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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 23, 2018 7:00pm-8:01pm CET

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this is it on the news live from berlin wrangling at the united nations security council the laser a vote on a temporary ceasefire for syria the u.n. wants to allow humanitarian aid in for thousands of people trapped there without food water or fuel in eastern guta but russia has concerns about whether rebel fighters there will respect the cease fire also coming up how to fill the money
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hole left by briggs it european union leaders need to plan the blocks long term budgets members may have to dig deep into their own pockets to make up for the loss of britain's contribution. plus anguish and despair for parents in northern nigeria hopes are fading for the quick return of more than one hundred schoolgirls who gone missing after book aramic stream is attacked their school we're live in your base state for the latest. and also coming up in the next sixty minutes and i see hockey shocker at the winter olympics journey stones defending champs candidates have booked at their place in sunday's final we'll have all the day's action from pyongyang and. and when the line for that that is not a film that's a believe now seen all nineteen films competing for a gold in that and we'll bring you our picks of the best and worst movies at. this
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year's best suited. thanks for your company everyone. we start our broadcast in syria in the damascus suburb of eastern huta where residents have been living a nightmare as government forces have unleashed waves of airstrikes hundreds of people have been killed since sunday including many children the u.n. security council is scheduled to vote on a temporary ceasefire that would allow much needed humanitarian aid to reach trapped civilians but russia has voiced concerns about the resolution and that has led to repeated delays in the vote mascot once guarantees that rebel fighters in eastern water will respect a cease fire. these crackling bright lights have all the hallmarks of a firework display. but they're designed to devastate not celebrate activists
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say they are proof that the syrian government is firing indiscriminately cluster bombs and to built up residential areas and after a fifth night of regime pounding rebel held postulates like this. the grieving here takes place amid the search for life. while i have all but when i knew he would go. i told his grandmother he would go. he didn't want to continue living in terror. i wish it had been me who was killed instead of my son. you know i wish it had been me who was killed so i wouldn't have to grieve for you my son a lot of them would go loco as though. some have lost hope others cling to it. the work of first responders here made ever harder by
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treacherous conditions and the lack of medical supplies. as death rains down from above and while the powers are still arguing about how to stop it. the special envoy for syria stuff and the means to iraq gritty to me is that the human ecology and situation of the civilians in eastern is appalling and therefore we are in argent need for a ceasefire the stops both the already thick heavy bombardment of. and the in these communities mortar shelling on damascus. as i want and security council members want to start t.t.c. fire that would give safe passage for aid and evacuations no one needs to punish russia a key city an ally wants guarantees any trustable also apply to rebel fighters. are i to punish them to this is a un regional humanitarian coordinator for the syria crisis and he joins us now
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from kuwait he said thank you so much sir for being with us do you have any news from eastern goutam what are people on the ground telling you i'm afraid it's still bad news from. the sea and very racy rate taking place more than four hundred people now that have been killed more than a thousand are injured and a total terror in this area with civilians being caught up in it possible situation for it since they are all know how are people surviving do they have access to food water fuel basic a medical help. it's really difficult at the moment to water and electricity is completely cut there are some boreholes of people trying to do as they can with whether they have food also supplies or laws so there's lots of people are complaining about being hungry because really there is no old the
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markets are not functioning we haven't broke see it convoy for more than three months now and we had just a tiny one of the fourteenth of february so it's this year it's the physical not knowing if they're going to live another day or not because of the aerial attacks and buildings several buildings collapse when these bottom bombs fall and on top of it is the hunger and of course trying to to conciliate the children and you know elderly or people who are in a vulnerable situation it's just too much and has been going on for now the sisters thousand and thirteen of the siege men so that's certainly not an impossible situation what would a ceasefire allow you to do this is fire's going to really be a complete change because it would allow us to bring in food supplies medical supplies it without allows us to take out people who need medical assistance to be evacuate it would also allow maybe any civilians who want to move either way to be
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able to have this choice is ceasefire with me a game changer and he's desperately needed that's what pro calling for and we very much hope that this is yours the council today wisdom and and a few minutes and diplomacy will prevail to help civilians and people in a desperate situation i just want is un regional humanitarian coordinator for the syria crisis thank you. lou. and all eyes are on new york where diplomats at the united nations are giving it a nother try to pass a resolution for a thirty day truce to allow for humanitarian aid and medical evacuations are right let's go straight to james serrano he is in new york he is a u.n. correspondent james give us the state of play how likely is it that members of the security council will vote on this resolution in the next couple of hours well once
