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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 25, 2017 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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this is the w. news live from berlin tonight the day after in germany a politically weakened chancellor angela merkel begins the tough task of building a new government she's ready to talk to former partners the social democrats but they've already ruled out the return to government with her that could mean miracle
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working with two parties who have little in common also coming up anti immigration activists are emboldened by the election results the far right alternative for germany is now the country's third largest party how will that play into the coalition negotiations and a vote for kurdish independence a referendum could pave the way for talks on an independent kurdistan as the counting begins people are celebrating despite warnings that freedom could be met with rule. i'm bringing off it's good to have you with us we begin with the fallout from the german election tonight the longest serving leader in the western world is politically wounded and the doors of parliament are now open to a far right party chance there are going to. today began the search for new
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partners to build a government now this will be her fourth term as chancellor but her support has dropped significantly she's expected to seek a deal with two unlikely bedfellows the pro-business free democrats and the greens all of this with one very big elephant in the we're a far right party in the ring germany's parliament for the first time in sixty years. nothing in the german parliament will stay as it was behind the scenes power plays and party leaders sounding each other out the first bombshell came from the f.t. as one of the leaders of the far right party walked out of its news conference. i had decided not to be part of the f.t.'s parliamentary group but to sit independently in parliament for the time being. petrie is unlikely to be the last in the f.t. to distance themselves from the extreme right elements within their own party but
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chancellor angle of merkel is facing bigger problems after the social democrats ruled out forming a grand coalition with her conservatives a three way partnership with the business friendly liberal democrats and the environmentalist greens seems the only possibility even if it still smiles in public their political outlooks remain worlds apart they are likely to demand a heavy price for making any compromises meanwhile the bavarian christian socialists the c.d.u. sister party are also threatening to quit their alliance with merkel's conservatives unless their demands are met. as. you can my view it's absolutely essential that we set out a clear commitment to stemming the influx of refugees in other words a cap on numbers. that's what we've promised people. the f.t.p. and the greens are unlikely to go along with any cap on refugees it almost seems as
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if the chancellor is already missing her old coalition partners in the s.p.d. here they're not really thoughts of chris we will only in having exploratory talks with the f.t.p. and the greens. but i would like to add also with the s.p.d. because it is important that germany form a strong stable government. after the hammering at the polls the social democrats are looking to reinvent themselves the last thing most members want is a rerun of the last government with. the she wants to call me she can i think that since the so-called elephant round of talks yesterday she has better things to do with her time thinking all others. the new parliamentary groups will come together for the first time on tuesday the power play is just getting underway . i'm joined now here by our chief political correspondent melinda greene
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of the different world than it was twenty four hours ago it seems like both and indeed we ushered that big transition in the only year twelve quite a night so let's talk about the far right you have to look set now to have some ninety seats in the new parliament in the buddha's target i mean that's it's significant number how much power with will they wield and do they have enough members or people who are qualified and competent to sit in parliament well great questions the fact is are they even going to be one block normally parliamentary groups have a certain amount of cohesion we've already seen a major a.f.d. leader saying today she doesn't want to join the parliamentary group because essentially she thinks that the people in the party many of them are not serious enough about real policy making and that is the big question with this party many of its voters and many of those who put themselves on the list to be elected are essentially there at a protest they want to send a clear message to established politicians and parties saying they are not happy
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with germany's approach to migration they want a limit on migration they want to deport migrants who are here but is that enough to carry them through in parliament that is going to be the big question and there are enormous divisions within this party yeah i mean it makes you wonder too if they're just there to protest will the party fall apart whence it gets down to having to do business in legislators isley merkel the chancellor she has to build a new coalition to build build a new government and she's got some unlikely bedfellows to deal with pro business f.t.p. and the green she's facing lots of divisions herself also starting with of her own party we're seeing a lot of pressure now from the more conservative the varian sister party for her to go in a certain direction that would surely not be aligned for example with only one of those prospective coalition partners the greens and the greens quite liberal on a number of matters. including migration if the chancellor was under pressure to move further to the right could make it hard to find agreement these three
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potential partners are going to be taking out their programs and seeing where there are possible areas of compromise and where there are pretty deep divisions and one of those divisions there a critical will be for example on approaches to european union integration that miss friendly free democrats have made a lot of noise about wanting a much less integration friendly policy than either the chancellor or the greens lean to that for example could torpedo good cooperation with the new president of france manual macof the chancellor was looking to work with him that may be very difficult with that kind of a coalition if she can even get there i mean there's so much horse trading going on right now will we even have a new government come christmas and if not dare i mention the words new elections very problematic she was asked last night could we can we get there by christmas she expressed optimism but it is a very open question and there truly are there
