court seeking to hold him personally liable for any damages. >> wow. >> stephanie: i love that story. >> have we lost all common sense in america? >> i was not told that you are not supposed to eat duck poop off of the street. why didn't anyone tell me?
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>> stephanie: why wasn't i given a course in that. now look what happened. now i'm eating dog [ censor bleep ] -- there's no training course for that? [ sighs ] [ laughter ] >> stephanie: okay. sorry. >> huh oh. >> a coughing fit. >> stephanie: pardon me. he's like it is hot in san diego, i thought she would be cooler working without our panties. what. nobody told me specifically not to say that? >> where in the manual does it say no not remove your subordinate female employees panties? >> stephanie: what do you mean you can't put a woman in a head lock? she won't stay still! what? katie in hudson, massachusetts, you are on the "stephanie miller show."
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hello, katie. >> caller: good morning guys. i just think it's amazing that he can sue the city for not giving him the sexual harassment training. what about his parents, can we sue them for not teaching him to behave properly. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: i mean really. >> stephanie: that's hilarious, no -- we -- we have had those -- i think courses here -- >> well not here, but when we actually worked for a big corporation, we did -- >> caller: but suddenly people have to be trained or they are not responsible for their behavior. >> stephanie: right. keep your tongue in your mouth at work -- >> although he does look like a frog, and maybe in the amphibian world this is acceptable behavior. >> stephanie: right. maybe it looked like lunch on her cheek.
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twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical, the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> i'm glad you are passionate, i just hope you are not riling people up with your show. [ laughter ] >> i'm afraid we are. >> stephanie: put those pompom downs. i'm getting everybody fired up. >> you had another event during the break. >> stephanie: i did. i don't know what is happening. it must be the kale. >> is your refrigerator plugged in? >> do you keep careful inventory of how old things are in your frig? >> stephanie: i think i forgot to check an expiration date or
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two. >> 1974. >> stephanie: yeah, that would be genetic, could -- i could go home and be like mom, you have had those crackers since i was in high school. >> i think my parents had the same bottle of frangelco that they had since i was in high school, and my parents have moved many times. and it moves with them. >> but who wants to drank frang frangelco, though. >> stephanie: my mother thinks a chip clip seals them. oh, no they are fine. kevin in minneapolis. hello heaven.
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>> caller: hi, stephanie. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: filner's lawyer is probably correct, and they are probably going to collect from the city, because most cities have laws where they are liable for things that public servants do, for example, police harassment. >> stephanie: oh, god, seriously. >> yeah. >> stephanie: it seriously sounds like a punch line, doesn't it kevin? >> caller: it is ridiculous, but basically that's the way life is, i guess. >> stephanie: well, this two-week course ought to take care of it, don't you think? >> it works for lindsay lohan. >> caller: a two week course of maybe cutting off lips and -- >> stephanie: how did he put that. i'm about to embark on a two-week therapy course on how to behave around women. >> well, you have had a few decades to work on that.
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>> stephanie: yes, to what is the word get a clue? julian in los angeles. good morning. >> caller: hello, good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i just want today ask you how you feel about dating a 22 year old french girl like myself? >> oh, la la. >> stephanie: well, jim, feels very good about it. >> and i'm very pretty and have breast implants. >> stephanie: well, jim will need to supervise that. >> go for it, stephanie. >> caller: we can walk our dogs and have some wine. >> she is a dog lover and a wine lover. >> stephanie: oh, okay. well, thanks, julian. i'll send jim your number. >> caller: all right. >> stephanie: i got out while it was good. but still magic, wasn't it? >> as magic as it could be.
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>> stephanie: okay. [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: huma abedin is taking a little break -- i'm guessing she has a headache or two in her eye. >> from hilary. >> stephanie: yeah. not from weiner. she is expected to take an extended vacation from her job in the coming days. i'm sorry, i said coming. >> i'm guessing the weiner is not accompanying her. >> stephanie: no. it's not clear when she will depart. a weiner campaign source. i don't know if it's the aforementioned slut bag supervisor. said huma not take leaving of absence, but she will be taking vacation time in august during anthony's campaign. not clear what type of role she
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will play in her husband's campaign going forward. she has begun to appear him prior to the -- unpleasant -- >> right. >> stephanie: but has not resumed since last week's press conference. she did not appear in the video weiner filmed at the couple's apartment where he looked into the camera and said that new yorkers don't quit. i want to assume that she was there -- or maybe not. because if she were maybe a frying pan would be been somewhere in the vicinity. anthony weiner for some reason keeps talking. >> i did this to my wife. i did that. it was wrong. it was wrong. and people have every right in the world to say it disqualifies me. but i'm not going to quit based on that. >> well, maybe you should. >> stephanie: well.
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well? oh, by the way, [ inaudible ] brings us, turns out the daily news seriously botched weiners sexting "now." what we're talking about was over a year ago. here is how it appears today. the question is it was over a year ago? there has been nothing else. he said oh, yeah, all of that stuff was behind me. it was basically a year ago. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: i think the world basically -- >> basically kills everything else in that sentence. >> right. >> stephanie: or whether i was
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somehow, quote unquote, involved? am i involved now killing that person? no. >> quibble if you want about the beginning middle and end of the killing. >> did i pull the trigger? >> stephanie: did i basically shoot the man in reno just to watch him die? who can say? >> you can quibble. [ laughter ] >> oh, boy. >> stephanie: so i don't know if that makes it better or not. okay. by the way, he is standing by his woman -- not huma, of course, but the aid -- >> oh, yes. >> stephanie: the slut bag. >> noted slut bag -- >> stephanie: no, she is not the slut bag. anthony weiner said he is still working with her communications director. reporters asked whether she was still working with him wednesday. you bet weiner said. and apologized for her comments
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which were provoked by stories written about her time on the campaign. >> which she probably shouldn't have done if she signed a non-disclosure agreement. >> stephanie: right. i'm not sure she deserved that particular rant. >> she didn't. but she probably shouldn't have written the story in the first place. >> stephanie: how hill tearous, jim, that one of the things that she talked about was that he thought it was funny to call female interns monica. [♪ circus music ] >> i'm sure hilary really loves that joke. >> stephanie: yeah. >> hillary clinton: turkey? [ hillary clinton laughter ] >> stephanie: oh, i love hearing about that scandal again. that is so rich. [ hillary clinton laughter ] >> it never gets old. >> stephanie: oh, my gosh. >> so maybe the daily news is
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just new-ee. >> stephanie: i'm guessing the clintons have a weiner pinata at their home. [ hillary clinton laughter ] >> she has a hell of a batting arm with all of that practice against bill in the '90s -- >> stephanie: exactly. she probably still has her frying pan lying around. huma here. >> ow! what was that for? >> stephanie: between that brown tweeted last week, i say huma for mayor. she has all the qualities. he doesn't. huma would win in a landslide nate silver said. >> nate silver of espn now. >> stephanie: right. the only way out is to give up being the good wife, dump weiner and run for office on her own
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wrote "washington post" columnist salary quinn. that was my favorite revelation that everybody that worked there was just trying to get to hilary. they are like whatever, weiner. >> all right, mr. mayor. right. >> stephanie: yeah, right. >> that will happen. >> stephanie: interesting. everybody has been -- we have been debating this whole personal side of her choices nort. a family member and close friend spoke to people, and it's hard to imagine they did so without her tacid approval. when it came to actually packing her bags, abedin could don't it. her long time friend says huma has a very strong moral character, and she made a commitment for better or worse. she never wanted jordan to say why didn't you do more to help
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dad? >> when you make a promise for better or worse -- >> stephanie: some people take that seriously -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: and i know jacki has said she feels like it's letting a man mistreat you, and melissa fitzgerald was saying on the show, it's hard to get inside anybody else's marriage unless you have been there. we have all put up with things we never thought we would, but to get into somebody's personal choices -- i said if i was pregnant, and i know you laughed. [ laughter ] [ hillary clinton laughter ] >> even hilary thinks it is funny. >> stephanie: 75 years ago when i was able to get pregnant, if i had been with a man -- all right. listen there are a lot of ifs, but my point is -- [ hillary clinton laughter ] >> stephanie: i might have made the same choice she did. shut uphillry.
