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tv   Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe  Deutsche Welle  February 28, 2018 11:30am-12:00pm CET

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i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. to begin peace talks what needs to be for tolerance and reconciliation or to stand the chance of darkness city after your store to march tenth on w. greetings from the german capital once again and welcome to our latest edition and we've got lifestyle and culture up to the rafters so let's get started with these topics. banish steps celebrating from enco in the city of. sweet treats a german pastry chef and his mouth watering creation. and film
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icon why i'm here is the hold up is in the lineup for an academy award. along with things like the aha winds and. is one of the things that pops up when we think of spain and currently in the end allusion city of head is the left in the south it's all about this passionate dance and the music that accompanies it for two weeks performances and workshops abound at the annual flamenco festival and because people there grow up with flamenco in their blood it has to be top notch and that's why it's a huge draw for international dance. taking the audience on the subconscious.
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and experimental. takes. for the. boy so young. that's me. and me is an imaginary individual living in a fantasy world that i carry out when i create something new i'm like a child living out my fantasy fantasy adding with. curiosity and this childlike
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innocence so my show channels are childlike creativity in fantasy. challenges conventions. publication. in the respect of critics and audiences. is regarded as one of the world's greatest . t.v. though i don't view the awards i've won since starting to perform in dresses as praise for my own accomplishments. nominate. take knowledge that everyone should express themselves and dance how ever they want it. it is flamenco festival has about this program. done some originated in the region
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of and illusion and is deeply influenced by roma culture. typical flamenco clothing also has a roma flair. it flashes the figure and features lots of flounces. shops selling the traditional garments are popular when the festival is on this year which red some pebbles are a. flamenco styles change every year some designs resemble each other costumes are traditional but they change more than any other type of traditional spanish clothing. a dress like this can cost several hundred euros for and illusion women for dresses oh what's the little black dress is to others. i've had about thirty dresses in my life it's the same for my mother and she gave some to me i mean even when i was small i got to put on the dresses and i'll pass them on to my children just got
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a i mean you see. people from all over the world come to the festival workshops with famous artists like i said quickly booked up. lots of dancers have come especially from asia many are there for the long haul taking cruises during the day going to concerts at night and living and illusion style flamenco pure and simple others like you only have wealthy always happy but family laugh different different feelings so express every day are. different is even it's just a music but depends on the feeling when dance i think this is just why am. i. this is why i am my cultist. midnight performances in the day goes of head as a particularly popular the concept. is a homage to the women. it's the classical side of flamenco.
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i. guess i mean it's not the manco is a living culture it just continues to evolve as it should. be in the traditional form of flamenco should progress too but there are artists who are fighting for real advances or do not want to express what moves them right now because i don't know whether they need. and it's this cultural diversity that makes the festival so special. well his music is special because statistically speaking more people are prepared
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to pay for it then any other type of music singer songwriter ed sheeran has more than struck a nerve he's struck gold. that nobody sold more records in twenty seventeen dead british singer songwriter ed sheeran that's thanks mainly to his extremely successful album divide featuring the hit single shape of you which went platinum in thirty six countries. with. the international federation of the phonographic industry records the sales figures counting how many albums and singles resold. and how often tracks were streamed online with some. one of the most painstaking scientific analysis of john from years gone with a poem is just getting underway in the hague in the netherlands high tech scanners
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will be used to examine a masterpiece. during the interaction of matter of x. ray it informs us about the distribution of pigments. underneath the surface of it is the through and elements of course you. do it's a talker for money curtis house are currently under splay of billions for the many concerts. she's been photographing the orchestra and its conductors says simon rattle since two thousand and six. her work has captured many special moments backstage. on stage and on the right. when the ts met on my own put something on your plate he's waiting for what he calls the wow effect the food designer has learned his craft in paris are underfed
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onto the art in spain and in several three star restaurants and now he runs a school for master past in bavaria best his creations are a feast for all the senses and he tells us why perfectionism and passion don't always go hand in fact. these cakes are tiny works of art. they are home created by food design a much ts meter my. shop i agree with their coverage of this of help i've got a job that isn't actually needed in this world nobody needs chocolate all prelims ok if so the question is how do i get customers to come to me for my luxury products i think by stirring emotions.