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a deep differences between these parties now some of that may have been tactics during the election campaign it's possible that the free democrats may roll back on some of their more difficult statements nonetheless if they can't hammer out a coalition new elections is normally what happens in a parliamentary system the thing is no established party wants to see that happen because if they look incompetent that could drive even more voters into the arms of the far right a f t so a lot of pressure on everybody it seems to be clarifying minds to some degree but it's very early days this is going to be a long tough process linda green our chief political correspondent another long day the insights the human and the german elections have been big news around the world let's take a look at how people in other countries as well as their leaders reacted to the result. european news stands carry the mixed results of a diminished merkel and the result rightwing in germany on the streets of paris and
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london relief mixes with uncertainty. and i think she's amazing i think this is the only person in the world. i think the far rights breakthrough with damaging to all the people of europe. really feels ok so history might be repeating itself not everyone is anxious francis far right of the alternative for germany party marine le pen among them. their presence is beneficial and will continue to work on building the europe that we want to have that is a europe of nations a europe of liberties and that's not a europe blocked by the demands of the european union. and the. french president. is at the center of the european project he said he'd phone to
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congratulate merkel and look forward to further cooperation in israel the e.f.t. sudden arrival in the brandished act forced the government to speak out i can say that i hold that the german people won't go fully the history of germany. and the holocaust although i will say reason that led to this tragedy in the story in all schools corridors of power leading politicians told that german voters were punishing the chancellor for tough stance on russia. i want to point out one of the results of the german election shows that german society is interested in restoring normal relations with russia. i hope that the signal will be heard by the federal government including by the new foreign minister. the minister and the orchestra. just who that will be and whether an easing of sanctions against russia will follow as to be the subject of intense coalition negotiations that may last months and now
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here are some of the other stories making headlines around the world japan's prime minister shinzo abhi has called snap elections meaning the country will go to the polls next month a year ahead of schedule is enjoying rising support amid tensions with north korea he's expected to order a major economic stimulus package as part of his campaign the u.s. says it has not declared war on north korea and it describes claims to that effect as quote absurd this after pyongyang's foreign minister said president drum's un speech last week was tantamount to a declaration of war on the weekend that u.s. bombers flew a mission near north korea in a show of force some fifty thousand people have been forced to flee their homes on the indonesian resort island of bali amid fears of all keno could soon erupt authorities say the evacuations follow a tremendous increase in seismic activity from mount more than one thousand people died when it last erupted in one thousand nine hundred sixty three disgraced former
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u.s. congressman anthony wiener has been sentenced to twenty one months in prison he was convicted of sending sexually explicit material to a fifteen year old girl wiener will also be added to a sex offenders registry. the votes are being counted after iraqi kurds went to the polls in a controversial independence referendum which was strongly opposed by the government in baghdad the vote took place in the autonomous kurdistan region of iraq a yes result would give kurdish leaders a mandate to start talks on breaking away from the rest of the country iraq's neighbors syria turkey and iran condemned the bat. the holding of the independence referendum. today we voted for the independence of kurdistan and it's iraq. we want to change our iraqi identity to kurdish.
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say goodbye to iraq and yes to independence. the non-binding vote despite pressure from all sides iraq central government it would never accept the country internationally the united nations wants the kurds push for independence could ignite more regional conflicts by the us it would distract from the fight against islamic. that could say the fight is partly about acknowledging the contribution of the. in confronting i.a.s. . god gives us this land and we have to protect it with our blood. we made sacrifices for the land and god willing the kurdish state will be announced soon and we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for it . such. iraq's
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neighbors also have significant populations of a heads need is they worry the fight could fuel kurdish nationalism in a country. jim said he's done similar lot of. our attitude on this issue is very clear. regardless of the results with a clear this referendum and voyage. it is not in conformity with the current law in iraq. we declare it's illegitimate. going to make sure the. turkey has tightened up security on its border to kurdistan where it's carrying out military exercises. is also threatening to turn off the pot which carries oil from kurdistan through take to the outside well and. and here's
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a reminder of that top story we're following for you on the american has urged germany's political parties to help or form a stable government conservatives will seek talks with the social democrats but they've already ruled out in a ring government with her again but she will also start talks with the pros this miss free democrats and agree. you're watching the w. news why the from berlin well back at the top of the hour with more news for all of us here in the way thanks for the cup. what i'm trying to.


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