tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle January 8, 2018 8:00am-8:31am CET
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here. all morning. pushes a teenager over the edge. just because you can see violence that comes through those ministers and their make the invisible visible post might violence against children. this is deja vu news live from berlin the first awards gala of a new era in hollywood and put. on it i'd never and
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on its own i promise women don black dresses for the seventy fifth golden globes in a show of support for victims of sexual harassment and abuse in the interior entertainment industry making the me too movement the night's biggest winner also coming up germany's angela merkel and her conservatives hold exploratory coalition talks with the leader of the social democrats they've promised a new style of politics but can they deliver. plus a chance to put tensions in n. korea on ice figure skaters from both sides of the border look forward to an unlikely re-union at the winter olympics. i'm sumi so much got to thank you for joining us award season as kicked off in hollywood the glitterati of the film industry turned out for these. seventy fifth
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annual golden globe awards this year the events of glamorous red carpet had a slightly different look the stars wore black in support of the me too movement a tribute to victims who have spoken out against sexual predators it is the latest phase of the ongoing debate surrounding sexual violence in hollywood a scandal ignited after several women accuse producer harvey weinstein of sexual harassment let's listen to some of the stars talking about why they want to to don black of the event. where. up together we're drawing a big black line the tree yesterday. the way things used to be where business used to. be that way you think it's amazing i think it's historic and i love seeing solidarity an arab industry shining a light for all industries across all countries and this is the time to change everything it should be should we even have to have this conversation with clearly we do. in fact mclane this and let me just tell you this you know i.
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never. sounded right i really feel like. and our culture editor karen helms that has been following the golden globes for us hi karen the awards ceremony this year really seemed to be about the me too movement absolutely you know i mean it shaped everything about the ceremony first of all it was the biggest fashion statement in the history of the golden globes and a lot of designers had to rethink their dresses obviously very very quickly in the last couple of days and weeks. and see seth meyers definitely made that the red thread through his presentation but also in his monologue this was the first award season post harvey weinstein obviously and i think you could pretty much call it a season of discontent because the need to movement has definitely morphed into the times movement so that's an initiative a little over three hundred women from from very high positions as from actresses but also producers directors and casting agents and so forth from all across
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hollywood who are now calling not only for an end to this culture of harassment and sexual abuse but also for more diversity for gender parity for equal pay the really sort of broadening the issues that they're addressing and it's interesting that women were very vocal about a lot of these things on the red carpet and in their speeches but the men didn't have an awful lot to say about it. but it's you know we're going to see a lot more coming from this i think this was a very visible protest as you said but the question remains karen you know what difference will this make not only portman you know gain some attention there she was announcing the nominees for director of the arrestor actor they were all men absolutely and i mean her criticism is very valid i mean. especially in such a strong year for women i mean think of patti jenkins who didn't get a for wonder woman didn't get a mention at all gretta girl who did win for best film but of course no no director
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and a couple of with the beguiled earlier this year and in fact in its seventy five year history the hollywood foreign press association has only nominated a woman for about. director seven times to me and only one has actually taken the take in the award and that was barbra streisand for yentl back in one nine hundred eighty four so streisand herself was pretty shocked at this very very long history of being. but you know someone like reese witherspoon who's leading the time's up movement made the point that no single words. can change anything but that this is the start it's a visual display that as i said i think we're going to see obviously a lot more followed a lot more happening as we go forward but it's interesting that the public discussion has really turned the tables on. in hollywood and let's hope it stays that way because i mean before it was actresses who were fearing. afraid to speak out because of because of the ramifications of that in the face of powerful hollywood men and now those men can maybe be shaking in their boots wondering if
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their actions are going to have consequences well let's take a look at some of the winners and one of the winning movies was a german film and the favorites with the award turn for the best foreign language film and that's by a german turkish director five you see here also with the actress joints in there diane kruger it tells the story of a woman whose husband and saw his son are killed in a bombing and she suspects neo nazis were behind the blast karen tell us more about this movie ok well this is an incredibly strong story that speaks very deeply to german audiences obviously because of the ongoing and as you scandal and trial dragging on here in germany very personal. and a very scathing commentary on the justice system and what it provides so it's very interesting and very gratifying that this is striking such a chord with foreign audiences. it's definitely the role of a lifetime for diane kruger and interestingly despite her german heritage this is
