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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  November 28, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm CET

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i pitied funny because it gave a cutoff and. tells me and i'm accustomed i feel i'm telling the famous potato.
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this is deja news coming to you live from berlin pope francis meets me and my leader aung sang suu kyi the pope calls for respect for all ethnic groups but he avoids using the term looking just to say enough to satisfy human rights groups and the road enjoy themselves also coming up in kenya present who can iata is sworn in for a second five year term he promises to work to unite the country but even as you spoke with his way using tear gas and supporters of the opposition leader and ilo odinga . and the reeds killer guy facilitated by environmentalist threatens to poison relations between germany's two main parties just as they enter talks in forming a government we'll tell you why. loss in the next sixty minutes the internet's currency bitcoin so was to new heights it's now trading at nearly ten thousand dollar. is
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a piece that is bitcoin the stuff of the future doomed to crash. on a warm welcome to you i'm. pope francis talks with me in mali the unsung suchi in the country's capital in a big deal all eyes were on how the outspoken catholic leader would address the issue of muslims they have been the u.n. says they are victims of ethnic cleansing the pontiff said meehan ma was suffering deep divisions and respect for human rights but he did not name the minority muslim group we talked to our correspondent in myanmar in just a moment but first let's listen to what francis had to say. if it incivility josee . any religious differences need not be a source of division and distrust. but rather
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a force for unity and forgiveness tolerance and why is nation building. and for the very latest let's go to a southeast asia correspondent boston hot ticket joins me now from young gone in me and my now still the bullets comments were highly into supported what do you actually say in his address. when we did he spoke a lot about peace and a lot about dialogue for example he praised state councilor and defrocked a leader of myanmar or civilian leader of myanmar and censored she for her peace process she of course is the one who has been pushing forward a few choices between the army and. a multiple ethnic ethnic groups in this country because there are many internal conflicts in this country some of them the most long running in the whole world and she's been trying to push
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for a peace process there and to hammer out a deal of course something that is extremely difficult and that is extremely complicated so he praised her for that but he also said that this process of peace building can only be successful if there is a spirit of solidarity and if there is a spirit of tolerance and he is he included all religious and all ethnic groups and in that and he said that it can only be successful and peace can only be achieved if the basic rights of all these groups of all these ethnic groups and of all these religious groups are respected and he you can be sure he included the rohingya and that even if he didn't if he didn't name them by that by that name if he didn't use that word. he faced a lot of pressure in the before this speech from both sides from human rights groups and in britain to activists and many muslims who said he should use the term
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because it gives the group and identity an identity that there that there's that there craving for and in a dennehy that the myanmar government in the myanmar military wants to deprive them of because they're saying they are illegal immigrants from me and maher now on the other hand even the cardinal the catholic cardinal here in in me and maher cautioned the pope before this address saying he shouldn't use the word to him because it antagonizes a lot of people here it's a very sensitive issue and it would deepen the divides between the religious groups and so in the end he chose not to use the word those who wanted him to use it definitely will be disappointed others will be relieved that's the choice he made emerita bussin of hunting in yangon myanmar thank you very much for that update. to kenya now where after months of election drama who can iata has been sworn in
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for a disputed second term as president kenyatta took his oath of office at a ceremony in the capital nairobi he vowed to work to unite the country after winning a rerun of the election ordered by the supreme court but that vote was boycotted by the opposition and during today's ceremony police used tear gas on a demonstration by opposition leader. and his supporters. now for the very latest let's go live to our correspondent in nairobi catherine on bondo catherine now rana the opposition candidate who lost the election is held a rally in the capital what do you have to say. well he had to say. but the main thing that he said other than the fact that who are working at a president who says government is illegitimate he said that he will be sworn in on the twelfth of december by an assembly of people's assembly that will be constituted and he will be sworn in so that's what that's what lots of kenyans took
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home some ten years it's inside joke because considering we've already just had a president today he supports is this is somehow remains true among them and they seem to be cheering him on so it really goes ahead and get some sups warning in mind assembly next month what would that mean for the country or gravity of the clashes today and police have fired and you still there are some demonstrators. it does mean a trying time head considering that the support base that prime minister right seems to garner is so big so if he wanted as president there is a large kenyan population that will see him as the legitimate president so that just feeds into the divisions that are here in this country but then also that gives rights discussions of sufficient well. we have western kenya that has been agitating saying that if we cannot have free and fair elections and if everyone's
