tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle October 10, 2017 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST
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c.w. news live from berlin catalonia is the moment of decision and it's bad for any pad the president is doing to address the spanish region's parliament in the next few minutes and address that many hope the field will include a declaration of independence from spain so will he be allowed to go bring you that speech live. i'm phil gayle welcome to the program that's the big story that catalonia is president to do to address the region's parliament in the next few minutes there's speculation that he is about to trigger the next phase in spain separatist crisis by declaring independence that of course is despite intense pressure from the spanish government let's go with that and live and get the latest from. there joins
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us on the line from boss a lot of problems foley and i guess in madrid to welcome both let's start with you . just describe the scene for us what you. i've just come out of the parliament and you have helicopters sweeping over the building you have a lot of police in here basically the entire area around this building has been sealed off from the public in order not to influencers the official wording of the actions of lawmakers in this building everybody waiting for the catalan leader to give his crucial speech and say these crucial words really well will enough declare independence and potentially trigger a deep political crisis here just as you just go guys you're speaking with we're looking at pictures of the inside of a castle parliament debating chamber and as soon as that color supposed to mow begins to speak we'll take that live for another i'm interested in the crowds out
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there is the. i'm aware that there are obviously lots of journalists but who else is that the protesters the pro independence protesters are actually gathering a couple of hundred meters away from here so the parliament itself is located in a park so everything here is rather quiet you have a lot of local regional. catalonian police here about the actual protesters are as that far away so you can't even hear them from where i'm standing all right stay with us let's go to public phone in madrid. welcome pablo what madrid options than too small does call for independence. well the two main options are article one fifty five which is to control the autonomy of catalonia i.e. they would take away the powers that the cattle and regional governments have. also
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one of the other options is article once. they have an excuse just to highlight. the sense of being a bit of a crossed line you were telling us about article one fifty five of the spanish. constitution. ok this is going very well if you manage to get a mattress in barcelona to tell us more about commerce pushed him on who is this man. he's the cattle leader here he has come into power with a coalition with the far left support. some i've talked throughout the past days with a number of political scientists and i think it's quite interesting how they characterize him i've had a political analyst say look at him he will be careful he is walking a tightrope he does not want to push things too far because even experts say this
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country is not fit for full independence on the other hand i very expert who told me that this is a radical. supported by a far left group that wants independence by all paranoid all cost and they don't want independence as an end but they wanted as a means to an end to have a system change to install an anti capitalist socialist system here so it's quite a radically different analysis here of what this man hopes to achieve here as we've been speaking whether we're looking at pictures of a college post about these i think file pictures but. yeah these are five things just as he does begin to speak we'll take that live let's see if we can reestablish communication with public ileus in madrid public previously you were telling us about the trades options. catalonia does choose
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independence. you're absolutely right sorry but philip couldn't hear really what was going on both basically article one fifty five is the one that everybody is speaking about here that is essentially that the autonomy of catalonia can be suspended by the central government here in suspend in madrid and then also if there are disturbances on the streets after at this declaration of independence there's article one sixteen which is basically a stage of the exception they call it here in spain. it's a pretty serious issue and what would happen was. so much of money on the whole essentially takes over control of the region in a different sense to taking over the autonomy and what we don't know which is which one he'd they're going to choose what we're waiting for is to hear the statement from catalyst for them on and then money on to the prime minister of spain has said that he will appear the spanish parliament on wednesday afternoon at four o'clock
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so we may have to wait almost twenty four hours to hear exactly what the spanish government are going to do following this declaration of independence from god it was a month and what is the feeling about the way money out of the whole has handled this crisis. well that depends on who you speak to do has been a lot of criticism against a government of money out and they've said particularly on the first of october when the when the referendum actually took place perhaps it was very heavy handed and a lot of people in spain were very critical of how do you interior ministry handled the situation money out of the hole is also the tory for ag keeping his public appearances short he doesn't tend to appear very often and it tends to be the deputy prime minister sort of yes i understand he tends to appear more often and give more of the government's response to different situations on in particular what we've been seeing over the past week or so it's not has been the case and in particular today we've been seeing that it's not just being
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a deputy it's not been my. it's been other members of the government being sort of hinting at the cost of daily teas. to measure and study spanish central government are going to take you watching day w. news live from berlin the pictures joe saying inside they have regional parliament of catalonia waiting for this president comes push tomorrow to make a speech which many are predicting will fail i'll just jump in there if it's ok i just got a link there just something popped up on my screen saying that it's actually been delayed now by an hour so we're going to have to wait at least an hour to hear what's going to be happening from catalyst crucible ok we might play a concert of let's go back. to say in barcelona. why is this happening now that was a referendum back in two thousand and fourteen so why is this suddenly back on the agenda and so violently. alone the catalan leader
