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tv   Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe  Deutsche Welle  October 19, 2017 12:30pm-1:01pm CEST

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stories they're in we'll get a rewrite. of the story of the russian revolution. from the perspective of writers thinkers on the artists. what did it feel like to live in times over the revolution and the people. not to the russian or revolutionaries. nineteen seventeen the reluctant starting october twenty fifth t w. i we want to welcome to another action packed show we are taking to the water today both above and below here's
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a look at what's coming up. on this scene for the first time women are playing an important role at the volvo ocean race. up the coast we visit a converted fisherman's hut in scotland. and under the water for our first summery good luck to get up close and personal with sux. we start off with one of the toughest sailing regattas in the world the volvo ocean graceful since one thousand nine hundred eighty three the most experienced sailors have taken to the high seas for a true test of endurance and they are about to do it again the race starts this weekend in the continent in spain and the regatta will take the teams forty five thousand nautical miles around the world across four oceans and the most notable aspect of this edition is that women are taking a leading role now we talk to some of the female crew ahead of the race.
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racing across the sea at breakneck speeds. even in training the volvo ocean race is teams take things to the limit. among the sailors battling to shave off seconds in heavy seas is british skipper deacon fahri. creole american i feel. very privileged place to be. an environment and then trying to harness the power of night to make it work for you i like the lack of distractions in the focus there is on actually setting the boat. before you was the first woman to sail solo and nonstop around the world in both directions and she's not the only female participant in this year's race eighteen women will be taking part thanks to the
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introduction of a new rule the more women on board the bigger the size of the team allowed. the idea is to open more doors to women at the sports highest level. the level of the female side has not been allowed to get to the top level because they've not been able to sail with the best teams and i wanted to. help the sport and help the best female sailors go to the very top. all seven teams taking part in the volvo ocean race have decided to include women so this year there will be mixed crews fighting to win what is billed as the toughest sailing race in the world. some of the guys who have never sowed with women before i realizing that it. can be a very nice environment to silane i think a mix tape brings out the best of the girls it makes them raise their game and it
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kind of calms the testosterone of the boys a little so ends up being a very. nice environment the subtlety that women maybe have because they have less strength they have a little bit more subtlety and more finesse in a way is sometimes an advantage for women. most of the women participating in mixed teams this year sailed in the last of all the ocean race but the all female team had the odds stacked against them. and the sport of sailing and the volvo ocean race in particular is an experience sport the more hours you sail the more hours you spend on the ocean the better you will become as a sailor only for. that first the big names in men sailing were reluctant to take female crew members on board they were all waiting to see how the women performed in the preliminary import race and they come to the fore the crew is put to sea proper next sunday. afterwards the
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male sailors congratulated their female counterparts. over the barrier that they have referred to the spirit is from you know that call them out we are very very happy that there are the look of it our thoughts on some girls that i've got a lot of experience and you know i really got a daughter that really got a bit old son. you know would fill up with you've done pretty lucky with the girls we've got. this year everything's changed at the ball the ocean race for both the women and the men. their teamwork improves with every hour that they sail together. as soon as we step on the boat or when we are together as a team there are no differences and we are one group of sailors and we just want to say it make the boat go really fast so we have the same goal to to get a trophy and to do that. in the air want to go to the. and
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so i'm hoping that now this is kind of been a watershed my human if this race can show you that makes teams work and in the future say to us we'll get picked on ability not just gender. like you did now the crews have some forty five thousand exciting but grueling not a whole miles ahead of them whichever boat crosses the line first one thing's already decided for the first time women will be among the winners of the volvo ocean race. looks like a pretty amazing stuff all right thanks to popular demand u.s. president dollar trump is making an appearance in berlin sort of more on that in today's express. and. donald trump in berlin the president of the united states will be arriving in germany's capital on friday as a wax figure in madame tussaud's museum visitors reportedly requested the effigy
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the wax and donald will reside in the world politics zone in close proximity to his predecessor barack obama and to german chancellor angela merkel sixteen specialists worked on trump's like this for four months using measurements sent by the white house itself. the international art fair the fia is taking place outside the louvre in paris this month but for the world's most popular museum one functionalist sculpture apparently proved to be out of bounds a twelve metre high ensemble called domesticate or the sultan pulpy do decided to display the work by dutch artist fundies house after it was rejected by the louvre after complaints from the public. passers by can decide for themselves whether it's art or not.
