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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 29, 2017 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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yes i mean you it's a kind of culture war we are we are not suppose for what we are we're friendly unbelievable. new some new phenomenon starting october fifteenth on d w nias sony. this is d w news the live from berlin a deadly rush hour stampede a moon by that is after people sheltering from heavy rains crowded onto a footbridge by a grail weigh station there are fears that the death toll could increase our
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correspondent joins us from india. also coming up tensions on the rise in catalonia ahead of an independence referendum the spanish government says that sunday's planned vote is illegal but many catalonia citizens are demanding the right to decide their own future. and what is up admired munich a day after the shock sacking of coach carlo and to lottie we ask can germany's biggest club or turn to its winning ways. i'm sorry kelly welcome to the program thanks for joining us we begin in india where officials say that more than twenty people have died in a stampede the incident happened in the financial hub mumbai on a foot bridge leading to the probably the rave railway stay. during morning rush
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hour dozens of people who were injured have been taken to nearby hospitals it's reported that the bridge was overcrowded with people taking shelter from heavy rains. and videos they are circulating on social media showing smartphone footage of this incident the train station connects two of the city's major local lines and police say that the stampede was triggered by overcrowding and heavy rain people were seen trying to rescue fellow commuters who were trapped in this stampede and many on social media they are angry and they are calling for reform one user writes the mumbai stampede is an extremely sad turn of events authorities must improve basic commute needs of india's financial capital indian prime minister director modi has this to say he sent his deepest condolences to all of those who have lost their lives due to the stampede in mumbai prayers with those who are injured he
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writes and the indian minister of railways and cole has written that he has ordered a high level inquiry headed by the chief safety officer western railway. from our knowledge for going to india correspondent sonia fahmy car sonia what more do we know about this incident. well sara that stampede took place at about ten thirty a.m. local time this morning on the foot bridge connecting two extremely busy commuter. train stations in mumbai now those stations are used by the bulk of mumbai's local train commuters because a high number of offices are concentrated in that area now railway officials here are blaming overcrowding and heavy rains for the incident a spokesman said that the cupboard for bridge was unusually busy because huge number of people who were taken shelter from the waves were leaving the station at
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around the same time as thousands of passengers were alighting from probably local trains we've seen hot twenty heart wrenching footage on some local indian t.v. channels showing really a crush of bodies on the bridge some straining against the railing some people even jumping off the bridge to save their lives we've heard of angry commuters a precedent lashing out of the local government to the indian media many are really really livid and the chief minister of the state of maharashtra they've been there for this has also. ordered a state level inquiry into this incident he's offered compensation for the families of the victims he's also tweeted that the medical expenses of the injured will be borne by his government and a major contributing factor in this incident has of course been attributed to those heavy rains just how well prepared is the city to handle this sort of weather just generally speaking. well so
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going from these past years i would say i'm not very well prepared you know every year monsoon rains cause a complete breakdown of infrastructure and transport services in mumbai that especially affects the local trains which are really a lifeline for mumbai's twenty million citizens but i have to say this this local train network is not safe a lot of accidents take place on this network this year alone more than two thousand people have been killed on local cranes and in mumbai's train station so so tween safety and faulty for structure remain big problems you know experts in fact when we come to this current stampede experts in bombay of mumbai have long been warning that the daily congestion between these two stations where the stampede took place was a disaster in the making but really officials talk had shown any have taken little effort to really resolve the problem there was just one single flight of stairs leading from a platform to the exit so i think this incident once again throws the spotlight on on mumbai's train infrastructure which has long been criticized by many as being
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too old and really too in suffer shouldn't given the millions of people who use it and with that spotlight on the infrastructure we will see if anything has to be done so you have to own your from the car with the very latest from india thank you . united nations chief antonio good head azure's calling on me on mars leaders to end the nightmare facing rohinton refugees fleeing the country his comments come after the drowning deaths of dozens of rohingya refugees whose boat capsized off the coast of bangladesh many are still missing in the last month more than half a million have fled me on mar because of a violent crackdown by the country's military against groups that it describes as terrorists. scores of injury few g.'s lined the sures of beach in bangladesh. they were fleeing violence in myanmar when their boot capsized in the bay of bengal. most of the dead women and children
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at the united nations security council frustration over the crisis is mounting the united states is now calling for action against military leaders in myanmar formerly known as burma saying their actions have forced the ruhi inject to flee. we cannot be afraid to call the actions of the burmese authorities what they appear to be a brutal sustained campaign to cleanse the country of an ethnic minority and it should shame senior burma's leaders who have sacrificed so much for an open democratic burma. myanmar has however rejected claims of ethnic cleansing. the buddhist majority state says violence against the muslim minority in rakhine state is not based on religion but rather terrorism which destroys
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no ethnic cleansing and genocide. ethnic cleansing and genocide are serious charges and they should not be used lightly it would be a sad commentary of our times if we allowed emotions to grow our view and assert that what is happening in rakhine is ethnic cleansing without first undertaking a legal review and making judicial determination as the un's most powerful body grapples for a solution moro hinge arrive at the border with bangladesh since august the number over him fleeing myanmar has stopped half a million. we had to spain now where the countdown is on for a contested referendum in the region of catalonia local authorities are determined
