tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle January 19, 2018 7:00pm-8:01pm CET
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this is the w.'s line from baldwin some said he wouldn't last until christmas but u.s. president donald trump is still that you after taking office we'll take a look at the president's turbulent times with the help of a former u.s. defense secretary and cia director leon panetta also on the program. back home meets macro in paris the two leaders are looking for
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a show of unity events back home in germany could but with events in germany this weekend that could mark the beginning of the end for the long. term militias in syria with tanks and troops ready to roll the country's defense minister says the shelling is part of a planned invasion. plus will he stay or will he go dormant striker yeah i'm rick i'm balmy i'm hospital laughed out of tonight's game and it fueled speculation that he may be on his way to aso in the english premier league. i'm phil gayle welcome to the program. saturday marks the first anniversary of donald trump's inauguration as the forty fifth president of the united states some said he wouldn't last until christmas but with the economy booming and his health reportedly good as and trump is holding steady he's unpredictable nature however
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has had his supporters cheering and his opponents cringing here's a look back at an eventful year. it was an audacious first week in office. migration had been a central tenet of candidate trump's campaign within days of his inauguration president trump issued the first report became known as muslim bans his supporters welcomed the move but thousands of people turned out at airports across the country to protest the executive order legal challenges against the travel ban came almost immediately even after trump signed a second and then a third ban later in the year courts prevented them from going fully into effect the supreme court will ultimately decide their fate this year. shortly after the election the number of illegal crossings at the u.s. mexican border hit an all time low according to u.s. border officials throughout the year the government stepped up raids and arrests of
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suspected undocumented persons in the u.s. . the wall on the u.s. mexican border that trump promised is now part of some key immigration negotiations in washington. one clear triumph for trump was the ascension of neil core such to the supreme court for many conservatives this was an affirmation of why they voted for trump course it is an arch conservative jurist at just forty nine years old and with a lifetime appointment he is likely to shape a good portion of american law moving forward. in terms only legislative success so far has been his tax bill with an estimated one point five trillion dollars in tax cuts it advances several conservative republican objectives like slashing corporate taxes and in particular lowering the rate for the richest americans he signed the bill into law even though the american public largely disapproved. the president
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also fulfilled a key campaign promise when he announced he'd withdraw the u.s. from the paris climate agreement over the objections of many of his advisors the u.s. is now the only country in the world. that is not signed the accord. building on strategies the obama administration put in place trump ups the numbers of u.s. troops in iraq and syria ultimately helping to defeat the so-called islamic state the prime minister of iraq declared victory over i asked last month. and the u.s. economy has remained strong under trump u.s. stock markets have reached record highs and unemployment is at a seventeen year low over the president's behavior has been a daily flash point and many people still feel left behind in the economy mainstream conservatives have a lot to be happy about. scott more on that side from leon panetta mr podesta was director of the cia and then secretary of defense during the obama presidency is also a co-founder of the pathetic institute for foreign policy joins us from monterey in
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california welcome to day w. here in how would you say the president is doing. well it's three much a mixed record. obviously it's been. the one term that comes to mind is chaotic it's been very up and down very erratic at the same time there's been some achievements with as pointed out in your program. the approval of a supreme court justice. the economy continues to do well though it's hard to tell how much of that is credited to the administration he did he was able to pass a tax reform bill but the reality is that this country remains very divided. the chaos in washington continues from day to day he tweets things that create even
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additional chaos and the problem i have is that although he tends to disrupt things i'm not sure he has a strategy for how to deal with the disruption once that happens let's talk about america's position in the world as a world wide gallup poll which says that under present chum the united states has fallen from first to third place in the list of top global policy does that matter . i think it matters a great deal i think that's one of the one of the problems is that this president talked about an america first kind of approach to dealing with foreign policy he took steps to take us out of the paris climate agreement he has basically torn up about trade agreements that are extremely important nafta the
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asian trade agreement that was there he continues to. undermine our alliances and take positions frankly that the world community does not agree with the result of that is that the united states i believe has lost its leadership role in the world and that is not a good situation when we're facing the number of international crises that we're facing at the present time but there will always be international crises and i'm guessing the american people voted for a president as you say who would put america first so my guess would be that those votes as i don't care how the world views america should they. well i don't agree with that i think i think an overwhelming majority of americans believe that the united states has to be a leader in the world we've been
