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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  October 30, 2017 12:15pm-12:31pm CET

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i have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life and i choose not to live as a gay man some americans are angry they're speaking out against basi advice columnist dan savage saying there's no amount of drunk or closeted that explains away assaulting a fourteen year old child and another twitter user sherry wrote my gay son and his friends fight stereotypes constantly shame on you kevin spacey for linking assaulting a minor with coming out as. federal reserve chair janet yellen term is up in february who will replace her and announcement is expected soon erhard is more on business in one minute. what drives the economy. to see it drive.
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me to germany always has its finger on the pulse. of the market. and go to. germany. g.w. . nationalists are on the rise. i am taking too much strain to highlight different shades of nationalism to find out what that nation me to you. to show you go and join the conversation on to dublin you on twitter and on facebook. one of the most important jobs in global finance is up for grabs us janet yellen stand at the helm of the us federal reserve comes to an end well the finances on
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tenterhooks who will be donald trump pick as the next chairman of the fed. taking c o two out of the atmosphere and putting it back into the house with scientists help mitigate manmade contributions to climate change. a welcome this is. one of the most influential posts in the global finance is up for grabs this week u.s. president on the trump will announce his pick for channel chairwoman of the u.s. federal reserve currently that post is held by janet yellen by the time expires in february. she had recently tightened the fiscal reins after a period of extremely loose monetary policy triggered by the financial crisis of twenty nine yellen could theoretically continue in the job but it's highly unlikely that president trump will ask her to stay on he said on friday that he had quote
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somebody very specific in mind somebody he would say he things everybody will be very impressed by so who is it going to be the leading candidate is your own power a former investment banker who is a member of the fed's governing board already markets would welcome his nomination believing he would continue with gallons fiscal policy something that would please democrats as well despite the fact that he is a republican also stanford economist john b. taylor may be considered but his chances are slim insiders believe he would raise interest rates too fast so why is this job so important in the world of international finance put that question and a few others to your cause president of the european school of management and technology it is very important job central banks overall have great importance they have even more importance following the financial crisis given the
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extraordinary measures say of taking for example in the so-called quantitative easing so the massive buy up of sovereign debt of corporate debt this is certainly a key function of the world economy also the dollar is very important for the world economy is it not it is certainly actions taken by central banks may also have impact on exchange rates so the way exchange rates go and also the way politicians actually would likely sex change rates to go play it in very important role in particular when it comes to trade relationships and also when we think about the surplus and deficits we see in the exchange we europe and the united states. if you look at the candidates or at the most likely candidate what can we expect any real change in monetary policy the current expectation is that he would more or less follow the route that janet yellen has taken so this means it will slowly keep and continue raising interest rates again to basically normalize the situation and this is maybe the opposite to some others who are also in the run where the expectation
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might have been to actually see a fast return to normality and so this is why i think the overall expectation is more of the same. in terms of deregulation of the banking sector trying to sort of announce that he wants to kind of loosen the reins as well what can we expect them what does it mean for the rest of the world this is a step that has to be taken and consider very carefully given that the financial crisis showed that there was less regulation at very decisive points for example and in particular less capital to be helped by banks so it's very important to not go back to those stages ten years ago where it might be possible is to look at the bureaucracy that has been piled up in certain legislative procedures so maybe there's a little bit to be done but it's also important to focus on the key points. has regulation in the u.s. become too harsh after the financial crisis it was an overreaction i do not think it's an overreaction because we have to keep in mind that the losses to the world
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economy to the taxpayer has enormous and it's really has to be the case that this doesn't happen again at the same time we need more assessment more impact studies to see how certain aspects of regulation really have played out and more evidence needs to be taken in order to figure out what is the next step in regulation why was from so unhappy with your own briefly if you can you know most basically nominated by a democratic president and it seems to be that a republican president also wants to have someone who is republican because thank you very much for this analysis. if there was any doubt the new i phone ten would be popular it's been put to rest major suppliers to apple were among the best performing stocks in european and asian markets on monday morning after demand for the i phone ten exceeded initial supply major i phone assembler foxconn was up one point eight percent in taiwan and shares of anglo american ship maker dialog semiconductor also trading higher in frankfurt right now apple started offering the
