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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  August 15, 2013 6:00am-9:01am PDT

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[♪ theme music ] >> stephanie: all right. hello, current tv land. oh, you know, chris, how they say, it looks darkest just before the light, it's our last day here on current tv. >> actually it is before the down. >> stephanie: yes. however, jacki schechner california supreme court
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unanimously rejected prop 8. so jacki schechner will you gay marry me? >> absolutely. what took you so long. >> stephanie: awesome! well, you know, i have fear of commitment. >> that's good, because now that i'm losing my job, i can move into your house. >> stephanie: done and done. >> i hope you like dogs. >> i'm a little needy now, but that's okay. >> stephanie: here she is jacki schechner. >> good morning, everybody. the numbers out of egypt are shocking. the egyptian health ministry says that 525 people have been killed in classes between protesters and police over the last day or so making yesterday the deadliest day since the 2011 uprising. president obama is monitoring developments while he is still in martha's vineyard, and press
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secretary josh earnest, and john kerry are speaking out against the violence. >> the united states strongly condemns the use of violence against egypt. >> the path towards violence leads only to economic disaster, and suffering. >> in addition to the more than 500 kills, more than 3700 are reported injured. many killed were part of the protests in the city, and funerals will take place later today. 43 security troops also died in yesterday's clashes. the muslim brotherhood has called for more protests today, and all has been quiet until just a few moments ago. we'll keep an eye on
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developments throughout the morning. for now we'll take a break. we're back after this. ♪ mu ♪ criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the
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minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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(vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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>> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ don't let it get away >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2, the phone number. back to full strength. jim ward back in the saddle again. [ applause ] >> stephanie: 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. >> i have cameras up my ass here every day. >> stephanie: yes. >> yeah, we won't have to squint
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to do radio anymore. >> stephanie: exactly. [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: we mentioned to jacki, this is our last day on current tv. al jazeera america starts i guess on tuesday, but i'm not sure. >> al jazeera has a big house. >> stephanie: indeed. we will have a new television show -- we're on vacation the first week in september, but as soon as we know we'll tweet you out. and you can get the steph cast. [ bell chimes ] >> absolutely. go to to find out how. >> stephanie: yes. in the meantime, guess who is here, our thursday buddy, our pal. ♪ karl
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>> stephanie: karl frisch, ♪ frisch >> stephanie: good morning. >> good morning. i think i get to break the news, hence forth after your vacation, the show will be aired from jim's colonoscopy. >> stephanie: yes, and the rumor is that we're going to dog tv, but that rumor is incorrect. >> no, it is animal planet 6. >> stephanie: right. >> and they will just be sitting? our stead, feed them peanut butter, watch their mouths move. >> stephanie: karl frisch, we have to take a peak into right wing world, you know the rodeo clown incident -- >> yes. >> stephanie: it turned into a
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giant klan rally -- >> it was worse than just wearing the mask. >> stephanie: right. >> and also they played with the masks lips and everything else, so, yeah. >> stephanie: right. and it took rush limbaugh was finally outraged yesterday -- he is like, this is ridiculous, liberals have no sense of humor! why won't the president lead? so it's the president's fault by not leading and saying this is funny people. >> yes, this is vintage rush limbaugh. this is a man who when we had one african american senator, whenever he discussed her, her theme song was moving on up from the jefferson. he uses an effected pseudo
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african american accent when talking about stories that involve african-americans. he may not be a racist, but i think he is far worse if he is not. this is exactly what we're seeing here, and in 1994, when republicans took control of congress, he was made an honorary member of congress. and one of his colleagues in congress is inviting these racist rodeo clown rednecks to his district to put on a show, and that was steve stockman from texas. it had to be texas. >> stephanie: yeah. and of course, poor trayvon martin got dragged into this, how dare he say something about a dead unarmed teenager, and not defend the rodeo clown. i'm like what?
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the lacks a sense of humor, for not defending a menstrual show. >> not just a menstrual show, but who wants to see him trampled? >> stephanie: yeah. >> it's no difference than when we saw the gun shows selling the obama targets. >> stephanie: peggy noonan said the same thing. >> she is a rodeo clown too as far as i'm concerned. >> stephanie: there you go. [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: you gave us breaking news, twitter wins democratic nomination, you refer to cory booker, well-known tweeter. >> it is the first time that a social network has been elected to office. and hopefully it doesn't do a
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lot of rt, retweeting. but cory booker next senator from the great state of new jersey, and extremely low turnout, which was precisely what chris christie wanted. he didn't want to have to worry about the extra democrats turning out. i don't think anybody thinks that republicans have a chance in this race. and, you know, what was interesting about the primaries. you had three really great candidates, the only rocket scientist in congress, and you had a great mayor from newark. and that's a great indication of what our bench looks like stephanie. and now let's look at the
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republican bench. [ crickets chirping ] >> stephanie: yes. who is going to win that match? >> it depends on how loud the birthers are. because birthers are if nothing consistent, we expect them to raise the same stink in their own party about ted cruz being born in canada, that they raised about the president. so i think you have to give the edge to rand paul. honestly i think it is going to be somebody that nobody is talking about right now. because these guys are so bonkers, i think maybe mitch daniels or something -- >> stephanie: oh. >> miniature, main stream, and not making any -- any waves right now. >> stephanie: because he's too tiny. >> i think you'll end up having ten crazy people like we did last time that just beat each other up, and the last person standing is going to be the one
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with the most money. >> isn't it amazing how little power mitch mcconnell and john boehner have. >> they are the emperor without clothes. >> stephanie: oh, dear. >> i'm without clothes, but i do have a shell. >> stephanie: yes. can candy coding. >> stephanie: i heard that kathleen madigan is equally teeny tiny. >> yes. >> stephanie: maybe even jeff sessions will get in, and it will be a dwarf toss. >> it's either that or they have wings and they are the flying monkeys from the wizard of oz. >> there you go. >> short people have trouble winning. hilary isn't that tall, but i
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don't think our first female president is going to be 6'2". >> stephanie: you tweeted -- oh, our friends here at nom sings praises of rush's anti-gay law. >> it just gets worse, and i'm just glad we have so much time before the games. if this was happening tomorrow, the corporate sponsors would put their heads down and not do anything. and it gets worse and worse -- if you look at what the lasses. andy cohen for example, the guy from bravo, he was scheduled to be hosting miss universe, which will be taking place in moscow, and he just pulled out of it for fear of his own life.
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[ inaudible ] came out of the closet on an evening broadcast, and was fired, and said he cannot come out and say that this guy watching in russia is no different than anybody else. this is the same kind of thoughts and boll loney that they have put in the heads of different african nations, and it's no less frightening, and we need to be using the attention that the olympics is going to bring to -- to raise attention here. >> stephanie: yeah. >> it's not just about gay people. >> stephanie: yeah, well, what do you think should happen? obviously the president has said he doesn't think we should boycott. >> i don't think we should either. i think we should move them to vancouver and move on with your lives. >> stephanie: can't ted cruz
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make that happen? he is canadian. >> i would hope so. i think he would wrant to placate the right-wing and not say anything -- oh, he hasn't said anything about the olympics. nobody on the right has. and if you want to know how difficult it is going to be for the right to meet the middle, look no further than how the right has reacted to the olympic's issue. it would be a perfect opportunity. all they had to say was what russia is doing, beating up gay people, not allowing them to live their lives openly, what they are doing is wrong. >> stephanie: yeah. >> and they still won't do it. >> stephanie: and ironic, karl, that as i reported at the top of the show, we're making such strides here, including the breaking news that the
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california supreme court unanimously rejected an attempt to revive prop 8. >> and then they took the 5 south to the 101 east -- >> stephanie: totally. >> what are you doing here? [ laughter ] >> it's progress, everybody should know that you and jacki are getting hitched. >> stephanie: here it is last minute, trying to figure out how we can all stay together. >> i would love to be your flower guy. >> stephanie: we all have to ignore certain flaws, her being straight, things like that. >> mine nor detail. >> it's just the right thing for her to do on her part. for a melinum, gay people have been entering into straight marriages. >> stephanie: that's right.
