tv Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe Deutsche Welle September 20, 2017 12:30am-1:01am CEST
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after their daily styling it's gone to photo shoots. with fans from all over the world from. your home x. . on. germany decides the day before the general election on d w day dedicated to democracy from its dramatically beginnings in germany on to the present day how is the nation of culture feeling election year democracy day september twenty third on d w. hi everyone welcome to the show which is packed full of intriguing stories that i
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like every day in fact is a taste of what's coming up. a change of scenery in the murphy house in edinburgh nothing remains the same. hold your horses prairie horses or an old tradition of it taper fest in munich. and joie de vivre living it up on the banks of the river then and iris. levels over five floors how is that even possible well it certainly sounds intriguing and that is why we were so keen to visit the murphy house in edinburgh scotland the british architect to ten years to make his dream a reality and it was definitely worth the wait last year he received six awards for his work including the riba house of the year prize being a fine example of how to overcome it challenging spatial constraints. this house is full of surprises sliding all pivoting panels transform each space
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they can be found throughout the entire structure. this is the murphy house designed and owned by architect richard murphy. in two thousand and sixteen it was named house of the year by the royal institute of british architects. there are lots of ideas behind this house how it fits centerpiece of historic edinburgh how it changes between winter and summer how you get a lot of rooms into a very small space save energy and how an architect really brings to bear his own inferences interests of other architects he started. that's quite a name it's a volume of space so the shape of the house came from that building up high on one
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side and low on the other and then try to say get us lots of many rooms in those possible i'm using various devices to make the house feel bigger than it actually is. but nothing house and it's unique architecture certainly stands out in edinburgh as popular newton district most of the houses here were built in the nineteenth century and represent the world's largest example of uninterrupted like georgian architecture. and that the house eight levels spread over five stories with one hundred forty square metres of living space. it took richard murphy a total of ten years to build his house from seeing the site drawing up the plans to getting the building permits. the master bedroom is located on the top floor and also contains large movable panels here to. there is an element of surprise. it's a small house and space is
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a premium but i want to have a bath somewhere in the house so i thought why didn't i put a path in the bedroom but i disguised it as a seat. this is a panel which opens up between the country in the living room i mean one does things for different reasons sometimes you do them for functional reasons and sometimes you do the for piece of fun this is more of a piece of fun so that when you're in the bedroom you can talk to people down in the living room if you want to the reason it's designed like this such as the eccentric pivots is because you don't want to be able to see straight ahead because if you saw straight ahead you will see from the bed into the neighbor's windows which is not such a clever idea. there was a long period of time when it looked like the matthew house would never be found. after a lot of wrangling with the planning department they actually recommended refusal
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but i went and talked to a couple of local councillors who were on the planning committee and they understood what i was trying to do and they talked to other councillors and when we got to the committee meeting the councillors overturned the recommended refusal of the money which is extremely rare the house doesn't really blend in so what are the neighbors think they'll complain of course so lots of them did anyway and there was a bit of a campaign but almost those to quote shakespeare they complained a little bit too much actually and i think that rebounded a bit on the councillors having finished the house i thought exactly the opposite reaction from neighbors they all love it. matthews use of concrete levels and geometric shapes were inspired by the ninety tally an architect can. even hear out in the garden there is great attention to detail.
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on. a walk from top to bottom helps keep the visitor a better idea of all the details of the house. richard murphy has lived in his house for two and a half years now and he wouldn't change a thing if he had to build it all over again. as like an adult playhouse what a fabulous design now heading south from scotland to london we have news on two other events taking place this week that and more coming up for you now in our express. the spy comedy kings man the golden circle premiered in london on monday british director matthew vaughn secured a star studded cast for the production of the line up includes julianne moore.
