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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 25, 2017 12:00pm-3:00pm CEST

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the united states you have movements like this and that and that son's germany becomes a normal country whether we like that or not i don't know make that very clear. pretty obvious this is what is happening right know now and you're shaking your head but i'm thinking mad for the. for several reasons firstly donald trump is in addition to american populism which is quite different from german right wing movements of the past and present you can't compare them what gallant was saying and i know him very well this was actually not to donald trump it's pure so-called conservative revolution of the one nine hundred twenty s. which led directly to fascism what is he saying we take back the country we give it back to the people this is one hundred percent done that yes yes but it means something different in the german context because who are the people he and his party say have hijacked germany it's the western elites it is the united states of
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america it's the so-called east coast capitalist by which which is code word for the jews it is as alice vida his co. you know co-chief of the of the of the f.t. said the vick the victors of world war two creating. a civil war in germany in order to exploit us this is. fascist ideology which has nothing to do with champion populism i really want to draw the line and the point is that they do it they're doing this they want to fundamental opposition they don't want to be in government they want to be a fundament that's why peter left the party that's quite different from the way trump hijacked the republican party in the usa and with all due respect to the polls in the area and so on it's different if that happens in an eighteen million country like germany or in
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a smallish country like poland and hungary so really this is not just sort of germany becoming normal this is germany reverting to form yes but not a good form no i fully agree it's not a good film it's not that i support this idea you know and i'm just going to this is what is happening and receive it everywhere in all major countries and now you see it in germany too and. what is what is this is what i'm calling we are becoming whether we like it or not a more normal country where you have a radical left in germany and where you also have a radical right and this is what is happening even following that logic and we're still looking for what actually could be a normal country because there is no right to it said germany because of its history is the one country that could and should know better yet it was even yeah i think it's only when you. have to make this point loud and clear. this
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is the bad thing that is happening but it is happening anyway and i stick to my description germany is becoming more and more normal country and this is part of it but we like it or not go along without but at the same time. i didn't even know that we're seeing in the united states is a very different new normal that could that we could see being established. over the coming four years here in germany because of where germany comes from and because of still some people being alive who remember the one with what know what it was like what those beginnings are so i think that is coming from a different direction that's why so many alarm bells are ringing at the same time this is a test for democracy and this is also an opportunity to bring radical views into a democratic process let them be tested by german democracy and see whether they
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stand the test of time do you read the true. let's listen to what's. on that question how to combat the fillets dissent towards the social democrat. candidates martin schultz had to say just after the results came through now bruckheimer there you go. we will continue our struggle for democracy and tolerance and respect from this day forward with all our strength with vehemence and passion and given the results of the far right not just with vehemence and passion with all of our might we are as a bulwark of democracy in this country. michel martin schulz of the social democrats is the bull. defending democracy. wow this is an opportunity for the social democrats and these are to use their very own history is germany's largest party who stood up to right wing extremism once before
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and in history unsuccessfully to to basically do we discover their own profile because they pretty badly need to do that because they have been governed into the ground in a grand coalition with the chancellor angela merkel at the same time you know it's not it's not that anybody's. role to hans the a if t. . who have declared that they are going to hunt the government the big question is will they stick to the rules everybody has to play with and if they don't will there be enough resilience to go off to about it well but the main question this morning is not what role will the if he play in german politics the big question this morning is what will the your future coalition bring to the table in germany and also in the world ok then i'm going to ask you then it's to explain that
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jamaica coalition for us. has an image or maybe when i think about jamaica we need to define your major american morning back which is that the colors of black a green and yellow and that is why we journalists media people call it the jamaican quality show and this will stick. so please do gags and we need to know about german politics as a next for you to get used to this but anyway this is this is the central question this morning what does this new coalition mean for germany and for the rest of the world and it's interesting to see that a lot of things that the wall is interested in and right is so what will the biggest country and the european union do in the future what can they do and i i i'm a little bit surprised that a lot of questions have not been asked and have not been mentioned last night and that is foreign policy what will happen to russia to our relationship with the u.s. with nato security problems and of course europe. i think it's
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a big agenda you know it's a big agenda and the only thing that is small is safe to say is that these three parties will support the european idea maybe a little bit more critical but this is the huge thing that they are facing together and then we'll decide we have to address all these question what will happen to russia with our relation to what i will very strange relationship. with russia for example of course with the united states world us coalition do ok let's see let's give elena chance to come in tell us about relations between future jamaica coalition in germany transatlantic in relations with washington what should we expect. i think actually they could be better than they are now because. america is obviously not down to cist always has been. the free democrats what will a bit in direction of neutrality always have by the way the old politics of this
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again but in the end they plump for free markets and democracy and the greens strange to say who used to be so critical and are now i would say the main pillars. in that coalition supporting sort of if you will and active proactive western policy against russian aggression all over the all over the world and all over the continent so look to see i would say. don't worry about the transatlantic relation i think that's going to be i think it's going to be fine in spite of mr ok then it has indicated that we do need to worry about what you call the strained relationship with russia michele it's nothing to. yeah of course. so far we do see an extremely strange relationship when we have reacted to germans have reacted with the nato we have somewhat. of troops eastward now based russian border in
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and in the baltic states and they're actually based on our border because russia is and has been aggressive against important states you need to formally there in the baltic states at the request of the board exams because russia is undermining the sovereignty of the border hearing no doubt about it i'm just describing the facts which is my job as a journalist by the way so this is what we did in reaction to the violation of international order by russia and therefore it will be very interesting how this new coalition go about it where we see the see the s.p.d. . moving traditionally towards russia like they did in the past four years what. the liberals do in this respect well the de get more even more support from russia are like they did in the past over the past
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months a very interesting question in very lot of very interesting question we don't have the answers yet what will we do our relationship with nato. will this new coalition support the two percent go probably not like they did like indicated she might do very very early thankfully is the word i was looking for thank you so yeah a lot of interesting. questions but not too many answers so far yes and this is in the straight and why i like to describe the potential of the jamaica coalition that it definitely is a lot less fun than it sounds because you can imagine that the german chancellor who has been. basically organizing those sanctions against russia in that hosty was the main person here in europe doing that and across the table you have chris and then from the free democrats who basically already declared crimea dead last that's
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what i think we have an arsenal that's the russian savard so what's the message. and we don't have enough time to try and find some middle ground between not that's just a start is going to be foreign minister. he's already said that thank god he could be fine and mr fein it's friends and they wouldn't be bad. but liberal in charge of that of that office and if for instance the greens if jim is jimmy of the greens who by the way is very friendly with. the day they call each other by the ninety's . but if he is foreign minister and i'm sure he's not going to go along with giving russia the crimea he will support the sanctions against russia and so on so i'm i'm quite sanguine about this is going to be a lot of. sound and fury but it's not going to signify anything are you just a sanguine no behalf of the. french president who will he be waking up to this potential to make a coalition this one because the free democrats don't quite go along with his plans
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for reigniting the european project you know he said if if if if there was going to be just a coalition between michael and the democrats he'd be dead politically well he's got the greens in the coalition so he's half dead right. yes it's going to be difficult but on the other hand one thing he the main opposition party which thank goodness is the s.p.d. and not the f.t. is going to be more pro maicon of the government even is more pro european government even is so this there's possibilities within the bundestag which which you know we'll have to see what happens i don't think. const lost his game yet. well that's an open question but i think all these parties will agree that the german french connection will be the driving engine in europe in the future of a continue and i'm not really of origin about europe i think this report is
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basically pro european and therefore the leadership of anglo-american in this respect will continue until we can tell the world this morning which of course took it for granted that. america would be the new and old turns around germany yes she will be and she will be supported by this new coalition when it comes to europe or other question and probably also when it comes to the united states where we see deep divisions i mean climate change is only one of them and but the good the greens this morning keep stressing the gas we need to continue with the climate change but the barest of court and never saying so there are deep divisions of the united states and we'll have to see how that will play out but but it comes to europe we can tell the world this morning relax this new coalition will still support the european idea ok we're going to come in the ambition of we began first question with the last question with you about chancellor merkel people had hoped
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some people had hoped to see her as a potential leader of the free world they had hoped she would come in bold and outs of this election she hasn't she's wounded no she hasn't and. has standing outside of germany once again is going to then it is in germany right now she has hit hit the low of her tongue and leadership of the city party it's going to be interesting to see whether she survives all of the four years interesting times lie ahead for germany thank you very very much enjoy indeed for joining us on this special edition of quarter acre after the german elections twenty seventeen come back next week but i just.
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quadriga special after the german election journalists discuss the march twenty seventh germany has. how should we interpret the election results what do they mean for the european union. after the german election international from berlin. it's all happening. of it a fairly. sure link to news from africa and the world.
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this is d w news law from berlin a bittersweet victory for angle americal she will get to keep her job but her party has suffered historic losses and she may have to form a coalition with parties who have almost nothing in common and how will she deal with it. will be ruined if we want a new policy one million foreigners have come to this country and they're taking away a part of a country we want this and we've been voted into power choose address this problem and this is. the far right anti immigrant a of d. shows their true colors at their first news conference as they promised to shake up
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german politics. i'm sorry kelly thank you very much for joining us the german election campaign was often called all but the results are a different matter the country's mass circulation billed newspaper has even talked about a quote political earthquake angela merkel will stay on as chancellor but her party and the other big party and her outgoing coalition the social democrats have suffered historic losses the main beneficiaries meantime are the anti immigrant far right. the morning after the election the newspapers rode over tectonic shift and a nationalist backlash some called the results bitter this man says the outcome
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didn't surprise him but he's still aghast. the f.t. is the third strongest party that says it all. still he doesn't believe that all the people who voted for the f.t. are actually far right. this blog i think the f.t. got its voters because the conservatives and the s.p.d. were so bad. the majority of people on the street doesn't seem to be happy with the outcome of the election either. of the big parties didn't get the job done and now the f.t. will be able to pop out their chests. to tell you the truth i'm not disappointed i'm interested in how they plan to put their ideas into action. no but if i think that these four years will show which of those promises they can keep and which are just words. and that's a good thing this is as well and it's a catastrophe shocking horrible the evening before joy and despair for germany's
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conservatives they lost significant support this time around but chancellor angela merkel will still serve a fourth term she says she'd wished for a better result but she will still get to form a new government this isn't like the c.d.u. and c.s.u. have emerged as the strongest party as we have the mandate to form a government and no one will form one against us. the social democrats are in shock after the worst ever result of the so-called shorts effect a bump in the polls when the party leader martin shows was named candidate disappeared he has ruled out joining the new government but says he won't step down as party chair. i've advised the s.p.d. leadership to go into the opposition. in syria. and soon wants oh you me. we're all united in our decision to take this step.
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with the s.p.d. out the only possible coalition for the c.d.u. is with the pro-business f.d.p. and the environmentalists greens. one party that they won't do any deals with is the far right alternative for germany or a.f.d. they had a historic night that saw them enter parliament for the first time. possess and i'm very satisfied with the results because i hope this country will see some changes and big surprises about it. but it remains to be seen how the f.t. will cope with the day to day business of the german parliament. and in this german election the big story of the night has been those heavy losses for germany's conservatives and social democrats meanwhile the far right are the big winners let's take a closer look now at the numbers because these political officials results they have indeed come in and we can see we can begin with the incumbent here in fact
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thirty three percent for angela merkel's c.d.u. c.s.u. meantime in second place we have the s.p.d. with twenty point five percent there in red the left party with nine point two percent you see them there in magenta the greens with eight point nine percent the f.t.p. ten point seven percent that they managed to get here and of course this is a big moment for the f.t.p. it means that they have reached they are over that five percent threshold they can now re enter the german bundestag they have d. also a big historic moment for them this far right party will now also enter the bundestag for the first time ever twelve point six percent you can see there in blue as for others just fractional there at five percent meantime we want to look at the gains and losses for each of these individual parties because as we heard the big losers really in in all of this were mostly at the center here we can see
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the c.d.u. c.s.u. and the s.p.d. this is of course the governing grand coalition and it appears as if you know voters were not terribly happy and instead many of them through their support to the fringes instead with the left party gaming the greens gaining both of them just fractionally the majority of the games though coming for the f.d.p. and especially for the a.f.d. there at seven point nine percent what does this mean for the make up of the bundestag itself will have let's have a look at the seats because it looks like right now there might be a total of seven hundred and nine seats up for grabs. as you might imagine the c.d.u. c.s.u. will get the highest number of those seats two hundred forty six the s.p.d. one hundred fifty three the left party sixty nine the greens sixty seven the f.t.p. eighty there and the f.t. ninety four a big moment there for the a f d alternately though why this really matters is
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because who is going to govern here so what are the possible coalitions well let's just look at the current coalition option that is the ground coalition that would technically be a possibility but as we have heard from the party leader of the s.p.d. he wants to be the leader of the opposition's list just throw that off as an option on the table meantime the c.d.u. c.s.u. of course they have the first right to form a coalition here they could also for example look at something what is called jamaica and that would be with the greens and the f.t.p. those graphics not really working out a whole lot for us right now but just to remind our viewers the reason why it's called the so-called jamaica coalition is because those are the colors in fact of what those those party colors would be so that would be black green and yellow so let's get more on this now because especially in the opposition because we know
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that the leader of germany's social democrats martine schultz he has vowed to offer a strong opposition in parliament i'm going to head over to the table now for that because the ass p.d. as we mentioned saw its worst election results since nineteen forty eight but schultz giving an upbeat address at the center left party's headquarters in berlin he told members that the party has a duty to go into the opposition and defend the country's democracy the s.p.d. was previously in a grand coalition with chancellor angela merkel's conservatives it announced that it would go into opposition only minutes after exit polls were released on sunday. it works in a difficult situation which showing that the social democrats even after a bad result of the selection were not afraid to face up to the task. and we see the twenty point five percent we've received at this point as a mandate to defend democracy against those who question or attack it. and of
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course if you do these will be a strong opposition. one that shapes the future of this country. as martin told speaking just a short while ago where our correspondents who are standing by at s.p.d. headquarters thomas sparrow is standing by in charlotte potts's meantime at the cd you had orders anglo-american as party on thomas i have to turn to you first as we have just been talking about the head of the s.p.d. shelter giving a speech there very much focusing on the future he says that he will lead a strong opposition how exactly. well done is the questions that leaders here at the s.p.d. are going to be discussing today what their priorities will be as the leading party in the opposition what they have already said is that they will focus on two specific fronts one obviously being an opposition to the conservative bloc that's something that party delegates here clearly stressed last night there was
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absolutely no interest in forming part of a new grand coalition with the conservatives a second front there will focus on is trying to be in opposition to the policies proposals that the might bring forward that's also something very important for the s.p.d. because many voters from the s.p.d. you went to the a.f.p. in yesterday's elections that's something that the s.b.s. is particularly worried about and there's something of yes people of state try and remedy in the next few years when they lead the german opposition so again to clear front opposition to the conservatives opposition to the. ok let's turn to charlotte now because we have to talk about the task of governing meantime there at the c.d.u. the job is to form a coalition and it will not be an easy task will it. know it definitely won't we have heard that the only mathematical option at the moment the only valid
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option for to form a government is with the green party and with the liberal party and those two could not be further away on the ideological spectrum so to say i mean the greens are very strong on climate the liberals are very strong on finances and the other party and vice versa is not so there are going to be quite some issues to talk about at the same time the city you is doing some serious soul searching after those great losses they suffered last night the worst result since nine hundred forty nine so really really. big upset for even though the party leadership is trying to close its ranks they are saying they're loyal to the chancellor and they're trying to keep well let's say happy faces about this whole election but there is going to be some serious soul searching being done if moved to conservative block too far to the center and if it needs to be moved now further to the right again especially
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in regards to migrants and refugees and we've heard some rhetoric coming out of the varian system that tends to be more conservative than her than the rest of the conservative blog saying that now it's the time to be tough on migration and tough on refugees basically trying to get voters back from the far right from the far right and that is going to be quite a tough issue in those possible coalition talks because for example the greens are a lot more lean on the issue of migration so a lot of things to talk about on the other hand there is also some well let's say up to mid optimistic outlook on this coalition because the greens and the liberals could really push. conservatives for it. absolutely is unlikely bedfellows there in that potential coalition we will see if the chancellor is able to make it happen we
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thank you very much for your reporting charlotte potts there at the city as we just heard and thomas barrow with the latest from the s.p.d. . well meantime in the strawman election we heard about the far right a day their first press conference was this morning co-leader frank a petrie announced that she would not join the far right parties parliamentary group and then she walked off stage refusing to answer any further questions let's have a look now at just how all of that played out. just one last word because i think on a day like this we should be open to the fact that there is also sometimes disagreement within our own party. and we must not be silent on this because you have to if i said we're supporting you know in that eight thirty in twenty thirteen and until twenty fifteen i don't want to be a part of government asked path is possible it is still my ambition might. some
