tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle February 1, 2018 3:00pm-4:00pm CET
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for more on the story hi lima why have these bans been overturned so more than anything this throws us all into a state of confusion. but let me break down to you the decision by the court of arbitration and one thing needs to be made clear from the get go that from the beginning their mandate was not to determine if a seven doping took place instead they were tasked with finding out if an individual athlete had doped and upon dissecting all the information analyzing it. arrived at the following conclusion that the evidence is in sufficient so collectively i think there there's enough evidence to say that to paint the picture that systemic doping took place but i think if you take that information and you apply it on an individual case by case basis i do just wasn't enough for me to say that this athlete had committed an anti doping violation so twenty eight afterwards have now been cleared to compete in the winter olympics which is essentially just a week away will they compete. from here on it just gets more complicated and more complicated because some of these athletes some of these twenty athletes have
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retired and those of course remaining they can ask apply for entry to the games but the i.o.c. of course needs to approve of that and that of course now puts the i.o.c. in a very difficult spot because now you have these roughly twenty something at least that are going to go up to the i.o.c. and say hey cast the highest voice in sports just validated me has given me the green light to compete in these games are you going to go against them so what can the i.o.c. do because this does overturned their decision and it does i honestly think the i.o.c. to avoid any sort of embarrassment any more credibility any sort of like a p.r. disaster i think they probably will have to say yes and but i think it's also kind of throws maybe the i.o.c. also into about because it also questions the mclaren and the world anti-doping substantiated reports and at least what we have with the cast the cast decision is that it is clarifies one thing for us is to say. that look the investigation showed
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that systemic doping took place but unfortunately we can't apply that on individual basis they can't we make i think there isn't enough forensic evidence to say that this tampered bottle belonged to this specific athlete and this specific athlete had a say in that was absolutely involved have to see what the i.o.c. his decision then is talking from sports with this momentous decision from the court of arbitration for sport thank you very much. of the united states a long running tensions between the f.b.i. and president trump are now out in the open the f.b.i. has condemned the white house plans to release a controversial memo the agency has contested the accuracy of the document which alleges misuse of surveillance powers by the f.b.i. and the justice department against the trump campaign democrats say the release of the memo could undermine investigations into russian election interference it is expected to be released later today. the story. that we're
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going to have. a quick exchange overheard after donald trump state of the union speech on tuesday night the u.s. president reassures a republican lawmaker that he has every intention of putting out the memo that's polarizing washington. wrote the memo was commissioned by devin newness chairman of the republican house intelligence committee and it describes alleges surveillance abuses by f.b.i. and justice department officials looking into possible ties between the truck campaign and russia investigators are accused of failing to disclose that their probe was partly based on research financed by hillary clinton's campaign republicans claim this shows anti trumbo bias at the f.b.i. they're calling for the memo to be released. there may have been milf eason's at the f.b.i. by certain individuals so it is our job in conducting transparent oversight of the
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lead of the executive branch to get to the bottom of that sunshine is the best disinfectant and so what we want is all of this information to come out so that transparency can reign supreme and accountability can occur but the f.b.i. has warned against releasing the dossier in a rare public rebuke we have grave concerns about material admissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memos accuracy for their part democrats claim the memo cherry picks and i'm a classified information in an effort to discredit the russian investigators in lead by robert mueller. this is not about the facts this is about a narrative the chairman wants to put out misleading there it is to undermine the f.b.i. undermine the department and ultimately undermine bob said gentlemen tensions between the trump white house and investigators has been mounting and days ago the f.b.i. deputy director andrew mccabe quit and now an open confrontation looms between the
