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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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interview johnson a woman that. has that germany decides. the candidates september twenty first one. you're watching t.v. news coming to you live from berlin be on mars and so on so cheap breaks her silence on the real hinge a refugee crisis she expresses her sorrow for all groups displaced by violence and says she wants to speak to muslims to find out why they're leaving does this mean the nobel laureate will now move to end what the u.n.
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describes as ethnic cleansing. also on the show just days to go to the german elections and chancellor going to michael's main challenger mountain shoals makes a last ditch effort to pull in the votes but can he didn't michael's commanding lead. one of europe's biggest airlines ryanair cancels thousands of flights it says it missed up the planning of its pilots holidays but not everyone is buying that line. also coming up by in munich celebrate oktober fest but once the party is over will they meet their match against a resurgent shaka tonight we'll have a preview. hello i'm terry marchin thanks for joining us. myanmar's de facto leader has broken her silence on the road hinge a refugee crisis an army led crackdown has driven more than four hundred thousand
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minority muslims into bangladesh triggering a major humanitarian emergency so cheez national address was highly anticipated she's been facing intense criticism for remaining silent on what the u.n. is now describing as ethnic cleansing let's listen to some of her speech there has been much concern around the words that they got to this situation kind it is not the intention nothing then log government to apportion blame to epona gauge responsibility we condemn all human rights violations and unlawful violence we are committed to the restoration of peace stability and rule of law throughout the state. since a fifth of september there have been no armed crashes and that the no clearance operation nevertheless we are concerned to hear that numbers of muslims off being across the border to one day. we want to find out why
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this exodus is happening we. and i was myanmar's defacto leader on sponsor chey there of course well for more now i'm joined by andrea is lawrence he's a former asia correspondent for the german newsmagazine desh beagle he's also written a biography of on soul suchi thank you so much for coming in this morning under arrest for having what do you make of speech do you think it will be enough to silence those who have condemned her handling of the range of refugee crisis i think it continues. to be very careful. she didn't explicitly criticize the military for human rights violations she's just said well we have to find out what what's going on. come to the case and so i am very skeptical about that she could piece into this and critics now
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she delivered this speech in myanmar is described as a national address but it's also an address to the general assembly of the united nations that meeting this week in new york her address was highly anticipated why didn't she go to new york to deliver the stress i think that the situation is very tense and. maybe she didn't want to hear the criticism that she's going to new york was there is a major human crisis going on in the country ok that makes sense given that though that she's staying at home she's in the country presumably the government must know what's going on within the country yet in her address. she claimed not to know why the ridges muslims are leaving me on mar and crossing over into bangladesh hundreds of thousands of them it's been going on for more than three weeks this exit is do you think she's being completely honest when she says she doesn't know
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why no she is not i think she exactly knows what's going on and you have to know and of course she knows that they're bringing a problem isn't it is an old problem which goes back for decades now. and she of course know is that the. sense that because discriminated against so i think she tries to also be careful not to blame the military does this crisis reveal the true limitations of also suit she's ability to deal successfully with the military or the military still pulling the strings exactly i think that is that is exactly what's going on i think in security matters since the chief has less to say a very god the god mrs merkel is office. the constitution is made by the military says that the military has the only say in security if
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areas defend border and interior affairs so she really has not the power to rule in or to tell the military to behave. now when he was allowed to run for office again after being under house arrest for years and years and she was criticized for not allowing her party to put up muslim candidates or at least her party marginalized some of these muslim supporters in the power base why do you think or what role do you think the muslim buddhist divide in myanmar is playing in this current refugee crisis with the region i think that she she didn't do that because you won't want to was careful as she is. now you want to not to risk that. to gain a major majority in the parliament why because. myanmar is a deeply religious. country and if she if she openly defend