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has. to prepare things here until this point and a number of people here told me that they never expected that things would come that far and then many of said look. to prevent something like this we should have acted years ago and now it's. the bigger the real difficulty the real concern of people here in barcelona i have talked to if this whatever he will declare today this declaration will create winners and it will create losers and it will deepen the rift in society and that rift if your feeling for how deep it is if i've talked to people who have told me that they are afraid to bring up the topic of independence with their friends because they don't know how they would react if it is such an extent that it actually splits the society and it has met to
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a situation in recent weeks that it's quite absurd i was a member of lawmakers told me from the from the from the government party is that they are only communicating with out mobile phones because they are afraid the spanish government is availing of them and could use information on the phones against them and so they leader from the far left a lawmaker told me they have only fifty critic meetings where they meet in person dripping trevon and then it is these circumstances why the mayor of barcelona here has appealed to push a bunch of catalan leader not to declare independence today she said. the referendum which is the legal from the spanish perspective from the central government it clarity legal she said it is not a basis. have independent album on the other hand a lot of supporters of independence have told me if he doesn't declare independence
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now this is the moment. then that moment may never come back all right so i go to my office and barcelona thank you very much were you watching the data we knew those live pictures that you were just saying of. the parliament building in that catalonia benders of politics are leaving because the public folder and this in madrid told us just now that speech is now not expected for another hour soon as we get that speech from congress approved tomorrow the president of catalonia we will of course are bringing it to you here on the let's get on with the rest of the day's news and french president emmanuel mccraw the german chancellor angela merkel apparently frankfurt book fair which this year focuses on literature from france earlier today president mccracken renewed his call for a new vision for the european union he spoke during a public debate in frankfurt and said to europe and needs to agree on a roadmap for the future that includes political social and economic reforms.
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let's speak with the doubly cause for the fact infanta market is that very welcome i was present to microphones a vision for europe speech how is that speech received well there was a crowd of mostly students about four hundred five hundred students and they were quite enthusiastic about my call they were clapping they were giving him a warm welcome what they really like is the idea of strengthening europe going forwards with europe in terms of culture of science universities but also in the rather hard fields like security and defense but for them is also important how call delivers his idea of europe he's a great speaker and that's good for them is even more important that someone delivers europe in such an enthusiastic way and that certainly had some nerve for them and how is he likely to get chancellor merkel's support for these reforms.
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well here in these minutes when mike honda americans will open the book fair and they will go both give speeches to the audience here they have also opened this french pavol you know where i am full of french books and i would certainly be nice to him of course and will remain on her message that she had already said on the e.u. summit that there's a big accordance between what my call ones and what she wants there are slight differences for example the euro zone budget which is something germans are quite skeptical about but my call today said well this budget is not that important and first of all he wants to speak now about vision about a goal for europe and not about the instruments that would come later president mackerels only been in power five months but people are already talking about a shift of european power from paris is there any evidence of that.
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well it appears a little bit like it i mean he has a great majority back home in the parliament he has done some reforms and he has all these ideas for europe lately and on the other side she had to bedri election result she is facing difficult coalition talks and she kondraty react on these reform suggestions from micron because she's in the middle of nowhere basically with no government perspective but then again in germany many also quite happy that france is that strong because they can share the burden of leadership in the european union with a stronger france and everyone in germany knows that big reforms always have to go hand in hand with france so this combination of this charismatic visionary macaw and the experience three a list. is for many quite a dream team for the german franco axis and also a dream team for europe and found a market in frankfurt thank you. people living in poverty at greater risk of being
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sentenced to death well that's the conclusion of a global alliance of activists working to abolish the death penalty it will give us hundreds of initiatives to mark this year's world's day against the death penalty so where is the problem most acute well human rights group amnesty international points to china. when it comes to executions by amnesty international's latest estimates china remains the world's biggest executioner more people are sentenced to death there than the rest of the world combined exactly how many remains a matter of speculation since there are no official figures most information on the death penalty in china is a state secret joining china as the world's top five executioners are iran saudi arabia iraq and pakistan but twenty sixteen did see some changes taking china out of the equation global executions fell from the record
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highs seen in twenty fifteen just over a thousand people were put to death last year down more than a third with the sharpest decreases in iran and pakistan pakistan lifted a moratorium on the death penalty in twenty fifteen following the pasha our school massacre a wave of executions some more than three hundred people put to death but last year the pace slowed the report found that only a handful of countries were executing people on a large scale last year just four countries were responsible for eighty seven percent of all recorded death penalties. for the first time in a decade the united states has dropped out of the top five the number of executions there is at its lowest point since the early ninety's but amnesty international warns they could go up again this year if a variety of legal challenges to lethal injections are cleared. now to some of the
