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tv   Viewpoint  Current  August 15, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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bye bye! bye bye! bye bye! bye bye! bye bye! bye bye! bye bye! bye bye! everybody else? bye bye! cenk: this whole crew who we love is all here, made the show happened, the best crew in the business and altogether now, guys, one last time. bye bye! [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> welcome to the future home of al jazeera america. good evening. newt gingrich today came out and said the republican party has to be less vicious and negative. newt gingrich called other republicans vicious and negative, and somewhere, an angel coughed up blood. also, rick perry is going to run for president again, the man who thought arab spring was a saudi death rant.
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i'll give a list of every democratic that demanded to see the birth certificate. >> 48 years ago tonight, the balesles in vented legendary rock at shea stadium. 44 years ago, the woodstock music festival opened and tonight, we present to you the final hour of original programming produced for current t.v. it has been my privilege to host this show. this evening, we say goodbye with roseanne barr, lewis black, heroic activate and new town survivor erika laughty. i am john fugelsang, this is and has been viewpoint. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ theme
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>> sit down. sit down! good evening, i'm john fugelsang, this is viewpoint. on this show, i get to say what i want to say, and how i want to say it. that is rare in t.v. i thank current and the guys at al jazeera. i can't think of a better guest to start our final broadcast. roseanne barr has said what she wants and how she wants to say it for years. her stand up act led to a self titled sitcom, roseanne challenged preconceived notions about class, blue collar americans, homosexuality, what it means to be a woman in modern america, resisting and accepting restrictions placed upon her. she launched a presidential run
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with the tweet vote for me, i'll fix this stuff. she ran an the peace and free dom ticket with cindy sheehan as her running mate. you can see, my friends, why it is my distinct honor to welcome to the final hour of current t.v. roseanne barr. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. it's very much an honor to be here with you. you're a great comic and a great mind. you, you know, you'll be missed. i'm sure that you won't be missed for long before something else occurs for you, you're very talented. >> i'm going to audition to be your next middle on the road. [ laughter ] >> i got to say, i've loved you on stage, i've loved you on t.v., as someone who brought a ticket to say she devil, in the movies. i loved you in blue in the face, but i loved you more than r. on twitter. you make that site bearable and you're very active with your
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handle, the real roseanne. i would like to frame some of this deeply serious interview with a few tweets of years, tarting with april 1 of last year, you tweeted: this is something we covered lot on the show and failed to address the racist war on drugs is one of the big evident problems with the current democratic party. it's one of the reasons you ran for president. what's your biggest problem with the war on drugs? >> well, i have a lot of problems with it. it's really a war for drugs. it's a drug lord's war for turf, as best as i can figure it out, but it's also just a big fat lie and a cover for class war, and to arrest young people brown and black off the streets for a marijuana joint and put them in privatized prisons where they become a labor force for
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corporations at 16 cents an hour. in fact, 95% of the house paint manufactured in america is manufactured by prison labor, so they're taking these kids at the height of their strength and, you know, it's a labor -- it's like a labor camp or something. nobody was saying it, and, you know, it's just important to say it. now, just a few days ago, i noticed that holdren picked up a lot of what i said about ending the war on drugs in oakster damn when troops were closing the medical dispensaries up there, a clear violation of state's rights right after he said state's rights for gay marriage. it's like the message is so con value looted and crazy, of course it would fall to me to make it sound sane. that's irony at its peak. >> i think that is the most
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blatant broken promise when he said he wouldn't interfere with the dispensaries. >> we've got to get it legalized, and it's going to get legalized. by 2016, i'm confident that marijuana will be legal in all 50 states. >> well, you've just given more truth in three minutes on this show than i hear in a month on c. span. how crazy was it for you to run for president? >> oh, it was so crazy, but it was crazy in a lot of different ways, but at the same time, so very fulfilling of like, you know, because i had a dream when i was three years old. they were saying things like somebody, maybe even a girl could run for president. i knew i would, i wanted to, and, you know, just to show that it could be done, and the more i learned about our system and how hard it is for, you know, a woman of principle or any person of principle who doesn't have corporate backing to even find their way to the ballot, even if
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what they -- even if the platform that they he is spouse is 100% in line proven by polls with the american people. i'm like wow, how do you disenfranchise your own tax base? that's crazy. >> and that leads me to my next question. i want to read a tweet you sent out on november 7, 2012: >> you ran as the peace and freedom candidate. how hard was it for you to get on the ballot in all 50 states and what is your take on the mod he were state of the two party system? >> well, i'll say the two party system's just like all the whole ponzi scheme works on a duality. you've got a good cob, bad cop. that's what it is, good cap, bad cop for bankers.
