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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  December 7, 2017 6:15pm-6:31pm CET

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a vineyard belonging to billionaire rupert murdoch one of the million dollar properties under threat. fire crews struggling to contain the flames for a handful of homes it was a losing battle. and darkness revealed shocking scenes on the four hundred five one of the city's famed freeways with barges go way bigger from now on the freeway. need to get out of here worse the. about two hundred thousand people have already evacuated a number that's likely to increase if wilder winds ignite even more fires. thanks for watching is up next. my first vice like i was a sewing machine. where i come from women are bound by the social rules even something as simple as learning how to ride a bicycle isn't. since i was
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a little girl i wanted to have them by cycle of my home and it took me years to. finally they gave up and went on buying me and my cycle but returned because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more apropos date for girls than writing advice and now i want to meet those women back home who are vowing to buy their duties and social rules and inform them about their basic rights my name is the amount of people and i were eating. at. the global switch to renewable energy like solar and wind is costing jobs tens of thousands of cots saw on the concert some of the world's biggest energy groups.
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more than eighty million people work in illegal mining across the world to make ends meet but the license mining companies want to stop that. this and more right here right now in the w. business and the office the energy sector is undergoing rapid change governments are switching to renewables like solar and wind power and they do it quickly they mean well they want to tackle climate change and save the world but what about saving jobs some economists criticize the big shift to green power sources as too quick it's hitting companies bottom lines and resulting in mosque layoffs around the globe general electric is the latest company said thursday it is axing twelve thousand jobs added it's global power business it's the struggling u.s. group's latest effort to shrink itself into a more focused company. g.e. decided on the cuts it says to save over a billion euros in twenty eighteen the company's stock has plunged forty four percent this year and the downturn is not only affected g.e.
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rival siemens is cutting about six thousand nine hundred jobs its power and gas division has also been hit by the rapid growth of renewables like wind and solar the worldwide trend is towards finding renewable energy solutions like this when park in china which generates clean energy and doesn't contribute to climate change . and solar has become a more realistic alternative since the dawn of battery storage solutions to store daylight energy the u.s. company says it expects dwindling demand for fossil fuel power plants to continue g.e. said the job cuts would primarily take place outside the united states but nearly a third of the company's swiss workforce is set to go and sixteen hundred employees in germany are also likely to lose their jobs. now if there's anything we've learned from the financial crisis and its stance taxpayers shouldn't be the ones bailing out the banks ever again ever since the financial crisis central bankers
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and financial supervisors have been haggling over new rules for banks to avoid future bailouts now the so-called basel committee has reached a compromise on the final block in its overhaul chief mario draghi called the breakthrough a major milestone under the new rules it will be up to central banks to determine how much equity lenders need to keep to buffer risks based on how risky they judge the loans to be until now european and u.s. bank hansberry's had held opposing views on the question the majority of the rules will take effect from twenty twenty twenty. well let's cross over to our financial correspondent corner of booze and in frankfurt corner this been a tedious process that. how did it turn out. well of course this is a compromise and long lasting cover
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a compromise where took a long time until it was really forged out of course you always find pundits who will tell you this is not enough who will tell you that for example the capital of buffers of banks should be higher but also i think we shouldn't forget that this compromise was forged out by supervisors and central banks of twenty eight different jurisdictions you know the eurozone america china countries like singapore turkey switzerland i think it's remarkable that they ended up finding a compromise this is not a given in a time where many governments think that national exit ism is more important than finding common ground. you know lehman brothers was nine years ago in the meantime the. banking sector has grown we have phenomena like bitcoin are these things safe and sufficiently supervised with this new set of rules. you know they're not getting hard and mario draghi and stefan inverse who represented the basel
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committee at this press conference here in frankfurt today clearly said that they think that especially the shadow banking system should be supervised and regulated more and you know phenomena like bitcoin well it's true the supervisors and regulators are lagging behind with supervision they're there just like you and me get hard it takes a while until you understand that innovation and the risk that comes along with it you know the rules are set but will the americans go along with this with the new head of the federal reserve now in charge. that's a very big question jay powell of the new fed chief the designated chair chief of the federal reserve in the past has said at several occasions that he things that governments can't over do it with banking regulation it remains to be seen what he really does and implements in terms of policies when he's taken his oath as fed chief in february contribution in fine for the thank you very much
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just a day of breathing in the air in delhi is equivalent to smoking forty two cigarettes those who can afford it pay a few hundred euros for an air filter in their apartment but most residents of india's capital are left to choke on the pollution. cricket fans hope they'll still get a chance to watch a match that if they can see through the daily small the sri lankan team temporarily stopped play in the test series against india earlier this week because of the pollution india's capital has had a toxic air quality level for weeks with doctors urging people not to go to school or work and residents haven't seen clear skies for a long time believe that they are actively will come here every day for a walk near the presidential palace there's a lot more small can we can breathe properly when we're walking around here that i thought they looked like or if they were to be here very well governor probably.
