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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2018 12:15pm-12:31pm CET

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unlike not here unlike in like say where in stuttgart and it's a little bit difficult to predict what their ruling is but there is a distinct possibility of perhaps limited diesel driving bans in some german cities right christopher's finger thank you very much. and we have more that potentially does the band with head of the humphrey from our business says she's standing by and will be with you shortly. w.'s program guide. dot com highlights. why.
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a trip to airplane. seventeen counts and come up in six weeks. experience. touching story. told this is our hope is god's country of her and other better please sit down and. start working twenty seven. could it be d.-day for diesel germany's top course is set to rule on diesel driving bans in cities as we await that verdict we take a look at what this all means for the consumer and the car industry. base is your business update on how the home free. glad you could join us here's
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a number that might shock you according to the german environmental group a d.u.h. every year an estimated twelve thousand people die in germany prematurely as a result of nitrogen oxide emissions now the e.u. debate is forty micrograms per cubic meter of air on average. over a year but that is regularly exceeded now banning the worst offending diesel cars could provide some quick critique but it's not that easy or thirty's in the cities of just hold off and got want to impose a ban but right now they do not have the rights now at this hour germany's top coat in leipzig deciding whether to make bans legal after all and if so who would be allowed to impose them no surprise then that drivers can make is and politicians are all eagerly awaiting that decision and many european cities are already thinking of ways to clean up their act. these special plants right and pollution
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enthusiastic in germany say they can grab a particular matter out of the air and even convert it into proper matter. several places in germany now have the so-called city trees. london has another right it since october drivers of old polluting cars have paid an extra ten pounds a day more than eleven euro's to drive in the city center of britain's capital that's on top of the congestion charge already in place this is part of a package of measures were the most basic process of a process of a cleaner was stopped by diesel buses only heartbreaking electric and a hard and double decker buses will license it in a diesel taxi's we're encouraging them to give the assistance to me from diesel to charges we're increasing the amount of money we spend on public transport but also look at and cycling spain's capital madrid also introduce drastic measures at the end of twenty sixteen when pollution levels get too high half the privately owned
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cars abound from the road and whether you can drive depends on your license plate number the idea came from italy where these temporary bans have been implemented in rome and milan paris also adopted the idea. in the boat carrying capital safina. levels of particular matter exceeded the limits for several days at the end of january. the city issued thousands of data gets the public transport it's a heavily discounted price. one idea currently under discussion in germany is free public transport time. so plenty of business opportunities in terms of innovation if a diesel ban is imposed but what would it mean for the car industry let's bring in our business correspondent now jenna. good to see you and this court verdict which we're waiting for comes months after we saw the government and car industry chiefs get together you and i sat here do you know about this in all i remember yes and
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that was to try and stave off a potential ban so was that all in vain well you know it could be so we're now in a situation where most of society agrees that something has to be done about air quality right and the courts now quite possibly have to rule towards giving cities that responsibility to be fair however it's because car makers themselves that and take on enough of that responsibility that these all summit at that we have talked about that was a pivotal moment carmakers could have the side of then to take the opportunity to make real amends they could have for example offered to do hardware retrofits that would make the cars run cleaner instead of the software solutions the software upgrades that they offer widely disparaged as a cosmetic solution on the and they also squabbled over who had to pay for what so that was obviously quite bad for the optics as well now germany's fifteen million diesel car owners are going to be left holding the bag here they'll have cars that they can't drive into city centers that they can't also get rid of as resale values
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plummet so this is a mess that car makers a fact that didn't do enough to clean up and now it's landed in the courts as we see today and of course germany is such a big car market the car industry is so important for exports for the country if a ban is implemented would it then be a signal to other cities around the world that i don't know. well at least from a sales perspective diesel is already flagging and we know that diesel market share in germany is has that is already at its lowest in years but beyond germany the world already seems to be moving away from diesels that may actually be germany that has to be playing catch up here so cities like paris madrid athens they've all announced plans to ban diesel in the medium term the world's biggest car market is of course china that's also where the biggest demand for e-cards exists and we know how that will shape global supply and if you add to that the fact that environmental standards all over the world are getting more and more strict and that diesel cars are going to become harder and more expensive to produce and also
