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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 20, 2018 5:00pm-5:30pm CET

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this is you know we news line from girl in a new battle opens in syria as pro-government fighters confront turkey for helping kurdish fighters defend the region of acting against the turkish offensive that began last month syrian state media say turkish forces are shelling the pro-government fighters also coming up. germany social democrats start their make or break vote on whether to join chancellor angela merkel in another grand coalition but they're in danger of being overtaken by a party on the far right. also in phoenix says he usually takes still
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festivals but not that well in allah or he's starring in gus van sant film and don't worry he won't get far on foot stick around for all the buzz from our first run down at the red carpet. and there were more medals up for grabs at the winter olympics that includes the ice dance competition where it kind of does graceful couple virtue and moir one flying for another gold will bring you updates on day of an injun check. mark thank you very much for your company everyone syrian government backed troops have entered afeni a kurdish enclave in the north of the country raising the specter of deadly confrontation with turkey columns of fighters were seen moving into a frame despite threats from turn. that it would at least siege to the city in the
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coming days there are reports that turkey has already begun shelling the area their region is controlled by kurdish forces that turkey sees as terrorists. all right well let's get you the latest on those breaking developments syrian pro-government a freighter is entering kurdish held our friend despite turkish threats dorian jones is in istanbul for you or dorian what more are you hearing well you're right there's a force of several hundred drawn up of syrian government militia and iranian backed militia crossed into the for an enclave very heavily armed but we do get reports of turkish tillery bombarded this convoy possibly also supported by drones and turkish pro-government media are saying that much of the convoy has now retreated back into africa is very difficult to confirm these stories but at the moment it does appear to be a major confrontation going on between these forces trying to get into our front to support this syrian kurdish militia all right has turkey reacted officially.
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no there hasn't been any reaction officially from all over this but it does come just hours after the turkish president. gave a very uncompromising speech to his parliamentarians where he warned that they would now the builder hold a siege around the city of africa and also who is claiming a diplomatic victory saying that they have thwarted plans by damascus deployed its militia in support of the kurdish kurdish fighters in for and he said that he had spoken to his russian counterpart by the me of putin and said the muskets would face severe consequences if it carried this deployment it appears that the massacres has called bluff and we're now seeing the consequences of this escalating conflict now right so where does this mean is this war between turkey and syria now . i think there's very little appetite on both damascus for
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part to have a full scale conflict i think they are aware of the major consequences and risks of such a confrontation but i think the risk lies here is of both sides are relying heavily on militias that have a long history of blood feuds for all the syrian civil war the risk is that these militias will start to fight and both sides will be then worn into supporting their evil side and that brings to calm the risk of both the massacres and forces facing off i think behind the scenes we know we've seen intense efforts by moscow moscow is supporting both the massacres but also. in its efforts to bring an end to the syrian civil war it will not even the risk of a confrontation between these two sides that this would derail its efforts to bring an end to the syrian civil war and give it an exit strategy behind the scenes moscow is saying. and damascus have to speak to one of them to resolve this of the moment neither side appears in any mood to do this all right daryn jones reporting and istanbul thank you. where in syria the rebel held suburbs of damascus known as
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the eastern ghouta are also under siege government forces have been pounding the area for three days running it's reported that up to two hundred civilians have been killed a syrian civil defense known as the white helmets released this footage that you're watching right now purporting to show survivors of shelling carried out earlier today the u.n. is warning eastern ghouta could become a second. well we've been seeing a cascade of very very alarming pictures coming out of that area and joining us now in the studio is how did your coble race he is a mid east analyst thank you so much for being here let's start with the eastern. what's going on there. and what has been on that siege for i think around three years now it is a majority some of the region like the majority of syria does spin speed hitting
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very void lots of peaceful protests remember this is from damascus by six kilometer that is the people of damascus can see almost everything that's happening beneath them through those is an integral part of the mosque is other than a new street of divisions this is damascus itself and this is the let's say the poor of working more working class or damascus border with good roots that has been at the forefront of the initially peaceful protest movements that is the root of that and later for the resistance residents have been describing it as an all out attack what is the assad regime trying to do here just force them to surrender yes i mean it's using increasingly this is been raising the ante of the firepower and the you know around discriminate bombardment to force the population to surrender to to drive that ability look we have including so much