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i ran because i think the american people deserve the chance, the right to vote for a party that is not owned by bankers, and that is not even possible, because there's not even any ballot access for that kind of a party in any of the states except for three pipped up on california, colorado, and florida, which are like the way i look at it now, i could talk about this forever, but those were, again, once again, the very important states, florida once again, the deciding state. i'm like wow, this is not -- this system is not broken. it's fixed. it's fixed, and it has an intelligence that's almost i am penetratable. >> you can get over 200 different kinds of shampoo in a store, but only two parties to choose from. you know, our first third party president got in with only 30% of the vote and that was a
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republican, lincoln. it's an honor to have you here. >> he's my idol. >> you ran for president, and damn it, lady, came in sixth. >> and you know what, for free! for free! >> you ran against president obama last year. you didn't beat him and i realize you're not the most objective person in the room to gauge his performance in office, drug war aside, how do you think he's done considering the forces aligned against him? >> they've all taken that grover norquist vow as i said in one of my speeches and that no matter how bad it gets for the parents of the american heroes, who went to fight in iraq, no matter how bad it gets for those parents, if they lose their homes and their jobs, the taxes on the upper 1% will never be raised. they've all signed that. i mean, that's the system they're working under, all of them, and, you know, obama does a lot of, you know, whatever.
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i know longer believe all that, you know, oh, it's his -- it's their fault, it's our fault. they work together, and it is -- they bring up false ridiculous issues that are a matter of equal rights for all people in our country, period, no more laws, just that. you know, they just bring up all these ridiculous things that are false choices, such as pro choice, and pro life. that's a false choice. >> yep. >> women have far more choice than that little tiny box, that little tiny duality where we get a act out all of our freedoms. we have a lot more freedom than all that. we have the freedom to think clearly, and decipher for ourselves the facts, and for the first time in history, i'm so excited, for the first time in history so far, women have access to facts without the
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interference of any state or any church. i think that that is like these are times of miracles, i really do believe that. >> i think you're a part of that. i think that your stand up and sitcom are a lot like the big bang. their influence is still expanding to this day. i want to thank you for being here. >> can i speak about that for a minute? >> sure. >> yeah, i think, you know, a lot of people come up to me and they're like hey, you're kind of like my mom, you know, and i never have taken that lightly, i never will take at a lightly, and you know, i just thank them and it's a great relationship to have with people on the other side of the lands. i always intended that and that's why i had my ninth season, which, you know, is daggers through the heart. this isn't funny, oh, this is horrible, all that crap i took for that. that that last episode, and that
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last season, that's the best work i feel i've ever done. it was really about class. i was really sticking it to the whole class system, this whole system that, you know, that is for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many. i mean, how can you not make fun of that? >> honestly, there's so many artists that we could name that we admired in their prime and then got older and sold out, became less interesting, played it safe. >> i'm getting ready to sell out! >> you can buy in at this point, lady. you're one of the people that i think gets better, sharper, more honest and free from worrying about commercial appeal or ratings are doing this some of the best comedy out there. >> thank god for cyber! >> amen. i'll never be able to thank you for coming on our last show and signing off on the first and
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only independent progressive news channel. it's an honor to have you with us. >> honor to be here. let's get another one going. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you so much. >> somebody in the industry will be smart enough to grab you up. i just want you to know, since i started appearing on your show, i'm recognized on the street by a much better class of people. >> hey, john, mike here, congratulations on a great run, so much fun doing the show with you. i just want you tomorrow with regard to the represent party, and in the end, the hatred and racism and zdeno phobia are equal to that you make.