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the city of rome is celebrating the two hundredth anniversary. if the casino valente a napoleon bonaparte commission the magnificent neo classes this villa in the villa borges ing from architecture separate holiday yeah. it is come to embody the eternal city's modern history. the casino became a favorite haunt of rooms artists and political activists after the first world war . today it houses conference and exhibition spaces as well as a restaurant. it's lost none of its timeless allure. francisco or tristan or is considered a virtuous so in mixing classical piano music with electronic elements now when he plays on stage he often has a computer a mixing machine and a sense of size or right nearby to enhance his compositions while he's currently
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touring germany with his new album shall no circle songs which is quite different to what he has done before. francesco tristana is known for combining different musical genres. and classical music. music has been a huge success in many concert halls around the world. but he's moved in a different direction for his latest album and he's currently touring. all the years i spent with the electronic music have taught me an awful lot of. the recording techniques i use are similar to those i would use to produce a techno album. but i wanted to take a break to come back to composition. and not touch my instruments at all. like the
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keyboards and synthesizers sequencers. as minister and. other result. of the tracks that he can post with canadian songwriter and pianist on the new album little. known his music since i was a student in new york so at least sixteen years. and it turns out he also knew my music but we didn't know each other. so we contacted each other via twitter. and said we should play together. and we decided to
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bring two pianos and some of our own compositions. and see what happens. i think for me it's playing i think on it and then just on the right house. and this is the outcome a combination of chili guns on a six pack tickets and trust on the most painful elegance and to trying to produce some from one of these. understand a museum and i had fun writing a melody and honing it until i thought that it would be simple enough for one of my kids to repeated lines and then i thought ok it's good they can stay that way and stood on her to that is ok the states that this would. just on his latest album may have come as a bit of a surprise to his fans but they seem to like it.
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time now for my favorite part of the show when we get a sneak peek into someone's a humble abode in today we are heading to scotland to the home of in harding now his humble abode was certainly built to last it is four hundred years old well the structure originally was used as a fisherman's hut but now serves as a cozy family dwellings. the village of cellar dyke lies directly on the north sea coast in the sixteenth century local fishermen built huts on the shore to store their nets. later the huts were turned into homes hartings houses around four hundred years old. in two thousand and ten a modern extension was added with copper cladding. we enter the house
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from a small street that runs parallel to the sea. a low. you'll see that immediately that you've got a connection from the very front door to the sea it was important to have a good connection between. the property and the new extension and the see. the full length windows run across the entire width of the ground floor thanks to the extension of the cottage a spacious with enough room for a dining area and large kitchen. the cupboard is made of recycled french oak. the handles are from old copper piping the entire kitchen like most of the house is owner design. this would have been the next to the property the would have faced the sea and as you can see we've left the exposed because we like the
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structure to see the the stone what was there which. we moved through. what. the snug area we have here within within perhaps the heart of the old structure a very cozy. place. the house has fallen to the family since one thousand nine hundred sixty two for many years it was only a summer home now. harding and his wife are here most of the year. leaving the living room we come to a flight of stairs. that used to be outside steps but now they link the lower and upper floors. up stairs as a terrace that was added during the extension this is ian hartings favorite place here you can see we have an amazing view at ry alba cross the sea to in the in the fall there is the isle of my. coming back in from the terrace you walk into
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a bedroom. this is the one bedroom where you can sleep at night with the window open hearing the sea crashing why the still be very warm and snug. next door there's a larger room divided into two to make space for a guest room here too in harding had a window built into the thick walls to provide a view of the scene. the stairs lead to the attic in the past it was used for storage but now it houses of that. the sink is built into an original old school desk. the ornate legs were once part of an old railing. and of course the ever present ocean is on view here to. the seas outside it's always here and it has this sort of rhythm to it this is the wind down relax the the. the sierras well also helps you sleep.
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through quite tired often don't do it a lot in. a cozy fisherman's cottage with all the conveniences you could wish for right on scotland's north sea coast. if you've ever wanted to have your own garden but lack the space or skill the no worries your garden dream and now is only one click away well at least here in germany would be gardeners can now go online to the plot and pick out the fruits and vegetables he or she would like to grow on the ground a real gartner takes that information and turns it into reality. many city dwellers can only dream of eating fresh produce from their own gardens not so much o. and her son they live in the big city but grow veggies in the country. at first glance it may look like a computer game but this is
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a real garden planted with real flowers and real vegetables. in the garden is a long way away in saxony and home but what's special about it is that i can cultivate and care for the garden online from anywhere and once they have been harvested i can pick them up in berlin and take them home. with the holes in. the idea for the project came from. berlin he and his team are cultivating a garden one hectare in size in a town about one hundred kilometers from the german capital. originally intended to use the land as a weekend getaway for himself and his family. there was always a problem that we couldn't water the garden when we were back in berlin on the farm so i did a bit of research on the internet to see what kind of options were available and came across these farming games and we decided to turn the virtual game into
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reality uses. it. now has laid out fifty six individual garden plots. plot is sixteen square metres in size. everyone who keeps a little garden here decides on their own what they want or able to plant. for instance ground cherries beet root. or like you see here carrots. the renters can choose from forty six kinds of vegetables. plant their garden beds virtually in reality of mounting close guy and his team do the planting according to the computer data they receive. sky has had wife i polls installed on four of the plots with web cameras mounted on them. the
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renters can use them to keep an eye on the vegetables and plots at all times. but that's still not enough to ensure a good harvest each gardener carries sole responsibility for the growth of their crops and their yields. has developed a special system to help them do that. and you know. every plant has a little sensor with two little feet like these they measure for example the soil moisture and send the data through the antenna here to the poles which relays the signal straight to the renters home p.c.'s over the internet and. the remote gardeners can consult an online data bank to see when they have to water what plants and then have a done with the click of a mouse consistent and good care will produce a box full of vegetables every week during the summer months.
