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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  January 18, 2018 12:00pm-12:15pm CET

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i am. i am. i am. this is the video is coming to you live from berlin europe comes under fire for its human rights record human rights watch slams the e.u. poison efforts to keep out migrants but there's some traces of those taking a stand against populism all of this succeeded and the loss of rights groups of the european director those are coming up or indeed on who goes all high on one of them got to go home states that voted donald trump into the white house as he approaches one year in office do this still believe used of right man to lead america. because
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of joining into the longest underwater kiva on the planet we travel down to east to mexico for a new look into it submerged cabins in the building traces of ancient civilization the. color of a will welcome to you i'm. e.u. has been slammed for its treatment of migrants and asylum seekers a new human rights watch report highlights europe's efforts to prevent fresh arrivals in two thousand and seventeen and it criticizes the union for its reliance on known e.u. countries to stem the flow of people reaching europe the number of migrant arrivals by sea was down in two thousand and seventeen by about fifty percent as you see but the report says the mediterranean remained deadly nearly three thousand people died
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or were missing towards the end of last year human rights watch says the member states who took in the largest number of arrivals were shunned by the remainder of the union as a whole asylum seekers a return to italy and to greece under the so-called dublin regulation which states that the first country or entry must take over all responsibility for the arrivals in the summer of two thousand and seventeen germany officially suspended such returns a number of the e.u. states follow suit kenneth roth is executive director of human rights watch he launched the world report two thousand and eighteen in paris on thursday emphasizing that the rise of populism was to blame for many rights violations. the rise of the populace was very much a response to change in grievances the people that they felt left behind economically they were complaining about economic inequality many people dislike
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the cultural shifts associated with migration some people fear terrorism and what the authoritarian populists did is take the switch it in the grievances and skill goat quotable minorities to say it's the migrants who are at fault to see asylum seekers it's the refugees and their effort to sort of bully a vulnerable minority for recall them to the majority. the rise of the populist. the joining me now is you williamson is a director off to europe and central asia division of human rights watch. for you executive director had to say that you and your opus come in for a lot of criticism in the report by your organization give us more about what are your reasons for concern i mean to do with the e.u. our headline this year is that the e.u. has been treating human rights as an optional extra and that certainly is the case to do with refugee migration policy the focus has been very much on securing
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borders keeping refugees away rather than giving them a humanitarian treatment when they arrive and applying a fair. refugee policy across the continent the efforts to push refugees away to places like libya and turkey are of serious concern. and the rise of populous as we said in countries like australia has been fueling anti immigrant anti asylum seeker messages across europe now describing human rights as an optional extra is a very damning criticism and one of the central concerns is that europe seems to have outsourced its refugee asylum politics beyond the borders of europe one of the human rights concerns on this well we've been documenting last year on several. asians very severe human rights abuses in libya rape of women severe beatings of refugees in refugee camps their abuse of children too and the e.u.
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is cooperating with your thought is in libya they should be stopping that cooperation until conditions are right for for refugees to be treated there they should stop the cooperation with with the coast guard as well until the conditions are right so the e.u. should be taking its own responsibility rather than working with going to countries where abuses are rife you know there are obviously huge causes for concern from your perspective but in your report other any areas they think progress has been made in human rights well as my director ken roth says where there's been principled politicians and popular protest against or thora tarion or populist leaders there's been progress let's take poland for instance it was important that the european commission last year took a stand against the very negative legal reforms in poland even donald trump i mean there's been people in standing up against health reform on these issues about
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whether muslims can enter the country those things have been blocked so it's been important steps have been taken the central european university in budapest is still open because of protests in the streets in budapest so there has been some positive developments and this talk about keenan it does see the sec back in its human rights record why because the government has taken a forward an authoritarian approach ever since the failed coup in mid two thousand and sixteen hundreds of journalists thousands of civil servants remain in prison in turkey the government has had a a no tolerance policy towards human rights towards for free media germany and the e.u. both need to have a have a human rights first policy towards turkey and not focus on turkey's role on managing refugee flows into europe and of course turkey has been very important for europe in terms of refugees and asylum seekers as well hugh williamson director off europe and central asia division of human rights watch a pleasure to have the un d.w. thank you so much. turning now to the u.s.