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people have called us and. i was like you know this might mean that people always thought we'd be ok in opposition but people don't really expect that we could be in government this is not what i want i want. you to be a part of government. i want to pursue a conservative they are politic. and after long concentrations i have decided that i personally will not we have heart of the a.f.p. parliamentary group and the german born us talk. and please. i ask for your kind understanding not sure ask any questions about this and i will be available in the entrance hall if people ask questions there i think my colleagues here on the parliament on this podium and now i'm going to leave the room thank you. but all. of. this in the newspaper if you will follow i don't think this is very
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fair behavior let's see just what it's not really fair reason we fear journalists who are using this podium after the federal press conference and then you just disappear. a walk out there that will be one for the history books let's get some more analysis now on this extraordinary twenty four hours for the alternative for germany we're joined here in the studio by an expert on the german far right at berlin's free university and we also have all of a mecca from the game as friedrich schiller university gentleman thank you so much for being here and oliver i will begin with you because this is not the first walkout that we have seen from an a.s.d. politician what do you make of this one in particular maybe becomes a specialty of for the diesel to say what do they do it's part of the tension. game that they play and so far it's not does not come as such a surprise but it is of course surprising in
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a way that is so soon that it doesn't take long that it shows that there's a huge division lines within the party that already shows from the very beginning and it shows also that p.t. as being one of the representatives of the more moderates so to say doesn't believe really in the. bright future of the of dnd want to contrast from it and that's i think a necessary point to make and a new way of calls it is also a pretty long a quarrel that has been there already and has maybe also some sort of for revenge because gallant was in the forefront of basically pushing away. and aside from their own internal politics within their party i want to turn to you for this one because we cannot underestimate the historic significance of this party and touring the german bundestag we have a far right party now in the german bundestag for the first time in decades what is
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that likely to mean for the dynamics in the bundestag itself for the country in general and for germany's place in the world. first of all the other democratic party is strictly opposing any coalition and any corporation with that right wing and often racist party so go to challenge the parliament and the public more than in the last months and years. and you can already see by. studies that the democrats reckoned up. with respect to power influence i don't see it not in the forming of the next correlation not in this in ruby and world politics they will have no influence in policy making in germany but how about their supporters all over i
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mean when we when we look at these individuals i mean what do you think that we will see in terms of the breakdown four years from now for example is there the possibility that on the ground they could gain even more support yes in politics everything is basically possible and now that we have this party as. a protest party in parliament it can attract even more people of course. so i mean they they basically make an offer now an ideological offer and can gain traction by by the supporters and do not forget let's not forget that they that. elections in between so that is a very high i think a very good response level whether they are successful and can pursue their way or if they should somehow stop themselves and become more moderate but because we have on the bundles one islam the level permanent elections i think we can see that this
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party may get even more simple and let's not forget that in these parts of this party has already gained more than twenty percent on average. that is a lot so i go i'm actually i am curious to hear what your opinion on that is in particular because you know what does the next government for example have to pay attention to and we heard from chancellor angela merkel a little bit of soul searching saying that perhaps you know they have to pay more attention to to these voters on the right that they the fact that they were even seeking an alternative was a problem perhaps what will that mean for the particular coalition that she's looking to form and her party in general. i don't think she should address the social aspect of it the you know it's strange for him to form part take some form of democracy and they can do a lot of different things including the social ones especially for the regions that are seemingly lost and the perceptions of voters in eastern germany and on the
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other hand they can be more strict by four or five players facing up to this kind of ultra radical rhetoric and politics of the of the dominant position leading positions of the f.t. or go around in her career it's an axe of how not a government in her current this is actually already could want to look at the potential coalition that german chancellor angela merkel might be able to form everyone's talking about a so-called jamaica coalition on that is of course the c.d.u. c.s.u. the f.d.p. and the greens it's called jamaica because the colors of those parties are the same as the jamaican flag all over where does that leave the f.d.a. in terms of the opposition is that a powerful position for them to be in. first of all day i think they're resulted from the grand coalition so that the coalition changes i think is
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a good news so to say for don't playing right wing populist and parliament. but the coalition the new coalition has to deliver and it has its own problems of course as everyone knows that there are huge gaps ideological gaps between the greens and the liberals for instance and well i can actually play a kind of a moderator we will see if she can and if they are reasonable to say enough to live up to the challenge and address the issues that he likes to address because that's high time for a check up the part of the german part of party politics needs to take up the challenge basically and fight back if i may say so and if this coalition this new government. is strong enough in also taking up these issues and giving people who don't feel represented in these issues socially economically but also culturally speaking then i think we might see some some fading away but i don't really i would not bet on that because as i said in the east they have become very
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strong and popular false and they are i guess poised to stay a sobering assessment of the political situation here in germany it is clear that change is upon us it has as we mentioned been called an earthquake and it seems as if you gentlemen agree with that assessment we want to thank you very much for your analysis. an expert on the german far right at berlin's for university and of course from friedrich schiller university gentlemen thank you thank you all these election results are being called a political earthquake as we just heard here in germany but angela merkel will steer the course ahead at least that's what she says she remains for many a symbol of stability in an uncertain world and merkel faces growing expectations for germany to show leadership in conflicts heating up around the globe.
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on the international stage demands for bonding to pull more weight to growing but the challenges facing germany's next chancellor of the us stopping conflicts in syria in eastern ukraine and over north korea's missile aisles in the face of unpredictable strongmen such as assad putin and kim jong un. stopping the destructive force of climate change in the face of another unpredictable strongman donald trump. and what about germany's role in the eurozone so from penny pinching you know stereotype you have been buddies on says to consecrate says so when will the next chancellor lead germany towards a greater role in world affairs or is this all too much for a medium sized european power. well germany is one of russia's biggest trading partners so how are business
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consultants working in russia reacting to the election to answer that question let's bring in andre ask now from moscow he works for the business consultancy redell and partner in moscow thanks so much for joining us this morning. now there's a lot of confusion about who markel will end up in a coalition with which option do you think would be best for german russian economic ties and that the option that we've heard so much about is of course the only one that appears to be on the table that is the jamaica coalition the so-called to make a coalition how would that play out. that's right first of all i'd like to say that the politics of the grand coalition with the s.p.d. foreign ministers was pretty well received in russia by the german business community but obviously it seems these times over we are facing the possibility of
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a coalition of the city you with the greens and the f.t.p. from the business point of view what we would like is a foreign minister in economics mr government which understands russia which understands business and which understands that stability is the most important for economic relations between two countries and we have to see what kind of stability the parties in the jamaica coalition will offer the see you obviously would be the strong partner in the government the f.t.p. has traditionally. closeness to business to economic considerations i think the white card other greens in this in this game and in this equation let's talk a little bit more about those wild cards because you know one of the tensions between russian german relations is of course the thank chance. where do you see development on that front the strengthen it. i think sanctions is
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to say in that metaphor in the question with a lot of unknowns it not only depends on the german governments or sanctions on the german sanctions or european sanctions or u.s. sanctions or of other countries and germany obviously plays a decisive role in europe when it comes to sanctions sanctions are conditioned they're conditioned to the behavior of the involved parties which is russia on the one side but which is also ukraine on the other side and. business wise of course we would see less sanctions or in the best case not sanctions but this is linked to political preconditions and. i can only say yes we business would wish for less sanctions sanctions less on the european side but that would also request the russian side to have less sanctions on the russian side well we thank
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you very much for telling us a little bit more about that andreas now you are joining us from moscow this morning joining us from rodel and partner there efficient. a quick reminder of the top story that we have been following for you this hour recapping our news coverage on germany's far right they have tea party they have held their first press conference since becoming the third largest political force in sunday's elections but things got off to a rocky start when one of its most prominent leaders unexpectedly walked out of the party's news conference party co-leader petrie says she won't be joining the new parliamentary group you have been watching special coverage of the german elections here on d.w. thank you so much for joining us we'll see you next time.
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quadriga special back after the german born just talk alexion journalists discuss village twenty seven germany has voted. how should we interpret the election results what do they mean for the european union. after the german election international from berlin. hash tag germany decides the election in germany a historic turning point big mosses for the two main parties. from the far right
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congo america remains chancellor but forming a government would be easy for them what does the results mean for germany. german elections the day after in the news on t.w. . what does a football loving country need to reach its goals. we'll tell you how the german soccer made it back to the top. in our web special double time. football made in germany. click on the w we speak your language our spanish program your. own words will inform doesn't miss an accumulator always close to the action by not by hoping you'll get one but like you can get that up to the minute news and opinions the background to
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political developments. d.w. we bring you. the royal. alone a very warm welcome indeed to this special edition of quadriga coming to you from the heart of bowen where heads are still spinning after sunday's election outcome anger machall secured a fourth term in office as chancellor but who will be joining her in government will only become clear in the days or more likely the weeks that lie ahead the chancellor social democrat rival martin schultz failed to convince enough voters that he should get the job and says the s.p.d. will now lead the opposition but for many the clear winners in this election are the third placed alternative for germany the far right a.f.d. who have made it into the bundestag for the very first time so today on quadriga
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were examining the election results here in germany and their significance for germany europe and the rest of the world election twenty said. teen germany has voted in to discuss the latest developments i'm joined here in the studio by three a studio observers of german politics beginning with verizon or who was for many years with germany's a d. t.v. network and one of the best known correspondents reporting on the german politics. also with us is alan posner a regular columnist for the berlin based newspaper depot hello alan and a warm welcome to you to do w.'s political correspondent michelle because michelle i would like to begin with you a victory for angela merkel she has secured what is an historic fourth term in office but her conservatives got the worst result since nine hundred forty nine would you say yes well party has won the elections but this was by no stretch of
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the imagination a victory she will go down in history as a chance so he's managed to basically impose her own political brand on the c.d.u. party and it looks like her own party is now paying dearly at the polls here and many and she herself finds herself in a position where she is weakened as somebody tasked with putting together a coalition now looking on to germany from the outside and having the german chancellor i'm going to mac will remain a fixture here suggests that they will be continuity that there will be stability that you can still expect what's coming out of germany in terms of policy but this is a very different political game both in the parliament now and also in terms of which options are on the table to form a government that is on a what do you say how wounded is until america street is very much weaker in germany will be less predictable in the future or with this new coalition which is
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the only real option and that is the so-called john mica coalition where you will explain what that means. over. with the cooperation of the greens and liberals and as they do and this will be coalition that will be very hard to form and it will take a lot of time and very open how this will play out. and opposed to what do you say this the outcome of this election is being described as a reality check for germany especially in light of the f.t. moving into the bundestag oh i don't think it's a reality check at all. thirteen percent of people who voted for the f.t. voted for a totally unrealistic form of parsing to discuss that later so it's not a reality check what i think is a very good thing is that the grand so-called grand coalition between america and the s.p.d. which harmed her and how the s.p.d. has been broken the s.p.d.
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is going into opposition good thing secondly we're going to have a coalition of the center right including the greens good thing. whether america is weakened or not she has a mandate the moment she's formed a government she's the head of government and you know polls go up and down the point is she will still be the woman you have to reckon with during the next four years in europe in the world in germany of course so i don't know. it's neither reality check nor can one say america is weakened because there's no one else in the party who is going to challenge her but when you look at people commenting on the only i have to. put pending entry into the german parliament you know people talk about them marching into parliament people the financial times talks about some little soft cocktail being lobbed into the house of german democracy is that sensationalism. well to use the term monitor of which i mean you know the name. seems
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a bit strange in the context of a sort of right wing extremist party which they are look at the polls were predicting something like this for weeks and people in britain i mean talking to all sorts of big giving interviews for the past two weeks to b.b.c. and co and they never wanted to hear about the f.t. suddenly they wake up so if it's a reality check it's a reality check for the international press we in germany we knew what was going to happen we've had the a good twenty four percent in in regional elections in east germany and they've got similar numbers now so come on. this is. the new reality in this time but that doesn't mean. you know that it's going to change the way the way well let's we've got to we've got a clip now let me to let me bring this clip in of alexander garland one of the. co-leaders let's listen to what he had to say this is. a patriot very familiar this
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is what happened this morning in german politics new development from page three one of the co-chairs of the f.t. . hoping and awaiting from a press conference that they were giving here. she's one of the most familiar faces internationally from the party and i think this is maybe an indication of potential further divisions within the party maybe the policy might even explode. what. what how could he said that she wanted her party to be a conservative opposition and ready for government in twenty twenty one of the next election and she's with this action she's shown that she doesn't believe the party leadership power and co. going to do that what they're going to do is fundamental opposition and you know and she's right this is what's going to happen that the police party is going to be more and more radical and is not that is why they're
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not actually going to upset german politics because they're not going to be right if a government the way the links passed by the left party hasn't been ready for government for the past twenty is so that leigh leaves the others to sort out the real things of politics of course the question is obvious the question is do we see the beginning of a split within the e.u. we have seen it before the founding fathers of the left the party look a long time ago like all of. the all left they really wanted a conservative. party and now they are faced with a party that has of course a lot of conservative elements but that about a party that also has a lot of radicals. raises inside of this party i'm not saying they are the majority but they are certainly an important element with india and fall compatriot once different and therefore the question is
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do we see this morning the beginning of a split within this party and i dare say the f.t. has already upset takes they and left them mock not just on this election campaign . we see all parties concerning themselves on how they can keep the if the day ahead of this election this historic result for them of this very young party that clearly is not afraid of using very right wing terminology and has declared that they will hunt the government that they will basically what they're saying is i think they want to heckle the parliaments that they want to hold them to account of the big question is will they remain close in a democracy all will they become part of what they look down on as the establishment right now right now and actually want to develop more policies than being against the migration policy against the euro when you talk about them
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hunting down their opponents let's go to that clip that i just wanted to see earlier velux on the go and let's see what he has to say about precisely that. german government which every way it is formed shall dress warmly we will hug them . we will hunt mrs merkel whoever and we will take our country and our people back again. it is incredibly vitriolic language why are they why has a so toxic in their view of the angle america. well they basically have to declare that in a way they've set off a political brand as well being on team machall also looking at polling that actually is a significant proportion of german voters who felt that twelve years is enough american anyway so they tap into this right wing rhetoric they. are going
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on just in the middle of this campaign saying it's time for germany should draw a line to be proud of the military achievements of them and told us in world war two and then basically saying well i don't really see what the problem is that's what falls for me to all sit i'm just quoting him and it's this kind of new mechanism that is breaking a consensus here in germany amongst not just the launch parties but also those parties already in opposition that that is not something you toilet and jim strikes me most when i hear the song but this is one hundred percent donald trump. absolutely the same and i think a lot of what we see here you see in the united states and so you can argue that germany is becoming a normal country. a lot of people love the show shocked when they when they hear this but when you look around all over the globe especially in europe france the netherlands poland hungary the united states you have movements like this and in
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that in that sense germany becomes a normal country whether we like that or not i don't make that very clear. up is this is what is happening right now well and you're shaking your head but i'm shaking my head for the. for several reasons firstly donald trump is in addition to american populism which is quite different from german right wing movements of the past and present you can't compare them what got on with saying that i know him very well this was actually not to have done or try. it's pure so-called conservative revolution of the one nine hundred twenty s. which led directly to fascism what is he saying we take back the country we give it back to the people this is one hundred percent yes yes but it means something different in the german context because who are the people he and his party
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say have hijacked germany it's the western elites it is the united states of america it's the so-called east coast capitalist by which which is code word for the jews it is as alice vita his co. co chief of the of the of the f.t. said the vic the victors of world war two creating. a civil war in germany in order to exploit us this is. fascist ideology which has nothing to do with champion populism i really want to draw the line and the point is that they do it they're doing this they want to fundamental opposition they don't want to be in government they want to be a fundament that's why peter left the party that's quite different from the way trump hijacked the republican party in the usa and with all due respect to the polls in the area and so on it's different if that happens in an eighteen million country like germany or in
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a smallish country like poland and hungary so really this is not just sort of germany becoming normal this is germany reverting to form yes but not a good form no i fully agree it's not a good form it's not that i support this i don't know i know i'm just one thing i hope that this is what is happening and we see it everywhere in all major countries and now you see it in germany too and. what is what is this is what i'm calling we have becoming whether we like it or not a more normal country where you have a radical left in germany and where you also have a radical right and this is what is happening even following that logic and we're still looking for what actually could be a normal country because there is no right to it said germany because of its history is the one country that could and should know better yet i was leaving i don't know and i think you. have to make this point loud and clear.
