tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle February 21, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm CET
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recycling. and transport can help the line find out what you can do today at regional the lines. you're watching news live from berlin no let up to the syrian government's brutal bombing campaign in eastern guta that's a shelling intensifies in the rebel held enclave monitors say more than two hundred fifty people have been killed in the damascus suburbs since sunday. also coming up fighting for their lives as students in the u.s. state of florida demand tougher gun control laws in the wake of last week's school
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shooting but is washington listening to france gets tough on immigration the government on bale's a new bill aimed at speeding up the process for asylum seekers but critics say the proposals are too harsh. and it's day twelve of the winter olympics in pyongyang and superstar steer lindsey vonn has been on the slopes of the american race in the women's downhill event hoping to add it to her medal collection. i'm sumi so much going to thank you for joining us we start with mounting international concern about the syrian government's ongoing bombardment of eastern ghouta new air strikes today have killed at least twenty four people and independent monitors say that more than two hundred fifty people have been killed in the rebel held area since sunday now eastern go to is a group of suburbs that's just on the outskirts of the capital damascus. the duma
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is the main town of the enclave it is right now completely surrounded by pro assad forces the siege is lasted more than four years it's thought to have trapped up to four hundred thousand residents. in the bombed out carcass of eastern goods these are the lucky ones terrified shaking but still walking. the first responders assure them to safety as an air raid siren underlines the arjan seen as the escape yet. the government's four year long aerial siege of the rebel held in place of has intensified in recent days. with hundreds killed and injured and to national observer see it marks a new epoch of violence. we
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are witnessing some of the worst fighting of the entire conflict and the widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure including medical facilities. joyce received reports of attacks on five hospitals in eastern go into and it's working to verify these reports and the casualties the syrian opposition leader begged for an international response saying the atrocities a moment or two a war crime. this the boy these children had been killed just for doing this don't . because of the bomba of the sea their regime and the about the militias. their forces they are claiming that these are terrorists the oh these are children and go to jail for a few years. the bloodshed is so relentless here unicef issued a blank statement in response to the u.n. agency for children said words couldn't describe the suffering. which is left to numbers to tell the story of the devastation but even monitoring
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groups can barely keep up with the daily death toll here. more on the story now with martin milius from the aid organization care in amman jordan mark and thank you for joining us we saw such horrifying pictures there in that report we're hearing also reports that civilians are collapsing from hunger that the medical situation is extremely dire how much has the situation deteriorated in the last few days. we have seen the deterioration off the besiegement in the last few months. old basically this area as you mentioned in the report is already besieged since for use or ever since a number of months and all the tunnels were closed all the checkpoints were closed so the situation before the military escalation of the last two days was already
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very dire we have seen the mom attrition rates soaring we've seen shortage of essential items drugs and medication and now we are witnessing in the last few days is military of elation own thoughts on that in a place which basically made many care and how they didn't seize to. suspend operations just because of. the duration much of what are the most pressing needs on the ground right now. and now it's really i mean the most first and foremost and it's a be a cease fire i mean the u.n. called yesterday for us and we're totally supported there must be a cease fire we have in casualty rates on presidents of casualty rates and there yet children mud those civilians we see the civilian infrastructure targeted that is outrageous that must stop immediately and we are also concerned that this
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is just a prelude for a ground offensive. and that would make matters much much worse of course people on the ground they need they need safety but they also need for the medication i need to assist. the injured people i mean this is just this lifesaving intervention that's required right now but first and foremost really a cease fire that's what we're hoping for. just briefly martin if you can you mentioned that organizations aid organizations like yours haven't been able to access this area in the past few days but in recent months how much access have you had. it has been very limited in the last few months and he's the one who is are particularly you know it's it's. i think it's you since four years in the last year it has been extremely difficult for the last convoy that were in the in was in the denver and had enough for around thirty thousand people and there's around
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right about four hundred thousand people that are locked into that area so access has been very much limit judge already for a number of months all right martin milius from the aid organization care and i'm on in jordan thank you so much for sharing your insights with us today. thank you for having staying in syria turkey has found to press on with its offensive in our free and despite a planned alliance between kurds in the region and pro-government syrian forces turkey's president. claimed his country's forces or hindering the deployment of syrian forces enough rain there are fears that damascus is involvement in the region could further complicate serious bitter civil war. now to some other stories making news around the world in bahrain a court has sentenced human rights activist now below rajab to another five years in jail but job and criticize the saudis involvement in the yemeni civil war and twitter he's already serving a two year sentence for voicing criticism of the bahraini government on t.v.