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head of america's top domestic intelligence agency and the administration. nicole redbird is a transatlantic relations analyst at the german council on foreign relations here in berlin and she is with us to give us more analysis on this story hi nicole what exactly is in this report i mean why is it so controversial where the report from what we know points to the fact that the methods and sources the f.b.i. is using to look into the case in how far the campaign team was also all had a relationship with russia. you know is questioned so therefore it's highly contagious because there might be spillover effects and there might not only be the f.b.i. you know in the center of attention but also the justice department then again with effect the investigation off the. so what exactly is at stake when this report
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comes out well first of all again from what we know so far is that the report simplifies certain issues and uses material which is highly confidential. but doesn't really show that the real issue at stake is you know on how far the pain team was involved as russia turns the discussion around because now it's about the message messed it's it's not about the issue what did tom had to do with russia so what do you see as the consequences there could this isn't really a de rail this investigation into the trumping mr administration's ties to russia well absolutely because one of the interesting points at the state of the union speech was that russia wasn't a big issue even though it is such a big issue and it's a little bit like the elephant in the room it seems they want to do everything to turn the discussion around you know in pointing to the fact that investigated this
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do not do a proper job and that all that information is false which you know again has. has high potential to really put. president in two big trouble looking at the bigger conflict here how significant is it that the top intelligence agency in the u.s. is at odds with the president i mean has there been precedent for that diplomatically speaking it's never good if you know one of the most important agencies has a problem with the president and we know from an example the nixon issue and watergate that you better. bet on you know that you better be careful in how you do you with your agency so we're all waiting for that report to be released expected to be released later today nicolle branford a transatlantic relations analyst from the german council on foreign relations here in berlin thank you for your analysis now to some other stories making news around the world poland senate has passed a controversial bill making it illegal to accuse the country of complicity in
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crimes committed by the nazis during world war two israel has condemned the bill saying poland is attempting to rewrite history the u.s. says the legislation could hamper open discussion about the holocaust. eleven people have died after a fire tore through a home for the elderly in northern japan the building's five other residents managed to escape japanese media say the building in the city had no sprinkler system because of the blaze is not yet known. olivia is reeling from severe flooding caused by record rainfall the floodwaters swept away homes and damaged bridges some residents had to wade through deep water to bring their animals to safety authorities say some one hundred twenty thousand people have been affected. what price has europe been willing to pay to keep illegal migrants outside its borders almost two years ago with the migration crisis at its height the european union and turkey struck a deal the e.u.
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and to reduce the number of people making the dangerous sea crossing from turkey to the greek islands in return turkey would receive billions to distribute in aid so how has that deal turned out for the e.u. and migrants. when the e.u. came up with its plan to reduce the number of people arriving on greece's shores from turkey it decided to offer a large carrot to ankara were excessive aside three billion euros to help turkey host huge numbers of refugees so far almost one point eight billion euros have been paid out of that fund so where does that money go most of us as channeled into humanitarian supporters providing food shelter education and health care but has the deal prevented refugees and migrants training at sea in the year before it went into force one thousand one hundred fifty people died or reported missing in the a.j. and that number was down to sixty two over the past twelve months the drop in fatalities
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is down to a huge full in the number of irregular crossings from turkey in the year before the deal an average of two thousand seven hundred refugees the migrants were arriving on the greek islands every day since the deal that numbers dropped to an average of eighty one another cornerstone of the agreement was to settle syrian refugees across the e.u. and show there's a safe legal work to europe. since the deal went into force just over eleven thousand seven hundred syrians have been resettled in the e.u. from turkey almost three thousand eight hundred of them have been taken in by germany were. let's bring in as yulia han who is standing by for us in istanbul hi yulia what is uncorrupt view on this agreement has it got what it wanted. well no i mean this migration deal worked out remarkably well from the standpoint