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this is the bad thing that is happening but it is happening anyway and i stick to my description germany is becoming more and more normal country and this is part of it but we like it or not go along without but at the same time. i didn't even know all know that we're seeing in the united states is a very different new normal that could that we could see being established. over the coming four years here in germany because of where germany comes from and because of still some people being alive who remember the one with what know what it felt like what those beginnings are so i think that is coming from a different direction that's why so many alarm bells are ringing at the same time this is a test for democracy and this is also an opportunity to bring radical views into a democratic process let them be tested by german democracy and see whether they
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stand the test of time to read the true. let's listen to what's. on that question how to combat the fillets dissent towards the social democrats. candidates martin schultz had to say just after the results came through camera there you go. we will continue our struggle for democracy and tolerance and respect from this day forward with all our strength with vehemence and passion and given the results of the far right not just with vehemence and passion with all of our might we are as a bulwark of democracy in this country. michel martin chills the social democrats as the bull. defending democracy wow this is an opportunity for the social democrats to use their very own history is
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germany's largest party who stood up to right wing extremism once before in german history unsuccessfully to to basically do we discover their own profile because they very badly need to do that because they have been governed into the ground in a grand coalition with the chancellor angela merkel at the same time you know it's not it's not that anybody's. role to honk the a if t. who have declared that they're going to hunt the government the big question is will they stick to the rules everybody has to play with and if they don't will there be enough resilience to go off to about it well but the main question this morning is not what role will be if the play in german politics the big question this morning is what will the your future coalition bring to the table in germany and also in the world ok then i'm going to ask you then it's to explain that
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jamaica coalition for this is his image or maybe we're going to talk about jim i think we need to define your major american morning back which is that the color black a green and yellow and that is why we journalists media people call it a jamaican quality show and this will stick. so please do gags and we need to know about german politics as a next for you to get used to this but anyway this is this is the central question this morning what does this new coalition mean for germany and for the rest of the world and it's interesting to see that a lot of things that the wall is interested in and right is so what will the biggest country in the european union do in the future what can they do and i i i'm a little bit surprised that a lot of questions have not been asked and have not been mentioned last night and that is foreign policy what will happen to russia. relationship with the you know the u.s. with nato security problems and of course europe. i think it's
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a big agenda you know it's a big agenda and the only thing that is small is safe to say is that these three parties will support the european idea maybe a little bit more critical but this is the huge thing that they are facing together and then we'll decide we have to address all these question what will happen to russia with our relations with i will very strange relationship. with russia for example of course with the united states what world us coalition do ok let's see let's give elena chance to come in tell us about relations between future jamaica coalition and germany transatlantic relations with washington what should we expect . i think actually they could be better than they are now because. america is obviously a land assist always has been. the free democrats what will a bit in that direction of neutrality always have by the way the old politics of
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this again but in the end they plump for free markets and democracy and the greens strange to say who used to be so critical and are now i would say the main pillars. in that coalition supporting sort of if you will and active proactive western policy against russian aggression all over the all over the world and all over the continent so look to see i would say. don't worry about the transatlantic relations i think that's going to be i think it's going to be fine in spite of mr ok then it has indicated that we do need to worry about what you call the strained relationship with russia michel it's nothing to. yeah of course. so far we do see an extremely strange relationship when we have reacted to germans have reacted with the nato we have some. thousands of troops eastwards there now based russian border in
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and in the baltic states and they're actually based on our border because russia is and has been aggressive against important states you need to formulate there in the baltic states at the request of the board exams because russia is undermining the sovereignty of the board you know a lot about hearing no doubt about it i'm just describing the facts which is my job as a journalist by the way so this is what we did in reaction to the violation of international order by russia and therefore it will be very interesting how this new coalition go about it. where we see the see the s.p.d. . moving traditionally towards russia like they did in the past four years what. the liberals do in this respect well the de get more even more support from russia are like they did in the past over the past
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months a very interesting question a very lot of very interesting question we don't have the answers yet what will we do our relationship with nato. will this new coalition support the two percent go probably not like they did like indicated she might do very very early thankfully is the word i was looking for thank you so yeah a lot of interesting. questions but not too many answers so far yes and this isn't the strace and why i like to describe the potential for jamaica coalition that it definitely is a lot less fun than it sounds because you can imagine that german chancellor who has been. basically organizing those sanctions against russia in the past she was the main person here in europe doing that and across the table you have to send enough from the free democrats who basically already declared crimea dead last
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that's what i think we have i'm going to ask you to let the russians have it so what's the message. we don't have enough time to try and find some middle ground between not that's just a start he is going to be foreign minister. he's already said that thank god he could be fine and mr fine and they wouldn't be bad to have. a liberal in charge of that of that office and if for instance the greens if jim is jimmy of the greens who by the way is very friendly with. the they they call each other by the ninety's . but if he is foreign minister and i'm sure he's not going to go along with giving russia the crimea he will support the sanctions against russia and so on so i'm i'm quite sanguine about this is going to be a lot of sound and fury but it's not going to signify anything are you just a sanguine no behalf of. the french president how will he be waking up to this potential to make a coalition this one because the free democrats don't quite go along with his plans
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for reigniting the european project you know he said if if if if there was going to be just a coalition between michael and the democrats he'd be dead politically well he's got the greens in the coalition so he's half dead right. yes it's going to be difficult but on the other hand one thing he the main opposition party which thank goodness is the s.p.d. and not the a.f.p. is going to be more pro maicon of the government even is more pro european government even is so there's there's possibilities within the bundestag which which you know we'll have to see what happens i don't think. const lost his game yet. well that's an open question but i think all these parties will agreed that the german french connection will be the driving engine in europe in the future that will continue and i'm not really barge about europe i think this report is basically pro european and therefore the
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leadership of anglo american in this respect will continue until we can tell the world this morning which of course took it for granted that. america would be the new and old turns around germany yes she will be and she will be supported by this new coalition when it comes to europe or other question and probably also when it comes to the united states where we see deep divisions i mean climate change is only one of them and but the good the greens this morning keep stressing the gas we need to continue with the climate change with the barest of court and never saying so there are deep divisions of the united states and we'll have to see how that will play out but but it comes to europe we can tell the world this morning relax this new coalition will still support the european idea ok we're going to come in the ambition of we began first question with the last question with you about
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chancellor merkel people had hoped some people had hoped that they see her as a potential leader of the free world they had hoped she would come in bold and outs of this election she hasn't she's wounded no she hasn't and. has standing outside of germany once again is going to than it is in germany right now she has hit hit the low of her tongue and leadership of the city party it's going to be interesting to see whether she survives all of the four years interesting times lie ahead for germany thank you very very much enjoy if indeed for joining us on this special edition of quarter acre after the german elections twenty seventeen come back next week but i just.
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germany decides what is your take on the whole position regarding not only climate change. germany has voted we answered your questions. asked d.-w. your questions about germany. and. write to us on facebook we'll answer your questions. it's all about the moments that lie before. it's all about the story
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inside. it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us being inspired by distinctive instagram others at g.w. stories the two topics each week on instagram. she's long been a symbol of hope in syria i try to help people. outside does she stand for change or the false facade of her husband's rule of telling us. she believes in my projection that that they are saving syria. the beautiful face of the dictatorship starting october first on d w.
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two times in seventeen beethoven c'est gone from september and october first. hash tag germany decides the election in germany a historic turning point big losses for the two main parties at least for the far right on the america that remains chancellor but forming a government will be easy for them what does the results mean for germany german elections the day after the news on d w.
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this is data we do is live from berlin a bittersweet victory for i get a makeover she gets to keep her job but her party has suffered historic losses and she may have to form a coalition with two bodies with almost nothing in common and then i will she deal with this. is to deny it i'm sorry but our view is we need new policies one million foreign people have been brought into this country and they are taking part of this country away from us he hey if he does not want this we have been elected to address these policies head on. here is the first news conference since the stunning election results and promised to shake up german politics.
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i'm phil gale welcome to the program germany's election campaign was often cold dull but the results of proving to be a completely different matter the mass circulation builds newspaper is even talking about a political earthquake i'm going to move will stay on as chance of a with her c.d.u. party and the other big party is going coalition the social democrats have suffered historic losses the main beneficiaries are the anti immigrant far right after which is set to become the third biggest party in germany's parliament. so let's talk through what has happened overnight and through the morning with political correspondent times front welcome cons so tell us talk us and through these tectonic shifts in germany's political landscape well the first thing one has to say is i'm going to macro is going to stay in office that's probably what everyone
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was expecting and everyone was also expecting that the social democrats would come in second place in other words the two parties that have been governing together for the last four years are still first and second in the political ranking in germany but in fact both of those parties lost very large numbers of. and i'm going to michael in fact hasn't had such a result her party hasn't had such a result in decades so both of them a weakened and what's happened is that the social democrats who were in government until now have said categorically they are not available for a further four years of governing so i'm going to marco had no has to find two of the smaller parties to form a government was to form a coalition with and that's going to be very difficult. choice really is down to only one possibility that is a coalition between the conservatives and the environmentalist greens one can already see that's quite a wide spectrum and
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a third party that comes into question the market liberal free democrats will have and this is little in common with the greens and this is this is jamaica coalition the we're going to be hearing about a lot today exactly this is a german german parties are given the christian democrats the consultations are called the black party in germany the greens obviously are green and the free democrats yellow if you put those three countries colors together you have the flag the colors of the jamaican flag that's how to make a coalition got its name so this is the really at the moment the only possibility ungrammatical has that's going to be very difficult to set up is going to take months right now one of the things that is good. in the course of the next couple of hours if you see this box just below me here that is the press conference where the f.t.p. this is the point is present the press conference room in the german parliament the political parties will be holding press conferences all day today and we'll be dipping in and out of them the next to one that will happen is will be one of the
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f.d.p. about who we were just talking so there. what we what are we likely to hear hans well this is their top candidate as someone called christiane a young man who is in fact achieved something of a miracle this this party four years ago when the last elections were. held was basically voted out crashed out of the out of parliament did not make the five percent hurdle that is necessary to enter parliament and the party has. was under threat kind of to disappear into obscurity he's managed to in fact reverse the party's fortunes and they have now got around ten percent just over ten percent of the vote that is really across substantial achievement but the problem is that they are still rebuilding the party that in fact in terms of personnel
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there's him and very few other people he's not really eager his party is not really eager to pee part of the government after they've been outside of it all that already for years they don't consider themselves ready it they don't consider themselves really ready yet they're not really eager to enter into into a governing coalition but then i would say well if there's no other possibility it's their responsibility as reliable of the political parties actually to participate in government ok so the surge of obviously. let's let's go to that about to start and say at the present so let's listen in of course it will be in german and you'll hear it's being interpreted. leave a colleague and leave a clue you have to come in the business press a conference you're making vitamins up by not going yet succeed because everything will speak to us i'd like to know what the most recent lead candidates and chairman would have to be custom fit and what could be key vice. they could be key
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and in general secretary of his physical fitness a bear and welcome to all of you mr nothing done for the i'm like you very much for inviting not to come and speak to you today of a decision. do you staying. achieved a feel particularly good result yesterday we are back in the bundestag as a party now and i believe it's the first time that a party on the. it was me who was not in understudy at all not even an individual m.p. . i've managed to return from that way so we're pleased about this comeback we're pleased to be able to shape them is richer. and i we see ourselves as a centrist party or a party of sensible arguments. pushes for the interests of those in the middle of society and those who wish to you know prove their situation as. this
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place was vacant in the party of the c.d.u. s.p.d. and the green party of seem to speak with one voice song which meant that and the fire right of the political spectrum a new power has emerged. closing this gap at the center of the political spectrum and on that we want to ensure that. different policy decisions are made in germany. we want to ensure that from the position of the opposition we can supply arguments into the nightspot abates a f d r's but seeing in them all. is one that has an author terry and gracious supremacy driven view out of the world often that is obviously an shocking that they are in the bundestag but we're going to
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engage with them politically and from there we will not allow them to constantly provoke as i think we're quite familiar with their methods and tactics now with their rhetoric our aim is going to be to talk about the. issues facing our country on a factual basis and to force the party to take a clear stance on this because the liberals we see this as a mandate. to. confront this party which goes against our beliefs as it does we often see ourselves as a party is tolerance european thinking causing the third to this was my politicians and the f.d.a. is the opposite of all of this which is why we will be seeking confrontation with this party in parliament. what else remains to be said for very pleased of the pretty shot we are looking forward to having only to go to work clothes right after
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our executive committee meeting and it's still running so we. have a constituency meeting of our parliamentary group over the course of the afternoon we'll be informing and we'll invite you to bring things to the. absence of and otherwise we look forward to the four years to come on. you know. was there anything else well perhaps you can take a few questions mr van alas the first question so when you say you're going to be in the middle of the political spectrum do you know where you're going to be sitting. do you mean it spatially no we don't. and the preference happens i can't say i have any particular preference as to where you have basically is. don't
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think you can necessarily see people's political position based on where they're sitting politically so i would say let's go to the next question. i'm afraid this question is off mike so we can't hear it. yes well first of all let me respond positively to the first part of your question negatively to the second not nothing has changed often we. have proved certainly. not about political positions that not only approved our congress and we feel the minister live on our times naturally until peace is happy to take the
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responsibility we've always been happy to do so but we want to change the direction . of policy decisions and if we are going to plan able to do that as it's your then the opposition won't always be the right place for us to present our an argument with us. because i think about it all nothing could be worse than having i mean you know german government with a different constellation of doing exactly the same as the trivial government did and available shelf and as i say you know the city government and the political for this would only foster the protest. this is why we want to change the political direction we want to ensure that people. who were not happy with previous option or a different option we would like to have us in parliament of the opposite sides but in the opposition if we can't get what we want in the government.
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i think we also need to give the other political high does not pretend to process what they're doing i mean the green party having its big plans even though they have small numbers. and it's an effect. we basically want to ensure that we first of all digest the election results and so we don't want to force anybody into any negotiations and we have to organize our own we have to ensure that we are. fit for responsibility because that's prerequisite for negotiations. i could imagine all manner of different things but what's the point right now. i have already said. that. we. were able
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to conclude working. processes in studies because most time that will be helpful. but. i believe it is. get ready for work i don't think we can do that too quickly and we need to have a basis of trust you for we can cooperate with other parties. so i would like to ask you about your political views around europe where would you like to see things going there do you have a clear of position for greece for example is that one of the changes in policy that you'll be calling for. well the. situation around greece is. free and democratic would approve of bailout packages if the international monetary fund is involved which means that they are much more financially sound to you this is also the line taken by the
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german government until someone twenty fifteen i recommend ation and remains that the old stability driven policy be resumed and that is indeed a change of policy. to. the next question mr guppy. so my question to you would be what would be much more difficult negotiations they see as you who are trying to close the flank to the right or the green party and this is rather a speculative question i don't think i should respond to that and in that i can and i'm the chairman of the free democrats and so there are differences. with regard to c.s.u. and with regard to the green party and i cannot say that i prefer one party to
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another my favorite part is the f.t.p. . but. where there is a lot of competition because trying to with as few do you. i really does not think we have to wait and see what's going to happen and it's also important to say that the green party has got a very long. way ahead of them and they're out because they took very strong positions in their lakshman campaign and they're going to have to explain to their voters that what they said about the f.d.p. in their election campaign wasn't the case. and that's hard to go and i think you can even take it further i'm familiar with your intentions i know you like to say things this way if you say that the free democrats are
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enemies of the people or lose how do you explain to voters that you want to work with them. so you are watching a press conference. in this present house that's the f. they pay one of the likely coalition partners for. the green party political reporter kate brady is that welcome kate what was the main main message we heard from christiane linda. well of course first of all he did tell of course is just now about how pleased at the f.t.v. were to return to the german parliament of course they nice dived out of the bundestag in the two thousand and thirteen election and now that hoping to return i think the main message really i was that they wanted to fill what christian lin just described as a hole in the middle of the german political spectrum one that he said over the last four years the coalition the grand coalition between the social democrats and
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the christian democrats he said the middle ground has been neglected in recent years. also with us is the husband political correspondent hans and the surprise they seemed to be quite cagey there he's easy it wasn't giving much away in the way of detail he's very cagey obviously you can say well they're also finding their feet as it were after these election results there's a lot of negotiating party in turn on the guys here thing going on and also obviously they are probably already starting to have first contacts with various wings of various other parties that might come into question for a full coalition talks but at the moment the problem for the free democrats i think is that they are. a little bit surprised by how well they did and how badly all the other parent parties did and then not really. yet prepared for this
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question of participating in a government there's been a lot of speculation about that in recent days but it's not really something that they're very keen on frankly. they're very cagey about you know defining their positions in a way that my close one or the other avenue in the next few days was good it's quite interesting let's pick up on the point with kate brady who's the president of christie and the seem to be saying that he was they were not necessarily to stay at a place to say yes to a coalition talking about the how the government needs a change of direction of policy decisions so clearly some tough negotiating to come in the weeks and months ahead. of course and you know especially with the greens as well you know they in throughout the past decades even the f.t. p. and the greens have known to be quite enemies they are always both fighting for the same kind of electorate when it comes round to the elections but whether or not the
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they can now kind of put that animosity aside would be something worth considering for them perhaps when they're going into these jamaica coalition talks of course you have the f.d.p. really pushing for digitalize ation and at the same time the greens who are looking to improve sustainability through technology so that at least on the us and sounds like a match made in heaven but at the same time there are a lot of issues a lot of hurdles especially between these two parties that would need to be overcome especially when it comes to open support of of private companies and also any kind of environmental issues and the closure of nuclear power plants on strong so cases give us a sketch if you like a of the greens i think for our international audience most of us are aware of what green politics are who all the f.t. . well actually they have a very long tradition in german politics the f.t.p.