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voice doesn't count then there is no point in kenya and they would rather start their own country and this is also the case for the coastal region so now this is just going to speak to the people who feel that they are not included in this particular country and that spelled problems for president hu kenyatta who says that he is president for kenyatta of course was given a rapturous welcome as he took his oath of office for a disputed second term what he said about overcoming these deep political divisions in the country. well he says that he is ready to unite the country he has extended an olive branch to the opposition saying that he is the country is the president for everyone and that this was the issue of competing visions and not necessarily who is evil and who is good and he will use the visions of the opposition to in his in his government other than that he's. president and there doesn't seem to be
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more of a push for dialogue with the opposition so it could be some difficult times ahead that's one on one do in nairobi thank you very much for the bring us up to date with the latest from nairobi. lissa take a look at some of the stories making news around the wild french president in modern micro has spoken to university students and booking of fossils capital. the president sought to make a clean break from the past saying that he came from a generation that would not tell africans what to do and that he would rather focus is efforts on bridging ties between africa and europe. thousands of travelers are stranded on the indonesian island of bali after an erupting volcano force authorities to close the airport for a second day mount our goal is shooting massive columns of smoke some whole kilometers into the sky the government has ordered the evacuation of more than one hundred thousand people. argentina says
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a submarine that went missing for twelve days has had reported a short circuit before contact was lost it was caused by water that entered the vessels snorkel the search for san one with fifty four members is still on the way but hopes of dwindled after a noise consistent to an explosion were said to be detected last week. russia says it's lost contact with a weather satellite that was launched earlier today they say the material and has not reached its designated orbit it was only the second rocket lift off from russia's new washington actually cost one room. you're watching the d.v.d. is coming up ahead. is not the poorest countries in the world it's also a transit route for migrants trying to reach libya and then attempt a dangerous crossing to your of you traveling tunisia ahead of the cool you summit underway this week in the ivory coast. and the lights are on at the burning
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christmas market hit by a deadly terrorist attack last year but how safe do people feel in a public venue in the german capital. but first ben joins me now from businesses and he's been tracking bitcoins recordbreaking ascent welcome back this is pretty amazing i'm better it's almost at the ten thousand dollar mark last weekend the price old for the nine thousand dollars that was just last weekend because the best known of thousands of crypto currencies the digital payment systems in which the currency is created or privately owned computers using a technology called block chain bypassing central banks is currencies can undermine monetary policy and investors on protected central bank is one bitcoin has no tangible value and is destined to crash well is that its value is determined entirely by supply and demand so it's very sensitive to market developments as you
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can see in this chart for example china decided to ban because of exchanges that was back in september where that red line is and you can see how it fell by about thirty percent but soon it more than doubled again. recording has never ceased to surprise markets and now they want to cash in on the rush the world's largest derivatives market place the chicago mercantile exchange group says it will start offering bitcoin futures by the end of the year in recent days three hundred thousand users are reported to have signed up to bid going bring the total to over thirteen million but it's still quite hard to actually buy things with it a slew of trading platform such as fancy dot com and fast tech dot com offer everything from armchairs to ferrari's and watches but these are peer to peer sales platforms you won't be able to exchange your bitcoins for that flash b.m.w. in your local showroom but they can buy you some things. there are coffee bars that
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will only accept because like this one in prague you can book that perfect trip to the mount on expedia with big current and speculation is rife that amazon could soon accept because for payment. with japan also recognizing bitcoins is legal tender it could be said that the crypto currency future is looking good so if bitcoin doesn't actually crash it'll probably be only a question of time before the broader economy has to join the rush. but the pleasure of having our new york correspond again quarter in here on this side of the atlantic. thank you excited about bitcoin having i don't have any myself no but well it's pretty amazing if you follow the development you do have colleagues who have i do have two younger colleagues who actually just bought them about two weeks ago being daring yes yes maybe more tech savvy. can we trust because i would say they are established and believe they do make