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of the agencies involved but we hear the exact opposite from ancora prime minister room for example just recently called that deal again and i quote a big big lie accusing the e.u. of not sticking to the original agreement and that agreement actually promised turkey a certain amount of money but also political concessions such as free travel for turkish citizens to europe that didn't happen and also complaining that the funds from pro brussels are actually coming in too slow and it would rather rather have that money coming into its budget directly instead of being channeled to n.g.o.s and you and agencies but that doesn't happen for the obvious reasons and brussels concerns about the state of democracy and human rights here in turkey so the turkish perspective is not a positive at all. in the last two years since this deal was signed political tensions between turkey and the you have also put
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a big strain on the steel you have german citizens that have been imprisoned in turkey and recently turkey bombing kurdish and nato allies in syria does think that they can continue to work together with this. well despite the old strained relations between the e.u. and turkey right now there are many experts many n.g.o.s people here who say they both have an interest in continued cooperation because social integration of refugees here in turkey is a big issue as well turkey overall holds most refugees in absolute numbers more than any other country in the world and only. a few of them are actually living in the camps most of them move to the big cities to is simple for example and they actually struggle to get by their work in the informal sector without social security or anything like this four hundred thousand syrian refugee children still don't go to school despite efforts by the turkish government so it's actually
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a huge huge challenge for the turkish government to integrate these people also to avoid social tensions between the host communities and the refugees here because such tensions are actually on the right so well this is a mutual concern and there is of course reason to further cooperate let's get the perspective from brussels now we have our correspondent max hoffman fending by air max we just heard from you earlier what ancora thinks that's not satisfied what about the how is this deal worked out for europe and where does it stand now. well if you look at the numbers at the peak in two thousand and fifteen at the peak of the migration crisis you had about ten thousand up to ten thousand migrants per day coming into the european union and now you have about eighty so if you look at those numbers and if you look at what you set out to do reducing the number of migrants coming through the western balkans route we're turkey is at the origin of
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this and yes of course it is a success but there's also criticism especially from n.g.o.s that are located in brussels saying this pushes migrants towards more dangerous routes for example the central mediterranean routes where a lot of them or a high percentage of them then ends up drowning in the mediterranean and they also criticize the humanitarian situation in turkey what you just described and also the situation in the greek camps because most of the great migrants that do make it into the european union to greece at the moment are stuck in camps in bad conditions max what about those political tensions that we also discussed with you we are in a bit in the last two years since this deal was signed we have seen the relations between turkey and germany in particular become especially bad can the e.u. continue to send a funding and other aid to turkey for this deal. we have to make a difference between nato what we just talked about what you just talked about and
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the european union in nato you have a situation where one ally is basically pitted against another one that would be turkey against the united states of america in the northern syria that's a very difficult situation it's a huge problem that nato well is not trying to cover up it is not really talking about we're trying to research that here. in brussels so keep you know we'll keep you posted stay tuned to d.w. for news on that now for the other things you mention in the european union of course it's a huge problem especially for the member states but also for the european union but the bottom line here is that it seems the european union feels like they have more to lose if they just stop the relations and stop this deal with turkey because it would probably have the migration crisis flare up again so the parents are you there willing not necessarily to overlook that situation they're in constant contact with the turkish authorities but it's not enough for them to break off clean our correspondents max hoffman and yulia han reporting for us two years after
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the turkey migration deal with fine thank you both you're watching the news still to come it is hard to believe but these kids are big opera fans will tell you how that happened just ahead and no it does not involve candy. well there's been some changes underfoot at facebook and recent months are they panning out christopher have more on that that is right to me facebook says it is focusing on quality rather than quantity that as the world's biggest social media network announced its floors quarter profits were up twenty percent to almost four point three billion dollars all the results beat market expectations but in an initial reaction facebook shares fell sharply as the company said users were spending less time on the site. if facebook was expecting a thumbs up from investors it wasn't getting on the firm quick to calm the storm after announcing a drop in viewing hours c.e.o.