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the ring i think she fears that she might lose the sympathy of the bridge just population do you think that also suchi has a constructive role to play in resolving this crisis. well as i said. her role is limited so she tries she is she's in a tight spot from this and in this situation why because she tries to to to not to lose her i am and the aim is to make me a democratic country and the biggest point of that is to get the military which is now so full full back to the barracks under arrest thank you so much various lawrence a thing was very much as your correspondent and the author of of autobiography of a biography on signs of gee thanks for coming in now to the caribbean
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where hurricane maria despite being downgraded back to a category four storm is still bearing down on a string of islands and devastating small nations such as domenico the french island of guadalupe also faced an intensive strike on monday night on other islands such as antigua people are bracing for the storm as they're still reeling from hurricane erma earlier this month the strength of maria could increase again as it moves towards puerto rico and the virgin islands according to current forecasts. now in new york present donald trump will take center stage at the annual gathering of world leaders at the united nations later today amid global anxiety over north korea and iran they're waiting to hear what the president's america first vision means for world politics on monday truck made his u.n. debut at a smaller event to debate reform of the u.s. . in his first appearance at the united nations us president
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donald trump did not mince his words trump said the organization needed less red tape and more efficiency. in recent years the united nations has not reached its full potential because of bureaucracy and mismanagement while the united nations on a regular budget has increased by one hundred forty percent and its staff has more than doubled since two thousand we are not seeing the results in line with this investment. president trump is a longtime critic of the united nations on the campaign trail he dismissed the world body as a club for people to talk and have a good time. u.n. chief antonio is also pushing for reform and has welcomed trance initiative un s three man this potential all of us have the responsibility to make sure we live up
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to it. our shared objective is the twenty first century focus more on people less on process and as you rightly said more on delivery less on bureaucracy. on tuesday trump will address the general assembly amid concerns of global crises the u.s. president's america first policy and his support for the u.n. . well trump's america first policy hasn't done much to help the u.s. toy store toys r us monica has a story here that's a very sad story terry because it looks like toys r us incorporation has just become toys bust the largest u.s. toy store chain filed for bankruptcy protection on monday toys r us has taken a beating from competition with online shopping and discount chains the filing is among the largest ever by a speciality retailer and cast doubts over the future of the company's nearly one
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thousand six hundred stores and sixty four thousand employees it comes just as toys r us is preparing for the holiday shopping season which accounts for the bulk of its sales while happy holidays. another not so happy story ryan air europe's largest airline by passenger numbers is canceling thousands of flights a rather unusual incident for the otherwise reliable kariya now ryanair meanwhile has published a long list with all the flights affected but that's little comfort for the airline's customers they demand answers the airline c.e.o. said they messed up the pilot's vacation i ten aris but not everyone is buying that . around forty to fifty flights are set to be canceled daily that's a total of around two thousand flights by the end of october ryanair canceled the flights to cope with pilot shortages and to improve its punctuality record we can either run the operation with
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a fifty five sixty percent punctuality we far more flight through options inevitably cancellations and huge past your dissatisfaction calls to thirty five or forty percent of our customer base or we do what i thought last friday was the sensible thing we need to take out about fifty flights a day for the next six weeks while we have the screwy issues two thousand cancelled flights that means hundreds of thousands of angry customers but that didn't seem to bother ryanair it's not fair for the people that have booked already there. everything because unlike the case it's not fully that right. while the formula but no idea the budget carrier is bracing itself for a bill of damages totaling twenty million euros but analysts are doubtful that improving the punctuality record is the real reason for the cancelled flights rather ryanair could be aiming to grab as many of the landing slots still occupied
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by the now bankrupt air berlin if air berlin stops operations those coveted slots would be auctioned off but only airlines with a sufficient number of free planes for the additional flights would be eligible to bid. with breaks it's talks not making any real progress financial markets worldwide are looking for guidance and they found it on monday when bank of england to governor mark carney discussed his central bank's interest rate policy at the i.m.f. meeting in washington and sent the pound sterling down almost one percent. rex it is coming and while some politicians in the u.k. still try to paint this as a positive for the country most fear the road ahead at the i.m.f. meeting in washington d.c. bank of england governor mark carney said breaks it is likely to hurt britain's growth prospects in the short term for him the negative effects of bracks that are clear. any reduction in openness with the e.u.