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. at least five thousand people have been cut off by landslides and hundreds of tourists stranded after a powerful storm battered new zealand's south island the storm was the tail end of cycle which tore through several pacific nations last week. brazil senate has approved a decree that authorizes the army to take command of police forces in the state of rio de janeiro the measure comes in a bid to curb violence driven by drug gangs brazil's president michel tamar said they have virtually taken over urban rio. to the u.s. where last week's mass shooting at a florida high school has ignited a new push to end gun violence seventeen people were killed in the massacre now the surviving students are leading the movement for change pressuring state lawmakers to pass tighter gun control laws but on tuesday they suffered a setback as politicians rejected a motion to consider a ban on sales of assault style rifle. that students made the long journey
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to florida's state capitol to confront lawmakers but politicians voted down a motion to even consider a ban on assault rifles before the vote students had been hopeful. that's why we're going to present every minute that they were that they were going to hear a city just to say they want to hear park on florida we have to give them a headline and we have to you know show them how our boys you know that is what we tell them how are they ever going to write there are signs that they're being heard although he campaigned on a pro-gun ticket president donald trump announced his support for tighter regulations on gun accessories. and just a few moments ago. a memorandum directing the attorney general to propose regulations to ban all devices that turn illegal weapons into machine guns i expect that these critical regulations will be finalised. jeff very soon.
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on wednesday the president is set to host a listening session at the white house with victims of mass shooting violence but many in florida are tired of talk they want action. and the students have vowed to continue protesting for gun reform their next stop is in washington d.c. in march youth across the nation are not giving up in the fight for their lives. on. to france now where the government of president in coal is presenting a controversial new migration law today no this bill proposes to toughen the country's asylum regulations and it has sparked fierce criticism from human rights groups now let's take
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a look at some of the issues that this law is trying to tackle france has seen its asylum figure surge even as the number of asylum seekers across the european union has been decreasing in two thousand and seventeen paris received a record one hundred thousand asylum requests that is seventeen percent more than the previous year now migrants have also converged in large numbers in hotspots that's in paris and also along france's northern and southern coasts thousands are living in difficult conditions and aid workers say their situation has worsened on top of that asylum procedures are very slow growing currently asylum seekers wait on average eleven months before they receive a final decision now let's take a look at the new law and what its main goals are well they speak to speed off the asylum process seems to cut down the asylum application period from eleven to six months asylum seekers will also face tighter deadlines to appeal if they are turned
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down and those applications though the law also includes is a stricter detention rules the maximum detention time for illegal migrants pending deportation will double from forty five to ninety days and it also ups punishment for illegal crossing entering illegally from a non schengen country into france will be punishable with a year in jail and a fine for more on that let's bring in our current correspondent elizabeth. for us in paris with more on the story and elizabeth good to see you we just took a look at the main points of this new law what more can you tell us about what it is aiming to do. well the law is aiming to listen to what the public is saying and immigration in france is not popular at all. and what are the things that distinguish meth course from the other candidates in the election last year was that he had this sort of grassroots movement called all mushed and all march means walking walking forward and what they did they had one
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hundred thousand volunteers across the country and they took soundings and they came up with literally thousands and thousands and thousands of questionnaires of people's preoccupations and the government has battled that to prove that populism in france they really do they would listen to what the people are saying. and mccoy is making good on this because he's got he's got a push button there is measures and he's decided that this is something on which he says basically european law say's political migrants people who are if you're of their lives absolutely welcome in the european union and we agree on this we do not agree on people in person aiding a political like roots and coming pretty good i mean great reasons because if you then in effect what you're doing is you're funding people traffickers so at the same time and they made it much more difficult to get into the country illegally they are slowing down. fast is speeding up the rate at which people when they
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have a reason are acceptable and they refuse the other side now you said immigration is not popular but this new law is not necessarily all that popular either there have been protests today tell us more about that. there have been protests and what's interesting is because supposed to be the president the only left and right in this prime minister is that. right wing his home secretary has really left wing you know used to be all of the but at the same time this this list law is one of the examples in which you can see that is a very strong divisions within the country in the old left and right troops but if you take polls sixty three percent of the french think that all too many immigrants involved today not tomorrow not next year just very briefly if you can analysts about how big of a challenge is immigration for mcconnell's government. i think it's one it's not the only challenge for mccall but it's always going to be a challenge in
