tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle January 5, 2018 3:00pm-4:00pm CET
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this is the daily news live from berlin a worrying message for the german chancellor a new survey shows most voters don't want another coalition of ugly americans conservatives and her old social democrat partners it makes uncomfortable reading ahead of talks between the parties also coming up michael wolff bombshell book fire
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and fury goes on sale people lining up to get their hands on the book the president didn't want them to read trump blasts at the unflattering behind the scenes portrait of his of his administration the chief executive of intel is in the hot seat why did he sell millions of dollars worth of intel stock before security flaws in his company's chips became public. plus the german journalist jailed in turkey writes to torture about this huge show accuses ancora of holding him hostage just as the turkish foreign minister calls for a quote new beginning in the rocky relationship with germany and a deep freeze the east coast of the united states is in the grip of a massive winter storm fresh snow sends the mercury plummeting to record lows.
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it's a pleasure to have you with us germany is still waiting for a new government more than three months after all actions and according to a new poll that weight is awaiting on the public mood a new survey by pollsters in protest team up makes grim reading for chancellor angela merkel it shows that only forty five percent of germans want a repeat of her coalition with the social democrats this just as the two sides prepare for talks i'm going to america desperately needs to deliver more than one hundred days after the federal elections she still has no government the last coalition talks fell apart and new polls showed germans have no stomach for her next proposed solution another grand coalition. only five percent view a new grand coalition as very good and forty percent as good thirty four percent view a grand coalition as less good and eighteen percent view it as bad. further entangling
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marcos predicament her popularity has slipped in the meantime. and the longer coalition talks take the worse it gets only fifty three percent support uncle americal staying in office in october it was sixty one percent forty five percent are against her staying in office. germans have the following attitudes about america america stands for political stability seventy percent agree best days as chancellor are over sixty seven percent agree and merkel's c.d.u. neglects concerns over refugees according to fifty nine percent. of the german government's most important task by far is still the refugee issue even though it's less politically charged than it was a year ago. when asked if families of war refugees should be allowed to join them here in germany forty one percent said yes forty eight percent said no.
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and if new elections were held this sunday germans would not vote much differently than a month ago the c.d.u. c.s.u. would receive thirty three percent of the vote the s.p.d. twenty one percent the f.t. would get thirteen percent of the vote and the f.d.p. nine percent the left party would also get nine percent and the green party eleven percent subtle variations only with the conservatives and the left party well these survey results will no doubt be of interest to the members a chance americal sister party the c.s.u. all they are currently gathering in bavaria for their annual winter meeting well along those joining the conservative politician is a guest of honor a controversial leader viktor orban you see him here in a pink tie. he said to deliver a speech to delegates from mr obama is a long standing and very vocal critic of uncle america's refugee policy calling into once a trojan horse of terrorism. all right so no love lost there let's bring in our
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correspondent there who is covering the c.s.u. party meeting it kind of seems like an affront to the chancellor to invite vote viktor orbán at all was this the right time in the right place to do this. well this is you says it absolutely is and it also insists that it's not a provocation towards berlin in particular towards angle america having said that it looks like one and i guess it doesn't matter how long you repeat that it isn't it just simply looks like one. really what the c.s.u. wants to say is that there is a need to continue dialogue with viktor orban of course they see much more eye to eye with him than they do with those who actually went along with course. migration policies so clearly there's a lot of stuff political at the political level that the sees you also want to talk about it well this doesn't really bode well because you said that they now want to
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rally behind the german chancellor that they were actually want to see this coalition this continuation of the so-called grand coalition with the social democrats continue one also has to bear in mind that there are two other factors here there was actually a real power struggle within this use you itself has a very long history of fighting bitter battles as it did with the german chancellor over migration policy to then suddenly close ranks and say it's no problem anymore that's exactly what they're doing right now as they head into the coalition talks and also they of course have their eyes here in bavaria on those regional elections coming up and also so this you simply cannot afford to be too soft at this very crucial point in time where a lot of their population we saw those polls that you cited there also on migration nationwide but clearly there is a deep feeling here that germany needs to be tougher that varian needs to be tougher on that very issue of migration and that's the exact rhetoric we're getting out of here and briefly if you can make a lot are the c.s.u.