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that question it seems like the vote is almost guaranteed to be the latest that we've got here from the u.n. headquarters in new york is that after a series of delays the vo is going to take place at two thirty pm this afternoon the ten nonpermanent members of the security council have called for it and most of the permanent members of the council want it to happen and as we understand it is going to happen there's just some last minute negotiations to the draft resolution that has been concerns raised by the russians and the americans and of course when these changes happen in new york they need to send the document back to their capital to washington to most go to london to paris and everywhere else so that the governments of those countries can basically give it their sign off before the vote take place james how does the resolution that's now being discussed differ from the one that russia blocked yesterday. i mean we haven't actually seen the final draft we don't know exactly what they're going to vote on and there could be some changes made to it yet but some of the sticking points i can talk you through obviously the
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resolution itself is calling for a thirty day ceasefire in syria now that would go into effect seventy two hours after the u.n. security council votes for it and then medical evacuations and a delivery as they would start forty eight hours then after that now some of these timelines have been question and that seems to be one of the areas that's being debated there's another thing as well because although there's going to be a ceasefire if this resolution is passed there are some groups the ceasefire does not apply to you so military operations will still be in the permitted against extremists groups you'll be as one being islamic state al qaeda and al nusra front but the russians have been negotiating for the groups to be included in particularly these rebel groups that are operating in eastern guta that's a suburb outside damascus where have been a lot of heavy fire over the last five days groups like josh al islam and its rival political rock man. james i mean the world has been witnessing scenes of horror
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mass casualties among children why is the u.n. so powerless to do something. well because the u.n. is not a thing and its own right the un is really just the will of its collective members and if all the big powers in the world agree on something then usually you can get something done it's when they don't agree that you run into problems like the one we experience here the un security council is structured so that the five permanent members russia the u.s. china france and britain they've got to be to want it and when one of their allies is the subject of the u.n. security council resolution as is this case because the president bashar assad of syria he's an ally of most guys and the most good can use its veto and it can stop any action taking place there and that really is one of the frailties of the international system but also one of the check the balance the unable to function right james analyst u.n. correspondent in new york thank you all right want to tell you now about some of
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the other stories making headlines right now human rights groups fear that to mean mars the government is using bulldozers teresa villages of the range of people working state has been nearly emptied of its muslim minority since last august when a military crackdown drove hundreds of thousands of people across the border to bangladesh while these a before and after a satellite images that you see right here show dozens of empty villages have been completely wiped out in recent weeks in mars' government claims it's trying to rebuild the region but human rights watch has expressed concern that crucial evidence of crimes against the were injured muslim minority is being destroyed. what we're seeing in this area isn't just been knocking down. structures what we're seeing is the complete clearing totally leveling completely a racy these villages that were there there's no more landmarks there's no trees
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there's no vegetation everything is wiped away and this is very concerning because these are crime scenes and the evidence of these crimes that were committed there is being completely wiped away such that there's no and there's no bears been no credible investigation of these crimes and so what we're talking about really is obstruction of justice now in other news at least five people are reported dead after two huge explosions rocked the somali capital mogadishu of last seen at the presidential palace were followed by gun battles between attackers and police suspected al shabaab militants reportedly trying to force their way into the palace a u.n. investigation into the conflict in south sudan says there is enough evidence to prosecute at least forty senior government and rebel officers for crimes against
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humanity and war crimes the u.n. report gives horrific witness accounts of gang rapes castration and ethnic violence and sister children are not being spared. u.s. president donald trump says the armed officer assigned to protect the school hit by last week's match shooting in florida was either a coward or didn't react properly under pressure police say he remained outside the school and failed to confront the shooter he has resigned from his job. australia's deputy prime minister barnaby joyce a has announced his resignation joyce had been under sustained pressure to resign after revelations of an affair with his former staff member came to light while now new allegations of sexual harassment against him have emerged in brussels e.u. leaders have been meeting to decide how to fill the multi billion euro hole in the budget that will be left after britain leaves well britain has agreed to keep
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paying its share worth at least ten billion euros a year until twenty twenty but the other members were divided over how to deal with the a budget shortfall after that. three national leaders on a mission to solve how the e.u. will plug the post brick said funding gap should it be done via cutbacks redeployment of finances or should the richer member states pay higher contributions germany's chancellor angela merkel has already made it clear that berlin is prepared to increase its membership fee but the netherlands and austria are against the idea of rich countries paying more. niche to foreign used what we do not want is an ever increasing burden on the net contributors because the net contributors already make a very very large contribution and. britain's departure from the e.u. will lead to a multi billion euro funding shortfall the netherlands only by making cutbacks can more money be found for mutually important issues like security and immigration