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>> hey, govern, thank you for letting us be a part of viewpoint.
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we've had so much fun with you. you are a fantastic thinker and even funnier guy. good luck to all you do in your next run. we can't wait to hear what it is. bye. >> i'll reveal that later. welcome back. i'm pleads to welcome one of the most uplifting guests we've had on the show. i'm honored she's with us tonight. erika laughty lost her mother, the principle of sandy hook elementary school in new town, connecticut. she risked her life to bring down the killer threat thatting those little six and 7-year-old's in her care. dawn died that day along with five colleagues and 20 students. new town and a stunned nation grieved, but few have done more with that grief than her daughter, erika laugherty. she has emerged as a powerful voice for common sense and popular gun laws.
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she is a forceful and unflinching reminder of the human cost of gun violence. here she is confronting new hampshire senator on the failure to support background checks, legislation that was backed by 90% of americans who are ignored earlier this spring. >> you had mentioned that owners of gun be subject to background checks. i just wonder why the burden of my mother being gunned down in the hallway of an elementary school isn't that important. >> i can't think of many gifts i would rather have on our final show. she joins us now with that erika, thank you so much for joining us this evening. >> thank you. >> what a pleasure. now, the senator isn't the only politician you confronted. priority the vote on legislation, you called more
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than a dozen legislators seeking their help. what was the general reaction when they knew you were on the other end of the line? >> there was a lack of reaction. i just didn't get a response from 13 of the 14 that i was trying to contact. i was calling and emailing, trying to reach out to them on twitter and only heard back from one senator. >> who was that? >> senator cruz. >> what was his reaction to you? >> really not giving me an answer, just kind of dancing around the issue, and at the end, i think he made a statement that we agree to disagree, whatever a that means. i definitely wasn't in any kind of agreement with him, but at least he called. >> that's the lack of leadership he's become known for. you don't want to take anyone's gun away, you respect second amendment rights, so what safety measures, erika, are you looking
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to he and got. >> first and foremost, extended background checks. it's the most common sense thing if you want to buy a weapon that has a potential to kill someone, prove that you can handle that and you're not a violent criminal or that you don't have any kind of violent behaviors in your past or, you know, you're not someone who's going to do harm with the weapon. it's something that 98% of americans agree on. it's a common sense thing. first and foremost would be background checks. >> are you surprised of how many americans aren't aware of the gun show loophole. >> i am astonished that people don't have any idea, like the huge gaps that are in our laws. now, i am. i guess eight months ago, i wouldn't have been, because i was completely naive to anything that was related to a gun eight months ago. i was slammed in the face with it and forced to learn a very, very harsh lesson, and i've
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definitely done my research, and you know, i'm just really trying to encourage a common sense approach to, you know, help solve a problem. >> that legislation was seen as the most serious effort to overhaul our countries gun laws in 20 years and was, it failed pathetically. mean tile, more than 21,000 americans have been killed in this country by guns since new town. the senator from your home state chris murphy said we've grown so used to gun violence, it's just like rain drops, background noise. what's it going to take to see real action on gun control? >> i don't know. i wish i did, because this is a horrible, horrible thing for anyone to have to go through, and you would think that, you know, a tragedy like this in an elementary school with 20 six and 7-year-old kids would open eyes. it did for a lot of people, just not our senators, i guess.