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thinking ahead about a post merkel future and what their position in germany could be. well of course nobody will be drawn on that very question here right now but this certainly isn't respects how unscathed she got through what essentially was an election defeat it's politics of course everybody is always thinking what could fall off the magical but for now this moment in time and there's intervals are getting soltan source it's still unthinkable until we know what comes out this coalition talks mechanic of our reporting from the c.s.u. meeting thank you all right let's talk more about the findings of this survey and we can do that with reinhard to slink or to is the head of the in for a test of the research institute which conducted this survey i thank you so much for coming on the show before we get into the findings in greater detail can you explain your methodology how did you go about gauging people's feelings about a possible grand coalition. the method is very clearly we did telephone interviews
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of one and a half thousand people in germany and asked them what they would prefer the very moment because grand coalition elections are right now how does your survey explain why the grand coalition is no longer in favor. well i mean i don't know if you have shown it already but if you look at the at the at the evaluation of the politicians here in germany within the last month you see that there's a rather clear drop in the the the standing for mr schultz and even from his knowledge so the s.p.d. has a big problem in persuading the german population that a grand coalition is a good thing and that's why a majority at the moment says no if we don't get a big coalition we better have new elections all right now going by your findings if these talks were to collapse and there were new elections how different with the
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outcome be going by your survey. well the moment it's the beginning of january people have been on holy days people hate christians who are still on holidays they don't think of new elections maybe in september but if there would be elections as we have seen there will not be big change but at the moment it's just foreseeing it's not real data we have on the question what's happened in the new election it looks as if it could be rather the outcome of the of the old of the old election in september but on the other hand what we've seen here in germany if we're having problems economically or politically or in europe of these refugees it's always a tendency to vote for the stronger party the tendency to to make america stronger again so it could be as well that the c.d.o. would gain the s.p.d.
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could loose but you know they slike fortune telling at the moment are right right hartsuyker it ahead of the infra test team up research institute which conducted this survey thank you. pleasure. all right i will be taking a look at what's ahead for european politics in the year two thousand and eighteen including germany's role and that's coming up a little later in the show but for now i want to tell you about some of the other stories making news around the world. north and south korea have agreed to hold their first formal talks in more than two years the discussions that for tuesday will pave the way for north korean athletes to attend the upcoming winter olympics in south korea. and egypt a sightseeing hot air balloon carrying foreign tourists has crashed in the southern city of looks or at least one person has died and seven other people are injured officials say strong winds forced the balloon off its course above the city's temples and to. scientists in australia say a major outbreak of
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a coral eating starfish has been damaging the country's great barrier reef researchers discovered the predator crown of thorns starfish in plague proportions at the recession edge last month the government has begun calling the spiky marine animals. a new tell all book that exposes the growing pains of doll transfers and as he is being released today all this despite efforts by trump's lawyer to block the book going on sale in the first place the president has ripped into the work of its author michael wolff after extracts from his work for trade a white house steeped in intrigue and betrayal. in washington people started lining up at midnight to grab a copy excerpts from fire and fury have caused such a stir that the publisher moved its release date forward the book portrays the u.s. president as inept and unprepared and history in the white house into a frenzy some of the harshest commentry comes from steve bannon
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a right wing firebrand and donald trump's former strategy chief bannon has attacked an old trump junior for a twenty sixteen meeting with a group of russians. in the book bannon is quoted as saying even if he thought that this was not treasonous they'll run patriotic called back and i happen to think it's all of that you should have called the f.b.i. immediately to which the president responded steve benen has nothing to do with me or my presidency when he was fired he not only lost his job he lost his mind. it's a spectacular fall out between the two former allies bannan is the driving force behind trump's nationalist agenda which helped him win the oval office. their corporate despite the outrage of his quotes that i'm called the president a great man on his radio show in the present state is a great man you know i supporting day in a day out but the betrayal has enraged trump the man and betrayed him mr president
