tv The War Room Current August 15, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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>> michael: good evening, folks, a terrible day on wall street. renewed unrest in the middle east, and political turmoil here at home. folks, it's just a tv show, relax. i'm michael shure. this is the last war room. [ ♪ theme music ] >> michael: we will begin in egypt where violence goes on. 630 people dead after security forces cracked down on demonstratessers in support of
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ousted president morsi. the violence has put the president in a very tough position. >> while we want to sustain a relationship with egypt, our continued cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians are being killed in the streets. >> michael: he has canceled a joint exercise because it's probably not a good why the to conduct joint exercises with people who are killing its people in the streets. but the president did not mention the word "coup" or the $1.5 billion in aid that the u.s. gives to the egyptians every year, most of which goes to the military. obama made clear he feels damned if you do, damned if you don't. he pointed out many egyptians blamed the u.s. for supporting morsi while he was in power. america, the president said, cannot control the outcome in
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egypt. >> we want a peaceful democratic prosperous egypt. that's our interest. to achieve that, the egyptians will have to do the work. >> michael: after the events of the past few days that work has become much, much harder. joining us one last time inside "the war room" is bill press, host of current tv's the full press show, and jason johnson, senior editor of bill, back to you. it's always good to see you, bill, and i know that you had your last current show today. we might as well talk about it now. where can people live stream your show going forward? >> tomorrow morning bill press we were a radio show before current tv, we will be a radio show after current tv.
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the show must go on and starting september third we will be on free speech tv, and on so people can still watch us on tv. just a different channel. and stream us online and listen on the radio including right there in san francisco, michael. >> michael: yes, exactly. and bp is the @ twitter for bill. is there any good option on egypt? >> i think there is a necessary option. this really does put the president in a tough spot, between a rock and a hard place as they say, but the think the administration made a mistake by not calling this a coup from the beginning and then suspending aid from the beginning. to tell the military please don't do this again, which we did when they massacred 75 people. now i heard this is going to climb to a thousand or more.
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you gave the count of 630. they paid no attention to our plea for none violence, or plea to stop it. listen, they are killing people with our weapons and our bullets. this is a distres disgrace. i think we should cut off aid today. >> michael: i couldn't agree with you more. it's not the money that will start or end anything there. the money should be doing something symbolically. that's important. there is a since in the end of the day that the u.s. will fall in line with whoever comes out on top with egypt. is that true? >> yeah, probably. this administration doesn't seem to be about the business of nation building. and the way not only the bush administration but most previous administrations have. whoever comes to power as long as the united states believes they're going to be relatively stable, we would rather have the bully that is always going to be there on the street corner than
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the thug that changes every other weekend. unfortunately, i think that's what we end up doing. whether we take our money there or take our foreign aid out, we're just seeing a gestation process of any country that goes through change. i don't think there is much we can actually do unless we put boots on the ground, and no one wants that. >> michael: that is the point, nobody does want that. it remains obviously to be seen, but it's a great point about turning this over to somebody who will be there all the time no matter how unsavory that might be. i want to move to something that is close to our earths. august 28th is the 50th anniversary of the march on washington and this speech. >> i have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of
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their character. i have a dream for them. >> michael: bill, if dr. king were with us today as sometimes silly hypothetical, but i think it's important, what would he tell progressives to focus on? what is the fierce urgency of now, as he said. >> i would defer to jason on this, but i would say two things from my perspective. i want to point out that the legendary iconic john lewis is going to speak at that 50th anniversary, and he spoke at the first one. i think he's the last of the speakers alive who spoke there. i find that so thrilling and so meaningful. i think john lewis and martin luther king jr. would say two things, number one, let's remember that that march on washington was about jobs and economic justice. i think that's one thing that martin luther king jr. would be telling us today. there are too many in this
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country who are out of work, who have not seen their real wages gone up in the 10, 15 years. 47% americans living i47 millio, and the supreme court is teaching this, and 50 years later we're still fighting over the basic freedom of voting rights. i mean, that is uncalled for. just unbelievable. >> michael: and you know he would be there on the ground in north carolina. jason, jim crow is no longer the law of the land, but americans still live deeply segregated lives, in our neighborhoods, or workplaces, our schools. is there anything in our agenda that addresses this or do we need to focus more on it? >> there always needs to be more focus on it. if martin luther king jr. were to come back alive today he would be disgusted with the
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amount of segregation that we still see. he would see the movie called "the butler" and say, my goodness has that much really changed? and he would look at income and he would say i can't believe you haven't gotten anything done in the 50 years i've been dead. i think what the progressive movement needs to remember and in particular remember what this president is to continue to light fires under the feet of politicians to stay angry and passionate about these issues. it's not like you can fix income equality. it's not like you can gist fix racism. these are rain leaking through the roof. you have to constantly patch it up or we'll flood the home. there is a belief, unfortunately, that some of these problems get fixed, and we can move on rather than realizing they're ongoing struggles. >> we had christine pelosi on yesterday, oh, we elected a black president, so all of our problems are over.
