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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  December 6, 2017 6:15pm-6:31pm CET

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in that nominees be younger than fifty. all right you're watching the news that we still have a lot more to tell you about look out for those bitcoin millionaires as the cryptocurrency breaks through the twelve thousand dollar barrier or shine paying corks are popping for some lucky investors will find out what's inflating bitcoin and ask is it about will. and we'll be going live to washington for donald trump's expected announcement on recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel and that's at nine hundred central european time stay tuned for that great effort is all things. when i'm traveling to be comfortable. but i also want to stay up to
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date on the latest news events. and d.-w. makes that part of traveling easy because it's available and thousands of hotels resorts cruise ships road lie. or have you found a domain signing bonus a picture that shows d. w. in your room you can win a great prize d.w. dot com travel quiz. volatility has a new name as mainstream investors jump on the bitcoin rollercoaster the virtual currency breaks through the trial thousand dollar barrier. also a booming business at stake it's fate depended on the result of nafta negotiations
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well the. mexican export of christmas stars flourish of say with the festive season getting underway. and the battery being so if the car industry does not give you the innovations you want create them yourself this man is on a mission to make mexico city go electric. all this and more now on the w. business i'm gary offers welcome to the big con roller coaster seems unstoppable the cryptocurrency broke through twelve thousand dollars this morning and has now hit twelve thousand five hundred soaring from less than one thousand dollars at the start of the year but analysts warn the price surge is based on nothing but a speculative frenzy and the bubble is poised to burst that's not stopping some stock exchanges and futures markets from joining the party. bitcoins may be a mystery for most people but many are intrigued by the crypto currency bitcoins
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are mind in massive data centers such as here in china the currency only exists online there's no bank or financial institution behind it the cash flows are anonymous and there's little oversight and yet big coin is currently enjoying an unusual run. at the start of this year one bitcoin was worth one thousand dollars but for weeks there's been a lot of hype surrounding its more recent surge in value on wednesday its price reached a record high of over twelve thousand two hundred dollars that means bitcoin has jumped in value by over eleven hundred percent an unparalleled rise. it's even called the attention of the reputable trick cargo commodities exchange which announced plans to begin trading big confucius investors will be able to buy and sell bitcoins at a fixed rate this will make the currency much easier to trade even japan's on board bitcoin is listed on its stock exchange now the ones g.b.'s cryptocurrency is well
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on its way to entering the financial mainstream. everyone seems keen to jump on the bitcoin bandwagon just germany appears to be a bit slow on the uptake i asked our financial correspondent com about who's know why. you will never be able to really trade big calling itself here frank exchange the whole concept of those crypto currencies based on big screen of too much control of classical market operators all of central banks but also this idea of the future contract on the because unlike the one that this chicago market operates a came up with here you know i talked to a guy at. the market operating here and he said they're looking into this but they still have many questions if you want to create and run a future contract which is basically a bet on holding all rising prices of an asset the underlying assets the big
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calling here must be very liquid it must be traded a lot it must also be transparent and. you know there must be. it must be allowed by the supervisory authorities but out of boston here in germany the financial supervisory authority is very very critical of calling it has said it's not even a currency because it's not given out by the central bank so there's still there's still a lot of discussion going on and it's not happening here in frankfurt yet current bid technology are a bit coin is called block chain it's a complicated way to encrypt transaction makes them secure it's a new buzzword really are the german authorities missing the boat here. oh you know the block chain technology is very active in trying to track many people here in germany's financial center are working on this technology don't for example itself is using block chain technologies in several projects one project it's running with
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going to spank you can use the block chain technology in many regards when it comes to handling money not only record on abuse in frankfurt thank you. the european union's tax haven blacklist released on tuesday is causing outrage it contains no e.u. member state but seventeen others named and shamed for the way they attract multinationals to do business maybe i'm is among them the government there is shocked and trying to fight back with an a maybe a finance minister categorically stating we are not a tax haven officials say their country is being treated unfairly and discriminated against they've demanded the e.u. remove namibia from the list the country expects to lose out on international business as a result of the campaign along with others like barbados macau and similar. now south african based furniture company steinhoff is tumbling after alleged financial misstatements the c.e.o. and the chief of african subsidiary star step back on possible cases of insider