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thank you honey, give dexter von fish -- frisch -- >> fish? >> what? >> enough with the gay talk. >> stephanie: stop it. [ buzzer ] >> what? what did i do? >> stephanie: we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make
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up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. ♪ ♪ i'll tell you what i want, what i really really want ♪ ♪ i'll tell you what i want what i really really want ♪ ♪ i wanna, i wanna, i wanna -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ >> stephanie: it is the
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"stephanie miller show." welcome to it. twenty-three minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. josh in the current control room wants to see me without a hat? >> yes. >> stephanie: no. >> computer says no. >> stephanie: you can tune in to cnn every day to see me without a hat and in hair and make up. >> you should do like they do in commercial calls, just take it off and shake it. >> stephanie: no, because it's attach today the hat. dana in maryland. good morning, dana. >> caller: good morning. just about what karl is talk about, and i'm so glad it is getting traction, because it is such a human right's issue.
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and, you know, i saw greg louganis talking about it yesterday -- >> stephanie: he made a big splash, i heard. >> see what you did there. >> stephanie: look at hitler -- >> stephanie: yeah, he started with the gays and the gypsies. >> caller: yeah, i love our athletes and support them to, but i'm with karl, i think there's plenty of time to make backup arrangements. >> the parallels between the olympics and berlin and now are horrifying. >> stephanie: about everybody said hitler will never go that far. >> yeah, and hitler said we'll get the jews in, but just don't
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make a big stink about it -- >> stephanie: yeah. >> and that's what is going on with the gays today. >> stephanie: yeah, just hush about being gay. i know you tried to drag jim into the hitler thing, and you got nothing. just like i gotting so with greg louganis making a big splash. really? nothing dana. >> ann romney: stop it. >> stop it. >> ann romney: stop it. >> stop it. >> ann romney: stop it. >> stop it. >> that was ann romney, rick santorum, and dana lohse. joe in utah, hi, joe. >> caller: yeah, my concern is that when the republicans want
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to run cruz for president, watch they will say nothing about him not being an american citizen. there will be nothing. and they will look the other direction. >> where is the birth certificate? >> stephanie: exactly, by the way he was the star at the christian family leader conference. that was it. in iowa. guess who was the big star? >> michele bachmann. >> stephanie: no, god. >> ah. >> stephanie: and oh, donald trump at fire and brimstone rally. >> it was huge! huge! >> stephanie: it was not a political rally, instead it provided a cultural road map for attendees. would you like some of the fun facts? [♪ fun-facts music ]
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>> sure. >> stephanie: david noble spoke. he is a leading speaker, and lead a group called summit ministries among more secular audiences, he will be more well-known for his 1965 work with hypnotism and the beatles. >> in 65 the beatles were not even taking acid yet. >> yeah. >> stephanie: -- >> they talk about the war on christmas, and then they talk about hanukkah.
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>> stephanie: frothy spoke. he is now the ceo of a christian movie studio in dallas. did you know that? imagine what they are cranking out? he urged attendees to actively engage in the war by making art. >> art? okay. i have seen a lot of these christian movies out of christian movie studios. that's not art. >> stephanie: maybe some spin art. something. >> a latch hook. >> stephanie: oh, macaroni and glitter. oh, good. okay. donald trump finally made it to the stage around 6:30, but the auditorium started to empty out. [ crickets chirping ] >> huge auditorium. >> stephanie: twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>> did anyone tell the pilgrims
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they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> don't talk dirty on tv. it's a family meeting. >> stephanie: [ censor bleep ] sorry. thirty-four minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. this hour brought to you by identity guard. making it okay to trust again. at the top of the hour, we're going to squeeze another health care corner out of jacki schechner. >> that's right. squeeze a little more blood out
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of that turnip. >> stephanie: he is my trollop, how dare you. >> a turnup trollop. >> stephanie: a day after the mitch mcconnell demanded that they delay the health care exchanges -- the head of kentucky's exchange said the project will begin on time. >> oh, darn it. >> stephanie: mcconnell wrote monday to express concerns. he's very troubled. very concerned. >> do you know how it hard it is -- >> stephanie: concerns troll. told him he should be very concerned. yes, that most of -- the transactions will be line could
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be vulnerable to hackers and cyber criminals. the director said kentucky's exchange in particular will proceed on schedule. she said she hasn't had time to even review his letter. i haven't looked at his letter, i have been working on other issues that will involve getting the exchange started on time. very tricky. troubled turtle is very troubled. >> i'm a troubled turtle. >> stephanie: this is just getting pathetic, isn't it? >> stop obamacare, it's moving too fast. >> stephanie: i'm sorry, you would like to stop it. >> stop it! >> ann romney: stop it. [ screeching ] >> stop it! >> ann romney: stop it. [ screeching ] >> stephanie: we were talk about ted cruz, who is going to win
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the crazioff between ted cruz and rand paul. guess who it is big trouble for, governor oops. rick perry can't afford to lose any of his 2012 iowa supporters. so he must not have been pleased to read the headline cruz gar r garnering supporters. early polling shows cruz doing far better than perry even in texas. perry is piling up a new collection of oops moments. >> oops. >> stephanie: right. would you like the fun facts on his latest ones -- [♪ fun-facts music ] >> stephanie: in a june speech he
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said the obama administration won't make one phone call to save our administration in lebanon. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: his potential 2016 prospects by saying america has been a country of second choices. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: a reporter asked if he meant second chances. perry said both. >> oops. second -- um -- third base. >> stephanie: according to the last primary, he was not second choice, he was way down -- >> yes. >> stephanie: he said there are many other states that embrace our conservative values, i'm in one today in florida. [ buzzer ] >> but louisiana is a
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neighboring state to his. he should know. >> stephanie: a voice called out, or louisiana, and by the way -- ♪ you are an idiot >> stephanie: that was just not a onetime oops thing. i can think of at least three -- see what i did, because remember he couldn't -- there were three departments of the government -- [♪ circus music ] >> stephanie: see what i did there. all right. okay. i was mentioning to karl about -- [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: -- the just when you think this can't get more ridiculous, so the president should have apparently shut his pie hole about trayvon martin, but who he really should be defending is the radio clown in missouri. >> right. >> i see. >> stephanie: he is not telling people to relax and not be so politically correct and blah
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blah. mediaite rights it seems only yesterday when -- a new day as dawned, the conservative media has found something of sufficient gravity, a rodeo clown who has drawn the attention of missouri -- rush limbaugh just called all of those people wuss. i love [ inaudible ]'s piece on this -- because peggy noonan write about the same thing. cat blogger -- >> cat blogger -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: astute abserver of the painfully obvious has some more unsolicited advice for the president, which he should definitely follow if he wants to
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be like the saint jesus ronald reagan. she writes let me suggest a classy obama move that might go over well -- i see he is being not classy by not defending the racist rodeo clown, that was disrespecting not just him but the office of the presidency -- >> we should have a rodeo clown with a peggy noonan office. his reaction should be so what, say he loves free speech and does not wish for the missouri state fair to fire the guy, and hopes those politicians
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embarrassingly damming the clown, and the crowd would pipe down and relax. the president is just so rude -- >> and peggy knows so much about rodeos. >> stephanie: he would never do it. he believes he should never be made fun of, and if he is, it is probably racially toned, because why else would you make fun of him. >> because he's black. >> playing with the mask's lips -- >> stephanie: yeah. mediaite writes in that uppyy president would take the time to explain that racist jokes are funny people, and so what people. [ applause ] >> stephanie: yeah, i tell you what, a leadership void there. dear god.
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sandy in ohio. hey, sandy, welcome. >> caller: thank you, stephanie. i'm one of those kind of channel floppers, beck is on at the same time in ohio as you are, so during commercials i flip over to beck. because i need a little laugh now and then. did you realize he has offered to sponsor a mask night in the rodeo, because of that poor clown that's being abused by anyone. and since beck had to guy his own tv station because he got kicked off of the two that he was on, i figure that's going to happen in texas and maybe he and stockman can get together and put that on. >> stephanie: is that where his compound is going to be, glen
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becky becky becky stan. speaking of clowns, scott brown, the former senator fold, jim -- okay. all right. good. chris i don't know if you heard this story -- scott brown is going to run for governor, his brother is a george zimmermanesque doofus. accused of impersonating an officer and cominincomingmandee boat. they found him driving a blue crown victoria, with a light, he was wearing black pants and had
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a total of 101 hollow point, and 102 ball 9 millimeter bullets, and had a black vest with the word police embroidered on the front and black. >> he is the police version of tgi friday. >> stephanie: earlier in the day he commandeered a boat. he allegedly produced an expired coast guard indication. former senator brown referred to him as his estranged half brother, saying he only heard about it on the news.