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a leader world war two and the reality is we have worked with allies like germany and great britain and others to build strong alliances to try to deal with the challenges that we face america has played a very important role in that and my fear is that if america doesn't provide that leadership unfortunately no one else will and the fact is we do have perhaps more crises in the world today than since world war two we're confronting the threat of terrorism we've got instability in the middle east we continue to try to deal with iran we're dealing with north korea and the threat of a potential war with them we're dealing with a russia that is in a new chapter of the cold war we're continuing to deal with china and we have cyber warfare that is a reality those are all real threats and very frankly it takes alliances and united states leadership in order to deal with that and yet despite all those crises i see
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that just in the last couple of hours the u.s. defense secretary you will one of your successes james mattis is quoted as saying that the main focus of america's national security is not a competition between great power as rather than terrorism i'm guessing you think he's got that wrong i think it is. it's the responsibility and i and it's states and i think your majesty believes this to work with our allies in order to protect our national security i think it's important for us to maintain a strong nato i think it's important for us to build other alliances i think it's important for us to work with the nations of the world to deal with climate change . i don't i don't think we can confront the crises that exist in the world today
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unless the united states and other nations are willing to work together to deal with these problems so if we all go it alone if we just pay attention to our own interests mark my words it will undermine the ability of the world community to be able to protect peace and prosperity in the future but you mentioned. the president's a propensity for tweeting you've been quoted as saying that if i had my way i'd take that tweet and throw it out the window why is this such a. i cannot imagine i was i was chief of staff to the present the united states to bill clinton i could not imagine being a chief of staff and trying to determine what the strategy is for a particular day and then go to work and find out the president at five am
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started tweeting thinks that. that totally undermined the ability to have some kind of strategy for that particular day you're going to have to spend your time basically repairing the damage that the president did from his tweets it is it is very unstable it's very erratic there's no reason that the president has to suddenly get up in the morning and tweet without developing some kind of stable policy approach to deciding what is the strategy for this administration it cannot just be a tweet you can't do foreign policy by tweeting the government the u.s. government's facing a shutdown this evening because congress is deadlocked some votes would say that this is exactly the sort of politicking that made them vote for him a known politician.
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well there's no look there's no question that the american people were angry and frustrated what were they angry and frustrated by a dysfunctional washington where both democrats and republicans were not coming together to deal with the problems that they are facing unfortunately that hasn't changed it's gotten worse we're facing a government shutdown in this country the blame rests obviously with both parties but are but it also rests with the president and the republicans who are the majority party in the house and the senate that is no way to govern this country we cannot remain a strong democracy if we can't govern ourselves and that is a real critical problem today as we speak the investigation into links between the campaign and russia do you think this is going to do for the
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president you know i i know bob mahler i work with him he was director of the f.b.i. when i was director of cia. he is a professional and he is someone who is i think a credible law enforcement officer. he will do a good job determining what the truth this and that's what we need to know what is the truth what's the truth about what russia did in terms of trying to impact our election what is the truth with. that it looks like we've lost the line but they don't put us and we thank you so much but it's interference by the russians all of that julie's to be. a geisha. we had
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a few problems that passed but thank you so much for joining you thanks. now europe's two most powerful leaders germany's i'm going to machall and president emmanuel macro of france meeting to hammer out a series of reforms to the eurozone some of president macros ideas are radical he wants a separate budget on the single finance minister for the zone but the chancellor is more hesitant reaching an agreement may not be easy and see how they're getting on much so hoffman has that in paris so welcome max what do these two leaders want well the most important piece of news that came out of the press conference held here by macular micro is probably that now it's official they want a second a treaty the first of these a treaty having reached fifty five years of age and being the foundation basically for many ways of cooperating between the two countries and therefore
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a symbol of peace and also friendship between the two countries they want a new one that is adapted to the twenty first century so both medical and mccraw confirmed that but at the same time of course they also talked about the challenges of what we call the reform of the european union you just mentioned two of those challenges but the german chancellor also insisted that this would include a defense cooperation even maybe a defense union and securing for example the external borders against illegal migration into the european union ok so that's some of what they want and whether they disagree. it's hard to say because both try to hide any form of disagreement and you have to say that the germans so far don't really have an official government line quite simply because they don't have a new government yet so the real disagreements that come out when you talk about the meat and potatoes about the details about how to put something on the ground