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civilian casualties that we have to evacuate and drive the infamous you know green buses which is very reminiscent of another era in europe were you had the population transferred and now you have seen their population transferred is basically ethnic cleansing so let's talk about the civilians why don't they surrender why are they still there but lots of them had fled but lots of them have because their homes are and they've learned the experience of other areas in syria . even the experience of the palestinians from the past that if you abandon your home in the middle east you're almost assured that you would never go about that guy just saying she's different the government saying they're being used by the rebels as human shields so they have a point where i mean i mean this is this is a tried and tried and used tactics by the government always to try to drive a wedge between their buddies and the civilian population and to try to divert the
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international tension that this is a sectarian and why not if you think that in the teen model. i did by the time before the last forty years that wants to repeat the genocide and be that they claim things that they did not do against the sunni population the one nine hundred eighty s. this is a continuation of the tactics as a father used against the sunni there but in the one nine hundred eighty s. this is essentially a sick tyrian struggle of a minority of government against the majority population how did let's talk now about the other situation that's unfolding as we speak after you. what do you make of the kurds uniting joining forces with the pro government troops is this a marriage of convenience well that this is not the first they've been all is united defacto united i mean the people aidid the kurdish militia from the onset of the cedar devoid have had as a team put down peaceful protests and present kurdish dissidents and made sure
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that it delivered the kurdish regions to us and it's forward as you put it to kill gays so this is not a first on marriage of convenience or the first time allies and remember that the senate or bill is allied with the government have this score to settle with the kurds and have been there in the siege and destruction of aleppo against the majority sunni population so that is a settlement of scored here if you look at also at their fried compared to what assad is doing who thought it looked like a much cleaner war if there is such a thing if there is such a thing and with so many players involved it's just becoming more fraught and of course the civilians are the ones that are suffering how did your cooler ways mideast expert here in berlin thank you what. oh right here in germany this center left social democrats have launched a critical internal vote party vote on whether to enter a second coalition with america's conservatives they've got a little over a week to cast their ballots the deal has deeply divided the s.p.d.
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as rank and file and it's a battle that's pitting the party establishment against its future leaders. nothing is more important for the social democrats over the next ten days and these kind of town hall meetings the party's grassroot is deeply divided as to whether they should agree to a grand coalition deal or not and the face of the rebellion against american led coalition is this young man kevin the leader of the party is used to doing he's trying to get members to vote no. and. i believe that we can explain to the people why a no vote for this grand coalition deal which i am calling for doesn't only mean a no but also a yes because if we're serious and pledge our word it can be a chance to create a different new more social democratic policy to put it to someone while not as the face of the internal opposition the social democrats general secretary is rooting
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for a yes vote it's a first face off of many tonight the debate civilized but passionate in the middle of the event news breaks for the first time the far right alternative for germany party has overtaken the s.p.d. in a national poll the new numbers are a disaster for the party but the pro coalition campaign thinks it's best to hold course this is to this is the best way to tackle bad poll results to develop good concrete policies which improve people's everyday lives that's why i want us to vote for this and then quickly get on your government implementing policies i bet the s.p.d. will also be stronger against their. that is why the party's establishment will tour the country in the next week in support of the coalition deal passed referendums have been formalities but this time as the town hall show is the result is far from assured. i have two hearts beating in my chest when asked for social democracy on the other hand i'm a citizen of this country and as a citizen i'm hoping to have a stable government and this is why i will vote for
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a grand coalition. because according to one system early in your agenda just doesn't represent our general. anymore on the court it was a coalition deal postponed all the important decisions too after twenty twenty five or it took a fatal decision such as the one climate protection. division is simmering at the grassroots of germany's oldest poteen and it's this kind of opposition that in the end could still prevention many from having a stable government anytime soon. all right a lots to discuss the obvious political correspondent simon young joins us right now good to see a simon first of all there are concerns that this critical vote could be hijacked by the twenty five thousand new members who joined since the start of this year who are these new members and how could they affect the vote. yes i can show you one of those he's a ploy to join the party likely it's this dog here as reported in today's newspaper frivolous attempt by
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a dog to you know satisfy the conditions to register for membership and join at this late stage party managers say they're going to block that but it shows you the level of enthusiasm there is to get it get involved in this vote i don't think hijacked to be quite the right word to be honest the party has accepted that anyone who legitimately registers or didn't register by the state that february will be able to have their say so that should go ahead as normal is clear that a lot of people a lot of young people have joined the partly join the party in the last few weeks and a lot of them are energized by this message from the young socialists the what's needed now is not more of the same but new ideas new thinking and they say that won't come in government with angela merkel but rather an opposition all right what does that tell us simon if you know if this make or break a vote to form a government falls through and s.p.d.
