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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  November 15, 2017 6:15pm-6:31pm CET

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it is just the beginning and that more measures are needed to halt global warming. and zimbabwe's army has seized control of the state broadcaster and deployed tanks on the streets of her all right it's denied it's leading a coup against ailing leader robert mugabe as a power struggle over his succession continues. you're watching the news coming to live from berlin javier's up next with the business news after a short break here that. my first vice i was a sewing machine. when i come home women are bones by this ocean villains even something as simple as learning how to write a by side isn't. since i was
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a little good i wanted to have them by cycle of my home but it took me years to been might have. finally gave up and went to buy me on my side and returned because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for those than writing advice as no i want to reach out to those women back home blood bones by their duties and social rules and inform them about the basic rights my name is the about of the hook and i wore them. at. the biggest airplane deal in history has just been signed at the dubai airshow the lucky winner is european giant bus and a group of low cost airlines which will receive four hundred. thirty shiny new
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birds. also on the show russia and vanessa have signed a debt restructuring deal but will it help because asma due to a steer his country away from bankruptcy. and folks are going to face this investigations at home ad abroad it's being accused of tax evasion in germany and of collaborating with the former military dictatorship in brazil. it's time for business on the w m how you got to get us thank you for joining us airbus has just struck its biggest deal ever in the wake of reports of weak sales of its a three eighty super jumbo it now received a juicy order from u.s. private equity company indigo partners the order is a big one but for smaller planes though four hundred thirty single aisle planes of the a three twenty neo family for a whopping fifty billion u.s. dollars that would provide indigo which is state of the art aircraft for several
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low cost carriers it owns in north and south america and here in europe. but those planes are too slow let's speed it up what about a london to new york flight in three hours it still sounds a little crazy but a u.s. startup wants to bring back supersonic airplanes fourteen years after the legendary but unprofitable concorde stopped flying the new supersonic generation of airliners should be faster quieter and above all more cost efficient it all adds up to a real super sonic boom at the dubai air show. this could be the future of passenger flight the new supersonic jet called boom traveling at twenty three hundred kilometers per hour it would be faster than any other passenger plane ever built and with fifty five seats one of the smallest for now visitors to the dubai air show can only see a few small models but it's turning heads i think supersonic can only come from a newcomer if you're boeing or air bus your economic incentives are to iterate on
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the same product you are making for decades for super time to come it's going to have to come from a new company there of only ever been to supersonic airliners and they proved to be expensive impractical and even dangerous but today many of the hurdles that plagued the t one forty four and the concorde have been overcome concorde was a technical fix acid an economic failure fifty years later we've got new technology a carbon fiber composites a turbofan engines which allow you to do supersonic for seventy five percent less than concorde talk there have already been seventy six orders if everything goes according to plan the first planes will be delivered in six years the number of eylandt in the world for whom the susan attractive product. limited which will might like to go because trans pacific trans atlantic perhaps to killer apps fool them again how many airlines will be buying that that's a more complicated question but its makers say it's a product for a lucrative need
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a flight across the atlantic in the boom should cost around five thousand euros within the budgets of business class travelers well venezuela surely approaching bankruptcy at supersonic speeds now the cash strapped country has signed a debt restructuring deal with russia it will ease the terms and conditions under which must repay some three billion dollars it owes moscow the deal comes just a day after credit ratings agency standard and poor's and fitch declared the south american country to have partially defaulted on its debt. venezuela isn't paying its bills and is already in partial default now it's overdue a four hundred twenty million dollar interest payment the deal with russia will help fund that at least but the three billion dollar amount is nothing compared to the country's sixty billion in bond debt despite the rot in the domestic economy the country's central bank has been considered a reliable bond issuer always paying on time as recently as sunday president
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nicolas maduro said his country would never default his communications minister making clear where the government places the blame. for a year say need three financing for venezuela's foreign debt has begun in a coordinated manner. we are clearly overcoming the siege at the trumpet ministration national assembly president julio baugus and other representatives of the right in venezuela are attempting in venezuela. the fabric of venezuelan society is beginning to tear a few months ago the u.s. imposed sanctions on venezuela the e.u. has followed suit with a weapons embargo and travel restrictions on some government officials desperation is mounting economists estimate venezuelan inflation is running as high as seven hundred percent food and medical supplies are scarce as the country scrambles to save money. five percent of its exports are crude oil
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imports an overwhelming majority of its food and so. things that are immediately when imports are slashed. investors are demanding a default declaration for the state oil company p d vs a to do to its own financial mismanagement a country practically swimming in oil is now drowning in debt. to a company drowning in bad news now more trouble for folks that are german the authorities raided the offices of several senior officials at the controversial automaker this time in connection with an extra high salary paid to it works council chief band was told prosecutors say that could amount to an illegal waste of corporate funds and a form of tax evasion the news comes just after a v.w. was also accused of collaborating with brazil's former military dictatorship. and all matter what car brand you're driving no one likes traffic jams but if you think yours is annoying at the mongolian chinese border they are taking it to the next
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level trucks are lined up over a one hundred thirty kilometer stretch of road it's not only harming the health of the drivers but also the mongolian economy. thousands of trucks lining up along the unserviced roads of the gobi desert coal is back in demand especially in china imports from the neighboring country of mongolia quadrupled in the past six months alone the borders however haven't caught up with demand they're understaffed and drivers are waiting for up to a week. i have nothing to do except to wait in line in my truck. i try to distract myself from getting bored i cook and so on it's very boring. a micro economy has popped up around the coal caravan meat cigarettes petrol hawkers are supplying the suffering drivers.