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where did he get all of the fake badges. >> you can order anything on line. >> stephanie: shut up, honey, i'm sewing my police vest on. oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> are you tired of your government taking away liberties and freedoms you can't quite name? come secede, or sec-d with us in the tea party utopia. >> i will personally come to your house and help you pack. >> your hard-earned money is yours to keep. there are no taxes in glen becky becky becky stan. >> of course there is no hospitals, garbage or suage treatment, but who cares about that nonsense, you'll fend off
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wild animals and your fellow tee baggers when the food supplies get low. who needs government. it's over rated? join us in glen becky becky becky stan. >> you want to shoot your gun in any direction, go ahead. remember freedom isn't free, but with a small down payment it can be yours for a song. ♪ above the fruited planes >> glen becky becky becky stan. >> kenny pick. [ applause ] >> stephanie: all right. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> on going train wreck aside -- >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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this show is about analyzing, criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern (vo) current tv is the place for compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now.
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>> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv. ♪
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♪ the boys are waiting -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ my milk shake brings all the boys to the yard ♪ >> this [ inaudible ] my milk shake does indeed bring all the boys to the yard, damn right it is better than yours [ inaudible ] i could say during our famous televised debate, i ate [ inaudible ] must eat brains preferably sauteed in garlic brother. >> stephanie: that was for kelby at current. he wanted one last zombie
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reference. rocky mountain mike says i shutter to think what sanatorium art is. [♪ circus music ] >> stephanie: talking about spin art. oh, yeah. chris writes, scott brown's brother reminds me of how george w. bush had i'm the president embroidered on all of his clothes -- remember that? >> i'm the commander dude. >> stephanie: in the back of my underpants too. hack in texas. >> caller: actually peggy noonan is a pioneer in the field of conservative punditry. she is a bleach blonde conservative. that would make her an oxymoron.
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[♪ circus music ] >> stephanie: we talked about -- [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: who is -- north carolina yesterday in that unbelievably awful -- it is a bill or something -- the -- the voting suppression thing. >> right. >> stephanie: the governor -- the republican governor, his approval ratings not so good. north carolina governor, pat mccrory -- has seen his approval decline sharply since this spring. 39% of north carolina voters approve of his work while 51% disapprove. his number began to drop after he signed a controversial bill concerning abortion. the moral monday protesters who demonstrated weekly outside the state capitol in raleigh, 47%
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favor the protesters, 37% favor the legislature. so go north carolina. [ applause ] >> stephanie: yeah, this is -- the hillary clinton had to get involved. we mentioned this yesterday. it is really -- it is being called brazenly designed to target democratic voters. hillary clinton spoke at the american bar association about it. slamming a sweeping effort -- addressing a phantom epidemic of election fraud. >> stephanie: i saw a .00000001%. >> it's an epidemic! >> stephanie: the [ inaudible ] for voter id that's more notable for what it bans than what it permits. of the various forms of state-issued id, only four are
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valid for voting. everything else is unacceptable. this includes college ids, public or municipal employee ids, id from public assistance agencies, and out of state driver's licenses. as with similar laws in other states the restrictions target democratic voters from students and young people who are more likely to rely on student id. as many as 318,000 voters could lack the appropriate kind of id. >> so? what? it's not like you are white or anything. what? >> stephanie: unbelievable. so we have been talking about the rodeo clown controversy. >> yes, we have. >> stephanie: rush limbaugh said it's the president's fault for going on the tonight show and diminishing the office of the presidency himself. and now it's his fault for not
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defending the racist rodeo clown and not having a sense of humor, and leading by saying how fun racist humor is. mediaite writing for days conservatives have been calling out conservatives in missouri for the clowns performance although they keep referring to them as liberals -- news busters! >> our friends at news busters! >> stephanie: hiia. scooped in with a cold hard dose of [ inaudible ] note that this thing happens all the time. you wouldn't believe how often. >> like when? it's so often. it just happened again. and again! >> stephanie: -- as liberal over sensitivity. the performance through immediate harsh review -- a
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lifetime ban of the rodeo clown. and rush limbaugh basically called them pussies. anyone who saw this said this is racist. give me a break, the guy playing with the lips on the obama mask. [♪ circus music ] >> stephanie: news busters had to go back to 1994 to find an example. and they say it is so rampant. >> stephanie: yeah. nicely done. all right. fifty-eight minutes after the hour. jacki's health care corner next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ] >> stephanie: all right tv land, hour number 2. sexy liberal hal sparks in hour number 3 today. jacki's health care corner coming up next. you heard me talking about mitch mcconnell. that was a nice try, wasn't it? >> yeah, they are making an eh fore. i like that. >> stephanie: yeah, he was trying to get them to stop the exchange starting in kentucky because he was afraid of hackers and cyber criminals.
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>> yes. >> stephanie: he was worried about internet turtle tunnels. >> the series of tubes, and the trucks. >> sure. >> stephanie: exactly. we'll talk about that and the right-wing poll that accidentally finds obamacare popular. >> oops. good morning, everybody. president obama is going to give remarks about 15 minutes from now from martha's vineyard, and we'll follow that, and bring you what he says. other news to report, the progressive change campaign committee is going after michelle obama while he is home in kentucky for recess. they are running a new tv ad featuring an auto worker who is speaking out. >> retirement is supposed to be promises made, promises kept. but our pensions are being cut
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and we need social security. and senator mitch mcconnell supports cutting social security, he is breaking a promise. >> they only have a small budget for this ad, but are soliciting for donations online to keep it running as long as possible. this is a promotion of the benefits of health care reform by sharing a story of a family. >> we ended up getting a $350 rebate from our insurance company, and then our premiums went down by about $60 a month. >> it's nice to see somebody is looking out for the little guy. >> by the end of the summer, they plan to have spent more
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than seven figures on this kind of messaging. we're back after the break. stay with us. ♪ if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen.
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>> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ don't let it get away >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. six minutes after the hour, 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. sexy liberal hal sparks in hour number 3 with us today. he could not make it yesterday. and guess who is here, everybody. ♪ ♪ come on get jacki
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>> stephanie: in case you missed the news last hour, she is my fiance. good morning, jacki schechner. >> nice ring. i got to say you splurged for the bling. >> stephanie: the rejection of prop 8 it's over. gay marriage is for good in california, jacki. just in time. >> i was going to offer a destination wedding, but now i feel like we have to do it here. >> stephanie: because today as everybody knows -- [♪ somber music ] >> stephanie: today is the last day of current tv. and we have gotten tons and tons of mail of -- will you be able to take jacki with you. and we don't know yet. we're all sad about current ending. we will have a new television outlet for the radio show.
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so as soon as we're back from vacation in september -- >> we're pretty sure it won't be a porn channel. >> stephanie: right. that's jim's biggest wish -- >> we would be the morning show for the new hustler channel. [ laughter ] >> it is something worth explaining, i was hired by current tv, current pays my salary. i was lucky enough to be dedicated to the "stephanie miller show," and obviously the relationship and friendships continue well beyond this particular opportunity, but current is the one that pays the paycheck, and when that is going away -- even though we know that progressive radio is rolling in cash -- >> oh, sure. [ laughter ] >> and that's -- >> roll up the brinks truck.
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>> and i'm pricey, as steph knows, because she bought the ring. but i'm going to be active on twitter as always. and i have a website, which has languished a little bit. but it is jacki, and has been up five years or so now. and when i figure out what i'm going to do next, and where it is going to be, i will let everyone know. >> stephanie: and we said go to, and follow us on facebook -- our contract with current was through september 1st. we'll be on vacation the first week in september, and we can't say anymore or i would have to kill all of you, but there will be a new tv outlet. >> yes, and this has been an incredible opportunity to speak my mind and to be able to give my thoughts and opinions on the stories that really matter, and
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the things that i think are important to people's everybody day lives, and it's very rare that there is a news outlet that allows you to do that. and it will be hard for me to work for an organization that doesn't allow that to happen. so it makes the options a little more taylored. and i want people to understand this has been such an incredible opportunity. >> stephanie: honey, we feel the same way. as you know, i'm going out with you and your mommy saturday night. so we are not bull [ censor bleep ] about how close we are. >> it's true. well, and you have to meet her before the wedding. >> stephanie: yeah, i suppose i should technically ask her forh forh forh forher -- for her permission.