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free democratic party is what the abbreviation stands for have in fact been the traditional kingmakers in german politics that have really been in german politics for decades and have have been in coalition with the one or the other of the two big parties over the decades either with the christian democrats the conservatives or with the social democrats and through sort of losing their place in parliament four years ago they. no longer could play this this position of kingmaker and all that they had back in parliament the whole spectrum of party politics has changed completely so that they're no longer simply. no longer simply up to them to decide who they want to form a coalition with and that me that will result in the in the government they're in a very difficult position at the moment and yeah as i'm saying they're trying to hedge their bets at the moment it's. it's going to take months people would say
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that long it's going to take probably until christmas if we have a new government by christmas people will be quite pleased outside of germany that would seem like a slow process is that normal here. it depends how difficult these things are it always does take well it's not something to. worry about it's not running on and i mean it's a stable process these kind of coalition talks even between the christian democrats and the social democrats that i have formed the last government four years ago and have been governing since then these things do take weeks but in this case it will take quite a lot longer than normal because the party differences are so so great and everyone will obviously. how shall i say will try to push ahead as much as possible their policies and in a sense both small parties both the greens and the free democrats have uncle americal at their mercy because without both of them she will not be able to govern so it's a really difficult process one other aspect to that is there is
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a regional election an important regional election in lower saxony in october in other words in just a couple weeks time and before that election is passed and the distribution of power between the various parties is absolutely clear before that nothing is really going to happen of concrete results ok so kate kate brady there at the press house lots of to go. to come how does this process work is this going to merkel also will from bangalore workers party speaking to each of these other two parties individually or do they f.t.p. and the the greens get together say well if you will this we don't want this how do these negotiations were. well i love michael's podgy the c.d.u. will first approach any hartness that they want to consider into a coalition and it will only be then that old members of the you know planned
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coalition in this case will look in a jamaica coalition i am that they could get together and then stop i in and out a notch will deal which would then be the basis of the government for the next four years in the plans and the legislation that we could see coming through the german polman in the next four years. ok ok brady there at the board this process we will be speaking to you again of course of the day as each of the parties gives us a press conference from there so for now thank you in the studio and i will husband we will speak again thank you so much. you're watching news live from berlin this special coverage of the german election on the changes it's already causing in the country's political landscape and what that means for the world i'm going to will remain chancellor but her center right party love the former coalition partners the social democrats have suffered historic losses the chancellor will now have to seek new coalition partners likely with parties holding
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a polarized views one of those parties could be the f.d.a. pick a business friendly party but a vote to shut out of the government in twenty thirteen in the biggest election upset the far right half day has become germany's third largest political force allowing the euro skeptic an anti immigration party to enter the parliament for the first time so a political completely different political landscape this morning let's take a look at how the night unfolded and how the outcome is going down on the streets. the morning after the election the newspapers rode over tectonic shift and a nationalist backlash some called the results bitter this man says the outcome didn't surprise him but he's still a gust there the f.t. is the third strongest party that says it all. still he doesn't believe that all the people who voted for the f.t. are actually far right. this blog i think the f.t. got its voters because the conservatives and the s.p.d.
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were so bad. most people on the street don't seem to be happy with the outcome of the election either. the big parties didn't get the job done and now the f.t. will be able to puff out their chests. to tell you the truth i'm not disappointed i'm interested in how they plan to put their ideas into action. no but if i think that these four years will show which of those promises they can keep and which are just words. and that's a good thing this is as well and it's a catastrophe shocking horrible the evening before joy and despair for germany's conservatives they lost significant support this time around the chancellor angela merkel will still serve a fourth term she says she'd wished for a better result but she will still get to form a new government this isn't like the c.d.u. and c.s.u. have emerged as the strongest party as we have the mandate to form
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a government and no one will form one against us. the social democrats are in shock after the worst ever result of the so-called shorts effect a bump in the polls when the party leader martin shows was named candidate disappeared he has ruled out joining the new government but says he won't step down as party chair. i've advised the s.p.d. leadership to go into the opposition. in syria. uncertain words oh you me. we're all united in our decision to take this step. with the studio the only possible coalition for the c.d.u. is with the pro-business f.d.p. and the environmentalists greens. one party that they won't do any deals with is the far right alternative for germany or a.f.d. they had a historic night that saw them enter parliament for the first time. possess and i'm
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very satisfied with the results because i hope now this country will see some changes and big surprises. but it remains to be seen how the a.f.p. will cope with the day to day business of the german parliament. so let's just run through the night through the results on the story of at night which of course has been one of heavy losses for germany's conservatives and social democrats so very see the c.d.u. they want with thirty three percent. s.t.p. twenty percent left party nine point two percent of the greens and the f.t.p. and the f.t. . the f.t.p. and the f.t. and having a good night so f.t.p. back in the bundestag on. ten point seven percent and the f.t. their first time ever in the bundestag so what does this mean well just looking
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at the the winners and the losers that. we see the a cd airspeed day losing significantly those are historical losses that are here in the middle we have the left party and the greens are good night for them but the the winners of the night if you like of the f f p f d p as i say up five point nine percent on last year fifty seven point nine percent now what will this mean in terms of seats in the newly constituted the bundestag well the biggest party will be the c.d.u. c.s.u. . vale have a two hundred forty six seats the f.p.u. day there in red with one hundred fifty three the left parties sixty nine seats a green sixty seven f.t.p. eighty and the newcomers the a.f.d. ninety four seats. so that's why that look so we're talking about coalitions this
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is the way germany is essentially run so over the last over the last four years the c.d.u. has been the main party and they have run the country in coalition with the s.p.d. we have heard we heard last night and through this morning from the leader of the s.p.d. that they will not return to this so-called grand coalition with the c.d.u. so they are out so you will you will hear again across today and across the weeks and months to come you will hear much talk of a jamaica coalition so-called because of the colors of jamaica a black green and a yellow of the black for the c.d.u. the green party where that sixty seven seats will bring angela merkel's the c.d.u. closer that are all important winning line and then the f.d.p. with their eighty seats will take them at thirty eight over but it's not a done deal yet we've just seen the f.t.
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piece kristie and linde. weighing it up it's still not clear whether they will necessarily enter a coalition if specially as they have so little in common with the greens so that's the way it's looking in terms of the results and what we'll do a little later in the program is we will guide you through where the votes from those various parties came from and where they were lost say that actually at best analysis and you find all that information on d w dot com it's to through the results then with thomas that climbed up bra coffees vice presidents of the german marshall fund of the united states welcome to d.w. to lots of people because of the fact that the f.t. has entered the room just talks it is a sad day for democracy it's they say it's that it's not what what would be your assessment of last night's result in terms of german democracy three things happened a sea change with regard to the far right is
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a strong indication of the fraying of the traditional party system and a much more representative german buddhist with much larger polarisation with regard to the f.t. it is the first time people have said that and it is true that we have an openly historically revisionist as in a phobic anti islamist party nationalist party of that sort possibly even with some people who you call neo nazis in the bonus track we don't know that yet because the number is so large the public doesn't know these people probably their party doesn't know some of their these people well and already we say problems within the party as one of the main leaders vaca petrie just got up and walked out of the prescott was there fragmentation has started on day one and we'll see more of that over the years to come that essentially is a normal part of normal process in a new party that you have of have
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a lot of fringe unsatisfied people joining us. that your group will see whether they can actually form a coherent policy group within the german bund the stocks so we will see a lot of things that you haven't seen in the german board the stock a lot of surprises a plot of things that haven't been said there up to now and that will be we're in for surprises in that regard let's just pick up on the first of those three you made three points with that the first two i think a best in comparison with the rest of the world because for a long time as there was trump and as there was breakfasts and as there was this there's this right wing sweep through the middle of europe germany was seen as sort of island of calm and sensible the us and all of this now with this this essential rejection of. the center and they. of populism here in germany germany sort of joining the rest of the world in that
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in that sort of move you said a rejection of the center well seventy five percent of voters have voted for centrist traditionalist party so we will see a pro european pro atlanticist pro market pro democracy abroad democracy type of government so that's the headline news but below that these things are complex issues just a second reality has set in and that second reality is that is that the german exception has ended last night that populism the critique of globalization the the the sense of cultural alienation has reached to the german parliament and if you if you will look at this parliament we will see a a social democracy that will move to the left in order to constituent in opposition and we will have an a.f.d. to the right so i think we will see a more polarized government parliament and in some ways you could say that's
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a good thing. because it's more representative of what's going on in the country the coziness that the parliament could situated has and that you know what's what's really interesting about that about that coziness is that this was a coziness that was manufactured by by the allies at the end of the second well what when they when they put that when they decided when they put the german constitution together and said this is going to be a country where consensus will rule the idea of somebody getting sweeping majorities and being able to do what they like was sort of built out of that. i don't think i agree with that the in the one nine hundred seventy s. and the nine hundred eighty s. you had. disagreements and debates in the german born the stock just look at. and held which met at hemel call it. the way they fought out the big debates of society in parliament. that was part of the german party system that was part of
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german parliament but you had done done within the sort of the center right and center left it was bunged then ok so there were there were one and then the other the german party system has been has proven to be extraordinary adaptable to changes in society that's how it accommodated the greens that's how it accommodated the post communist post nine hundred eighty nine in the german parliament and we'll see whether the let's say the conservative wing of the new if do you will can be incorporated into the fold here now is a thing much has been made of the rise of the us as we are doing are talking about the rise of the f.t. and what the other political parties did or didn't do should or should not do what is it about the german people that has made them decide the a f t is a viable choice. this clearly is a protest. vote people are dissatisfied with the
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refugee issue had there been no refugee issue i don't believe we would have seen the a fifty in the bush in the bonus track now they were on the downswing when that happened they were started as a as a as an anti e.u. euro zone transfer party by a group of order liberal professors and we're sliding down we're at the the refugee crisis resurrected them and has allowed them over the last years to enter thirteen regional parliaments and has allowed them to broaden their their their their base and their topics now they're becoming a full fledged party with with opinions on a lot of issues so. i'm going to. have next job is to to build her coalition while keeping an eye on the opposition which is now the social democrats
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as well as the day after day. we've heard that this is a process now that is going to take weeks months how's she being damaged by this result yes ok. the it was clear that if you do you have a grand coalition both big parties stand to lose they took historic losses last night that was in general to be accepted the extent of which was surprising and the expectation level just two weeks ago was different so i think what happened is there was a lot of voters in the middle who were who cast tactical votes remember remember just two days before the election thirty five seven percent of the electorate an unprecedented number was undecided and the way they broke is probably towards the small parties they want to maximize their vote for
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a coalition which we tend to call to make i hear that's what gave the greens a boost in the last forty eight hours that it's i think what gave even the f.t.p. about who was in the last forty eight seventy two hours now you would say so that's irrelevant no it is not irrelevant for this chancellor she is now under pressure from her her very unwilling or see her for and his very introduce tional at c.s.u. party has suffered an even more significant loss down from near fifty percent to thirty percent percent an election coming up this is a wounded party this is a wounded party leader in a he has already made clear last night that he's going to be on the attack and that he wants to close what he calls the the gap to the right so he wants that party to move to the right it's very hard to see how with a more left leaning green party that is going to happen if the gap between these
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parties before either even negotiate opens up that rather than closes down so well oh well it's over the so there is there is there is now fractiousness and factionalism across the board in fact except for the s s s p d. you're talking about a fractured cd you are you're talking about and i have to day on the who aren't sure yet what they're going to do or perhaps are going to take some time to to rebuild themselves and and i have to say that may well fall apart so german politics is in regardless of the fact that they if he is now in parliament german politics anyway is in for a very turbulent time of the next four years that's the contradictory thing of last night germans voted for stability they wanted to protect her from the winds of change but they got change anyway and that change is in the party system and the way this discovered been disposed to be set up
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a very difficult process ok fascinating and thomas klein a broker who will speak more for the other let's talk more about the i have to as we heard the big bombshell of the night was the performance of the far right anti immigrant after the party they held their first national news conference this morning there was unexpected drama as one of their main leaders for a petrie said she would not take up her seat in parliament for the i have to say and then walked off. just one last word because i think on a day like this we should be open to the fact that there is also sometimes disagreement within our own party. and we must not be silent on this because you have to as i said we are supporting you know in that eight d. in twenty thirteen and until twenty fifteen i don't want to be a part of government as path as possible it is still my ambition might. some people have called us and. i was you know and this might mean that people always
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thought we'd be ok as an opposition but people don't really expect that we could be in government this is not what i want i want. you to be a part of government. i want to pursue a conservative they are politic. and after long concentrations i have decided that i personally will not be a part of the a.v. parliamentary group and the german bundestag. and please. i ask for your kind understanding not sure ask any questions about this i will be available in the entrance hall if people ask questions there i think my colleagues here on the parliament on this podium and now i'm going to leave the room thank you. not only. does. this in the newspaper i feel as follows i don't think this is very
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fat behavior let's just go with it's not very fair reason we fear journalists who are using this podium after the federal press conference and then you just disappear story we'll have more of that incident in a moment first let's look at how they were going to have to rose to power and became a force to be reckoned with in german politics. it was the results they'd been dreaming of only as the f.t. made sense of the german parliament it's become the third biggest party many calling it a seismic shift the day after the leaders a promising to change the country. german government whichever way it is formed shall dress warmly we will hunt them. we will hunt mrs machall or whoever and we will take our country and our people back again. and so we're going.
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i am dever the n.f.t. was elected for its content for its position was set for the people who have given us that trust the first thing we will do is to keep office promise we will initiate a parliamentary investigation into angola macca. anglo-american in its even until. the f.t. says the german chancellor broke numerous laws when she opened germany's borders to hundreds of thousands of refugees in twenty fifteen now it wants to take her to task it's also promising to make immigration a major issue in parliament. kind of we don't want the makeup of this country changed by a mass invasion of foreigners we've always said that some will take that into parliament. in fact the a.s.d. wasn't always about immigration when it was found four years ago it was
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a single issue set up campaigning against the euro on germany's contribution to the e.u. bailout fund for greece. it almost got elected to the bundestag in twenty thirty but ended up just shy of the five percent needed. the a.f.d.c. electoral fortunes change with chancellor merkel's reaction to the twenty fifty migration crisis it jumped on the issue managed to get into a number of regional assemblies where it's often brought low making calls for rory with scandalous rhetoric fiery clashes it's likely to carry those tactics into the federal same way. this news of the election results spread hundreds of people converged on the a.f.p. headquarters to protest against the party the a.f.p. is dividing germans and its rise could make german politics fiery.