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sense and especially it's not that you want to buy stuff which bitcoins but also that you can avoid certain banking fees for instance and therefore i think they are justified and established but if people missed the boat is it would be a good time to jump in now when it's setting one record after the next timing is always difficult and you shouldn't forget it's very complex what happens with chains what happens with bitcoins warren buffett famously said not about bitcoins but in general you only should invest in something or at least once he does what you understand so do you understand block change we understand because if you do if you believe in it well the sky's the limit the central bank is. actually understand it. well the central bankers are very skeptical because bitcoins are still not really regulated so that's one concern that they're having and then you shouldn't forget who is behind central banks it's often your typical bank and
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a lot of banks are not too crazy about bitcoins because it's competition for them so there is certain reason why there is some skepticism so where is the ceiling the reckon it's going to go through that ten thousand luck very soon and even further well that can happen any time and but this speed is quite amazing just at the beginning of the year we had big concert about seven hundred now we are more or less at ten thousand so the sky's the limit to knows where we are and if it's five thousand the right price fifteen thousand well it's still pretty young so nobody really knows what about the technology behind of the block chain is it really going to revolutionize international finance as so many who say well the revolution in arise is a big word but in general yes i do believe that block chains are an important part of the automation of the financial industry and you already see that in so many parts that humans get replaced by ai technology by machines so be blocked and it's
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an important part of the automation that's going on by the way not just in the financial industry in the energy industries and in many more it's called a great to have you in person in studio with us thanks. not initiate one of the poorest nations in the one it's location in the middle of the sahara desert has made it a transit route for refugees and migrants trying to cross the mediterranean and to reach europe some awfully islamist extremists others a simply seeking a better life ahead of an e.u. african union summit starting later this week correspondence yun for live shots and andrea increase travel tunisia to meet some of the refugees there. rest in peace brother reads the text above the only photo david van gogh has of his friend a few weeks ago they tried to cross the desert from the jet to libya but the truck got stuck in no man's land for nine days. of life when even he was hundred copies
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there's no food no water no even shoot when in the night the breeze which. is not really was because when my friend came in to see him iran's two alan died in my hand so. and i want to use it. for now being good staying in a camp and i got is run by the international organization for migration. he was rescued by soldiers but his friend died of thirst more and more migrants are now dying in the desert until two thousand and fifteen human trafficking was tolerated in asia however under pressure from the european union the government is taking measures to combat it and human traffic is a choosing more dangerous routes rather than starting and i got as many begin their long journey further south in zone there. he works at the bus station and so on there. he's responsible for registering
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foreigners on behalf of the sultan of on there one of the most powerful religious leaders in the region. so lay attempts to record the details of every migrant who enters or leaves the city. but his power as an overview a limited telecom when it almost no human going to the people from the region consider us to be the traditional authority. we talk to them. and they usually agree with us. so the overall number of people moving away from here is declining. to one yet but the people from outside i'm now using new routes and don't pastor here anymore so many of them. a new group is just arrived they intend to cross into northern africa. so lay wants to convince them to stop their journey. he's promised them
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a food donation as an incentive but he's uncertain who will find it money is hard to come across in this region is on there also provides shelter to thousands of war refugees many of from nigeria they fled the violence of the terrorist group boko haram. so late takes us to me to nigeria and family living in the city. escaped from his village in nigeria. two of his four wives and two of his sons were killed in an attack by boko haram. he's grateful for the assistance provided by regional authorities even though his children often go to bed hungry. i just want to return to my village but it's too dangerous if i go back now they'll kill me and my family we have to wait but as soon as we hear that boko haram is no longer there we will return. more than anything that had been good just wants to go
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home like hundreds of other migrants stranded now got is he's abandoned his dream of reaching europe and wishes to return to his homeland alive. to the on a nation of madagascar now and a frenzy over sapphires a sudden increase in the size and quality off the stones found there has sparked a mining rush tens of thousands of miners and jam traders have headed into the rain forests of madagascar the illegal trade is taking a devastating toll as we hear in this special report. we set off on a hike to visit illegal gemstone mines deep in the forest we have three days' worth of provisions and camping equipment with us the track should last around six hours although we were warned this would be no ordinary hike.
