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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  January 18, 2018 6:00pm-6:15pm CET

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this is d.w. news live from berlin a powerful storm hits parts of europe causing fatalities and transport chaos high winds brought down trees blocking roads all of germany's long distance rail services are canceled also on the program. goes to ohio one of the battleground states and then donald trump the u.s. president saying as he approaches and his first yet they still believe they backed the right man.
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i'm from gail welcome to the program the storm battering parts of europe has killed at least four people of course transport delays for thousands of commuters one of the country's worst affected is the netherlands where flight cancellations that ship all airport left thousands of passengers stranded germany's national railway company has halted old long distance train services. the dutch weather service this you to red alert and this is why. high winds are battering the netherlands making transport difficult on river. and road a lake. flying debris and falling trees of course fatalities well planes took a buffeting at amsterdam's schiphol airport causing it to close temporarily.
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in snow covered in eastern germany the locals were bracing themselves for the onslaught of the storm so on yet it's already minus five and very windy it's not a good combination. but some like the owner of this local hotel we're confident that they've made the right preparations to withstand the battering. nothing can fly away here everything's nailed down it's been standing for two hundred years i don't think much will be flying around here. some though did opt to leave making a break for it as best they could and their cars. but for others it was already too late. charlotte shell's impel is among the stranded boat in central station. how bad is it. hi there phil since the news was announced the long distance trains across germany have been canceled they've been dozens of people gathering here behind me
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a balance sense of hate station trying to find whether or not they're going to be able to get out of the city tonight and there are a lot of gloomy travelers being turned away from trains being told no you're either going to have to try and get a taxi to where you need to go all you're going to have to check yourself into a hotel we know that palin is one of the lucky areas of germany i'm not sure you can see on the behind on the board behind me that some of the regional trains are still running that isn't much of a comfort though for those people who were wanting to go further away we've spoken to i spoke to a number of people who who were planning on taking a long distance train tonight they've been telling me that they've been given eighty euros each it's easy to get a cab or to get or to get a hotel some people read even pulling their money together to try and get a taxi i spoke to some people who were traveling as afore they were individual travelers origine who are now heading off to hamburg say although there are some
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very disappointed upset inconvenience people here there is also a sense of camaraderie lots of new friendships being forged what's outlook for the next few hours. yeah this does look like something that's going to continue over the next few hours and also into the morning a spokesperson for do it should barn at the german rail service has said that as a cautionary measure trains will be long distance trains will be canceled throughout the night that isn't stopping some optimists here though i spoke to one man he said that he came along anyway it had his trains canceled he said he travels a lot he's used to disruption he thought it come and hang out at the train station just to see whether or not things will turn around he says he plans to stick around for a few hours and work and see what's hill he'll just get a hotel tonight but this really does seem like something that continues like this continue into the early hours of the morning especially given that we know that this storm is meant to be heading directly heading east not directly for bolin but
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certainly this direction could in fact get a lot worse so inconveniences at this stage but there have been fatalities across. that's what we're hearing yes none in this region here in berlin but we're hearing that in the netherlands and in west germany there's been some five people killed that's the figure at the moment that could of course change you are hearing that there are a lot of injuries and there's been a lot of falling debris that has killed a number of people at the moment here in berlin though the weather i have to say isn't too bad nothing compared to what's going on in west germany but we are expecting more snow and wind into the night as the storm heads this way so again we could see some very different pictures as nice as the night goes on. central station thank you. now to some of the other stories making news around the world
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the united nations says violence against aid workers in south sudan's civil war reached a new high last year twenty eight were killed in a country regarded as the world's most dangerous place for aid workers now in its fifth year civil war that killed tens of thousands and plunged parts of the country into famine fifty two people died when a bus burst into flames in cassocks stan five managed to escape it happened in the north west of the country the cause of the blaze has not been determined. lifeguards in australia have used a drone to drop a life raft or two teenage boys trapped in a dangerous rip current emergency call came as the lifeguards were nearby had been trained in the drones use they say it's the first time one has been used in this war. france says it will lend the u.k. the fire tapestry a treasure which has not left the country in more than one hundred years it depicts the bloody cold quest of england by the normans in ten sixty six in answer comes