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other stories making news around the world the people of liberia are voting on a landmark election today ballot could mark the first peaceful handover of power between elected governments in the west african country and more than seventy years president ellen ellen johnson sirleaf stepping down after twelve years in office campaigning has begun officially for japan's upcoming lower house elections analyst according to snap vote a referendum on prime minister shinzo. been in power for five years and he's facing an unexpected challenge from one one month old party but he's expected to win the vote will take place on the twenty second of october. thailand's prime minister and head of the country's ruling military janitor has pledged to hold a general election in november next year not just an expected announcement comes another three years after the military seized power in a coup leading politicians say they are doubtful of the vote will take place to
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turn to have broken the several election promises in the past to hold elections let's get very latest there world of a business and finance from gary hart well first we were talking about barcelona earlier on it's having its ramifications there as well yes absolutely all eyes are of course on spain in the business world and in anticipation of the declaration tonight the i beg stock index in madrid has lost another one point one percent today we'll see how the future index develops later there's been growing resistance against the move which could see catalonia also exit the e.u. in the single market that could deal a serious blow to its economy right now spain's gross domestic product is around one trillion euros catalonia contributes about a quarter of that that's two hundred and twenty three billion euros and just for comparison is a little less than ireland's g.d.p. but significantly more than portugal's for example. so had a loner is spain's powerhouse but that could soon be over already major companies
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including telecoms firm sun x. and kaiser bank moving hold of his head offices rather out of the region and we'll keep you updated on that through the course of the evening of course. now france has come to a standstill five and a half million public service employees have gone on strike to protest controversial labor reforms france has announced at least a quarter of its short and medium all flights are canceled the french unions are protesting against the government of president amount of oil mark role which is planning to slash one hundred twenty thousand public sector jobs. voltaire college and paris eleventh district has shut down its entrance blocked and students armed with fire extinguishers. many schools all over france are affected by tuesday's public sector strike. detentions are just like them our high school is
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directly impacted because a quarter of the funding has been taken away which means that we'll have for less for the students we can't just accept it and go to school we have to do something motivate people to go and demonstrate because it's our duty in fact. it's not only schools though for the first time in a decade all nine unions for percent think five point four million public workers have united taking aim at president in mind when mccall and his plans to shake up france's famously inflexible labor code. organizational sunday all the unions are calling their members out to protest we are more effective for the united than when we're divided the views of the c.g. union has sent tens of thousands of workers into the streets to protest against planned reforms like making hiring and firing easier mccall says moves like these will fight france's chronic high unemployment but the unions are furious about his plans to x.
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one hundred twenty thousand jobs and reduce sick pay that's something they see as a direct challenge to their power to stay showdown may be just a taste of things to come as mccall presses ahead with his reforms. on monday britain's prime minister tourism a told parliament brags that negotiations on now in the course and one of the issues the two sides need to nail down before discussing trade terms as the border between northern ireland which belongs to britain and the republic of ireland which is in the e.u. it's a thorny issue because no other you come to depends on trade with the u.k. arland and the locals are getting more nervous as talks drag on with no solution in sight. there are over ninety thousand companies on the emerald isle that survive on trade with britain many of them are farmers sixty percent of the brief output goes to the u.k.
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dairy and other projects would be like over and all our stuff is usually in park. but it is becoming increasingly clear that arlen needs britain a lot more than vice versa. so hard outcome to go that's going to affect our our prices because if you care then to be able to go void in a source who. you have to have heard of so in our projects going in well that's going to affect all. economists believe arlen could fall victim to a power struggle between brussels and london. so i'm going with clarity like as soft a break as of as humanly possible but you have to recognise you know the european commission concerns that they can't offer too sweet a deal to the british so on it is very cold in the middle and in the in this regard talks this week in brussels will show whether the border issue remains
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a barrier to bracks a trade negotiations. on the subject many international financial institutions headquartered in london right now are not waiting until the president goes asians are done and dusted for their licenses to continue to apply for the whole of the e.u. they have contingency plans to move the european operations from london to cities like paris dublin or indeed frankfurt some already doing it and the effect bankers of course want the best for their families so they are now in a rush to secure flats and places in schools and kindergartens. some ten thousand new jobs are expected to spring up in the frankfurt area as a result of breaks in. real estate broker stefan pointing observed developments from up high and senses change in the air but believed that fund of course breaks it will boost frankfurter will be renting an extra fifty thousand square
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