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>> we made it a major issue, covered it almost every day during the winter and spring. it's astonishing to see how much money the n.r.a. and gun manufactures have made since then. they're the only ones to have cashed in by doing their old playbook, saying obama's going to come take your guns, so everybody runs out and buy more guns and they profit off of murder. is that fair to say? >> yeah, and divide that by the amount of people that have been killed since then, how many dollars is that per life lost? is it worth it? >> exactly. i know you miss your mom every single day, and that loss must have been especially hard last month on your wedding day, but understand she was very much a part of your celebration. can you tell us how so? >> my morning started off once dressed and got my hair and makeup done, i did go to the cemetery to visit her and give her a kiss before the ceremony,
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and i had her necklace sown into my wedding dress and wore sneakers i knew she would hate. she's with me everywhere i go. she's tattooed on high hand. >> so many people would be destroyed by the tragedy you have faced, but where do you get the tort attitude to pitch ahead and turn your pain into such positive action? >> i was raised by the most amazing person in the world. >> erika is the daughter of new town hero and an activist for common sense gun control. it's a pleasure to have you here on our last day. you've become a real hero of mine, and i thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back after this. >> hey, john, this is negin. congratulations on such a terrific run. thanks so much for having me on your show and other comedians.
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you have been very brave. i can't wait to see where you end up next with that you're awesome.
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>> i really wanted to be there in person, but instead am sending this to my friend and tell low traveler, john fugelsang. seriously, you are one of the smartest and most good-looking and sexiest men on television. media critics worldwide agree that next to not hiring me, bill press, not hiring john fugelsang was the biggest mistake ever made by al jazeera america. hey, congratulations, john, good luck, whatever you do. love you. >> welcome back to the program one of my all time favorite comics, having authored three books and 40 plays, he's received five grammy nominations
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and appeared on numerous films and t.v. on a little program called the daily show with john stewart with back in black. take a look. >> so they come up with a $350 billion tax cut at a time in which every city and every state that i've been through is broke. is broke. and you're going to cut taxes. they're so broke that they've actually cut essential services. in many places, they've cut policemen, because who the [bleep] needs them? or firemen, it's much more fun watching something burn down. >> his ninth special will be a live pay per view event from atlantic city. you must watch it on august 24. welcome back the great lewis black, welcome back, sir.
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i'm thrilled that you could be here for our final show. it's a pleasure to have you, and as someone who's been a long time fan, we thought let's have fun and play a little word association game with you. >> sure. >> i'll throw out a name of a political figure, tell me the first thing that pops into your head. president barack obama. >> basically, you know, screwed, because he's going to have to take america suffered a stroke, and then he was the next president after the stroke, and the best that he was going to be able to do was get us to kind of move our right arm, and so i just, i think just, speak up sometime, just do something. just kind of pound your 50. >> exactly. but then they'll call him unpresidential. yell at the clean up crew for the parade. >> first black president is screwed, what are you going to
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do, we're over racism. >> and then you guys made a mess, blame it on the black guy. hillary rodham clinton. >> should have been president. >> yeah? you think it was the iraq war support that cost her the nomination? >> no, i think it was timing. i think she was like a year away from the memory of the whole thing, and bill, you know, kind of separated enough from bill. >> how good will her presidency be for comedy in 2016? >> i think what really is good for comedy, no matter who's what or where is where does stupidity, like when bush left office, i said what are you going to do now? i said just because he left doesn't mean stupidity fled the country. i mean, it also comes from somewhere. it's like guacamole, you get rid of one, another comes up. look at ted cruz, he's the race
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horse in front, going to bring the government to a screeching halt. >> it's like the guy singing in journey, it's the same exact music. >> i wish he would do late night. i want him to do late night sales, you know, pitch ads, like the nutriblast stuff. i would buy anything, anything. i would stay up all night watching him sell stuff. >> he could sell it. >> the interesting thing about clinton, he could have sold us anything. we're lucky he kind of sold us the middle. >> i think you're right. >> justin bieber, american icon. >> no. no. no. >> canadian icon. >> no, no, no, no, no, no, no. no, no, no, no, no.