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they have not emerged yet and they're clearly trying not to let them emerge either is just to give you an example french president of my cross said listen we know that we might not necessarily have the same ways of getting places getting to the same to the goals that we have but what's important is that we have the same goal and he insisted on that they really had a show of unity as they have always had in the past months and try to dwell on that and not on the possible differences that you mentioned earlier the problems chancellor merkel is having are back home forming a new government let's listen to what's the chance one had to say about that. then i can understand that france in particular is waiting for a new german government to be formed in our negotiations for a possible coalition we have put europe at the top of the agenda but we know that to achieve something in europe we need a stable german government and a study to. myself what in paris and how the chancellor's domestic political
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problems affecting her position in you policies. you can't really get in the of the big projects done without the most important player in the european union and that is still germany at least if you look at it it canonically everybody knows it and even though i call indirectly indorsed that this grand coalition between the social democrats and the c.d.u. actually happened he said i don't want to make meddle with interior politics in germany but let me say this there are great ambitions for europe in the exploratory talks there's a document that really deals in the first pages almost uniquely with the european union with an outlook for europe so clearly he is in favor of that because michael has developed many different ideas many different visions and he wants to start developing them with a strong german partner that he doesn't have it but often in paris thank you. well the chance of us
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a political fight could be decided this weekend not by the photos or her own party but by happy tensional coalition partners on sunday as pity party leader martin schultz will try and convince a special party conference to back its leadership's decision to talk to the chancellor and her conservatives about entering into a new grand coalition the s.p.d. can only start formal negotiations with the conservatives if this conference for us yes but the party is split with particular resistance from its youth wing a no vote would mean i've got a minority government all fresh elections washing shields has been speaking about the coming out. if your quotes are clear on the start of the we are concentrating on reaching a majority of the party congress on sunday in favor of the decision to enter into talks aimed at finding a coalition deal that is my task to get a majority and others are trying to get a majority for their positions that is how a democratic party works up in a lot of it will call fission power to get more on this from his funny across is
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a political science that burdens humble to university welcome to g.w. german politics gets interesting as a novelty let's talk about sunday's vote and its importance will start first of all with its importance for germany yes obviously it's very important because you know right now we only have a caretaker government right and if this vote will fail then we'll probably have to face new elections would be which would be a no win for germany dismounting shelter of the numbers i think it's going to be a close race but i think in the end the party congress should approve to start negotiations for a call forming a coalition government now you see so you think that on balance it's likely to be yes the the big problem as far as we can tell. is likely to be the youth wing that leader kevin kuhn that thinks the chancellor should form a minority government let's listen to him speak that's what if i'm going to market
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it means anglo american would have to secure majorities from case to case. she shies away from that because it's not her political style that i can understand that on a human level but german politics can't revolve around the sensibilities of angela merkel's card front and get america audience here so that's that's that's the other option isn't it under the man who could form a minority government why is she so against that option and she personally is against it but it's also a problem for german politics in general because we were really had minority governments right so we only had it twice on the federal level and on the eleven they are now you know on the. in the senate level sorry yes they level and i mean in the one case it went quite well but otherwise especially on the national level we've never had this before so it's right the germans are reluctant to do this now who kerry but it might happen i mean if if if beattie does vote against
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a grand coalition those will be her options are minority government or a new election nobody wants a new election nobody does but nobody else wants a minority government aside from the s.p.d. maybe so i mean it's still it's it's medical sedition to to do that and i think she's a very reluctant to do that because that would be a novelty and she's not well she's not there's nobody there so i think. something might mean that. i guess that's the case this is important for martin shows as well he's not long in the in the job as leader he's taken them to their worst political so the worst election result since anyone can remember he has to assert his authority it's true but. right now what we see especially also with the youth organisation is that they'd say they don't want to have this grand coalition but they're not necessarily against multinationals so if martin shuls would want to stay or stay the leader of the s.p.d.