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for a very first german language film so this is this is a kind of a match made in heaven definitely for the german film industry shot four to five hundred for. for seeing that potential in her and of course you know that they're still running for a possible oscar nomination as well so hopefully hopefully we'll see a little bit more mileage out of that film and what other wins stood out to you from the golden globes well i thought it was interesting that actually i think most people were expecting were thinking the post should win the best and were possibly expecting christopher nolan to get it with dunkirk but three billboards from having outside it being missouri took that one and that's that's a very interesting statement as well it's a film that is all about compassion and definitely maybe reflecting what we need to see more of and in society all right our culture editor karen holmes that with us to talk about the golden globes thank you carrie. now to some other stories making
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news around the world former white house advisor steve bannon has apologized over anti trump remarks he made in a bombshell book at the white house last week bannon was quoted as saying a meeting between a russian lawyer and donald trump jr in two thousand and sixteen was treasonous and on a patriotic. french president tomorrow mccall has begun an official three day visit to china where he set to sign a series of business deals with chinese leaders visit began and she added that is the starting point of the ancient silk road and not to beijing's efforts to revive the trading route. space x. has blasted off a secretive u.s. government payload known as zoom up the launch in cape canaveral was initially supposed to take place in november but was postponed that zuma is trotted in secrecy the private space x. company and the pentagon have not commented on the nature of the mission. here in germany the country's biggest parties have kicked off exploratory talks aimed at forming a coalition government chancellor angela merkel's conservatives began talks with
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the center left social democrats after previous negotiations failed germany has been waiting for a new government since its election more than three months ago. germany needs a new government and days two ladies are under pressure to deliver neither the social democrats lay them out and shoot no christian democrats chancellor angela merkel can guarantee a positive outcome but going into the talks they were hopeful. using a b. and b. a court will lead the negotiations in a constructive and inclusive way here for. this goal but i believe we can do it we're committed to working together very rapidly and intensively. but migration in europe divide the two sides the social democrats want the families of refugees to be able to join them here right when conservatives are against that plan on the e.u. martin short says big idea is for a united states of europe key conservatives remain skeptical. the social democrats
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hosted the first day of talks at the party's headquarters day like angle america's conservatives achieved their worst electoral showing in post-war german history and after september's election they said they would go into opposition but now they say what the country needs is a stable government. to survive this given the results of the elections. it clear that things can't go on as they were the very fully tish's it to. the international political situation. and the makeup of the german bundestag show that we are in a new era in sight and this new era requires a new style of politics pretty a chance was featured two is riding on the outcome of these talks merkel has made it clear it's a majority government or new elections. are political correspondent michelle akers has been following the talks for us hi
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michelle tell us more about what progress was made so far well the the entry party data of the day was who we just saw there was another scarce on details. where actual progress was made first gathering for this latest bid to at least agree on whether to enter into proper coalition talks but we know that europe is on the agenda now and that seems to be an issue where there really is broad consensus that there must be an answer given to him on a macall he laid out his vision for europe in the summer while germany doesn't really seem to be ready to give some concrete answers so there's agreement that they have to give answers but there's a lot of difference in the detail and to work out this almost nitty gritty stuff already because after all these are parties that have been in government until now they still are in this current government right now one does wonder what all that fuss can possibly be about well let's talk about that nitty gritty you know the right wing of miracles conservatives and when you compare that to the left wing of
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the social democrats there is a lot of ground between them where is it going to be difficult for them to agree but we certainly saw the kind of the the kind of more conservative end of the conservative c.d.u. c.s.u. sister party in bavaria laid down the law of the weekend they had a gathering where i was and they made it particularly hard for the social democrats to give ground on that issue of migration that so is on people's minds i mean the polls are showing that people also care lot about the bread and butter issues but migration really is the one where there are key differences like whether to allow migrants who don't enjoy full protection to bring their family members here now that's something the public is also concerned about that more migrants could come here to germany whether germany can actually code here the c.d.u. is making it very difficult for the social democrats to give ground because they do need a success they need to keep success to actually get the grassroots who will have the final say in the end whether there is a deal to actually play ball and go along with another ground coalition that's just
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one example but also on health issue there is a big question that the conservative said you want to see improvements in the health system wants to depart from the current system they want to have very. different sets up the dropping private insurance that it doesn't look like that is really on the cards for you but it has to give ground somewhere all right our political correspondent covering the latest on the talks for us thank you michelle . and you're watching news still to come istanbul's church of st stephen reopens after seven years of restoration we take you inside and ask the project could to usher in better relations between turkey and europe. but first investors are eyeing some big public offerings this year to how to see with more on that let's assume it's when a team is shaping up to really exciting for investors lots of companies plan to go public analysts say the i.p.o. market may total to hundreds and ninety billion dollars this year from air b.n. b.