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this is why so many people are drawn to this forest sapphire blue sapphire especially is known in europe but in madagascar sapphire comes in all colors the precious stone represents hope for a better life for the people of madagascar one of africa's poorest countries last year an especially valuable kind of the gemstone was found in the protected forest of kenya hani mena the discovery has since drawn tens of thousands of people from across the country to this forest to mine for it illegally. we plod along after six hours it becomes apparent that we will need six more hours to reach the mine. our porters tell us we won't arrive before dark so we set up camp and spend the night here. all goods cantering and leaving the forest must be carried most of our porters originally came here as miners drawn by the prospect of
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finding the precious gems but they say they turn more money carrying things. that when we set out the next morning it's weather and body or walking is much more strenuous. suddenly the injuries start singing. injuries are lemurs that can only live in this forest we hear them but we don't see them. two days before the track we met environmental activist and labor advocate. in a protected area for this endangered species. injuries live in small groups and
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they need thirty different kinds of leaves to survive these leaves are only found in the forests of eastern madagascar the injuries habitat is under threat by the illegal mining. so the tourists come to visit. because of the lemurs and the. people think. because we can get money from tourism and people here do need money desperately. after hiking for nine hours we arrived at one of the numerous mining villages and this protected forest. but no one is hunting for sapphires today people are doing their laundry getting haircuts or playing card games sylvia susana is applying makeup as a sunscreen she explains that thursdays are five faddy means strict to boo in the
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melodies the language. there was recently an accident at the water a man fell into the river and he died just because he worked on a thursday. only. last january this vegetation was dense but once sapphire was discovered people settled here and cut down the trees most are laborers from middlemen in the gemstone trade. sylvia used to work in the gem mines in the south of the island nation but then she heard that the gemstones here were much bigger so she switched to these mines leaving her four children at her mother's house. just a moment but i can't visit them because i haven't found any sapphires i sell these freighters just to earn some money and. i mine for a malak easy boss he pays me one cup of rice per day no money.
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to environment and mine ministries employees join us one of the requirements of our filming here the mine ministry staff member did not want to speak on camera the man from the environment ministry hesitated at first but then agreed. and i mean i get sad when i see the forest like this it is sacred the government has already taken action against the sapphire mines and the destruction of the forest but poverty drives people here they destroy the forest the government chases them away and they just keep doing it. one of the views. of the illegal mines are also politically charged sources told us that government circles have their fingers in the gem trade and the money that had been earmarked for clearing the mines disappeared from one day to the next but no one is willing
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to talk about it on record the next morning is over and everyone is back to work sylvia is on her way to the river with her suv the coveted sapphires are lying just a couple of meters beneath the surface the silt and sand are washed away everyone hopes to discover a precious stone but most have no luck. sylvia hasn't found a single gem since she arrived in genuine. i . dream of having a stone house so my four children can be comfortable and so my mother won't suffer as she grows old i am my family's only hope i will stay and till i have found another sapphires even if it's hard.
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sylvia susanna and the other sapphire hunters are working toward their dream of a brighter future at nature's cost. the international olympic committee has banned five competitors from the two thousand and fourteen so she winter olympics for life anti doping rules violations the bans included dimity two and then coffee and alexei and the good value to gold medalist from the four man bobsled team as well as my athlon really a silver medalist romanova and all of. the latest bans bring the total number of russian athletes handed life bans to nineteen the i.o.c. has said it will decide next week on the participation of russian competitors at the upcoming young chinese winter olympics. in soccer news one antonio pizzey has been an appointed coach of saudi arabian national team the
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argentinian previously a previous post was with chile which he steers to this year's confederation cup final ultimately losing to germany sees a third coach for saudi arabia in just three months he replaces for mobile industry coach beth phantom out of dick who was on the hot seat for just five matches saudi arabia will be competing in next year's world cup. don't forget you can always get a deed of news on the gorgeous download a after movie face off from the athlete still doesn't give you access to all of the latest news from around the wild as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use the deed to have a after send his photos and videos. he was in need of a news coming to you live from london i have no coming up for you shortly to stay with us if we get.