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so were the other over the next few days lots of people here in germany and around the world will be trying to work out what was behind by the success what we can already see though is where those votes came from so let's bring up that data on the wall so these i have the votes this is this is the voter migration these are where their votes came from and you can see the number of votes the other parties lost to the f.t. as well compared with the last election four years ago take a look at the light at the top nine hundred and eighty thousand almost a million c.d.u. voters switched to the f.t. based time around and lots of people will see that as a prize that i'm going to merkel has paid for her decision to allow more than a million refugees into the country but as you can also say lots of support came from the other parties as well as pay day losing four hundred seventy thousand left party greens as well on the day pay on top of those votes of switches the
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a.f.d. seems to have been particularly successful at winning over people who didn't vote last time look at those nonvoters six hundred and ninety thousand nearly three quarters of a million nonvoters decided yesterday the. giving them a reason to cast their ballots now let's take a look at this heat map where did the a f. g.'s support where was it strongest so here is a map of germany and so darker colors show where the bow support is and here you see the east of the country is where most of vast support was from now you'll be able to find that data and those graphs and more if you go to our web site d w dot com and so clickable you can see where the votes went to and came from for each of the major parties and you can play with that see your
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heart's content d.w. dot com let's talk through this more now with the deed of leave political correspondent to hands branch or welcome back hands so that. they have to you. people keep so i suppose it is a victory ok that they are not the biggest party but getting into the parliament for the first time ever that that's a big thing oh absolutely and as something you have to have some respect for you have to say these are people that are in parliament as a result of the will of the voters you can't just dismiss that you can say thirteen percent of voters. got it wrong somehow you have to accept that that's their judgment that that's what they want to be their representation in parliament so in that sense it's you know you have to say it's legitimate no matter what you might think about. the policies of the f.t. or the way that they conducted their campaign. on the other hand. you have to see that there is
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a lot of protest to nach and that is clearly signified by the shoots a number of voters that moved from the c.d.u. from the christian democrats the conservatives to the f.t. but also from other parties from the far left left party four hundred thousand more than four hundred thousand voters went across the political spectrum to the far right. there is a lot of protest vote in that it's not a stable vote so it's a let's take it that it's a protest vote one wonders now with of that we'll have to speculate having voted for the a.f.d. ease that it for these people or do they want the f.d.a. now to do something beyond just how you know the chancellor very difficult to answer that question a question that the f.d.a. is posing itself at the moment and that's causing quite a lot of tension within the party obviously for many voters what was important is to give and give the macro and the christian the social democrats the current coalition government a slap in the face and they've been very successful in doing that but within the
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f.t. there are these two wings already these very tense factions within the party one of which says well this is in fact an. question of a wish by voters that we present a real arch conservative alternative in other words that we participate in the political process we continue participating in the put it in process and may even enter into government eventually and then there's the other faction that is more of the rabble rousing faction that says our role is not to really participate in the process but to disturb to stop or to. be a spanner in the works of this elitist process that has so far according to the voters not really shown much respect or much regard for them in the press conferences that we've seen so far as the parties have made reference to the i have to in their presence and the determination to fight them while they're fighting
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them likes me that what are they doing for the people what are they likely to do for the people who voted for the f.t. as a way of saying pay attention to us well in fact the a of d. has already managed to a large extent to set the political agenda in germany and has through its pressure caused all sorts of changes in policy especially on the migration this is this is the major issue on migration there has been policy changes not only amongst the conservatives to serve or to amongst angela merkel's party even though under the macro open the borders two years ago her party has changed policy on that quite drastically in the last couple of years is no longer full open borders full you know welcoming everyone into germany and also on security issues issues such as police work or surveillance and so on on all of these matters most political
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parties are a lot i'm all. i think strict then there used to be you can see in that whole discussion caused by the f.t. or started by the f.t. as a radio. led to the other parties changing their positions and. we thank you and brand new political correspondent now if you just joining us this is that they will be special coverage of the german election and the changes it's already causing and the country's political landscape and what it means for the world i'm going to merkel will remain chancellor of center right party along with its former coalition partners the social democrats have suffered historic losses the chancellor will have to seek new coalition partners likely to be with the parties holding a polarized views in the biggest election upset this fall our day has become germany's third largest political force loving the euro skeptic your anti immigration party and to follow it for the first time. well the outcome of this election has been watched around the world especially by germany's european
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neighbors we'll have more on that from our correspondent in brussels in a moment first let's listen to what some of the people in the streets of paris have been saying about the results that the rise of the right was their biggest concern . in one way or another being a bit for the fact that publish them mr rising because merkel except people coming from syria. and people are worried. but unfortunately it's a trend we're seeing across europe. i think it's a trend that if you were going to have united states you look at some other places i think there is a growing dissatisfaction i think with. i guess mainstream politics in general so i have a low undecided whether it's about that in germany it's a new year huge backlash huge maybe too strong a word but a backlash through the refugees and some of those issues. you're watching day
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doubly let's join d.w. our political correspondent it can occur from who's at the c d you had quarter she has with germany's current defense minister fondling. yes absolutely minister fundal line now the world is watching looking at germany i'm going to call will once again be the german chancellor but this no doubt is a slap in the face by the german voters what did you get wrong well i think this is not a good result and we certainly have done mistakes but if we would have known about the mistakes earlier we would have gotten rid of them so we need a thorough analysis right now but one thing is clear we do have a mandate and we will take care of this mandate does that mandate points quite clear while it does quite clearly point towards the so-called the mike a coalition that would include the free democrats we heard its leader and talked candid cuz young lynn during this election campaign basically to declare crimea
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pretty much of a territory that is beyond reprieve for ukraine how are you going to find common line with a party like that there are many many topics where we do have a common line as far as i understood the debate around christian does remarks he pulled back immediately and for us it's very clear that international laws and international right is important for us and annexation of crimea is inacceptable. and we have a very clear position on that but there are many topics of course we will have to debate with the greens with the liberals at the moment being the social democrats refused to talk but the door will be open because i think it's a good democratic tradition first of all to talk with everybody to speak with everybody because we need a stable government and at first it is the concern for the country and after that
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you can have a concern for the party now what did your party gets wrong in respect of reaching those voters that have now moved over to the i'll turn to for germany the right wing a f.t.p. . he lost a million voters to two remarks on that yes we lost a million voters to the f.t. by the extreme left and the social democrats together last also a million voters and if you look at the motives of those voters of the vast majority did not vote for the f.t. because of their context the positions but because they wanted to teach us the other party's a lessons and the second remark is we should not underestimate a second point yes we lost the last one million to the f.t. the far right but we also lost one point three million so more voters to the liberals and that's where our competence is and that's the topics we have to focus
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on these are the hard working families these are people who care about topics like digitalization or education and that's where we have to focus on do you expect that under this in these new conditions or for me a coalition that the relationship of germany to the united states for instance could change. well. i am convinced that angela merkel will be the chancellor for the fourth term and you know her she's very reliable and therefore we all know that we have a deep founded friendship to the united states this is so all that foundation of zillions of relationship between our both countries and i have no doubt that this friendship will go on defense when the so is often in line thank you very much for talking to us thank you and with that back to the studio because nerves argue so much to us they doubly correspondent. and his defense minister on the line a special program from d.w.
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news as we pick through the results of yesterday's election here in germany as get the europeans you enough do double correspondent gail matters who joins us from brussels welcome gail what is been the reaction from the european capitals to this result. not too much of a surprise that america has been reelected for a fourth term things look a bit different when we look at the rise of the rights that has come as a shock to a number of member states and partly to some commissioners in the european institutions who said this is a huge concern for europe that right wing party in germany has gained so much on the other hand you had a number of european leaders and particularly for instance the austrian foreign minister but also the austrian chancellor who basically sent the message to germany that the americans party had this coming that the fact that they did not take it
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that's what they claim that they did not take the concerns over immigration as serious enough and they bust. the foreign minister of austria even went as far as to say that. her open arms policy towards migration also to a large extent explains the result that the far right has come out so strongly so. given that. merkel will now have to make a coalition this so-called jamaican jamaica coalition is is that likely to have any bearing on germany's relations with the e.u. . of course she will not be as strong a leader as she has been before given that in a coalition government you will have to listen to other voices in your government on the other hand to say both the greens and the liberals the f.d.p.
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are pro european parties we just have the chance to get a first reaction by the way from his uncle junker the head of the european commission and his response was first of all to congratulate angela merkel for the past twelve years where she has come out very strongly but also to say that he has a huge confidence in the european in the european and also the democratic spirit of of german parties and so he has he's very confident that she will be able to form a strong government and to continue the important role she has played in europe and so i think you could make the argument and say well the f.t.p. for instance is more critical of european finance minister and a regarding mark hall who is about to morrow who's about to give a speech or demanding exactly that there there could be a little bit of a rao there and it could be more difficult for uncle america to support any positions in that direction but overall these are both approaches european parties
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and so she should be able in that on that front to form a strong government. go go battus in brussels thank you so much. i tell you watching the news live from. across the day we'll be looking at news and analysis of that yesterday's election result and what we're going to do also through the day is that goes the various press conferences which are being held at the buddhist press house in the german pollens each of the major parties sits down and tells the world about what they plan to do now that politics has changed so let's take a look at what's going on at the buddhist press house at the moment as we speak where we should find the green party getting ready just having a bit of a photo up there getting ready to take the stage and deliver and tell germany and the world wants what their plans are so let's just take a little
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a look at that. so all right well. we won't do that instead we'll go to mccain a catholic who is at the cd you party headquarters they get to say to you of course i'm going to miracles a potty. the
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the ok. thank. you going to have to wait for. you forget it. and when do you think we'll have a new government in place. be cutting doing your god god because. you doing a cut has just said we are well prepared for exploratory talks you can negotiate if we want to have successful negotiations but it is entirely driven by the content and nothing else regarding this time quite a. lot because. i think it's going to take
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a while. for. these things together. and then with their son in trouble when the prime mentor gives c.s.u. c.d.u. they have to sort. things put their own house in order to vote we're talking with one union and we can't have your parallel talks within the conservatives with reagan so you know we're very in it and the other is they have to ensure that actually you have one contact person as it were and one person who can make decisions on with you when we can negotiate. is likely going to be in rates and invitation when there is any will certainly accept an invitation to enter into these talks. i thought it was interesting this is actually happening in europe so where you're watching a press conference of the green party the last person you saw speaking there was a german ers demand i want the green party's leading candidates and he was on the
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stage with that catherine good and accurate other of that leading candidates the green party one of the two likely coalition partners with i'm going to hold a c d you here with me in the studio a state only political correspondent to hans branch out welcome back hands. this green is there much more positive about the idea of a coalition with the c.d.u. than were that other potential coalition partners the f.t.p. that was part of the greens election campaign they started they had these two candidates elected based their whole election campaign on this proposition that if they do well enough in the school this this election that there won't be possible coalition partners for the conservatives so they have really for both of these candidates have based their entire campaign and in the sense they have put it their political career for the next period. on achieving that so they are very
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eager in fact to enter into a coalition even though what we just saw was getting into the nitty gritty of what the negotiations might end up being about and how difficult they might be and details here and details there but in fact they are very interested in being in government now they're just looking at the figures new and you find these figures on the on our website it d w dot com and one of the charts that you'll see is where the votes came from you can click on each of the major parties and see where the votes go over and i've just done that now i'm looking at the green party and i see that most of their votes they were up and a half a percent but three hundred eighty thousand votes from the s.p. d. only thirty thousand from the the c.d.u. c.s.u. and they made the point in the press conference that social democracy and social justice was one of their big platforms. yes that's true and they did try to have a political profile obviously that distinguish them from the social democrats i
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think the problem there is the advantage for them is that the social democrats had such a wishy washy program that it wasn't really clear on many of these issues because they were coming out of this grand coalition with the conservatives weren't quite sure whether there might not need to work together with the conservatives again so in the end the social democrats were a little bit ambivalent about their program the greens managed to profit from that you see that in this movement of voters that many people seem to have said well you know what voting again for the s.p.d. is not such a good option for the social democrats because we're not quite sure where they're heading and the greens made this clear decision that they wanted to be in government that they were giving up some of them will radical positions keeping their more radical wing in at bay as it were so i think that profited from that in the last couple of days many of these decisions these voting decisions were really taking in the last forty eight hours so if i'm going to work wants to get her
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a majority in parliament her c.d.u. party is talking about sitting together with the greens on the on the f.t. piece of the greens we heard them say they're for it we also had the greens saying that the f.t.p. said that they're not available for coalition now i don't recall the f.t.p. actually saying they were not available very cagey about this they talked about this a little earlier they are free democrats the market liberals are just coming back into parliament after having been for years outside parliament they've just rebuilt their party had earned really have a big depth of personnel of pair of experienced personnel that could become part of the government so they're a little bit reticent about taking on this run suppose run. because yes yes i just said no they have not said neither yes or no they are saying if they need to take
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on the responsibility of. ensuring that germany is governor of all then there will take this responsibility in other words in a very cagey way they are saying you know maybe make us well exactly exactly that. is a poker game that's going on here. they i think eventually it's more than likely that this if this coalition will come together but it's going to be very difficult and there are many differences of detail some of which we've just heard which will take quite a lot of doing to sort out for the huns brand thank you do take a look at our website that's that d w dot com and you'll find all the all the stats and the analysis there that will take you through. what has happened overnight now the other potential coalition partner for angle of the free democrats let's take a listen to what their party leader in their press conference that had to say
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a little earlier so nothing has changed. we. have proved certainly. not political position that not only approved of congress and me feel that it is to live on as homes naturally until pete is happy to take the responsibility we've always been happy to do so but we want to change the direction. of policy decisions and if we are going to do that then the opposition won't always be the right place for us to prison town argument was. well. got back to business today after securing a fourth term as chancellor. c.d.u. headquarters in berlin supporters turned out to congratulate or she's expected to
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speak out later in one of those press conferences at the borders pressing house and the challenge that will to be sounding out coalition partners. while not in a moment first a look at how election night unfolded and some views from the street on the outcome the morning after the election the newspapers rode over tectonic shift and a nationalist backlash some called the results bitter this man says the outcome didn't surprise him but he still aghast. the f.t. is the third strongest party that says it all. still he doesn't believe that all the people who voted for the f.t. are actually far right. this blog i think the f.t. got its voters because the conservatives and the s.p.d. were so bad. the majority of people on the street doesn't seem to be happy with the outcome of the election either. the big parties didn't get the job done and now the
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f.t. will be able to puff out their chests. to tell you the truth i'm not disappointed i'm interested in how they plan to put their ideas into action. no but if i think that these four years will show which of their promises they can keep and which are just words. and that's a good thing this is as well and it's a catastrophe shocking horrible the evening before joy and despair for germany's conservatives they lost significant support this time around the chancellor angela merkel will still serve a fourth term she says she'd wished for a better result but she will still get to form a new government this isn't like the c.d.u. in c.s. you have emerged as the strongest party as we have the mandate to form a government and no one will form one against us. the social democrats are in shock after the worst ever result of the so-called shorts effect
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a bump in the polls when the party leader martin fills was named candidate disappeared he has ruled out joining the new government but says he won't step down as party chair. but i've advised the s.p.d. leadership to go into the opposition has its own view. and soon wants oh you mean. we're all united in our decision to take this step. with the studio the only possible coalition for the c.d.u. is with the pro-business f.d.p. and the environmentalists greens. one party that they won't do any deals with is the far right alternative for germany or a.f.d. they had a historic night that saw them enter parliament for the first time. possess and i'm very satisfied with the results because i hope now this country will see some changes and big surprises. but it remains to be seen how the a.f.p.
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will cope with the day to day business of the german parliament. so let's just run you through those results shall we that came in from election night last night biggest party the c d you know ok this doesn't seem to be working the s.t.p. the left ok well i can't i couldn't know whether it. lets. the technology has let me down i was hoping that the w. political correspondent and became a couple will not let me down will find her at the buddhist press or how i am the essential thank you for a carrier she's at the at the buddhist press i know you're the c.d.u. party headquarters i beg your pardon they say to you is there is due to hold their press conference at that one this present a little later i'm going to merkel will hold that press conference what can we
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expect to hear from. but we can expect a bit of analysis which she pretty much for hughes to give yesterday evening under that first impression of the electoral win of the c.d.u. which of course cannot be described as a victory for her party by any means and it certainly is a dent in her image as being at the core of this political brand of the conservative c.d.u. party here in germany yesterday evening she mentioned the a.f.d. she said that they would then have to in the lies cold light of day to start assessing what went wrong how to win votes is back we expect a bit more detail on that and we expect some details on how she expects the coalition building to get started basically she's the one who has to send out the invitations the other parties will possibly be staring at the phone the greens and
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the free democrats feel fairly confident that they will get that call and then what starts here in germany is that parties start talking about whether to launch formal talks so we can this always is a bit of a diplomatic tricky process this time it's a lot more complicated than in the past i'm just looking at. dot com website just look at where the c.d.u. votes went and that's the most of the one point three six million so they f.t.p. and the second largest group to the f.t. so it does look like a big block of say you do you support went right. yes at the same time you saw a lot of protests voting here clearly people in germany c.d.u. supporters were not happy with the chances course and in particular that's what exit polling also indicated on her of course on migration that we sees a bit of kfar full here so it looks like the german chancellor she is taking the
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stage and will be facing her party the day after. her party won but it's not a victory for her let's listen to you by chance when this comes after america's attention. we'll have more interview does your previous ladies and gentleman as is usually the case after an election night we have carried out an analysis about the election results both in the executive committee and. in. other bodies and we have analyzed what our chief meant. and weaknesses where we begin with what we had didn't manage to do. number of colleagues who are no longer going to be members of the germinal his own parliament which is a shame and i'm just sad this is outcome. is also part of the results of this election night and match neighborhood of hope to achieve
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a. result we have of course on allies to the extent that one can in migration of voters to other parties about one point three voters were lost to the f d p and one only to a lefty in view of the voters who voted for the a.d.f. we are aspiration is to solve problems to make good policy decisions and you know get them back again also. in our analysis of a broader based approach and looked at the question of a large park or a party is generally the c.d.u. and see as you would say the. party that achieved over thirty percent. in the elections and of course we have to look at how you can reach out to your voters in times of digitalization if you have to look at this in more detail.