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to iran co here's a look at what's in store for investors if saudi arabian oil mammoth the remco goes ahead with its plans to sell five percent of its shares on global financial markets it will be the largest i.p.o. in history worth up to one hundred billion dollars that could happen in the second half of the year. what music streaming platform spotify is doing is somewhat less than an i.p.o. it's a direct listing of voiding raising capital and diluting already existing shares spotify has recently raised more than a billion dollars from private financing. in fact many companies are flush with private financing and don't need stock market cash right sharing company lyft just got a billion dollar injection from google parent alphabet but it's expected to go public at the end of the year its rival may wait until twenty nineteen cloud storage
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heavyweight dropbox just secured a six hundred million dollar line of credit but it's expected to make its initial public offering in march or april home sharing giant air b.n. b. says it will be ready for an i.p.o. this year but it's likely to hold off another notable i.p.o. may be extremely profitable cell phone maker show me which just booked a billion dollars in profit for twenty seventeen not to be left out there's at least one big german i.p.o. on the horizon siemens medical technology unit health and ears which hopes to raise at least five billion euros one of the biggest flotations in germany's history. in the south african city of cape town water levels and local reservoir dangerously low as the area is struggling with the worst drought in living memory the city has now imposed what the coles level six was directions that means no irrigation for gardens of fields no refilling of swimming pools washing of causes also prohibited
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but the whole region which is home to run four million people could still run dry. the city of cape town has the ocean at its doorstep but fresh water isn't desperately short supply and the drought is threatening the survival of many area businesses an estimated fifty thousand jobs in the western cape region could be lost mainly agricultural workers but also gardeners and hotel cleaning staff could face and employment water rationing is affecting everyone even the five million tourists who arrive annually have been asked to keep showers to two minutes and under current restrictions water can no longer be used in gardens. in march twenty seventeen the mayor declared the city a disaster area reminders are everywhere about the importance of saving water he says in which if you still want water to drink if you still want to make your cup of tea your cup of coffee i think we need to encourage our neighbors encourage off
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friends and family not to misuse water city officials keep a close eye on supply they look for leaks and other sources of waste households have to limit consumption or face defined. cultural and commercial usage is restricted to the authorities are preparing for a day zero april twenty ninth the latest date when city taps are expected to run dry in that event there will be water point stations across the city which will distribute twenty five liters per person per day rain would help but in the heat of south africa summer that's not very likely. story twenty being a bumpy year for i.p.o.'s we can all speak to that means the senior market analyst joins us now from london craig which one of those we've just seen from our own code to which one of those i.p.o.'s are you most excited about
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of the one that stands out from a house to be saudi aramco due to the sheer size of the i p o itself is going to follow the complete around two trillion dollars so the sheer size of it is those make it the most interesting for me also the fact that there has been questions about whether it will float the oil price of course is a big influence on what the price will be whether they can do more push ahead with it's clearly been an influential people reason behind the production code that we've seen over the past couple of years so i think that's going to be very interesting want to watch throughout the course of the year and our report we've pointed out a few i.p.o.'s like lived in there b. and b. in all of us do you see any of those that we might have missed them. well i think there's a number of smaller i.p.o.'s of the course that they share i think the one to watch to an extent is one that's not necessarily been confirmed yet the thing is going to be a few i.p.o.'s this year which may cultures of god's people of course are watching
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closely to who we know are planning to float over the next few years so much speculated. that is the shave all out given the difficulties they had the shia twenty seventeen sorry the raw doubts about like something you want what you see is alternately going to be one that we're not quite aware of yet it's a popular one that you've noted i think a lot of the old ones are much smaller and less interesting than foreign saws so watch out for the small ones in general craig where do you see stock markets go this year what do we need what's awful. some markets going to be very interesting this year i think we are very much in the in a bull mach and i don't expect that to change we may see less substantial moves of the course of this year bull i think the key thing for markets this year is going to be politics because i think what we're seeing from ending's growth has been very impressive revenue growth as well we're seeing strong recoveries in the in europe for example which i think is going away to a covert i think china's going to remain strong the one thing that could stand that
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is why is going to be politics in geopolitics we saw these risks are rising over the course of twenty seventeen and even late two thousand and sixteen and i think that's going to be in the potential warning point that could destabilize markets this year although i do think this year is going to be able the strong one for financial markets look forward to that one from zero on the in london thank you very much for joining us thank you. at the consumer electronics show in las vegas a chinese start up unveils its vision for the car of the future the company's name is di tong which will first two bites on wheels is led by former executives from b.m.w. apple google and tesla by its own says the car will have a range of more than five hundred kilometers the battery can be fast charge within fifteen to thirty minutes will be available starting next year for forty five thousand dollars and em's to compete with tesla as model three other electric