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washing hands listen hundreds of these kids daily routine. now and development project is teaching them home in the ten samian capital of our sonoma clean water is in short supply not just there is lots of putrid sewage and jim and n.-g. o. is helping to counter the effects of living with a place to sit. closer in forty five minutes on d w. pope francis is here in myanmar and his visit couldn't come at a more crucial time in more than six hundred thousand muslim or hindu i have fled the country to escape from what many are calling ethnic cleansing will the pope find the right words to address their plight without deepening the religious and ethnic divides that are tearing me and mark parts for full coverage of the pope's
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visit join us here on the w. news. they look like. they know what we think. and soon they'll even know how we feel. well i'm not a real person but i'm still just in pieces so when. scientists around the world are working to measure our emotions. so hopefully. i can be a helpful piece of software. a virtual person as a therapist or a robot as a teacher neither would have human empathy. what does the female need to do to create empathy and a medical context where i disclose more information to a person or to computer in this case algorithms instead of feelings measuring emotion starting december sixteenth t.w.
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. this is news coming to you live from berlin i'm pleasure to have your company our top story this hour full france is held talks with me in laws leader aung san suu kyi the pope of respect for the rights of all ethnic groups in in ma but he did not mention the by name so she has come under immense pressure for not stopping what the un has scored textbook ethnic cleansing against the range. of the planet is also the focus of a new online campaign it was launched by a young french activist named general along with his group called the love you can see him on the wall he's gained millions of followers online by posting videos to you tube vine and other platforms and he's urging his followers to take action today fredricka from a social media desk has more and she joins me in the studio welcome great to see
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you so what is gen up to so i'm rita right now is on the ground in bangladesh together with refugees he also managed to get a group of french celebrities to join him on the ground and what they're going to try to do over the next two days is to run a serious of facebook live streams from the refugee camp to raise awareness now let me show you some. images from that live stream you can see it is on the left and he's joins there by or massey who is a renowned french actor they're also joined of course by a huge refugees in the camp and the they want to show essentially what life looks like in in the county and it was actually quite a wanted to this facebook life to read to last for forty eight hours straight so i knew shelley that was quite ambitious unfortunately the internet connection on the
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ground is not good enough for that so they instead had to break it down into different smaller parts and then he should have also has a dedicated stuck on line an online campaign love army forward and as i mentioned the aim here is to raise awareness about the violence that there were he just had to face but also to call upon governments and international corporations to do more to help these recent incident to who they could have even to reach with this campaign well for example of the one of the first targets was the turkish president air do one who in the past has condemned what he calls a genocide of muslim or hindu or muslim and he also turkey also sent food aid to bangladesh in the past so reached out to do on and in a tweet he is he you can see his appeal here he says we are asking if the turkish president can help us with our mission please everyone retreats and use the hash tag air do and help and this hashtag actually within hours it was already trending
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worldwide and the turkish president has responded to that. official twitter account saying that he is i mean turkey is ready to support the initiative and that they will be putting their will be different resources available to help out and they are doing is just one of the many that they are trying to reach out to they're also trying to reach. other global leaders and companies such as facebook amazon and nestlé they're trying to get them on board as well because of am bush's special disposed to have through he just got the full scam guide out by the love me how successful have they been but yeah that's right i'm retired and in fact john has already been behind two successful crowdfunding campaigns this year in a march he and he's a love army group managed to raise almost three billion three million dollars excuse me for victims of famine in somalia and they did that they did that in
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a matter of days and they also had a similar project to raise funds for victims of september earthquake in mexico so i mean the gentleman who is also regarded as a web star in france i think it's fair to say that he is somebody who has already proven in the past he can turn on light activism into real results predicable you from a social media business thank you very much for bringing the story to us you're watching the news still to come. the new bollywood epic that has triggered such uproar in india is releases be delayed indefinitely. we'll have that story for us shortly. now are you being you decision to extend the license for the controversial to say it could end up complicating chancellor methods efforts to form a government now the problem is that
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a minister in methods conservative bloc made it a go it alone decision to vote for the license extension with the support of the party currently in coalition with them confused let's explain. the weed killer known as st has been given the green light for five more years german agricultural minister close down schmidt paved the way for the extension schmidt a member of the cd use bavarian sister party the c.s.u. isn't chancellor merkel's cabinet but he says the decision was his alone. this is an inch this is a decision that the minister in charge must make if he considers it appropriate and i considered it appropriate. i still believe the decision was right. environment minister bob hendricks of the social democrats has always firmly opposed the extension for life with st that's why in germany abstained during
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previous votes the c.s.u. ministers yes vote in brussels is a serious misdemeanor and the eyes of the s.p.d. . this is a serious breach of trust within the government and light of this unilaterally taken decision i ask whether from our goal still has a grip on her own people. chancellor merkel has spoken with the agricultural minister she made it clear that schmidt violated government regulations. and this did not conform to directives prepared by the federal government in terms of the issue itself in contrast to hendrix i am more on mr schmidt side but the behavior does not correlate with what is stipulated in the government's rules of procedure. for the chancellor the timing could hardly be worse it comes just as she had planned to negotiate with the c.s.u. and s.p.d.
