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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  December 15, 2017 4:02am-4:16am CET

4:02 am
family with the it's on of the victims the disaster has become a symbol of london no income residents. ending net neutrality in the united states internet providers their role now be able to throttle speeds to individual websites critics say it's a death sentence for a free and open internet also on the program beefing up against the competition online entertainment giant disney takes over large parts of twenty first century fox the price tag a cold fifty two billion dollars and on hold the. key interest rates unchanged while the u.s. economy looks good the fed raises interest rates for the first time this year. this is the business i'm christopher kober welcome the u.s. federal communications commission f.c.c. has decided to do away with net neutrality rules the landmark decision was put in
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place and twenty fifteen under former president barack obama it barred providers from blocking or slowing access to content or charging consumers more that's about to change the f.c.c. is moving as part of u.s. president donald trump's push to scale back regulation in many economic sectors. next neutrality rules banned internet providers from giving preferential treatment to certain websites after the f.c.c. vote that seems to be a thing of the past. the ending of net neutrality has been met with fury by millions of internet uses both online through social media. and offline at this protest outside the f.c.c. headquarters they say consumers will be forced to stump up the costs of say paying for faster access to their favorite sites or even paying to access certain websites that all. say it will saddle content platforms with costs that they will be forced
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to pass on to their consumers the chairman of the f.c.c. saying it's not the role of the regulator to dictate to business models to the market it is not the job of the government to be in the business of picking winners and losers in the internet economy we should have a level playing field and let consumers decide who prevails actually but for democrat commission a minion cliburn it signaled a dereliction of duty at the public can plainly see that a soon to be toothless of c.c. is handing the keys to the internet the internet one of the most remarkable empowering enabling inventions of our lifetime over to a handful of multi-billion dollar corporations the companies argue they need the money internet users are demanding faster connections for ever more devices and that infrastructure will add to billions in costs to their balance sheets that has
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already been legal opposition to the ruling but for now it's a victory of light touch regulation over big government of corporate america over the average internet user. for more let's bring in deed of your correspondent carolyn assure moira washington carly now we've seen the protests there what other reactions have there been. hi christopher the white house just reacted some minutes ago press officer sarah sanders said that the white house supports the decision to repeal the net neutrality rules and this is not a surprise because as he said president donald trump he is the one who initiated the repeal of that mentality by naming mr perry to lead the a c c also telecom companies like verizon and they are of course pretty happy about today's f.c.c. decision because they are the ones who would profit from the repeal of net neutrality actually this company's hate and entirely because it limits their power
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to decide about who gets high speed internet and who doesn't and not only for users but also for online companies that that led to fix or facebook or the examples you just brought up in that piece now it is a controversial decision what will it take to put it into law judicial pressure definitely and there is already judicial pressure on today's decision some say to tarnish general are already threatening to file a lawsuit against today's f.c.c. is decision to repeal the rules for example new york's attorney general who said he leads a multi-state lawsuit to stop this decision also the washington state attorney general has plans to sue over net neutrality in the next days and this would be another lawsuit of the washingtonian attorney general against a decision supported by donald trump since he has. over terms of migration politics
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too but also the american people chris on this important and the general public they can make additional pressure they are making actually traditional pressure on defending a fair and open internet by putting pressure on their members of congress there actually some republicans who are against this repeal so there is also a chance to make this work in a different way and. the f.c.c. does away from washington after all it is old carolyn a few more in washington thank you so much thank you so watching certain movies on the web may become more difficult in the united states soon in the meantime entertainment giant disney is propping up its online presence earlier today disney announced that it was spending fifty two billion dollars to buy a big chunk of twenty first century fox the deal will see disney take over its filled and t.v. studios as well as cable and international t.v. operations disney's hoping the addition of fox's assets could help promote