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he might have the chance to but i don't think he would he would take this risk. so everything happens on sunday talk us through what's going to happen on sunday yes so we'll have the delegates off the social democrats vote on on the question of whether. it's been a should start the coalition talks so it will be a simple question should be a speedy stockholders and told exactly ok yeah so this is a their yes or no vote and then we'll see what happens i mean if if they agree on that then we'll have the formal coalition to go shay sions and then if they are a successful then we'll have another referendum of the s.p.d. but this time it will be the members who will work out on the coalition agreement so this is another quite a big hurdle for the conclusion what people against it why they asked why why would somebody voices within the s.p.d. against going into a coalition because this this would be the third time i think with accuracy i mean they had bad experiences right so they whenever they were
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a coalition with with the c.d.u. c.s.u. they lost a number of votes and they also think that policy wise they couldn't really. come forward could not be brooke restive as they want to i specially with the conservatives so this is why they're against it so you cross from university thank you come. welcome to business news and funny for char it's d. economy stupid that was holbrooke clinton won the us presidency in one thousand nine hundred ninety two not knowing that it's him donald trump who were drawn on that very same idea over two decades later against his wife hillary but trump didn't only run he also won one year into his presidency let's have a look at how trump performed was his good for business as he said he would be well he quickly created some top jobs for sure in his administration one of them went to
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rex tillerson the former c.e.o. of exxon mobil became secretary of state and just weeks ago president trump opened up formerly protected waters along the east and west coast for drowning big business for big oil let's take you to wall street right now to un school to standing by for us yes as we're looking back on a bit here of donald trump this first decision about drilling wasn't exactly what the oil industry was waiting for. well i mean first of all rex tillerson the secretary of state he had snow saying and if it comes to the decision to open up the coast here in the u.s. on the pacific and on the atlantic side this is not a final decision yet so we have to wait and see but there is no question about it that this government is doing everything what seems to be good for the industry and
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this year actually us might pump more oil than saudi arabia so it could be a push for the oil industry over here here in the united states and just please stand by as we're looking at some other business friendly activities donald trump of the trump administration also in trump's team stephen mentioned the treasury secretary who used to work for goldman sachs his former employer and all the wall street banks celebrated early on and president trump eased regulations on investment banks but they also had to take more major write offs recently recently to that tax reform of u.s. president donald trump. and going back to school to wall street it would be the banks who are benefiting the most from that tax reform ads. it's tough to say if they will profit the most but to a certain degree it's a double whammy for is a financial industry on one side the big banks for example they will profit in the
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mid and long term from a lower corporate tax rate and then on the other side we also might see less regulation when it comes to the financial industry for now we have see a lot of billion dollar write offs of the big financial institutions but in the mid and long term banks should profit like other industries here in the u.s. as well. will be just back in just a moment looking at the technology sector here one of trump's earliest business meetings was with executives from silicon valley top executives from microsoft google and amazon they are in attendance as well as apple c.e.o. tim cook pleading for easier integration rules for specialized course apple just announced that the company will patching a quarter trillion dollars in cash stashed abroad it will also build a new campus promising to create twenty thousand new jobs
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and going back to the wall street again yes sounds rather good sounds rather positive if you look back at twenty seventeen. here is it really that rosy is that also your report card that you would give donald trump. wall street is happy the stock market in the us again about seven trillion dollars in value of since inauguration day year ago and overall the economic picture does look rather bright the unemployment rate is at the lowest level in about seventeen years of the industrial sector is doing better but also that dust come at a price right i mean it was that when we talk about the techs reform we will see less tax revenue for the next ten years and the amount of almost one point five trillion dollars so we will have to see in the long term if this president presidency is really that cut for the u.s.