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we've contributed large sums and for good reasons but we can't allow this to increase now. also on the agenda is a contentious proposal by uncle americal to attach conditions to funding this would mean countries like hungary and poland accepting more refugees critics say this measure would be unjust. then we it's the if we can line funding with solving immigration issues who will carry the cost not the government it's the citizens and i don't know if that's the best solution. john clarke president of the e.u. commission is taking a pragmatic approach e.u. nations will have to pull together he says but it seems there's a long way to go before that will happen. are expressed as correspondent gary is covering this informal summit friskier good evening i believe just on one miracle addressed the press earlier. exactly and we just put the question to her
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about this conditionality and her onset was she quoted the swedish prime minister and basically said that he explained there. the countries who do a lot for refugees spend a lot of money provide a lot of help should also receive more money from the budget and said look this is also a way to look at this conditionality in a more positive sense of course in a negative sense this would mean less money for those who countries were not willing to take up refugees for instance in the east of a europe but and that is what a german position paper suggested so i would say today she backtracked a little on that position how did that go down that the proposition to link link funding to receiving migrants. of course it's a huge challenge that there is less money because of the whole of almost a ten billion euros is there to block and there's a number of ways you could see cutbacks but also
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a number of countries for instance germany and italy said they could spend more money and there is other countries like france who said they could take less money for actually cultural funds at the end of the day like in a divorce there's bound to be a fight over money and cracks it is no sex no exception right care might this recording from brussels thank you. you're watching the news this still ahead a major upset in the men's eyes hockey at the winter olympics the defending champs crash out we'll bring you all the latest action from john. first some good news for folks like bernie exactly thank you very much germany's scandal plagued volkswagen more than doubled snap profits for last year to eleven point four billion euros. revenues were up by just over six percent to two hundred thirty point seven billion euros and it iran's as one of the world's largest
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automaker selling ten point seven million vehicles rolled wide last year that's despite a company admitting many plating software on eleven million vehicles worldwide it has had to pay billions in fines and compensation and is still under investigation cornered buson reports from the frankfurt docked exchange. told. me. he. was not according to the. chinese semester. has become the largest shareholder in germany or a company stock market filling say he bought a nine point seven percent share in the make of the dispense luxury automobiles. is
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the chairman of holdings a routine national automotive company based in china the billionaire already has holdings in europe and the company acquired sweden's maker car maker eight years ago as well. quien has broken through right there has broken through the ten thousand dollar mark again of course cryptic currencies are about more than just making a quick buck digital money has the potential to revolutionize the world of finance by machine learning makes huge strides if you met a young man who's developed a technology to a low mashi into machine payments. easiest to catch at the airport dominic shino twenty two year old programmer with big plans for. the entrepreneur is flying all over the world to promote his digital currency he's
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put the code for us out in the public domain called aims to revolutionize transactions especially those that in the future could be carried out between machines. on our mission isn't automation it's to make things independent and the way we make machines independent is to give each of them a digital wallace. and what we do then is get machines to paycheck other one good example is a car paying its own parking fee in the future that'll all be sorted out by the car and its parking bay or its charging station or the road toll sensor at the market. groceries offer another opportunity for automation like a fridge that makes purchases automatically and pays digitally crypto currencies could be the money of the future best known as bitcoin which is based on block chain technology she believes it's already outdated. but if i want to carry out a transaction using bitcoin i have to pay fees of between ten to twenty dollars and
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that's obviously more expensive than a bank if you're looking at the machine economy where one machine is paying another we're not talking about larger transactions like ten dollars so we're looking at transferring micro payments a few cents at a time and you can only do that with the your. the your currency is based on what's called a tangle confirmation of a payment functions much faster and more cheaply than with block chains from competitors like bitcoin small sums are easily dealt with and she claims it's just to secure. the good thing about your size that we've got a lot of researchers on board almost ten mathematicians they're laying out the theory behind the tangle and they're validation it with solid proof. just what we're working on that you know up until now people are still shopping for groceries for the leaving it up to the fridge but cryptic currencies are bringing the days of machine to machine transactions one step closer.