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members vote against our working with the americans the conservatives. you know what would happen was seems most likely that there would be fresh elections that could take a few months to organize but i have to say i see it as most likely most s.p.d. members will plump in the end for in some let's talk about the results of a poll that have a lot of people talking here in germany those negative poll numbers putting the s.p.d. right behind the right wing a f d party that's right and it's quite a surprising poll when you consider the a.f.d. this anti immigrant policy have only just got in to the poem and a few months ago at the election the happiness of don'ts raised about this poll with people saying that the boss of the polling company has links to the data i think it's generally in line with the train the in some of the polls which show the far right on the avant making gains month by month. political correspondent simon
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young thank you for your continued coverage for. down at the bureau an international film festival we have david leavitt's good to see it david what have you been watching today. well the biggest movie on today is the latest by director gus van sant it's called don't worry he won't get far on foot and this is the true story of a politically incorrect quadriplegic cartoonist and his struggles with his paralysis and with alcoholism brilliantly portrayed by the one and only joaquin phoenix also a great supporting cast jonah hill plays has a sponsor a little bit disjointed but some really great performances here no walk in phoenix himself although the president really likes his performance was not too happy at the press conference he sort of refused to answer questions he turned away from the
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press at one point this is going to be screening on the red carpet behind me in just a little bit i hope that hope perk out by then for i think. that is part of his persona though isn't. what else it is showing and it is a really no surprise there what else was showing today well well a very short film just how does world premiere only four hours long by a live diaz the filipino director and i say short because his last film of the belly and all that was eight hours long it is called season of the devil we've got a look. out of the a lot almost you see i must. india how bill moyers you like. the song on almost knocked on the lawn what you needed. to do something you saw your garden not see see the model. season of the devil picks up on
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a dark chapter in philippine history the marcos dictatorship in the one nine hundred seventy s. militant groups oppressive village in the jungle causing its members to slowly turn against each other a toxic atmosphere when no one is safe. independent filmmaker left describes his almost four hour long movie as rock opera it's dark and gloomy and full of despair season of the devil deals with the philippines ghosts of the past. right david powers really brutal stuff i hope you have some more uplifting movies for me in the next ten because i'm losing hope all right david let's bring in our thank you. here watching the other news we still have
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a lot more to tell you about including the winter olympics offered plenty of thrills and spills n.p.r. china including a goal of this point from this canadian skier in the half life we look at the headlines firm date eleven. all right but first conflict of interest claims against the traps family is taking its business on a blitz to india. arriving in luxury apartments and. development just outside the capital potential buyers are being lured in by the u.s. president if they sign a sales contract thursday donald trump genius meeting with indian real estate developers didn't escape the media's attention he's come here to find buyers for development outside the capital delhi welcomed and surprisingly with open arms by his local business partners it's a great discussion he wants to understand what is the minds of the buyers what is
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the success of the. revenues when is the construction starting with a lot of discussion which is happening with. the complex features one hundred luxury apartments in true trump style with a golf course and shops attached. but that's just one of several projects in india bearing the trump name other developments are currently under construction in kolkata and mumbai the latest projects come despite accusations that trump's president he could present a conflict of interest with critics accusing him of not sufficiently distancing himself from his family's business interests. what's trump. presenting on this trip. well donald trump jr is here he says not on a political trip he's here strictly for business reasons he's here representing the
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trump organization which he and his brother are now at the helm of since his father became president last year were last year and yes he's here doing that he's meeting business leaders while he's here he's going on a whirlwind trip around various cities across the country but he is also making a speech on friday which is further complicating the picture of whether there's conflict of interest here is giving a speech on friday at an event a business summit that prime minister narendra modi will also be attending and he'll be giving a speech today discussing the future of indo-pacific ties exactly well if he's going to be lecturing foreign policy while at the same time trying to flog a pop and that sounds like a conflict of interest. yeah i mean it's certainly something that a lot of people have been raising particularly i would say in the u.s. media based here and there have been articles sort of these in these issues by by many u.s. outlets and from their bureaus here the washington post c.n.n.