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a country that feels that it's not being listened to and it's the case everywhere even when they have their you very few migrants so part of it is if you want to rican side people to legal migrants you've got to be touched tough on illegal migrants because otherwise they feel that they being lied to and the richest danger in politics and not just and false is that if if the voters feel that they're being fed a happy song that there's no relationship to reality then they will not vote for you the next time not right analysts but would take reporting for us from paris thank you very much. future for you watching news still to come we take a look at the action from day twelve of the a winter olympics including superstar skier lindsey vonn the american race and the women's downhill are trying to add to or a sizeable medal collection. at different different type of meddling now could russia be meddling and locked the us elections well more on that says that moscow may have started
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a smear campaign to discredit the defense ministry saying corruption allegations leveled at the country's central bank governor a pos of a massive information campaign from outside and the statement the ministry said claims that in muslim save it took four ivs in return for keeping a bank in business were intended as a row trost and influence the country's elections. bill maher's rim cheviot says he's a victim of a smear campaign he's accusing private latvian banks of trying to get revenge for tougher financial regulations by accusing him of demanding bribes of one hundred thousand euros a month. i have become a target have been all b.s. and well coordinated campaign of some latvian commercial banks to discredit the latvian state. but one day after him ship which was suspended from office the defense ministry said the accusations appeared to be a foreign disinformation campaign you know a statement it said there is
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a high possibility that this is a white information operation from outside and its aim is to show latvia as an untrustworthy ally. to ministry didn't say which country was behind that campaign but there's little doubt it meant russia the russian foreign ministry and moscow refused comment but the bribery accusations come from a russian businessman. and with elections due later this year fears are mounting that the kremlin could be attempting to sway the outcome the defense ministry says that decision from asian campaign closely resembles others that preceded recent french german and us elections. germany's deutsche booked a profit for twenty seventeen despite low trading activity profits for the company that operates the frankfurt stock exchange rose six percent on the year to more than eight hundred fifty million euros something that will please the shareholders as george ebers says it plans to raise the dividend by ten euro cents a share c.e.o.
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toto vine offered an optimistic outlook full twenty eighteen hours well. let's find out more about that outlook with the conrad who's in who's standing by for us at the frankfurt stock exchange conrad you've been listening to that press conference that was held earlier what has the group said about their plans for the future. well thought of i'm of the new boss of. the stock derivatives market operator gave a pretty ambitious growth targets for twenty eighteen both for revenue and for profits he also said that he wants to profit from breaks it you know this plan transfer from your oakley ring business from london to the continent from for france that wants to have a share in that by him also said that the increase in market volatility we've seen recently was likely to stay and that's good for markets operated because vestas are
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likely to try to hedge more than risky investments and that means more volumes on the trading platforms of georgia birds and last but not least by the talked about m. and a just their positions that's another way that those are ones to grow by kind of who's in first in frankfurt thank you very much. now is the end of massive oil use finally in sight b.p.'s released its annual energy outlook and it says that twenty thirty five is the year when we'll reach peak oil demand and after that renewable energy will take a far larger piece of the pie is still unknown way to go before then though prompting even the c.e.o. of the oil and gas giant b.p. to call for shift towards less harmful few. automotive companies all over the world or betting on the mass adoption of electric vehicles in the coming decades and they're not the only ones. oil and gas giant b.p.
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is into supporting the same. it predicts a one hundred fold growth in electric vehicles by twenty forty and a corresponding hit to the world's oil and gas sector. forecast continuing growth in global demand for oil and other liquid fuel in the next years but that demand is set to stop increasing after it hits one hundred ten million barrels a day in twenty thirty five it's the first time b.p. has forecast a peak in the world's appetite for oil it's not just about electric cars increased fuel efficiency in vehicles powered by internal combustion engines is said to offset consumption to but beyond the automotive sector other factors are said to cause demand to sag like tighter regulations restricting the use of plastic as well as an expected increase in the share of renewables in the global energy mix to fourteen percent by twenty forty. now a judge in the united states has rejected fox fathers request to laze several
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emissions cheating trials the call make that inflammatory comments made by a lawyer and a new documentary could prejudice the jury while the neuer is heard comparing the w.'s recent testing of car missions on animals to the nazi use of poison gas during the holocaust has been false then there were twenty billion euros to pay for claims to call owners dealers and or thorazine since the diesel scandal erupted in twenty . al venezuela's cryptocurrency the picture is just one day old the country's socialist leaders are already claiming a big success a they have received more than seven hundred million dollars worth of bids in a private pre-sale president nicolas maduro said in petro would reinforce the country's independence and it's the first digital currency to be backed by a state's price will be linked to that of a barrel of venezuelan crude oil when it goes on sale next month venezuela has the