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you know anywhere he had steve carroll right from a great man last night you know you obviously changes to pretty quick thank you all very much. thank you i don't i don't i don't talk to the white house is trying to cost down on the books accuracy again this book is mistake after mistake after mistake the publishers reacted by bringing forward the book's release date despite cease and desist threats from trump's lawyers. the people of the border are a lot a lot of people is safe to say will be lining up today to get their hands on this explosive book and here to discuss the possible fallout is boris foreman the professor of political science at bard college right here in berlin thank you for spending time with us so much for seize and desist yeah i mean. the debate is ongoing it's a deep rift between the ultra right faction in. the republican party and the
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establishment something we've seen before but it's certainly a clash trump hasn't been able to stop michael from publishing the book right now let's talk about steve bannon because we're going to talk about this apparent schism that is being at put out there in the public some of his backers have since said that there are they don't want to support him anymore do you see that being a fall a fall out as a consequence of what he said what he told michael wolff sure some of the some of the supporters of said bennett is a strategic thinker but this is going to for some of the things he said to michael wolff apparently. have been so outrageous for some of the supporters of bannon's that they have now pulled out most notably the mercer family that has backed him before so it seems that his cool. his power coalition is also crumbling what does it say about his influence because he has been able as a firebrand direct president trump or at least limit what president trump does or doesn't do do you see that diminishing at all that's
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a group that's i think the most important point because steve benen is one thing his influence on the on the president has been very important in the beginning of the first year of the administration but what's important now is that he represents a movement within the republican party he has picked up some of the momentum of the tea party he was able to mobilize it for the election and trump depends on it for reelection or for the congressional elections which are just up and i think it's going to have some impact right now let's talk about the book's author michael wolff extraordinary access that fire on the fly on the wall accounts it is extraordinary how do you gain that type of access well he had he had ties to ben and at the time and to trump you met him once he was working in washington d.c. had very close access to some of these political staff in the inner circle and it's it's a rare account because we know from trump that depends on
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a very loyal circle loyal in the inner circle it's hard to get in there this is why . the book by wolf is such a spectacle you know the infighting and it has been portrayed how does it match some of the accounts that have come out what we've seen is a lot of chaos some people have said trump's governing strategy is management by chaos that's one thing but what we've also seen from the start is a very strong tension between what is the ultra right india ministration or the representation of the ultra right and the establishment and that's a tension that was represented in brains priebus and steve benen who were supposed to be divided and conquered that was part of the strategy by trump both are no no longer part of the white house and i think we're seeing the consequences of this now right well thank you so much course foreman professor of political science at bard college right here in berlin thank you spend time with us thank you. all right you're watching the news i saw a lot more to tell you about here's what's ahead deep freeze the east coast of the
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united states is in their grip of record low temperatures will find out how even sunny florida is feeling the icy blast. right ben just when you thought you going to go get some sun and sunbathe don't go be a bad move for tourists i think what some of those states need is a bit of trump's fire and fury maybe oh oh boy oh boy oh boy because talking about president trump a lot of cheers and tears because he's going to start drilling again this is a crazy story according to environmentalist that there will be some companies rubbing their hands with glee cheers and tears as they the points out energy independence of course being a lovely thing when it comes to country but don't trump's government wants to open almost all of the u.s. coastline to off shore drilling while energy companies are cheering several coastal states vow to do what ever it takes to stop that from happening. the five year plan calls for forty seven new offshore leases opening waters that have been off limits
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for decades including areas off the california and florida coasts is a move that the u.s. interior department says is in the nation's interest but it is a clear difference between interview we. and the president we're going to have the strongest energy policy and become that strong are we certainly. knew that the proposal follows last week's announcement of plans to roll back or even repeal safety regulations adopted under the obama administration environmental groups have vowed to oppose the move and they're organizing protests offshore drilling is is inherently dirty it's an awful lot of work there will be an oil spill such as was the case off the coast of santa barbara in two thousand and fifteen where are hundred thousand gallons of oil spilled into the ocean killing fish marine mammals and other wildlife. and you can go as far back as two thousand and ten to the b.p.