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to go ahead with the vote on breaking away from spain madrid says that sunday's referendum is a legal and cannot be allowed to go ahead well more than seven and a half million people live in the semi autonomous region of catalonia and cattle on officials are calling for a peaceful vote but thousands of extra spanish police officers have been sent into the region and they have seized millions of ballots fourteen catalonian politicians have been arrested. it's hard to ignore what's happening here in barcelona and across catalonia the abundance of catalan flags isn't something new in this wealthy part of northeastern spain but their significance has taken on greater meaning the head of the unauthorized independence referendum. catalan society has long been divided over what is best for the future of this region of seven in the house million people recent polls have shown those in favor of independence stands at around forty percent but are divisions in catalonia growing deeper in order to
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understand knowing me and arianna servant two sisters from barcelona who run the small bar in the center of the city ariana is in favor of an independent catalonia noaimi wants kind of loan you to remain part of spain their national identity is central to their differing opinions. that are i feel spanish and catalan i'm not embarrassed to have two different cultures and i'm in which by both of them i speak two languages and it's nice to have this option. i only hope i don't share any of the ideas or traditions or culture of the rest of the country. sunday's planned vote is dominating conversations among family and friends in catalonia. leading to a heated debate. no. no i was happy. to work and have
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dialogue and sometimes i would say we don't speak and it's very important for people to know that family relationships haven't broken dine and need to have groups of friends. i mean or you know what do we not fighting each other on the streets. catatonic able to have peaceful dialogue. but the future of catalonia and the independence vote is no black or white issue in a recent survey four and five catalan said that they were in favor of holding a referendum with all the legal guarantees this is allusion to the current political crisis. but with emotions running high might there be a middle ground for both sides in the debate. has a middle ground where we should be allowed to. get on with that about it i want to vote but i would vote no to independents today tomorrow whether it's in any will vote or new york but i don't believe in independence. the catalan referendum this
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race many questions about the future status of this region. and let's get more now from foley l.e.o.'s he is standing by in the spanish capital of madrid good morning to you pablo the governments there in madrid where you are we understand that they have impounded at least twelve million ballot papers and shut down the websites that are related to the vote given how likely is it that this vote will actually go through. well that's the million dollar question sara because at the moment in spain there seems to be a lot of confusion on essentially there's a standoff because what's happening is the spanish government here in madrid has said there will be absolutely no vote on some that they're actually holding a meeting at the moment the special meeting world the ministers are gathered not too far from where i am right now and they're discussing what action should be taken on sunday i am one of the same time the cattle and regional government have said this photo is going to take place and even the regional president kind of push them on has said that he will take the rap. for opening polling stations all you
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schools across the region so essentially like i said it's a standoff and people in spain are incredibly confused because it's well obviously very mixed messages so then what's the mood there in catalonia because we know that you were and barcelona just a short while ago. you're absolutely right i was in catalonia the past few days and back in madrid there were people are also talking about this topic it's conversations in catalonia people are i would say concerned at what's going to happen on sunday because obviously there's a very heavy police presence there's going to be more than twenty thousand police deployed on sunday for the authorized referendum whether that takes place or not people are also worried whether they should go forward should they should they not go whether they should vote or should they not vote and because at the end of the day because once again of these mixed messages what if you don't vote and then the regional government decides that they show and. declare independence or or will they not declare independence then the spanish government is saying that people
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shouldn't vote it's incredibly confusing is basically what i would say i'm what i felt at barcelona was that people were worried concerned and basically confused. did have his very own pablo fully elliot's with the latest on the ground there from spain where many catalogs they want to vote we will see if they do have the opportunity indeed this weekend thanks for your reporting. thanks jeff. let's get a quick check now of some other stories making news around the world russian opposition leader alexina vollies says that he has been detained by police in moscow vali posted a video on social media of what he says are officers outside of his home asking him to come to a police station and of ali was due to address a pre-election rally later on friday the islamic state group has released an audio recording of its leader davi in it he says that he will continue to fight despite recent setbacks daddy had been rumored to be dead with his last recording released
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last year the u.s. says that it has no reason to doubt that the recording is authentic. german police are searching for a man who slipped lethal poison into food products on sale in southern germany including baby food police say that the alleged perpetrator sent an e-mail threatening to poison more products across germany and elsewhere in europe unless he was paid millions of euros. well many say the digital revolution is even more important than the industrial revolution that took place back in the nineteenth century helena humphrey is here now taking a look at how countries are trying to get it right yes they are sorry e.u. leaders it currently reading in the estonian capital tallinn for talks on europe's digital future and it's the first e.u. summit entirely dedicated to digitalize ation an area where europe is certainly hoping to be a global leader he doesn't use much hoffman reports now from us to a new one of the smallest e.u. members but one that punches well above its weight when it comes to technology and