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now it's time for an update on the winter olympics in south korea had go a flurry of affirmative resources joins me now with all the big stories from the sierra club it's a massive upset again in ice hockey canada is just not lucky this time around this olympics the woman's went out last time yesterday and now the men are out and germany is the culprit germany a massive massive results for them they were able to beat sweden in the quarter finals for the world champs now they beat can out of number one ranked team who had won the gold in the last two olympics so it's a massive result germany went up three nil by the second period and let's not scratch it out with the canada they were able to bring it back score three goals but the last result was four three for germany a nail biter of a game and germany was the lowest ranked team going into the semifinals so as mentioned before they beat sweden canada now it's the sky's the limit for her it
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pays off to be the underdog sometimes for you this is all around it has paid off and ok a team germany who are they going to face in the final well it won't be an easy task for them will be against the olympic athletes of russia who would be going into the match as the favorites possibly so as. they were able to beat the czech republic we see here they got and see when the three nil win so they pretty much swept the czech republic their powerhouse and here we see their third goal as mentioned three nil easy win for them so it will it won't be any task for germany going into the final but i mean one of those things are there already secured a medal silver or gold but of course the gold we see here. i think in their goalie that's an equal shot skin to stop all thirty one shots so that's going to be one of the biggest challenge for germany to put it all out and they are such a powerhouse as you describe it but they already got their silver medal secured if they don't win but the also one team russia also want to gold medal today they did
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they got their first gold in this olympics it was in the figure figure skating it was through toba fifteen years old we you know we see her here beautiful moves and it's just just class of her fifteen years old as mentioned and bring the first gold for the olympic athletes from russia she set a new war record with eighty two point nine hundred four program which gave her the edge past personal russian. if i'm saying that right i hope so one point thirty one points past her so. it's a happy one for them currently and the russians when it comes to figure skating while they have they have a rule the world ok so far thank you so much for your leadership and in europe for league soccer durant have made it through to the round of sixteen after one all draw with tahlia inside atlanta on thursday watson on to look set to
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win the tie after rafael to lawyers scored in the eleventh minute for the host they held on to that lead for over an hour but the endorsements captain marcel shell certain reacted to a loose ball and net at the equaliser his first goal of the season giving dortmund a four three aggregate win. are and are are also survived a big scare to advance to the next round of the europa league secure went into the match against napoli with a three one lead from the first leg but linsky put now fully ahead in the first half a lorenzo a senior then put napoli two nil up in the closing stages to level the scores at three all on aggregate but lengthy go through on the away goals rule. today is the final competition day at the boro an international film festival and my colleague charlotte shell some pill and scott rocks are down at the red carpet
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where they spend most of their week for movies guys in competition are from rim and directors are they likely to win an award. hey that later we saw the last one of these films this morning was a polish film called mugged it's about a man who gets into who receives an accident and ends up having to have a face transplant that actually might not sound like it but it was pretty funny for yeah it's pretty funny. and it's an interesting interesting look at the polish society and about prejudices and superficiality but i'm not sure if that really is a running wheel them because i don't think that for the winner i'm afraid the one that we both read. is an italian film called feeling in me. mind and that's a really moving very complex picture of womanhood and motherhood is what we think that is in a hash tag me to environment that really could be one that's going to go down very
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well with the judges and one other that i picked out of the four films directed by women at this year's belly nala is three days and by the german director amelia tif and it's a portrait of the famous german austrian actress from the one nine hundred seventy s. played by. the boy and i think her performance which is very powerful very very wrenching could be the top top runner for the silver bearer for best actress. and that resemble as is candy as you alluded to earlier and then we got you guys will also be back with more a little later on in the show. yeah i have to say it's adding insult to injury i just watched it mighty not canada get destroyed by by germany your heart later tonight we will see pop music destroyed by ed sheeran there's a documentary on the pop musician ed sheeran having its world premiere here at the belly and i have
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a very tough day for. he doesn't mean he loves. god i gather you're not a fan and. he's not knocking out of it but i do have other things coming out the highs and lows of the festival say fall we've seen on nine hundred films and we'll give you more picks for those for those prices tomorrow night right catch up later thank you. we're going to take a short break we'll be right back. with. european stars deliver a rousing performance of plume intoxicating mix in from any business and it's just. the luck pledge from the irish singer imelda may.