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the associated press a bad sort of raise this issue but if the indian newspapers are anything to go by in terms of of what the reception is here you might think that that he's actually being received with open arms you have got the times of india from a few days ago and you see here there's a full page ad on the front page of the times of india sort of advertising that ship and if you just go into the second page here. an image of donald trump jr on and it's saying you know chump is here and advertising that potential chance to have dinner with him which a lot of people are raising as an issue that you know essentially advertising access to the president's son exactly i'll just let let me ask you this question what what signals are the world's biggest democracy is he sending to other countries i mean i think the signal that's being sent is that
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business is a major priority and so that's why you've got the charm family which which obviously donald trump sr is the president of the united states now but it's obviously a major business family prime minister narendra modi has always sort of presented himself as a business reformer pro-business leader and it's interesting that this is happening at the same time that they're not in prime minister justin trudeau has actually been in town this week as well and people have been saying that he's not been getting as warm reception as donald trump jr he doesn't have a pop and to fold doesn't assist thank you very much for joining us from delhi. general motors recently announced plans to shut down one of its four plants in south korea a decision welcomed by u.s. president trump who took it as an opportunity to criticize the free trade agreement with seoul but while some expect g.m. to close its remaining plants there it looks set to make a u. turn. g.m.
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is stuck between a rock and a hard place the calm make it doesn't want to be the target of washington's america first policies but it doesn't want to ruin its reputation in south korea eva. it's certainly our preference to stay and to to fix the business and continue to be an important part of the green economy and you know there's a lot of work to do to make that happen but i'm very i'm encouraged by the discussions that i'm optimistic. that that is an outcome that together we can achieve g.m. is now proposing to work with the korean government to keep the remaining factories open in exchange the comic i would benefit from financial support and tax benefits the factory closure announced last week is a sensitive topic here work has staged a protest which seoul was watching closely some people in south korea feel g.m.'s decision to close the factory was driven by washington's protectionist measures for now the korean government is proceeding with measures to support those affected the
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city of concern where the factory is located is to be declared a crisis only. if a city is ignited unemployment crisis don't the government will set up an assistance plan for those laid off such as support through unemployment insurance. g.m. is one of the largest employers in this town so the factory closure will affect many lives. for the area says here from to go he's forced to give us the lower down from a p.r. check winter olympics and day of leverage and probably was definitely a day for canada it wasn't deeds and it actually is for to you like a lack of virtue of madness yesterday is that these two canadian ice dancers known as final years experience obviously but well not obviously it will probably be their last olympics together they managed to pick up their second limpid gold to take a look now at these wonderful images well you cannot do this i cannot dance like that that's. sure all the i's are on the ice but basically it was
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a brilliant freedom and they were skating to move on rouge they clips the world record that actually just being set moments before this but there are troubles the french paragon brianna puppet duck is and you don't see strongest of course is tessa virtue and start with the day for them and a nice way to end the day they're going to be just says it all doesn't it all right and also a fantastic performance by casey sharpe another big day for kind of that's right casey sharp this twenty five year old from canada she dominated her rivals in the final of the ski halfpipe which you can see here and this is just terrifying if you ask me incredible skill there from casey shar to our coffee shop i should say it was her second run she picked up a score of ninety five point eight which is incredibly high and she defeated france's most. america's bridges are turning into third so big day for canada.
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and as a medal for kind of the of course i mean to have just a big comes the winter sprints or sunday night is always basically do it i got everybody else and. let's talk to germany because they're doing that military's doing incredibly well in fact they've picked up twenty three medals so far and eleven of which are gold and in fact on day eleven they picked up a clean sweep in the nordic combined that is the combination of a ski jump and the cross country on a cross-country race they also won of course gold in the bobsled and in the fifteen kilometer mass start biathlon events so they've got plenty of gold medals plenty medals twenty three it's an incredible feat for germany so every instead of writing here the body is so amazing thank you so much probably for bringing us the lowdown of day a love and we can't wait to see what the twelve rings thank you thank you very much greatly appreciated all right and that does it first you've been watching the news from berlin as well coming up at the at the top of the hour for now. don't forget
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you can always get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website that c w dot com also you can at the top of the hour. the move.
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