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that's not the case. he has been tepid on issues of race? if so, why do you think that is? >> you know, i don't want to fire president obama. >> i will. >> he does receive criticism. i don't think he has been as outspoken as he could be. he certainly condemned the supreme court decision on voting rights, but i didn't see the passion, or as jason points out, he sticking to these issues and making imakingmaking it the hals presidency. then people will say, you're just being a black president rather than a president for all americans. but i think we need more leadership from him, and that's what i would like to see. >> michael: jason, i'll let you have a quick shot at that one. >> of course he could work a lot harder. he could be a black person and standing up. it's his constituents.
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it's his job to push policy for the very people who fight to get him in office, whether it's conservative christians, women, african-americans, and president obama has been lacking in that area of his strongest constituency group. >> michael: it has been a treat to hear your input on politics. i want to ask you to give us parting wisdom. what are some of the biggest story that our viewers should follow going forward. bill, i'll give that to you. >> oh, wow, you could have told me that ahead of time. >> michael: i was going to, but they said let's not. >> i think it's we should be who we are and fight who we are and continue to fight the idea ideae believe in. it's economic justice, global warming, making sure that every american enjoys complete fullness of the rights of the
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constitution and the american dream. conservatives never give up, they never bend over. they never stop fighting. i think we liberals kind of coast, and we can't do that. we have to maintain the strong fight. be proud of who we are and fight like hell. >> michael: people should exactly listen to what bill press said. jason, you owe me a dollars because you had time to think about your answer. >> i'm going to say this, you said the biggest story heading forward. demographics are destiny. we're going to look back on this time period, and we're going to see the last screaming, fighting, pouting of a small shrill group of racist americans who want to stop america from becoming what it's going to become. no matter what any of us want to think or believe, this country is becoming younger, browner and more progressive on racial issues, more progressive on economic issues, more progressive on sexuality and gender issues. while one side may want to stop
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what is happening, and politicians who claim they support them dillydally, it's the future. and our policies should fit how this country is going to become rather than screaming, yelling and kicking what we might want it to be. >> michael: nonno one wondered y i wanted jason johnson on my last show. we had bill press from the bill press show and jason johnson from the 365, thank you for being on our last show. we'll take more swings at our old punching bag. and they say never bring a knife to a gunfight, but they're armed with the truth. that's the threat to the gun lobby and their big money. and then congratulations, bob philner, you've won your very own award. brett erlich will present it
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>> did anyone tell the pilgrims they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who saw kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him. >> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> only on current tv. [ ♪ theme music ] >> michael: what the future holds will depend on who you ask, and for one last time we'll ask michael tomasky from "newsweek" and the daily beast, he joins us from washington, d.c. and new anchor offal jazeera, david shutser, he comes to us from new york. thank you for joining us, i mean it. you have both have been a big part of the show. the republicans are in a battle for the soul of their party. david, how do you see this playing out. >> i'll answer that in just a second. but first, congratulations to you, everybody at "the war room," new particular, michael, have done an amazing job for "w" this show under the last six to eight months under sometimes
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difficult circumstances. i know this is not the last time the world will hear from team michael, and we're all glad to be part of it, and always honored to be working with you. >> michael: that's very kind. i really appreciate it. thank you so much. >> you got it, now regarding republicans, the future of the republicans, i think, michael, on something that you said many times before. it depends on whether the republican party is going to go the way of the tea party and go to that extreme right wing position in places like north carolina and texas, or are there going to be adults in the party and say, we can't win this way by alienating hispanics, african-american voters, women voters. if the republican party is not willing to make that choice i think they'll just keep drift together right and they'll be in a world of hurt in the next several elections. >> michael: did they realize
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this? we realize it from without, and you and i, michael, talked about this a little bit. we don't want to let them in on the secret, but it seems they don't even know about it. >> i don't know, i think they do know about it. by the way, i second everything that david shuster said. it has been great fun to do this show. >> michael: thank you. >> you know, they know it, but there isn't that much that they can do about it, maybe. there are a couple of things they can do about it. they can nominate someone in 2016 who does have more appeal across ideological lines. that means, i suppose, that only means chris christie. it might mean jeb bush. those are the only two out of the bunch that is discussed that i could see have any chance of any crossover appeal. it strikes me that the republican base, and the extreme part of the republican base, by the way, not the whole republican base, but the extreme part of the republican base