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innovation. the two youngsters don't know what's wrong they're using the commands their teacher is showing them so far the lego robot just isn't moving. i'm trying to connect better about the computer. robotics classes like these are part of school curriculum in the stone they're supposed to give the kids a head start for what's already here the digital age i mean everything is turning digital now so it's it's kind of a good first step towards the art so computers and stuff because as we were all young we like to play where play with lego so this is basically you know playing with lego at the same time learning something. good thing that europe needs exactly what these kids are learning. these are the
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most important internet companies in the world and they will have more and more weight in the future the top ten are all from the u.s. or china none are from a very. tiny a stone you know is trying to change that it's capital city tommy might have a medieval face but it's got a digital heart and. this is how it's don't you know worse everybody has a card to access public services online credit history real estate ownership child benefits it's all there declaring taxes takes three minutes on the good company takes twenty thanks to the digital society there's very little red tape. when you don't have to deal with the musician thinks you actually have more time for some added value things like believe it coming from should change and use more technology so they can be more efficient. this way the government also knows more about its citizens to many in europe this idea of an all. unknowing
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state is a big worry they're concerned here though is that the rest of the e.u. is lagging so far behind when it comes to digital. i think the case is certainly not from last year up but if you see the big numbers the big numbers of who is good who is investing in the latest technologies who is getting the top talent what are the biggest internet companies and by market cap the reason european companies top twenty in e-commerce you see a lot of chinese and american companies dominating the market so in that sense i would be rather worried. the stone year at least is trying to stem the tide the future top talents are honing their skills. for the country and for these kids. the lego robots are finally moving. and we can bring
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in max hoffman in thailand now good to see you max what's expected from this summit . a stone yet has its own agenda they basically are trying to convince the rest of the european union that what they're doing here in the small country what we just saw in that report is the right way to go and should be transferred to other countries now the big countries france italy spain germany have a slightly different agenda although they're open to what a stone yeah has to say here but they are predominantly talking about taxation of digital companies like amazon like google because as of now they're mainly tax where they reside at their headquarters and the european commission and the institutions have a plan to tax them where they make their revenues which would bring more tax money to the european union because as we just saw most of those countries do not reside in the european union but in the u.s.
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and china right now max why is it that a study appears to be so ahead of the pack when it comes to digital infrastructure . we put that question to the president of a stone you know yesterday we had the chance to have a chat with her and she said the first thing she said is because a stone ians don't like hughes they don't like standing in line you know this was part of the soviet union decades ago and back then you had to stand in line for basically everything to get your food to get your drink to do any kind of thing and and she said that's why this idea of being able to do everything online having a public service online and like with certain that report you know even founding a company in only twenty minutes went down very well with a stone so that's one of the reasons the other reason of course is they had to look for a business model they don't have oil they don't have gas they thought this would be the future and it has a good size to try something like that one point three million people live here so it's a small thing you can get a small country you get things moving faster than in
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a bigger country like germany and so all these things work together and now they're building upon it you know there have the education system that will cater to those companies so it is one of the big success stories of the european union well paperless admin more of that plays max hoffman in italian thank you very much indeed. europe's largest comic of folks talk on back foot investors on friday with a warning that profits looks set to fall in the third quarter that course the german giants share price to date sharply v.w. said its bottom line has suffered from on going buyback and refit activities in the u.s. in the wake of the mission's scandal the comic said they were proving to be significantly longer and technically more demanding than expected and would likely end up costing two and a half billion in. time to check in with frankfurt now and speak to all financial correspondent who's standing by for us con had bruising congress certainly no feel
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good friday for v.w. shareholders what's the latest. well as this profit warning has to do with higher costs expected in the united states now analysts here of course are wondering whether to expect higher costs in germany as well remember folks one was allowed by the german government to install a new software in the cars where diesel cheating had happened that's the cheaper and easier solution compared to installing the new hardware in those engines now folks working dealers here in germany and me say this is not enough customers want more they want a better and more expensive hardware solution so it's quite possible that today's profit warning wasn't the last one for folks who are group and diesel gate linked arrests are also going up again by the sounds of it yes a higher ranking manager of our group has been taken into custody for investigation
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in munich which means he sits in jail right now while from huts is the name of the manager he was a top engine developer at folks walk and he also had set sat on the top management board of audi which means that he was also very close to martin venter korn the x. c.e.o. of the folks who are group and to my two years below are the man who is now in the top post at fox one candidate who is in frankfurt thanks a lot. roy german football fans look away now sara has your sports news absolutely we're going to start now with indeed football or some call it soccer in fact and on thursday night it was another nightmare for bundesliga sides all three german sides were defeated in the u.a.e. for your opel league parents of berlin were beaten one nil by swedish minnows f.k.