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world's largest proven oil reserves but it is in the midst of a crippling. economic and political crisis. it has been an action packed today twelve at the winter olympics we have cross harrington from new sports with us to talk more about this cross let's start with downhill skiing lindsey vonn going for gold again yes going for gold unfortunately she just missed out she got bronze instead but the winner sophia gold if we could take a look at the left much she carved up the slope like a samurai it's her first olympic medal only twenty five years old and she said her focus and believing in herself was the reason she walked away victorious and as far as lindsey vonn her last rodeo but broad is not too bad considering she's been riddled with injury and me she won gold eight years ago she was on our couch watching the last olympics you know but did she say it was a sad day unfortunately her body cannot hold up any longer she's thirty three years
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old being you know thirty seven thirty eight a little too old to be you know going downhill on the slopes and in another event there was a pretty terrible crash ski cross tell us more about that yeah this was very scary if we can it is chris del bosco he went airborne on the last jump if we could take a look at the photos he went airborne on the last jump he's about thirty meters in the air here and they made this land on the hard ice of course it's rock solid out there considering the temperatures and he laid about seven or eight minutes and it's a specter that he broke his pelvis which has to be painful in itself fer candidates sake though a canadian brady layman did walk away victorious with a gold medal but it's was definitely a crash highlighting just how dangerous the sport can be and here's what fans on the scene had to say about the accident. sidestreet. reince emotionally land because there was in the way but it looks pretty bad you
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know i think generally when you're like competing against other players there's always a chance for injury but. of course to specially at those high speeds you know you just never know they're separated by milliseconds you know so. those yeah those jumps and so it can be dangerous but it's very very very sport. yes scary for the fans as well hoping for a speedy recovery and i forgot. tell us more about this other headline which has been the doping case involving the russian bronze medal winner alexander. is his name and tested positive for doping he's been maintaining his innocence and this is what he had to say to russian t.v. . we are very interested in the investigation on name korea and for the sports life is at stake we'll do everything to find those responsible for this we are confident that we are clean. you know not. ok chris explain this to us he says
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he's clean his team is backing him up but he's tested positive for the substance twice what's happening here is the substance in question you know it's a known right now the association the russian sports minister is backing the athlete saying it's too early to draw conclusions that something must have been tampered with because he does have he had previous clean tests and then when you factor in the sport the discipline curly with the performance enhancing drug it just doesn't add up it doesn't make sense one must be very naive to even risk taking a drug so close to the actual competition day and that's the case with him right now the i.o.c. they're planning to have a meeting this coming saturday and they'll determine whether or not athletes kids walk underneath the russian flag in the closing ceremonies so time will tell how this situation and all right apart from the negative headlines but also apart from the sports and the athletes pee on chang this is such a huge olympics for them obviously and they're putting on quite a show for fans in the evenings the tell us more about that quite
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a thing to see in night actually again this rule record more than twelve hundred drones have been in the air in there in making beautiful structures of the olympic symbols and things like this we do have a video if we can pull up and take a look you see the fans on hand and it was originally planned to be staged every night from february fifteenth but we've only gotten two performances so far because gusty winds out there and very cold but as you can see twelve hundred mean and you disinclined those are what are you drones it's. going to be the next olympic event i guess. all right chris harrington from these four thank you very much for bringing us up to date on day twelve of the winter olympics ok thank you. one more item for you before we go up britain's queen elizabeth has always had a signature style but with a wedding to attend in the spring that she might be looking for some inspiration the ninety one year old monarch has made a surprise debut appear. that london fashion week the queen had front row seats for
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designer richard quinn's catwalk show sitting right beside vogue editor in chief anna winter a she later present and playing with the inaugural queen elizabeth award for british design. or minder now of our top story that we're following for you here on news international concern is growing about the number of civilian deaths in syria's eastern ghouta airstrikes by pro-government forces on the besieged rebel held enclave has claimed hundreds of lives since the weekend. thank you for watching today if you follow us on twitter the handle is after d w news will be right back here after top of the hour.
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a lucrative business. made ensure. on the. nothing but empty mind of lebanon to separate him from the abyss. is a professional slack line or. is and this is takes into dizzying heights and from one world record to the next breath taking feasts in the press taking location. the robot. sixty minutes long teetotal. lying dormant shoka like say the biggest favorite seems we've got all the best goals we've got all the action the delta is the home of german football shared experience every match. the mundus league of the weekend here on w. . and y.
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own. odd venture of china the trip by airplane seventeen thousand kilometers in six weeks the christian commands the brigade of the expanse of the touchstone going to soon to come through china showing february twenty seventh i'm going to. disrupt all be disrupted the reality of this new digital era you can keep using a travel agency to book a holiday like my parents to you but don't be disappointed if it's not exactly what
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