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the route through the desert is dangerous especially at night it's easy to accidentally steer off the road but often alcohol is the cause. of this job is very risky of life threatening but we have no other choice we have nothing else to do. the once a booming state of mongolia has slipped into economic crisis the country stood on the brink of bankruptcy earlier this year that compounded the pressure to quickly process exports to china yet there's no improvement in sight in fact fear that smugglers will try and enter the country has led to even stricter checks and jews are dwindling finances the building of a rail route has now been put on ice it seems the only ones who can move on hindered around here are the camels. and that's why there's other means of transportation thailand's iconic long tail boats might soon get a make over a silent one also known as the ganga was of the south the vessels typically have a second hand car or truck engine and a propeller attached to the end of
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a long pole they are fast but no easy and smelly now a german company is trying to spark a revolution on thailand's waterways. they might be iconic but they can be quite a nuisance as well on bangkok canals and floating markets longto boats another only a familiar sight but a familiar sound as well thank you. david hunter and his team want to change that today they're trying to convince the local authorities that going electric has many upside. brought one of their test motors along after all proof of the putting is in the eating. most people's mind when they switch from a combustion to an electric is how long my battery lasts. but i think for areas like this where. you don't go too fast an electric motor can go all day
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without recharging so i think once people get to understand it and feel that anxiety they had before or quickly be taken away. before they can go for a piece in the conventional motor needs to be removed then the much lighter talk ito engine is mounted to the boat you know only takes a few flicks of the wrist. first mr true on the local boatman doesn't seem to trust the three horsepower drive. but the slim engine provides all the thrust he needs. at this now you have like ten. but yes. this is my daughter and. after a few minutes delicious skepticism gives way. like mine this motor definitely has enough power and it's so easy to use you just
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turn the handle. thailand tourism authority is already on board with the new technology. they don't have any noise pollution. environmental lucian and also i think it's really good for the peoples around here too because they quite happy about the thing is more peaceful. and will be will be very high profit for tighter it's an industry. providing the investors don't shy away from the costs of two thousand euros the retail price for this model is about . ten times as much as a comparable combustion engine its peace and tranquility however is certainly priceless. and that's all for this priceless coverage of the business headlines see you next time or whenever you want on e w dot com take care of by.
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entering the conflict zone fronting the powerful so far the political fallout from catalonia has independent feed shows no sign of being contained my guess this week
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here in brussels is sprains foreign minister alfonso das face how has his government failed to prevent the country's worst was arguably its most predictable from the trickle crisis in decades with. no detail. the whole d w one. w made for mines. their black and living in germany. she's reminded what that means honesty. presenter. nothing. and all this. group and being you know different than the way. she traveled to germany to meet other black people and to hear their stories. it's as.
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i grew up in a white family in a white neighborhood it was definitely a challenge. and she decided to put me up for adoption. the main thing was to keep your head down and your mouth shut of course of the face like this i could never completely disappear if you see all these stereotypes about it because it gets you. to do something for your country but you're still the black . afro germany starting december tenth. so far the political fallout from catalonia is independence bid shows no sign of being contained on the country all sides digging in for a protracted battle my guess this week here in brussels is spain's foreign minister . how has the government failed to prevent the country's worst and arguably its.


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