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>> speaker john boehner. >> i don't know, wow. he's -- that head is really -- he is. >> we call him agent orange around here are. >> it's the weird evident coloring i've ever seen. he's another one, a guy who really is, you know, he's like in a sense, if you go back, it's like a bad greek tragedy. >> exactly. >> you've got the president is kind of like, i don't know what to do and boehner's the same thing, but they're not like, you know, like a greek tragedy. >> he's like a fellow and the fellow is orange and not black. >> erik canter on the list, but he really drivers me around the bend. he is something else. and from virginia. >> from my mama's home state, even has the voice down. what about mitch mcconnell. >> mitch mcconnell, i'm doing
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the congressional correspondent's dinner and turned to my left, performing this way and turn to my left and there he is looking up at me without never, nothing, no expression, like they brought somebody in. i think he stores nuts in his cheeks. i think that is his purpose on the planet and then he shares them with squirrels in the neighborhood. >> let's talk about the guy who thought arab spring was a saudi deterrent, governor rick perry. >> one of the most profoundly dumb white men in the history of politics. >> he's going to run for president again. >> no, not on my watch. >> all these commercials you were upset about, bring your business to texas. >> a man who believes no the rap at your, but not global warming and yetle final thing are, you know, the thing is the logical conclusion of global warming is the rap at your. >> actually, the logical conclusion of the rap at your is kim kardashian. i mean, really, horsemen, party
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of four. how do you feel about the kardashian's threat to democracy. >> they're not a threat to democracy, but did take my slot on television. >> did they really? >> this. i didn't know i needed to do a sex tape. >> if o.j. hadn't killed those people, we wouldn't know who they are. if you stop that murder one don't know who kim is. >> i don't know if you can say this, but i would have blown an elephant to get a t.v. show. at one time, not anymore. >> i think kim still might. what about paula deen? >> yeah. just the perfect, you know, just the -- and got off. >> well, yeah. >> from the racial discrimination charge. >> she's just really, i mean, the thing is is not only paula deen, who was the lawyer? how did she walk in and do that deposition? >> amazing, isn't it? i think the difference between bigotry and racism, we call her
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the inna racist. she can't stop the dumb stuff from flying out of her mouth. >> it's been there, and you kind of, you know, and it's not that long ago. you know, it isn't. i was in school, it was -- when i was in school, there was still, from the first year i was there down at the university of north carolina, they had a parade that would go down the street on confederate's day and come down dressed at confederates. then it was done, no, that's done. >> they still have confederate month in virginia. dr. king's birthday is jackson day, they celebrate the other person. i saved the best for last, apartment knee wiener. >> wiener, wiener, that's all you got to know. if you can't and i will tell you this, if you cannot think of a
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joke about wiener on your own, if you need to watch us for a joke about wiener, then you need to see somebody. you need to move and find a sense of humor somewhere. >> does he need to go away or is it fun to watch this? >> no, go away. you don't get to do this, you don't. you have to go away. >> and yet you have guys like david vitter still in congress. he didn't have sex with anybody. first sex scandal with no sex. >> it's just called no. that's so stupid. it is. >> i think voters will forgive adultery, but not creepy behavior. >> and the gym thing again! >> i'm telling everybody to watch your live pay per view event. you have to watch it through in demand, august 24, 2013 at 9:00 p.m. you were one of the first comedians to ever be nice to me.
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it's so wonderful to have you here on our last show. lewis black, everyone, let's hear it. [ cheers and applause ] >> i look forward to the next album, as well. thank you. we'll be right back, after this. >> hey, john, thank you for pretending to care about sports. i did appreciate it all the times you pretended to care about sports. have a good one, buddy. >> hey, john, thanks so much for giving me the chance to be on your panel. thanks for giving everyone smart, funny and original show content.
