tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle December 19, 2017 11:00am-11:31am CET
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an exclusive peek behind one of the last armed curtain. a north korean diner starting december twenty eighth on the w. . this is deja news live from berlin germany remembers the night of terror one year ago a failed asylum seeker drove a truck into a berlin christmas market killing twelve people and injuring dozens has enough been done since then to help those devastated by that attack we'll take a closer look also coming up with every decision and every action we're now putting
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america first donald trump lays out his vision for national security the u.s. president signals that america will play hardball in pursuit of its own interests. and a german journalist was released from a turkish prison but is still on able to leave the country will other jailed colleagues also be free. i'm sumi so misconduct good to have you with us one year ago today terror struck in the very heart of berlin a failed tunisian asylum seeker on his omri drove a stolen truck into a crowded christmas market twelve people died and dozens were wounded in the first major islamist attack in germany well talk about the criticism german authorities have faced in the aftermath but first this report.
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christmas in central berlin this truck races towards the market full of people but doesn't stop the driver deliberately steers into the crowd. people have been eating sausages and drinking mulled wine now dead an injured lie among the wreckage of wooden stalls. you heard glass breaking news of people like shouting screaming. and crying and there were like people out there things that were obviously injured . so you are sitting on the ground you heard. that. the man who'd been behind the wheel escaped to italy police found him nearly a week later and shot him dead german politicians initially seemed reluctant to label it a terror attack but the so-called islamic state soon claimed responsibility even then later is urged people to stick together. the perpetrators hatred will not
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tempt us to hate. it will not divide out togetherness. this year people have been determined to carry on as normal but precautions have been made concrete barriers set up around christmas markets now in germany show an underlying concern. and here a bright child plants there's more a makeshift memorial to the dead today it makes way for a more permanent reminder. and all of our salat is at crytek plats the site of the christmas market attack he joins us for more although we just heard a memorial is going to be unveiled today tell us more about that. well first of all the whole area here is cordoned off today and the christmas market itself is closed for the memorial events that are going to take place throughout the whole day so it's a high security zone that christmas market plots were now waiting for the german
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president to arrive going to deliver a speech at that church there you can see right behind me a bit later than the german chancellor on. a memorial side here at the square together with real relatives of the victims it's an artwork it's a crack in the sidewalk that is supposed to symbolize the crack in society so it's a very symbolic day with many events taking place here all in all to honor the victims of the attack that took place a year ago but also to honor the relatives of the victims that have put some massive criticism forward against the german government against. they criticize her for not having shown sufficiently empathy and were very unhappy with how the government deals with the situation in the aftermath of the attack. at the site of the berlin terrorist attack one year on the thank you
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all ever will be coming back in the course of the day. well the to be security correspondent thomas farris with us here in studio thomas first of all let's talk about that criticism that all over just mentioned particularly from the families of the victims that the government and chancellor merkel specifically did not do enough on how is the government responding they wrote an open letter to the i'm going to merkel in which they said that the attack was a tragic consequence of the political inaction of her government those are extremely strong words from the relatives of those who were affected by the attack since then there's a commission put in place by the government to try and deal with the situation he presented not long ago some of his proposals to try and improve the situation not only for them but also in other cases when there are victims of attacks or other situations for example centralized points of attention also more money more
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financial assistance for those affected those are measures that are probably going to be put in place by the government as a result of this attack one year ago is the criticism fair why was this handled so poorly is it seen if you look at i'm going to merkel herself i think she's very reluctant to sort of emotional events she she put the focus more on trying to correct the political mistakes that were made were many political mistakes in this particular case but obviously for the relatives for those affected they really wanted the government they really wanted and get a miracle to show some sympathy right from the start and that's i mean that that didn't happen in fact under merkel last week visited the site of the of the attack and yesterday met some of the relatives to try and express feelings also person thomas this was germany's first major islamist terror attack how is the country changed since then well there's a visible police presence much more visible you can see that for example in the report that we saw with the concrete barriers there's much more police surveillance
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if you will cameras everywhere that's something that just. he's slowly getting used to but it's also they have also been some changes in the in laws in germany to try for example and deport failed asylum seekers more easily an example of the attack was a failed asylum seeker they're also trying to improve corporation not only local or national level because there are many different entities in germany and one of the elements that. really was very visible after the attack is that german institutions were not clear not sure who was responsible for what during all this time so more cooperation at the national level but also more cooperation as well as a european level because we know don is henri not only spent time in germany heels but also spent time in other european countries due to the security correspondent thomas sparrow with us to thank you thomas for that insight now to some other stories making news around the world in south africa the governing african national