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the day after their harvested the veggies can be picked up in berlin. it's a great harvest with lots of the rising autumn is here so the yield isn't as big anymore but it's still fantastic. for now only berliners can garden by mouse click but before long internet gardens of this kind could be sprouting up all over germany. anyone who has seen the movie jobs has been scarred for life by those images of a shark lurking in the waters and attacking swimmers now i for one well never swim in the ocean again one of belgian photographer overcame his fear of the sea to become passionate about documenting sharks now is a high risk endeavor but one which produces some pretty amazing images.
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fascinating images that evoke elegance rather than aversion they were taken by genre. in recent years the belgian photographer has developed a reputation as a shark whisperer due to his remarkably intimate shots. he's now gone the step further by showing the interaction between men and shark from the sharks perspective. we we all know it's time to project. vision of of life and then we never even consider that the animals could have a totally other perspective and is solely by doing that you can hopefully change our perception of the. it's not just sharks trances camera on together with
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his partner freediver lana sato and their daughter now he wants to find out how humans and sea creatures communicate with each other. parents wanted to give her exposure to the oceans inhabitants as early as possible she had her first contact while still in her mother's womb. the cetaceans that have a so they are they perceive the second heartbeat and they can communicate we go to ms the situation is a sperm whale of. six seven metres a young one came and stood in front of les now one metre away from the belly and clicked for four minutes. so they're finitely interested in the baby and then. transferring information as to the baby. up close and personal with animals in the
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wild the photographer and his team were not afraid not even during their more hair raising adventures such as this encounter with the four metre long great white shark. we had a tractor with a fresh to the head and then she looked up i was one and a half metre away from her and she left it to the hood she came straight to me mouth so to tell me hey here is my territory you move and it's amazing to see that and in those that are supposed to be only focusing on food. some time before any singers there are territorial. also amazing is that killen took his first diving lessons at the age of fifty three. for decades he had a fear of the open water after almost drowning while on vacation. his photo project impermanence twelve's on the unpredictable nature of the oceans
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well readdressing a childhood trauma. and i realize it reconnected to that fear that i was sure was far gone and it was still there and of course the door was laying to something even more personal which was the the suicide of my mother she chose self you know in the water and died drowning so it is something that you are have a very hard time overcoming in your life. but in two thousand and nine he took the plunge and took his maiden dive with sharks his greatest fear became his greatest passion. more recently teams up with the environmental organization harley for the oceans to combat the pollution of the world sees. if we don't protect sharks we are tried turning our existence on because they are the regulator of the food chain
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in the ocean. and with this in mind jo marie is also planning a documentary about how sharks see the world from their perspective. and with that we are out of time but before we go we want to share some images that you have sent in to us now this week we asked you to tell us which subjects you like to photograph the most as some of you send in your photos so here's a look at some of those favorite subjects. now there is still time and to take part in our contest before we choose the winner of this calendar all the details are on our website so be sure to check that out well for me and the rest of the crew here at euro max as always thanks for tuning in and we'll see you again tomorrow. in the next edition of your own max bringing art to the people
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a spanish entrepreneur and collector invited contemporary artists to use his trucks and their canvases so far twenty seven trucks have been transformed into mobile our forks and more are in the making of the truck our project taking art on the road next time on your own max.
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it's not allowed. to schenkel and his friends and tell him to abandon building sites and. harm finished structures my great adventure playground the. two hundred sunken ruins in the ukrainian capital from politicians i saw
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a young adventurous sounds of freedom. thirty minutes to. meet the germans new and surprising aspects of noise and culture in germany. us american keep music take a look at germany it is increasing at their traditions every day lives and language and this time i. saw a young good. guy r t w dot com the german. sling and if. you look at me speak your language. for content in dari pashto. specs for returning to our web special future life in germany and the prospects for
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those returning. join the discussion on t.w. dot com and on facebook. prospects for returning. to w made for mine.
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this is deja news coming to you live from bali and showdown in spain the clotted on the to define as a deadline to abandon plans for independence madrid now says if he starts taking back control of the breakaway region on saturday also coming up britain's brags it talks on north.


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