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still call the shots in that party. they still call the shots of congressional republicans. as we saw in 2012, presidential candidates have to pander to that part of the extreme part of the base. i don't see how that will be different in 2016. they've lost two elections in a row. they would probably have to lose a third, i would bet, before they shake up things. >> michael: that's an interesting way of looking at it. that may be when the realization tart to kick in. yesterday we talked with christine pelosi about the potential for the democrats to regain control of the house in 2014. do you think this is possible? do you think they can even hold onto the senate or come back to win those five out of six seats that they would need to turn the senate? >> i think with the senate it's possible. i think it's tough for the republicans to get to six. i think the house will be difficult for the democrats
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because of the way the redistricting is done. the number of competitive house races for democrats or republicans in the head-to-head matchup are just shrinking, so the battles lines are futur fewd farther to be seen. there is a ground swell of leaning republican districts, i think they'll continue to lean that way. it's a tough stretch, but you never know. we may be ready for another sort of major election in a midterm election where maybe it's an issue that we haven't yet thought about in terms of the news cycle. >> michael: that is a big part. we're still so far ahead of election day. michael, it's the last show and we're talking about bigger issues. a lot of people consider immigration reform as one of the make or break issues facing the republicans. how do you think this debate is going to play out nationally as we get into this electoral
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politics stuff? >> i think they're going to pass something but something that is small, conservative, and very tailored to that pace that i was just talking about that will either not include a path to citizenship or will include a path of citizenship that is so full of rocks and other items along the obstacle course that it's not even going to be seen as a genuine path to citizen chicagcitizenship. that's probably what they're going to do. in other words, no bill. it will be seen largely by most americans, it will be seen as their fault that there wasn't a bill, the fault of the house republicans. immigration reform is not the kind of thing that you can come back and do next year. as you know it was tried in 2005. it failed. now it's 2013. every eight years that's about right, that's about what it takes to do a big bill like that. so they're going to lose any
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chance at occurring any favor among latino favors for many years, for a long time. >> michael: it's something that they need to pay attention to. as the shifting demographics happen in their electorate, they're going to be left rutterless on this issue, and it seems like such a no-brainer. i will end this show not understanding exactly how they approach that issue. i want to shift gears now. i want to talk about jack germo germond. a great journalist. i read his books. i saw him on television. i was interested that was interested in horses. you wrote about how political journalism has changed during germond's time, and i want to see how you see changing going forward.
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>> it's interesting that you sought your first fake i.d. not to get into bars. >> michael: yeah, it's all about the ponies. i found my way to the bar afterwards. i grew up in new york city. i could walk in a bar without a fake i.d. any ways. >> yeah, true. i think jack whom i had the privilege of meeting just one time but had a lovely conversation with, i think he represented a kind of big voice on politics that we don't have that much of today. in some ways, in many ways i think consumers of news and political junkies are better served today. there are so many sources of news, so many places to find out, so much more information than you could find out back in the 1960s and 70s. and i think the country and consumers of news are better for it. however, i do think that jack and his cohorts, they were a
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high priesthood, if you will, of punditry, early punditry. i think they were a better high priesthood than the high priesthood we have tray. today's high priesthood, they make too much money, frankly, they're part of the 1%, and the way they talk about issues reflects the fact that they're part of the 1%. jack germond and his buddies were not part of the 1%, and they reflected th the others better. >> look, i think quality political journalism will stand out. it will still make a difference. it may come out in different forms, the internet, blogs, but the think the quality of journalism will make the coverage interesting. it's the free market capitalism
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that the best products will still get attention and good writers and journalists will still get plenty of attention for their work. >> michael: thank you for making our show so much better. i am going to miss these conversations with you two, i really do mean that. as we move forward on tonight's show it's our last dance, our last chance for last resident done idonna summer fan brett er. we don't dance around the issues at "the war room." we'll take one last head-shaking look at guns and money. it's still "the war room." stick around. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv.