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look at. least. double. bursts. home moods of species. a home worth saving play those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world. to. protect the climate boost green energy solutions and resource to show. results of people you can not predict a force to create interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection. using all channels available to inspire people to take action and we're determined to build something here for the next generation of
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global goods the multimedia environment series on t.w. . he better stay in good shape return in ten this year and you can leave this school and mazing fitness backpack and if you want to know what's inside it isn't on the way. to turning the most homework. do you to like coffee or maybe a little bit that you do so for. your life. great to have you back with us you're watching the news this is our main headline right now the u.n. security council is expected to vote shortly on a proposed ceasefire in syria a resolution calls for a thirty day truce in eastern hotel to allow humanitarian aid for thousands of people trapped in the beleaguered damascus suburb. to nigerian our
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hopes are fading for more than one hundred schoolgirls who remain missing for days after boko haram extremists attacked their school in the village of doc she and the norden yobe a state any parents broke down crying on thursday amid news that their church but i witness is out now indicate that some of the girls were led away at gunpoint or and here's one thirteen year old girl who managed to escape the extremists out of the insurgents came to a school shooting and trying to disperse us together with more than sixty other students i fled through a fence we didn't know that some of my classmates were caught by the insurgents and taken away we got help from a teacher from the villages we had for a while and then we returned to the school at the palace left. only one like a girl marched escape there well they don't use it when creation was in the village
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so of adoption earlier today and that we can talk to them now or from the state capitol let them a true. adrian this is such a harrowing situation for the parents and relatives have really learned anything more about the girls where abouts. nothing from there to authorities layla but all parents i talked to in the uk she today where convinced that the girls are in the hands of there were several eyewitnesses i talked to and they saw a military truck in front of the school after the attack where a lot of girls got on and apparently they thought those were soldiers those were military people who can bring them to safety but most of the people in the village believed they were terrorists and they were driving the girls out of town and then of course makes the effected families even more desperate there i visited the family of the seventeen year old for example who is missing and twenty of her relatives where the family's house still devastated there were small children crying nonstop and i spoke to her fourteen year old sister and she told me how she
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was together was at the school when they hit the gunshots and started running away and she lost sight of her so she couldn't stop crying it was really heartbreaking and it's and you mentioned that will the pain these families have to go through right now i mean you know i mean we saw some of the parents while you were reporting and as you say there are dealers just unimaginable understandably they are not happy with the response of the state authorities of course they're not because up until now the authorities seventy even given the clear number of how many children are missing so the parents showed me their a list of one hundred five missing children that they have compiled themselves but there's no number from the authorities and i talked to the commissioner of education today even as it did yesterday with the governor and the cause of him was even the tech spy angry relatives. so when the governor addressed the parents and said this thing. is not anybody's making let's take it as if
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it's for the almighty allah and let's pray for the limit to help us secure that at least even if they have been abducted some parents are reported to support us some legal somebody will call us said. here's what has appointed home his child is in the house and when we asked what the name was the form number that it was nothing they're not going to tell us that is the kind of situation where. it is going to take a lot more than prayer security risk girls rescue this incident is reminiscent of the chibok girls who were abducted back in two thousand and fourteen remind us about what happened to them well back then in april twenty fourth seen more than two hundred girls were abducted in the town of chibok and about a hundred of them are still in the hands of the terrorists right now others were
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released after a long negotiations in exchange for prisoners and money so many here believe that their grandson could have possibly motivated book around to carry out a similar attack in your state this time and unfortunately the government did not learn a lesson from the slow response after the chibok attack in two thousand and fourteen you just heard the commissioner of education the blame game is starting back to them it's there was an extremely slow response that took the government weeks to consume the in sudan and then there was a long blame game happening but no results and now nigeria has a new government but they're still doing the same mistakes did have his eight or increased reporting from your base state in nigeria thank you. tensions are running high in the democratic republic of congo where protesters are demanding the resignation of president joseph kabila his term of office and back in two thousand and sixteen fresh elections were announced but were never held the country's powerful catholic church is among those seeking to put pressure on could
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be allowed to step down a broad alliance of opposition parties and civil rights groups has been taking to the street but security forces are cracking down on the rallies and some protestors are paying with our lives. hussein wanted to see changes in his country the democratic republic of congo he took part in a demonstration and was shot dead by police the people of his community remember him and the others who died that day in a church service. it's early morning in the capital kinshasa this is where hussein's parents live freddy and gandu and his wife just tell still having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that their eldest son is dead. body do there's no respect for the law in this country if they were respect them they wouldn't have been able to kill my child like that still you know he was innocent.