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trading and manipulation of company results the dutch retail holding has its operational headquarters in south africa and is considered ikea's biggest competitor in south africa and operates retail and logistics companies the upcoming financial report was postponed indefinitely and shares of the multinational fell more than seventy percent at the frankfurt stock exchange. the us canada and mexico are locked in increasingly difficult negotiations over the north american free trade agreement all sorts of sectors could suffer if the deal is dropped which is what u.s. president donald trump has threatened again and again mexico has been busy growing millions of poinsettia plants for example known for their large bright red leaves and especially popular around christmas in many parts of the world and these florida sports are a million dollar business. the so-called christmas stars or christmas plants adorn
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squares aves and living rooms around the world this christmas mexico plans to grow and sell more than sixteen million flowers hoping for export to the plant to top one point two million dollars the main destinations of the united states in canada . where now the experts of the flowers go to a lot of countries in europe to major cities to the united states to asia and africa. a lot of them but they're not your when a flower which is also called the christmas flower the point setter or the flower of love this flower represents the face of mexico to the wild. the future of the trade of course is unknown with enough to negotiations underway it's hoped officials ensure mexico's flour was continued to bring holiday joy to people know of the border. even if you like electric cars like i do you
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might not have enough cash to invest in state of the art technology that comes straight from comic us assembly lines these days well if you're handy and enjoy a bit of tinkering unlike me why not take matters into your own talented hands and do what hector rose from mexico city did he decided to update the trusty old folk song beetle with an electric engine. with fourteen batteries under the hood hector ruiz drives into mexico city's rush hour traffic an electric beetle with zero c o two emissions a rarity in the mega metropolis with five million cars jockeying for position smog blankets the city people choke on exhaust fumes. yes there's ways that i will upload this here is my contribution it shows that we can all do something for the environment we have the same air in china india germany and europe everywhere. he spent four thousand five hundred euros for his electric motor the batteries were
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customized for his needs how many kilometers can he actually drive per day how fast can he drive. with the wind in this city and he has a car that costs sixty thousand or ninety thousand euro's and can go faster than one hundred fifty kilometers per hour. but in my city we can't drive faster than twenty or thirty kilometers per hour. built the motor himself replacing combustion engines with batteries that's what the fifty eight year old does all day in his workshop sustainability means that you don't always have to get a new car. it's a big advantage that we have when we use it's already been built transform it into something which can still be used but without a negative effect. most of the population can't afford to buy a new electric car but since it's mostly those residents who are causing the air
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pollution it might be the smartest idea for the government to subsidize the modifications only three thousand euros for an electric car. distance performance charging the batteries from home pos can customize it all. is that. people always wait for someone else to find the solution. but it doesn't have to be that way you think it will be done by people like you and me. we can see ourselves as part of the solution and then solve the problem. of. bigger faster and father but why hector always is serious when he says he's thinking about his children's future retrofitting cars his affection to an economical why wait any longer. they were talking about electric cars in the eighties we've been waiting for decades but i know the car industry only offers really expensive ones i don't want to wait any longer i'd rather have one built for
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me. well looking at the other end of the spectrum off electric mobility lamborghini plans to release hybrid cars in the near future the italian luxury common factor assess the first off the line will be its new sports utility vehicle the. the mccain's chief executive bills that as the world's first. the hybrid will reach a breathtaking top speed of three hundred and five kilometers per hour. and comes as governments try curbing carbon emissions on comic us are rushing to add electric vehicles to that line. and that's it from me on the business team here in berlin gave us we'll have an update for you in the next hour before you go here's a look at what markets right now thanks for watching. enjoy
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the conflict zone fronting the powerful for years now australia has faced a barrage of criticism over its treatment of refugees now it has a seat on the un human rights council and the pressure is intensifying my guest
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this week is alexander downer the country's high commissioner i just. justifying a policy so going to be condemned around the world. t w. my first by psycho was a sewing machine. where i come from women are bound by this motion towards the middle something as simple as learning how to write them by side isn't. since i was a little girl i wanted to have them by cycle of my home and it took me as the months might have. finally gave up and went on buying young guys like this but returned with the sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for girls than riding a bike and now i want to meet our two boys woman back home for vowing to buy them thinking and social norms and inform them about the basic rights my name is them out of the home and i work at the them.
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he tells us storing stories. it makes us laugh. and cry. tremble and smile. magically images and emotions that none of us. know the magazine every gent on g.w. . for years now australia has faced the barriers of criticism over its treatment of refugees and asylum seekers now it has a seat on the un human rights council and the pressure is intensifying my guest this week is alexander downer for the australian foreign minister.


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