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and we would like you to do health care corner for us still, and work for free -- >> i don't eat much. >> stephanie: clearly. >> rocky mountain mike was nice enough to send jacki all of the jingles -- >> it is amazing. i got a mix tape. >> stephanie: i should have brought my boom box to hold up. any way, so we will keep you posted on all of that. and this information is so critical right now, so let's dive into the corner, and continue to do that. it is amazing, mitch mcconnell's latest nice try. stop kentucky's exchange from starting because of fears of cyber crime. >> whatever! >> yeah, and the centers for medicare and medicaid services, they have been doing medicare medicare for years and years and
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years, they handle sensitive data all the time. and this is just another attempt to pick apart the provisions of the affordable care act that are well on their ware to being implemented. >> stephanie: this is how bad it has gotten. right-wing push poll accidentally finds obamacare popular. it's a my the heritage foundation. it finds most people still want to keep obamacare. >> yeah. >> isn't that great? that was one of the things that was so poorly reported, when you say how do you feel about obamacare? people are like i hate it's awful, and then you ask them about the provisions that it provides, and they are like, oh, i like that. >> stephanie: i just don't like
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the black guy. oh, i'm sorry. and i love this one, a prominent conservative group tries to convince reluctant republicans that forcing a government shut down won't hurt the gop. okay. you go ahead with that. >> it's a stupid reason to try to shut down the government. people are starting to realize that you may not like the concept that the republicans have created of this like weird monolithic government program. but the news is it doesn't exist. it's a series of provisions that are being put into place to help fix our broken health care system that was unsustainable the way it was. nobody is being shoved into any program. the government is not going to raid your house looking for
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personal information -- there were so many ridiculous rumors going around. >> stephanie: exactly. the article we sent you from slate, there is -- we have been trying to tell people what might be a real threat to affordable care, and what is just more of this right-wing noise, but this one is a little bit troubling. they are talking about the effort to bring down the law at the grassroots level by encouraging citizen non-participation, freedom works saying burn your obama card -- which there is none, but still, the odds are slim that will succeed. they are basically trying to get people not to sign up, right? >> well, that would be a good trick, because there is no obamacare card. so go ahead and burn away. >> stephanie: yeah. >> the second thing is people
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need to take a deep breath and think about what they would be volunteering not to participate in. you are going to need health insurance to get health care. you need access to health insurance in this country to get affordable health care, and if you boycott or choose not to sign up for a plan within the exchange, you are basically giving up affordable health care, government subsidies to help you predo you see your premiums, and it's all private planned anyway. so what is the alternative to go out on the market and pay more out of protest? it's such a call to operate against your own best interest. >> i'm going to bart we are chickens. >> stephanie: yeah, and they are trying to get people to not be aware that these subsidies are available, right? >> i guess. it doesn't make sense to me.
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they always say when millionaires and billionaires are trying to get you to vote their way, they are trying to get you to vote against your own best interest. >> stephanie: they are going to trick people into not getting health care. >> which strangely would negatively impact their big donors and the insurance companies, because they want increased enrollment. so you are damaging the insurance companies, which are your advocates anyway, right? the gop advocates in congress, and you are damaging the constituents who need access to affordable health care -- >> so it's a win-win. >> stephanie: right. >> they are standing on a really flimsy false principle, it makes no sense. i just ask people to take a deep breath and think logically here. >> stephanie: ann in tennessee.
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hello, ann. >> caller: hello, jacki, i'm an independent insurance broker, and i have been shocked here for the last several months, and we keep getting closer to this affordable care act going in, and i keep thinking, oh jgood, i don't have to close my book up and walk away, or say i'm sorry, your preum is going to $90,000 a month instead of $200 because you have a preexisting condition. they go oh medicare is not going to be part of it -- what they have to pay under part a is well over $15,000, isn't it -- >> stephanie: hang on.
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let jacki answer. >> caller: insurance companies are saying no. we're still going to be able to deny -- >> stephanie: jacki. >> i think she is probably talking about medicare advantage plans, and what i understand is we have eliminated some of the waste and fraud in that system, and part of that is over charging, and offering things like gym memberships which people aren't taking advantage up, but are hiking up the costs. so these insurance companies are going to have to take a look at what they are charging, and what they are offering, because they won't make as much off of the government subsidies as they were. i do know that we have made adjustments to try to root out some of the waste, fraud, and
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abuse -- >> stephanie: can i hold you -- i'm just going to hold you through, because if your news is crappy at the top of the hour, what are they going to do? fire you? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: hang on, we'll more of jacki's health care corner. >> i don't know what that means, but i like the sound of it. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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cenk off air alright in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks! i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. they know that i'm not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know i'm going to be the first one to call them out. cenk on air>> what's unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. cenk off air i don't want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they can't buy our politics anymore. cenk off air and they can question if i'm right about that. but i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts! narrator uniquely progressive and always topical,
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the worlds largest online news show is on current tv. cenk off air and i think the audience gets, "this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us." only on current tv! ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ let me try my [ inaudible ] ♪ and love and sex and magic
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>> stephanie: yes, love sex and magic all rolled in to up with adorable ball, jacki schechner. >> that's right. >> stephanie: i was reading the slate piece, and that's one thing we have to warn people about, is they are going to continue this effort to misinform. obamacare risk factors promises an individualized assessment of the law's impacts, and will ignore the existence of subsidies. starting this fall anyone who goes online to start the process of shopping for a plan -- but the conservative plan is to make it socially acceptable to skip the exchange so people will never find out. >> that's what i was explaining, if you encourage people not to participate in the exchange, then you are encouraging people
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not to get help with their premiums. and again, all you are doing is shopping for a private health insurance program. you are not getting pushed into any program, or signed up for anything that you don't want to participate in. there's nothing happening here other than we're creating a system where people can effectively shop for health insurance and we're talking about only the people who are shopping as individuals or some small businesses. >> stephanie: right. >> most people, more than 95% still get their insurance through their employers. so we're talking about a small sliver of the population who wouldn't be able to get health insurance because they would be rejected because of an preexisting condition, and we're making that system better for people, and more affordable. where is the problem there? >> stephanie: yeah, exactly.
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dale in georgia, you are on with jacki. go ahead. >> caller: yes, jacki in georgia here, the government is trying to roadblock aca at every possible way, and they are claiming it's going to triple the rates. i don't believe them. there are two insurance companies that say they are going to opt out and watch and see what happens in georgia. my question is, is that going to make the rates a little higher because of less competition? >> stephanie: oh, shoot -- i'm sorry, jacki go ahead. >> you had me on hold. >> stephanie: sorry. >> so what was the question? >> stephanie: he was saying in georgia some insurance companies are going to opt out. so will that increase premiums.
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>> there will still be competition. one or two companies hold a major monopoly in almost every market now. last i checked it was like 99% of the insurance market was highly concentrated. so the exchange is opening up competition, which means these insurance companies are going to have to offer competitive rates to get people involved. maybe there are insurance companies that aren't going to participate in the exchange, but then they are going to have to offer you a better product, because essentially you are shopping for a health insurance plan, and there would be no reason to buy outside of the exchange where you are not getting government help or subsidy, and it is going to be more expensive. so if you are talking about a consumer product, what is the incentive not to participate on the insurance company side? and on the customer's side you are going to want to get bigger
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bang for your buck. so it doesn't make sense why a company wouldn't want to participate or where a consumer want to get the best deal possible. >> stephanie: all right. let's go to jim in [ inaudible ]. >> caller: jacki i got a buyout from my job last year, and one of the provisions was a lump sum chunk of money to use for medical expenses, and it is tax free, or tax exempt. we will lose that? >> that's a good question. i think this has to do with the health savings account or something like that. it's a little complicated, and i would be dishonest if i said i understood the parameters. what i would recommending is on health they have the information and you are searching for those specifics.
