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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  December 17, 2017 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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us in one this is. ten million people in the world the stakes they have no nationality and are totally made up along and. that everyone has the right to. everyone has the right to say or. this is d.w. news live from but it gunmen attacked a church in southwestern pakistan killing at least nine of wounding dozens to attack as talk of a methodist church in porto where hundreds of worship that said gathered the
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so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility. also coming up south africa's ruling policy at a crossroads the african national congress sixty keel divisions and restore public shostak with the election of a new leader. under french say this says he's smashed the around the world so to wreck or by six states stunned officials must now verify the feat. i'm headed home free thanks for joining me we begin in pakistan where a suicide attack on a church service has left at least nine people dead and dozens wounded gunman targeted a methodist church in court where hundreds of worship those who were attending services and head of christmas but he tsunami troops surrounded the church and
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exchange file with the heavily all militants before one of the attackers who himself the so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility for the attack. well joining us now on the line from islamabad is genest assad asked that the so-called islamic states claim responsibility for this attack how credible is that while absolutely so that that's just come in through there a mocking indigency where they have released a short statement claiming that they had sent two attackers to this church now the credibility of these claims that have come in several times before is almost impossible to verify islamic state has done this often where when it's a tactic space and when it hasn't been playing in the hours that follow it they will release a statement that does nick them in some way usually the only way to corroborate whether they were actually involved is if a second statement comes in later in the day which often will have pictures of the attackers or will have some sort of video statement that kind of corroborates an actual physical link to the operational planning of this attack we do know that
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islamic state has carried out attacks or the so-called islamic state has carried out attacks in baluchistan before through local affiliates known as the last cottage and we and other me where so far hearing nothing from that group saying that they were involved in this so we will have to wait and see whether or not this is really a credible claim all right well we're still learning more about the attack at this stage what's the latest you can tell us about the situation on the ground. well at the moment now it seems that the area has been completely cured the police and army have finished their searching for an operations following the attack which occurred somewhere around midday services today on sunday it seemed to attackers worker attempting to gain entry into the compound they were first pretended by the guard who was at the gate that guard was killed by one of them and then the other attackers began to fire as they came into the into the main hall or tried to access the main hall police with an alerted and opened fire upon them one suicide attacker
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then blew up his vest another was unable to blow up his vest but then was continuing to fire for a short while later he was then killed by police as well most of the injuries and the deaths that we've seen have come from we're hearing from the shattered glass and windows that were blown up from the force of the explosion that was outside the church itself and blew that debris into into the church and the worshippers so as of now it seems that the chief of police has said that the search operations are over and they have secured the area as had our attacks on the christian minority comment in this region yes absolutely we've seen unfortunately a number of attacks targeting all the fathers of minorities including christians in the last few years christians have always been a soft target in this country as they are is the number more than in the millions really impacts on that about one point eight percent of the population and so there are hundreds of churches across the country and police say that it's while they do it tend to security at time particularly at times like these in the run up to christmas it's almost impossible to secure all of them one of the biggest attacks
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that we saw was last year of course near easter there was a bombing at a park that was claimed by the pakistani taliban that killed more than seventy five people and was one of the deadliest attacks that year that was dark getting a festival that was being organized for mainly for christians to celebrate easter but there were muslims and all other pakistanis at that park as well this was in the eastern city of lahore we've seen other attacks as well in the last few years generalist. in islamabad thank you. now who will succeed south african president jacob zuma as head of his ruling african national congress party thousands of delegates are set to decide the answer to that question a party congress in johannesburg deputy president serum opposes is facing off against zoomers ex-wife and. the winner is seen as likely to succeed jacob zuma as the country's president and there's no clear favorite. for more on this i'm
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joined in the studio by d.w. christine christine will we find out today who the next party leader will be all while we wait with baited breath and unfortunately in our streets to seem has come from the party's deputy secretary general to say because of the delays that we've seen pretty much since the start of this conference they only finalized the credentials earlier that late this morning essentially that's the procedure that must take place before voting can actually commence there were issues about certain delegates who were who were who were given a criticize who people had issue with and then there were some delegates who claim they could not be a creative side for the conference so there was a lot of issues around that so that we understand has been finalized but hell more delays so we're going to have to wait until probably tomorrow morning at the latest to get the issues delays the divisions are already stark within the a.n.c. just this potentially spell the beginning of the end for the party and if you had made that statement two years ago we would have talked about it being potentially sensationalist but we are in a new territory with the a.n.c.