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hotly anticipated new device on friday and within minutes the company was forced to push back shipments to late november and then to december shopping malls used to be an integral part of everyday life in america they were social harms attractive for teenagers as well as pensioners but since online shopping sites like amazon have taken the shop out of shopping many malls of closed down one shopping center in california is bucking the trend reinvented itself as a lifestyle center catering to the rich and famous and fulfilling the needs of hollywood professionals. this new beverly hills mall has said it's aimed at the high end focusing on glamour luxury and relaxation it combines entertainment and retail spaces to create a one point three million square foot venue with over two hundred shops and restaurants huge video screens and a stage been added to the outdoor plaza to host concerts film premieres and fashion shows fox sold the land and the land that we're standing on now used to be part of
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the movie business so there's a lot of entertainment ghosts in this space and we're going to be doing lots of fun things with the film community we are here in los angeles we are here in beverly hills it's going to be fun to play because the center is so close to film and t.v. studios the stores have signed up to a new partnership to provide a concierge service for movie constant designers and wardrobe department stylists spend huge amounts of money on fashion when buying t.v. or film wardrobes it's a move that's supposed to make life easier for stylists. and we need to have a variety of clothes to do that so you can either go to one store or you can come to a mall that has three major department stores everybody and you can get so much shopping in a centralized place so that's great but then to have this to do a service angle where they're taking care of us and make it easier to do it it's really just icing on the cake for us california has always easily adapted to market conditions this shopping mall seems to have found its nice serving las elite and
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hollywood's professional movie making community. fossil fuels like coal and oil still account for large amounts of the world's energy needs for out there also contribute to rising levels of c o two in the world's atmosphere at the same time tropical rainforests that naturally absorb c o two are still being destroyed at an alarming rate to make way for that there are now around eight hundred gigatons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that's a whopping eight hundred billion tonnes but that's nothing in comparison to the huge levels of carbon dioxide that can be found in fossil fuel still lying dormant on the ground ready to be exploited. so maybe it's time for some global engineering that's a phrase describing the attempts to help fight climate change with technical means swiss engineers working in iceland have found a way of removing c o two from the atmosphere putting it back into the ground call
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it project capture. this isn't science fiction it's fully functioning technology swiss company climb works has a plant that sucks an atmosphere of air with the help of giant fans and filters out the carbon dioxide seven hundred tons of aid every year. the captured gas is diverted to a nearby greenhouse in an atmosphere rich in c o two plants grow more quickly because they have access to more carbon the process turns a compound that would otherwise damage the climate into a product that can actually help it. and. we want to reach our climate goals of effectively reducing the amount of c o two in the air we can only do it by separating it from the other gases in the air and storing it long term in the earth . a strategy also being pursued in iceland this geothermal plant taps hot steam from underground volcanoes c o two also rises to the surface
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of the boiling masses of lava there it's mixed with water and pumped back deep beneath the surface. it's this mixed income seen here who needs the rest of the what it needs. to tear down two thousand two thousand meters. climb works has built its business model around this concept. anyone wanting to improve their carbon footprint can have some c o two captured by the company's filters. for a fee of course. during this test phase we're trying to define a pricing model and it's more expensive today than it will be in ten years we want to get it down to just around one hundred dollars a ton we're looking for customers that will take the first few steps with us and the next ones to. gain. the c o two capture system can be set up anywhere in
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the world with good access to basle to the volcanic rocks large pores work well for the long term storage of gases and bass alters common on every continent one more reason the climb works founders are convinced their technology has a bright future. our vision is to capture one percent of global emissions in ten years that's three hundred million tons of very large number but also realistic it's still early days in global engineering the field of changing the climate with technology but ambitious projects are showing that the sky really is the limit. and that's it for me on the business team here and. you can find many most stories at d w on the school business and i do follow us on facebook on twitter if you don't all read the more news on the dow here at the top of the hour thanks for watching by.
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christianity on pop music on the five hundredth anniversary of the reformation pope explore to ask. what did john pop musicians think about religion from
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a deeply devout hip hop on a mission from god. talking bubble gum ball. who got some may be but even contemporary music inspired by the divine topics for next. superstar. revenue sharing the riaa. box twenty one special on mountain news how. much influence does a rebellious monk still have on on sunday trisha. welcome to quadriga art what is it that. you thought you had a business. women's talk. smart women.
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smart talk with. smart state. w. when cities are in golf by the sea. all the. long. and costly protective measures. challenging our future starting november nights own.
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welcome to pop export five hundred.


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