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is unlikely to be immediately compensated by new toys of a similar magnitude with other trade partners and even if those new agreements with other partners could be struck instantaneously the reorientation of business relationships will take some time. britain's inflation rate has accelerated this year due in large part to the fall of the pound since the referendum decision in june two thousand and sixteen to leave the e.u. carney expects more inflation however any coming interest rate rises would be limited and gradual a statement less hawkish than expected. now fishing is big business in canada of the north american nation exports billions of dollars worth of lobster crap and salmon every year but now a tiny parasite is threatening the entire industry aqua cultural businesses are
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scrambling to find a solution to a let's call it lousy problem. there are big fish weighing in at almost five kilos but a tiny parasite is mercilessly attacking them lice they attach themselves to salmon and feed on them rendering them useless as a food fish once controlled through pesticides sea lice have now grown resistant and new approaches are needed to keep them in check for farmers. farmers and this is absolutely a farming issue. and we're trying to deal with it the same way every other farmer that grows all of our food what that means with all they have because this is about the very life they hold of the farmers and an entire multibillion dollar business on board the coal the person they're pumping ten thousand fish at a time into a solution of peroxide and water it kills most of the lice but also some of the
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fish. at the center approach is this thermal removal barge fish come down a water slide while a warm shower knocks the lice off the farmers preferred method however to use cleaner fish to co-exist with the salmon and the lice do you think this is the way to go because it's non-chemical based. and we can get them from our waters and it is their natural habitat and it's quite easy to program whichever treatment farmers use time is of the essence farmers across the globe consider sea lice the biggest threat to their industry with current prices up as much as fifty percent over last years that means consumers are now having to pay more for their favorite sound cuts. now five more days and germans will elect a new government and eventually you chancellor terry that's right the new chancellor
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won't be this the old one though that still riding very high in the polls are monica but an exciting time. it must be said yes indeed a chance of going back as main challenger mountain shoals faces a last ditch effort to pull in the boats but will he be able to dent commanding lead before sunday's general election. and a classic showdown between a rival shaka and by munich we've got a preview coming up for you of all the midweek action. now returning to our top story the revenge of refugee crisis myanmar's leader she has now spoken out about the situation saying she does not fear international scrutiny of her government's handling of the crisis more than four hundred thousand range of muslims have fled across the border into bangladesh after a security crackdown by myanmar's military the refugees are languishing in desperately overcrowded refugee camps. sent us this report from bangladesh.
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they keep on coming. more than four hundred ten thousand refugees from myanmar have already crossed the border into bangladesh and no one knows how many will still arrive. in the camps the situation is already at a breaking point. food water shelter everything is scarce here. many of the eight deliveries are organized by private bangladeshi citizens. and. if we do not help the government of bangladesh this problem will be difficult to solve and how do we don knotts not see the refugees are getting increasingly desperate and distributing aid to those who really need it can't be done from the back of a truck. the problem with the way this aid is being delivered is that it doesn't reach everyone and that it's a matter of luck and sometimes even the physical strength if you get some or not
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but there are hundreds of thousands of people here who are all desperately in need of food water and medicine and what they really need is a large scale coordinated relief effort. some forty kilometers north lies the hospital of cox's bazar the district capital. here doctors are treating around thirty rohingya refugees with severe injuries. they have sustained burns broken limbs and gunshot wounds. the hospital only has two hundred fifty beds and was already overstretched before the refugees arrived. and this influx due to the. has been a good bargain to us because these patients are huge in number diversity injuries and difficult to manage injuries from infected cases or cases of coming with the existing resources existing medicine existing meant to be difficult for us to deal
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with this influx outside the hospital locals voiced their resentment towards the rohingya refugees. that only because of the. our country is suffering great lady. many of them break the law they steal they drop us and the women work as prostitutes. they've had manners how they are going to. hit eighty five percent ninety percent. we don't. we don't get them no good people don't get this obvious in our country back in the camps bangladeshi authorities are trying to get the king out of. the government has designated an area to house four hundred thousand refugees where aid can be properly distributed but with hunger and illness spreading it's
