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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  October 17, 2017 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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yes because it's available on thousands of hotels resorts cruise ships worldwide. where have you found a sign send us a picture that shows d w in your room you could prize. dot com travel quiz. this is d w news live from berlin tonight the biggest victory in the war against so-called islamic state the city claimed as its capital rocka as fault the announcement came today after a four month campaign to retake rocka by u.s.
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backed forces a city left in ruins and riddled with mines and booby traps but how damaged is isis after this long it's also coming up they fought together against isis and now they may be fighting against each other iraqi forces are pushing ahead with an offensive to retake areas controlled by the kurds the u.n. and the united states tonight are appealing for calm on both sides and it fresh protests erupt in the catalog capital barcelona the regional government there says it will define madrid and it is refusing to drop its bid for independence. plus calls for justice growing louder in malta following the murder of anti-corruption journalist daphne demonstrators take to the streets to pressure the maltese government. and it from great hope to great misery south sudan is one of the world's newest states but today millions of the. people there are reliant on food
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aid we have a special report tonight on one woman's struggle to survive and feed her family. i'm bring coffee it's good to have you with us tonight residents in the syrian city of raka are bringing to a close their first day free from the rule of so-called islamic state the syrian city was the capital of the islamist groups oppose it caliphate the u.s. backed forces took control of almost all of the city today troops fighting i.d.'s say they have captured one of the militants last holdouts the city's hospital which you see right there but there are still pockets of resistance in the city one of them is reported to be a stadium complex in rocka which was used by ins as a prison and an arms dump and dozens of fighters have made their west stand there
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and once the seat of his law makes state's power the long fight for rocca has left all of this city in ruins. a five month battle is over for the syrian kurdish and arab fighters backed by the united states they killed dozens of i asked militants in their final push rocka is now a shell of a city. there's nothing left where near the end we haven't seen any i asked militants we haven't seen any of them near the stadium either i think the city will be fully clear of them in the next two days which once all of the i asked militants are gone from syria i'll go home. i asked took control of rocca in early twenty fourteen and made it the capital of its self-styled caliph that. the militants imposed a strict interpretation of islamic law and used extreme means such as beheadings
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and torture to quash those who oppose the rule it became home to thousands of jihadists from across the globe after a call by us leader of a blackout baghdadi to migrate to the syrian city however in recent months the so-called islamic state has steadily lost territory in syria and iraq. the fall of rocca is a major blow to the militant group but the extremists still controlled territory in neighboring regions on the iraqi side of the border. a long road lies ahead to heal wounds and rebuild the ruined city of raca the spite these fighters celebrations. and how long will those celebrations last for more now we want to cross over to journalist of weather here for the building block he joins us from kabbani in northern syria good evening to you so we've got the liberation of iraq today does that mean that the back of islamic state has finally been broken.
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because of course because rock out of the covers off isis in syria i thought the isis wives that are now satisfied advice in this that it's got lots of isis they would have given them victory but now isis is sort of defeated aka of course there are still some isis pockets left in there or the fight is largely over and more in syria so the fight is over but the people remain particularly the residents in iraq and around the city how much support from area residents is still there for isis do we know well i don't think there are many people that supported isis in iraq are there were people bought that for their salaries because there are not many jobs that join isis i don't know the support but it's very low and now that isis is defeated especially nobody will support it like at least not many people because it was the foreign fighters actually in isis that were fighting the lawless
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the now the syrian isis fighters and now that the city is fall in the military campaign is over what has to be done politically now to re store some semblance of civility to the wall of the u.s. the u.s. coalition u.s. aid the rockets again in council they're working on a plan for the construction of rocca that divided an eight acres direct for reconstruction but the problem is the money mine so first that to be the mining clearing all the rubble and then they're going to start on working repairing the telecommunications that's where the water electricity. but i don't think the whole set of be easily reconstructed because the damage is too large but at least a lot their activity will be back soon and what are you hearing let amir in terms of where the fight against isis goes from here what's the next objective the next city for example that anti-s.