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streaming services as entertainment companies compete with online services. let's bring in our wall street correspondent sophie. this is a mega deal we're talking about here what do investors make of it. of course that means more competition more different platforms to choose from for consumers and of course the new plant from phil have to reduce the size of the net place portfolio which by the way it will be shrinking simply because walt disney and about to remove some of their content and has already started to do so and all of the sudden this they have enough money so to become ensure a competitor to not only netflix but also to apple amazon google facebook to everyone in the fast growing realm of online plus they are going to offer a subscription at a lower price than they're like so this is going to make competition much more fierce kristie now as we just heard the federal communications commission scraps
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net neutrality in the united states earlier today likely providing a boon to telecom giants like. arisan how did that go down on the trading floor. well this is the big deal for users and for companies who are offering content online on the one hand and service providers like eighteen t. on the other hand websites are simply not going to be treated equally anymore and that means consumers are kind of going to be drawn to certain websites for example wal-mart instead of target depending on how much these companies that was being able to pay to the service providers they provide the infrastructure and now they can basically do whatever they want to do with the content and the only real rule is that they have to publicly state that they're going to do that i guess no one's going to really mess with the ones here like netflix or amazon so it's going to hurt smaller companies or start ups so few months q new york think you
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know move in frankfurt the european central bank has left its benchmark financing rate at a historic low of zero percent that's despite policymakers demanding the bank's president mario draghi increase rates to match an ongoing recovery in the euro zone economy. europe's biggest economy germany is set to grow around two and a half percent next year according to leading economists the euro area as a whole is also up but that's just not enough for now you know druggy he is once again defying critics once again he's holding rates low and continuing the asset purchasing program that's because while druggy credits the e.c.b. with keeping the eurozone on the right economic course there's still plenty of work to be done. our monetary policy decisions have preserved the very favorable for announcing conditions that are still needed for seeing the return of inflation
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rates towards levels that are below but close to two percent the incoming information including our stuff projections or new stuff projections indicates a strong piece of economic expansion and a significant improvement in the growth outlook. as inflation continues to tick higher up the pressure is mounting on the e.c.b. president to raise rates next time around cash strapped greece says it will have enough wiggle room to cut taxes come twenty nineteen that's when the nation exits its third multibillion euro bailout until then a study will continue and greeks will keep taking to the streets like in today's general strike. the turnout of sixteen thousand here in athens was enough to bring public transport and government services to a standstill boats stayed docked and flights grounded.
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these workers feel betrayed by their government. that choking us exterminating us draining us in terms of population and culture. our children go to foreign countries to find a job this can't go on it has to stop. them no not that we have nothing to eat what else can they take from us there are no jobs there are no pensions there's nothing. all we do is pay but the government doesn't tell us how we're supposed to pay from where we going to find the money. the e.u. and international monetary fund have approved greece's spending and saving targets that part of requirements under a bailout review programme the country is still deeply in debt but is cutting spending and holding taxes high in efforts to reach
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a budget surplus of over three and a half percent next year still consumer confidence has yet to return to pre-crisis levels the greek parliament will vote on the latest batch of reforms next week vital medicine for the economy say the cabal of creditors but for thousands of greeks it's a bitter pill to swallow. thanks for watching it tomorrow. she was
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. they know what like they know what we think. and soon they'll even know how we feel. i'm not a real person i'm still just. scientists around the world are working to measure our emotions. so i can be helpful pieces so with so much will person as a therapist or a robot as a teacher neither would have human empathy. what does a machine need to do to create empathy and a medical context when i disclose more information to a person or to computer in this case. algorithms phin stead of feelings measuring
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emotion starting december sixteenth t w. migration and asylum seekers remain hot topics in europe. but european politicians struggled to provide ounces while those who fled from what might come in family members. because i am german save europe and the refugee crisis incites outlooks in terms of the power. switch on t w. d w he speaks the language. for content in dari pashto. prospects for returning special. needs like germany and the prospects for those returning home. to join the discussion on t w dot com and on facebook.


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