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it could happen! >> announcer: i got her number off of the men's room stall, 1-800-steph-1-2. ♪
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very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ you make me feel like dancing ♪ ♪ i feel like dancing, dancing, ahhhhh ♪ >> stephanie: i'm almost certain jim if we had a sexual harassment training course here at the "stephanie miller show," watching that at work would not be allowed. however, we were not given any sexual harassment training much like the mayor of san diego, so
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it really not our fault what we do during the break. looking at the ins and outs of everything going on -- there is a video of turtles having sex. >> yeah, and they make noise. >> stephanie: that is really rude thing for mitch mcconnell to make -- >> these are actual turtles. >> yeah. >> stephanie: the chick is really bores. literally there was an eye roll. she is so board. okay. here it is. [ turtle noises ] >> get off of me! >> this is making me hot, wow.
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>> oh, she couldn't look more bored. >> stephanie: she is like dozing off. i'm sure elaine dozed off. [ snoring sound ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: thanks, jim. >> i'll post that on your facebook page. >> stephanie: where does someone come up with that? >> someone sent it to me. >> stephanie: see, anthony weiner we're turned into a nation of pervs thank to you -- >> and bob filner. >> filner? i just met her. [♪ circus music ] >> stephanie: our show used to be clean as a whistle. >> sure. like the bit that got us thrown off of the air at the last place. >> stephanie: yeah, we don't want to talk about that. matt writes steph i called my friend and asked him who he was
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voting for? he said he was voting for christine quinn because having an openly gay mayor would stick it to them for not letting gays march in the st. patrick's day parade. i'm officially forecasting that hilary is coming out of the gate and joe biden will be her vp. house smooth the transition would be if he stayed on at vp. i forecast obama winning in may of '07 among many other premonitions that have come true. that is interesting. >> there is no constitutional amendment against it. that's only for the president. >> stephanie: that's awesome,
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and then christie and rand paul will still be scuffling on the ground. art in san diego you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, art. >> caller: hey, how it is going? there is a remote chance that bob filner might be getting railroaded down here in san diego. there is a lot of mean girls down here. >> stephanie: oh, you mean all of those women are making it up? what do you mean? >> caller: i don't know all of those women, but there may be a chance, and i got to say that maybe all of the national -- excuse me -- i'm a little nervous -- all of the national media is learnly jumping on and don't really know -- one example, virtually every city official is guaranteed to be defended by the -- against any lawsuits by the city attorney.
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that -- that's just the way things are done here. i'm own a local planning board, and if i'm acting in good faith -- i -- i don't really know what happened -- you know, in the elevators, but if i'm acting in good faith -- i'm on a local planning board where we discuss the nowers on people's porches, if i'm sued, the city pays for my defense. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: that's just how things are done. >> stephanie: you don't think it's fairly ridiculous to say that the city is at fall because they didn't give him a sexual harassment training course? >> i have seen more ridiculous things happen here. >> stephanie: all right. well, stay classy san diego. by the way, so mitch mcconnell, speaking of the turtle, is getting a challenger in his race, so which -- i believe he replied --
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[ turtle moaning ] >> stephanie: mitch mcconnell is not happy about this. >> after 30 years in washington, mitch mcconnell no longer represents what we believe here in kentucky. >> stephanie: right. exactly, to which he said -- [ turtle moaning ] >> stephanie: that is not pretty being tee bagged. >> no, it is not. >> stephanie: here is yodel now. >> i think all of you know, i love a good campaign, and i think we'll have one. >> stephanie: yes. and furthermore -- [ turtle moaning ] >> stephanie: and ironically the turtle in this particular video
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looks a little like bob filner. he has that same weird tongue sticking out. all right. sorry. sorry. i apologize. >> that is really disturbing. >> that goes on for a long time. that poor girl. >> stephanie: that is the funniest part is how bored she looked. you see a tiny little eye roll. big deal? have you started yet? oh, sorry. are you done yet? by the way, speaking of -- i was just mentioning rand paul and chris christie. julie writes momma, just saw not one of your fans neil [ inaudible ] -- >> i am not one of your fans! >> stephanie: in a rather
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aggressive fight with rand paul. this was awesome. rand paul brings home the pork to the tune of $1.50. >> and chris christie said pork? >> stephanie: yeah, was that a fat joke? he goes oh, the king of bacon -- and you know he meant it -- it was like a fat joke. this is the most awesome man fight ever. [ applause ] >> stephanie: but chris christie makes a good point. new jersey and other blue states are done for states and others are takers. paul claimed he invited christie to come down and have a beer. and then he admitted he just thought about it. he idea of the big man of jersey would have a beer with that yokel is hilarious.
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[ applause ] >> stephanie: all right. fifty-eight minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show."
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[♪ theme music ] >> stephanie: all right. look at that headline, health care rates rise at the slowest rate in 50 years. [ inaudible ] writes will jacki's condition, smoking hot be taken care of under obamacare. and also i'll take care of her
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doughnut hole -- >> oooooooooh. did i just get filnered. >> stephanie: yes. and i did it for someone else, so i'm basically your pimp now. it is good news about health care costs. neener neener. here she is jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody, as steph mentioned last hour, it looks like mitch mcconnell may be facing a bit of an uphill battle when it comes to getting reelected a new ppp poll shows that allison lunderman grimes could beat mcconnell. two almostic groups commissioned the survey, but the results show that the senate minority leader should have a legitimate challenge ahead.
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51% of voters disapprove of mcconnell's performance. now i don't want to shock you, but it looks like congress has actually gotten something done. the house has passed a student loan rate package. yesterday's vote 392-31, the bipartisan compromise deal had to get done if lawmakers didn't want to head home for recess and face angry constituents. ultimately rates will go up as the economy improves, but the deal caps out undergraduate rates at no more than 8.25%, and rates for parents at 10.5%. and the senate has always done some work. it confirmed buy i don't know todd jones, giving the atf its
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first permanent director in seven years. we're back after the break. ♪ if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things
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happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ don't let it get away >> stephanie: six minutes after the hour. well, who can tell if it's gay marriage in minnesota or the weaners of the world. the world has gone insane. there is a video that appears to show bears twerking in the wild.
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>> look what the homosexuals have done to me. >> stephanie: i'm going to blame the weiners and filners of the world. >> i think the twerking is just the result of what -- the other thing that bears do in the woods. >> stephanie: oh, i see. >> or maybe trying to get the remnants off. >> awe. >> stephanie: really? over breakfast. >> you are the one that had gastrointestinal distress over here. >> twice! >> stephanie: all right. a remote wildlife camera appears to show bears twerking on a tree. >> look what the homosexuals have done to me. >> stephanie: the video went viral after the bears appeared to be mimicking the dance craze. there are varying theories on
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why bears rub on trees. >> well, i can think of two things. >> stephanie: rubbing one out. >> yeah. >> stephanie: some thing the bears share scent, while others think it's a female indicating she is in heat. >> that could be. >> stephanie: meanwhile, back to the turtles having sex -- [ turtles moaning ] >> stephanie: maybe we could have some suggestions as to what she was thinking. >> there was an eye roll! >> stephanie: i told you. hurry up for god's sake. >> god, you are a screamer aren't ya? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. she reminds me of one of my ex-s. >> one of your ex-s was a
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turtle? >> stephanie: no. she said two things you don't say to a man, are you in yet and are you done yet? my guess is that's what she is thinking. oh, look the awesome george zimmerman is in the news again. >> he is just so awesome >> stephanie: he was pulled over for speeding in texas and had a gun. george zimmerman was stopped for speeding on a highway near dallas. the police -- i love this whole -- they have a police dash cam video. >> yep. >> stephanie: it shows an officer interacting with zimmerman, and letting him go with a warning. she is just lucky -- i just got my new car insurance bill, because i got a speeding ticket
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twice in the speed trap near my house. i was going 40 or something in a 35. >> yeah. >> stephanie: he is just so awesome -- >> stephanie: okay. you shot an unarmed teenager, okay. go home. have a good night's sleep. >> i think the cop was squared of him. >> stephanie: no, he did tthe douchy thing. he asked him. >> really? >> stephanie: after an unintelligible response, the officer asked nowhere in particular? why did you say that? you didn't see my name, zimmerman replies. [ buzzer ] >> oh, god. he wants to be a star now? >> stephanie: yeah.