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about forming a grand coalition while the social democrats believe the controversial weed killer damages the environment and people's health the c.s.u. feels it's a practical aid for farmers either way the debate is disrupting talks in other areas. staying in germany and chancellor mechanize express shock at a knife attack on a conservative man known for his migrant friendly policies the attack took place in a kabob rested on the western german city of altena authorities say it's likely the stabbing was politically motivated local media say a man asked. if he was the male and then stabbed him a first time was taken to hospital but released later in two thousand and fifteen the man became known nationally for his birthday many policies towards refugees.
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ok let's go to. kim sorry we were trying to get a political cause on there but let me say we say vijender for our next story and the berlin christmas market targeted by an islamist attack a year ago has opened for the season twelve people were killed and many more were injured when an attacker drove a student truck into the crowds of the nineteenth of december last year for some course in the attack the memories are still painful. it's one of the german capital's most popular christmas markets last year it was also the target of a terror attack we're at berlin's by chai plots. but this is what the christmas season in germany is all about enjoying at last a while why not one of the many christmas markets but can that be possible to enjoy when everything reminds you to those who lost their lives in last year's attacks
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let's fight it out. of any commercial survived last year's attack just he was selling mulled wine to a customer when the truck smashed into his stall leaving him badly injured. captain egg i mean wolf we talked to comes in i just saw the truck approaching us then the hot to suddenly collapse. i can't remember anything after that i woke up as rescue workers were pulling me out of the wreckage. yes. the fire veiled you know. it's holding on. the truck had already hit a group of people before reaching the nice hot twelve people were killed in the carnage dozens more were injured a year later security at the market is tight more police officers are on patrol than usual.
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this is the place where the truck plowed into the christmas markets during directly into a group of people these concrete barriers were set up to protect the visitors but they also keep reminding everyone of the current danger of further attacks. it's a danger that has become normal across europe. the recent on that i guess it's a different feeling it's not the way it used to be we were here the day before the attack and then it happened it's terrible. for us i'm nice to see it that's for. me and i agree with many others we can't hide after an attack like this it's a christmas market we have to come back in the summer but i'm not smart yeah obviously i am as valid celebrating the fact that we're alive and we still have each other we won't let them frighten us yeah the last of those nice yeah it's only
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been seeing. those who died are being remembered at an associate's temporary site an official memorial will be unveiled before christmas. turning out of that story about a european union decision to extend the license for the controversial weed killer glassful set which could end up complicating chancellor merkel's efforts to form a new government now political correspondent on the sparrow is following that story and joins me now from our parliamentary studios so to me at a loss of what impact is this dispute going to have on the go see asians are from forming a new government well it is still unclear on rita whether there will be formal negotiations to form a new government between the conservative bloc and the social democrats are something that will be decided initially on thursday but if they did start formal negotiation one key element would certainly be very problematic and that element is
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trust trust is something that is obviously necessary between possible partners when they're trying to form a coalition and trust is something that was not present or that has been affected after the decision by the agriculture minister in brussels that is something that will be a big challenge for angela merkel and for the other partners in a possible coalition to try and rebuild that trust if there is going to be another grand coalition in germany. merkel b.b.l. be able to keep a grip culture minister in office they've already been calls for his resignation here. that's correct she has already criticised the minister she has already said that his decision was not in line what with what had been agreed in the government she already said that that's something that can't happen again even in a caretaker government but the important thing here is that it's a caretaker government and that it's not as easy as it could be in other
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circumstances for the chancellor also a caretaker chancellor in this case to possibly fire the minister so that's something still unclear it's a question being discussed here in berlin for now angela merkel has said this is a situation that can't be repeated. you know will that be enough almost for the social democrats america wants to form a new government with them yes that's initially one merkel is planning to do see if there's any possibility of forming a new government with the social democrats again it is still in a very initial phase the next big step will be the discussions that all the leaders in this possible coalition will have with the german president's hand while to see if there is a possibility of forming that new coalition and i do expect those conversations to also include the episode the situation that we're discussing now and see if that trust that has been seriously affected here can in some way or another be rebuilt
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in those possible conversations just as a big modern politics thomas founded our fundamentalists it is thank you very much for that. let's go to ben for more business and he's going to tell me when i can expect my next period is bad very soon and really good that is if our bosses do listen to the advice from the organisation for economic cooperation and development the world economy is growing faster than in years but not for long that's the year we see these report card released today we'll talk about the results with the organisation's chief economist in a moment first a look at the figures. the company is one of globalization's winners they produce fans in germany china india and the us everywhere demand is climbing employees worldwide profit from it it's a trend that's been confirmed in a study by the organization for economic cooperation and development or o.e.c.d.