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if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical
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while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. >> michael: it's still hard to believe that 244 days have passed since a gunman killed 20 children and 6 adults at sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. since then 277 new towns since newtown. following newtown to aurora to chicago. here today to talk about this issue are our good friends, keli
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goff from new york city, and lee fang. we have keli, rules brings us the news of the day. and lee fang never fails to impress us with his ability to follow the money. it's so nice to have you both on our final show. keli, i'm going to start with you. the u.s. has far more gun-rela gun-related killings than any other developed country. how can we put a stop to the violence. we're not going down to any paths of that. >> look, if the tragedy of newtown won't force officials to find their conscience,ing i, nog will. that's what i believe. gun control is first, second,
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third, and fourth when they walk into a voting booth and make a choice about a candidate. a lot of those who support gun control tonight think about that. they think about other issues when they walk into the voting booth. not that those other issues aren't important, but if we want to see change, then we as voters have to take ownership of the issue and say we will not compromise and it will be the only issue that we'll focus on before we consider other issues. >> michael: obviously, keli is right, lee, and she echos how i feel about this. something is in the way. i know you know something is always in the way. why can't they pass meaningful gun legislation, where do we trace that to? >> three simple letters: ,nra. you've done a great job
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describing it to the viewers about the legislative fight. the nra has shown the path forward for special interest to manipulate the policies debate without responsibility. when you look at what they put out in public, they don't show that secretly they're being funded by gun manufacturers, ammo companies and gun dealers. these gun industry types who would not like to see some of these big reforms on background checks or banning certain types of weapons, they've been able to hide behind the nra, and i think we're going to see more and more corporations adopting this approach whether it's the koch brothers hiding behind 20-some front groups to insurance companies, hiding behind front groups to effectively control the debate, and to avoid accountability. >> michael: yes, and i think, keli we're going to see an irs
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who will not follow them so closely. we've seen the them follow the super pacs and will they follow suit when it comes to political mills like alec, do you see that changing the tactics of the other side? >> well, look, i think it would be better for this entire conversation if that were to happen. if you were to ask me, michael, if i'm confident that our congress will do anything that they're supposed to do, no at this point. we can trust congress not to do much at all. that's sad to say, but i'm part of the majority of americans who think that because they have not given us any other option. is that a great note to finish your last show. >> michael: there will be room for optimism.
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lee, do you think there is a democratic alec. >> there have been efforts. i covered some of them. there is a group called progress now that is setting up state afill yets to come up with policy solutions, to distribute them and publicize them. but at the end of the day you look at the groups that are set up for the public interest or democratic interest, they've got $100,000, maybe $500,000 to play with in each state, and they're coming up against a 30-year organization like alec that has been around since the 70s. and these groups not only have already had a couple of million dollars in each state for their budgets, but they've been infused with so much money over the last three or four years as the republicans have taken a state-based strategy as they've been temporarily outside of the white house. >> michael: the most important thing you mentioned was the difference in size.
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even if they do it, the amount of money that goes on one side to the other. i do want to switch over to an article that you recently wrote about stop-and-frisk in new york, and how it's been ruled unconstitutional. civil rights activists are celebrating the decision, but it has had political fallout. why will this hurt people like michael bloomberg. >> what is really historic about the stop-and-frisk story, we could see the first major election decided by civil rights issues than we've seen in decades. this was a real rebuke of michael bloomberg, the fact that the federal judges said that the practice is inherently inconstitutional, that's what they found. watching all of these candidates trying to become the civil rights candidates. you have christine quinn who has
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been close to michael bloomberg. while they all say racial profiling is bad, what we see are candidates who took it a step further who say they supported council bills who said flood out there needs to be an inspector who oversees the nyc practices, and guess who else greed with that, the federal judge. so de blasio went out with a great add featuring his african-american son who said my candidate will be the one who stops stop and frisk. now we see de blasio volting to first place. he's leading substantially in first place. >> michael: he's not without his support from other circles, and christine quinn is very close to commissioner ray kelly. i want to ask you about this.