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ahead of prison term proles visit to britain for talks with the prime minister to resign the. european union has been heavily criticized for its treatment of a sigh of migrants and asylum seekers a new human rights watch report highlights for europe's efforts to prevent fresh arrivals in twenty seven it also condemns turkey for violating human rights more than one hundred forty journalists are being held in turkish prisons following twenty sixteen's failed coup d. w. has been speaking with a turkish court reporter who's covered many of those journalist trials. at breakfast shannon shakun is a ready checking to see if there have been any more arrests for years the thirty year old has worked as a court reporter covering the trials of her connie. i check if other journalists were imprisoned since the police weren't at my place at five am they could have struck somewhere else. she hasn't lost her sense of humor
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without it she says she wouldn't be able to last in her job. she reports from the heavily guarded palace of justice in istanbul the place where freedom of press in turkey came to an end i would just there to be just like every day when i walk over to this clase i see this building as some kind of a normas monster awaiting me with an ugly grimace to get it to kill us. cameras are not allowed in the courthouse so from this point we were cord with a hidden cell phone today she attends another case against colleagues of the daily paper hoary at the accusation betraying state secrets few other reporters are present trials against journalists have become part of a sound routine in turkey the coverage of the trial itself is obstructed by the
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courts the since ronald roldan say say there's no place for the press the building is huge but the courtrooms are very small the smallest rooms are always selected for these important trials. no more than twenty to twenty five visitors can fit into them about. this time shush koons colleagues walk free at least for the time being after two hours attorneys and defendants come out of the courtroom after the trial is postponed for two months. josh gruen sends a copy of the court's decision to have pain. outside in front of the courthouse the lawyer for the journalists describes the repeated postponements of the trial as a tactic to keep the defendants on depression. and her colleagues are watched and filmed by the police the entire time. and returns to the
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editorial department of her newspaper him her it three of her colleagues are currently in prison and dozens of accusations are pending. the editors fight to survive and shako knows that she could be indicted at any time for her court reporting by joe bible yards in turkey there is no system of law that protects the rights of individuals entire groups in society have been declared enemies and their rights are just taken away so look at your role. in the world would not be aware of this if shannon didn't get up every morning to report from the inside of his stumbles palace of justice. or saturday marks donald trump's first full year as president of the united states well this week looking back at the last twelve eventful months ohio was one of the battleground states that landed the president his victory last year in a moment we'll examine why his presidential style is so popular with his core
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support for detail because washington bureau chief and xandra said to say this from a. beli in ohio a long time democratic stronghold that was once a hobby of the american steel industry but these times are long gone president donald trump want to hire in twenty sixteen by promising to bring jobs back to the region. tracey winbush believes in trump she hosts a talk show on local radio and after she gets off the air she relaxes and the cigar lounge. he is earn respect because of what he wants to do and how he wants to get it done so he's not republican is not democrat he's just an american who use the system for his the best way to the presidency and you have to respect that. i mean but we have to admit that he lives
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right he doesn't tell that you have to make he has he has his own thought process. but the question is. do we all lie also. tracy takes me along to a party fundraiser in youngstown. and during. three five. delayed his polls show the president's trump's approval rating is at a record low other people here support him despite the fact that he hasn't made much progress on his legislative agenda. finally for the first time the big world wide times there's somebody in washington who is determined to change washington that's why people are excited they want to they want someone to go to washington who can grab that place and shake it because it's become so overloaded and so out of control it's been a slow process they're fighting every step of the way but i believe in eventually
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people are going to realize how important this is like a christian mckernan is a businessman in youngstown his grandfather started his heating and cooling company in one nine hundred thirty seven here sure christian says he trusts trump because he's also an entrepreneur i don't have to agree with certain things that a sitting president may feel i don't have to do but i really should just look back and respect the position that's there. and allowing them to try to do is draw. the line and treat your friends. well good afternoon welcome to. economic growth tax cuts health care that's what counts for tracey winbush she says she doesn't like f one thing trump tweets or sass but she'll support him as long as he is here to break the system. mountain bike. has conquered the
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legendary hot and downhill ski coals in his native australia is forty three years old and he rode more than three kilometers on a regular mountain bike the only added extra equipment with metal spikes on the ties he hit to top speeds of one hundred six and. said he wanted to do something that no one else had ever done before world cup scale as he. keeps bird pieced this weekend on his your mind top story at this hour europe is dealing with the effects of a powerful storm high winds of course several casualties a long distance rail transport to go to a standstill in germany. this is to defuse like the above it is all the way with the days of business updates including we'll have the latest trouble superjumbo the airbus a three eighty which looks like the same production from the emirates
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decides to buy twenty. off the undertaker. on freedom and the whole. world i come from the region is rich in history and talents but so poor in education opportunity and freedom this makes it especially difficult for independent judgment i see many of the younger promising german.


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