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i'm a star. no. are you clear of warrants and stuff. and zimmerman said, he was clear. he said calm down dude. why don't you slow down for me. the officer says just take it easy, go ahead and shut your glove compartment. don't play with your firearm. who gets pulled over for speeding and you have a gun in your glove compartment and the person says hey, slow down. >> gun laws are different in texas. >> stephanie: gee, that's interesting, jim, find of loosing his head -- >> he felt threatened. >> he may have opened his glove compartment before the cop walked up there and said officer i have a firearm -- >> stephanie: he says calm down,
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man. and then in the next thing he says just take it easy. >> yeah. >> stephanie: maybe a bit of a hot head. >> yeah, who could have seen that coming? >> stephanie: yeah, everybody, okay. although an officer's comment indicated he had a firearm, but it can't be seen. after returning the driver's license, he says all right, sir, slow down a wished him a safe trip. >> it's awesome how lucky he is. he is on the verge of threatening a cop with a gun, and he just says slow down sir. he is just so awesome. >> wow. can you imagine if that would have been a person of color. >> stephanie: yeah, i wonder how that would have ended. okay. yeah. >> i'm guessing the cop's gun would have been drawn. >> stephanie: the city manager said police handled zimmerman as
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they would have any other motorist. really? i guess i'll try that. >> let me get my gun, officer? don't you know who i am. >> stephanie: oh, i'm sorry, did you say license and registration? i thought you said get your gun out of the glove compartment. oh, look, jim, this has almost part of news lore now. the only other time he has been seen was when he helped people from an overturned accident -- >> except he didn't! [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: that almost never happens. which it also didn't again! oh, my god. >> don't you know who i am? >> stephanie: oh, my god, douchiest douche nozzle thing to say ever. didn't you see my name.
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>> i wonder if that was the gun he used to shoot trayvon. >> stephanie: no, that one he didn't get back yet. vincent in chicago. hello, vince. >> caller: good morning. i have a technical question. i know about the gun laws in texas, but since he came from florida, aren't there laws about transporting a weapon across state lines. >> stephanie: interesting. although he seems to be so lucky. >> caller: yeah, but he has violated some state laws -- >> you know what the states he would have had to drive through in order to get to texas probably have more lax gun transportation laws than other states, so i'm not entirely sure he broke the law -- >> stephanie: yeah, that's a state thing. like can you kill an unarmed teenager and then -- >> yeah, you have strict gun laws up there. but across the states of
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florida, alabama, mississippi, louisiana, and texas, maybe not. >> we're going to stop you for not having a gun. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: there you go. exactly. yeah, i guess that's -- you know, that's a state by state issue, chris. >> it is. >> stephanie: killed an unarmed teenager -- all right. okay. daryle in mobile -- >> caller: [ inaudible ] mobile, stephfy. >> stephanie: hi daryle go ahead. >> caller: i was doing 80 and a black guy got ahead of me speeding, and i got pulled over, and i had my police t-shirt on, and i had my weapon on my side. he said okay. i need your license and registration. but he did give me a ticket. >> stephanie: yikes.
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yeah, interesting. interesting. i guess you are not quite as awesome as george zimmerman. >> caller: i guess not. when i seen that on the news. i said, wow, what a break. >> stephanie: yeah, you are not quite as white looking as george zimmerman. maybe that's what it is. >> wow. >> stephanie: just yet another incredible story, how about incredible that awesome -- >> he's so awesome. >> stephanie: right. he is just great. okay. all right. >> he can drive as fast as he wants with a gun. >> stephanie: right. >> he's awesome. >> stephanie: because he's awesome. because he's the zimmerman, and the zimmerman can do anything. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: we were talking about reza aslan. without missing a beat -- the fox news propaganda machine
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defends lauren green's disastrous interview. on friday he has to repeatedly say he was qualified to quite a book on jesus because he was a religious scholar. he said i'm willing to talk about the arguments of the book itself, but i think it's a bit change that we are debating the right of the scholar to actually write it. brent nozel depends her. >> she had the right to ask him, are you being influenced by your faith to write what you are writing? he should have said yes, i am. to no deny it shows the arrogance -- and you saw his answer -- just the aloof arrogance of how dare she ask that question. if she is going to take theed a ought to that he is just a
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scholar that happens to be muslim, and he didn't care about the issue that much, he is not a very good muslim. >> what! he is one of those egg head smarty pants. >> why does fox news have pamela gellar on all the time to talk about mislam. >> stephanie: yeah. the comment confirms what aslan said earlier, that fox news has an inherent intellectual bias. >> oh, you think you are so smart! i do have four phds. oh, you know how to spell phd, you are so smart. >> stephanie: how do you spell phd?
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all right. nineteen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: for a good time call 1-800-steph-1-2. ♪
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ got me feeling like she's ready to blow ♪ >> rhubarb lady clearly was ready to blow. >> stephanie: yikes. i wonder why our productivity in this country is next to nothing. there is rhubarb lady -- >> crazy rhubarb -- >> stephanie: crazy rhubarb lady. not safe for work.
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>> stephanie: who likes rhubarb? >> i just think i'm going to barf. and they are fighting over rhubarb -- >> it's sour and makes my teeth feel word. >> it is growing outside of the fence by on the property line. so she comes out to pick the rhubarb, and the neighbor says what are you doing? and she goes -- >> stephanie: we think that's what road flair mary sounds like -- >> you know what? >> but calls her sweetheart at one point and crazy rhubarb lady says don't call me sweetheart.
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what are you a lezzy. >> stephanie: oh, my god. >> and she blames the iranians for stealing her lawn mower. >> stephanie: all right. well. twenty-five minutes after the hour, 1-800-steph-1-2 -- >> it's on your facebook page. >> stephanie: of course. as is everything magical in the world, including turtles bonking. robert, hello. >> caller: in my opinion, mr. zimmerman knocked on the door of an all-white club and
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was made an hon -- honorary member. >> stephanie: right. >> south american with a german name. >> stephanie: huh. hello, ron in chicago. you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: hey, thanks, stephanie. i love listening to your show. it is really good. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i definitely wanted to talk about the zimmerman thing, but like i was telling your screener, as african-americans we're defin e definitely watching this. we're watching what happens after the case, but we're also comparing the zimmerman case with what is going on with melissa alex zander in florida. >> stephanie: yeah, i don't know a lot of black folks that have
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the incredible streaks of luck that george zimmerman has had. >> caller: yeah. and like i said just mentioning to myself, one other thing i wanted to mention is i am a gun owner, but the racial divide is -- is among gun owners as well. i have a younger brother that grew up in florida. okay? and i can relate very much to probably not trayvon, but his brother. because i can imagine if that happened to my brother, god help him. and i don't mean to be -- i don't mean to make threats or anything like that, but the point -- >> stephanie: ron, it is ironic, in case you just tuned in. george zimmerman gets pulled over for speeding in texas, has a gun in his glove compartment and gets let off with a warning. ron honestly, you go would that have ended the same way with a
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black guy, i wonder? >> caller: yeah, and i know the gun ownership laws, and yes, you -- as a holder or transporter, you know, you don't mess with your gun -- >> stephanie: yeah, and ron, i'm just putting out there, do you think if you would -- let's just make up a wildly fictional story line, if you killed an unarmed black teenager, do you think they would just let you off, and then call you to let you know there was an accident so you can look like a hero, and c, you are pulled over for speeding with a gun in your glove compartment and be let off with a warning. >> caller: to be honest if i was pulled over like that, and i was playing with my gun, most officers would have their hand on their pistol and say sir,
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take your hand away from your glove compartment now. and that's for the police officers safety. so the fact that it's almost like a double standard -- and that's what we're seeing is a double standa standard -- that's -- that's what we're watching, and that what we're seeing and observing, you know, this double standard that is happening. >> stephanie: yes, and that's why trained professionals need to be in these situations, like for instance, if he would have said hello, i'm from neighb neighbor -- neighborhood watch, and i have a gun. what are you doing here? that would have be at least a fairer warning. >> sure. >> stephanie: all right. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. cenk uygur: i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. i think the audience gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything. her voice was fiery and instense and silenced far too soon. of all the hours in all his days, these are the ones you'll never forget.