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jeff bridges halle berry terrine egerton colin firth and musician elton john to place himself kingsmen the golden circle is based on a comic series the first film episode kingsmen the secret service was released in twenty fourteen and a sequel to the suave british gentleman joined forces with u.s. allies in their mission to save the world. forty eight ballerinas from the shanghai ballet gave a surprise performance at and perhaps main train station on monday travelers watch them dancing scenes from tchaikovsky's swan lake. the shanghai ballet is on tour in the belgian city from the beginning of october they'll be performing what's being billed as the biggest production of swan like in the world.
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julien macdonald presented his new collection at london fashion week on monday it was inspired by a recent visit to the amazon rain forest and brazilian supermodel out a summer ambrosio even pointing out a parent's. top shop showcased glitter feathers and soft glossy fabrics and a collection of jeans. spring summer two thousand and eighteen would also see the return of the trademark. around the world in eighty days by bicycle that's the challenge british extreme sportsman mark bowman set himself and successfully completed in fact he took one and a half days less to cycle twenty nine thousand kilometers around the globe to be precise he did it in seventy eight days fourteen hours and forty minutes a new world record to achieve that he had to cycle an average of three hundred eighty six kilometers per day he arrived in paris on monday welcomed by his family
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. yesterday on the show if you were watching you would have seen me in a dead until it is custom to wear these decision or costumes at the october fest but that applies not just to the men and women the whole us is even have their own traditional attire it takes a lot of preparation to get the horses ready for the big public parent and we headed to the stables to see how it all comes together. these traditional brewery host teams are on their way to the october fest but the barrels are empty because nowadays the bear is brought to the tents by truck. by the heavy draft horses remain an attraction for the public. for their groom baptist falter the show is all part and parcel of his job his
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working day begins early in the stables in munich. this was in a village of a augustine a breweries traditional horse stables when horses were used trunks this was where the horses were always kept in the animals transported every day during the october first the ten horses are also captive we come in eight days ahead of time to accustom them to city traffic and then to housed in the stables throughout the old type of fastest all. for three weeks each year baptists falter lives here with his horses normally there at home in porsche it's really been lowered of area but munich spirits no longer keep their own animals and have to borrow them and someone to look after them for the october fest. into the will have on during the week we start at six a.m. i feed them clean out the stalls and then wash the horses or at ten thirty i harness them and then we head off for the ought to have a fast one of the reasons. the thoughts of family have been taking part in the
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event for generations on a trip to france but just farther discovered a new breed pressure on draft horses from normandy. trick we own twenty french draft horses who are all passion or are they come from normandy that bred. ninety percent of his race a white seventy ten percent are black but we need new horses we try to normandy in france and it is not always that easy to find good horses. good if you had a bit of it. began accompanying his father when he was a young boy. it's a lot of fun to work with horses feel the style humans have their own special charm in the procession you see them holding their heads up high different a stallion is much more beautiful than a man in contrast a human is where the night is young and the animal kingdom the males are more attractive. it takes an hour every day to put on the horses splendid historical
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harnesses and each horse gets a hoof pedicure to. the test and his helpers have to decorate and harness ten horses every day just imagine what he used to be like every day at breweries in days gone by a lot of responsibility rests on back to his fold his shoulders but he knows his horses. every day you have to make sure once again that everything is as it should be unfortunately these animals aren't in a good mood every day just like us but you guys are ok now and to me. it's good let's honest there's guy in an affront to no never be off for a week. taste gives the signal to start at the brewery horse team representing munich's oldest brewery which is made up of french horses from know
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about the area set out for the october fest. the horses and grooms are among the most photographed at the festival between the throng the crowd on the bustling stands the beautiful passionate are a source of calm and proof that tradition lives on at the october fest now when it's a hundred and eighty fourth year. well if you would like to win yourself a taste of the action then head to our website and let us know what you would like to see which isn't on the traditional gingerbread hotz at the end of the way we will pick a winner and these three gifts will be yours you'll personalized cookie the t. shirt here and the big time both complete with the october fest logo that you can see. now. time for a bit of intricate filmmaking stop motion animation has been