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departed horizon spill which spilled millions of barrels into the gulf of mexico the plan has already drawn heavy criticism from several coastal states among them the carolinas and california also in florida where memories of the deepwater horizon spill remain fresh the two thousand and ten oil platform explosion claimed the lives of eleven oil workers and devastated the gulf coast. energy analyst that is with us claudio good to see you again are you just excited about the move as the american energy industry is. well the u.s. wants to become a global leader on oil production that's for sure that they do this for many years now especially because they have fostered at the fracking or oil exploration we have an hour for oil on the international market so it's more a political decision ready to increase also the offshore drilling which is
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a high risk a technology that just how high the risky is it. just we've seen pictures of the environmental disaster that was caused during the deepwater horizon incident back in two thousand and ten is there a chance of that happening again considering we're talking about almost all u.s. coast lines that could be drilled yeah it's a high risk technology especially because if it's very close to the coast and we have seen these accidents and this causes a lot of damages to the environment to the sea and also to fish and birds and this risk is very high especially if they allow it everywhere almost everywhere and we have environmental protection areas which are very vulnerable and it's not really desirable to go in that is tell me is the business worth the when oil prices. so low and the cleanup costs of such disasters is so high now the business is not
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worth it at this times because we have an oversupply on oil on the international markets the u.s. is exploring already a lot because of fracking we have an oversupply and this is why the oil price is quite low at the moment it's unlikely that it will increase so the environmental damage as a potential potential environmental damages might be too high so as you say a political decision trump. giving a present to his supporters. yeah to his supporters it's fossil based a political position fossil industry and fossil fuels dominate all the political decisions of ministration and this is so one point of it so we see it again and our environment doesn't play a higher role or a specific role in this decision so president's decisions and this is why they once again decided for the fossil industry and against the environment energy analyst
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claudia kemp a thank you very much for your analysis thank you the latest u.s. jump figures have not met market expectations the economy only adding a modest one hundred forty eight thousand jobs last month that was well below what was forecast analysts say jobs growth is slowing down as the labor market needs full employment the unemployment rate is the lead a seventeen year low the good news for american workers is that wages are increasing analysts expect the economy and labor market to benefit from corporate tax reform spike that the dollar trimmed gains on friday against other major currencies and in other news just in the u.s. trade deficit has risen to over fifty billion dollars the highest since twenty twelve apple now says its i phones and computers are affected by the security flaw disclosed in intel processes leaving billions of devices vulnerable to hackers intel knew about the flaws well before they were disclosed to the public and the
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behavior of intel's chief executive officer before the revelation raises questions as well. intel c.e.o. brian cresent sold thirty nine million dollars in company stocks and options in november months after learning about the flaw and well before the problem was reported publicly intel says the stock sale was unrelated to the chip problem it said it planned on going public with the flaw soon and it was working in the meantime to find a fix the bug is a nightmare for the u.s. tech giant but also for consumers millions of computers and devices are affected and one basic fix for the issue the so-called kaiser patch comes with the caveat as one of its developers explains. it might have economic impact. for cloud providers because now they with the kaiser patches they might have higher energy costs. also. for regular
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customers and they will also have higher energy costs because of these patches daniel groups was among those who informed intel of the design flaw in its chips he thinks intell was right not to disclose the problem immediately. i think it's a good idea to not publicly disclose this from the start because these are very c.v. attacks and non sophisticated attacker could immediately use this the tech to leak sensitive data from you know mary now the whole world knows but because the kaiser patch uses more energy it slows down devices hardly an incentive to get the fix that's why some researchers would rather change how computer chips are designed but that won't happen overnight to that bomb cycler now that is the united states shutting down businesses and halting transportation that's because the u.s. east coast is in the grip of a deep freeze that's after a massive winter storm brought fresh snow hurricane force winds and flooding to
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several regions will elsewhere it was a rare opportunity to see snow and ice and locations normally know where their sunshine. sunny getaways transformed into winter wonderland water fountains morphed into ice sculptures as an up normal cold snap hits the south something too hot and bark and for. doing the snow yeah yeah she likes the snow so but we didn't bring our snow suit because we thought. we saw did lizards in the states of florida. they're ready to green and the hornets have fallen and the trees there and i mean. the record lows have frozen egg wanna stay with this pair partly survived and later walked off their chills. but the effects of this monster storm grow more extreme the farther north you go.
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in philadelphia the city's famous stacks were turned into slopes. and a playground for the off road adventure those. paths the dangerous conditions put many in harm's way one woman was killed when her costs led into a rail crossing. twenty centimeters of snow was dumped on new york city shutting schools and groundings thousands of flights. leaving the parks to fill up with families. i'm to feel less. brave brave soul there and there's more extreme weather here in germany were heavy rain and melting mountain snow have cost flooding and landslides in the south of the country high water on this a river in the black forest forced nearby residents to evacuate streams across the
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state of the very hour were likewise bursting out of their banks leaving roads and ground floors flooded and in some parts of the rainy west along the moselle and rhine rivers shipping traffic ground to a halt. it watching the w.'s we still have a lot more ahead here's what's coming up we gaze into our crystal ball to see what this year has a story for the european union who will be able to refocus and reshape itself after the shock that is the bread. and the german journalist jailed in turkey accuses own career of holding him hostage what will his message mean for turkey's attempts to improve its a rocky bilateral relations with germany and italians consider him a renaissance man singer comedian actor and t.v. host of the i know someone is without doubt one of italy's biggest stars now he's
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turned eighty i'll talk about the man and with our culture editor adrian kennedy. you're not going to want to miss that will be right back. on course back comes all out. oh no i'm not afraid. i do this every day. which is also a lesson years old and works as a trucker. it's a tough profession because he has to win money for his family. child jockeys and so bob in forty five minutes on d w. climate change. waste. pollution.