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and this coming saturday marks daryn transfer asked fully an office as u.s. president we've spent this week looking back at the last twelve eventful months in the white house or hire was one of the battleground states that handed trampas election victory in two thousand and sixteen but has delivered on the promises to voters and washington bureau chief alexander phenomenon visited ohio to find out. my hunting belly in ohio a long time democratic stronghold that was once a hobby of the american steel industry but these times are long gone president donald trump one ohio in twenty sixteen by promising to bring jobs back to the region. tracy winbush believes in trump she hosts a talk show on local radio and after she gets off the air she relaxes and the cigar down. he is earned respect because
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of what he wants to do and how he wants to get it done so he's not republican he's not democrat he's just an american who use the system for his the best way to the presidency and you have to respect that. i mean but we have to admit that he lives right he doesn't tell the truth you have to he has he has his own thought process. but the question is. do we also. tracy takes me along to a party fundraiser in youngstown. during. three five. delayed his polls show the president's trump's approval rating is at a record low whether people here support him despite the fact that he hasn't made much progress on his legislative agenda. finally for the first time the leader of our times there's somebody in washington who is determined to change washington
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that's why people are excited they want to they want someone to go to washington who can grab that place and shake it because it's become so loaded and so out of control it's been a slow process they're fighting every step of the way but i believe in eventually people are going to realize how important this is like christian mckernan is a businessman in youngstown his grandfather started his heating and cooling company in one nine hundred thirty seven here sure we're christian says he trusts trump because he's all thought an entrepreneur says i don't have to agree with certain things that a sitting president may feel i don't have to do but i really should just look back and respect the position that's there. and allowing them to try to do. the show a treatment for it is not well good afternoon to walk with her if you weren't here
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and that would economic growth tax cuts health care that's what counts for tracy when bush she says she doesn't like everything trump tweets or sass but she'll support him as long as he is here to break the system. that we now bring you up to speed but some other stories making news around the world fifty two people have been killed in a bus inferno in kazakhstan only five people managed to escape the vehicle after the fire the disaster took place in the northwest of the country it's still not clear what caused the blaze. a powerful winter storm has made landfall in the netherlands with winds gusting up to a hundred forty kilometers an hour and this was the scene at amsterdam's sheeple airport earlier today all sides there have now been canceled the dutch are a company has stopped or it's trains and germany and belgium have also issued
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weather alerts. what looks like a fresh pineapple is actually a disguise for illegal cargo police in portugal and spain have seized more than seven hundred kilograms of cocaine hidden inside the foods they arrested nine members of the international gang that had shipped the drugs from south america. north and south koreans have agreed to march together at the opening ceremony of next month's winter olympic games they also intend to send a joint women's ice hockey team into the competition the international olympic committee still has to approve the plans. and now for some tennis and day fall of the australian open tennis championships in melbourne has seen players sweltering in extremely hot temperatures for much of a champion said the keith was becoming dangerous for those on court after he came from a said down to defeat frenchmen gael morphy's now in the women's singles that madea
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shot of paul has progressed with a victory over latvian honesty zero seven the russian is back at the grand slam tournament for the first time since testing positive for a banned substance two years ago and now the former a champion but face germany's two thousand and sixteen win a leak next how things didn't go quite so well for the third defeat it got to been . that she was beaten seven six six zero by taiwanese better than she is away blaming the scorching weather. turning away from tennis and onto news from the world of football and the role see our daughters problem child care emerick over my young mr finally be out on his be out of the club the premier league side arsenal are looking to line up a replacement for the own mischief maker alexis sanchez. was suspended by dortmund last week for the third time in just
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a radio because of disciplinary program problems acid and coach us in bengal told a press conference that the gabon international would be a good fit for his side though he stops short of confirming a move that sanchez set to leave for manchester united twenty eight year old young looks most likely to pick up where the chilean left off. finally for me the wild longest underwater caves has been discovered in mexico measuring an astounding three hundred forty seven kilometers the submerged cavern in the mexican state of rule isn't only remarkable because of its size but also because of the number of architectural treasures found inside the dates back beyond paos in the fierce and a helping to the mysteries of the ancient maya civilization that once dominated the region. it's thought to be the biggest underwater cave on the planet
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stretching for three hundred fifty kilometer as. divers discovered a connection between two submerged cabin systems in eastern mexico after a decades long search. there are about two hundred kids in this underwater systems others that we thought they might be connected but we weren't sure now we know about the collection and flows of water out of. research has found human bones and pottery from thousands of years ago it comes from the ancient mayan civilization that once dominated the region. goes down. it gives us an amazing perspective a new understanding of how the leaders of the entrance settlements and all of the mayans developed. scientists hope the discovery will shed new light on the
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mayans who considered this huge cave sacred. spectacular save the did the news of monica jones is coming back for you and she has a business coming up very shortly you're watching news coming to you live from berlin . when i'm traveling i like to be comfortable. but i also want to stay up to date on the latest news.


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