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forces will be targeting. well there's a very strategic city of. iraqi border so the syrian regime wants to go there and that by america wants to go there as a sort of a race or a competition between both sides or to study so they're still fighting and that there's more problems against isis by the regime than by. all right journalist vladimir borg joining us tonight from northern syria talking about the fall of the isis capital rocco let me thank you very much or now to syria's neighbor iraq and a nother military flashpoint that's where government forces say they have taken control of all major oil fields in the disputed north of the country now this follows fast on the heels of their capture of the kurdish held city of kirkuk. celebrations in can't push as iraqi forces ruling. supporters of the iraqi
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central government could contain their joy oh as thousands of kurdish residents fled the city ahead of the advance. i'm sure you were heading to where bill because the situation is getting worse the iraqi troops are ventured and there's no way we could stay one up on. our children are terrified we would afraid that there would be clashes and mortar rounds would have us that's what i'm worried about. can't cook an oil rich province claimed by both kurds and the iraqi government had been under kurdish control since iraqi forces fled when the slimy militants swept through the region in twenty fourteen now it's back into the control of the iraqi government the advance comes three weeks after residents in the kurdistan region and also here in kirkuk voted overwhelmingly in favor of
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independence in a controversial referendum. kiddish leaders see the seizure of can't cook amounts to a declaration of war. now here's some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world tonight philippine president do tear tests has declared while we city liberated from terrorists he visited the southern city one day after the last two islamist leaders there were killed and military leaders say that the battle is still ongoing as they search the ruins for remaining pockets of militants the taliban militants in afghanistan have carried out a suicide car bombing attack on a provincial police headquarters it's an attack that killed at least thirty three people it was part of a series of attacks against police across the country that have left at least seventy eight people dead hundreds wounded u.s. president donald trump says third attempt to ban travel from several countries has been blocked by a federal judge in hawaii hours before it was set to go into effect the judge said
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trans ordered discriminated based on nationality and failed to show that people coming from the listed countries would be quote detrimental to u.s. interests. portugal has declared three days of national mourning after at least forty one people died in forest fires in the country's north and center firefighters have now brought most of the five hundred blaze is under control the government says the fire is the worst in more than a decade were caused by higher than average temperatures and dropped. catalonia regional government has said that madrid is quote choosing repression over dialogue that after spanish authorities jailed leaders of the quetta long separatist movement in any sedition investigation around two hundred thousand protesters took to the streets of barcelona calling for their release the spanish government warned catalonia that it must revoke its declaration of independence or
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face direct rule from madrid but they kept a long government spokesman says that the autonomous region will stand by its decision. or for now we want to go to los rambus in barcelona that's where our correspondent barbara faisal is following developments for us tonight good evening to you barbara so the arrest of these two separatist leaders it has really inflamed the situation there hasn't. really because it's been relatively quiet throughout the house and it was like a standoff situation every side was looking at the other and waiting what they would be doing however after the high court in madrid decided those two independents leaders. really boiled out and of course the independence movements the spokesperson people are trying everything to release the fire they announced that there will be more demonstrations in the days to come this is the first one it
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was entirely peaceful some tense wasn't behind. it cannot stand being at liberty and free and free they call these two that's the two leaders that are now in jail however and we will see the showdown on thursday when the decision will fall whether madrid will impose direct rule over cuts alone you are not yet and that is the big question and if you consider what we're seeing tonight knowing that this new deadline is basically what forty eight hours away i mean it looks like this crunch time the next two days it's already been decided to be would you agree with that is the kettle on president is he going to back down. absolutely not what we see here is like two trains racing towards each other and it is going to end in a big political crash because the both the regional government and
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of course. in madrid has done have ducked themselves in they cannot bunch and they would definitely totally lose face if they don't turn around and say ok we didn't really mean anything bad you know let's sit down on talks the time for that is past i think this is not going to happen and we'll see the final showdown on thursday and this is the biggest political crisis that spain has seen in decades i think you have to go back to the early one nine hundred eighty s. to find something this severe you've been talking to a lot of people gauging public sentiment do you think this crisis has the potential of spilling over into civil unrest. if we don't know this so far as the independence movement all the stresses that we are completely peaceful we want negotiations we want independence and if on thursday after ten o'clock after the deadline runs out if madrid then sends in the
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state police if they maybe even send in troops and troops already in the harbor you also known then things could really get nasty very quickly because emotions are running high here and people feel that really something bad has been done to them they say you know spain is losing its democratic values since those two independence leaders are in jail and so nothing can be said at the moment that this will really stay quiet for those who are funded barbara vanes all joining us tonight in barcelona reporting on renewed volatility there between catalonia and the spanish government barbara thank you very much. and there crisis over catalonia weighing on the spanish economy doing the right brand it's a tired old phrase that businesses don't like uncertainty but it is absolutely true of course catalonia has bid for independence will have an impact on economic growth across the whole country next year that's according to the spanish government and
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in catalonia itself tourism activity is already down fifteen percent consumers and businesses alike are looking for a quick resolution but both sides of the political divide are holding firm. this was the scene outside the headquarters of the catalan government on monday nice protesters expressing their outrage over the arrest of two pro separatist leaders it's only the latest twist in a battle of wills between madrid and barcelona and the political turmoil is swiftly translating into economic uncertainty the crisis over catalonia his quest for independence has prompted the spanish government to lower its growth forecast for next year from two point six percent to two point three percent the move comes after economists raise concern over the potential fallout of the crisis last week. that we're seeing agencies have warned of the uncertain political and economic situation could affect the castle and economy companies continue to leave the result could be a recession that would undoubtedly affect the growth of g.d.p.