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close to be a conference that will be carried out after the elections are no saxony now what have we achieved we are certainly the strongest parte that even words from the elections the strongest i have thanked everyone here in the conrad. headquarters everybody on the grassroots there as well the youth. talk. we have received a clear government mandate the facts we have by far the strongest parliamentary group. and as a result. we will be electing a new view highly mentoring of group heads i have proposed for. as heads of the parliamentary group and this seemed to be met with approval. i shall be speaking with are saying only for as to how we will proceed from here in terms of
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the other parties we will be. with you have an exploratory talks with the f.d.p. and the green party but also with the s. he. does because i believe it is important that germany have a strong this stable home and government i have ordered one heard what the s.p. disposition is but i believe it's important to stay in a dialogue and just when this was and this is also. very forward by the next. committee we've also talked about the election facing us in three weeks that is the state assembly elections in lower saxony we'll be calling all the stops out to build on our results last night to try to. do well in these elections so. we would like to see a state premier of lower saxony. the first we had a very tense discussion today such as i had talked towards the.
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sides you had sides form stuff before but was very constructive atmosphere. and atmosphere. where as we are of our responsibility for the future of our country without sweeping anything under the carpet. the last letter could do if he doesn't want to coalition you don't want one within a day how will you be working to prevent new elections and what sort of upper limits are you going to have to refugees if not an upper limit as. well naturally i would be entering into negotiations with offered to mr starr has departed the scene and as you and i remain confident that we will find solutions we will be joining forces most and working together on this tomorrow we are going to be proposing the heads of our parliamentary group together so i'm positive you see when you have a show and first we will have to have exploratory talks so before
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a single of the talk has been held i cannot say anything about whether little successful or not. but i think our opinion was quite clearly that. all of the parties with which to me would be prepared to enter into the coalitions and having the responsibility to ensure that your money has a stable government. it's called good ones you know the chancellor. and i would like to know if after an election of this kind the party needs a kind of renewal a new orientation whether it's about personnel or whether it's about content that's . come up and was this something that was discussed. well we didn't. apart from various things that for a culture be the head of a parliamentary group we didn't talk about miss miller through the boss and position is human actually we need to talk about the issues so it is knowing what
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is it that moves populace what is it moves our voters you've got the question of integrating refugees of contacting their causes that make people leave their leave their homes and now it's all in the state migration as well these are among many other issues rural areas in which you know people you seem to have an impression that nobody's listening to you and i was government programs and we focused on this aspect of this is certainly something that we're going to be expanding on you need to debate on some measures and this is why we're going to have a closed party conference after the elections and socks me. with mr. chancellor no question about its new your future. course of around european policy right now i know from the we're going to have the f.t.p. and beings on a f.l.t. who are critical because to europe in this understand one of them may be in
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a coalition with you so to what extent will you be able to reassure mr my calm regards really good fiscal policy in the e.u. just breaking even. well in the talks that we're going to have with one eye to use in the days to come europe will obviously play a role just as you have said. you know about is enough. in which we're talking about strengthening ties and taking further steps to bring that you're all together have a french prime minister president rather is going to be by his speaking on subjects tomorrow you know i don't want to draw lines in the sand when you when you know i think we will support sensible approaches couldn't you know all these issues about them what i think we can you know is more but it has to lead to more competitiveness in our jobs cuffed when you win and a stronger european union and this is why we started off of the thing that words
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aren't important we need to walk the talk and i'm speaking with the french president on this i'm telling you today isn't the day to say we can do that we're going to do that and first of all we need to talk with the f.d.p. and to with actual positions on some of their growth. because. i've missed macaroon you just said that you want to regain the f. g.'s voters how many of them you do think you can actually reach how do you want to do this content wise does that mean that the c.d.o. you think is going to shift to the right as mr zabel first suggested in his remarks yesterday and. we'll be trying. to attract people from the current a f t the parliamentary group that might be your first option to duck onto them is a patriot as we know he has already left the parliamentary group they have secret
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does access hurt i certainly have no intention of the kind of about but. i think i use the point to this already it's a little based on the current analysis that we have one million voters went through this year do you know or go to the a.f.p. many wearing. your voters in the last election because there's been a higher electoral turnout and obviously we want to attract these voters back by solving the problems facing the country. so. you know what. the flunky i believe you were talking about the quote the right flank. closing the right flank and not a shift to the right this time you said that would have been. i would put it in other words. i think that where there are. and we need to find solutions. to these are questions around to integrate single people
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and also questions around migration. but in debates also about decent health care in berlin now here's a question if you have like transport and only. looking at least you need to use that farmer's house i have constituents are you aware there are a lot of farmers are very unhappy with this situation so many components that need to. be an attitude that was reflected in all this is very much with the f.d.a. that we've seen and i think if we tackle their problems we will be successful i mean i don't bash us in our house and i've got a question i. know you can be born foreign and defense policy with the f.d.a. is the third strongest party in the parliament will you be able to influence european policy baby interest.
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i believe that the parties are able to enter into a coalition that will be seeking solutions there are differences between the conservatives the green party that is there just and very. clearly in the end the s.t. peers around with it so it will simply depend on the coalition agreements they don't make. and these are different views of be reflected in there but the f.t. will have no influence on. foundation fanzine move attention from the danish t.v. another standing on country be featuring the election campaign we saw a great deal of anger and hatred. also directed to you personally but how do you deal with davos. what do you want to do to try to. respond to that just as. i think the most important thing when.
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you listen to people about their. cup and what's five. but people you know just women whistle and unfold shelter you still have to respond to them i thank god it can't be the case that you don't go to rallies because of these kinds of responses that's exactly where you do need to go to in society you have to take on board the fact that there are people who don't want to listen at the moment that's a smile also part of democracy and you just have to m.v.s. is take it as it is. it's to see it. on trust. following on. from this over on the right hand side i see you now in understand what he. was planning to this previous question i'd just like to ask you because our people yesterday and you have. your i mean you said that the chancellor was always responsible did you think about your own role and think about
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. personnel consequences in any form get off their stock and help struggling in autumn of last year i thought about this very very. early off and i didn't make the decision to run with once again the good life. i'm running for twelve years now we had a responsibility for the government and i was a christian democratic union and this is that's a long time. because. that's when the and it's not he said to you sit down on the bed after which well the feeling years before it does not of course it's a form of government once again so i hate the model of a real sense of humility in dollars it's been a very difficult time in this last. period and i thought long and hard about whether i should run my fish once again i knew it was going to be a very difficult. election campaign and i knew that i would be challenging the
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right thing by coming and from the left wing. my forecast that finishes in between there would be a battle for my position has taken place and i was prepared for it. president and that's why i think of immigration and it's a stock of decision you know that i made at the time was a strong one now we have a clear mandate to form a government and i want to thank all of the voters who voted for us because we are about by far and away the strongest society despite all of our disappointment is with a twelve point five percentage point difference with said oh and i mean i have been chancellor in the past. and it was only one percent between. two and social democrats not twelve the us so i do think you're in a sense but also the decision i made in. that was the right one. there is a polarized a she doesn't want to talk about and this is
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a clearly what's the link to me as a person of zogby but in recent weeks at the election i have said that the basic decisions that we made. that i am responsible for i think it was even though i didn't make that decision alone but as the german chancellor naturally i know this and i believe that we made the right decisions. and we've made a lot of progress since then has been a lot of water under the bridge there's been the new term. i remember correctly contacting the causes that they have to flee their homes was important as well but there's still a lot more work to be done. yes. yes moments in a position to what extent do you see the losses in the votes for it they say to you as a personal loss for you i believe i tried to respond to this question just now. on the one hand we lost some voters to get a f.t. and as i've said we will try to get them back again and that has to do with the
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situation you mentioned the feeling that clearly our responses so far haven't been satisfying enough for some people you know and as the party chair of the mine and the lead candidate i have a certain responsibility but i also have responsibility for my voters and that is that we have a clear mandate to form a government and we must do so i mean one and one point three boaters we lost one point two million voters we lost to the that we had the same situation two thousand and nine this was also a signal to quote it's saying that the grand coalition should come to an end and i believe that's how we can read it i think many were hoping that it would be enough to form a coalition that we would have a majority if we combined to do an f.t.p. now it seems another party would have to come into the coalition as well also because this is why i said i created it when it comes to solving the problems we want to focus on the receiver just went to the f.t.
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to fried. oh must go for the yamato chancellor you have just said for. the voters who have gone to the f.t. you are going to try and bring back with good policy now after that scene of you two thousand and sixteen is the only day to assembly elections we had this again and again clearly you haven't made a great deal of progress on this count or you wouldn't have lost so many were just the f.t. the actually and so how do you explain the drought and numbers in recent weeks of terms of you support. this you have a certain responsibility for this because you didn't wish to enter into a debate about cutting so much. because first of all let me say that you are connected reported that she is today that there is a difference between those who voted a.f.p. in size and try not black snake now and those who voted them to before then and
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he's over something every year ago but some issues as well as not disappeared in the short bit of time and then is not mind regarding them with the changes in the polls which does the recent weeks i think the only t.v. show downs it has it was that i should see myself at home bored of it when i was a situation where we didn't talk so much about who was going to be german chancellor we talked about who's going to be the third strongest party which is your judgment. this is something that the after your circulation is used for money and i think that was a situation where we set out where the christian democratic union had him one little more or less isn't so important to be more important that there be a shift of the software i do my changes a little landscape i think many had hoped that we could form a coalition. with just a cd you have to do it and otherwise i am not going to spend all of my time analyzing what happened on what day in the past you know from where i'm standing
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there. after the t.v. show down on that's when we were in a different situation it's certainly not the case said i didn't engage with the issues it remains the case even more than ever before the view that the gentleman election system of having lead cancer. is. more interesting to have debates between all of these candidates not so much t.v. showdowns by the two biggest offices there were other t.v. shows that i would. like to find you with and for me it is even then and to name the differences between our party in the as good a and i think the as a great dave found it very easy to name the differences to our party but then on whether he got the i'm responsible for all of this i mean you know run him so be it i take the responsibility then whatever. type of the flu or the german on the election there were
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a number of parties who gave you ultimatums or guarantees or set conditions right now if there aren't male conditions you haven't said there were any ultimatums anyway what are essential is that your party did not want to see after the coalition agreement. but you know you started talking about this today but we haven't and you can induce the discussions here we will be discussing these issues will see as you know first of all but you can basically assuming that our sound budget and in the future your questions of domestic security will always be important issues for us and it's going to suffer the. most is i don't chancellor these laws like this i was referring to the elections is a watershed in the sense that now there is a party to the right of conservatives in parliament would you say that the way you have dealt with the a.f.l.
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to you was the right way to go or you will be the. well you know recent years you know some leading politicians said that we don't talk to them we're not going on to a discussion if that they're like but the war over just this feeling in the mouths do you think mistakes have been made the second because on the basis of analyses of what you don't survive are you are you going to i don't think you're ready for that for that by which as you went to get. the best. man you will be many dimensional being i would have to say that the best way of dealing with these results it is that we see some of the problems that are causing there's a kind of migration oh i have. to you know must i have day we have to solve these problems we have to also look at where the limits are of what we're prepared to accept. that really he defines middle of the naturally we're going to have major differences in policy with. the question of whether or not we will go
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along to talks. round tables etc where there there is over your course we went off you know what if you could say something. there we were not just a lot of protests against you in eastern germany but also the us that's an election result. for the in will just in german states was close to your results in some ways. so and it also contributed to the c.s. you know not doing so well in the very i must you know in the long i think regarding least in german states people are afraid of losing what they already have as to. whether it be through globalization is on the stock market or all of us so if you won't buy the science refugee what should we know that from the north rhine-westphalia we have seen that in some of the socially difficult areas there
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was also been a high level of support for the a.f.l. team and the numbers of deaths if you want i'm focusing on analyzing the c.d.u. rather than other people in other forums parties and we have a great deal of work ahead of us. but i think it's what chancellor did back. could you please look back on election campaign now with the shift of many voters to the a.f.p. and. what have you as a candidate and do you see your. may be wrong what could you have. needed to do differently not. seriously i don't know. how we would have to change our strategy on talk i think we had a well thought through election campaigns those and today the day after the elections. you know i don't see this any differently. often helps
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however. i mentioned the autumn of twenty sixteen early i knew that is it was going to be a very difficult election campaign. and perhaps i didn't expect such a lot of headwinds from fans but as i said after the big challenge we had to do with twenty fifteen and twenty sixteen and given all the difficult discussions we still have power to migrants about libya. and with all the discussions that we still have about all the social trouble spots the difficulties in the east of germany all of these problems are not solved of course you. and as a result the a.f.p. had such a good election result. but let me repeat this but i will continue to try in a future to not just talk about all the others and blame them but look at the home what we ourselves have to do. is ations will give us new homework boston
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the and i'm not pretending that we could live in an ideal world of finance where the euro is able or a world in which there would not have to be in an economic crisis or no refugees but there will be a new tasks ahead once. and they might not be caused by us or directly related to us but because of that off living in a globalized world they will act as this and we have to be open to try to find solutions in accordance with our inner compass with our principles he doesn't know of and not just complain all the time that there is yet another challenge politics is about taking action and of course you have to figure properly before you make a decision as to when it is and so the last few days we talked a lot about september twenty fifth teen average but i think back to that decision and i picture the charioteers like using cult like cannons at the german border i come to the conclusion that it was yes it was difficult but. what it
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boils down to is that it was do the best we were able to give larry conditions. but still it's a task that many of course would have avoided in the first place if there never had been out here on civil war so i can be a british t.v. show for news. with michael from before the elections and after president trump and you've been called a pillar of stability in europe after this election result would you say that this is still the case as much as you know what's. as you said it was just something that other people said so i guess it's up to them to decide what i am. i will continue to be interested in these topics but i never called myself that pillar. he was that was one of those. that you want to be a pillar of stability don't you it's not my talk with you as i said one day before
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the elections you know damn it all i want you to best of my ability to serve germany and disability in europe on me and that's what i will try to do and help people in the job. remains to be seen. by the you think it's a good idea if you. try to lead us. i have a question about north east i have traveled a lot to east germany i'm gonna head from many people. from also not just so you're watching a press conference live from this cd you had course of course the your political party of the chance well i'm going to call or say she was taking your questions to our correspondent became the co-author is that welcome back mikhail what would you say was the main message. well the german chancellor is actually still taking
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questions behind me and quite clearly she's still being very matter of fact fact about what essentially is a defeat to a large degree of her c.d.u. party with such significant loss that she was asked here. watch she thinks she got the ball about this and how she wants to win the one million voters back who went to the far right a.f.d. party where her answer is pretty much the standard answer we heard over the past months that she would try and bring people back by solving problems offering good policies and what is quite clear here is that what we've seen in a lot of polling this kind of protest vote is kind of got free action that against particular migration policy and she might recognise that to a certain degree but that she's not willing to go down that line to me i heard a german chancellor here who. is proving what polling so that
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hurt the social democrat martin schultz who scored so badly in this election campaign but schooled very highly when it came to being close to people to being a people person well a people person she is not and she clearly is still together with her party in the in alice this process of what went wrong here. she did so going forward we're looking at a coalition and the most likely coalition being that the c.d.u. with the f.t.p. and the greens now i heard her say that there are in the exporter talks with those two parties but also with the asp a day who have also who've actually ruled this out. yes basically what i'm going to michael said here is that she would start exploring the potential for talks with all of those potential coalition partners including the social democrat she said she of course recognized that there'd been
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a clear signal that the s.p.d. wants to go into position this time around but that looking at those results there is a responsibility to also talk to the sister democrats as a potential coalition partner clearly we also got the signal here that not much is going to happen basically for the next three weeks when we see rather crucial regional elections in lower saxony which will the be the first test of these results here in the region and that we would then see in negotiation process here in germany that ends up actually being almost like a legal document i mean it's not legally valid but it is a bit of a marriage contract that parties have to hammer out if they go into coalition here in germany and when we speak of. her conservatives we're talking about her part of the c.s.u. on the same day you and she had spoke of barely the horses they offer and their need to be talks that. yes absolutely i mean the key
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policy that this election campaign did in the end become about was on migration and that's where those sister parties the c.d.u. and the c.s.u. which only contests in bavaria in the southern states here in germany they are still miles apart on this the german chancellor refuses to rule out an upper limit on asylum seekers or migrants coming into germany in the sea as you quite clearly wants to see the limits on that some two hundred thousand people coming to the country per year now the c.s.u. also has reached elections coming up next year so also within this these system parties everybody's bracing them. self set the tone will get to get somewhat sharper with potholes see how it will for potentially fighting for his own political survival in the various but the c s you really felt the pain from the far right as well mechanical c.d.u.