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it states that people in industrial as well as developing countries profit from globalization according to the study globalization can bring down unemployment in many countries consumers like to spend money on products from around the world the o.e.c.d. estimates the global economy to grow by three point seven percent in the coming year that zero point one percent more than in twenty seventeen according to the o.e.c.d. the us is the world's largest economy will grow considerably in twenty eighteen but the euro zone's growth will be slowing down at only two point one percent and that's mostly due to bragg's it and the unsolved debt crisis in southern europe japan's economy will grow by one point two percent according to the o.e.c.d. and china will grow by six point six percent and twenty eighteen. experts are predicting strong growth for export champion germany the number of positions for skilled workers is rising but refugees won't be able to fill that gap many of them
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remain unemployed the o.e.c.d. has suggested including more women in the workforce that's why children's daycare and kindergartens need to be built the o.e.c.d. is also calling for lower taxes and special tax breaks for working couples. sounds great let's talk to the o.e.c.d. days chief economist catherine man who joins us from the group's paris headquarters we've got wind under the wings but with flying catherine what did you mean by that right. what i mean is we've got twenty seven thousand looks very good in terms of growth that's the wind under the wings but you know we are flying low in the sense that we are not growing as fast as during the two decades prior to the financial crisis and a lot of expectations both for individuals about their prospects for their future as well as businesses thinking about should i invest they're thinking about those
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two decades and really are keying off those as to whether or not they should be profit internet we also lost fifteen percent of the g.d.p. per capita in the financial crisis so we have to fly higher in order to make good on expectations make up the gap and create signals for business to invest and if we are flying low one of the obstacles we could run into we at risk of flying into. governments a private sector that doesn't want to join in well so the real issue in terms of flying low is if you're if you're heading into turbulence and that is a matter of financial turbulence we've got indebted countries many have taken on far both the consumers and i and the businesses have taken on a lot of debt over the last decade of course we have the public sector that we can worry about but actually the private sector indebtedness we think is larger but
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it's also even more important because it makes households and corporations vulnerable to interest rate increases and a changes in market sentiment now while employment rises wage wages and no rise when can people around the world working away expect a change some sort of pave rights. well this is a puzzle that we we observe tightening labor markets and yet wage demands are actually not very not very robust i mean in germany for example very very robust economy the wage demands actually are quite modest and even even given the minimum wage increase that that the country had so this is a puzzle but we think one key ingredient is lack of productivity growth it's not growing very fast the productivity and wages are related to productivity growth because why would you hire another worker and pay them if if they weren't going to
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be super productive in the company now it troubles while that's been pointed out as britain and the break that uncertainty. economic growth there will continue to weaken. the warning bells are ringing but is the u.k. doing something about it well the u.k. you know took a referendum they made a decision there is a lot of issues that have to be addressed in order to get to the deadline of the exit from from the european union in march twenty one thousand so that kind of uncertainty is weighing on economic activity in britain and then of course the longer term after the exit takes place there are a number of issues that have to be addressed then as well ok chief economist of the o.e.c.d. catherine man talking about the wind under our wings warning though that we flying
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low is far as global growth goes it looks like we're going to have another cup a couple good years but it could start tapering off thank you very much for being on the show today. thank you. these are preaches from the new india an epic period for it but nobody featuring a bollywood star pick up but corny a film that has cause widespread protests in india by hardline hindu groups and subsequently its release has been postponed now can hamstead from did obvious got to discus here to tell me more about this ok for those of the people who don't know what is this dispute all about ok well it is indeed a very complex story as you know i wrote to the indian filmmaker sanjay leela bhansali made a film based on the story of
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a fictional queen from an epic poem by malek mohammad joss's so in this poem queen padmini chooses to kill herself by self-immolation rather than be captured by this muslim sultan killed. that story has become an important part and a key part of russia put history because this was of course how she saved her honor even though it's not clear that she actually ever historically existed the film however was rumored to have a romantic scene between queen padmini and kildee and this of course has hindu groups and put caste organization in india in an uproar there of even been some very serious threats made by a member of the ruling hindu nationalist party b j p against the lead actress had connie and the director himself so let's have a quick look at the summary just to get it all straight.