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a race against time. well here in germany it's crunch time in the run up to sunday's general election the principal challenger for the post of chancellor monti and shoals has been facing questions from a live t.v. audience here his party the social democrats are heading into the polls trailing chancellor merkel's christian democrats by double digits so children's t.v. debate was his last big chance to narrow that gap. so time at prime time for martin schulz with less than a week till the german elections challenge faces last t.v. town hall meeting with tough questions from voters on the pressing issue of immigration he chose to rely on a slogan that's good for do you think not so when the lights over there are three magical words for integration language work and friends you have to learn the language of the country you live and work and if you live there you have to find a job and if you speak the language you will find friends and those who have friends integrated to know about that the feeling of theirs and so on the shoulders
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try to distinguish himself from incumbent chancellor angela merkel for example by promising to take a tougher stance on foreign policy issues. in these times of added one trump and putin mrs merkel likes to be cautious i wouldn't be like that i think you have to speak clearly with the u.s. president with all due respect to the office of the president you can very well tell him mr trump your politics will never be those of germany we thought. it was a perfect format for martin schulz as a former small town mayor he knows how to approach people and promised to address voters' concerns. most of us. in four years' time i also want us to have invested in schools nurseries and infrastructure if this country continues to follow i'm going to fly and that everything's going to be fine
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well just carry on living off our capital and in four years time we'll be worse off than today. so with just days to go till the elections of poll specials the social democrats look grim but their candidate proved in this town hall that he's not giving up the five just yet. well ahead of sunday's election we've been talking to people all over the world as part of our series view of germany to find out how this election is being seen abroad today we have. to the small greek island of south of the capital athens to speak to demetrius shino who runs a small hotel on the island athens and berlin have had rocky relations because of greece's debt crisis and the german government's demands for austerity. when i worked in hotels in their money i learned about how to be more effective
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more responsible. and to give high standards to everything i do i learned how to work really work. and now it on my own but then on a good night often. we save a lot of that among guests that they're much they like to talk about the everyday life about politics that like us so yes we talked a lot about the crises and how we can go on. this conflict between the north and south of europe made the warrior look. good there my financial and minister mr lay very famous indeed because he's pushing us to the limits and is not
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a good time for greece. to the limit our government. spending every day we are really living to the limit. a more than we can. count. in their money could be passed. this way because they follow the rules in greece the greeks they have no more trust the politicians so they don't pay their taxes and don't support. my opinion is that their money ruled euro. medically. i feel like seize my professional and. the. to me you know. but this is a dead one and if we or the professor. giving us a way to go the way.
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soccer news now in the business leaders midweek action on tuesday night shaka will lock horns with bon munich in a marquee match up shaka have been on a roll so far this season and are expected to give the reigning champions a run for their money especially with bae and keep manuel neuer out injured again. as impressive start to the bundesliga season has a team full of confidence under first season coach domenico to disco the side from galston kishan have experienced many changes in style and tactics and it appears to be working the royal blues of won three of their four bundesliga matches this season sometimes with the help of the video assistant referee but now their attention is focused on their greatest test so far this campaign about the against . you want to may want to hold against bahrain you have to be on i think that'll be the only way you'll have a real chance against fire munich when you need to have a heck of a day and on
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a talk. by ns dominance against child in recent years is unquestionable the last time unit lost to the royal blues in a competitive match was back in two thousand and eleven. but this time around by and go into the clash swimming in a sea of criticism their decent start of the season has been overshadowed by their recent defeat to hoffenheim and rumors of tension within the dressing room and criticism towards cotton on chalabi forced him to answer his detractors you know that then that all you have is like me so bad that i don't know neuwirth but who do you. want to celebrate it with. decides this is football a mouth watering bottle is expected between these two old rivals. you're watching good news coming to you live from berlin we have more news at the top of the next hour and you'll find all our stories online at w dot com thanks for watching.
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because. this legal highlights. buying new made up for losing their last match by thrashing mines four nil just in time for the opening of october fest. after many goals and much debate during defeating cologne and are once again top of
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the table. slashing the bad. piece by the green lungs of a strong. brazil's amazon rain forest dysfunction. the consequences for the world. and. what is to be done. global three thousand and sixty minutes long t w. this is the governor has come to love somebody but the right to our correspondent is in central istanbul and we have our political correspondent here in the studio along those stories in just a minute but first this news just gets all about the perspective closer.
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yes. he tells us storing stories. it makes us laugh. and cry. tremble and smile. magical images and big emotions come out. go go see every canned on d w. i've.


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