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party headquarters thank you for that as we will speak again later. this is daily news live from berlin throughout the day today we will be looking through the results of yesterday's an election results a win for going to mccall's christian democrats over with a reduced number of members of parliament the same the s.t.p. their coalition partners having a record low number of members of parliament and the right wing a half day making their entrance to the bundestag you've just been listening to have i'm going to talk giving her response to last night's results let's talk through that further with thomas a climb out brock off is vice president of the german marshall fund of the united states welcome back to the studio where interesting a logo on the stage there with i'm going to actually said the c.d.u. and the mists of the middle which seems to be even part of a problem. it's part of our her identity. what we've seen i think is vintage on the
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america she was trying to display the adult in the room understated language do not polarize. i would have liked to have been in the room to listen to what at one moment in her press conference i think she called there were good moments and bad moments. in the party leaderships meeting i would have loved to have been there what she actually meant by that because of course in her in her leadership group there must be and there is quite a bit of dissatisfaction with the historic low that she brought in now for her going through the middle capturing the middle of the country in a fundamentally center left country for a conservative to be governing for twelve years and beer reelected for a fourth term that is only possible if you if you capture and and pull along the center now she's done that for twelve years now the moment has
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come in which she has opened the door to the right and that is what these discussions within her party leadership are all about it's quite interesting though is that it just isn't any matic you got to i'm going to because i think most of the time you have to listen with one is what she says but you have to watch very carefully what she does and so throughout this press conference that she was asked time and time again how are you going to respond so they they have to how are you going to win those voters back we're going to think about this very carefully but essentially she said i was right about she did actually say the migration issue which is that i was rights to. allow those people in. so she sounds like she's not going to change issue going to change well she is soft spoken but she doesn't give in she doesn't recognize there may have been a mistake at one point she even say i don't see what we would have had to have done
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differently in this case in this campaign so that that's again vintage on the america i think we've seen her in four campaigns she's not the best communicator she's not even the best campaigner but governing is her is her forte which to me makes the answer that she gave to the question what would you do differently well we say that we have to solve the problems that the that the the individuals the people told us were the problem so she wants to saw from and and might use she when asked about horse a horse and whether the her party will now have to move to to the right because of the refugee issue she corrected the person who questioned her say no we don't have to go move to the right he said we have to close the gap to the right so she wants to do it the merc kalyan way and not anybody else's way which is solve the problems
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her way ok now is when we we know that there is going there has to be some sort of coalition the f.t.p. and the greens the likely coalition partners that f.t.p. in their press conference was quite numb a quite big kid playing there could that cause quite close to the chest the greens have said they were they are interested in the s.p.d. they said no one knows i get emotional in that it's a press conference there there's a i've detected a bit of blood moral blackmail there and she said that the that it will it is important for all of us to try and ensure that germany has a stable government so regardless of what you have what's your thinking on an individual basis remember this is the goal of a stable prosperous germany. she is trying to put the social democrats out there in and remind them off their responsibility by way of the numbers there's only two
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options one options has been unilaterally ruled out by the social democrats last night for reasons of their own party's health and future that is not a responsibility of governing the country that is a responsibility to what's your party towards your party base she has been reminding that in this press conference that it is. upon every one of those who have been elected last night to form a stable government and therefore she wants to invite the social democrats in order if need be be refuted by them so the population sees the social democrats as not as not taking up responsibility really so do you see that as a as a tactical move all it does she really want to go back into coalition with it's not a done deal i mean the gap between these two three parties is large and by the way it has grown last night with the results that we have seen so she has to way she
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has to weigh her options there may still be a time when she will need to go back to the social democrats she doesn't want to close that door she in the end once the social democrats to close that door if they so choose so if we if we if we look ahead then to this the likely. coalition c.d.u. the f.d.p. and the greens the fly militants in that particular is that the greens and that the f.t.p. really don't like each other could you sum up first briefly the the essence of those that's a that's lack of unity amongst them. essentially they fish in the same pool their voter ship is is much more similar than then their disagreements make make you understand it to be. this is middle class to me
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this is the the greens are essentially the new the new middle class the people who would go who would go to the whole foods market and and have a a sort of a left of center urban lifestyle and the. the liberals or that same more or less well to do group of people except with a more free marketeer version of that though so the two ends of the bush spectrum of german of german politics and they are at each of us throats ok if it's the movies over the more it just sounds like a family yes you're all the same blood but really it's other all right i was quite a block off for now thank you seven thank you so as we had the big bombshell of jim's election with the performance of the far right and to immigrant i after they party they held their first national news conference this morning it was there was
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have unexpected drama as one of them main leaders from compadre said she would not take up her seat in parliament for the i have to go and then walked off. just one last one because i think on a day like this we should be open to the fact that there is also sometimes disagreement within our own party of all thought on and we must not be silent on this because you have to if i thought it was supporting an open debate the a.f.p. in twenty one fed to you and you until twenty fifteen why do you want to be a part of government asked tough as possible it is still my ambition. we're going to interrupt that because we're going to go now to the s.p. day who are giving their conference martin shields is now speaking to let's hear what he says when you brought it about. for fresh. meat cleaver known i promised through our members to our voters to our supporters that we won't just go
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back to business as usual and there was a harsh defeat yesterday and we have to take a closer look at the party leadership has already started with that process. before the party conventions in december will take place between you seventy ninth of december and the leaden we will have several meetings of the various party bodies but also eight regional conferences of all members and we will look at the various defeats we had to face in recent years since twenty twelve. thousand the result of our analysis today has been that we haven't really come to terms with our previous defeats and a number of mistakes just must not be repeated. you have to. it's we have a dialogue with our voters. and we have agreed on the
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projects we want to deal with in the next few weeks and months and i've spoken to the president and the board. and african minister to them. to consider a reshuffle off the primary group we have lost forty mandate so nobody is talking and that means that any number of our colleagues who ran as candidates either did not win a mandate or even worse lost mandates. because to all of those you. have parliament i would like to thank you for your great work and of course i congratulate the new members of parliament i am among them i will be a new members it's about parliaments to go to the bottom and. so i will be continuing my poem entry career. constantly on the. song and when
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we have i'll consider him. and also be welcoming everybody else who's new i've also recommended that this. is our current minister of labor and social affairs should be heading the parliamentary group there but i'm grateful that both the president and the executor court of owls had to agree with me on that decision as star support so that means that i'm not as we move you'll be recommended as chair of the parliamentary group infamous target and let me also thank you the. fact. he's been at the helm of the parliamentary group for ten years first as a party secretary of the people you think and later as chairman mccaw for comments and in that capacity has shaped very much social democratic policy and the business you're starting off with he was of the guy and you're deeply grateful to him for the wonderful work he's done of course of respect for us in that office and i respect his decision to not be
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a candidate for that office again with. respect to my friend. thank you so much for your support during the election campaign thank you for this wonderful cooperation we've enjoyed the last few years the s.p.d. is needed. and. we won't just. be sad that's our work what's. we don't you know. and it might sound like an empty phrase to some but it's true even if you had to face defeat the question is whether you have enough courage to be proud of your values proud of your program we fought for justice except in a society we have followed where you go if you're chair for the young generation for strong your rights are good. and we will keep fighting for these issues in the bundestag they will be the focus of our work load we're talking about digitization demographic change will not strike a parliament. and as
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a strong democratic opposition we will make sure that german society will be able to witness the political debate that they have been missing. what they see that you have done and this is your party headquarter this i was just finishing the school says these affairs that they have voted the public debate they have sedated our society and that has created a vacuum that's been filled very cleverly before by a new party they're not even now but they are already getting bogged down in fighting. on the beach together and this tells me that the role of the opposition will be of the most important importance. and the s.p.d. will be happy to take on that challenge. a lot about ladies and gentlemen you know
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that yesterday we also saw a party that was courageous and annoy. of the trade just to take on the new task we have probably the most we have achieved but we also have courage is that your take on the future he's on and we are not alone. i think it's no pm or something. and since last night one thousand four hundred new members joined our party. we are told by our local offices that many other people are interested in becoming a member that tells us our party is not just needed but it's also strong enough for people to. use this defeat to develop even more power and more strength of us also be able to lead this country in the future. if i look at that party which is now a new and they're gonna start a charity for germany and if i look at what's going on within the past i have to tell you we work off democracy in this country. and i very well may well come
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new members to this. question mr lynch this issue is you spoke of mistakes being made your own mistakes are these your personal mistakes or mistakes of the past and second question what is it that you understand i was can do better than thomas. i said we have to analyze the mistakes we made as a past. the question is. how can we improve our party's program you look at what he says and perhaps you remember that we agree very much in our program but the question is when was it really focused or not. and why did it happen that dialogue between us and our voters was interrupted. we saw that people were disappointed by what and resorted to not voting at all for
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voting for other parties and as i said in my introduction this is something we need to debate in the future. andrea and alice has a lot of experience here in berlin also in her regional chapter and ride on platinum. and as a young woman you know i think she also represents a new generation and every new will that this party needs. funny. mr show. from what we hear you've also considered to become the chairman of a group as for why did you decide not to i think that was just a rumor. i have two questions. for you please stand up and i can see you. as mr schultz no matter what the result after lower saxony elections will be good
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so i will use this run as a candidate at the party convention and how sure can you be. that your party supports you. yeah but after years of. trance their first question yes second question i'm very certain he has not come you know. before so i can't really tell him or. mrs jones and you keep saying that yes but he will form a strong opposition how do you think that's going to work because you have. a far left party and a far right party along with here in the opposition. and wouldn't you think you'd rather have the task of defending the government against them you know. i think what we need to do is debate rethink government and the substance of the content and to find your constructive approach to shaping the future so the troops parties you mention have no interest in this as adults which means they're not going to be
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a part of that. so good for you which is why i think there will be a confrontation between the s.p. and the government mr may take us with your father mr schultz a question on the hearing with the past and the question is simple. to what extent do you think you back personal responsibility for this defeat after all you were the top candidate for six months because doctors are perhaps you were not here last night when i spoke i said this is also my shop it's no use for me. and i have to face all of the restless repercussions going. i said i started a process for a new russia party in march. and i think that many new and positive things have developed within the past month. at the same time between my nomination and there to take a federal election season last year there were some setbacks and also you have to grapple with the not and mr bush will take their actions and also my state we found
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it hard to recover after that in the past and perhaps we didn't fully recover thank goodness that they could use if you ask me about personal responsibility i still you can is of course i have personal responsibility for this result so they sort of have a song in my especially my first question and it's about the chancellor because i understand she offered she coalition talks to you although you said no yesterday but you reconsider. what happens itself and is that connected to her being the chancellor or would you reconsider if she wasn't going to be the chancellor of the most affects of the second question you're forgetting it's down there are people in the poem entry group of young ones were not happy with you recommending andrea not this as a chair. replace coverage. with
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michael has not spoken to me about this. neither yesterday nor today as we. i mean if she wants to give me a call these are going on there see my world do that and i see those but i think after yesterday's devices you would have been round she knows that there are other things that speak well you couldn't be more productive he was constantly in. the optional that ms merkel and you want is only the chancellor of thoughts of using might be good for germany but she's not among those people who have a plan for this country. if it isn't a democrat issue as so we were you were listening to that leader of the s.p. day party going through last night's election results which saw his party the second biggest enjoyable politics take a historical low political correspondent thomas sparrow has been covering the
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s.p.d. side of the story and joins us from that press conference welcome thomas he described it as marshall's described as a as a harsh defeats he has said that. they face down some soul searching about what needs to be done over the next few weeks but aside from some. change of personnel there not a lot of specifics. well what martin shows is describing right here in the s.p.d. headquarters is what he described as a reorientation of the s.p.d. in the next four years a reorientation that means that the s.p.d. will become the strongest party in opposition and it will become the strongest party in opposition under a new figure in the parliamentary group that is and now is the current labor minister she will replace thomas opperman and it's important to mention a bit about in their analysis the current labor minister because she's someone who
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is appreciated here in the party she held an important post at the youth branch of the party she was also the secretary general of the party so she's someone that a parliamentary level will be able to even knight the party in opposition and that's something that martin shows in particular ones whether it was during the campaign or now as a party in opposition to try and present a united party a united party that can stand on the one hand against angela merkel some that he himself is mentioning as well right here by putting the chancellor on the spot by trying to focus on debates saying that angela merkel precisely try and avoid all those debates on the other hand trying to focus well on the f.d.a. and confronting the ideas that they will be presenting in the bonus track. is a is a new leader relatively new leader for the s.p.d. he has led them to the i historic defeat yes he says he's very certain that his
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party supports him does it what have people there been telling you. well there were some questions last night about the legitimacy of martin shows as a leader when you get such a bad result but at the same time when many people here mention this i mean that in fact we heard all along during the campaign is that he managed to unite the party that he managed something that sigman gabriele the former leader of the party did not manage and that was to bring together the different branches of the party and try and present a common front and that's something that for example was clear something that we ourselves also covered when he was elected as the new leader of the party he was elected with one hundred percent of the votes of the delegates so that was also a record in the s.p.d. by the way and that's something that is also clear for him in this time he may have had a very bad result in the election the worst result as a national level but within the party he is appreciated and that's why he's remaining as the party leader very made the decision yesterday here not
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a decision that they would not go back into a grand coalition we're going to work see you. he's just said that if he wants to call if he can he doesn't think he's going to change his position why are very now so against going back into coalition. are because they realize that it didn't bring much for them they were four years in a coalition and just look at the results they got in the election yesterday and that partly has to do with the fact that they may have pushed forward some of their main policies on on social justice on employment for example the minimum wage was one of the key proposals they were able to push forward in the last four years and yet they seemed not to get the credit for their proposals the credit often went to the chancellor and that's something that party delegates here at the party base here seemed to regret seemed to say well if we're doing our work but we're not
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getting the credit why should we get again in a new grand coalition it's time to move to the opposition and try and push forward our proposals their artificial seem to find some solace in this idea that there have been fourteen hundred new members joining the s.p.d. since last night i have no idea faster if that's a little or a lot or do you think well feel that that's something that has been also. something that they've presented time and time again in this in this campaign in fact again when he was elected as the party leader and in the weeks afterwards they were always saying how important it was that they could get new members into the into the s.p.d. assuming that they also present in the last few weeks as a sign of hope two words yesterday and that's obviously something that he's presenting now as well as a sign of hope for the s.p.d. saying that by getting these new members the s.p.d. still capable of attracting people of attracting new people that can become members and contribute with their ideas but i have to say there is also
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a sort of small positive element because the the big story here the big story here is that they had a very bad result last night. so despite this defeat mr schultz said we are proud of our values and we will keep with our fights that didn't sound like anything new in there aside from a focus on digitization and what he called demographic change. well there will also focus on all the area of social justice those social aspects that they also focused during the campaign and that to be fairly honest didn't seem to get much support from voters although they are typically those topics that are dealt with by the by the social democrats but they will certainly try and and focus on those issues in the next few months and years are something that was also clear last night also from the conversation that we had with top social democratic leaders but the big question again is how because if they didn't manage to do so during the campaign.