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>> john, not only do you have the best green room in the business. i don't know if i'll be able to find a place to get as much good, liberal news with the same type of comedy. congratulations to you. you did a great job and your show's going to be missed. and this is delicious. >> thank you, for sending that all the way from our green room. now to the oh, i'm so scared story, republican national chairman previs threatened if anyone was to show a documentary film about hillary clinton, then his party would not allow those stations, nbc or cnn or their affiliates to host any 2016 gop primary debates. say it ain't so. whatever we do to be forced to watch something as entertaining and informative. since the reports have emerged that a fox company, as in rupert
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murdoch, emprocedure of the dark side might produce a mini series, he has amended his position to say his boycott would not extend to fox news channel. that's one lucky network. joining me now is previs. i'm joined by my final incredibly witty team of non-experts. this man hosts the palmer curio show and just had paul mccartney on his podcast, mr. paul mercurio. co creator of the daily show, miss liz winstead and writer, actor, star of films, stand up comedian making his debut as our newest regular, the one and only
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taylor negron. thank you for joining our last hurrah. i said i would get you on the show before we wrapped. >> the last day. >> what better way to kick off our panel than an explosive clash of politics and enter taillight. what do we think of previs threatening the networks that they won't get a gop debate if they show a film about the most popular woman in the world in the last 12 years? >> even my mom knows that there's a difference between entertainment divisions and news divisions. cnn might be weird, but honestly, it's all like oh, my god, thank god, because we have such a clown car full of fools that we can actually say i don't want anyone seeing these morons like they did the last time, because it killed us. >> i think that's his plan. >> the reunion on the bachelor has got more competent
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candidates. the thing that is shocking about the republicans is they are constantly attacking obama for not adhering to the constitution, but when it's convenient for them, they want to limit free speech. they forget about the entire rest of the constitution, which explains why they don't really care about black voters. >> they pick and choose bible verses, too. >> taylor, do you think that a film about hillary clinton. >> i would watch it, love it, need it, i want to see it. i would like to see, it's like kind of like the waltons meets the butler. what's going to happen is you're going to have bill clinton played by randy quaid running around the white house with people saying i'm sorry, i can't let you in there, sir. >> where are all these love letters that were happening to hillary clinton, they weren't. he is making this assumption
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that there's going to be this massive love letter to hillary. >>ized say lets remind everybody of the 1990's and why your husband became unpopular in the first place. >> you need to hold something back that somebody wants, right? oh, my god, you're not going to show the gop debates. it's like the olympics saying you're not getting water polo. >> it's this plan, because he wants less debates. it will be higher i.q. clown car this week. we're not going to have her man contain or bachmann. >> steve king said he might run, like there is a different level -- you just don't know the clowns as well yet. >> i think what what he wants is less exposure, less debates. the candidates want them, the republicans want them. >> he's trying to get traction in some way for the republican party right now. i think that this is part of him
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throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks. >> or he wants all the debates to be in fox on the bubble and i think that's better, because there's a much better chance they'll say something stupid if they feel safe. >> so the primary debates are all on fox, that just means what? >> that means a sense of false confidence that would make mitt romney look like an amateur. >> the larger thing that smacks of which annoys me is the republicans are great at being bully and victim at the same time. >> of course. >> they are just brilliant actors. i wish i knew that in high school, i would have kicked my own ass for four years. they're really, really good at it. it's part of what the liberal media needs to be better at. fox news has many more viewers than msnbc or cnn and yet constant able to be the david in this goliath. i don't know how they manage to do that. >> they are very good at it.