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. in an effort for the article that a good thing into the built into the root of growth separatists have long maintained that catalonia would prosper without financial obligation to spain but since the crisis broke companies have been leaving the region in their droves the two biggest banks have already moved their headquarters elsewhere and hundreds of smaller companies have packed their bags to accounting for over a fifth of the national g.d.p. what happens to catalonia as economy happens to spain as a whole. now after talks are set to continue with the twenty eight thing the negotiators on the trade deal between the us canada and mexico say there are so still significant gaps left to fill the talks were supposed to conclude this year and of course it's not just the three countries that are affected many foreign firms are hoping a deal is reached as soon as possible. it's business as usual here while these
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workers are carrying on as normal the uncertainty is high no one here knows whether the u.s. will impose import tariffs on german cars that are produced in mexico the u.s. canada and mexico are still renegotiating the north american free trade agreement nuff them in the latest round of talks the u.s. has demanded that nothing is renegotiated every five years. in prison some for the most efficient isn't acceptable for mexicans isn't providing a perspectival investment security for foreign companies that naturally make plans for a longer period of time than a five year cycles when he came from. but other latin american economies aren't as dependent on the usa as mexico and america south america stronger trade relations with china and the e.u. than the us and we're speaking of investments for instance most of the foreign investments and the result from the e.u. you know up with the opportunities for european companies in other countries also
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immense the colombian economy is once again growing at more than two percent and tally new dollars for investment opening up following the peace agreement between the government and the fark rebels butin tourism and infrastructure or in the renewable energy sector. why then many opportunities in latin america they also several risks the peace process in court on media is far from over the situation in venezuela is extremely unstable and corruption continues to be a widespread problem especially in brazil that anyone looking to invest in the region needs to close and examine where the money is going. to head over to wall street now not long after trading got underway today the dow jones industrial average briefly broke through the twenty three thousand point mark the first time in its one hundred thirty two year history and i feel like dow records are coming faster than ever that's because they all in the past year the dow jones says rocketed almost thirty percent smashing several thousand point milestones along the
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way. thank you and yes quarter is at the new york stock exchange forced against what exactly has lit that fire under the dow recently well an epic rally that sold morgan stanley called the dead it is already the fifty thousand point mark that the dow jones industrial average crossed for the first time ever since the presidential election one of the reasons why the market is trading upwards is there to right now we are experiencing the fifth consecutive quarter of the u.s. companies actually see an increase in profits overall the economy is doing rather well and then there are still those promises that there might be a rest less regulation for financial institutions that we might see tax cuts at some points or so there are some fundamental reasons and there is also a little bit of hope what the administration might bring why we saw this or why we
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see this epic really and as we just heard u.s. stock prices have had a blazing run of late but is a correction around the corner or even a some predict a crash. stocks are certainly not cheap at this point i just talked to word trader here who was already here thirty years ago we remember black monday that was october nineteenth one thousand nine hundred eighty seven so almost precisely thirty years ago and he told me when he came in back that morning that nobody experienced what would happen then that the markets would crash by more than twenty percent just within one day so you never will you know when the next crisis is around right now we do not really have a trigger so a real reason to sell the market there are not that many out turn into the stock at this point money is still cheap bonds are not that attractive but let's say earnings growth would cool in the next couple of months or some other unexpected event happens for sure this market seems to be ripe for
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a correction of some sorts whether it's sooner or later at twenty four thousand we'll talk to you all over again on that you called thank you very much. and that's all the business in one hundred back over to break do you think you very much mourners and demonstrators have hit the streets in malta after an anti-corruption journalist was murdered definitely has accused mobs as top politicians of corruption she had helped expose money laundering she was killed in a car bomb blast after leaving her home on monday. a day after the killing of want to buy a car bomb hundreds of marti's gather to show their outrage of the journalists murder they want to know exactly why she was killed some point a finger at the state authorities. we are here today to ask the state to protect us the state did not defend daphne it didn't do anything everyone who said