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data from the meteorological institute confirms that the situation is continuing to worsen. dilution index is five times higher with worsening and quality values usually reaching two hundred ninety to three hundred parts that means exercising running or even walking at these levels can cause irritation. institute has even measured dangerous than use of nearly one thousand parts a big reason for the small gives farmers burning off their plant stubble after harvesting their crops added to that is exhaust fumes from dilapidated old trucks delivering goods to markets in the city and delis estimated ten million cos. i had a fever and a cough my eyes and throat hurt and it was difficult to newark but i still had to muster the courage to work for my children. i'm going to be a manager. or thora he's in delhi a trying to tackle the problem
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a ban on vehicles that don't meet emission standards is due to come into effect next year and burning plastic will soon become illegal but few believe that the new rules will be enforced. our next story is a case of greed versus need the world bank says the vast majority of mine is a round the world working unofficial mines and are totally dependent on the proceeds working in the unregulated industry can be dangerous and would benefit both workers and economies if governments would recognize the shadow mining economy until then they'll remain a thorn in the side of regular commodity companies. in this wasteland on the outskirts of kimberley close to ten thousand informal miners are eking out a living by sifting through the waste of the area's diamond mines locally they are known as some azzam as meaning keep on trying the local zulu language kimberley is situated in south africa's northern cape province and was once the world's diamond
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capital but the boom is long over many of the mines and supporting businesses closed or downscaled and working as a zama zama is the only work available. it is there you see sometimes the police are. sure you have the private car. you receive a lot of these long take us all chances are we have this all. to see from mining affected communities in action is trying to help his n.g.o.s fighting to legalize the work of the zama zamost and to lift the country's blanket ban on informal mining though the government seems willing to negotiate it's the mining industry that blocks the move. interested in helping is a muslim us there even decided to pull out of the meeting that we are with them. they'd be. better off mean they're under source and also the provisional government
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aren't here they have to pull out of that meeting they're not interested in us they are only interested in profit making. it's estimated that close to one hundred thousand people in south africa depend on artists in a mining generating minerals worth four hundred million euros per year yet this is only zero point one percent of south africa's money economy. what we are dealing with the. question of greed versus need so often we see that. in fifty one companies control eighty percent of six hundred billion then market and they are denying people the opportunity to put food on the table even though our legislation requires requires the state to make these the resources available to ordinary south africans if formalize there could be tangible benefits for the south african economy and for social cohesion in one of the most unequal societies
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in existence but for now artists will miners operate in a shadow economy and are only able to sell their non-certified diamonds on the black market. they're filling. their shops. so days no. days. in crime or. yeah we find some. of your food for the weak or for poor we. if no permanent solution for two snow miners like manya is found their future looks bleak. and that's it for me i get us we'll have an update for you in the next hour thanks for watching about.
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quadriga the international talk show for journalists to discuss the topic of the week russia has been banned from the upcoming winter olympics in south korea i made
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my locations of widespread state back to ok i will most all respond and will impact the announcement of on russia's hosting of next summer's so-called world cup find out own country go. next on d w. story so that people world over information provide. the means they want to express g.w. on facebook and twitter have to date in touch follow us. they make a commitment. they find solutions. they inspire. africa on the. stories about people making a difference shaping their nation. and their continent w.'s new
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multimedia series for africa. d.w. dot com africa on the move. unimpeded access to education and knowledge and the same opportunities for everyone. a central goal of the global community but what's the reality on the ground education for all the w's multimedia special remakes personal stories and highlights extraordinary projects the world over find out more on the internet d w dot com education for all. alone a very warm welcome indeed to quadriga where the focus this week is on russia which has been banned from the upcoming winter olympics in south korea over
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allegations of systematic state sponsored doping the.


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