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mark zuckerberg saying it's all part of the plan to keep the company sustainable as it avoids basing its business on the passive consumption of content explaining in a facebook post we made changes that reduce time spent on facebook by roughly fifty million hours every day by focusing on meaningful connections i'll community and business will be stronger over the long term. zuckerberg is confident the social media giant income won't drop because it's finding new ways to advertise on the facebook site and it's instagram investors are easily spooked by changes in the social network showing faith in the company's leaders to keep using gaged or at least for now. let's look into the story some more with our markets man then your cold burst standing by in frankfurt danial facebook shares dropped sharply after the news that people spend less time on the site and co-founder mark zuckerberg saying we want to make sure people's time on facebook is well spent what
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does that mean. isn't it interesting that they want to make sure they don't want to let people decide they want to make sure that their time is being very well spent but i guess that's another topic they want to go back to their roots chris of at least what they are saying they want again more social interacting on the platform less feeds from newspapers but also for example from us here at the w it's supposed to be more again about connecting with family with friends and of course they're not doing this because they don't want to send anymore spam to us it's because they want to make more money with it now chief operating officer sheryl sandberg says getting people to engage with more posed by friends actually ramps up opportunities for facebook to make money how. well for facebook it's mostly doing their money for tires and that's already very successful in the last quarter of them
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a thirteen billion euros with effort ties in but they're saying there's still lots of more space to goal mostly here in europe basically they are saying that that is more interactive on a website or on facebook for them it's much more interesting so they don't want any more users who are just you know looking on the feeds of different news organizations for example they want that we are interacting with our friends for example that i'm posting something in the morning and then you know always replying to what my friends are replying so basically they're saying that they get to know more about us they know maybe what time i'm getting up in the morning where i'm heading in the morning which sport activity are interesting so with that they can create more advertisement that i'm seeing on the right side of my feed that advertise them might be more interesting for me in that i'm buying something they
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get more money than your company frank thank you. to china now where the already limited access to the internet is getting even more regulator so far one way to bypass the controls has been the use of so-called virtual private networks or v.p.n. now the government is trying to close the tunnel undermining china's fire wall beijing is cracking down on the v.p.n. use forcing businesses to use state approved software only to share sensitive data between their locations. if you are in china trying to skype chat with colleagues in the u.s. think again what about surfing google or using twitter and facebook sorry. the chinese government is banning all virtual private networks or v.p.n. these services help users to bypass online censorship that businesses also use them to move their data securely in an effort to comfy is the government has assured foreign companies doing business there that they can still access the internet
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using state approved portals. but many firms a nervous about exposing their data to the chinese. this won't impact safety that's because governments telecom companies just provide a channel a network they can't see any content on the network related to your company for businesses that follow chinese laws and regulations this is guaranteed constitution stipulates that citizens have the freedom to communicate and that corporate communications will be protected with. privacy however comes at a cost many small and mid-sized companies are troubled by the usage fees for the state own software well over one thousand euros a month experts say that's more than smaller businesses will be able to shoulder in the long run. and inspect assume a project that is making waves in france that's right christoph or when you think
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about a type of music children play on their headphones today classical might not be the first john wright that comes to mind but a new project in france is getting school children excited about opera. what in the world is going on here these children can hardly control themselves but this is no justin bieber concert nor any other pop music act in fact. they're at the opera listening to a performance of the barber of seville. decision day but how is it that the opera is making the kids react like this as it's really if you think that was cool we sang along with all the children and sometimes the lady opera singer sang along with us that was a groove incidentally was at the end they kissed each other that was really nice. it was really fun the kids were low. here at the rule an opera house the young
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audience is invited to sing along. like in this shortened french version over seanie for children eight years ago the opera house came up with the idea of having children sing along with the adult performers during parts of the show. how do you become a passionate opera go by already watching opera as a child many people talk about how they started going to the ultra when they were seven or eight and discovered a world full of emotions in most you. the four attending the show the children learn text passages and millipedes in the classroom that's how they find out want to sing along to their. set often you have to control this is an entry into the world of culture and if they gladly listen to rap they can also be thrilled by oprah they're happy to come here from the pm we have the songs every day for two
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months in the classroom without teacher and trade movie. today the barber of seville will be accompanied by a choir of eight hundred students. the whole opera house becomes their very own stage which just goes to show that classical music can indeed win over the younger generation. the north korean athletes have arrived in south korea for the start of the olympics the delegation landing today. includes ten skiers and speed skaters the squad of north korean ice hockey players are already practicing with their south korean teammates in a unified a live victim their p.r. and chang games kick off on february ninth. in watching news from berlin we'll have more at the top of the hour but for now we leave you with some images of aware spectacle for sky watchers around the world a blue moon a blood moon and a superman come together during a lunar eclipse creating an incredible celestial shall enjoy.