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he was supposed to come out on december first it's a big budget hollywood production based on the legend of a fourteenth century hindu queen. and a muslim invader. the movie has provoked strong reactions and protests. in new groups and iraq put cost organization say the movie is an outrageous distortion even though the movie is based on a story and not on historical facts. suraj of india's ruling be j.p. made a shocking offer of a more than one point two million euro reward for the beheading of the lead actress or director. so far the movie has been seen by few outside the immediate production company
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circle and much of the controversy is based on rumah. the us trailer shows the hindu queen together with her husband as he prepares to defend his land against invasion. from other quarters they have been complaints about the trailers apparent portrayal of the muslim emperor as a bloodthirsty marauder. so will the public ever get the chance to make up their own minds. good to see the director sunday. is going boy is extravaganza offensively also productions but good at the pick up a good he's a sensational actress what award is the status of the film now am i going to get to
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see it well you know i can't tell you when you're going to see a lot of people are waiting the release was postponed indefinitely obviously and the film has been banned in some states in india even though there is actually no legal basis to do this on the threats actually even widened to include the burning down of cinemas in the u.k. that dared to show this film so i have to add there that other members of the b j p have distanced themselves from such radical statements and said of course their own acceptable and the supreme court did dismiss a plea to have it banned outside of india so definitely some some liberal voices coming to the fore there but there have been protests also in support of this film the indian film industry was long criticized for being kind of silent over the whole thing but they finally did take some action and multiple groups of production houses and shooting units actually today staged a fifteen minute blackout where they stopped all filming these are earlier. protests in support of the film this just really underscores just how toxic
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politics have become in india and this is definitely a case of not distinguishing between real history and of course fictional art and they be fickle and this seems to be happening against the backdrop of the larger fight over indisposed and presently another example of just how absurd these frictions have become as a story that we actually reported on last week you probably remember when the hardline internationalists wanted to demolish india's most famous monument the taj mahal now it's also one of the wonders of the world a great tourist attraction but great resentment there on the part of. the hindus that it was built by a muslim and christian emperor so a lot of unpleasantness and a lot of coming to a head obviously in the context of this film called him shit from account today very much pleasure. it was indeed on the news coming to you live from more coming up in just a few. but by. washing
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hands hundreds of these kids' daily routine. now a development project is teaching them home here in the thames a new capital of. clean water is in short supply last there's lots of putrid sewage and german n.-g. o. is helping to counter the effects of living with waste or set for close up in fifteen minutes on. the fast pace of life in the digital. shift as the lowdown on the way that it shows up new developments useful in for. mission and anything else worth knowing. brzezinski the reason is finds. looks over the shoulders of makers and users.
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shift in forty five minutes. sustainable protection for the earth ideas designed to preserve our ecosystems they exist around the world. global ideas takes the next step protection for our planet's biological diversity trailblazing projects. dot com slash global ideals. the other one into an official estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. but. why return to. to visit friends is that i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. bearing witness global news that
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matters. made for mines. pope francis is here in myanmar and his visit couldn't come at a more crucial time in more than six hundred thousand muslim or hindu i have fled the country to escape from what many are calling ethnic cleansing will the pope find the right words to address their plight without deepening the religious and ethnic divides that are tearing me and mark parts for full coverage of the pope's visit join us here on the w. news.
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this is day dublin.


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