tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle November 29, 2017 9:00pm-9:30pm CET
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just because you can see violence against children doesn't mean it isn't there make the invisible visible of us might violence against children disappear. this is d.w. news live from berlin a court room turns into a crime scene the united nations tribunals for the former yugoslavia a former bosnian croat general is dead after drinking poison as judges upheld his
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twenty year prison sentence for war crimes also coming up the european union and the african union that meet in ivory coast to discuss ways of dealing with the flow of refugees from africa in to europe and. it is a situation that we will have the. u.s. president donald trump is north korea with new sanctions that's after pyongyang tests its most powerful weapon yet a missile that some say is capable of reaching the east coast of the united states . i'm bringing it's good to have you with us and we begin tonight with poison in the court room a former bosnian croat military chief has died after apparently swallowing poison
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during a hearing at the un's tribunals for the former yugoslavia slobodan paul yak drank the contents of a small bottles seconds after the court upheld his twenty year prison sentence for war crimes and crimes against humanity. slobodan project was about to go to prison for what would probably be the rest of his life the judge confirms a twenty year prison sentence and then this. i'm not a war criminal i oppose this conviction stop police police adult confusion at first and as the judge moves on to the next case calls come from within the court i have taken point. to ok. we spend the. we spent pleas to
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curtains later it became clear that died from the effects of the poison. nowhere was the war crimes tribunal more closely followed than the town of muster divided during the war years and best known for its destroyed and now rebuilt starry bridge one prominent pro at war veteran had this to say about the tribunals and projects suicide but as. we do the same it would be hard to serve time in prison while people are mocking you. this verdict will not lead to reconciliation in bosnia and herzegovina as for the hague court it should be accused of being a joint criminal enterprise itself. others held in camps during the war saw some justice in the verdicts. you know they did those things it's bad that they were sentenced for a war crime. but. what all of us who had been in camps expected at least the
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confirmation that this was a criminal enterprise. the tribunals may have finished its work but reconciliation is clearly still some way away. for more on that now we want to go across to either sell the beggar village from bosnian serb resigned it's good to see you today croatia's prime minister called the rulings at the u. when war crimes tribunal unjust and unfounded why. yes well creation prime minister and a playing quidditch held a press conference today and told a reporter this that actually what the product did which was a suicide was a symbol of the deep moral injustice for the six both man croats that was a deed which symbolizes how deeply he was convinced that the thing that he did was the actual right thing for the boston and croats he said actually by this final
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verdict i c d y also confirmed that craig was involved in the conflict of the boss and has to go during the ninety's and this can bring a lot of consequences for their relationship from the end of boston had to go into as it with ross a massive responsibility and guilt of the crazy as a country for the war crimes in bosnia and herzegovina and that can be actually a reason why the prime minister. stated this today you know i don't see this this speaks to the fact that there remains a lack of clarity when we're talking about culpability in in the woodwork and what does this mean then for any chance of reconciliation you know today i mean we're talking about something that happened more than twenty years ago. well yes actually it happened more than twenty years ago and this verdict or this reaction on the
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verdict doesn't tell any good for the reconsolidation in boston and i suppose you know and the whole region i have to say i think all the writings are still rooted in the society especially in boston her sylvia people are still ethnically divided into croats serbs and bosniaks and there are still divided schools where pupils from the same class are learning different history depending on from which ethnic group are they coming from at the same time a lot of citizens are leaving the country they're not is not employed and this can only versed in the situation in the whole region for example in ma status which is the biggest which is the biggest city in the boston area there are already officially morning mr prout yak which tells that also in bosnia and croats they're not they're not accepting today's verdict and i'm going to briefly we're running out of time but i want to ask you we were talking about you know the perpetrators
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here but what about the victims and what kind of legacy does this leave for you know the people who were victims of the atrocities. well international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia is closing now after twenty five years and this will leave a lot of i have to say still thinks the victims are not always satisfy their passion passionately satisfied for example about the verdict or that african law ditch. victims are still to say satisfied about the genocide and the very big that he is to be blamed about the genocide instead benita he actually wasn't blamed for the genocide in other six countries six cities in bosnia herzegovina the closing of this court is