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♪ >> my name is -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- i am a very famous minor television personality. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: i'll say. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. thirty-four minutes after the hour, 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. mary in tucson, you are on the "stephanie miller show," welcome. >> caller: good morning, momma. good morning, mooks. >> stephanie: good morning. >> good morning. >> caller: the thing that really concerns me about this whole george zimmerman thing is it appears he is headed my way, and
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we have enough crazies here in arizona -- >> yeah. >> caller: i'm really concerned -- and chris, you should know, you can't spell crazy without az. >> stephanie: there you go. john in los angeles. hi, john. >> caller: hey, steph, i think that with george zimmerman, the good thing about him being pulled over in texas is it gives us an opportunity to come out and hate george zimmerman more. and point out the fact that we hate him. and all of the crazies that call in, if i were him i would carry a gun too, because somebody is going to shoot at the guy when they see him. >> stephanie: really who have you heard -- have you ever heard me say i hate george zimmerman? i think he is guilty of murder. >> caller: what i have reader you say is he is a racist, that he got away with murder, that he is driving around playing with his gun in his car -- from what
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i heard he wasn't playing with his gun >> stephanie: and the officer said calm down, don't play with your firearm. >> caller: yeah, of course. do you think he literally had it in his hand playing with it. that you that silly? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: hah-hah. the officer is on tape saying calm down -- >> caller: i saw the tape. but i saw it in context not with you with your hatred stories. >> caller: this is all about me hating hispanic. >> caller: he's hispanic or a jew -- >> zimmerman is a german name. >> stephanie: how could you hate somebody who is so awesome. >> he's so awesome. >> faster than a speeding
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bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound -- >> up in the sky -- >> it's a bird -- >> it's a plane -- >> it's zimmerman. >> zimmerman who came to this planet from a strange and foreign place and settled in florida, where he fought for truth, justice, and the american way, his american way. the adventures of zimmerman! ♪ >> stephanie: that is just so silly. that's so silly that i think somehow that might have ended differently for someone else. >> that's silly. >> have we ever mentioned his race? >> not this morning -- >> stephanie: a white hispanic, whatever. i said i think he is a doofus wanna be cop.
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>> we need troll be gone. >> caller: hi, i just wanted to say that i think george zimmerman was determined that he was going to kill someone. i think he wanted to shoot somebody and if it wasn't this young man, he would have found somebody else. if you look at the pattern of behavior he has displayed prior to this murder, it was to call the law and say i see this suspicious person. so he was aching to do that. i also think that the prosecution in florida had a weak showing partly, maybe it's not even in their consciousness, but partly because they didn't want to address the whole issue of the stand your ground vigilantly justice that they have created there. and i think we'll see more of this kind of thing now that everybody has gone crazy, and by god they are going to keep the peace and take care of themselves and their families. >> stephanie: yeah, absolutely.
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let's go to lavon, in jacksonville, florida. >> caller: i want to tell that guy that called in that zimmerman doesn't have to worry about us left-wing nuts because we don't run around shooting people. >> stephanie: yeah, exactly. did you hear this ridiculous rescue story that any family canceled -- they canceled because of threats from trayvon martin supporters. it's like, right. >> caller: everything they put out there is bs. >> like their previous caller. >> stephanie: you are right. we have not sprayed in a while. >> you have spent a lot of time and effort producing the best show possible only to have them poop in your pothole. not anymore. introducing troll be gone. just one spray, and troll be
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gone. >> i have been a chat room moderator for years, i used to fight with trolls all the time. now i just spray them away. apply liberally and it lasts for weeks. >> check out troll be gone in action. >> i'm a small business owner -- ow! >> look at the monkey. >> i try to listen to both sides. >> you know what? >> stephanie: hi, mary. rob in chicago, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, rob. >> caller: hey, how are you doing? >> stephanie: good, go ahead. >> caller: listening to a talk show this morning, and they just think george zimmerman is adorable. they think it is just so cute -- and i'm not even exaggerating. they think it is cute the way he gets pulled over, and immediately told the officer that he had a gun, because he is a law-abiding guy and is going
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by the rules, and it's unfortunate that now people know where he is, and maybe they'll take a shot at him. they are holding up his behavior as an example. and they fail to see the racism that if the colors were reversed, clearly a black guy shooting a white kid like that, same situation, he is going to jail. it's just -- i don't care if he's in florida -- >> stephanie: yeah, rob, it would seem like he would be your worst example of the second amendment. why would you pick this guy in he seems to absolutely prove the point of -- of gun control folks, don't you think? >> caller: yeah, i think that he's a bad poster boy for gun control. what he is -- he's a poster boy for not having concealed period. >> stephanie: yeah. right. he is a poster boy for gun control. you are right. >> caller: yeah, and i'll tell you something else.
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i'm an attorney, and if they found the law that they have in florida -- based on the law this was averted, that's correct. but the problem is half of the country is failing to admit that the racism involved, clearly if the roles were reversed that the guy would go to jail, and they fail to see that and recognize it. that's the racist part of it. >> stephanie: right. exactly, and i -- i think that anybody that has common sense looks at that situation and saw it for what it was. >> well, zimmerman knew there has been blurries in that - -- - -- - -- burglaries in that area, and he
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was determined to stop it. >> stephanie: right. the 1.1% [ inaudible ] decreases in hospital and nursing home services -- the law is not affecting job growth. job growth in industries that have traditionally not provided health insurance for the employees -- about 11% for employment and 17% for retail sales. so, hey, why not shut down the government over obamacare? >> yeah. >> stephanie: jay carney talk about obamacare. >> we are consistently seeing that premiums are lower than expected across the country. >> stephanie: bad news for republicans. >> there will be substantial deficit reduction as the affordable care act is implemented. >> stephanie: yeah, there's that. y'all's fiscal hawks out there. gene green of texas. >> as we know there have been a
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lot of talking points on the other side about the train wreck. he made the commitment. this will roll out. >> that's a democrat from texas. >> stephanie: right. you may recognize him as a food critic in rat tu wee, ted cruz. >> we have got to make the case and say we want to fund the federal government, and why is president obama threatening to shut down the entire federal government in order to force obamacare down our throats. >> stephanie: oh, my god! you mean fund a law that was passed, and they said the referendum will be the 2012 election. and said the supreme court is going to overturn it -- >> why is he shutting down -- that's just stupid. >> stephanie: by funding the law
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of the land. >> how dare he? >> where are republicans obsessed with ramming things down people's throats. >> yeah, that's interesting, but not in a gay way. >> stephanie: no. marsha blackburn. >> if the speaker and others are waiting to do something comprehensive, i don't see that. our goal is to push things as far to the right as we possibly can. >> stephanie: wow. [♪ magic wand ] >> stephanie: wow! >> my job is to move it farther and farther to the right -- >> stephanie: you can't do both of those things push everything as far to the right and effectively govern. there is a piece in salon, refusing to consider the president's proposal shows they can't even help their own constituents now.