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families usa also does a good job with that. but it does have to do with health savings accounts, and i don't know what happens to that money being available tax free still. >> caller: okay. thank you. >> no problem. >> stephanie: let's try to get another one real quick. carey in california. real quick. >> caller: hi, yes, i am a kaiser member, and i pay almost a thousand dollars a month for my insurance, and i'm wondering if there's going to be any relief for people like me. i'm 64 years old. i'm in relatively good health, and i have no issues, so i'm just wondering how is this going to effect me? can i see my premiums coming down. >> yes. yes. yes. yes. that's the yes, yes. >> stephanie: all right. we love you, see you at the top of the hour. >> love you guys. >> stephanie: right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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(vo) current tv is the place for
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compelling true stories. (kaj) jack, how old are you? >> nine. (adam) this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. way inside. (christoff) we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies ... (adam) we're going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. >> lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. >> this crop to me is my livelihood. >> i'm being violated by the health care system. (christoff) we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> occupy! >> we will have class warfare. (vo) true stories, current perspective. documentaries. on current tv.
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♪ >> while other people were out living their lives, i wasted mine watching tv, because deep down, i knew it might one day help -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- save the world. >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." thirty-four minutes after the hour. we join the president talking about egypt. >> obama: we have been blamed by supporters of morsi and the other side. that kind of appeal will do
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nothing to help egypt achieve the peace they deserve. we have a peaceful, democratic, prosperous egypt, but to achieve that, the egyptians are going to have to do the work. we recognize that change takes time, and that a process like this is never guaranteed. there are examples in recent history of countries that are transitioned out -- out of a military government, towards a democratic government, and it did not always go in a straight line, and the process was not always smooth. there will be false starts, difficult days, america's democratic journey took us through some mighty struggles. from asia to the americas, we know democratic transitions are not measured in months or even years, but sometimes in generations. so in the spirit of mutual
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interest and mutual respect, i want to be clear that the american people want to be a partner in the egyptian people's interest in a peaceful future. and so many egyptians have sacrificed for these last several years no matter what party or faction they belong to. america will work with all of those in egypt and around the world to support a stability that rests on a foundation of justice and peace, and dignity. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> stephanie: what? why didn't he say anything about the racist rodeo clown in missouri. [ booing ] >> the racist rodeo clown was a jack ass. >> stephanie: john kerry.
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>> the united states strongly condemns today's violence and bloodshed across egypt. it's a serious blow to reconciliation, and the egyptian people's hope for inclusion. the promise of the 2011 revolution has simply never been fully realized, and the final outcome of that revolution is not yet decided. it will be shaped in the hours ahead, in the days ahead. it will be shaped by the decisions which all of egypt's political leaders make now and in these days ahead. >> stephanie: let me guess, well-known southern bell lindsey graham has the vapors over this. because it is clearly the president's also as always. >> from bong to cairo, to bagdad, we're failing across the board. obama's foreign policy is not
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working. the mideast is literally in flames. and if we lose egypt, if egypt becomes a fail-fractured state, i cannot imagine what israel's future looks like. >> stephanie: it was so pea peaceful, the middle east until the president came along. kevin in d.c. on the real important issue today. hello, kevin. >> caller: good morning, alabaster angel. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: even though you are coming back on tv, i'm a bit [ inaudible ]. >> chris will throw up some cameras with vaseline on them. i'll look even better. >> she'll look just like sybil sheperd.
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>> stephanie: exactly. >> caller: with that incident and zimmerman, there is a lot for people of my shade to be angry about, but when i listen to you and your various listeners and guest stars like hot brie was outstanding, it makes me know the lunatic's days are numbered. it is going to take a while, but it bucks me up and makes me know that the logical sane people outweigh the idiots. i want to say thank you -- >> stephanie: what am i dying? >> caller: no. of course. but i just want to thank you for -- >> stop moving. [ laughter ] >> caller: i -- >> stephanie: he's going to harvest my organs in a minute. >> caller: but you know no one
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loves you like i do, if you would have told me a slender fart-joke telling radio host would be my favorite, i would say please put down the crack. >> stephanie: because we know you would get a harsher sentence that some other people. >> caller: little bit. little bit. i can't wait for you to go back on screen, and the rate we have been going, i get closer and closer that the next thing i may get to impregnate you. >> stephanie: miracles can happen. but you wanted to say something about the rodeo clown. >> caller: yeah, what jim said earlier the -- demanding that obama defend this, but peggy
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knew noonan's column, do you think she really meant he should be more classy, because you abuse me -- >> stephanie: yeah, he failed to lead by not explaining how funny menstrual shows are. >> so clearly that's just -- i know some of their audience buys this crap. but they are not really serious -- they are just being -- a troll, right? where you pretend -- you take ridiculous statements or take ridiculous positions just to get rise out of people? because they can't be serious thinking that he should defend that? >> stephanie: i knew it was going through when rush limbaugh blamed him by going on the tonight show. but whatever. mike in florida you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: hello, steph, how are
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you doing? >> stephanie: good, go ahead. >> caller: i'm a hospice nurse, i live in florida, and i have a thousand right-wing friends that hated obama all through the election. i got defriends on facebook, but when i show up at their house, all of a sudden their demeanor has changed. they love the affordable health care act because it can save their parents life or their friend's life, and it's just crazy that everybody is so negative about it until they find out what it is actually about. >> stephanie: yeah, exactly. and that's why we'll continue to hopefully have jacki on because it's a really critical time. they are getting desperate to keep spreading this misinformation. michael tomasky who i want to date and kiss and mary -- i hope
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he is okay with the whole jacki thing. clinton brings in boomer -- he writes there are already signs that hilary's campaign will drudge up the weird hatred that boomer had in the '90s. he said i'm quite looking forward to hillary clinton being president of the united states. i think she will probably run, and will probably win. what i'm not looking forward to is the process she'll have to go through to get there. there were two recent and silly columns, little reminders of the prejudice against clinton. the prejudice that will swell as
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she faces election. and i -- we -- there was another piece -- i was talking about this. i'm like if we screw this up, seriously, and end up with a president cruz or senator paul -- [ screaming ] >> stephanie: -- i will -- anyway. he was talking about back in the '90s, he said there seemed to be -- there was little -- truly at stake in our politics. one of our two major parties hadn't yet lost its collective mind. and then we'll end up with a captain crazy pants as president. >> oh, gosh. president cruz. >> stephanie: oh, just say it several times. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: jim in akron, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hello, jim. >> caller: hello, does anybody
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remember not too long ago when a gentlemen, it might have been a mayor in my own home state -- a guy -- a guy had a dart board in his basement with the picture of george bush at it. and he and his buddies would get together and throw darts at it all the time. and they put it on the internet. next thing you know the secret service showed up to his house, confiscated the dart board. interrogated him, harassed his family, and then basically told them not to do it again. these guys have got to learn to grow up and take the good with the bad. >> stephanie: i see, yeah. i was going to say -- that was like in your basement -- >> i believe they are not interested -- >> yeah, and they were stirring -- the announcer was stirring up the crowd like it was a -- >> stephanie: klan rally? >> yeah. or the romans going after the
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christians. >> stephanie: exactly. forty-five minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: don't you wish your girl was a freak like her? it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really?
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>> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. (cenk) it's go time! it's go time! it's go time! go time. you know what time it is. go time! it's go time. it's go time. what time is it rob? here comes the young turks go time! it's go time. oh is it? oh, then it's go time. anybody? anybody? what time is it? oh, right. it's go time!
