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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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or how to govern and that is something that reminds me of for the speech he held in saudi arabia but of course we have to wait and see because this is a very unpredictable president all right that speech expected to within the hour we will be covering it live alexander phenomena for us in new york will be coming back to a little bit later in the program thank you alexandra. you're watching d.w. still to come the tourism business in greece is booming but little of that money is flowing back into the troubled government coffers bence's elin will be here in just a minute to tell us why. they were to. make your store t.v. even smarter with a d w force more to. what you want when you want it up to date extraordinary in depth you decide what songs find out more w
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dot com smart. freedom of expression. a value that always has to be defended in you. all over the world. are to a freedom freedom of art. a multimedia project about artists and their right to express their views freely. d w dot com to freedom. the greeks get tough on taxes at least on the island of santorini a great place to take a vacation but businesses be walling. fears new zealand's fuel shortage will
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spread stranding thousands more travelers. and the trouble with break that fishermen on both sides of the channel want to get their fish cake and eat it too. i'm bad physical and let's do business greece is enjoying a tourism boom but funny enough no one told the tax authorities. the revenue streaming in a failing to flow into state coffers it's a great story clean torrijos for tax evasion recent orders reveal seventy percent of businesses and some of the holiday islands refused to issue receipts tax offices a fed up with all the tricks and a toughening up their approach. on the greek island of santa rini a perfect summer is coming to a close perfect for a hotel is restaurants and store owners because tourist numbers have broken all records. over thirty million visitors in all of greece have boosted the economy which is experienced two quarters in
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a row of economic growth. the greeks are profiting from vacationers fears of the political situation in turkey. but while the greek tourist industry is booming and the cash registers are ringing very little of it reaches tax coffers so to help the businesses remember to pay their taxes the national revenue agency has begun to read those businesses. tax audits are happening everywhere this year tax investigators check the books and sometimes they shut the business down immediately if they decide to close you down during the busy season you are in a lot of trouble. this is what it looks like after investigators have been there it says suspended due to tax violations on the barrier tape not the best advertising for a shop but tax officials have good reason for not wanting to show their faces on t.v. they're not loved on the little island where everyone knows everyone else. it's not
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a problem for me the tax investigators are doing their job and i'm doing mine if they audit you when you've broken the law then you have to pay the consequences. not all tax evaders see it that way and that's why the tax officials would rather conduct business in safety protected by steel bars when working on the streets people sometimes get violent or threaten them with bodily harm. violent taxpayers face. more severe measures actually they're not they're not evading that they're not they're not weaning something will gain something out of it. but most of the sins are just misdemeanors food or drinks without the required receipt or pocketing the value added tax grease is the country of the fucking lucky or the envelope full of cash greeks don't find tax evasion to be that serious after all they have centuries of tradition there drachmas from the
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tax man while they're. country was part of the detested ottoman empire. another story for travelers and you zealand warned the government about the national security risk a so pipeline posed five years ago well it broke over the weekend causing international embarrassment thousands of travelers are stranded as a shortage of jet fuel and the pipe was get fixed till next week and did i mention there's an election around the corner. the fear of empty petrol stations is increasing ten stations in new zealand's largest city no longer have any super gasoline it's just days before the election and the government is trying everything to minimise the damage tanker trucks are being filled to the brim with fuel and sent to auckland. where making sure the tankers can go turn probably an extra fifteen percent on white than what they can now we've taken some of these ideas
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from under stream of seats that anything you need. and we will do our best to supply the airport remains affected by the shortage over forty international and domestic flights had to be cancelled aircraft are diverting to other airports just a few up even ships are standing ready to help but they are having problems who has not been so tight i have nation fuelled through christ or mains which is why we're trying to say whether or not it can happen very quickly. crews are working on the damaged pipeline twenty four hours a day supposedly the pipe was damaged when it was hit by a construction site digger the repairs will take at least another week. fishermen at the latest to get snagged by breaks it the dilemma is that european fisherman want to access to english war has where they make about half their income their british counterparts would prefer to limit the competition. both sides could get
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caught out. at the center of the debate is the english channel a rich fishing ground for british and european boats alike french crews like this one say loss of access would be devastated by the regular thing also you saw the consequences over one year these waters represent sixty to seventy percent of our fishing sites so the boat and the crew would see a loss of income going on you want to but the only point is. they wouldn't be alone limited access would affect belgian spanish and dutch crews. fishermen in the u.k. are more open to the idea many feel that the u.s. never given them a proper quota under its common fisheries policy brags that they hope might change that. we all think that official history it's all about access so we hope for better access to water so that means restricting access of you vessels into the u.k. or in having some access ourselves to you waters there's
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a snag though british fisherman so much of their catch to europe u.k. fishing exports to france totaled five hundred seven million euros in two thousand and fifteen french exports to the u.k. came to less than a quarter of that amount that means leverage for a unit go shaders hoping to keep access open european fisherman are hopeful negotiations are expected to begin soon. talking about negotiations the break that a go she ations love boreas let's talk about that with daniel cope our financial correspondent in frankfurt how we actually getting and a european companies benefiting in your opinion. well. it's a topic was so many you know an answer to question lots of question marks you know we still haven't you figured out how much about the actual bricks that. is
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actually going to be no very interesting topic ben but you know the thing is that. yeah always. but you know the you know the thing then is now i have to can i have to focus again the interesting thing is that it really seems that companies are benefiting with this we just got a new report today from the center for european economic research and they're saying you know that the growth here and the eurozone is actually you know doing very strong with a level of seventeen points on exports were actually expecting only expecting a level of you know twelve point zero reason behind this is also because mostly you know for example banks or other financial institutions are benefiting and they're really seeing that at this time you know with this negotiation also being so slow that they're just in a much better position and that most likely the united kingdom economy is
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more going to suffer with brics it can i just briefly ask you something off the cuff i mean we're talking about and we've been talking about this for months now of course all the consequences the fallout from that but just remind our viewers briggs it hasn't occurred yet. are investors telling you. we're going to suddenly get a really bad surprise at some stage when break that actually does happen just briefly. well it's very interesting because when you talk to some exports they're even saying they don't even see breakfast at the end happening i was talking to an investor earlier this morning about this and he was telling me that you know with this that there are still so many questions and that he feels at the very last minute britain might even realize that it's better you know to say no to breaks it down for us in the frame for the thank you we will see back to fishing which is big
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business in canada that exports billions of dollars worth of lobster crap and salmon every year but now a tiny parasite is threatening the entire industry. they are big fish weighing in at almost five kilos but a tiny parasite is mercilessly attacking them lice they attach themselves to salmon and feed on them rendering them useless as a food fish once controlled through pesticides sea lice have now grown resistant and new approaches are needed to keep them in check for farmers not fisherman farmers and this is absolutely a farming issue. and we're trying to deal with it the same way every other farmer that grows all of our food what that means with all they have because this is about the very life they hold of the farmers and an entire multibillion dollar business on board that call the person they're pumping ten thousand fish at a time into
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a solution of peroxide and water it kills most of the lice but also some of the fish. at center approach is this thermal removal barge fish come down a water slide while a warm shower knocks the lice off the farmers preferred method however to use cleaner fish to co-exist with the salmon and the lice do you think this is the way to go because it's non-chemical based. and we can get them from our waters and it is their natural habitat and it's quite easy to grow them whichever treatment farmers use time is of the essence farmers across the globe consider sea lice the biggest threat to the industry with current prices up as much as fifty percent over last years that means consumers are now having to pay more for their favorite salmon cuts.
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