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i also saw cologne who haven't won a single game this season loss and other this time at home to red star ball grade and hoffenheim blew a first half we'd garia and fell to one two goritz. and after the defeat of all those three bundesliga teams in the champions league that means six german sides lost in europe this week the first time that's happened since one nine hundred eighty one there's been a media fall out with byron munich sacking their coach carlos mencia lotty after a three nil thrashing bipartisan among the shock waves from that move by germany's biggest soccer club are still reverberating in the football world a former player willie sag no will take over as interim coach for their next match at hare to berlin on sunday. for the club home. so let's get more on this now dez carr is joining us here in the studio from d.w.
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sports to ask so does tell us i mean and to lobby out the right decision and what was behind it he has gone to the galaxy don't panic and ignored that very very good sound piece of advice. spawn unit were playing a somewhat lackluster of of late spot i think. the straw that broke the camel's back was the rather dismal display against carson john in the champions league and the build up to it was all involved at the club chairman calling truman a outspoken critic of the newly rich club p.s.g. and all the money they've thrown out for big name players. including the two hundred twenty two million years that paid for neymar who scored against buy in and i think was a face saving decision somebody had to go consequences threatened in a post-game banquet from ruining and unfortunately calo it's time to say ciao and he was the one who got the boot isn't that ironic byron complaining about it imagine it so tell us that i mean what's next then for byron if they swap out the
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coaches that solve their problems well they do need a new coach they can go for an interim coach not with their champions league aspirations still somewhat intact two names are at the for at the forefront at the moment that's thomas to hold on you start with novels man he's a young coach he's dynamic he's at hoffenheim he's under contract until twenty twenty one twenty twenty one there are rumors circulating that he may indeed join by next season but if he does that what are you going to do for this season was tooken is another guy was on the radar he won the cup with bruce you don't win last season got sacked off the words he's on the market micromanage i don't know we could gel with the alpha males room and club president only homeowners but those are the two names right now that are making the moves let's talk a little more about one of those alpha males honus of course the name that's pretty much synonymous with byron of course. it was indicated that some of the players that they were complaining about add to lottie yes so what does that then mean
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going forward and how influential could that have been the dismissal some of these players play an amazingly influential part role by munich not because they're they're well worded eloquent but they also make it happen on the page the first name is robert leventhal ski he had an unauthorized interview with the spiegel recently in which he criticized the club's transfer politics more on that in the take but the other players thomas wasn't really getting a lot of playing time the german international he was frustrated he vented that frustration in a post-game interview and the other two main culprits are frankly barry and i and most of the aging superstars at the club river e through. he's jersey down off the being substituted by a teammate we bonded a good game and go but failed to come out and support the club when the going got tough to especially when they are the ones that are very vocal in criticizing they've got the ear of the hostess and they definitely play a role in the dismissal of colorado about the biggest names you can get there in terms of viewers does choir you know breaking down what exactly has happened here
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byron munich from d. ws for it's desk we appreciate it. the up to date now on i'm sara kelly in berlin thank you so much for watching we'll see you again at the top the hour.
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he was one of the bees in africa by me and the sun. now benny is back with his own album featuring a mix of the you watching your. favorite. juke offline. we take football personally. my. three women religious. put the ball back of me they've come all the way to the museum states i'll go because football is a team sport. sixty minutes. w.'s program guide. like. the whole. dot com highlights. she's long been a symbol of hope in syria. trying to help people. on. does she
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stand for change. or the false facade of her husband's room of talent i am. i actually believes in what the syrian regime is doing and believes in those. projection that that they are saving syria. assad the futile face of the dictatorship starting october first on d w. a. greetings from berlin and a warm welcome to our latest.


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