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isn't it time for good. eco africa people and projects that are changing the environment for the better it's up to us to make a difference. he could. make a c. d. w. . freedom of expression. a value that in ways has to be defended and new. all over the world. of freedom freedom of art. a multimedia project about artists and their right to express their views freely. d.w. don't come to freedom. thousands of children go missing every kid in china they all sewn on the market. time gigi is
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searching for her son in the line. without any home from the only phone text she's courtroom and despair for she finds for a mother trying. some time changing searches for her son. reporter on d w. great to have you back with us you're watching every news on the rock and roll and the so are these army headlines right now and a new survey german voters have expressed their impatience with the drawn out negotiations to form a new a german government less than half support a new coalition between americans conservatives and the social democrats plus michael wolff bombshell book fire and fury has gone on sale in the u.s. with people lining up to get their hands on what president trump didn't want them to read trump has dismissed the book as lies. now after more than
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a year of deteriorating relations between turkey and germany could we be about to see a breakthrough turkish foreign minister the turkish foreign minister has called for a new beginning ahead of a bilateral meeting with his german. counterpart a major point of contention has been turkey's jailing of german nationals including a journalist denis you he has been held in turkey for more than ten months without an indictment in a statement sent to d.w. news his lawyer. accuses uncorrupt of holding him hostage you child has also taken issue with the turkish foreign minister's remarks about his case. all right and we can find out more about what your chills message was and its possible implications for those strained german turkish relations and with me is that julian are you corresponding good to see you the statement was sent to you what was in it
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well as you can imagine it's not easy for them as you're told to communicate with the outside world he is in jail and there are strict rules so yes we got this message through his lawyer who is one of the few people who can regularly meet with him and also speak on his behalf and i do you tell him let me tell you more about this message because in the message you jill is directly replying to remarks recently made by the turkish foreign minister. let me give you one example because he is doing so in a very sarcastic way. recently said referring to your case that he is and i quote not very happy that there is no indictment yet so let's have a look at what you jill had to say about this. he said that really upset me as i would not want to be unhappy because of me but i can comfort him if i can get used to being held hostage for more than a year he can manage it too so you see there is
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a lot of sarcasm and will talk to us a little bit more about the tone of that statement well i can only give you an advocate of guess here why he is using so much sarcasm i mean he is behind bars for more than ten months now a lot of time he had to spend in solitary confinement he doesn't know what the charges against him are exactly there are just some broad accusations of supporting terrorist organizations quote or inciting hatred but there is no indictment he even got married in prison but he is now only allowed to see is wife a couple of times a month so overall all this is a really distressing and difficult situation as it would be for anyone and i think this is this is his way of dealing with it plus he's quite well known for his documents come. right now he he you he sent to your his lawyer made the statement available to you the timing is quite key here as well because this comes just ahead of a by a lateral meeting that is actually exactly the church for
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a minister scheduled to be here to meet with his german counterpart tomorrow on saturday and the turkish foreign ministers message i had of this meeting is and i'm citing from interviews he gave that we want to get past this crisis we want a fresh start and he is asking for mutual understanding and for bilateral talks based on trust so i think this is clearly an appeasement offensive by ankara towards burleson because two thousand and seventeen has really been a terrible year for german turkish relations there have been diplomatic spags even verbal attack from enfolds and of course the case of benazir jal is a really big big stone in the church german relations and twenty seven has also been a terrible year for reporters as well because then as you show is one of the most prominent cases of germans were turkish passports who have come to the attention of the turkish judiciary but there are also less well known cases and it's not just journalists. that the government has set its sights on but also lawyers let's take