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but it is there's no democracy here it's a dictatorship that you. just need to talk to. many congolese would agree for months now there have been protest marches in kinshasa supported by the catholic church they directed against president joseph kabila who is determined to hang on to power elections have been repeatedly postponed and security forces often respond with force. on the day of the service to there's a police presence. the house of worship is full many congolese have set their hopes on the role that the church can play to bring about change. i find it's very good that they're holding this church service center range things here very nicely i'm happy about that but my heart is crying out. there big hope is cardinal month single the archbishop of kinshasa the catholic
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church tried for a long time to mediate between the government and the opposition but their efforts failed and the sermons of the cardinal and his priests are becoming more and more political. move forward to people won't tolerate any more lies violence and half measures in the abusive was about half the country is catholic and the catholic church is message is very popular during the service dramatic pictures of the protests are projected on the wall a member of the community speaks in the name of one of the victims the father of the girl who was shot was on duty as a police officer when she died. charged the ship months single now has to be protected by body guards more and more priests are being attacked or tortured catholics have already announced their next protest and many are expected to take to the streets hussein and his parents will also take
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part they say they owe that much to this some so that his death was not in vain. here in germany there's been a bad tempered debate in parliament about how the nation should remember the holocaust and other crimes of the nazi past while the far right if the party wanted to end what it calls the dictatorship of remembrance members of the other parties were outraged at the suggestion they accuse the a of d. of insulting the memory of history's victims. in the middle of berlin i stumble upon a tragic story. in general you nine hundred forty three this kneebone family was picked up here and taken to auschwitz father mother eleven year old daughter and one year old son victoria all four were murdered this house was home to the psni bulbs their fate and others should not be forgotten that's when artists from
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cologne have started to lay these cobblestones or star pushed on to twenty five years ago but now a politician from the far right if he has demanded to end this memorial he referred to a remembrance dictatorship sparking controversy. but other politicians have been alarmed by this criticism of the brass memorials in the bundestag all other parties strongly reject the a fifty stands for the uproar but if the delegates get a yawn demands an end to the cobblestones with such statements they mock the memory of the date shame on you. step dad said they talk about a cult of guilt that it takes a ship of remembrance a monument of shame this is intolerable historical revisionism in its purest full if you do miss most in the fine for minor downtown and the ivy the a.f.d. is talked about a monument of shame and cold for one hundred eighty degree turnaround in the way we
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remember history not just. hearing the debate members of the if the group were heard laughing and shouting but none of them was prepared to repeat the controversial proposal. again and again the a fifty uses the same method first they deliberately provoke then depending on the audience they slightly relativize the statements but party supporters get the message and apparently attacks on germany's culture of remembrance don't seem to harm the party. a fifty politicise have also criticised the holocaust memorial in the center of berlin their open new york post to germany spacy conviction never forget instead they call for an end to remembrance. from the mark reporting you're watching it every day is this
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a whole lot more to tell you about including we're going to take you back to the berlin allah for a love story in the east german supermarket to a documentary about superstar songwriter and share in our reporting of all that and a whole lot more from the carpet. but first air b.n. b. is changing its business strategy very right you need a home sharing app air b.n. b. is on the scout for new growth opportunities after all many cities have restricted the service hotels have been complaining residents too they say rents have shot up with few apartments on the market and some air b.n. b. customers complain the places don't even live up to expectations. the rentals platform could be on the doorstep of its public listing and is looking to raise its game by introducing a new plus program the company hopes to appeal to travelers who are skeptical of booking unseen properties over an automated website personally inspecting accommodation to ensure only the highest quality homes get the seal of approval to
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bump the points to boost the luxury market is hotly contested but the timing is right at the end be announcing growing bookings on its first operating profit last year giving it the firepower to extend its reach ahead of its initial public offering which could be as soon as next year so what are they waiting for the pressures of being public can be very ominous if you have no principles because the public markets got a whole bunch of principals so we're not in any rush we haven't committed to a timeline or any you know if and when we go public we just know that we want to institutionalize our intentions as quickly as possible and be ready for the times right we're ready to go out there be well established hotel sites like booking dot com or expedia are moving into the private rental territory just as ad b. and b. receives greater scrutiny from local regulators worldwide they're accused of pushing up local property prices whether the new plus program will be a plus for ad b. and b. in the face of mounting opposition remains to be seen. riding us the news from this
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beautiful island here this is a shelf it's part of an agreement for the island stations creditors for the first time to says shell says that it designated the sea surrounding its islands as protected waters safeguarding the fishing and tourism industries and receiving that's really in return the debt restructuring every agreement will pay some of the money into a trust fund. for many this indian ocean island is what paradise looks like the remote atoll is home to the world's largest population of giant tortoises and is the spawning grind for a number of rare species. the seychelles government has now signed a bill restricting nearly all human activity in the waters around aldabra it's the result of a unique deal with its predecessors debt relief in exchange for protecting biodiversity