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economy in the long term. it's going to new york thank you so much for pointing. and that's your business out there for now but more work news from i think you have found this is. world news live from but then still to come i will take a look at the budget to slink away i don't want to take the pitch in berlin to battle heads at less than an hour from now they'll be without strike up emmerich about me on so what does the future hold for the club and they've got an easy go get. coffee i'm going to enjoy the. nice to see. the end of season special. highlights from all the shows. best vocal. the funniest moments. i can and of course the best unplugged performances. told
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by forty somethings. that people vote for information they provide to the paintings they want to express t.w. on facebook and twitter up to date and in touch. every journey begins with the first step and every language but the first word published in. rico is in germany to learn german and why not learn it simple online on your mobile and free to stop. learning course nico speak german made it easy. to speak the latest technology. no. maybe time for an upgrade come part of the future become a cyborg. sight words and design my perception of reality implants that make every
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day life easier. i use my implants. on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively. i hope that this will make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg and what do you think will happen society does the human race really need an upgrade i think it's only the beginning of this cycle works human machines starting february first on t w. this is d w news live from by then on for the top stories this hour south that marks a year since donald trump's inauguration a forty fifth president of the united states has had his forces cheering him support his cringing despite figure turbulence economy is booming. germany's chancellor mckelvie is meeting the president quote france in paris
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discussing ways to strengthen the eurozone events a bathrobe in germany could mean the chance of them won't be in office for much longer. the turkish forces have been firing on targets across the border with syria the country's defense minister says an operation against a kurdish controlled even syria's african region has begun the move comes just days after turkey's president roger said he would stamp out what he called nests of terror on the border military intervention puts turkey at odds with the united states which has backed the kurdish militias in the fight against so-called islamic state. not even the rain could dump in their spirits. thousands of kurds demonstrated against a possible invasion of turkish troops president ad once and once meant that he wants to drive kurdish militias i took the syrian enclave brought them onto the streets. and that's not the world needs to hear us and these threats from turkey.
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who goes over the head of one wants to intimidate us one of the we will kill any attacker who sets foot in a free. mall. iran's twenty kilometers further north turkish tanks roll on unperturbed towards the border region of how tight security that is high media reports say that have been exchanges of gunfire but no one was injured turkey calls kurdish militias in northern syria terrorists ankara says they are the extended arm of the band k.k. however some kurdish militias are u.s. allies in the fight against the so-called islamic state. who move out of the we are telling the turkish army straight we are ready. what what we are prepared for anything and our troops are well equipped to defend our free will be there on.
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a free night fears a military strike that could drag the entire region into a new. business said with a. story about how a city in africa is trying to cope without much rainfall indeed it's a huge problem following three years of very low rainfall in three years cape town faces a huge challenge now the south african cities authorities are tightening restrictions on household water usage to fight an ongoing dropped beginning in february residents will be limited to fifty to say that's almost half the current ceiling. water collection is now a common sight in cape town families here have been feeling the strain of the water rationing measures because. we can't use. the water from the tap because. so we have to connect to sydney and have family
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collect water three to four times a week after three years of too little rainfall cape town faces a vo water shortage the water reservoirs of south africa's second largest city are only a third of their capacity and families like sydney's are being forced to go to extreme lengths to save water both in the world can be used for the washing machine and from the washing machine. and from day we use it for three for the system for the toilet. my mom was always she didn't like to waste anything so she was always don't waste that so she decided she had about the job out. to save. the family uses the collected water in different ways including cooking drinking dishwashing and other household chores that way they consume little water from the time we have a family of four including my parents would be six. so that's about sixteen
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thousand it is really should average a month but we brought it down to about four thousand every month the water shortage has hit kept hard and conserving water like sydney's family isn't something everyone can afford to do. now you may not have heard of the pictures talent of coal is right there in eastern germany but you may have seen it in various big budget movie productions. pastors around the world in eighty days to check a chat and to grand budapest hotel they are shot in gurlitz. the talon is making headlines for other reasons as the big employers are suddenly leaving sparking huge protests today german engineering giant siemens is slashing hundreds of jobs on side a spot of a restructuring and german canadian train make up a bargain it's putting up to threatening the life of thousands more it's hoped fast
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growing midsize businesses will pick up some of the slack here is more. it might come as a surprise to find this company in gurlitz city and make software for the world market with annual sales of sixteen million euros its offices are in the historic heart of the town in the far east of saxony and it has no shortage of young talent liquidity and as a we've only recruit from the saxony region at the moment we're banking on software made in germany and not in romania not in the czech republic and not a little way nya our software is made in germany to meet in germany founded in one nine hundred ninety city and employs around one hundred people in gurlitz. we are planning to grow continuously we have a double digit growth and we can only grow through collaboration with expertise and know how to use it well and we want to recruit more stand here to avoid the woman you're going to get in maybe from here zeman has announced it's shutting his steam turbine plant with nine hundred employees in gurlitz and that's not all real
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vehicle maker bombards he is planning to slash a thousand jobs here. what will the future bring for the region if two of its biggest employers pull out. investors are interested say local economic developers although they don't give any concrete details. naaman then one being we won't name any names until it's a done deal but i can tell you they come mainly from the emo bill of the sector the logistic sector in the medical sector that's it in a nutshell. chis there are lots district just the district in the state of saxony with the highest percentage of foreigners we have around two hundred fifty five thousand residents with twelve thousand foreigners in total and that's the highest court in saxony so we're a bit of a trailblazer in saxony in terms of being cosmopolitan. and.