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a popular art form for a while now but it's still constantly evolving with new technology being developed all the time a detail storyline is currently in production here in berlin but as you know it is painstakingly slow it won't hit the big screen for a while yet but we got a special look behind the scenes. neemo lives in a fishing village where everyone has to wear clothes associated with their job that's how this maritime story begins wouldn't have a name or so name i wear as a huge helmet the whole time but everyone laughs the daring precisely because of his helmet of course no one else where something like it and you can hear him play . and that is why he lives by himself all alone in a remote like house but then one night everything changes when the young astronaut lika turns up outside his door she's wearing a pink helmet just like him. the potsdam film student government dreamt of the
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story of like you and me most six years ago when he was wandering around berlin. on a playground i found a t. shirt showing a deep sea diver and an astronaut i was fascinated by for some reason i wanted to have a teacher and i can't but i couldn't find one so i took the image with me in my monitor because by the time i greet us the subway station so i come up with much of the story behind the course. during filming director sebastian good is working on like his helmet stop motion animation films are his passion unlike digital animations they involve real sets. where we put neemo inside the set of the village and saw it for the first time it was like magic and we can now see it in it's animated for all we really get goosebumps neemo suddenly comes to life and it's no longer just a lifeless figure a puppet for the stock if you were the poor. the students started working on the
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film two years ago they wrote the story created a storyboard and got professional help to make the figures one thousand like a is a puppet maker the work can be fun but also frustrating everything has to be exact and that can be time consuming. but who isn't a sucker for i can't really say how long it takes a kind of lost my sense of time that's how it is. it's certainly taken a very long time ago you have to remember that a head like this which is not very large also be shown in closeup in the film. on the most even imagine what that looks like when you project it onto a cinema screen so you can see every little blemish and things that you may be concious with the naked eye when you see it blown up on a silver screen you can see everything. in course of. this market needs about two months to create a figure a fifteen minute long film is meant to have twenty characters and nine cents and
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all sometimes the students work on it round the clock it's a highly intense creative process. and it's hired the students have the time and funding to do this thanks to outside sponsors and they have the technical back up here at the film university this project involves students from many different departments so they have a chance to create a project from start to finish that also has some unknowns at the sequences are put together from individual photos the story is about marginalization and trust and without a single spoken word. it works much better internationally if language isn't involved and if the fim is all about accepting different cultures and building trust and then of course it's a matter of the film can be understood by people of all different languages and cultures for fun and you know. it's taken a whole day to create four seconds of film so naima won't be in cinemas for a while here it. is a lot of work having to create brand new says for each location often filmmakers
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cheat the news a different location to replicate another one the diversity of the balance street has made this city a great location for all kinds of shades and today's high five highlights our favorites provides any shocks i certainly was. five places that palin has doubled for in a movie shoot. a robbery at london's bank of england. jackie chan is skates from the police by the skin of his teeth and vanishes into the crowds. but wait a minute wasn't. french cathedral in the background. or wrecked while shooting around the world in eighty days in two thousand and three. square doubled for the british capital number five. and the neighboring berlin concert hall doubles for
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britain's royal academy of science. big ben was later added in digital a. tough times for secret agent jason bourne aka matt damon in the bourne ultimatum while recovering from amnesia he's got to flee from evil villains he isn't even safe in moscow but in reality this scene was shot at least him back train station in fact the makers of the bone series were quite fond of east berlin moscow ask flat. with plenty of ladders and extras donning russian fur hats they transformed into moscow to film parts of the bone supremacies. bringing us to number four. this here is palin's historic spittal market square and. this is balanced. which hadn't yet been
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opened when the film was shot incidentally matt damon is a big fan of palin and enjoys working in the nearby film studios even said so in that guest book. filmmakers are also fond of shooting nazi films and quentin tarantino's inglourious basterds for example was produced. to the film studios and partly shot in berlin largely set in france number three. in this scene christophe valves and melanie are at a prison café are they in reality this was filmed in burton's cafe einstein the star studded interrogation scene set in a french countryside in. was actually shot at questions ballroom venue in berlin. the film's legendary showdown set somewhere in the french words was in fact filmed