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sometimes is society better to say, listen, maybe this is deterring crime, but what it's doing to society is worse than the crime itself. and is there merit to that? >> this kind of speaks to all issues that we talked about on this show over the last year. it's called the great unwinding of american society. we have two justice systems, two economies. we have one treatment of the wealthy new yorkers, and another way of treating folks who are lower income, and maybe in communities of color. how you deal with this, you know, the timing of this ruling is differ for progressives because its highlighting de blasio's position, and reinforcing the big problem we have in society that there's basically a two-tiered system for justice. that's what everybody is upset about. >> michael? >> michael: we're up against
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time, keli, i'm going to get one sentence from each of you. this goes back to the optimism i promised you were going to give us. one sense about something that our viewers should be optimistic about? >> there is more-- >> i'll let have you it first, keli. >> that's what i was going to say what is optimistic about the result after stop-and-frisk is that people thought only black voters cared about this issue. only voters of colors. these polls show that whites and progressive new yorkers care about racial civil rights as everybody especially. >> i kicked off my writing career talking about the town halls of 2009 when there was a big right wing backlash against progressive priorities. look at the last week there have been huge organizing efforts to get progressives out in the field and talk about issues that effect the american public, and they're making big waves. this is one of them, climate change, the economy, it's a good
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time. >> michael: lee fang, thank you for all that you've done in this show. and keli goff, always love to hear what you have to say from new york. we really appreciate it. coming up, anyone interested in hiring this soon to be unemployed jokester, e-mail him, brett erlich joins me for the last time. stick around, folks. honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. >> michael: welcome back to the war room. i'm michael shure. just like on the last day of school its time to hand out awards. you know it's time because lauren who worked on this show for a long time just walked in the control room. >> what is she doing? >> michael: i'm joining you with brett bet and it's our last ever brett erlich awards. >> i will wait until she leaves the control room. >> michael: oh really? >> well, the attitude on her, michael. >> michael: well, i understand. >> let's do awards. first of all what a dang pleasure to be on the second to last show of the war room.
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>> michael: brett? >> yes, michael. >> michael: this is the last show. >> oh, that changes things. anthony weiner, we're going to give him desert island dream. anthony weiner. he gets desert island dream my dream is one day he'll go on a desert island, and run out of batteries on his phone, and he won't be able to sext me any more. >> michael: it's been a drag. >> it's been very hard. >> michael: you're the only guy i know he's sexting. >> yes, you should see my profile pic. it's pretty andrognus. i'm runner up because after a half hour after i eat chalupa i can clear the elevator out of anyone. >> michael: just a half hour. >> my grandmother said it would
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go right through me. >> michael: she made chalupas. >> no, lease likely to understand the anatomy of a human being body? >> michael: i don't know, you tell me. >> steve king. here steve king. not stephen king the author, because he understands it very well because he is very descriptive in all those flasher books he wrote. but he, that guy, he's ridiculous. >> michael: he is, also most likely to clear a press conference. >> absolutely. >> michael: eight people at his thousands of, you know, capacity press conference. >> we were very excited to see that he would just keep piling it on toward the end. most likely to run for president 17 times despite not having any chance to win, donald trump. he wins that. he has less of a chance to win than donald duck, and we remember that donaldy daisy mini, mickey sex scandal from
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the 40s. >> michael: that's what stopped that donald from running. that's all, better chance of. >> better chance to win. also donald-- >> michael: i had a vowel not--w of not putting donald trump once on this show. >> sorry. >> michael: we almost made it, and now you ruined it. >> he gets two, of course, best hair. i had to get that in there. >> michael: really? the best hair, donald trump, that's too easy, it's below you. >> least likely to run anywhere, chris christie. >> michael: right. least likely to run at all. >> physically. chris christie, i feel bad for chris christie. i want to apologize for him to him for all the cheap shots because i like the guy. and i want to do something special for him. i want to buy him something that he would like, which i imagine is a ton of food. >> michael: he would like that, although he would like it less even though he's a little more
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stealth. and john o'leary who works on our show as well, he's a big defender of chris christie. he is from new jersey, and he% thinks he's great, but he'll never be president. >> you never know, i don't know much about politics. >> michael: why are you here? >> i don't know, you flew me up. >> michael: keep going. >> the marco rubio, thirstiest. >> michael: let's drink to that, brett. thirstiest. so tell me. >> thank you. >> michael: you're welcome. >> so refreshing. refresh from the mountains. of ireland. any how, marco rubio, theirsiest, i loved that moment. >> michael: i think everybody loved that moment. here is this guy, the up and comer, everybody knew him, and turns out that marco rubio is just--he bombed. he totally bombed.