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my ts mr meyer is head of a bavarian pettis aris cool he teaches professionals and hobby chefs the art of making exquisite treats anyone can learn the tricks of the trade but much she says it's not about being passionate about baking. it like shock of passion might help a cook who will improvise with a pinch of this or a pinch of that but that doesn't help with the participation if you must follow the recipe to the latter especially with things like the kind of the cream could end up a rock solid or running fast fizzy it's too much he asked baking is like science his favorite ingredient is liquid nitrogen he combines cream white chocolate and red white and then cheers everything to minus one hundred ninety six degrees celsius using the nitrogen to make a crunchy popcorn like substance. he also creates a short cake base in
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a few seconds with the help of a cream dispenser and a microwave. then he adds raspberries and the ice cold popcorn and voila it's done but he has says anyone can make this kind of case. that this isn't the right place for a good old sack of daughter pancake amabile cake where i mean for real high end baking into. a case in point is a shiny icing made from pureed fruit sugar condensed milk and gelatin. this tiny treat is fluffy and soft smooth but also firm and features chocolate and fruity aromas. the elaborate decorations are all handmade and upscale treat through and through. but mathias is never satisfied.
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no never any honest professional would say the same that's ok it might sound shocking at times but it's a good thing because nothing is ever perfect it's the thing if perfection existed there will be no progress in our time it is a good thing this is. mathias works hard he wants others to be wowed by his creations to him that's the icing on the came. on the countdown is on just a few days to go until oscar night in l.a. and all this week in our theories we're featuring the european nominees and so today we look at the category for best documentary film where the who will be ninety years old in may is the oldest nominee in oscar history for her film and titled faces places as one of the driving forces of the french new wave film
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movement her impact on modern cinema has been huge and her documentary is a collaboration with french photographer and street artist. who is more than fifteen years her junior. co-directed jr used a cardboard cutout of vanguard to represent in hollywood the geo joined up for the documentary faces places they hit the road with a mobile photo studio and traveled through rural france looking for people and the tales they had to town. as. the film already won the most popular international documentary award at the twenty seventeen banku for international film festival. it's her and a another artist a jr who falls and they are separated by decades age wise but they're very
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similar in the way they look at the world i think that's very very interesting she takes she finds a bridge between them and shows symbolically how can be a bridge between between people. here on years already received an honorary oscar for her mind swell now with co-director she's been nominated in the best documentary category. the recognition is for scenes like these abandoned houses they discovered in southern france they were never finished and are already indicating they encouraged residents from the next village to transform the place into a work of art which. she's very focused on things that you can see she comes from photography and she's very focused on on specific images but she uses them as symbols and as sort of an argument most films are basically there is much
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documentaries they are essays sort of arguments with the audience and with herself and that's what this film is to. dance film debut came in one thousand nine hundred fifty five with low point that. i. did a the work is seen as a precursor of the french new wave or new velvet. this style of french film began to revolutionize cinema in the late one nine hundred fifty s. films were shot on location with hand-held cameras narratives were unusual. whether it's a feature film or a documentary and yes vadar style as a parent and unmistakable she wants to write films as if they were essays. little vein from the aim is to find a film that organically and spontaneously evolves on its own guineas and they can
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spot any deep and that certainly won't happen on a piece of graph paper. she is one of the first to say even in the documentary form there's no such thing as pure fact it's all a choice of what image we show how we make the at what we choose not to show and she makes that very obvious in the choices that she makes in her films i think that's what makes her stand out and what makes her filmmaking so so unique i. lost man and i left her as another documentary in the running for an oscar it depicts life in a city pounded into rubble german the syrian civil war. is small enough to jail tells the story of a little new york bank that became the only one in the u.s. to end up in court as a result of the financial crisis in two thousand and eight. a curse is a documentary about the russian doping program before the twenty fourteen winter
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olympics in sochi and has the pace of a suspense thriller. and then there is strong island which is about the shooting of a young black. i'm in the us two decades ago despite a great deal of evidence the killer never appeared in court. and can't get to you again so yes found on and co-directed jr facing some tough competition. a lot of people consider sort of the one of the great pioneering feminist directors and so i think it's great that that her film is nominated and has got the sort of recognition it will be a huge surprise i think if it won the documentary but you know fingers crossed you never know. whether it gets an oscar or not this extraordinary film is packed with so many powerful images.
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a powerful images of course make the magic of cinema and many filmmakers and film actors are on the edge of their seats for sunday night's oscar ceremony and while we're on the topic why do people like malina detail a shot his cock and ridley scott have in common you're about to find out because here are. five famous european actors and directors who never won an oscar. but you know my story on is starred with the need to work in adult and game world fame. his iconic role in marriage italian style how to make italian cinema known in the u.s. . time magazine named him favorite for an actor in the one nine hundred sixty two but he still didn't come away with an oscar we've got much animal story on in fifth place in a film career that spanned nearly half a century he was nominated three times but never won the coveted trophy.