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a historic goal think for the whole region. but only with the will of both the co-leaders the ricoh solution can only begin. the back of it church. service tonight i think you thank you very much. here's some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world police in pakistan say gunmen have opened fire on worshippers outside a mosque in the capital islamabad they say three or four attackers on motorbikes shot at members of the shiite community after evening prayers at least one person was killed several others were injured zimbabwe's high court has acquitted an activist of plotting to overthrow former president robert mugabe a week after the long time leader resigned after a military coup pastor evan maher riri led large anti-government protests last year and he called on the country's new leadership to drop similar cases against
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other activists. bali's international airport has reopened after wind blew away volcanic ash and smoke thrown out by mount argonne flights had been canceled amid concerns the cloud posed a threat to flight safety leaving tens of thousands of travelers stranded on the indonesian i believe yours from across europe and africa have pledged to do more to tackle illegal migration that's amid an international outcry over migrant slave markets in libya and germany's chancellor angela merkel and eighty other european and african leaders are taking part in a two day summit in ivory coast tackling the root causes of migration is the top priority as is promoting stability and more jobs for africa's young and rapidly
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growing population. correspondent max hoffman is at that summit he joins us now from i rico's good evening to you max why is europe suddenly so interested in africa's young people. you just said it brant because the population is rapidly rising it's the population with the youngest the continent with the youngest population but at the same time the continent with the . highest rate of youth unemployment and this is only going to get worse of the economies there don't start lifting their fair share so the europeans know that at the same time they have the migration crisis on their hands and so the thinking is if they don't do anything about the situation help the africans do something about the situation then the migration crisis is just going to get worse so that's the simple explanation for why the european union they'll suddenly seems to care about the youth of africa and briefly max we run out of time aren't european leaders that
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really are the just more interested in keeping refugees and legal migrants out of europe they are in the short term interested in that but they know and many have said that including the german chancellor i get a macro that they won't be able to do that if they don't help the african countries to get up to speed with their economies because as long as people here or in some african countries at least look for that into the north to europe for their future then the migration crisis is only going to get worse on our max hoffman tonight at that summit in ivory coast max thank you very much. u.s. president will trump has said that the u.s. will quote handle the situation he's referring of course to the latest ballistic missile test by north korea he says america will impose additional sanctions on pyongyang he's also called on china to use all available levers to influence north
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korea now for its part china has voiced grave concern and it's called of course for more talks to resolve the crisis pyongyang claims that its latest test launch is a new type of missile and some experts believe that it's capable of hitting the united states mainland including washington d.c. . north korea to raw am finitely claims it has become a global nuclear power after a lull of a two months it has fired another intercontinental ballistic missile this one flew much higher than previous ones before landing in the sea of japan. so let me state media announced the news in a special broadcast it said the launch was a complete success and that the new messiah represented a giant leap forward so i don't know about. pyongyang things this
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brings the whole u.s. mainland within its reach a direct challenge to president on the tramp but this time his reaction was more muted than before after meeting with his secretary of defense trump refrain time from issuing threats. you know what we tell you that will take care of it we have general most of them with us and then a lot of discussion about it. it is a situation that we will handle. north korea's immediate neighbor was less restrained within minutes south korea responded by firing missiles into the sea to demonstrate its ability to strike pyongyang's launch sites the south korean president said the international community had no choice but to continue applying pressure and sanctions against the north. you know. just action does not only increase tension on the korean peninsula but gravely into angels international
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peace and security and we strongly condemn north korea's reckless behavior from you . soul has warned the situation could spiral out of control the united nations security council will hold an emergency meeting to discuss the situation and for more on the above cations of this latest missile tests we want to pull in lisa collins in washington d.c. she's a fellow with the korea chair at the center for strategic and international studies it's good to have you on this show a lot of people are saying ok a nother missile test isn't it time for the international community to accept the north korea is a nuclear weapon state and try to co-exist peacefully. so there are experts who do argue that we should do exactly that acknowledge north korea is a nuclear weapons state and then deal with the situation and then there are other