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congress has elected a new leader deputy president cyril ramaphosa defeated president jacob zuma exwife in a closely fought race that puts him a big step closer to south africa's top job all of the a.n.c. as last three leaders have gone on to serve as president. protests have turned violent in argentina or the government's planned pension reform authorities say around one hundred people were injured and dozens arrested in clashes outside the legislature in buenos aires the plans to rein in pension costs are part of president. star curb spending and bring inflation under control. and u.s. investigators say a passenger train that derailed onto a busy highway was traveling at nearly three times the speed limit at least three people were killed and dozens injured when the amtrak train left the tracks it was the inaugural run of a new route linking the cities of seattle and portland. staying in the u.s. and president donald trump has laid out his foreign policy strategy in
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a speech that outlined a shift from past administrations his focus on protecting american interests first mirrors washington's changing role in the world the plan focus as dealing with threats from iran and north korea and challenging china and russia both moscow and beijing say they will welcome u.s. cooperation but warn confrontation could bring losses for all sides. in a wide ranging speech donald trump unveiled his new national security strategy let me begin once more he used the blunt language that his supporters love and his detractors. with every decision and every action we are now putting america first with the strategy i am announcing today we are declaring that america is in the game is going to win is dropping previews mentions of climate change
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trump instead focused on four main pillars. boosting homeland protection including building his wall on the mexican border promoting american prosperity by rebuilding infrastructure demonstrating military strength he said he would. and mandatory defense spending limits and advance u.s. influence in the world. trim call china and russia great rivals he also said washington had no choice but to deal with the challenge posed by north korea's nuclear and missile programs. our campaign of maximum pressure on the north korean regime has resulted in the toughest ever sanctions we have united our allies in an unprecedented effort to isolate north korea however there is much more work to do america and its allies will take all necessary steps to
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achieve a d. nuclear ization and ensure that this regime cannot threaten the world. but on monday it was the united states that was isolated at the u.n. security council when the us ambassador nikki haley vetoed a resolution rejecting trump's recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital after all fourteen other security council members back the measure what we witnessed here today in the security council is an insult it won't be forgotten today for acknowledging a basic truth about the capital city of israel we are accused of harming. the record will reflect that we were jet that outrageous claim. the video highlighted washington's isolation over trump's declaration that the u.s. embassy will be moved from tel aviv to jerusalem. the let's talk more about this foreign policy vision with a boris forman he's
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a professor of political science at bard college in berlin thanks for joining us trump did spend quite a lot of the speech attacking previous administrations and presidents for their lack of a foreign policy vision what was new in terms of policy here many ways i mean securing american influence in the world is nothing new that's something we've seen in every national security strategy ever since nine hundred eighty six when the first national security strategy was was drafted but in a sense there is a pivotal break from the american tradition i think which is to emphasize american values in a way that they are not congruent with universal values normally american exceptionalism is defined as something that is holds true american democracy something that which should hold true for the entire world what trump is emphasizing is a zero sum vision of international relations as a competition between individual nation states so what will that mean concretely how how will america's relations with the rest of the world change. this we don't
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know i mean one of the purposes of this national security strategy is to congeal what has been said and what has been practiced in the last year into a coherent vision that you know which we can read and that's true but we see many tensions and contradictions the a position that is articulated in emphasized visa v russia and china versus what he has done in the last couple of months talking to the heads of states of these of these nations and. forming tighter bonds it seems so there are a lot of contradictions also the european transatlantic relations are emphasized in a way that is almost surprising you mentioned russia and china he did see both of those are mention both of those as the biggest rivals to the u.s. and he did mention the cyber threat from russia but he did not touch on the allegations of meddling in the elections what did you make of that well i mean he's been trying to get rid of these allegations are. since the first day in office the the threat of an obstruction of justice is still looming over him and it might
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threaten his presidency at some point i think that what this national security stretch does is to paint a gloomy image of an international realm that is dangerous and he can present himself as the strong leader that's something we've seen in the campaigns in the primaries when he was running for president and he's now picking that up again but china says this america first policy is only going to lead to isolation on the global stage is a right yeah but i think. heads of states foreign policy circles are somewhat more immune to trump's rhetorics than they have been in the beginning not everything that is stated at some point in time is taken at face value because well security circles know that sometimes there are decisions that might contradict these prior statements at some point in time you mentioned yourself in the last few months we've seen such a gap between rhetoric and real policy in the trumpet ministration why is that and is that something we're going to continue to see i think that's been the one