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he's shown as a roman general. by. an angry spouse. but richard burton never won an oscar. never the less the world was nominated for the award for his first hollywood film in nine hundred fifty three. richard burton and six more nominations. nominated richard burton with richard burton richard richard burton richard burton but he never won any of them we put him in fourth place the star died in one thousand nine hundred four without an oscar to his name . the academy also overlooked one of the greatest heroines of stage and screen. is in third place among the oscar list
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stars. enough. hollywood got off to a flying start the berlin native came to fame with the blue angel. the first u.s. film a rock o'gara nomination but no trophy. still money in a day to advanced quickly to become one of the best paid actresses of all time but was never in the running for another ask. this englishman could prey upon human fear like no other. good evening ladies and gentlemen. alfred hitchcock directed fifty three movies and was nominated for his work on five of them including the box office hit real window. top light show. and psycho. hitchcock was never bored at the trophy. he has won second place among our famous european directors and stars that have never won an
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oscar. he dryly commented on the german talk show nine hundred sixty six. bridesmaid never the bride. he did receive a special award in one nine hundred sixty eight who particularly creative film produces. will this englishman face a similar fate with ridley scott in first place and academy award has a voice that you did him personally yes whose works like alien. and blade runner. masterpiece. he received nominations for films like selma and luis gladiator and black hawk down but never walked away with a top prize school directing. wisconsin is now a seat but he's still making about his film a year so he might yet be in with a chance for an oscar. well it might not look like this but i'm
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willing to bet that you have also won a prize or an award at some point in your lives maybe it was a sporting trophy or a certificate or something perhaps completely different we would love to know so do feel free to send us a picture of yourself with your favorite or most valued award you can upload it on to our website and as a thanks for your feedback there is a euro max watch up for grabs so best of luck and we certainly hope you'll play along and we'll finish now with one of the best known photographers of the real east germany i would say in the one nine hundred eighty s. hothouse captured the countless contradictions in the day to day of a country that was already headed for decline and while the opposition hailed his critical eye he claims he was only photographing what he saw and now his work is on show here in berlin and viewers can make their own thoughts. some say that youth is the best time of your life and that was also the case in east berlin in the 1980's
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although many of these black and white photographs have a melancholy tone they are also rich in dry humor. photographer has a houseful captured all the facets of daily life in east berlin during the last decade he called the collapse of communism in east germany. as a photographer i'd say i'm following the tradition of photographers like. in the one nine hundred fifty s. started running around the streets like stray dogs. now an exhibition of one hundred works by house filed here in the german capital depicts everyday life in the former east berlin the presentation has sparked international interest. these are the photos show a period of time that we actually lived through and that's the great impression that remains. for me the people were ok and it was fun with those people.
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whether they were soldiers bikers or punks founds works treat them all as equals. and there's a great amount of empathy and hotels faults photos he's got compassion for those who've been cast aside societies outside all that's very important and it can't be created artificially come on. even when the killjoy authority has always kept a watchful eye on things our old house phones pictures show that there were loopholes in east germany spaces for petulant east germans to slip through. and even though some of his photographs became famous he hasn't become rich from them. so it's enough for me to live on i don't need five houses scattered around the world that's absurd. i'm currently looking for suitable studio apartment the new stuff into my marriage i'm happy we travel. it's enough and that's just five days
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for the cure. the exhibition can be ordered as a series of posters many have already been sent abroad showing our old house phones take on a life in the former east germany to people around the globe. and with that our time is already up so thanks very much for watching hope you enjoy the show and until we meet again all the best from us in berlin he does them and by . next time on your own max interior designer patrick chopin is playful and anything but boring. papered his house in the french city of new york in living color and personal minded prints each room has a different theme a matter of taste next time on your own max.
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and there in the picture. berlin is a movie city ad has been for a long time thousands of movies have been shot to. famous locations. starring cinemas and a shopping haven for movie novice celebrating cinema a special on the palin film festival in ana. thirty minutes on w. unimpeded access to education and knowledge and the same opportunities for everyone. a central goal of the global
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community but what's the reality on the ground education for all d. w.'s multimedia special makes personal stories and highlights extraordinary projects the world over to find out more on the internet d.w. dot com education for all. german state by state. the most colorful. clearest. the most traditional find it all at any time. check in with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state on d w dot com.
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this is the job news coming to you live from berlin a temporary truce goes into effect for a second day in syria monitor group says it does say cash is proceeds of the russian ordered cease fire that source syrian forces advanced into the rebel held on klav and still no sign of aid getting in all civilians getting out often in a designated to manage didn't call.


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