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at fort hanna back on the outskirts of. director tom. loves filming and his thriller the international kicked off the two thousand and nine international film festival then features prominently in it as one scene supposedly depicting a bank in luxembourg number two. is this. this scene was actually shot on balance famous sony center. and now for something more somber parts of the us saga the hunger games set in the totalitarian world of pan am was shot in one of the most sought after locations. the city's now defunct tempelhof airport which ranks among the world's largest
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buildings. doubling as number one pick for places the german capital has doubled. other sides have also featured in the gloomy side. such as an old heating plant as the backdrop to a subterranean rebel stronghold in district thirty. and an underpass near berlin's exhibition center was used for a dramatic. evidently boasts great film locations for ranger films even signed with the aid of a little digital editing. interior design at its best check out our you tube channel d.w. interior design stunning design ideas spectacular buildings and d.i.y. tutorials on home decoration we'll take you inside the most beautiful european homes show you the latest in furniture fabrics and accessories subscribe and don't
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miss out see you on you tube. now many cities are built up on the banks of a large river this is because of the days gone by when trading by sea was an important part of the country's economy nowadays the riverbanks is seen as attractions where locals and turf the like can go to relax by the water's edge with a nice view to end this is a day we went to explore the rivers there and in the french capital and there are endless things to do that maybe the rest of europe could learn a thing or two from the french. it's morning in paris and the city's residents are already busy exercising beside their river far eastern relaxation and meditation classes are free of charge on the banks of the sand. it's fantastic hair is so relaxing it's like
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being on vacation. in twenty sixty motorised traffic was banned from a major road along the same since then the whole of paris seems to have taken to leisure the riverside strolls lots of things here are free of charge. like bike hire for children the thorough fare once crammed with cars has become a wellness a way says for stressed out city dwellers and tourists. it's lovely and i'm really drawn to it i'd like to just sit down here and so kind of atmosphere it really feels like something out of a feeling. you can tow up and down the sand on the back to use a kind of floating bus an all day ticket costs seven thousand euros. and people looking for exercise and company can take part in dance courses you. could get to a terrorist and french people can get a taste of her. i'm working
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a lot at the moment and dancing reduces my stress. in the evening the river side turns into one big party location. some people like to bring an aperitif of their own. it's usually so crowded you can't find a place to sit during vacation season it's easier when many people are away. paris and the sand are falling in love all over again. lovely relaxed survive to have right in the middle of the city. it does bring us to the end of the show for today though but we will be back tomorrow at the same time a place i don't know if you can join thanks. to you. next time on your own max the shot it's buitenhuis marking its one hundred fiftieth anniversary at the october fest this year that makes it the oldest institution at
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of tomorrow are full of possibilities and even classic cars are going with the times the highlights of the i am. driving in thirty minutes w. . stories that move people the world over t.w. on facebook and twitter how to date and in touch. follow us yeah. and i think one day this war will be considered a cruel and unjust war you've read it and certainly all citizens of ukraine every man woman and child is she not the only friend their homeland of the enemy invades . no one wants russia here don't need to nuke which is. rebel against the mighty global news that matters. d.w. made for mines. she's long been a symbol of hope in syria. i try to help. us out does she
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stand for change. or the false facade of her husband's rule of terror thanks. thanks she believes in what the syrian regime is doing and believes and those who say. projection that that they are saving syria was not the beautiful face of the dictatorship starting october first on d. w. . bush take germany decides what is your take on the whole position regarding not only climate change. what do you want to know about germany's general election . ask w. your questions about germany. and america they were.
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right to us on facebook we'll answer your questions. as germany decides the candidates. d.w. seen as pool and just four of the current have interviewed almost all the front runners in germany's upcoming parliamentary elections. and now look at four thirty in. the now. cast a german inside. the candidates september twenty first on. a powerful earthquake has hit central mexico killing over forty people in mexico city buildings have collapsed and there are reports of people trapped beneath the rubble. the seven point one magnitude quake follows another major earthquake
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