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a look at this next report and then we'll continue our conversation. a steel door just to be safe police have stormed the offices of this law firm on several occasions and arrested colleagues according to those who work here in fact there is a second steel door behind the first one. this allows denise you'll remember partners to breathe easier the older him has dual citizenship german as well as turkish she spent fifty five days behind bars accused of being a member of a terrorist organization yielder him however believes her arrest was due to work as a lawyer and because she is active in the pro kurdish people's democratic party. this globe is i'm quite it's just a concept. and i think it's part of a greater political concept to minimize and prevent democratic politics here. esky jackie to spend time in jail as well jockey or took part in the legal defense of
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a university lecturer who was arrested after protesting her dismissal by going on a hunger strike last december two days before the trial was to begin the law offices were raided. they took our computers telephones and external hard drives and they did not return them they also seized documents pertaining to the trial they said they would prevent us from doing our jobs as lawyers. cases still pending her trial begins in april she says until then she'll do all she can to help her colleagues behind bars she visited two lawyers in the women's prison it is didn't meet us influence there together with eighteen other some of them are their clients so they work on their cases from prison. until and it's a sad state of affairs when lawyers and their clients are sitting together in the same prison cell. i know it's in there. it's. the jew
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jailed women lawyers also work at this firm they were arrested in october on terrorism charges their colleague who can't mistake lead calls it a travesty of justice. this is the current state of justice in our country the police have all the power if they want to arrest you they will this country has become a police state the buckles point is that it matters to them the. other lawyers here say more than twenty attorneys are behind bars in turkey at the moment elder in hopes things will get better when the state of emergency is over if you want democracy you know what we want to mark receive we want peace and we want to do our work as lawyers to defend people. at the moment though they are more concerned about defending themselves. from this quite stark their attorneys are behind bars with their clients do you think twenty eight hundred mark a new beginning in bilateral relations between germany until many many are hoping
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that tensions will finally ease but the german government's position here is communication channels that need to remain open that has always been their position but there is no getting back to normal unless people like then his huge oil and other german nationals who are still behind bars will face a fair trial would get a fair trial and an indictment but there are some positive signs for example after ten months and then is a case without any progress now the turkish foreign minister says that his government is encouraging the judiciary to speed up the judicial process and it is yourself case that leads me to believe we will sooner or later hear about a trial date or a court might actually release him pending trial so this could be a huge step forward in bilateral relations and when that happens you going to come and tell us all about it yulia hi thank you so much for your reporting greatly appreciate it art and i'm going to hand you over now to ben because how has the turkish economy fared during all of this this is a bit of a surprise leyla took is
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a call to me is proven extremely resilient and that's despite all the political uncertainty but there are dark clouds on the horizon gross domestic products took a big hit in two thousand and sixteen after a failed coup attempt then rolled back a surge in construction and government spending put turkey's growth on track to exceed six and a half percent for twenty seven seem at base exceeded only by china and india but inflation remains a major problem at the end of last year and you will consumer price growth reached almost twelve percent a huff percent rise of interest rates in december criticized as to me good to get ahead of those rising prices and that's impacted the turkish currency the lira has been on a long slow decline for years now with over fifty u.s. cents five years ago now down to around that amount will be currency helps make turkish exports cheap but it reflects lack of confidence in the economy and it's making it difficult increasingly so for many to make ends meet.