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they are still finding no serious partner with whom to bargain. and they talk about the original grand bargain was truly sweeping, and republican resistance is if anything even firmer. obama is asking to trade a cut to corporate tax rates for greatest invest inspect infrastructure, and each side gets something they long wanted, and gives something. needless to say republicans hate it. it's a big deal when the litmus test becomes opposition to anything and everything one man attempts. that's what they consider -- what did she just say? governing effectively? >> yeah. >> stephanie: saying no to everything and pushing everything as far to the right as possible. that's the opposite of effectively governing, you -- ♪ you are an idiot >> stephanie: all right. i'm exhausted. forty-six minutes after the
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hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: there is a tea party in her pants and you invited. call now, 1-800-steph-1-2. ♪
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very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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♪ ♪ wiggle it just a little bit, i want to see -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ wiggle it just a little bit >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. fifty-one minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. so we posted the turtles
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boinking. >> yes. >> stephanie: it is a youtube sensation. we just try to share. >> stephanie: and someone wrote in the comment section. >> yes, isn't it frustrating with all of the things going on you spend most of your time discussing these insignificant sex stories. >> i was just going to talk about the trans -- what? >> stephanie: right. >> and listener carry wrote, if they quote spent as much time talking about the transpacific partnership as anthony weiner, we would all look like the turtles on the video. >> stephanie: a little bored. >> yeah. [ turtle moaning ] >> stephanie: really? jim think that that's -- dennis rodman going to visit kim jung
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un. >> oh, like a basketball. >> stephanie: that's for that. >> good lord, the rod of that man's butt must have a rod up his butt! >> stephanie: that's not an insignificant sex story particularly to the turtle on the bottom. [ turtles moaning ] >> stephanie: oh! he had to reposition. oh, there's the right spot. >> wait . . . i'm . . . getting there . . . >> stephanie: all right. stop it. tell me about the transspecific partnership again. >> caller: hi guys. >> stephanie: hi. >> hi. >> caller: i just want to say first-time caller, just recently
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discovered your show on sirius xm, and just want to say i really enjoy it, very funny. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: one thing i wanted to say about george zimmerman is eventually his lies are going to find him out. >> stephanie: that's right. >> caller: but -- and then also how do you deal with all of these retards calling in -- >> stephanie: oh, dear. oh, dear. magically from the overly pc liberal to the not so pc liberal. >> great. >> stephanie: shayla in virginia. hi, shayla. >> caller: hi, stephanie. this is my first time calling in. i just don't understand why zimmerman is so above the law. he done murdered a little boy who is not much younger than me. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: then he has a firearm and a police officer says, sir, stop playing with your firearm.
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i don't understand this whatsoever. why is he so above the law. >> stephanie: yeah, and the cop is heard twice saying calm down or don't get excited. so he clearly was getting agitated and for what? he was obviously speeding. he got pulled over for speeding as you do. >> caller: yes, but if he can get away with killing one person, what makes you think he won't do it again. >> stephanie: yeah, right. and claim the same thing. >> yeah, felt threatened. >> stephanie: yeah. paul in detroit, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hello, paul. >> caller: good morning, stephanie. gentlemen, how are you? >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i'm from detroit, i'm a marine corps combat engineer. i'm saying that so you know i have been around a variety verse group of friends. the police officer didn't say
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stop, he said don't. stop would be like he is doing it currently. he might have said don't play with your gun while i go look at your license. >> stephanie: why did he have to tell him to calm down twice? >> caller: because he was probably agitated. i'm not taking that away from him. i don't know. i guess i get confused, because i don't understand why -- why this situation -- is so important in the black culture and other people for that matter -- >> stephanie: in the black culture? >> caller: yes. >> stephanie: i think it's important to anyone that thinks that unarmed teenagers shouldn't be shot dead when they are walking home -- >> caller: he was a 17 year old 6-foot -- >> stephanie: he just turned 17 -- >> caller: right, but he wasn't nine years old -- >> stephanie: oh, so it's okay to shoot him -- >> caller: no, no, no. what i'm saying is that in the eyes of the law, george zimmerman got out of his car, which was ill-advised, and a
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man -- >> he was asked not to get out of his car -- >> caller: right. right. but it's not illegal what he did. and observing someone is not illegal. i'm trying to say what information -- >> stephanie: he wasn't observing him. he was following him. >> caller: okay. is that illegal? i'm asking you? >> stephanie: first of all in any neighborhood watch handbook it says do not do anything, take no action. call the authorities. that's exactly what the 911 operator told him. do not do that. we don't need you to do that. >> caller: do your point, i just want to ask your opinion. if i was a neighbor, and getting out of my home and i happened to follow that same path that george zimmerman had followed that evening, and it was dark, and what under the eyes of the law -- the judge and the jury and everyone seemed to see that was that trayvon had turned around -- the court thought that he turned around and started with zimmerman because he called him a cracker ass or
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whatever -- >> caller: he didn't call him anything -- >> caller: on the phone to his friend -- >> stephanie: okay. but why wouldn't george zimmerman have said hey, i'm a neighborhood watch guy? >> caller: none of us were there, i'm not saying that he did by any stretch -- >> stephanie: he doesn't claim he ever told trayvon -- >> caller: i'm agreeing with you 100%, but if i was a neighbor just walking behind, and trayvon supposedly did the same thing and attacked me -- >> stephanie: that's the whole point -- >> it's a his word. >> stephanie: since when does a cop just take your word. oh, okay, is that what happened? all right. >> done, go home. >> we don't have the other side to listen to, because the other side is dead. >> stephanie: thank you. fifty-eight minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ] >> stephanie: all right. hour number three, current tv land. jacki schechner, i'm going to blame you sending us -- texting us a picture of your pussy . . . cat in the sink this morning is starting this whole beastiality theme. [ turtles moaning ] >> stephanie: bears twerking, you started this. >> crazy rhubarb lady.
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>> it's because i'm not in the room. she who is not in the room gets blamed for everything. >> stephanie: we need to get you back here and spoon you in captain america's underpants. >> that's what happened at your party the other day, i walked in and got blamed for a broken glass. >> stephanie: exactly. if you would have been there you could have prevented that. >> exactly. >> stephanie: all right. here she is the currently unmolested jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody. defense secretary chuck hagel is warning that unless congress acts to stop the sequester, the military is going to be in serious trouble. analysis of what another $500 billion in automatic budget cuts would do to our forces lays out unacceptable scenarios.