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the ambitious plan places thirty percent of the country's territorial waters under protection putting it way ahead of the global marine protected area targets of ten percent by two thousand and twenty took four years to put this together but what happened was is over that time period the seychelles was a poster child of what you do to come out of a debt crisis they were running positive budget surpluses they successfully footed the currency they were used to do so their debt to g.d.p. ratio in the late two thousand is the seychelles was one of the world's most indebted countries according to the world bank sovereign debt peaked at nearly one billion us dollars today the finance ministry says it stands at less than half of. many fishermen except that the long term effects of the marine special plan will benefit the economy and their industry yet some fear the short term impact will be crippling to their livelihoods. let's turn to zambia know where the government wants to promote industrial farming to create more jobs and eventually more food
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sounds good investors are promised cheap plans but as a result many locals say they are forced to leave their villages. there are families living here in the forest in zambia powerful farmers wish they didn't and want them to move on it's a rugged country and vehicles can only take us so far we have to finish our journey on foot we've come with the human rights lawyer he wants to help the families during these months that he has little of his good looks is still before some of them not by choice because that's the one where they can free none that they can to present the world is to forget what. we've experienced firsthand just how far these families had to move it took us two hours to get to our destination the families who live here say they were forcibly evicted from their old farm. ben and his wife have
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a family of nine children. i mean. she comes out here regularly the lawyer talks to the families listens to their stories when possible and he helps them take their cases to court. if you know. a white farmer said to us that we had to move away then he destroyed everything surrounding our village knocked down trees we were afraid that one might fall on our house we didn't feel safe and had to go. eat. human rights watch says over fifty families live here now all of them have been forced from their villages. organization believes nationwide to thousands of people have been a victim. she's. a family farm used to be down here somewhere today it's industrial farmland run by a farmer from abroad. jason sawyer is
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from neighboring zimbabwe and he tells us that he was he picked up from his land there just like many other white farmers now he himself is said to have pushed people from their farms he denies this we are here to stay. i'm going to raise my kids my father wants to be buried hit him with a cost to the law. trying to come to a compromise so that everyone is happy. one thing is clear sawyer bought the land from the zambian government and the land was proven to be owned by the government before the sale. he tells us that he has created some eighty jobs and that it was the government which forced him to relocate the farmers residing on the land. conflicts like these are result of the government's policy to promote industrial farming in
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a bid to create more jobs and produce more food. and exports are only allowed after the country's own food requirements are met the government is trying to lure investors like jason sawyer with the promise of cheap land. and locals are displaced in the process. oh most are around for a brew an international film festival and my colleague charlotte charleston phil and scott roxboro have been watching movies for more than a week now guys good evening european film features big at the belly not sure i'm in movie premier today could you tell us more about that. yeah that's right the film's coolest point is stand here on the bed now the red carpet that film school in the aisles and basically it's healthy enough story of two people working in an east german sci fi market it's a pretty amazing film is pretty impressive but yeah it's also it's not you don't
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expect sort of a hollywood style wrong sort of a fast paced exciting siding film this is much slower. much more delicate a film it really takes a while to get into the movie but i think very very touching we have a small piece to sort of introduce you to the movie when we take a look. this is not an action movie. and it's an unlikely place for a love story in the aisles takes us to a discount superstore in a small town where there's a new guy working the drink section. to. christian hardly says a word but his coworker bruno takes a liking to him as does the unhappily married mother on from the candy department he's sweet on her to. go fish an angle a pound. you
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know. but doesn't grow up nudes of what. one might say on goes on sick leave and falls into a deep depression and has checkered past threatens to catch up with him she is rising star francois gobs q. leads this portrait of an eastern german working class life in a tale a very cautious and it's got bored. all right looks like a really beautiful down to earth movie what else is coming up later. well also coming up tonight is i think you may be seen in the press conference the screen behind us live right now here in berlin it is ed sheeran the pop superstar from britain i'm not a huge fan but i have met the man has has had some success there's a world premier of a documentary and back a behind the scenes documentary about his life and career directed by his cousin
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it's called songwriter yeah i mean scott is clearly not a fan and sherry and i think he's great and i'm really looking forward to seeing this film and i want to give anything away they said they were going to show you this quickly. i think i'll find a different and one for that no sold out stadiums no screaming crying fans just a dude with a broadway t. shirt and a guitar and oh yeah that voice. is you. go to the songwriter is about ensuring behind the scenes the director murray cummings is sharon's cousin has been filming him for years. to. make the movies a simple look at the guy and the process behind the charts smashing global heads.