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the question is still whether they will manage it also in the opposition. thomas sparrow we thank you thomas fire is they espied a party headquarters where martin short's their leader is taking questions if you're just joining us this is the w.'s special rolling coverage of the german elections and matters are arising from it and get america will remain a chance of her party the c.d.u. suffered heavy losses as did the social democrats the social democrats that lost ground are going to work towards a center right party along with the former coalition partners a social are democrats have suffered historic losses i got about what will that now have to see a new coalition partners likely with parties holding polarized views in the biggest election upset a half day has become a germany's third largest political force allowing the euro skeptic an anti immigration party to enter parliament for the first time. so that from the i
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have to it was probably the the biggest event of the of the night the f.b.i. held their first national news conference this morning where there were an x. there was unexpected drama as one of the main leaders for the patrie told they'd assembled press that she would not take up her seat in parliament for the a.f.p. and then walked off. just one last word because i think on a day like this we should be open to the fact that there is also sometimes disagreement within our own party. and we must not be silent on this because you have to as i said we are supporting an open debate the air fifty in twenty thirteen and until twenty fifteen i don't want to be a part of government as fast as possible it is still my ambition might. some people have called us and. i was you know and this might mean that people always thought we'd be ok and in opposition but people don't really expect that we could
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be in government this is not what i want i want. you to be a part of government. i want to pursue a conservative they are politic. and after long considerations i have decided that i personally will not be a part of the eighty parliamentary group and the german bund just harker. and please. i ask for your kind understanding not sure ask any questions about this and i will be available in the entrance hall if people ask questions there i think my colleagues here on the parliament on this podium and now i'm going to leave the room thank you. but all. those. within the newspaper. i don't think this is very fair behavior let's just go with it's not very fair reason we fear journalists are using this podium after the federal
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press conference and then you just disappear. it was more like she cared whether it was fair or not that announcement from frank a petrie that she wouldn't join the far right days elementary group howard stern social media users in germany. social media has it generated read tell us then about the reaction from the party faithful to well feel they haven't been reacting to them we know for a picture is one of the has been one of the most recognizable faces since they came to prominence in twenty fifteen and so her announcement took a lot of people by surprise and in fact the hash tag picture e has been the number one in germany since she made that announcement we're going to look at a statement that posted on twitter on facebook rather shortly after she made that announcement she wrote for some time now the f.d.a. has wondered from being a goal oriented party to an advocate as party story acting as the opposition rather than offering voters or really stick chance to soon take over
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governing she says their radical party platforms dominate the media coverage and it's led the party away from the center she goes on to say after much soul searching i'm not going to be part of the new faction in the bundestag i'm going to serve as an independent member guided by reasonable conservative politics feel that's been shared around seven hundred times on facebook and these numbers are rising as we can imagine there are plenty of reactions from the i f. d. base let's have a look at what some of those reactions have been one person here wrote if you told us before the election i wouldn't have voted for you what you've done is below the belt and the deception to our voices comments echoed by and now the user who wrote she was a late did with a direct mandate has long planted a pot shop pitch tree has deceived her own viruses and finally a bit of a support here a bold and understandable decision i wish you all the best phil so far none of the
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prominent i have t.v. has that we know from social media have made any comments yet but we're monitoring twitter and facebook to see if they do have but i think we can see what they think of a decision from their reactions on the podium if another jarrett thank you so much . well the outcome of germany's election has been watched closely around the world especially by the country's european neighbors we'll have more on that from our correspondent in brussels in just a moment first let's listen to marine le pen france's far out from last year now i want she had to say about those games by the f.d.a. . i'm pleased to see that our allies from the a.f.p. and to the buddhist talk in such large numbers i'd like to point out that their results with the same as ours at the last legislative election and that the a.f.p. will have a total of one hundred deputies if we only have eight seats that goes to show how democracy works in our country their presence is spent official and we will
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continue to work on building the europe we want a europe of nations liberties and not to europe blocked by the demands of the european union. france is more in the panel from the us and also i realize in turn they are and i have days a result here in germany let's go to where you are that they don't wish correspondent to go matters joins us from brussels welcome georg so marine le pen is happy they have the success lots of people though are concerned what might they have to say is gains here in germany a main for the e.u. . the a of aim has been from the outset when the party was founded been very euro skeptic they've distanced themselves a little bit from the idea of leaving europe altogether and they are only for leaving the euro so the common currency in europe they're also against a common defense policy something that lately has gathered momentum among the
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majority of member states and particularly and i think that was one of the key reasons to explain their rise in these elections they are against the relocation of refugees throughout europe they are against sort of if you want lifting the burden off the countries in the south of europe who have a lot of refugees and relocating them through the rest of europe and that will be an interesting policy field let's say let's bear in mind that the a.f.p. in german in the german born star so in the german parliament is completely isolated so all of these ideas will have almost zero political impact other than being raised in the deep debate which will be something new but on a larger scale it will be interesting to see how this plays out because it will mean that either angle america will shift a little bit more to the right or it will mean that americans patients with the
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countries who have shown a lack of solidarity regarding the refugee crisis is now over it's payback time and she will insist that these countries follow the european rules and by these rules they are applied to take in refugees what would be an interesting reaction now that germany has joined a seemingly clear growing list of countries in which. populism and right wing extremism seems to be. on the barge. populism and right wing extremism has been on the rise for some time now in europe it's starting out in one thousand nine hundred ninety one with far right wing party here and here in belgium but as of lately we've seen gains in the netherlands where the far right wing party and when we look towards austria which there will have elections in a couple of weeks there it looks likely that a far right wing party will even make it into government because the grand
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coalition there has announced its end and the then governing party which is likely to be conservatives will need a coalition partner and that of course if you look through out the twenty eight countries is a massive concern for all the established party because if while fragmentation amongst parties increases it is these parties these populist parties on the far right that gather more and more momentum and a lot of these countries have been looking towards the u.k. and seen what you keep a small right wing party in the u.k. has managed regarding bracks it pushing the other parties and will remain to be seen to what extent the a if the will actually manage to shift the debate inside the german. parliament in germany towards the right but there's an interesting political domino effect here isn't there as those parties even though they are not running countries but as their influence in their domestic at home grows and the
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number of countries where they are influential grows so those governments have to take keep an eye on them change their policies accordingly and then that must affect the way they view europe and things like the migration crisis. that's right phil and if. i think your analysis is correct to the extent that there is a self-perpetuating element here that. these parties have even tried to team up throughout europe now the french election and the dutch elections have sort of slowed down that that momentum and now you could say that the era of populism is sort of back with that rise of the right in germany so they are gathering a bit of momentum again but we had the chance to get a firsthand reaction from jon gruden to the head of the european commission and he
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said let's bear in mind that the parties in germany and throughout europe there are strong democratic parties there's a huge consensus. on the democratic and liberal values that keep up this club of member states and there's also an interesting tweet by the czech prime minister who said send a message to all those who are cheering now that ninety immigrant party has won in germany has made these gains in germany and he said look today they are and i'm quoting here the czech prime minister today they are against refugees and they are against the e.u. and tomorrow they will be against czechs and poles and that is very much a concern there in the countries of the east as well. massa's thank you so much. in brussels you're watching a day w. news live from berlin across the day were a lot of comment on the analysis of yesterday's results of germany's election so
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let us recap that and then take a look at how election night unfolded and then we'll get some views of the outcome . the morning after the election the newspapers rode over tectonic shift and a nationalist backlash some called the results bitter this man says the outcome didn't surprise him but he's still a gust. the f.t. is the third strongest party that says it all. still he doesn't believe that all the people who voted for the f.t. are actually far right. this blog i think the f.t. got its voters because the conservatives and the s.p.d. were so bad. the majority of people on the street doesn't seem to be happy with the outcome of the election either. the big parties didn't get the job done and now the f.t. will be able to puff out their chests. to tell you the truth i'm not disappointed i'm interested in how they plan to put their ideas into action. i think that these
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four years will show which of those promises they can keep and which are just words . and that's a good thing this is as well and it's a catastrophe shocking horrible the evening before joy and despair for germany's conservatives they lost significant support this time around the chancellor angela merkel will still serve a fourth term she says she'd wished for a better result but she will still get to form a new government isn't like the c.d.u. and c.s.u. have emerged as the strongest party as we have the mandate to form a government and no one will form one against us. thank the social democrats are in shock after the worst ever result of the so-called shorts effect a bump in the polls when the party leader martin shows was named candidate disappeared he has ruled out joining the new government but says he won't step down as party chair. but i've advised the s.p.d.
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leadership to go into the opposition. in syria. and soon words oh you me. we're all united in our decision to take this step. with the studio the only possible coalition for the c.d.u. is with the pro-business f.d.p. and the environmentalists greens. one party that they won't do any deals with is the far right alternative for germany or a f.t. they had a historic night that saw them enter parliament for the first time. possess and i'm very satisfied with the results because i hope this country will see some changes and big surprises. but it remains to be seen how the a.f.p. will cope with the day to day business of the german parliament. so let me see if i can run you through the results a story of
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a night has been heavy losses for germany's conservatives and the social democrats so there we have the see c.d.u. c.s.u. a thirty three percent s.p. day twenty and a half percent the left stayed well. just under one percent with nine point two percent the greens had a good night as well the f.d.p. had a very good night on ten point seven percent bearing in mind that they were out of the bundestag at the last election and the a.f.d. who have never been in the bundestag they this is the big story of the day with twelve point six percent it's really interesting how all the parties we've been to the party conferences and we'll go back to the c.d.u. of the c.s.u. in just a moment. best saying that they're not going to be swayed by the the a.f.d. political agenda yes they are talking about them all the time let's take a look at who won and who lost and so those losses and gains they say this is
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a terrible night for the c.d.u. the two big parties the c.d.u. and c.s.u. over here in black in the s.p.d. c.d.u. losing eight and a half percent the s.p.d. losing five five point two percent and lots of those votes going to the f.t. left party in a bad night for them half a percent same with the greens the f.d.p. their vote and these are in comparison with the last four years ago of the last election so the f.b.i. d.p. nearly six percent the f.t. never been in before they in fact they just got under five percent of the last election so there they are at nearly eight percent and the others there you see at . just under one point three percent or so how does that translate then.
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playing with it barry it will catch up with a how does it address that translate into seats in parliament well there they are their biggest party as you see there the black the c.d.u. the c.s.u. through to the s.p.d. the left the greens the f.t.p. and the f.t. and those on this side the f.t.p. in yellow and the f.t. in red those are the ones to watch out for in this coming part of the a.f. they are promising to hurry and hunt the chancellor and the f.t.p. who are touted as being a likely coalition partner saying that they're going to sit down and just think about it so let's look at the coalition options the largest party in the bundestag is the c.d.u. who they go into coalition with well over the last four years this has been what it looked like it was a grand coalition the cd and the s.p.d. we heard from martin shows a little earlier that ain't going to happen the likely option then is what they're
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calling a jamaica coalition this is the black yellow and. green so the black for the c.d.u. green of course for the greens and the f.t.p. with their eighty seats taking them over that line the greens this morning in their press conference saying that this is something that they have been looking forward to they're going to get into a constructive dialogue f.t.p. however saying well we're going to think about it and we'll talk more about that later in the program so let us now go to the party conferences of the c.d.u. and the. s a p d. what we're going to do is we're going to join political correspondent certain became a co for who is at the c.d.u. party conference and the thomas is with the s.p.d. welcome to you both that start with you became a couple i'm going to vocals as c d
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u she has spoken what were her main messages. well in short she says she would do it all again exactly pretty much the same as she was asked about her election campaign how suddenly the the far right party must pick up towards the end and what she would do differently she says she would do the same and same on migration that became the key issue here where we saw a million voters head for the a.f.d. which made itself pretty much almost of a single issue party right until the end protesting against the migration policy of the german chancellor here i think saying defiant really isn't the word she recognised that really this was not a large victory she said she'd hoped for more and that the party was still analyzing what it would have to do differently that she would try and persuade those voters to come back by solving problems by offering good policies asked about
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any kind of renewal of the party of course or hinted at changes at the top changes in terms of personnel she said that the c.d.u. party had been speaking about not it's only. basically agreed that they would have a collar once again as the leader of the parliamentary party group that doesn't really sound like internal renewal here at the c.d.u. at all so far that's it. let's go to our thomas a spiral the esprit de party headquarters that martin shows the party leader house spoken i watched that speech i guess bloody but unbowed would be his message. while his message was reorientation feel of the s.p.d.m. reorientation both regarding what they will do in parliament in the next four years in opposition who will lead that opposition in parliament he himself said that the
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new person leading the parliamentary group would be under their knowledge the current him. minister for labor in germany a person who was former secretary general of the s.p.d. who had an important role also with the youth branch of the social democrats by reorientation that also has to do with the fact that they want to differentiate themselves as clearly as possible from angela merkel and how conservatives that was something that they had also tried to do all along in the campaign and that in fact they weren't able to do that was one of the main criticisms that came from voters that they couldn't see major differences between martin short and anglo merkel between the s.p.d. and the cd c.d.u. c.s.u. you well that's something that they're going to try and do now in opposition that's something that we also heard from martin shows here he was basically speaking now as a defacto member of the german opposition something that we also saw yesterday after
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the election in the speech that he gave here so now the real work starts not of coalition building angular merkel doesn't have a majority she needs to build a coalition let's hear she has actually been keeping her options open even though martin shoulder said that is s.p.d. will not join any coalition i give a merkel is keeping her options open will listen to what she had to say and they will get coverage for your behavior we will be. having exploratory talks with the f.t.v. and the green party but also with me as he. does because i believe it is that germany have a strong this stable government i have heard what the s.p. does position is but i believe it's important to stay in a dialogue and this was also. believed by. so it became a couple of questions in one really do you talk us through the likely coalition
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scenario this this or jamaica coalition and tell us why is angular merkel came to talk to the s.p.d. when they've said they don't want to talk to her. i'll start with the second one i mean she basically says and this is a mandate from the voters to talk about potential coalition options the one with the s.p.d. the social democrats who currently are her partner in government is one that is possible and that's why she still wants to talk to them although she really doesn't seem to have any illusions that there would be any kind of positive signals out of that the to mike jamaica option is a lot less fun than the word to make a does indicate it means that she would invite the green party which color indicates is very much based on a frozen stain ability environmental kind of concerns and the free democrats who are a market friendly business friendly would sit down with the german chancellor to talk
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about forming a college coalition and just from that short description you can tell that she's trying to bring parties from different ends of the spectrum here around one table to then find some kind of way ahead what parties here in germany do in the old days it was kind of shake of hands and they agreed on principles this these days this almost like it was like a written agreement kind of a signed document that lays down quite specifically what parties want to stand for having said that last time around there was a very detailed document but then there was the crisis with ukraine there were lots of the migration crisis there were other issues that in the end dominated that relationship in government i thank you for that so let's talk about then the last day and martin short seems been speaking this morning and he's been outlining his reasons for perhaps wanting to go into opposition let's hear from him and then we'll have more from thomas. you know they're more cut. in
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a democracy it is perhaps the opposition that has more decisive power than the government because it is the opposition that shows the government what it's doing wrong it's the opposition that must show the government or downturn lives there are to do that you've got to be well organized and have a cohesive program and staff which we do. so it was just reiterating that they espied he was in government with chancellor merkel's c d u thomas sparrow that did them no favors at this election. no it certainly didn't it seemed that the chancellor took most of the credit when it came to the policies that the s.p. tried to to present but i like to add something to said one of the reasons why martin shows decided to send his party to the to the opposition was obvious as i mentioned to do that restructuring of the party but one line of analysis that we've
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also heard here is that by doing so and by doing so so quickly last night after the results he essentially putting a lot of pressure on merkel and her conservatives to try and form that jamaica coalition as quickly as possible as the only viable option it will be very interesting to see what happens if those jamaica negotiations do not or are not successful and what their reaction would be from here from the from the s.p.d. many people here from been able to see i think that that was an interesting move by by martin schultz to that announcement yesterday so quickly after the results were known here and just explain to us if you would be apparent contradiction between that position stated last night the positions dated in the last hour or so where he said in effect well if angela merkel wants to give me a call i'm happy to listen. well he's obviously happy to listen but i don't i don't see that as a contradiction you know going to just say sorry mrs chancellor about i want to
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talk to you but what he is saying now is that the s.p.d. under the current circumstances does not see the way forward for the party is to join another grand coalition that's something that the members here have clearly stated on various occasions i mean that we also heard yesterday from party delegates here they see that the best way forward for the party is by being in the opposition by trying to reorganize the party from there by trying to present viable opposition not only to the challenger to the conservative bloc but also to the alternative for germany thomas sparrow thank you both. you're watching day w. special coverage of the german election changes already causing an eye on the changes already being course in terms for the landscape i'm going to michael will be my child's live i took part of the save the new suffered heavy losses the historic losses for the social democrats as well that they did last in shelters rolled out i knew. i knew coalition with knuckles conservatives.
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quadriga special after the german the election journalists discuss the election twenty seven germany has voted. how should we interpret the election results what do they mean for the european union. after the german election thank you international formerly. g.w. . her diversity. where the world of science is at home in many languages. on the top of programming go in there you know. now with us our innovations magazine for in asia. every week and always looking to the future fund d w dot com science and research for asia.
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hash tag germany decides the election in germany a historic turning point big losses for the two main parties first for the far right angle america remains chancellor but forming a government won't be easy for them what does the results mean for germany german elections the day after in the news on d w. they make a commitment they find solutions. they inspire. africa on the other. stories about people making a difference shaping their nation. and their continent w.'s new multimedia series for africa. d.w.
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dot com africa on the move. seventeen beethoven c'est gone from september to october first.
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this is day eight of leaders live from both an angular makeover against a tough task of building a government despite suffering historical losses she says all the potus have a responsibility to fold a stable job a coalition to speak to full of potus a social democrats but she might have to do it with a two other potus who have.


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