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what activists suddenly had to get used to serving tea for the last four months he's been working as a temporary waiter in this istanbul cafe. he'd never imagined things could come to this only last some a move that was the proud owner of a small hotel he was the boss but the economic crisis room and his business he went bankrupt was forced to sell up. because if you do we are going to. it feels awful to crash like that it's just such a huge difference between what i was and what i am now. doing my house is mainly european tourists in my hotel but they stopped coming and i started to lose money on what's happened in the last two years my business collapsed completely. lots of turkey's businesses have gone the way of move outs on the stumbles main shopping
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boulevard the lively the signs of economic malays are everywhere. turkey's inflation rate has hit a fourteen year high and the lira is constantly losing value creating problems for many. but to me to look that's all we now know that i do and so it's got us to go out a lot to eat but that's become a luxury for us as there are. reasonable and we're always comparing what we were able to buy and what we can buy now but that's not much use. we only lose money because of years of bad policies. we are not in the standard i'm retired but i still have to work just so we can make ends meet. discontent is rife even though officially the economy is booming skyscrapers a sprouting up in the stumbles financial district thanks to state subsidies the week earlier on has seen exports increase president reggie one claims that the
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economy grew by as much as seven percent in twenty seventeen the main ego economies don't even come close to that. economist. doesn't trust the glowing figures he says turkey's economic miracle is built on sand. we do have an investment boom in structures as you know istanbul is now covered with this skyscrapers but that's that investment it doesn't that productivity growth it is what the economists call sustainable we can't go like that we need to slow down our growth rate then address the inflation and external deficit problems. that active has his own crisis to deal with after he's finished his shift in the cafe he often walks past the hotel he owned not so long ago. but you will that's already given up hope it might one day be his again. very own you leon the british low
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cost carrier easy jet has just started its domestic german service from berlin state aleppo it is trying to pick up web bankrupt evelyn left off easy jet is adding nineteen destinations to its edges from table with four of them in germany. at ten thirty friday morning easyjet launched its first domestic german flight from berlin to munich connections to do so or frankfurt and stuttgart are also planned. to oust the expansion of our activities in the capital means berlin will be easy jet second most important hub after london gatwick it's a testament to how important the german market and berlin are to the company our year from now we hope to move about fifteen million passengers through berlin airports with you on that figure would represent some twenty percent of easyjet customers last october the airline bought twenty five aircraft from air berlin
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which had gone bankrupt the e.u. commission approve the deal unconditionally to maintain competition on the german market it in these events and my hope is that other competitors will join the domestic german market as we saw in recent months the low tonsil monopoly caused ticket prices to soar with easy jet's move prices have normalized somewhat in deposits us in the ninety's yet consumer advocates hope the increased competition will further cut ticket prices with in germany. and easy jet has just come out with numbers announcing a record eighty one point six million passengers last year wow that's a lot of they're doing well thank you so very much now we had to the e.u. which faces a number of tough issues in the year ahead but there are opportunities as well if germany can get a stable government it could along with france lead an effort to reshape the bloc that has been deeply shaken by briggs it and i did a u.
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series this week of what twenty eighteen has in store our brussels correspondent max hofmann looks at what is at stake for the e.u. . these three have big plans for two thousand and eighteen especially regarding migration. the reform of the euro zone and of course brics. three seems to be european union with the neighborhood of. the e.u. institutions see a window of opportunity to resolve many of your ups most pressing problems but the window of opportunity you might not be as large as many people are hoping for and that's mainly due to that woman that you can see behind the flags the german chancellor are going to back home in many ways she's still the queen of europe of course but as long as she doesn't have a governing coalition in berlin her hands are pretty much tied. to the man who's
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blowing wind into the sails of a reformed european union is french president michel unification that he's given many speeches and express many ideas and grand visions for two thousand and eighteen and beyond to get italy one of them establishing a real european monetary fund to support countries that need help to avoid bankruptcy like greece in two thousand and ten. another one giving the eurozone its own budget to invest and absorb economic sharks overall my call. is calling for much deeper european integration. but not everybody is on board with that at all there is resistance in germany among others for example and it seems like some of the old fault lines are becoming visible again. for the fault lines between spending and austerity but also between west. and east
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especially on migration the e.u. institutions want a comprehensive deal on asylum and relocation until june but hungary's viktor orbán is still unwilling to accept refugee quotas and he has allies that. we should concentrate on issues where we feel that they be a ready to reach an agreement it would be a big mistake to continue into open issues the red we feel that these issues will. divide the boss again european union as we could see in the past on the basis of what i think i mean frankly. poland undermining the rule of law and its ongoing quarrels with brussels could increase this east west divide even further in two thousand and eighteen. but of course there is one thing unifying the european union at least twenty seven of its member states and that's well this woman that's walking towards us right there theresa may of course it's not about the person
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herself but it's about what she's trying to do leading her country the united kingdom out of the european union brags that. so far the e.u. twenty seven have shown remarkable unity on bragg's it but it will get tougher in two thousand and eighteen because with the second phase of the negotiations starting soon future trade relations between the twenty seven remaining member states and the u.k. are on the menu including sectors like the german car industry that's one national interests in the e.u. might collide. the clock is ticking. migration. euro zone reform and brags that the e.u. needs to agree on all these topics from two thousand and eighteen to take advantage of this window of opportunity to.