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continuity in the trumpet ministration and i think yes this is something we're going to see this is one of the reasons he was elected president because he was seen as particularly authentic doing what his guts tell him this visceral impulse this is something that george w. bush was also famous for and i think this is going to stay around all right boris farman a professor of political science at bard college in berlin thank you very much thank you. the world is looking to washington so is the business world global stocks surged monday on expectations the u.s. will pass its massive tax overhaul later this week the dow jones industrial average closed at a record high in new york while the take heavy nasdaq composite index briefly broke the seven thousand mark for the very first time in its history markets in asia and europe also ended the day in mostly positive territory president's trump is expected to sign the tax bill before christmas the bill would permanently slash corporate tax rates and is widely seen as
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a boon for businesses and wealthy americans. the biggest gift goes to corporations who will see a permanent tax cut from thirty five to twenty percent individuals would see smaller tax cuts with higher earners benefiting more they would also be temporary expiring at the end of two thousand and twenty five so while low and middle income earners would see more money in the first few years their taxes would eventually go up without an extension of the cuts even if temporary those cuts allow some skeptical republicans to get on board most made households will see their taxes go down the bill could hurt individual earners in another way it introduces a new inflation index that could push them into higher tax brackets sooner. plan sticks closely to the familiar republican themes assuming tax relief for businesses and the wealthy in a fit society more than tax cuts for low and middle income earners this is good news for the american people we're going to get the economy roaring back again and improve and increase jobs and make america more competitive in the global economy
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but in the final version republicans have not lived up to trump's promise to drastically cut the paper work behind their taxes or for tax cuts to do not further inflate america's ballooning deficit. that means the most expensive overhaul of america's tax code comes as a christmas gift to some but also as a present that has been bought on credit. now then what's the financial what in europe saying about all that let's ask an advice was standing by in frankfurt and that investors seem to welcome trump's tax plans what are they looking forward to well of course they are liking low at taxes for a company that's what invest as always do and if the u.s. economy is actually doing than bad as a result of the lower taxes for you as companies then this is also good news for european companies because better growth in the united states also means that
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european companies especially german ones who are very much export oriented can export more goods to the united states that's the view of the equity markets in the long run we don't know yet what the bond markets will tell us because of course it will increase the debt burden even further in the united states and highly indebted society already all right now and normally this time of year we warm up we get ready for the year and really we don't know yet if that's actually happening but what we do know is that right now folks stands out from the crowd. yes fox had an incredible year looking back two years ago when this these a scandal hit the company the shares rated lost a lot of its value and it has actually regained quite a bit by now and that is also because it is tristram tring itself cry tremendously and also credit play apparently according to the latest of what we heard from the
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company they are splashing out a lot of money into ema bêlit t. that's their big game and many analysts are saying in two thousand and eighteen they're still having a transitionary year but still they're very much on track to actually really deliver and that's why it's kind of a recovery story for this year if you want when we talk about folks bargain right on a device stuck in front of thank you so much. and air b.n. b. is writing a record third quarter to book its first full year of profitability in the company's history the holiday apartment rental platform recorded revenue of about one billion dollars last quarter that's up more than fifty percent from the previous year bookings have risen by the same amount company officials say with significant growth from emerging markets like china the news comes at a time for air b.n. b. which is set to begin public trading next year and is expected to be one of the us
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hottest day abuse. now u.s. president administration in washington has blamed north korea for the wanna cry ransomware attack that infected hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide personal computers in over one hundred countries ground to a halt following the ransomware attack this spring hospitals across the united kingdom were brought to a standstill also affected german railway operator deutsche carmaker renaud spain's telefonica and the russian interior ministry has demanded a ransom pay bill in cryptocurrency bits calling to revive the systems and release locked databases. now there are predictions that india's population is set to overtake china's in only a decade economists say that would give it a middle class that in size outstrips the number of middle class people in the united states and in europe but the rise of india is consuming a class is already in full swing with so many people eating out in chennai for