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she doesn't know if a dog is a knight the dead. salam or both one of many chechen mothers who've lost their children to i guess. why do so many young chechens join islamist militia even parents caught between hope and fear. not knowing if they'll ever see their sons or daughters again. in sixty minutes on d w. earth home to millions of species a home worth saving. google ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world ideas that protect the climate boost green energy solutions and reforestation. losing interactive content to inspire people
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to take action over the old one deserves the multi-media environment series on d. w. . what does a football loving country need to reach its goals. we'll tell you our german soccer get it back to the top. in our web special on double dot com. football made in germany. hi everyone and welcome to another edition of your own max i'm your host meghan leap from iconic designed to professional mermaids we've got a packed show here's a look at what's coming up. extravaganza a new retrospective honors the creations of gianni versace. virtue also
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the young georgian pianist miriam but such really is one to watch. and resourceful how an italian architect changed two homes into one. we start off with a name name synonymous with flashy flamboyant high fashion versailles the label was created by the italian designer johnny she in the late one nine hundred seventy s. and soon became a sensation in the fashion world now it's zines were largely influenced by greek history with bold vivid colors it wasn't to everyone's liking though perhaps but ever so she was quoted as saying that he didn't believe in could taste well his highly successful career came to a sudden and tragic end when he was suddenly murdered outside of his miami village in one thousand nine hundred seven well some twenty years later the largest rights
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retrospective of his work is on display in berlin. these creations are not part of a new connection then it's from the nineteen eighties and nineties all designed by gianni versace. his extraordinary fashion show in berlin was mounted to open a new exhibition as a tribute to the late italian designer some of his arches former associates came to the corn princess and berlin for the opening. case creations revive memories. the geniuses for designing i think it was all the models for him to work with them all the sword for someone to work with and he always had the walls to bust first the glass shelves so it was really an on earth to work with the car would drive discovered gianni versace for germany and also by jani and florence and it's very important to me to be here today. or to be accused of that that is the i'm
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gentleman he was a real gentleman and a family man with a great great talent for what he did and a challenge for communicating that great lovely had for fashion and for people for the boat it would feel like. the retrospective included so over three hundred designs covering gianni versace as an entire career the largest exhibition of its kind in the world so far some of the high now. beaded best dress inspired by painter stuff. there are pieces from his pop art collection and clothes designed for stylists like this tailcoat ensemble for british thing us things wedding. in a mention that it's who shot it and we want the visitors if you feel like they're getting a good idea of the scope of his creative work not just the borrow cocoa and gold and bling bling but the more classical things he did as well he also dressed lady
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di every room in the exhibition is devoted to a particular theme to. his famous miami print shirts for example. the gold and black cream presents pieces from the seminal bondage collection international collectors have also known as their prized. one is alexander stefani of brazil a collector and fan of the fashion designer since nine hundred eighty nine. it was not only true look. but true was something that was about more about pleasure and elegance here wally his well we about that sometimes to watch with the bad taste but inside such a good way. for that the beautiful. this is the first time alexander stefani has shown his pieces from the sanchez men's collection in berlin in the one nine hundred ninety s. the design in liberated men's fashion from old constraints using among other things
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pretty colors and striking patterns he was one of the sort of thoughtful give the same attention for the months and the woman's i mean he also uses the same inspiration for both. by the time gianni versace was murdered in one thousand nine hundred seventy he was a legend as eccentric and flamboyant as his own creation. he gained international fame in the one thousand nine hundred. his turns included princess diana. and singer elton john. ushered in the era of supermodels like now do you shift naomi campbell and kate moss. the exhibition traces bizarre chains rise from fabric purchased to star designer. you see all just the development it was much more intellectual than it became more sight see than was appeal for celebrities and when your show all all do is release the first such
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a for everybody. swedish top model marcus schrenker berry one of the next on the stephanie's outfits in the one nine hundred ninety s. he was such as favorite male model. the model i'm a collector and still enjoy donning the designers outfits for special occasions. but for the street and exxon time stephanie doesn't limit himself to vintage after around. the times have changed the bling bling we don't dress the way we used to dress but there is always the i'd be idea also freedom for file showing that yeah i mean used to for use in his every day. the retrospective in berlin presents a designer who wrote fashion history now gianni versace his fashion is at least twenty years old it's anything but old fashioned. definitely not old fashion all right moving on now to a brief oh look at other stories making headlines on the culture scene coming up in
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