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experts to disagree with that and believe that if we allow that to happen north korea's nuclear weapons state it would do great damage to the nonproliferation treaty regime and it would also give other countries around the room and a reason an excuse to develop their own weapons so there are these arguments out there on both sides ok you know there's a lot of criticism out there there are calls for more action which means more. get more severe against north korea i think they can one of the best things that we can do with regard to sanctions is better implementation there's always an argument that china needs to do better with implementing some of the things that have already been passed through the united nations security council and so i think we should follow up on that and there's also secondary sanctions that the united states has been ramping up in recent
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months i think the trump administration has even announced that there will be some more sanctions probably coming down the line today and so i think more pressure in regards to financial institutions in china and other countries that are facilitating north korea's money laundering and illegal activities are probably what will be targeted next and begs the question you know why haven't these sanctions been instituted early you're. and what will it take to make kim jong un take notice and care. well i think there are a number of reasons with regard to the multilateral sanctions that go through the united nations security council there are a number reasons why they may not have been as strong in the past and that has a lot to do with china and russia has influence in the voting in the security council and then with regard to you know lateral sanctions on the part of the united states i think in previous administrations the obama administration had
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really wanted to work with china more closely and was afraid of the north korean saying sions taking a toll on the u.s. china relationship and so they had held back on some of the secondary sanctions but we see the trumpet ministration really getting rid of that hesitation. liza collins with the center for strategic and international studies joining us tonight lisa thank you very much you're watching d.w. news still to go white house press spokesman several could be saved as defense president trumps reach weeks of anti muslim videos posted by a far right british group we'll tell you how this latest misstep is going down on this side of the way. our time for business news now china exerting pressure on german firms operating in china yeah that's right brian i mean china claims that it's open to foreign firms but actions speak louder than
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words and it's not proving to be the easiest business to climate not chinese communist party is trying to infiltrate german companies securities there to increase influence over management decisions now that is according to a german industry body it's warning that beijing is trying to increase its influence through party councils inside the companies. chinese law requires companies with three or more employees who are members of the communist party to allow those members to set up a party so for a long time these were just symbolic units but now german companies in china report increasing pressure to actively set up new cells or strengthen existing ones it's not a small problem china's huge market is critical for many of germany's best known multinationals . some five thousand german companies have operations in china last year alone they invested six point seven billion euros in the country. in full one employs ninety
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five thousand workers at its factories in china engineering company bosch is also a major force with sixty thousand people on its payroll there siemens has just over half of that. first of all i think you can set up these party cells always been set up by party members when there are three party members within the company then you can set up a party still i think the difference where would we have some examples is that they have been the companies have been actively approached to support that i think this is the difference i mean setting up parties sales and also more influence of the party is not a completely new thing in china. says the cells are meant to help companies better understand chinese policies and to settle disputes that is beginning to make businesses easy a quarter of the firms recently surveyed highlighted legal and regulatory reasons for not increasing their investments in china. uniters hate to say the brits is set
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to cough up on the brags it bail and it looks like they'll be paying a little bit more than prime minister to reset may intended britain owes the blood money from longtime financial obligations we're talking things like investment programs infrastructure projects agree to a before the in out referendum and the actual amount is what has caused such a stir critics are accusing the british prime minister of sending the u.k. short a settlement could mean that real negotiations about future relations and trade could start soon newspaper reports that the two sides have reached an agreement in principle for the u.k. to pay between forty five and fifty five billion euros in a bragg's a bill to the e.u. the payment has been a sticking point in the recently stalled negotiations led on the british side by briggs it minister david davis the e.u. was demanding sixty billion euros from the u.k. as a kind of tap to be settled before brags that