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reporting there aren't some football now and one thing going to sleep aside cologne can say is that it can't get any worse they're dead bottom of the standings with just six points they scratch together thanks to a lone win and three draws they have the war's goals scored in just ten and the worst goals against letting in a whopping thirty two so is there a light at the end of the player tunnel coach stephan written back has one goal for cologne survival they did beat will spur in his first outing as interim coach in december then three days later they lost the shock in the german cup i still that's when written back was offered the full time coaching job management obviously believes in him but the pressure is on the cologne native. to vision in a foolish. we need to win games but we don't know whether all be enough the fact is we need wins we need to pick up three points as often as possible despite what's
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happened we are hopeful we can cause a sensation. of. shopping can to help bruton back on his quest is new signing see montero order last season he helped fire second division got into the top tier with twenty five goals and goals are exactly what cologne need more forwards are always expected to score goals that's what all our strikers have experience than our careers and we're all trying to be more effective up front. when the season resumes next week cologne face high flying minchin clad back in a local derby. for the team and their fans any point will do.
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i'm very honest and honest singing his biggest hit the italian actor and singer celebrates his eightieth birthday on saturday happy birthday to the match here to discuss his lustrous college career is with me adrian kennedy from our culture desk are you a big fan of course out there are no kennedy they call me but it's my whole career on careful study of this italian and you can learn a lot from the maestro likewise you said he's a wise to sing and he's an x. although he's always said that he's more of a musician he made more than forty films fifty albums he's still making music is twenty sixty now boom. became the best selling album of the year in italy even came out in the last few weeks of the year so he's really still on the top of this game but tonneau is probably best remembered for
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just being chosen tonneau you know for. being the embodiment of this italian match show many of his most popular films he made alongside. and we're going to take a quick look at some of the highlights of his sixty year career. took what was going to. be. i. guess. to be an option in tunnels nickname is in wanted to or the flexible one and it's not hard to see why he's a unique performer a combination of a musician and a comedian often then the slapstick moment. of the. challenge tunnel was born in milan and nine hundred thirty eight he began his career as a musician in the late one nine hundred fifty s.
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and landed his biggest hit and nine hundred sixty eight with. he's also worked as a director and delight of millions of italians with his t.v. programmes they told him that out on. his first truly prominent film role came in fellini's nine hundred sixty classic. it was a perfect showcase for chapman tunnels talents was. the but from the start of his career music was just as important to chairman tunnel as acting he was equally successful at both becoming a fixture in the italian charts his musical styles a wide ranging and include upbeat pop and rock n roll as well as slow italian love ballads.
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and the arnold shannon town and italian legend turns eighty happy birthday. i drink i am out of many talents is this a laugh today yes just with together was jewett call to mean a just released new album. on december the first it's actually a greatest hits compilation but there is actually one new track on it cold eve dedicated to the feminine so we thought you'd like to have a little listen. talking of the eternal family. has been married to the same woman for more than fifty years not always happily spite image you might gather with love from a singer and actress maury and they have three children together all right let's talk politics because he's quite progressive. korea and he took up the cause of
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environmentalism and kind of railed against corruption generally his songs took the standpoint of the ordinary guy on the street he also had a t.v. program on the national board costa called the rock politic which was quite famous because it took. silvio berlusconi when he was prime minister and dominate seeing the political scene so he kind of bit of a reputation as a somebody who would take a poke at people who have very high oil is a very engaged person all around and we've got more on our website more on the website he's tomorrow and tomorrow happy birthday to him that's a way to start from here are things they've been greatly prefer have a great weekend all right before i let you go want to remind you of our main headline right now in a new survey german voters have expressed their dismay at the drawn out negotiations to form a new government less than half support
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to snooze in song movie it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us to sponsored by distinctive instagram or use. d.w. story it's a new topic each week on instagram. meet the germans new and surprising new specks of license culture in germany. u.s. american keep takes a look at germany existing presumes that their traditions everyday lives and language can this come out of my lungs and so on. to extend. the trick i am going to d.w. dot com the germans. they
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live to surf the. danger lurks in the water we were there all year long surfing into waste and and polluted water not only being the witness but it kind of being a victim i mean with your troubles all gastric troubles. basically this a sort of always moment in backup affiliation full of others on a shelf. is only decent it's sad to go somewhere every day and see more and more from issue to time sort of assumed gives me everything the waves the wind i have to give something back to me and i can apply inched museum to many of the others. point waves surfers fighting against unseen pollution the scene started in january seventh on g.w. . this
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