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what investors mainly want is qualified workers that also goes for the swiss firms gun which produces technology for pharmaceutical companies and which has been in gurlitz for several years it's gone intends to expand here perhaps with former simmons and juniors has emerged to follow these are the preparations for our new production holes and as we expand we will be creating new jobs to the whole and we always plan to. scan is a medium sized enterprise with one hundred employees here so it won't be hiring massively but many of the highly skilled workers laid off by siemens may be able to find positions in the small companies scattered in and around ground that's. out it's all about football the bundesliga match day nineteen kicks off in less than an hour with half balin entertaining the dog and poplar for us from that interview sports is an expert on welcome. one man this man i suppose you're right
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dominating the building the build up to the game even though not playing you're absolutely right not of course is pure emerick of a. i'm a young and of course there's a lot of talk oh where will he be playing in just a couple weeks time will he be staying at dortmund or will he be moving over to england to play for arsenal that is the million dollar question but there's one thing for sure he's not in berlin and that he won't be playing in jordan's team this weekend although if the do without him then but can they win without him well let's find out. her problem child pm eric obama yang is once again giving his coach pete just ahead tonight with thirteen goals so far this season he's brilliant on the pitch the problem is it's not going on now it's just us a new coach vega said on thursday that he thinks the twenty eight year old would fit in well in north london. has long been looking for a way out of dortmund and vegas talk seems to have gone to his head the striker has been left at home ahead of dortmund strict because the club deems that he's got too
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much else on his mind and isn't fully focus. things had been going so well for stir these unbeaten in the bundesliga since taking over in december and now christian pussy is set to make a return from injury. is ready to play again he took part in the last two training sessions and we're going to see how he is so he's a possibility for the game. than a movie which is fortunate because right now dortmund needs all hands on deck the much discussed departure of the biggest star is looking likely than ever. ok but it's not definite yet and if this also doesn't materialize then it does this mean he's out of the way well you can say he's going to be out of the open because at the end of the day it's incredibly important player in the course dortmund side and let's not forget that last year at pierre emerick open the young was the biggest a
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top goalscorer in the bundesliga and actually this season and he's also been doing incredibly well and interestingly dortmund have only picked up two points and scored three goals in the three games with ivan and the reason why he was left in dortmund enough role to berlin for dortmund game against hatta and was because well dorman says sporting director he had sort said we feel that he's not one hundred percent with it mentally at the moment so became a quest. of whether or not he could help us in berlin now if he doesn't go to arsenal it would be very difficult for dormant to keep him out of the squad for the rest of the season he is as i said very important for the u.s. but he's bald man is one man bigger than the whole of the team apparently so now. let's some other trials for news. about him coming but we have had one big bundesliga deals right go through already that's right don it's not related to dortmund is in fact gretzky he is currently a player at shell and he announced well it's been announced that he will be playing
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with joints fire in munich as of july the first so it's a similar situation in some ways in that he will continue playing for his current team shall be doing remarkably well again this season they are fourteen behind points behind bars munich but we've seen a resurgence in shellac after several pretty disappointing seasons and it's not forget the shocker one of germany's in the big teams. you know is a is a young lad he's got a long career ahead of amount of course once again we're seeing byron munich snap up some of the big you know talent and that is out there here in germany so you know it's a new beginning for him but worrying times for hats for shell because now they're going to need to find someone to replace later. so i have no words have not gotten so. low thank you so much get ready for some get ready for some breathtaking scenery they died of a paragliding world cup super final in colombia it was won by michael single on