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hagel says unlike the private sector, the government in general, and the dod in particular doesn't have the leeway to quickly shut down excess facilities or layoff massive amounts of employees. >> the only way to implement an additional abrupt 10% reduction is to make senseless cuts that would erode our technological edge. >> hagel says he is simply laying out the consequences. and he was basically laying out what his options are in dealing with the budget constraints. ralph schrader is speaking out for the first time about edward
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snowden. he says even though he was on the payroll, he does not a booze allen certain and didn't show the company's values. we're back after the break. 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the mdle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical, the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his
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abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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this show is about analyzing, criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but
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somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right? ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ don't let it get away >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. damion in pennsylvania writes steph, oh, of the blurred lines our current obsession, the robin thick song. he wants to know when did dana
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lohse become a backup singer. you know. [ laughter ] ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> stephanie: all right. [ applause ] >> stephanie: you could alternatively put a boinking turtle in there. oh, no. [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: dozens of gay couples began tying the not in minnesota. as you know, every straight couple ever is so romantic. [♪ romantic music ] >> stephanie: it's a perfect love story. a tennessee woman is accused of hiding meth in her dentures so she could pass it to her would-be husband in jail. she planned to marry an inmate and inquired as to how she would
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be able to kiss him. after an officer noticed she was having trouble keeping her dentures in place, they investigated and found a package of meth. >> that is true love. >> stephanie: and that is love. would you smuggle meth in your dentures for somebody? i mean come on. that is love. >> no. >> stephanie: all right. speaking of love. this is actually a question. robert -- let's see, writes, steph, i have a problem which i thought you would be able to help with. [♪ romantic music ] >> stephanie: i'm not sure -- i can barely help myself with anything, but all right. since i don't know many gay adult people. i'm in the process of adopting a new teenage daughter who happens to be a lesbian. she is just starting the healing process. i was furious when california passed prop 8. during that time period i
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stopped speaking with my grandfather and cousin over the issue. i knew there were kids out there like my soon to be daughter and adults as well suffering. the rage i felt of their support of any and all anti-gay stuff as not abated since the supreme court struck the down. i am still not speaking to them. it offends me down to my very atoms that these people take the position they do. my question is should i give them another chance or keep the ties severed. in the past i have liked my grandfather. i just not stand to listen to them. i am not interested in changing their minds. my question is mostly for me. in your experience is hating the other side more damaging to us
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in the long run? yes, i think so, yes. or does it breed the determination to one day see this through to the end? help. well, you know, this is a personal question for everybody. it's hard to know how to -- i would say that -- yes, hardening your position and hating does not help. so i would try to reach out, and if they remain a-holey then at least you tried. [ applause ] >> stephanie: so there, that's my advice for what it is worst. cal for instance, mississippi, good ol' boy. your show -- [♪ romantic music ] >> stephanie: that subject line normally does not end well, however, this time it did. i probably don't agree with you with 90-plus percent of your views, but damn girl you look so good i can't stop watching your show. [ applause ]
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>> stephanie: whatever gets you here. that's fine. oh, did you see this? greg leaked audiotape continues to manufacture obama scandals. >> gee to people who have not paid attention to anything. >> stephanie: a leaked audiotape shows the grouping their power to pressure elected republicans to make something out of the now debunks benghazi scandal. >> oh, boy. you know who is involved with ground swell? >> stephanie: who? >> jenny thomas. >> stephanie: yes. >> isn't she -- isn't she the one who made the drunken phone call -- allegedly. >> stephanie: who hasn't? but at 7:30 in the morning. all right. allen west, genmy thomas, birther frank gaffney reminded
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john boehner and issa that they were getting restless. jerry boinken of the -- >> stephanie: boiken -- >> stephanie: sorry. the tape of the meeting was published by crooks and liars. isn't that something. oh, dan, pfeiffer, the white house spokesman said the controversy surrounding the irs said any whiffs of [ inaudible ] should be looked at, but acquisitions that the administration played a role in or responsible were completely false. the allegation was the white house was directing the irs to target tea party groups. that has turned out to be
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completely false. now it has turned out the irs was not just targeting conservative groups but looking a large group of progressive groups as well. and right on cue -- [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: maybe after this secret meeting -- issa announced he was seeking a new investigation by the ig into whether the irs targeted conservative groups. he said we still don't know the motivations of the senior officials involved -- >> that's a lie! >> oh, my god! >> stephanie: oh, my god! really? really? they really are. they are just taking marching orders from these right-wing crazies. >> yep. >> stephanie: okay. all right. lynn in mobile, alabama. >> you do that every single time. >> stephanie: i'm so sorry. hello, lynn. >> caller: hello. i just wanted to comment about the zimmerman case and tell you
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that the local nbc affiliate here in mobile ran a segment on the zimmerman case, and it wasn't news. it was basically an editorial, and what brings this to mind was the gentlemen who was on earlier where he might be getting some of his misinformation, but this was tan editorial lease in which they went on and on and on and on about how the major news media, nationwide has distorted the whole case and issue at hand, and tried to interject a racist component, which, of course did not exist. >> stephanie: wow. >> caller: and i called them on it. i told them -- i said this is right down the fox method of doing things. i said that segment was neither news for relevant, and i recented the fact that they tried to pass it off as news. but they told me that it was a syndicated piece -- >> stephanie: yeah.
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well, i mean that's where it started. fox news decided that george zimmerman was a hero, i guess. >> yeah. >> stephanie: da net in georgia. >> caller: hey, stephanie. you have had so much on today my head is swirly. >> stephanie: me too. >> caller: well, you are sexy doing it i have to say. >> stephanie: oh, thank you. [♪ magic wand ] >> stephanie: what is happening today? it is the turtles? >> i think so. >> caller: i just wanted to say that the republicans are -- they are the textbook example of insane, because they keep doing the same thing over and over again. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: i was listening to some fiddle from that big heavy bloated guy that likes to be massagistic with women, that big guy that likes to smoke and talk into a microphone -- >> rush limbaugh. >> caller: exactly.
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>> stephanie: although, for a minute you could have been describing almost anybody on the right-wing. >> caller: yes. i wanted to say i realized yesterday in listening to some stuff from him that they failed in their plan. their plan was to make president obama a one-term president. and they failed miserably, and i'm waiting for the day that they pack up and they go home. is that going to happen? or are we going to have this ad nausium forever. >> stephanie: yeah, i think marsha blackburn summed it up best. >> our goal is to push things as far to the right as we possibly can, and meet our obligation to effectively govern. >> stephanie: right. yeah, those two things -- >> they are not compatible at all. >> stephanie: right.
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right. effectively governing -- it's a two-party system currently. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: just saying. >> did you hear that mitt romney has denied talking about the 47% -- >> stephanie: oh, really. >> even though he is on camera -- >> he said it was taken out of context. >> it was not edited. >> stephanie: no. >> that wasn't me. that was some other guy. >> stephanie: interesting. sue in rockville -- he is going the dick cheney route. i didn't say that, yes, you did. it is on tape. no, i didn't. sue in rockville. >> caller: hey, good morning, i'm not going to say anything, because i'm going to deny that i said any of this. >> stephanie: oh, okay. >> caller: as a frequent caller, i would like to take 30 seconds and offer these new callers some rules. >> stephanie: sue's rules, please. ♪ >> caller: yes, you may wait a long time to get on the phone. you don't need to tell her.
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>> stephanie: i do not care how long they have been waiting. don't ask how they are? get your point -- write it down if you can't remember -- >> stephanie: number one thing, hosts hate the most in the world, i was just telling screener! i do not care! >> caller: do not curse or you will be dumps. despite the republicans we do still have an fcc. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: and finally do not proposition anybody. especially stephanie. that's what strange women on airplanes are for. [ applause ] >> stephanie: exactly. >> as i was telling your screener -- [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: don't say as i was telling your screener --
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>> we are don't need you to do that. >> stephanie: we don't need you to do that. eighteen minutes after the hour. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> coming up after this commercial, i'll be talking even louder! >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say
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anything. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ nothing going to break my spine, nobody going to slow me down, oh no, i've got to keep on moving ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. twenty-three minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. jeanine in los angeles you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, jeanine.