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she's going too far she's homing in on personal issues they're all guilty we expect everyone to do everything for us but these days we have to look after ourselves. two weeks ago daphne got on a guy had told police that she was receiving death threats on monday the car she was driving exploded not far from her home in the north of the island the prime minister of malta promised an investigation into death. but it's been all work with i condemn without reservation the barbaric attack as one against freedom of speech in our country everyone knows that. was a harsh critic of mine both politically and personally but nobody can justify this barbaric act in any way which is against all dignity and civility. malta has long been considered a tax haven and it was the focus of daphne cardona galatz years investigative
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reporting as part of the consortium of journalists who revealed millions of documents known as the panama papers she wrote many reports alleging government corruption. her accusations included the prime minister's family jewels of news cards a wife is suspected of owning a farm in panama that has funneled funds to her through the leader of azerbaijan both the prime minister and his wife deny this. one of the journalists three sons matthew took to social media to brainwash scott and his government for his mother's death saying you're all complicit he said she was targeted because she was the only journalist exposing ties between organized crime and the government. multis investigators will work with forensic experts from the u.s. and the e.u. to determine the extent to which daphne is work was linked to her death. hopes were high for sell sudan when it became the world's youngest nation six years ago but today the country is in
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a disastrous state more than four million people have been forced to flee their homes because of an ongoing civil war over six million people need food aid to survive tonight we followed the struggle of one woman who was trying to put food on the table for her family. honey has been waiting for this moment for six weeks. she's walked four hours from her village to the refugee camp inventive to get food to feed her family. i'm very grateful now i've got some beans next comes the children's food and the grain and oil to. the ngo vent hunger hits from germany together with the u.n. world food program provides food for more than two hundred thousand people here every month one of the most difficult circumstances. there are frequent attacks which
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require u.n. soldiers to protect the camp. but hanna doesn't live in the camp for the mother of four the most dangerous part of her journey is just about to begin. more. transporting the food to the village is very difficult but i have no choice my family has starving who are women but if i take everything at once armed men will take it all away from me so i have to make several trips. if i have only a little bit on me then they can only take part of the food away. with the. government troops and rebels have been fighting here for years but what started as a political conflict between the president and his vice president quickly took on ethnic dimensions pitting the two largest ethnic groups the dinka and the new or
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against each other. the minister for humanitarian affairs is seen as one of the few balanced voices inside the government but he admits mistakes have been made. people into their own hands even within the government that some. individual is what i'm truly and that's why i don't know what the some people without being taken to court but people like qana now already have little access to the courts and justice before embarking on the treacherous hike back to her home village hannah visits her mother in the camp. anna says she feels abandoned by her husband who has gone underground to fight with a rebel group by the international community because of the continual difficulty to keep food on her table and above all by her own government who soldiers she lives in fear of as she makes her way back home. and here's
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a reminder of the top stories that we're following for you u.s. backed syrian forces have retaken rocket a city militants had considered their capital local military leaders say an operation is underway to clear out dozens of iowa's fighters who have refused to surrender iraqi forces are celebrating their capture of the northern city of kirkuk from the kurds but as thousands of civilians flee both the un and the u.s. have expressed fear is that tensions between the two could escalate into conflict and pro independent supporters or by the thousands in catalonia rally tonight in support of separatists who were jailed by the authorities in madrid. after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day stick around for that will be right back.
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that matters w made for mines. every journey begins with the first step and every language of the first word and that because. he's in germany to learn your. business just why not now how come it's simple online on your own mile and for a. new south. t.w. z. course if he goes weak you're made easy. this is what a cow if it collapsing looks like the ruins of the syrian city of iraq the capital of so-called islamic state or today the city failed to us back to forces and into three years of hell on earth.


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