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friday this was part of sort of victory with us look breathtaking with a six minute lead over his closest challenger the competitors of battled clouds and mr out the day after the day started with a tropical rain still with also ceasing claim top spot in the overall world rankings. now to hong kong a crowded city with sky high apartment blocks of equally sky high rents for the less well off that can mean. some hard choices some are forced to share tiny apartments while others sleeping cages literally and that report shows how shows one woman strive to five homes and dignity hong kong's destitute assumptive quarter the angel of the poor. their home is a cage seven men live in a single room in bitter poverty they often don't have enough money for three meals a day. mr long shows us where he's been living for years. he gets
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about five hundred euros in welfare every month nearly half of which he spends on his cage bed and electricity. is expendable as trash we have been cast out society has given up on us. their only ray of hope is life she visits them regularly and asks how they're doing what they need and brings them extra money for food. she works for an aid organization that looks after people living in miserable conditions in hong kong. i think it's ready set and i also use for a shameful because the whole call we have here from his office and people they have sole reach in hong kong and that the government have hugely houses so i think that that once you have the capacity and resources to have these people but we just allow this to happen. hardly anywhere in the world is living spaces on affordable
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as in hong kong there's very little room for the more than seven million residents but there are plenty of buyers for luxury apartments a profitable business for real estate companies. buying an apartment is barely affordable even for the middle class it's long been the norm for them to spend hundreds their income on rent or animal gauge hong kong is a housing nightmare for many. people call her the angel of the poor because of her efforts to help out visits the home of thirteen year old czech ming onus here have subdivided many of the apartments into mini lodgings known as shoe boxes with just a part time job and welfare all this mother and child can afford are about two and a half square meters with a bunk bed and a small table the mother cries a lot and wishes she could provide something better for her son so you very much.
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our apartment should really be big enough that my son and i can move around freely . but here it's so small that we can only enter the room one at a time. checkmating won't tell his classmates how he lives he's too ashamed most people here work but they don't earn enough for an apartment of their own so several people are forced to share a grubby kitchen and a single bathroom aboard their only hope is a state subsidized apartment but the waiting list is several years long. and gives advice helps people deal with bureaucracy and puts pressure on officials where she can. meet me in the slightest ways easy to keep money really feel really history there you know hopeless and helpless because . he ain't going easy on you somebody has many hearts and some people you know boys
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leave and besides now these too many people and i didn't know. about thirty percent of hong kong's residents live in subsidized housing but there's not nearly enough to go around the hunt for an affordable living space even drives people to live in corrugated iron huts atop factories with little by way of safety features it's illegal and dangerous. but where else are people supposed to go. children are especially vulnerable ly shan herself grew up in poverty and knows how they feel many don't even have enough space at home to do their homework. the aid organization has other volunteers who help them too. and hear their torch not to be ashamed of being poor. there so it may just go because they feel that you period
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you know this and i was i was at it a day at the beginning and end up getting that back but of course the other people did that there was ample we have some children there cause men nor are they. living in this kind of thing small space and a t.v. . is calling for more subsidized housing from the city government she says too much land goes to the powerful real estate companies she's already helped thousands of residents to move from their shoe box dwellings to subsidized housing sometimes it took years such as with ms tie up the apartments the bigger the rents cheaper for residents it means a complete lifestyle change fewer worries and more money left over it's a never ending job but a rewarding one i feel happy because when i help people there because situation i feel very sorry for them and so i wore high and they finally put their situation.