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truth is not measured in mass appeal. they like to say fox news has the most viewers, so must have the most truth, but fox news has half the viewers of sponge bob square pants. >> when they poll, they find out who did the quiz, people who watch pbs, daily show and fox news and fox news comes in last. >> taylor, is there a liberal media? >> i don't think so. i think there is a media, and i think that people are a lot smarter than we think that they are, and i think that they want to know. you have a bio pic of hillary and bill, you're going to say a calculated, smart intelligent couple making a plan, and that's very american. >> bill makes a lot of plans. >> a lot of plans, but she made plans too. if she wins and i think she will be, madam president, because she's older, she will never have that time of the month where she
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bill have to destroy the plans. >> my panel is sticking around. coming up next is a game you can play with the whole family, it's president roulette. don't go away. >> john, if anything, i have learned that if i disagree with you on the show, you're legions of millions of twitter followers will come to your rescue and attack me on a daily basis. i want to thank you for having me on your show. you've shown that we can have serious disagreements but actually get along. thanks for everything. you have a great future and i can't wait to be on your next show.
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>> john, john, john, it's elayne boosler. i wish i could close out the show with you and take the fabulous furniture and those wonderful middle eastern paper clips. i want to thank you for having me on. i love you.
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i'm going to miss the dip in the dressing room and most of all, that makeup woman. >> thank you. joining me now for a new and exciting segment sweeping the nation, i'm joined by fascinating contestants. he hosts the palmer curio show. daily show co creator, and writer actor and stand up comedian who's been in every film ever made, taylor n ex-gron. let's hear it. [ applause ] >> i like this audience. >> it's kind of nice. it would be great to have a live audience for newscasts all the time, i think. >> audience vote, even no the smaller election. the liberal media is telling you to vote in the smallest election you can.
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>> we're in a period of time when the republican party is dedicated to make it harder for brown folks, old folks, if poor people start voting, you would see change in this country, so thank god that won't happen. the car dariens are on. >> this is the viewpoint mug with eliot spitzer's name still on it and i want to go around and have you give me your first initial thoughts on the candidates. the first candidate is governor of tax, rick perry. liz. >> i would say if you want a vaginal probe in every problem, rick perry is your guy. >> i do. i think rick perry is already running a smarter campaign. that campaign of bring your business to texas might be dishonest, but makes him look like a business leader. i think he's going to run. >> there's three reasons, i can't think of the third reason
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why, but he's so dopey. the republican's need to have a smart candidate, and he looks so presidential, and they should have him lip civic for four years. >> i this i that was reagan's strategy for the second material. are you a fan? >> i think he's very dangerous and fundamentally a little megachurch for me. >> i would agree. i would describe him as a masterpiece of the pharmacists's art. >> but you know what, god bless him. >> indeed. >> everybody you're going to pull out of that cup is going to say that god chose him and they lose. >> all these people are going to say god made them run and that's proof that god loves us and answer us to laugh. number two, rand paul. >> great candidate for this country if the country is middle earth. 1952, a frightening. >> or star trek, because he has a dead dribble on his head. is he an ophthalmologist?
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>> yes. >> the new chart would be we need leaner government. is that a great joke one have to look at eye chart. he's an ophthalmologist. >> a guy who does eye surgery without a license. >> you love a guy who's an ophthalmology who is sort-sited. >> chris christie. do we think he's going to run, do we want him to run? >> he's going to run, not going to win, because he's pissed off the republicans approximate. first all, he accepted relief for hurricane sand decide and didn't blame it on the gays. >> the thing about him that people need to do is look, because he is no less of a freak than rick santorum, no less of a crazy -- >> unfortunately, presidential election is less about issues and more about personality. right now, he's super hot.