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ you are an obsession, you are my obsession, who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me ♪ ♪ you are an obsession, you are my obsession, who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. fifty minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2, the phone
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number. sexy liberal hal sparks coming up in hour number 3. this hour brought to you by carbonite. don't be one of my oh, no letters. people went to do it, and then they had a -- power outage, virus, spilled something on their computer and then, poof, everything is gone. we have it here at the radio. it is the perfect backup solution for all of your small business. carbonite business, it's not like the old way of backing up, external drives, hal sparks dropped his zip drive in the toilet -- >> you can't drop the cloud in the toilet. >> stephanie: no. >> i have tried. >> stephanie: it gives you automatic and continual backup for all of your business computers. it's affordable because -- for
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the price of a nice business lunch, get a free trial, no credit card required, plus two free bonus months with your subscription. the offer code is stephanie. let's go to june in atlanta. >> caller: hello, stephanie. i want to say this, because i am so peed off with fox. how they depicted the president at the rodeo, and how the republicans are calling the president out as being a whiner. they insulted this president with bigotry. what bigotry? what are you talking about. >> stephanie: right. right. >> caller: and the republicans are pissing me off, because they are using -- the corporate is using bigotry to attract positions in the government by having the idiots that support -- that vote for them. >> stephanie: yeah. june it's like -- they treat the
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rest of us like we are stupid. the other clown playing with the lips on the obama mask. everyone that was there knew what it was. it was a minstral show. and the fact that it was also implying violence against the president -- >> caller: yeah. you are right, it was a menstrual show. that's a better word for it. >> stephanie: yeah. i love that's the real outrage to rush limbaugh is republicans having any decency in missouri, and putting a lifetime ban on the clown. i haven't heard rush limbaugh so passionate about anything in quite sometime. god. by the by, at least one story like this a day, tragedy gun story. man killed his wife, with his
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shotgun. he was in the residence with his wife. the wife said he wanted her to hand him his firearm, she handed it to him, and the gun discharged and shot him in the leg. in june a four year old boy accidentally shot his father when he found at a friend's home. more guns always the best solution. >> yeah. >> entire bill of rights is pretty much gone, except for the ' second amendment. >> yeah. screw the fourth amendment. >> any nut job can buy a million rounds. you are fine. >> stephanie: were they incredibly empathetic towards
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jesse jackson, jr. on fox news? >> oh god know. >> stephanie: he was sentenced to 30 months behind bars. he and his wife will be allowed to serve their sentences with one going first. jesse jackson jr. >> i believe in the power of forgiveness and the power of redemption. i still believe in the resurrection. >> oh. >> stephanie: oh, dear. >> did he compare himself to jesus. >> stephanie: i don't think he meant that. jesse jackson, sr. >> this has been a painful [ inaudible ]. >> stephanie: a lot of christian, people, chris, took that as -- they mean in general. >> i know. [♪breaking news theme] >> stephanie: alert chris, atheists are smarter than
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religious people. >> hell to the yeah. let me say this, i do not mean that about his rely -- religion, did he compare himself to jesus or not? >> stephanie: i don't think that's what he meant. [ inaudible ] a reliable comparison to intelligence and religion. the more intelligent a child is, the more likely it is to turn away from religion. in old age, above average int intelligent people -- >> i know plenty of very
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religious people who are also very smart, and i respect them very highly. >> stephanie: just not steve king. >> steve king as a person is an idiot. i take people as they come, not as a group. >> stephanie: right. the department of defense announced it plans to extend spousal benefits to married gay couples starting this fall. they will receive the same benefits as straight couples. >> when will the gays apologize to the rodeo clown. >> stephanie: right. that's the real issue. what now? [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> stephanie: you will only get the benefits if you are married, gay or straight. [ applause ] >> right. >> stephanie: so just saying everybody. bradley manning has apologized for hurting america. huh oh. he said i'm sorry my actions hurt people. i'm sorry it hurt the united states.
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it's interesting he said his private struggle with his gender identity in a hostile workplace put a lot of pressure on him. he -- yeah, that's a -- again -- >> that's a tough struggle, but i don't know that -- >> stephanie: i don't know that it would cause you -- >> yeah, that it's an excuse for what he did. >> stephanie: exactly. fifty-eight minutes after the hour. we'll have hal sparks after the break. it's not hump day, but it's close enough. >> right. >> stephanie: up next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ] >> stephanie: all right current tv land, hour number 3. oh, know, it's our last toss to jacki schechner. >> if you make me cry i will kill you. >> stephanie: i'm holding up an imaginary boom box. no one likes a weepy news woman. >> it's been truly amazing, and we have a great -- i don't get to say this ever, really, but we have a great crew of people in the control room and behind the
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scenes here that you never see or hear from, and they get up just as early as we do, if not earlier, to work their butts off, so a huge thank you to them. and to my producers in the room, those who are here still and those who have gone -- >> stephanie: yeah. and us too. thank you, current. we love and will miss our current family. and we love our jacki schechner. >> water proof mascara. all right. we'll do some news for the last time, folks. president obama spoke out this morning from martha's vineyard addressing the violence in egypt that has now gilled some 525 people. in his audio only a remarks, the president said the u.s. strongly condemns the actions and deplores violence against civilians. >> obama: our traditional
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cooperation can't continue as usual when civilians are being killed. as a result, this morning we notified the egyptian government that we are canceling our biannual joint military exercise. going forward i have asked my national security team to assess the implications of the actions taken by the interrupt government, and further steps that we may take as necessary with respect to the u.s./egyptian relationship. >> he adds that the egyptian people deserve better than what we have been seeing over the last few days. america wants to be partner in the pursuit of a better future, but we have to protect the principles we believe in. and bradley manning did speak out on his own behalf during his sentencing hearing yesterday, saying he is sorry his actions hurt people and hurt the country. he says at the time he released the classified documents he was
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dealing with some personal issues. that's going to diet for us. thank you all so much for being so fabulous. i'm going to miss you. ♪
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>> did anyone tell the pilgrims they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing)
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>> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. this show is about analyzing, criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern current tv is the place for true stories.
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with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ don't let it get away >> stephanie: that is funny, the [ inaudible ] wants to know if this is going to be like the final scene of the mary tyler moore show. no, because jim is here. there's no crying. >> the radio show is continuing on. >> stephanie: yes, and we will have a new television outlet. >> just go to
8:07 am . >> stephanie: katherine says please email me and tell me where to find the new television show. i can't go a way without seeing chris's muscles. you'll have to wait. as soon as we can tell you where the new television outlet is, we will. but guess who is filling in for our first week in september, it's -- ♪ hump day, yeah, yeah
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>> yes! yes! >> stephanie: good morning, hal sparks. >> hey there, how are ya? >> stephanie: who overslept on our last day on current, hal sparks? >> i know. i just couldn't do it. the idea of getting all made up -- >> stephanie: who is the little sleepy pants. >> and for hal it's like the last episode of newhart. >> that's what happened i woke up and drempt this was the [ inaudible ] show. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: we can only imagine how cute you are when you are all puffy and blinky.
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>> oh, yeah. >> stephanie: we were just talking about bradley manning apologized for hurting america. what -- so -- you know, it's interesting. we obviously have been in this whole discussion about the nsa, and snowden, and manning, and all of that, and i'm not unsympathetic to his talking about the pressure of being gay in the workplace and all of that. but i think chris just said i don't think that's an excuse for leaking zillions of documents involving our national security. >> no, of course not. here is the reality. i think manning and snowden don't belong in the same conversation most times. and i think bradley mannings release of the video, i think is clearly a whistleblower activity and deserved to be handled as
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such. the problem with bradley manning, is he released documents and material he did not even vet himself. and he gave it to someone who believed i think [ inaudible ] put the stuff out that is germane to a crime, and they accidentally on purpose released all of it. and not all of it was evidence of crime, and evidence of, you know, lies of the united states -- matter of fact a large majority wasn't. and a good portion of it was -- was just kind of normal classified secret material that other people don't need to see, and [ inaudible ] safety of both troops and operatives in afghanistan, coverts all over the world, and that's what he was apologizing for, i think. i think -- the problem with
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manning and snowden arguably, is they both brought up very important points specifically that qualifies whistle blowing, but also did abstract dumps of information that don't pertain, and don't make people aware of a crime, don't make it safer for the rest of us, don't let the american people know what is going on in their name. how is that different from what the nsa does? the nsa is capturing data without any regard of what is in it first, not caring to focus on actual crimes, and that's arguably what snowden did, and manning did in that respect -- >> but snowden doesn't have the ability to incarcerate people like the -- >> stephanie: what does that -- >> but in his release of material, he certainly has the
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ability to endanger lives -- >> stephanie: yeah, and probably did. >> i think you mean is the "new york times" doesn't have the ability to bust you, or google doesn't. if you steal from google, you can't necessarily get sued for it directly. >> stephanie: yeah. and hal, we had mike tomasky on this week, who did a good peace on the fact that we were talking about the president's comments on all of this, and it is provable that he gave a speech in may foreshadowing all of this stuff he is doing now. and as he said, and i agree, snowden is not a patriot. >> right. >> stephanie: so -- anyway, i mean -- and he said the president is the only president in his lifetime, that has willingly given up executive power. and two of these things are really big deals.