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example that restaurant owners are trying out new gimmicks such as service robots to stay competitive. they're reliable and never complain and don't expect generous tips a team of robots rooms this eatery serving food and drinks to customers and once the guests have finished their meal the robots gather the dirty dishes the founding partners think it's the right time to combine technology with gourmet food and unsurprisingly they've decided to call their establishment robot will be research what of it follows one year. later depending on the stunt designs and all that some of it when they finally decided that people do something different it's an all day and india that is when we decide to live or work in the stall and then bring robots to actually live in the four i have seen these and not all of a book and piece so that even he decided you know it's one thing i know when you're doing the tablets at every table make it easy and fast for customers to submit
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orders from a menu of time and chinese dishes and they're giving the new service a thumbs up. we didn't expect that we needed it here and that it is great if we can that many here when we have and trying and. of course not everybody is fond of the machines but like them or not you'll have to get used to them to demand for service robots is expected to accelerate in the coming years. but here it was still all human so me and there's good news coming out of turkey a journalist has been released that's right monica the turkish german journalist michelle had told us she was released from an istanbul prison pending trial on charges of terrorism her case has tested already strained relations between berlin and uncorrupt tolo was arrested earlier this year and what human rights organizations have called a targeted crackdown on free speech in turkey. michelle
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a tolo can finally embrace her family members again she'd been in a women's prison since april when she was arrested in istanbul her three year old son also spent time with her behind bars is a big fish i'm very happy but also very exhausted this is been a huge sacrifice that i still have to process the way. thank god i believe in the coming days i'll get a clear idea of what actually happened and be able to say mall. but told those new freedom only goes so far turkish authorities have refused to return her passport the charges against her membership in a left wing group turkey considers a terrorist organization remain her trial is still set for spring for the german government to those release is a good sign but not a final resolution. and as. we aren't in place yet where we can
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say everything's being. definitely not and there are still many existing difficulties but this is a clear signal towards the easing of tensions that a step in the right direction or of course very happy for him is told to falling. toto as one of several german journalists or human rights activists arrested in turkey this year the german government considers them political hostages to lose release comes on the heels of another turkish court ruling in a german detainees favor the sociologist is now free to return to germany after nearly two years detention that leaves eight german nationals still behind bars in turkey. sports and doping authorities have launched an investigation after an undercover sting from the british daily telegraph that called world one hundred meter champion justin gatlin and to question the american sprinters agent at the
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time robert wagner offered testosterone and human growth hormone for a fictional client the undercover reporters were representing the meetings were secretly recorded on tape and lawyers for the american sprinter say he is clean gatland had been banned twice in the past in two thousand and one and two thousand and six as a result of the undercover interview gatlin fired wagner who now says he was just playing along with the reporters. that is the unmistakable sound the swedens the mega-hit the band whose music still packed the dance floors worldwide even though they broke up in one thousand nine hundred two they are still selling their sound to new and old fans alike an exhibit has just opened in london for a look back at the band that took the seventy's by storm. the typically drab nine hundred seventy s. british living room it was a time of endless strikes and high unemployment part of the backdrop that saw abah
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catapult to find a slice of glitter in the gloom. this is getting close to what it was like this is not one of those huge technically advanced exhibitions this is. warm. super trouper is a guided exhibition in small groups visitors pass through nine immersive rooms that explore important moments of the band's history including polish studios in stockholm with the big booted superstars made many of their indisputable hits and the brighton grand hotel room where the stage during the famed one nine hundred seventy four eurovision song contest to win would see abba go on to become one of the most successful bands of all time the fishing leave the nearest subway station
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for the super trouper exhibition is waterloo in london it was always london. and the u.k. . to have a number one in this country was. our biggest dream super trouper not only celebrates the life and music but also the political and social context of their rise. long. cold. i'm. on. my. own. minor now of our top story at this hour of germany's marking the one year since a truck attack on a berlin christmas market left twelve people dead and dozens more injured in our government have been criticised for their response to the country's first major
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so how do they create this. next. kick off the last step play before the winter break. a droll was frankly it's new when the child to school in last minute equalising goal to france it could almost taste victory. they. finally convinced us when in the season the team heads into the winter break after the success against boston. sixteen. doubling. every journey begins with the first step and every month for each of the first word which can be called nico he's in germany to run germany. versus us why not come with chris.
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it's simple online on your mobile and arranging. to suffer. d.w. zealand in course because fake german made easy. it's. funny because i don't think it. tells them too and i make a few of them tell of the famous potato. with just a week to go before christmas by getting ready for the celebrations at the special week of i'm louise hasn't.
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