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look, i don't know how he plays in the midwest with that beating up unions. >> yelling at people, no. >> best. speaker of all of them. i think he'll be a force to be reckoned with. >> i'd like to see more marathons and less wool. he uses too much wool, but i like him again. he had a very good spot on oprah. oprah gave him a nice hour. >> it's good that the people he's running to impress don't like him. ted cruz, speaking of out patients. anyone think he is going to run, our favorite canadian? i think he'll run, he's so in sane, he believes he can win. these guys become very my on thattic and i think he has got at a shot of getting in there. i would love for him to run, because the debates would be incredibly entertaining. >> i think they will be. >> from a comedy standpoint, yes, absolutely. i like to calendar him carnival cruise. everything about him is he's
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totally anti choice and wants to repeal obamacare. >> we go back to communities paying for everyone going to emergency rooms. hillary clinton, is there a way she can not become the next president? >> no way. she's a win. >> if she doesn't run, that would be the only way. >> i think the bio pick's going to put her over the top. >> dyan lane. >> you have steve jobs, this incredible genius, the biggest twitter guy in the world playing him. ashton kutcher. >> playing the smartest person. >> the last bio pick awesome was the one the bible, where the devil looked like obama. >> thank you guys very much for being here. paul, liz and stay lower, thank you for making this final show so much fun. it's an honor to have you here. >> you're going to be missed. >> thank you. i'm going to be back and i hope
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we all get to plating in the future. stick around, we have some very special final thoughts for current t.v. it will be the last block of current, coming right up. >> so john, now that currently's coming to an end and the show going away, which is very sad, i was trying to think of the perfect thing i could do not only for you, but the current audience. i came up with one thing. ç]is is my gift to you.
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>> hey, john, it's frank conniff. thank you for letting me work on current, it's been one of the best experiences of my life and i know there's going to be many more great things for you coming, and just very happy and grateful to be your friend and to be your colleague, and to know you, and good luck and god
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bless. >> dearly beloved, we are gathered here tonight to bid fond farewell to the grand noble experiment that was an independent progressive t.v. network. for this, this is the final segment of the final hour of original programming produced for current t.v. and i have become the unlikely candidate to give the send off. it began broadcasting eight years ago. al gore and ben wanted to say good night, but couldn't, because their doorways are blocked by giant stacks of currency. i have been blessed for the live coverage of last year's coverage debates, alongside al gore, chenk uygur, the excellent documentary of the sexy liberal comedy tour. sandy relief, two great pieces of comedy original programming that i thought showed how smart
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and edgy this network could have become. i'm grateful for the chance to have hosted viewpoint. when frank and i came onboard immediately following the networks sale to al jazeera america and time warner dropping the network, we had no idea how we would if it our sensibilities into a hard news show. i got to work with the same staff that had done one agrees show and then another with governor eliot spitzer. together over the past year, we created a news comedy talk show hybrid that was informative, and inflammatory. i thank my executive producers. the brilliant staff of news professionals who took at a chance with me, i'm indebted to all the great staff here, including the summer staff doing
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more with less, an art form. i thank all the journalists, authors, comedies, congress members and filmmakers who made viewpoint the best t.v. show half of america could see. consider this, it will air every night at 10:00. current had a lot to be proud of. won an emmy, made great t.v. and made comedy history. back in march, 2007 when two asian american journalists were working for current, they are detained and bill clinton saved the day when he famously traveled to north korea to get them released. a lot of people claim clintons behavior rehabilitated gore's image, because of al gore, bill clinton was cheered across the
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world for bringing home two asian women. i thank the experiment and most of all, i got to thank you, the viewers of current. i hope we can keep in touch. this fall, i'll write a book, shoot a documentary film for p.b.s., and i'll be performing in a club or theater near you. i hope you'll keep up with me on twitter and facebook. where's henry jack? i believe in what this network was about. i'm proud of the show viewpoint has become. i'm convinced the intelligence, with it will live on through those touched by the programming. i'm grateful to have played a small part that made people feel less alone. helen keller said life is either a daring adventure or nothing, to behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable. give me the baby. making his t.v. debut on our
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last day. [ cheers and applause ] >> i thank everyone associated with this program, this network. it was a great time. [ laughter ] >> thank you, current. good night. [ applause ]
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>> tonight, it's our final episode ever, and everything must go, including us. joining me tonight, my good pal mario who was at my final taping of the view on tuesday. can we say ambulance chaser? plus a new reality star, a man with a 132-pound scrotum. this show is over, but the guy with the big ball gets his own series. the circle of life is complete. all that and more tonight on say anything. ♪ theme >>


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