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>> right. and we also find that all of this attention has been put on the president to be kind of singularly responsible for all intelligence programs put in place under the bush administration, and we find out that the committee in charge of that particular program and specifically the re-upping of the patriot act, [ inaudible ] a memo from i think 63 different house members that should have been made aware of -- a review paper, and it was written for people specifically not on that committee so they would no what was going on. and they were denied the ability to look at that my the committee and the house. i can't remember who runs the house right now if it's a democrat or a libertarian -- there is a liberal that runs the house -- how does that go again,
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i forget. [ overlapping speakers ] >> yes, the president is calling for a review of these programs in may, the house is denying house members paperwork that they have the right to see in 2011 by you know -- you know, by law to manipulate them in to re-upping the patriot act as is. >> stephanie: right. right. and -- and again, you have said this before on the show, that i do think we need to look at the patriot act, and this would be a significant narrowing of it. >> aside from the fact that -- a government shutdown to do it, i am a big fan of doing to the patriot act -- strip the whole thing out and replace it. go through -- if there are singular issues of communication between intelligence services that are necessary for the
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safety of the united states, then narrowly define that and make sure it has a chute it can go through that makes ill relatively i have to pay attention to. but the patriot act is a thousand pages longer than obamacare. has all of these overlapping problems, you can't even read sections of it. but the republican house has not voted 40 times to repeal the patriot act. >> stephanie: yeah. >> they couldn't careless about the patriot act, it's the fact that 30 million americans might get health care and survive i guess [ inaudible ] run for their money in the marketplace. >> stephanie: hal sparks -- so gay adjacent hal sparks, as you
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know gay marriage is here to say. and, you know, interesting -- we were just doing a story -- the pentagon has just announced same-sex couples for the first time will get full benefits. and yet we have this thing going on in russia. and what is the best way to take a stand against that? >> well, athletes work their whole lives to get to the olympics, so to allow russia's bigotry to stop people from -- like to just kind of shut it off and do a soft boycott, by not watching, and trying to drive down advertising to get the olympics to pay attention is, a, it probably won't work, there is enough people to make up the slack in the world, and b, it won't certainly push russia to change,
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you know, just because -- groups of us didn't watch the olympics in that regard. it has to be done through voice. it can't be done through silence or passivity. and boycotts are passive protests. [ inaudible ] longer going to do this. and pepsi can't be aware if you stop buying their products very long, unless there is a massive amount of stuff -- >> stephanie: your voice was a little wonky -- >> i think he is on a cell phone and it dropped off -- >> yeah, i have very strong feelings about it, but i didn't scare. >> stephanie: jill in ithaca. hello, jill. >> caller: hello, i appreciate hal's morning voice -- >> stephanie: right. sultry. >> caller: and i guess he pulled a roker by oversleeping?
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>> stephanie: yes. >> yes. >> caller: bradley manning, i think he has already served quite a bit of time. when they first took him in, he was tortured. human rights groups had to get up and protest what was going on to that young man. i think he was generally well intentioned, and i -- >> i agree with you about -- in regard to -- if -- first of all that -- his treatment was cruel and unusual, i have no question about that. and there may be direct legal recourse to that behavior. it's hard to tell because of military courts, but again it's what happens when you take an oath and you hand your body and soul over to them. that being said, i think you are right as far as time served regarding the video and the
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release of it if you want to talk about that as a singular charge, and i think why manning did the apology, in the release of those 700,000 documents he is abstractly dropping secrets, specifically america's both enemies and what would be sort of soft allies, people who we're not fighting with, but they definitely don't have our best interest at heart, see, russia, iran, and syria -- he knowingly knew if he put that stuff out -- >> stephanie: yeah, and you can't -- you can't say -- you can't -- you know, that can't be punished. >> right. because then you have legal precedent for nobody is ever punished -- and at a certain point you have to go did
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[ inaudible ] deserve to go to jail over that. and was the outing of valerie plane somehow made valid? cheney [ inaudible ] secure oil in the world -- [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: right. it was my point about snowden. you can't say that handing flash drives to china is in the united states best interest. had he raised issues that we were going to address, yes -- >> maybe they were gag flash drived. >> stephanie: yes. hal, can you stay here little sleepy head. >> absolutely. >> stephanie: all right. back with more hump days with hal. >> for the rest of his shift. i said shift. >> it's for ages 8 to 80.
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join us. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into
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the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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♪ ♪ and if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew ♪ ♪ you would see the biggest gift would be from -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ and the card attached would say, thank you for being a friend ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. twenty-five minutes after the hour, 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. thank you to all of our current tv friends. >> yes. [ applause ] >> stephanie: our last day on current tv. larry i'm the one that
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sacrificed my virginity to a statute of you. nicely done. are you coming back to portland? no, but there will be a west coast show. and hal sparks will be there too. >> it's true. do i sound better? >> stephanie: much better. i lifted my vocal chords into a small box that allows me to speak before noon. >> stephanie: exactly. we were talking about nsa stuff before the break. peter in chicago you are on with hal. hello, peter. >> caller: hi, how are you? >> stephanie: good, go ahead. >> caller: i guess my opinion on the whole edward snowden and bradley manning thing, it seems to me that the media has done a pretty good job on getting edward snowden to kind of look like he is a coward, he pretty
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much gave away whatever he had and ran. where i kind of have -- i guess a disagreement on that. when -- when you figure a guy like bradley manning that is being held in -- you know, in a small confined room naked for about a year -- i mean if it was me, i probably wouldn't want to stick around for something like that myself. >> well, bradley manning was a military prisoner in that regard. there -- there is a different standard -- i think how he was held was horrible. but snowden had no reason to believe or expectation that he would be held in the same manner, and -- and -- and recourse as a civilian would have been higher for review. >> stephanie: yeah, and also, hal, as somebody pointed out, this president has been the best on whistleblower protection of
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anyone who has held office. >> the statistic you hear over and over and over again is this president has prosecution of whistleblowers or leaks have gone up 700% with this president. meaning six people were prosecuted for this behavior, under obama, and one was under bush. the bush administration was actively participating in the kind of leaking that should have been punished. they tried to stop scooter libby from going to jail -- >> stephanie: right. it was dick cheney that was leaking -- >> exactly. and the obama administration, is trying to shift all sorts of stuff dealing with the g8 and a lot of the leaks that were
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coming -- of the seven -- were either things that had a way of being handled through normal political channels and simply were not, or they had a bone to pick policy wise. we think the president should be doing something else than he is doing. well that's not the reason to leak something. the reason to leak something is a crime is being committed in the name of the american people, and they don't know about it. and all leaks are not the pentagon papers. >> stephanie: that's right. >> so using a statistic call presentation is not helpful to the conversation. >> stephanie: we love you mr. sleepy pants, we'll see you next week. >> i insist. >> stephanie: all right. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie
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miller show." ♪
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> i sound you on tv. you look good on tv. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. thirty-four minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. and apparently i also made glen beck's show according to taylor in kentucky. hi, taylor. >> caller: good morning love. i was surfing channels, and you made the glen beck show this morning. they was talking about the rodeo
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clown incident, and how you said it was racist, and according to glen beck that is free speech. and you don't like that kind of free speech. >> stephanie: right. >> the rodeo clown has the right to do it -- >> stephanie: and he has the right to be fired because he is a racist douche. [ applause ] >> stephanie: i'm probably getting a lot more customers to his crazy town. we made an homage to his lovely phone manner he has with to his callers. ♪ ♪ get off the phone, get off the phone ♪
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♪ get off the phone get off the phone get off the phone ♪ [ screaming ] >> stephanie: christine in cleveland, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hey, christine, welcome. >> caller: good morning, everyone. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: hugs and kisses to all. >> stephanie: thank ya. >> caller: can i be the official passive protester of vlad the ap appaler. i won't be watching the olympics. when i heard this was going on, and said no, can't use the n word or watch the olympics. and my suggestion would be the world's national teams should carry lbgt flags, or wear rainbow arm bands something to promote -- >> stephanie: that would be awesome, wouldn't it.
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if everyone nation flew the rainbow flag. >> caller: oh, my god, if i could afford it i would send everyone one. it's not about the athletes, it's not about the olympics, it's about human rights. >> stephanie: is the n word that you won't use nunjets. >> caller: exactly. >> stephanie: jody from new jersey steph up until a year ago i never knew your special bland -- bland? some mornings are like that, depending on how hung over i am -- brand of humor. i'm sample high school teacher. from the second i watched i was
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forever hooked on you. since that terrible day i heard that al jazeera by the network, i had a sad. i do have sirius in the meantime. >> progress 127. >> stephanie: right. i feel comfortable i'll continue to be expleased to your sharp wit on a daily basis. good luck to al gore although i was very upset with him for selling in the first place. thank to al gore, more of us are exposed to your charm.