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>> he totally bombed. gosh, just put your water closer to your face, and then sip it like this. nice little sip. delicious. i feel like i'm growing a beard right now. any how. cutest couple. this is heart warming and enduring. cutest couples because now they can marry. according to news i have yet to read, but i trust people. >> michael: you're right. people who have been telling you are accurate. yes, they can marry. the cutest couples. >> cutest couples, and finally this is my favorite, above massive social achievement that it is in america for gays to be allowed to marry, the best moon, that is an amazing graphic. super moon. >> michael: do you like the moon? >> this is better than that. >> michael: this is super.
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>> more than twice as good than a half moon. >> michael: thank you for punctuating every show this way and making us laugh, shows that have been heavy and full of issues. you're a funny guy. >> you're a funnyman. i am sorry this is the third show i've gotten canceled on the network. >> michael: the whole network, it's not just this show, i promise. coming up, i'll share my parting words with you next. they should self-deport? >> no, they said "make us a turkey and make it fast". >> (laughter). >> she gets the comedians laughing. >> that's the best! >> that's hilarious. >> ... and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there is wiggle room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> ya, i consider you jew-talian. >> okay, whatever you want. >> who plays kafka? >> who ever saw kafka? >> (laughter). >> asking the tough questions. >> chris brown, i mean you wouldn't let one of your daughters go out with him.
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>> absolutely not. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me? >> absolutely! >> (singing) >> i take lipitor, thats it. >> are you improving your lips? >> (laughter). >> when she's talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. >> it looks like anthony wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. >> his what in the ring? >> his hat. >> always outspoken, joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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>> michael: so this was a day that i knew would come from the moment that i was given this assignment. it doesn't make it any easier. i've bun lucky to walk through these doors each morning, usually a little late, and sit down with the smartest people i've ever known, and plan the new stuff for the things i love which is politics. our series "the march goes on" which covered the civil march movement and what it means today, it makes us proud. the fact that you watched and listened along with us is an incredible pleasure. policies change what our guests fight for every day, to be given the chance of telling their story was not only a privilege but the movement what our network set out to do.
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i hope that our show helped in that struggle. but politics, i love politics. i always have. it has it's bad apples, it's far too corrupted by money, but so are other things such as sports which i also follow. but i hope it leaves you with the sense that there are really good team in politics, and they're trying to make this a better place. i would like to tell but cenk uygur. i would be flattered if you turned your tv sets off after this show because it was enough, but cenk's passion, skepticism and preparedness has made our network better and made me better. cenk trusted me on politics and gave me an outlet to share what i know. he bestowed the title of epic
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politics man, but he's really the epic figure of our changing media and how we discuss our politics. i thank him for the friendship and opportunities that he provided me. i want you to listen to some thank yous because they're important to me. steve lang, and "the war room" was here in san francisco. as our colleagues took their assignments at this network, we worked with young and energic minds. i will never waiver there is the university of virginia and every other school. however, berkeley is i itself p. our show would not have informed you well had we not been as well informed by many who found news and nuggets in places we never would have known to look. the news was handled masterly by
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francesca leonard, pauline made this whole thing run. her soon to be born baby will be a very lucky kid. mark, kind of a new yorker, always a great start with me, has my thanks. our writer and editor, the guy who makes sure all grammar note prompter, he is smart, talente talented,--whoa, how did this get in there. scroll head. just off to the left of where i'm looking at you stands steve porter, a liberal kentuckian who loves politics more than anyone i know. i thank him, i thank you, steve, for your calming presence and for making sure i always knew what was going on. i thank david and terry for putting me on this air and trusting my judgment. our executive producer is mark, always been in my corner and
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always cared about this show, how good it looked, content, and the message we sent, mark, it worked, and thanks to you, we thank yothank all of you for wa, and those who showed appreciation online. this is my appreciation to you. i'm certain that i will see you soon. now for the last time i'm afraid i say good night. "the young turks" are next. bring everybody out here. [applause] >> michael: we did it. [ chanting war room ] [applause] >> come here, come here.
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[ cheering ] >> we did it. we did it. >> eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think there is any chance we'll ever hear the president even say the word "carbon tax"? >> with an opened mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter) >> cutting throught the clutter of today's top stories. >> this is the savior of the republican party? i mean really? >> ... with a unique perspective. >> teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. >> (laughter) >> ... and lots of fancy buzz words. >> family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hard-working moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. if wayne lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense... hey, so can i. once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things
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♪ theme cenk: everybody, it's a bittersweet moment, the very last show for "the young turks" on current television, so one more time. it's go time. it's go time. it's go time. you know what? it's go time. it's go time. anybody? anybody? what time is it? it's go time. you know what time it is. it's go time. what
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