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be very happy. and all because i thing helping people is a kind of happiness. those living in caged beds generally pay more rent for their space than people who live in subsidized flats if it weren't for lifespans help mr long and the other men here might not even have warm clothing for the cool winter nights. sometimes when the people of hong kong come home from work mr long goes to the soccer pitch he used to work in a slaughter house and lived in employee housing now he's seventy and in poor health he's given up hope of ever getting a subsidized apartment as there are almost three hundred thousand other people in hong kong who are also on the waiting list. another day another chapter in the hollywood sexual abuse scandal unfolding this
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time it could end the career of one of the most vivid direct as intense thought out woody allen this week his adopted daughter dylan farrow has been on television to repeat her claims that the nine hundred ninety two when she was seven years old her father sexually abused her only metaphorical to death well robin is this the end that woody allen well it could well be in the current climate i mean we've already seen allegations of sexual misconduct have finished the careers of harvey weinstein and kevin spacey woody allen has made nearly fifty movies a month for oscars actors queue up to be in his films all they used ever since this time in one thousand nine hundred two when he was going through an acrimonious divorce with his then wife mia farrow there's been a question mark about as of this alleged abuse not helped by the fact that after the divorce he married his stepdaughter suneet previn who was a college student however he was investigated at the time and no charges have ever
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been filed but to be honest kevin spacey hasn't been to court but his career is over the atmosphere in tinseltown as you call it is very toxic at the moment. and there are big name actors coming out and saying they won't work with him again the latest i think is is colin firth so yeah i think his career could it's certainly seriously curtailed if not on its website of course that he completely denies the allegations yes. let's move on then they would have been the seventy fifth anniversary of the genesis jump when the queen of rock and roll still retains the title even though she died just twenty seven years old of a heroin overdose in one thousand nine hundred seventy. i can no one's taken that type. from well i still think nobody got
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a voice live actually i don't think anybody's got a rock'n'roll voice like i prefer the title if you like first lady of rock'n'roll because she really was the first woman to break out in the rock'n'roll scene there were other female singers at the time in the sixty's like john baez but the the rock'n'roll scene rock'n'roll bands very male if not completely male dominated she broke the mold i would say and it was also the time of live love and die young and janis joplin did all of that. born and raised in texas janis joplin was a misfit at an early age with her love of art and books a low point came in one nine hundred sixty two when her college newspaper named her the ugliest man on campus but she turned the pain from that into a source of strength she broke out and landed in san francisco which seemed to be waiting for someone like her with her raw expressive voice.
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after genesis performance of the one nine hundred sixty seven monterey pop festival there was no looking back she idolized artists like otis redding in a wreath or franklin but created her own unique style. all i got now is shrink but that's maybe if i keep saying leave it until. she felt safe on stage where she could share her emotions with everyone her fans went crazy for her but the highs from performing weren't enough and off stage she turned to heroin. joplin faced many obstacles in the male dominated music scene of the one nine hundred sixty s. she had no role models for what she was doing but she's become one herself in her
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last year of life just plain led a relatively quiet life free of drugs and more productive than ever. but she relapsed in one nine hundred seventy and died from a heroin overdose at the age of twenty seven janis joplin didn't live to witness the great success of her final album the. rock n roll. she had a bit of a thing for us cause he wrote about yes she did as she actually a porsche which she got ready to customize and i think we got a picture of it have way yes yeah they got how about that psychedelic porsche for you it actually incidentally sold two years ago for one point seven six million dollars anyway as you mentioned she wrote and recorded a song just actually three days before her death which has perhaps become her most
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iconic song this is what we're going to play it was let's let's do that robin meryl thank you we're going to leave you then with this fitting tribute to one of the great female voices of rock one janis joplin this is what is it nor what to buy me a minute sadie's face. i have a good day. oh look oh it's about me a murder say these bands my friends. or see these. words. laugh then no help from my friends so. what's a bum me a murder say edis vans oh ard watch me a color t.v. that lame four dollars is trying to find me i want food a livery each day until three you. know it's about me
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am on the street it's called. show for the twenty first century. unique interpretation. as ling concert and the world of a young piano. are twenty one presents johnny in a tree from our new show the beach starting january twentieth. freedom of expression. of value that always has to be defended and new. all over the world are tip of freedom freedom of art. a multimedia project about artists and their rights to express their views freely. d w dot
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com or to freedom. coach a video clip. linked to news from africa and the world story link to exceptional stories and discussions. of these events and while website debutantes not stuffy come join us on facebook at g.w. for cars. and civilians during march the situation escalates. there is no longer can room for scruple to claim with ruthless calculation military leaders work up the extent of the killing going to control of the airspace as it does them in effect technological goods with the conflagration the mass destruction. carried from get me come to hiroshima
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starting february third t w. is daily it is coming soon long live for. or lend me some saudi wouldn't last until christmas but u.s. president donald trump is still there a year after taking office taking a look at the president's trillion times with the help of washington insider also coming up americal needs not only in paris but she leaders are looking for a show of unity bunch of fans back home in germany this weekend could want the
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