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carry on, sister, wherever you go, i will certainly follow. love you, with a white hot -- jody we love you too! follow us on twitter and facebook and you will know who our new tv outlet will be. >> stephanie: it's at sm show on stephanie miller show. >> stephanie: right. you know i'm on it all day. aisha tyler, sexy liberal -- i love that -- >> i love this. >> stephanie: she is hosting a new -- i can't even get her booked on the show anymore, she is way too popular, but she is the new host of who's line is it anyway. and she has told people magazine, 25 things you don't know about me. and they are hilarious. >> stephanie: and even though she is my bff, i did not know
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these. >> does she know she's your bff? >> stephanie: no. i was a white water rafting guide in high school. i got a lot of people very, very wet. >> i bet. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: in high school i followed a boy i liked into an improv class that was sam rockwell. i'm extremely neat, i even dust my refrigerator. i use the phrase that's what she said daily. i have seen die hard more time than is wholesome. when i smile my chin sharpened into a point. i have ridiculously tiny toes for such a large woman. i have met barack obama three
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times. we know that, because she is the one told us he smells like -- >> cookies and freedom, bitches. >> stephanie: that's before she said eat my gravel soup -- >> bitches. >> stephanie: yeah, and finally, i have never been in a fist tight. that said, do not test me. >> she will win. >> she will hit you with her snowboard. >> stephanie: we have learned so much from her. for instance that black people melt in the rain. we did not know that. and boogie boogie cheese.
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it's the safe word during brain operation. because that's the word you'll say -- do you think the surgeon apologizes since you are awake -- oh, sorry, sorry. my bad. >> ow! >> you hit the funny bone. >> water on the knee i always went for first because it had the handle. >> stephanie: absolutely. you can also see me on the cnn television network, pretty much every day, unless there's breaking news. >> usually with dean obediallah. >> stephanie: yes, my buddy and pal that we have on the radio show. >> so erin out front and you in the back. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: i'm in my own box, jim. because i'm on the west coast, so i'm on the box right next to
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her. i'm not in her box. >> i'm glad you clarified that. >> stephanie: thank you. i fear i have only made it worse. anyway, last night -- i don't know if you saw the new jc penny ad. it is really awful. the mom in the ad says -- explains the importance of getting their kids cool jc penny clothes. she says i have been told this can make or break your entire year. and the kid is being laughed at, and then sitting alone at the table sitting alone. first of all not every kid can afford new clothes every season. and parents have taken to their facebook page. it is just note.
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>> but jc penney have featured a lot of same-sex parents. parenting kids. >> stephanie: million moms who have protested jc penneys and -- and as i pointed out many times if you do not like lesbian or sweaty balls who do you like? >> exactly. >> stephanie: all right. my point is -- but i just thought -- i think school is hard enough. i will never forget the horror of the day my mother let down my catholic girl school uniform help down like 10 inches. horrible.
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horrible. [♪ somber music ] >> stephanie: school is hard enough. >> roman gomez looked at me during silent reading period, and just whispered you are fat. i cried. >> stephanie: i love your husky boy stories so much. >> i don't remember my boys. >> stephanie: nicely done, jim. >> some of them had accidents. some of them stepped on a bag of vipers. >> stephanie: all right. forty-five minutes after the hour. back with the remaining moments of the "stephanie miller show." >> i love it! [ laughter ] >> i don't get it but i love it! >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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this show is about analyzing, criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal, or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i'm given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. i've worn lots of hats, but i've always kept this going. i've been doing politics now for a dozen years. (vo) he's been called the epic politics man. he's michael shure and his arena is the war room. >> these republicans in congress that think the world ends at the atlantic ocean border and pacific ocean border. the bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. i do a lot of looking at those people as well. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them right?
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(vo) next, current tv is the place for compelling true stories. >> jack, how old are you? >> nine. >> this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh,
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ video killed the radio star, video killed the radio star ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh >> stephanie: hah hah. i get it. forty-nine minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. this hour brought to you by sodastream. how much do you love our sodastream -- >> shunk. >> stephanie: yes, thank you. you were a little premature on that, jim. you can fizz all of your favorite flavors. fill up the bottle with cold starter, push the button to carbonite -- >> shunk.
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>> stephanie: that's when that happens. you they have over 60 flavors. plus over 60 more, ladies and gentlemen, do it, do it now. you can find sodastream at over 15,000 retail stores everywhere you shop. or go to for a retailer near you. mark, go ahead. >> caller: first of all i want to thank you for having richard belzer on and letting him talk about the crazy conspiracy stuff. but i'm motivated to call you, because i got beat up as a kid, because my parents went to jc penney and bought my clothes there. >> stephanie: it was sot any cool clothes back then?
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>> caller: no. >> stephanie: i apologize for bringing up everybody's childhood bullying story. [ applause ] >> i remember going to school in tough skins from sears. >> stephanie: right. >> they were made of pure plastic. >> on a hot day -- >> oh, yeah. >> stephanie: i remember having a pair of powder blue corduroys. >> i did too, and they were bell bottoms. >> stephanie: okay. prince has tweeted for the first time. >> oh, my god. ♪ >> stephanie: that's all he said. >> no, he tweeted a picture of his salad. >> stephanie: his first tweet prince's first tweet, testing, one, two, his second tweet was
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prince's second tweet, his third tweet was a picture of his salad. >> stephanie: all right. speaking of tweets, normally it's for a feud, right? >> right. >> stephanie: lady gaga and cher were in a sweet tweetfest. >> i wonder if dana lohse and i could ever have a sweet tweet. [ screeching ] >> stephanie: the two singers have recorded a duet, the greatest thing. much to their chagrin it wasn't the right version, cher was ticked off that someone leaked it. and then they have a love story. and thank you for holding my
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meat purse. is that what the kids are calling it? >> no, remember when she carried a meat dress, she carried a meat purse and she handed it to cher to hold when she went up on stage -- >> stephanie: ironically that's what i said to cher when i met her. >> thanks for holding my meat purse? >> stephanie: that's going to be in my wedding vows, whenever that happens. >> yeah. >> stephanie: even katie couric was impressed by their exchange. go lady gaga and cher she tweeted. i'm going to tweet jacki schechner later saying -- >> thanks for holding my meat purse. >> stephanie: stop it. i would like to issue an
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apology, jacki schechner has never held my meat purse. although it might not be too late. she may be vulnerable. >> you are a vulture. >> stephanie: right. i learned it from jim. for those still involved in the team jen, team angelina thing. they were scheduled to be on the same flight from lax to london. an employee realized the flight might be awkward and informed -- >> this is the captain speaking, we have discover wratheder difficult situation, i believe it could be quite awkward -- >> stephanie: put her in the
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over head bitch. bin, sorry. >> stephanie: bin, pardon me. they informed camp aniston about the possible situation, jen changed and flu out monday instead. so that happened. >> apparently the british airways staffer had been reading the tabloids. >> stephanie: oh, dear, someone must ring team aniston. >> because any normal person wouldn't know. wouldn't care. >> stephanie: i would. britney spears spends $7 million in 2012 -- she made regular purchases at the $0.99 store. how do you spend $7 million in the $0.99 store -- >> i don't think she spent it all at the $0.99 store -- a lot
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of it they said was christmas lights. >> stephanie: that was only $3,400 in christmas lights. >> that's a lot of christmas lights. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: oh, dear god, really? chris jenner criticized president obama's assertion that her daughter and kanye are not setting good examples for american children. kanye west first of all doesn't go on vacation ever. and kim kardashian -- that is just weird, who refers to their child by their whole name -- is the hardest working lady in the
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whole world. >> vacation from what? what does kanye need a vacation from? >> stephanie: yeah, i don't know. ex-celebrity chef begging his wife to come back to him. he has been bombarding her with threats and phone calls threatening to harm himself if she doesn't call him back -- >> i will shove a screwdriver in my eye unless you come back to me. >> stephanie: that's appealing. that's it for us. don't forget to follow us on stephanie miller show, and on facebook. and we continue on the radio. we'll see you tomorrow on the "stephanie miller show." thank you current!
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>> bye! ♪
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