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>> caller: hi. trayvon could not legally enter into a contract, get married or join the marines like your previous caller without his parent's consent. if trayvon was seduced by a teacher at his school, that teacher would be facing jail time for having sex with a minor. i'm sick and tired of people who can't put themselves in the shoes of a 17-year-old kid who was being stalked by a man who most likely had his gun out. trayvon was convicted of being tall and black, and was handed the harshest sentence, death. >> stephanie: yeah, and i heard yesterday imagine fif it was a
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girl. which wouldn't make a difference, but can you imagine if you had a teenage daughter that there is some creepy guy following her and she does whatever, and he shoots her dead. >> caller: well, according to geraldo, if you were dressed like a whore, you deserve to be treated like a whore. >> what if you were dressed with a towel around your waist like geraldo. >> stephanie: yes. [ inaudible ] go ahead. >> caller: i think we need to turn the tide on these george zimmermans. you see these guys walking around your neighborhood with guns on their sides, and we need to turn the tides on them. we need to start shooting them -- >> stephanie: let's not -- all right. let's not encourage that sort of
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thing. okay. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: let's go to james in arizona. you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, james. >> caller: good morning, everybody. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i'm just so sick of this zimmerman thing. just one of the many despicable things that has come out of this is that they have changed the -- even though they didn't fight the law in the case, they have changed the underlying foundation for the way that the law is interpreted, so here zimmerman is doing all of this stuff, following this kid, stalking him, clearly presenting a threat to him, but because the jury was told, you can only look at the -- the circumstances right around the actual event, where maybe he felt like he was threatened -- >> stephanie: right. james that's the biggest lie. i don't know if you have seen the montage of all of these right-wing commentators saying
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stand your ground had nothing to do with it -- it absolutely did. it was in the jury instructions. >> it's ludicrous. >> stephanie: right. beverly in new jersey. hi, bev. >> caller: hello, something much more fun to talk about mayor filner. this man is 70 years old. he has been the mayor for about three minutes. he was in congress for -- i don't know how long, a long time. nobody ever complained about this guy? or did they sweep it under the rug? isn't it weird that all of a sudden his behavior is like crazy and where was it before he came mayor? >> stephanie: yeah, although today you have to give the giant ball award to his attorney, who -- [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: -- he criticized san diego for not providing sexual harassment training to the mayor. saying if there is any liability, the city will most certainly be liable for failing to prevent harassment.
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>> sadly -- >> stephanie: right. >> -- he is probably right. you see what you did there, san diego. you made him do this. ♪ you made me grope her ♪ i didn't want to do it >> stephanie: right. as jim said earlier i'm not supposed to eat dog [ censor bleep ] off of the sidewalk? nobody told me. >> travis had dealings with filner, i wonder if he has any stories -- >> stephanie: well, i make him come to work with no underwear -- >> what i'm not good enough? or am i getting a little long in the tooth. >> stephanie: well, yeah. see what you did san diego, not staying classy at all. forcing him to head lock women and -- what?
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iing didn't have a class, she won't stop squirming, how are you supposed to make here stay still? >> there were reports that it was filner himself that canceled the sexual harassment training -- >> oh. >> within a month after he took office. >> he had some cheek-licking to do. >> stephanie: yeah, he felt he didn't need that apparently. he could teach the course apparently. >> sure. >> don't do this. and certainly don't do this. this, maybe you can get away with that. but not that! >> stephanie: all right. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical, the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv!
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♪ >> i think you'll find with -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- has love and the truth belief that all manners of miracles are possible. >> really? >> stephanie: or where dreams come to die actually. >> yeah. >> stephanie: tommy in virginia, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, tommy. >> caller: hi, stephanie, how are you today? >> stephanie: good, go ahead. >> caller: i just wanted to make a comment, i seen on the sean hannity show that when george zimmerman was introduced and sean hannity asked him if he
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could do anything over, would he change anything? and the man said no. >> stephanie: yeah. he said it was god's will. >> caller: yeah, it was god's will. and if this man has any -- calls himself a religious human being, he has a lot of reckoning to do with his maker when he meets him. >> stephanie: you are absolutely right. that to me was the most egregious part of this. if he ever expressed any remorse, like oh, i wish i would have stayed in my car -- but really? i wouldn't do anything different? >> caller: ma'am, i'm sorry, i have been in trouble with the law when i was younger, but the only people in my life that i have ever met who made that statement were convicted murders. >> stephanie: yeah. yeah. exactly. well that's -- that's why remorse is part of sentencing hearings. unbelievable. by the way i have seen this picture of mitch mcconnell it is
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hilarious. he looks like he is doing your impression, because he has seen his new poll numbers. >> oh, no. >> stephanie: new poll numbers hold troubling signs for mitch mcconnell. a ppppoll, allison, lund - -- -- grimeses leads. when reached for comment, he said -- [ turtle moaning ] >> stephanie: oh, we're sorry. we're sorry, senator. sorry. we'll come back later. >> oooooooooh. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: he is also -- well, and he is also getting tee bagged. he is getting a tea party challenger as well. >> after 30 years in washington mitch mcconnell no longer represents what we believe here
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in kentucky. >> were there sounds -- >> stephanie: well, mitch mcconnell replied, yeah, he said -- well, i was actually looking for the real one, but either one. >> i think all of you know i love a good campaign and i think we'll have one. >> stephanie: i'm sorry are you guys done yet? [ turtle moaning ] >> stephanie: all right. >> she just did her eye roll. oh, my god that's historical. >> stephanie: i did not know turtles made a sound when they had sex. that is weird. >> or that they could roll their eyes in disgust. >> stephanie: do you think female turtles normally make a sound and she is just not having a good time. >> i don't know. why don't we get a zoologist on it? >> stephanie: do they normally make sound or is he just
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particularly bad at it? okay. fred, go ahead. >> caller: i just want to say the genesis of this insanity of people supporting zimmerman, of the republican party being misogynist and trying to get rid of women's rights and abortion rights and all of this, really if you look at it, it all stems at giving people a platform and voice through right-wing tv. i think people like hannity and limbau limbaugh, and all of these cooks out here give a legitimacy to racism and all of these gun-control nuts. they all feel like, hey, people are talking about this on the radio, it must be somewhat right -- to be this way. to be homophobic and everything else -- >> stephanie: fred, we can disagree with policies, but at
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their heros used to be reagan, and now it's george zimmerman? really? what has happened to this coup try? >> you know. >> stephanie: ron in texas. hello, ron. >> caller: hello, stephanie. first time caller. just since fox news can do hypotheticals on trayvon martin, let's hypothetical -- do a hypothetical on mr. zimmerman. why was he agitated by the police officer in texas pulling him over? did he have something to hide? >> stephanie: yeah. it's just -- yet another suspicious story about george zimmerman. i mean who gets pulled over for speeding, the cop is heard on the tape saying, settle down. i need you to settle down. stop playing with your firearm and he just gets let go with a warning. >> yeah, if i were a cop i would have been a little nervous. >> stephanie: yeah. arlene in virginia.
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>> caller: hello, how are you? >> stephanie: good, go ahead. >> caller: just to comment on the mayor of san diego. i'm a mental health professional, and i wondered since it has never been reported before, any of this behavior, if it may be some kind of mental condition related to his getting older? it doesn't take away from what he has done -- >> stephanie: yeah, i don't know. although it seems like quite a pattern of behavior, you know, over time -- >> it could be dementia, or early stages of it. >> stephanie: yeah, that could be. all right. as we reported earlier, edward snowden is now of the -- moscow sparrow. >> stephanie: yes. russia has granted him temporary
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asylum. the white house said it could consider by cotting a summit with putin in september. so we'll see what happens. >> or he could have been at the wtzel's pretzels. >> stephanie: oh, yes. they are terrific. >> no, they are not. >> stephanie: glen greenwald revealed information about a nsa program called x-key score. >> yeah, this is awful. >> stephanie: which the agency called the widest reaching program. a simple on screen form that allows analysts access to virtually everything a user use including their metadata, which today will show me watching turtles having sex over and over and over again.