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jacob zuma leadership of this party has brought it to a place that we've not seen before going into this there were eight presidential candidates people vying for this top job in the secretary general of the party said that was indicative of just how deeply rooted the divisions within this party were at an all time low with its partners they see is that right now one of the partners the the south african communist party refuses to have president zuma address it's congress's so this is where. at this party deeply divided a lot of faction has factions and people say that the threat of the split is real now more than it's ever been the threat of a split and it's certainly a tight race that we're seeing here at the top candidates it is telling that the two top candidates so you've gotten calls on it and it's stupid decision she's a woman she's held several big portfolios in south africa's cabinet including interior minister most recently she was the chairperson of the african union the perfect politician she's
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a woman and that's what people in politics are calling for right now in south africa the challenge she has is she's affiliated with jacob zuma he endorsed her and the problem with her is that people feel that if she takes over as president and potentially the president of south africa in two thousand and nineteen she will shield him from the prosecution that people say he needs to see that he needs to face his day in court we've had various courts in south africa saying he's breached the constitution people want him to be held to account people also feel that his stand upon the states will simply play out through her then you've got his deputies sorum of course or who by the way was meant to succeed nelson mandela way back when but has now come back he's been in business he's come back into politics he said he is ready to assume the role of leading the country his challenges this is one of the richest men in the country a lot of black south africans look at him and think you're too closely affiliated with the white monopoly capital race is still a massive thing in south african society and so serious critics are very quick to remind the public that sort of walls that is so rich and he will only do the bill of the bidding of the western world for example all white people who by and large
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still hold south africa's wealth now we saw that final speech from jacob zuma in the capacity as leader of the a and c. he admitted failings of the party how was it received well here's the thing so you talked about the failings of the party he talked about the failings of of government at large even but he didn't take any of the blame he allocated the blame to everybody and anybody else but himself and people felt that that was a moment that in leader could have taken to say this is where we gotta draw this. his way could be improved but he simply has the blame to to the alliance partners to certain members who had even taken the party to court he scolded people for allowing external forces and influences within the party and people are saying as the leader of the party you've presided over a boss that has disintegrated to the point that we see the divisions that we see today the corruption levels he chose to draw the dirt on private sector corruption and merely glancing over a public safety program in which is crippling that country's economy and and
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keeping investment away christine thanks as ever since then and now some of the other stories making news around the world in kiev supporters of ukrainian opposition figure saakashvili have clashed with police officers used fire extinguishers to prevent a crowd breaking into a building and setting up a protest center there they were among thousands who turned out to support saakashvili he's demanding the impeachment of ukrainian president petro poroshenko . in chile people are casting their votes in a run off presidential election the poll will determine whether the country turns right with conservative billionaire and former president sebastian pinera or stays on the center left course and yet as a potent. is supported by the current president michelle bachelet. in the philippines tropical storm or contact has triggered landslides and floods
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that have killed more than thirty people in left several others missing the slow moving storm passed over the eastern philippines on saturday officials report heavy damage to power lines roads and bridges. police in australia have arrested a man for allegedly acting as an economic agent for north korea he's accused of attempting to broker sales of missile technology in coal to third parties in indonesia and vietnam with a naturalized australian citizen of korean descent is the first person to be charged under the country's weapons of mass destruction act the police have called it a case like nothing ever seen on a stray in soil sydney resident chan hand choice stands accused of working as an economic an agent for north korea he allegedly used encrypted messages to try and broker sales of illegal exports including missile parts and technology in an effort to raise money for pyongyang astray and prime minister malcolm turnbull delivered
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a stern warning to anyone thinking of assisting north korea. north korea is a dangerous reckless criminal regime threatening the pace of the region it is vitally important that all nations work relentlessly to enforce those sanctions because the more economic pressure that can be brought on north korea the soon will that regime will be brought to its senses if its five shown young to expand its intercontinental missile capabilities have accelerated in recent months resulting in a tightening of economic sanctions astray and federal police assistant commissioner neil gown told reporters that the case is a sign those measures are having an effect. by simply as an economic idea on behalf of north korea there's nothing to suggest he's doing anything but that is doing it of a patriotic purpose you know i think at the end of day he would so whatever he could to to make money back to the north korean government i think it does go to show that the sentient suborning the fact that we've got people involved in these type
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of activities and police believe chan hang choi's illicit deals could have netted north korea tens of millions of dollars in much needed revenue. sports news now and sunday's only game in the bundesliga was an eight goal thriller for to win one over and leverkusen the teams traded blows with changing hands three times before they both had to settle for a four four draw well leon a bailey scored twice to secure a point for the visitors the result save leverkusen extend their unbeaten run to twelve games imagine being completely alone on a sailboat in some of the world's most dangerous seas for seven weeks that's what french sailor. says he has behind him after setting a new world record for circum navigating the world solo sailing officials won't recognize the feat just yet has more.
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outs on the open seas alone for forty two days the achievement would be enough for most people for france why god says he is certain navigated the globe in that time if confirmed the frenchman a smash the previous world record set just last year by six days praise even came from up high. on behalf of my crew in the french navy i welcome you on your approach to france. a flotilla of boats greeted him on his arrival back in britain in along with thousands of well wishers. gather put on a show for the crowds and make sure he enjoyed the moment. you need good weather you need luck with the weather i had that i had good fortune . this feat is so staggering that sailing officials will now check his books g.p.s. data to make sure that the world record is genuine.
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thousands of people have turned out at the vatican to wish pope francis a happy birthday the pontiff is turning eighty one today crowds shouted their good wishes to francis as you delivered his weekly address earlier in the day the pope joined children from a vatican medical clinic where he was presented with not one but two birthday cakes the first somewhat more traditional than the second. you're watching news from around the can with get the latest on our web site d w dot com thanks for watching and see you soon. images from an isolated. images from north korea. let me tell you it's a target for captured fascinating shots of everyday life in a regimented society. the north koreans.


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