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vehicles. right now to istanbul and after seven years of restoration work and an estimated three and a half million dollars the church of st stephen has reopened the turkish president and the ball gary and prime minister both attended the opening and as bug area takes the helm of the rotating european union presidency there are hopes the church could signal an era of new cooperation the reopening of a unique architectural landmark and perhaps a unique opportunity to mend the disastrous ties between turkey and the european union. president wretch uptight edwin arriving to send stephen's inauguration alongside the bulgarian prime minister boyko borisov the man who will be heading the presidency for the next six months takis prime minister emphasised why the timing of this inauguration mattered. we do not see the required religious
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tolerance especially in europe. this sets people against one another instead of strengthening mutual goodwill. in such an era i believe that the message we are trying to send with the renovation of the church together with the bulgarian prime minister boyko body self is extremely important the bulgarian orthodox church is one of the most important in the christian orthodox world. built originally one hundred twenty years ago its cast iron skeleton gave rise to its popular nickname the ion church. its iron parts were cast in vienna and shipped by the danube and the black sea destined for then constantinople it was one of the first major prefabricated structures in the world. there is of course a neo baroque influence and there's also
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a gothic one if we can even speak of a click he says i'm it's a mixture of many styles the economy starts wall is made of gilded wood. you know what's interesting is these icons. they're very different from the classical orthodox iconography they're of a much more innovative style. with. the lion's share of the restoration costs were borne by the turkish state part of ankara's wider efforts to restore synagogues chapels on churches critics accuse turkey of doing little to respect christian minority rights but both the turkish and bowl garion leaders have wanted the ion church as a positive example of religious and ethnic tolerance to sports now it's a big transfer news and football brazilian star philippic continual has succeeded in completing his big money transfer from liverpool to barcelona the brazilian
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forward originally wanted a move to the catalonia giants last summer but liverpool was this at a transfer on sunday though he finally appearing in his new club scholars after barcelona forked out one hundred twenty million euros for a signature at that price tag makes the second most expensive footballer of all time behind fellow brazilian neymar the twenty five year old who has a five year deal at. now north korea is likely to compete at the winter olympics across the border in south korea and that is making political waves for two south korean figure skaters it's strictly personal they recently trained in canada with their north korean counterparts and they're desperate to meet again that chang in a friendly rivalry. you'd be forgiven for thinking that the north korean winter olympic team i'd get a frosty reception across the border and sharing but for me on to york and kim to seek the two figure skaters that comprise the north's modest olympic squad a warm welcome await they trained with southern cone to parts computer and come can
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chant in canada last year and the foursome became fast friends and others or as it was we trained together for two months in canada we became close easily because we speak the same language we rooted for each other and we said that we should meet in pyongyang. despite inevitable differences resulting from growing up under regimes dancing to two wildly different tunes the athletes phone they still had plenty in common. bieber peace to meet each other and could get along with them more than the other we ate together and it made us closer. to. a sense of togetherness among the korean earthly shows that the olympic spirit is alive and well allies of both countries are hoping it's the first step on the road to more cooperation. now many sports are steeped in tradition but a few can lay claim to the kind of back story that an obscure game in the united
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kingdom has to offer it's called x.-e. hood and it's risky back to medieval noble woman losing her horde and farm hands racing to return it to her so how did that become a sport take a look. you may never have heard of hacks he heard but for two towns in the u.k. it's the biggest event of the year the annual game played by the people of hack c. and west woodside in northern england dates back to a fourteenth century legend it involves four groups coming together in a huge scrum each trying to push a leather tube called a hood back to its neighborhood. it's a rough game and pretty confusing to. you know push your hugs a new york to drug yourself to go through it to us who are so. it's a no win situation. away from the rock it's all about bringing people together and
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alcohol plays its part in proceedings to use a day to. me told friends and meet new friends and it's the best day of the hearing people who are in fact the winning team is the one that gets the hood to its local pub the cop and his arms was victorious this year but nobody's a loser in hacks he heard to make sure everyone is happy with the result tradition demands that the landlord hand out free drinks. and a reminder now of our top stories at this hour hollywood stars have hailed a new era in the entertainment industry at the seventy fifth golden globe awards at the first major awards gala after a tide of sexual abuse allegations stars donned black attire to show support for victims and to me to movement. and germany's main party said exploratory talks about forming a new government has begun on a positive note weeklong talks about formal coalition no negotiations will continue
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from all strewn to brendan. formosa station monks has come to bring us to noise. no monks have lived here for two hundred years. so what is more history month like today. what do the neighbors three. months on a mission. next to totally. learn german with w. any time any place. whether with jo jo and her friends. colleagues discuss it in the next night or mr spitzer says it's perfect join the cause of war with friends all over the world. online and interactive. german to go. learn german for free with d w.
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p. i shall maggie has no children which makes her feel worthless and incomplete. in a society that expects them to be her children this is a burden many married yet childless women in niger suffer from. a wife is only fully accepted upon motherhood. a very personal film about the suffering of childless women in niger and. the fruitless tree starting january fourteenth on t w.
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