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so that's why i just put it out on the radio show, so you don't have to snoop on me. that and the bears twerking. [ turtles moaning ] >> and crazy rhubarb lady. >> stephanie: crazy rhubarb lady is awesome. >> one final -- >> stephanie: i'm done. >> was that filner? no, that was -- >> stephanie: it sounded like it could have been. senator dick durbin. >> when you look at the reach of this program in -- in -- it enve envelops a substantial number of americans. >> stephanie: the nsa deputy director. >> the 29-year-old school dropout can come in and take out massive, massive amounts of data, it's obvious there weren't adequate controls. has anybody been fired?
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>> no, sir. not yet. >> has anybody been admonished? >> sir, those investigations are underway. >> stephanie: you might want to get on that. and al franken. >> i don't want the public to take our word for it -- wait a second, i think there's a balance here. >> stephanie: yeah. which i'm glad they are directly looking into it. i think as we said the program should absolutely be looked at. >> it seems like -- you know, we're guilty until proven innocent. >> yeah, and that's unconstitutional. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: by the way, proving my point that this republican party has gone so far to the right, sounds like john mccain might vote for hillary clinton. has that ever happened? >> wow. [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: he said it would be a tough choice between rand paul and hillary clinton. if hillary clinton runs against senator rand paul, john mccain
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would have difficulty deciding who would get his vote. mccain laughed that a matchup would be a tough choice. he said i think rand paul represents a segment of the gop just like his father -- he has always called ted cruz a cuckoo bird, hasn't he? >> sure. >> his voice is about as high as tweety bird, so that would make sense. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: mccain and paul come from opposite sides of course. mccain said in june that the boston bombings had proven paul's outlooks on security to be wrong. mccain and clinton have allied at times. famously joined once in a vodka-drinking contest. >> who won? >> stephanie: hard to say. and he has of course praised her tenure as secretary of state. that will be when the political
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word comes full circle. when the last republican -- well, before mitt romney votes for the other side. >> that one. >> stephanie: no not that one, the other that one. forty-five minutes after the hour. right back with the remaining moments of the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: red white and steph. it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for
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the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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very, very excited about that and very proud of that. >>beltway politics from inside the loop. >>we tackle the big issues here in our nation's capital, around the country and around the globe. >>dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current's morning news block. >>we'll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning.
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything. ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey, hey ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ whoo >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ good times, i know you want it ♪
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[ turtle moaning ] ♪ i know you want it, i know you want it ♪ ♪ everybody come on [ turtle moaning ] >> wow, welcome to the beastiality show. >> stephanie: right. it is the "stephanie miller show." hey, hey, hey. forty-nine minutes after the hour. [ turtle moan ] >> stephanie: oh, okay. now he is done. in that is on my facebook, check it out. >> yeah. >> stephanie: there has got to be a scientist or zoologist, do all turtles make noises like that. or it is just the male turtle? because she could not look any more bored? >> something tells me that mitch
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mcconnell is a screamer. >> stephanie: right. >> ewe. >> stephanie: ewe. [ buzzer ] >> what? >> stephanie: all right. anyway, speaking of love. mary ann writes steph, i'm getting ready for a move from illinois to texas. the only way i'll be able to view current tv is through direct tv. recently i have heard bits and pieces about a new station for y'all. can you give me any information about your future well, we could but then we would have to kill you. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: people have caused a bit of a [ censor bleep ] storm. >> little bit. >> stephanie: al jazeera america is launching august 20th, and we encourage you to watch. because there are a lot of friends of ours.
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we will not be on al jazeera, our next day will be next thursday. >> yes, august 15th. >> stephanie: but we will have a new television outlet for the radio show. the radio show is going forward, and we'll have a new television outlet. and i can't tell you or i would have to kill, but i do have a big meeting today -- [♪ dramatic music ] >> what! yeah, we'll talk about it, post it on our facebook page, we'll tweet about it. we'll make sure you know. >> stephanie: yes, you'll be able to see us. >> there may be a little bit of gap, but i'll throw up a webcam or something and you can watch it on you stream or something. >> stephanie: so you can still watch jim do mark o'mara. >> he's just so awesome.
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he could have shot the cop, but he didn't. isn't he awesome. >> stephanie: hold on, we have a turtle expert! >> oh, thank got. >> stephanie: dan in virginia. >> caller: hello steph i have been breeding turtles for 53 years, and it is only the male that makes noise. it says when the turtles swing, when they come out of hibernation, they make a loud noise to call the females. >> stephanie: do we know for sure that the male turtles are not just really bad at sex. >> caller: no, they are pretty good. because they are stuck on tight. >> stephanie: why doesn't she make a lot of noise? >> caller: i don't know. females don't make noise. as far as -- i have been keeping
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turtles since i was a little boy. i had little box turtles. >> stephanie: you said box. all right. thank you. >> caller: if someone like zimmerman was following me, with a goatee and that shaved head -- he looks like a gang banger. >> stephanie: ironically. also mason in ohio is a turtle expert. i knew it. >> caller: good morning, sunshine. i'm not a zoologist, but i was at a zoo, and we were watching the turtles, and one of them climbs on the other one, and they start really weird music -- >> like we just heard. >> caller: right. right. but it was both of them. >> stephanie: this is why i wanted a female turtle expert,
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because that guy that called, i think he was standing up for all males. >> caller: i could have been lied to, because i said i think something is wrong with these turtles, they are making these really awful dying noises. and he said no, they do that when da da da. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: but both turtles were making noise? >> caller: both mouths were open, and it was like a melody. >> stephanie: a turtle symphony. >> caller: and they said the noises they make get them excited and keep them excited. but they started to walk at the same time. these were talented turtles. >> stephanie: it must be hard for a female turtle to play hard to get, because she can't move that fast. oh, you caught me. >> caller: yeah, absolutely. and they are like, oh, look at
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my shell, i'm moving two little inches at a time. >> stephanie: have you watched the one on our facebook page because i think he is just really bad. i swear to you there is an eye roll? >> caller: and she looks like she could just fall over at anytime, and instead of making that awful noise just start snoring. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: so there is my turtle knowledge. >> stephanie: mason has confirmed the turtles she saw boinking were both making noise. >> maybe that guy wasn't well endoughed. >> stephanie: she had the same look on her face as some of the filner women i have seen interviewed. god what are you doing? >> go away. [ turtle moaning ] >> stephanie: she has that same look, get off of me. >> and this is what happens when you don't give us sexual
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harassment training. >> stephanie: i apologize. >> turtle sexual harassment training. turtle tunnels. >> stephanie: he found the turtle tunnel -- that was the turtle tunnel of love. >> turtle tunnel. turtle tunnel. >> stephanie: jim, you probably know this because you are a cat guy, what is the sound that cats in heat make? >> oh, it's awful. [ sound effect ] >> when we first adopted boots, all of a sudden she went into heat, and she was going around the house making that noise -- >> stephanie: probably dana lohse. >> dana lohse is in heat. >> stephanie: she was sticking her butt up in the air trying to get jazz to do something. and jazz is like what is that
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for? >> stephanie: you know you want it. >> jazz wasn't having any of it. >> stephanie: you know you want it. i must let you know that lindsay lohan is out of rehab. >> good. >> stephanie: yes, she left cliff side yesterday. she was all smiles as she waived good-bye. and she will fill in for chelsea handler on monday. >> stephanie: i need to go -- is that how i get a tv show? >> yes. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: and i got to get one by next friday. okay. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: okay. we'll see you tomorrow on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ [ turtle moaning ]
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fall, 1970. janis joplin is the undisputed queen of rock n' roll. john cooke: it's a fact. there had been no female superstar of rock before janis came along powell st john: her rule of thumb was, "if it feels good, do it!" famed as rock's wild child - janis also hides a self destructive - darker side. myra freidman: she was a very troubled girl and a genius. james langdon: she could be every bit as tender as she could be hard. the tenderness was real but the hardness was real too. david getz: i think she was looking for some kind of relief to not have to be janis.


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