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well how can you not like him scott are right i read the tea leaves. how much time do you have i mean how could you have not gotten that out even though they know that i guess a mechanic i made this point before i'll make it again ten years ago we had a documentary here by martin scorsese about the rolling stones ok rolling stones ten years ago now ed sheeran modern day john lennon. has read i won't even go there i want to read the feelies for us if you will do you think will back the big prize. yeah that's that's a real tough one we've been talking about that of course everybody now is talking about that since all the competition films have been screened it was the awards ceremony everyone's placing their bets on i don't quite difficult as this year there are a lot of quite interesting films but for me no immediate standout but i think we
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agreed there's one film that we think has the right this film that we've been talking about feeling and the a daughter of mine it's an italian film and it's directed by woman is out of this beauty and it tells the story of two women in their very different experience of motherhood it's very very complex and very moving piece and i think that really in a hash tag me to environment i think a piece like this is going to go down really well with the jury yeah i think i think i think that's probably right and if i had to bet i probably put my money on daughter of mine but i like to mention other things that i was really blown away by it's called pig it's an iranian movie and it's got a phenomenal president. applause it's about a director a film director who's blacklisted and because he can't work he's sort of doing our job directing commercials then a serial killer starts killing iran's talk directors he gets very upset not because he's afraid but because he's not on the list absolutely you know i think really really funny movie i'm very different i want you to expect out of iran this is
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a movie about a lot of main male characters but all the women in the film are much stronger much more assertive than the male characters in the film so in some ways it also is a very very from this will be very interesting i love to see it when something i don't know if it's going take the top prize but i hope it's somewhere out there is just one more thing that i give a quick shout out to and that's the film you toy or it's a reconstruction is that show you remember that horrific terrorist attack seven years ago there was a bombing in oslo and then there was dozens of children killed on an island this isn't a documentary it essentially recreates it and interestingly the makers of this film have decided not to offer any pictures so we won't be showing you any pictures right now that's and that's because. they say that they don't want to publicize it seem much for that reason maybe the jury will stay clear of that big big prize wanting to also be respectful to how it's fantastic i mean all right and incidentally as you guys were speaking and sharon was appearing right behind you so
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you might want to. scotch you guys you know in march i was a great weekend. all right and that does it for me. have a fantastic weekend of course the news continues thanks erica the be . the be. the boat.
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the be. observed the stars deliver a rousing performance the be intoxicating mix of rockabilly new subjects. the be from irish singer imelda good.
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we make our own but we watch as the oaks that under the tree we are some of the surface of mars want to shape the. continent's future. will be part of enjoying african youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. to the seventy seven percent. platform for the shark. everyone my name is made by as millie. the dolly is very deep shallow. the fisa court event took place play. dates tournaments and i could go on for hours with this new challenge about it you should better check it out yourself.
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explain about things that. it's all about the stories and. it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us to be inspired by just don't give instagram or. g.w. story the topic each week on instagram if you would like to be our fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers every one of us a planet didn't. sell nothing it's just that the children who have already been the boy and those that will follow are part of a new kind of says. they could be the future of. granting opportunities global news that matters d. w. made for mines.
8:00 pm
play . play. play. this is d w news live from berlin wrangling at the united nations security council delays a vote on a temporary ceasefire for syria and the u.n. wants to allow humanitarian aid in for thousands of people trapped there without food water or fuel in eastern gupta but russia has concerns about whether rebel fighters there will respect the cease fire. also coming up how to fill the money hole left by gregson european union leaders begin to plan.


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