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for consumers to use none of these things taken together portend to a very bright future for diesel let's be very frank about this you made the point that many other cities and countries have already made moves is there not the sense that the german car industry despite being very developed in terms of diesel simply has dropped the ball it's missed a beat in terms of i mean electric might but it's see self driving tech as well yes it's all a bit of a little too late that's the case i would say is happening here since the original scandal emerged or when car makers of all come out with these ambitious electro military strategies but you can make the case that they've spent a lot of time and resources investing in diesel technology they're still talking about improving upon it today it's quite hard for them to let it go with this which electro my billet he will obviously have far reaching consequences for the business if you take it from a production perspective e-cards have about two hundred parts in the gas and diesel
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vehicles have about a thousand so fewer parts means you need fewer people to produce them and that will have an impact on germany's eight hundred thousand auto sector jobs and meanwhile consumer interest in germany any cars has been quite slow to pick up many of them find them expensive many don't think that infrastructure in germany is up to speed just yet there aren't enough charging stations so what we have here is a problem of supply and abound or i say pedal to the metal but on the wrong essentially. thank you very much indeed. so potentially a dark day for the car industry and the employees working in what is germany's largest export market so let's take a listen now to what those working in the industry have to say about it this device measures nitrogen dioxide levels the legal limit is forty micrograms per cubic meter but that figure is regularly exceeded in over half of measuring stations near major thoroughfares in germany. unsurprisingly the prospect of
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a diesel ban has been met with stiff resistance from those whose livelihoods depend on theirs the just expect presenters have even warned that banning diesel guzzling trucks could hamper deliveries to the cities germany's oldest automobile club has also been speaking out. this is about people's livelihoods to say certainly that they can no longer drive into the city was almost amounts to expropriation. it's always the people who can't afford an expensive electric car or who can't buy a new diesel that are most affected come from. well pollution is a major problem in high traffic spots it's a different story in residential areas. where we see mid-range figures between twenty and thirty micrograms per cubic meter so significantly under the limit higher than permitted rates are a real problem on busy roads and if you have a fine and. an analysis by the u.p.a.
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environmental protection agency concluded that fire isn't in germany die prematurely as a result of respiratory illnesses each year that was based on a nationwide study of the effects of nitrogen dioxide. stupidity i think lawmakers aren't really interested in this study as ones if they were there would be a far bigger push towards driving. but critics say such studies failed to establish a causal link between nitrogen dioxide and emma cherry death other factors affecting mortality rates are not always taken into account. well fabienne schmidt joins us from our science desk in a ball on a fabia at the end of the day this is all about our health so put it in context for us how dangerous are these diesel emissions. it's probably difficult to tell
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but one thing is clear that these epidemiological studies which presents these figures of cells is also premature deaths. very problematic in the sense that it's not always clear to cause to really relates a reason why someone got a cardiac arrest or something something else directly to nitrogen oxides the other point is one has to keep in mind that even if we're taking these higher figures often souls and people who died prematurely each year that amounts to zero point just over zero point zero one percent of the german population so also here's a question if your statistical mass isn't very big. that makes it a bit difficult it's clear that nitrogen dioxide isn't healthy but the emissions of the actual nitrogen dioxide in the cities has gone down more than half the golden calf over the last fifty years for sanity is actually the question also is how does germany rank internationally how good or bad is it in comparison to other countries
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. ok i don't have the figures for nitrogen dioxide right here but the point is if we're talking about fine dust and find us is closely related to nitrogen dioxide and that germany rates actually pretty well compared to big asian countries where the pollution figures are more than tenfold offset sabia schmidt from our science desk thank you very much. and for me that's some potentially bad news for foster food chain k.f.c. a group of researches at princeton university now say the k.f.c. logo depicting the restaurants found on the condo can be mistaken for a stop sign by all to special intelligence houston self driving call the princeton scientists have come up with a system to spot signs which might prove confusing a recent finding now has some also whether the food chain will be forced to wait.
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until the. european social democrats are in crisis can the next generation save them french socialists are looking for a new leader while germany's s.p.d. is facing a crucial decision to rejoin a conservative government or not. young party members are speaking out can they
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help set the course for the social democrats future. next d w. into the conflict zone. after seven years to newseum remains the one country to much from the so-called arab spring as a functioning democracy or does it margaret steerage in munich security conference shoes for my. the country's foreign minister has to shine finally come up the revolution and with the house and a better future. in sixteen years. where i come from we have to fight for a free press and was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one t.v. shadow and a few newspapers with official information as a journalist i have worked all over the streets of many canvassed and they have problems are all of the same reporting the social inequality
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a lack of the freedom of the press and. who can afford to stay silent when it comes to the defense of the humans on the scene or why the old school had decided to put their trust in us. main is jenny harrison at work again. welcome to focus on europe. germany's government has been in paralysis for months since an indecisive election last september finally however the end seems to be in sight.


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