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a collection of budget commitments and pension promises expected from the u.k. through the year two thousand and twenty the e.u. has vowed not to move forward until that bill is settled the new offer has been expected in recent days the u.k. needs to move beyond the divorce phase of talks before it can negotiate a future trade pact with the bloc a critical issue for its post breaks economy the possibility of leaving without a deal is widely viewed as an economic worst case scenario e.u. chief negotiator for breaks that michel barnier said he was hopeful a deal could be reached before a december council meeting or recover your we're working hard on these issues so that i can say to the european council on behalf of the european commission that in a few days time we have reached a sufficient level of progress for the european council to decide to move on to the second stage of negotiating a future relationship up. through negotiation that effort to haunt us. others of us. meanwhile that rapidly swelling bit coin bubble could be set to
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bust in spectacular fashion the cryptocurrency skyrocketing slamming through the ten thousand dollar barrier just hours ago and now eleven thousand but there's been a flurry of crypto hedge fund launches and futures trading platforms boosting its value with the prospects of the controversial currency crossing over into the financial mainstream it will be interesting to see if and when it does some bosses call it fraud the lenders could be made redundant by the currency as it bypasses them as the middlemen using instead block chain technology as an online that. now retreating can be paralysed let's hope this next story serves as a cautionary tale of what not to do on twitter bret that's good advice i would say hell i'm a spokesman for britain's prime minister says the u.s. president almost trump was quote wrong to read tweet inflammatory anti muslim
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videos from a far right group in the u.k. and mr truong we do the pose several hours ago from the deputy head of the group britain first claim that the videos show violence carried out by muslims. u.k. labor party lawmaker. responded on twitter donald trump is from od'ing the propaganda of a racist far right group his invite to visit the u.k. in twenty eight teams should be immediately withdraw but theresa may's office says plans for the visit remain in place dutch media have reported that at least one of the reed tweeted videos it was presented in accurately it had the caption quote muslim beats up dutch boy but the dutch platform that posted the original video denies that the perpetrator is known to be either muslim or
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a migrant reporters in the us asked white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders today whether it matters if the videos are fake and here's what she said but you're focusing on the wrong thing the threat is real and that's what the president is talking about is the need for national security the need for military spending and those are very real things there's nothing fake about the. faith so our rights in formula one remain are set to return to the sport after a more than thirty year hiatus the car manufacturer will sponsor the formula one team next season as part of a multi-year partnership the italian car maker were last involved as a constructor in one thousand nine hundred five alfa has a rich history in the sport winning the first two formula one titles in one thousand fifty and one hundred fifty one. fever has unveiled the official poster
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for next year's world cup in russia honoring legendary goalkeeper lev yosh in a vintage design and the world cup p.r. height doesn't stop there ahead of friday's group drawl russia has also unveiled its world cup inspired designs for moscow's subway system. russia's p.r. machine was in full swing at the official world cup post the launch as well as honoring russia's space program i thought ball legend was appropriately placed front and center. lev yashin regarded as many is the greatest ever goalkeeper is the only shot stopper to have won the prestigious ballon d'or and the black spot as reputation still resonates with players and fans today. is that emotion of the most of this is very powerful because love yashin is a big figure who is known worldwide even today and i'm sure that in several hundred years this man will still be remembered. the country's trains are ready. and the
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stadiums are on schedule two now all eyes will be on friday's world cup draw which will determine the match ups for the group stage despite russia's slim hopes of success fans are hopeful their nation can still be competitive you know the final it will be between brazil and germany we have to be on the list it will support russia but if we qualify from the group that will be perfect. after investing one point six billion euros russia believes the world cup is in sight and. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you a former bosnian croat general has died after apparently swallowing poison during a hearing of the war crimes tribunal for the former yugoslavia slobodan drake the contents of a small bottle seconds after the court upheld his twenty year sentence for more crock. after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day stick around for that.
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entered the conflict zone a new president has taken the oath of office in zimbabwe but you see any different from the old one my guest here in london is nick by one of the u.k. representative of the country's rulings on the fear with thirty five years of bloodshed on the news on the economy really just business today have continued to govern. in sixty minutes. when i'm traveling i like to be comfortable. but i also want to stay up to date on the latest news events.
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