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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  October 6, 2017 1:15pm-1:31pm CEST

1:15 pm
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1:17 pm
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1:20 pm
this is d.w. news live from berlin a piece award for increasingly dangerous time. the norwegian nobel committee has decided to award the nobel peace prize for twenty seventeen. to the international compay to polish you clear weapons. nobel judges chose icann as the risk of atomic warfare breaking out rises for the first time in a generation. this as white house sources say u.s. president donald trump is getting ready to ditch the nuclear deal with iran that's despite the advice of the paks other signatories and members of his own government
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. and catalonia as government prepares to hold a parliamentary sentient session on its independence bit despite a ban from spain's highest court that says prosecutors investigate pro independent campaigners on possible sedition charges. i'm sumi so much got to thank you for joining us a committee in also has awarded the two thousand and seventeen nobel peace prize to the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons also known as i cam the nobel committee weighed up nominations nominations for two hundred fifteen individuals and one hundred three organizations now in the end they chose icann for reviving efforts to prohibit nuclear weapons at a time of were new to global tensions. this year's prize is
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a tribute to everyone everybody working for disarmament we have focused on i can because we feel the norwegian nobel committee that they have taken a leading role in really vitalizing this process and they have managed in the. admirable manner to combine. a popular engagement almost becoming a grassroots movement or the executive director for i can said the group was overjoyed at the award from the nobel committee it's important signal to everyone who's worked tirelessly for nuclear disarmament for since nine hundred forty five pretty much it's a huge tribute to the survivors of nuclear nations. in japan and also the nuclear test victims in martial law in the. united states around the world. so it's
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a really an issue that doesn't get enough attention nuclear weapons and i think that this prize is just really make it worth all of those. years that people have spent working on this. well let's get some reaction to the announcement with dan smith he's the director of the stockholm international peace research institute dan thank you for joining us your first thoughts when you heard i can one. i think it's a very appropriate choice i really do i was thinking before her and. hoped that the committee would decide to direct attention towards the there weapons issue because it has been rising up the political agenda but this year in a way that we haven't seen for decades really because people are beginning to feel where of increasing nuclear threats and i think that they have done it look committee that is have done it rather cleverly by pointing to a a groove to
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a campaign which is imagining a nuclear free world and that imagining an alternative to the risks that we see today so i think i think that to be congratulated on their choice and their cameras to be congratulated as a very worthy recipient and then i can as a campaign is it head that imagining a nuclear free world at the same time none of the nine known nuclear powers have signed up to a nuclear weapons ban in that sense what has this organization achieved well i think first of all over cheve the nuclear weapons ban is there on the political agenda herman's true as you say that none of the nine nuclear weapon states nor many of those are through example the nato states have not signed up to it but over one hundred twenty governments worldwide have indicated their support for the treaty when it was drafted and they're now considering their signatures and their benchmark adherence to the treaty so i think that is a is a pretty big ships and i think what's worth emphasizing is that the the campaign
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and the ban treaty and the peace prize award are all encouraging at least five of those nine nuclear weapon states the. five permanent members of.


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