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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  February 28, 2018 12:15pm-12:30pm CET

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news tens of thousands of young people in southeastern europe. only to have to pack their bags to leave the country when they finish to find jobs elsewhere. just over on business says we'll have that story for you coming up shortly. to cut cut. cut cut. cut. cut. cut. cut cut. they make a commitment. they find solutions. in stronger. africa on the inside. stories of both people making a difference shaping their nation playing and their continent africa on the
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move the stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands w.'s new multimedia serious mcgurk o. d w dot com africa on the move. a heartbreaking fate for tens of thousands of young people in eastern europe studying hard for qualifications in the countries they were born in only to have to pack up their belongings and leave friends and family living also on the program discounted diesel's we visited a used car lot after a german court ruled that cities can now ban diesel cars to cut down on pollution levels. welcome to business on christopher. first the
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bank has agreed to pay another two hundred forty million dollars to settle eight two thousand and eleven lawsuit in the united states accusing it of manipulating the lie bore benchmark interest rate germany's biggest bang is the third after citi group and barclays to resolve claims by investors including the city of baltimore and yale university denied any wrongdoing but settled to avoid the risks and distraction of the geisha and as it says in court papers georgia has already paid four billion dollars to resolve lives or claims libel or is used by banks to send rates on hundreds of trillions of dollars transactions. now a landmark decision is causing a lot of uncertainty here in germany yunus apologies computers and companies are grappling with the ruling of one of the company one of the country's top courts that these all powered cars can be banned from certain cities the move comes in a bid to combat air pollution but small businesses in particular was diesel powered
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vehicles are essential to keeping their operations running are hoping for exemptions. the idea of small can normally conjures up notions of bustling capitals but lynn is just one of seventeen german cities notorious for breaking legal and pollution limits could city centers across the country soon be no go areas for millions of cars. over in frankfurt used car dealer marcelled l r ball is only too aware of the diesel problem his yard is full of cars waiting for buyers the main difference between them one type sells well the other doesn't. as an american the prize or the last year prices have been falling dramatically along with demand in some cases demand has fallen by ninety percent the prices have come a church and i reckon about twenty five percent of the what's happening today means
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prices will go down again we'll have to see how things develop i think sales will come to a standstill when i was that's and i in fact stop. carmakers marketed diesels as the environmentally friendly choice but they burn less fuel per mile and emit less carbon dioxide no wonder one in three cars on german roads is a diesel car owners rely on them to get to work businesses for regular deliveries. manufacturers are confident a general ban on diesel cars will never materialise the car industry lobby group v d f a says even partial measures could be damaging. the decisions problem is that different cities could have differing regulation he could see it this concerns us because a patchwork of different regulations would obviously confuse trials.
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and that's why we hope for a reasonable nationwide regulation and. if we could or couldn't. diesels will stay on german streets for now whether they'll be restricted in some fashion is another matter. diesel bans could be seen as another useful tool for cities in their fight against out of control and pollution but how to implement them without disrupting business or harming economic growth is it enough to exempt certain streets all vehicles vital to business cities across germany will now be asking themselves these questions. looming breck's it the struggle for a common foreign policy and persisting economic inequality the european union has numerous internal struggles to deal with nevertheless countries still want to join the block the head of the european commission janklow junkers currently visiting countries like macedonia or serbia and montenegro south eastern european nations
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that have been given the prospect of becoming you members one challenge they are facing is bringing their economies up to speed something which is hard to do when many of the brightest minds prefer to leave this is no simple change of address from marina stefano the twenty five year old serb isn't just moving down the road she's heading abroad to austria she's finished her training as a vascular surgeon now she wants to turn her qualification into money. first i want to bring america. first from. grads so they are free to come back when i finish my studies graduate marina's packing her portrait along with her german dictionary it's a past tens of thousands in the region of taking on able to find work at home they go abroad once working there they support their families back home their remittances are astounding lehi making up as much as ten percent of serbians g.d.p.
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it's similar in neighboring bosnia highly qualified young people are attending german classes here they want to head out as well two thirds of under twenty four year olds have no job tens of thousands leave each year to the disappointment of bosnian companies. many companies that complain because their best people are going abroad. look at the eye to the sector of the doctors good workers etc people simply feel this is not an environment where they can see themselves with their families in the long term. this is something that worries me especially. even if there were jobs available here students know they get more pay and recognition abroad in the family on there are simply no opportunities for me to share my knowledge. i finished university but i can't find a job in my profession. so i decided to requalify and live in
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a society that appreciates my hard work and performance. and. that's why in edina reggie applied to the bosnian labor agency for assistance to move the brewer to germany is desperate for a nurse's so now the qualified lawyer has trained to do that instead. in croatia many commemorate the departure in the bus station one in serbia the journey into a new life often starts by train south eastern european countries on just losing a few young people then losing pretty much an entire generation. there is good news for german pharmaceuticals giant buyer the european commission has dropped hints that its proposed takeover of u.s. rival monsanto could get the go ahead after a wait of more than a year the deal has been making regulators around the world nervous. the u.s. food and drug administration has threatened to take buyer products off the market
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there the regulator says production processes of buyers older medications have been substandard since january two thousand and seventeen c.e.o. band of oman is tackling the problem but buyer has have to set aside several hundred million euros to cushion the effects of any sales or production shortfalls the company is also spending a fortune buying up u.s. herbicide and seed manufacturer monsanto the deal came with a price tag of fifty five billion euros to be funded largely from equity and bond issues. buyer is also having to shed assets from its crop science division such as seed production to allay competition authorities fears and thirty countries all of them have to give their blessing to the deal the european commission's verdict is expected in april. right now fires biggest project is the monsanto takeover. so it's also under pressure from the f.d.a.
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to modernize and breaks it has its own potential challenges. after britain leaves the e.u. it will become harder to license medications in the e.u. and in britain but by our can at least fall back on bulging coffers and it performed well in two thousand and seventeen like most of germany's chemical and pharmaceutical companies two thousand and eighteen is also expected to be a good year and that would be good for buyers hundred thousand global employees as well who all benefit from the company's profit sharing scheme cuba is trying to cope with the new reality as the united states imposed sanctions on the country's exports just as relations between two sides had improved but trade with cuban cigars is nevertheless flourishing the industry has grown steadily thanks to the successful search for new markets an icon of cuba know not fidel castro his
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cigar something the communist dictator had in common with u.s. president john f. kennedy who ordered twelve hundred cuban studies before blockading the island during the cold war ties aren't quite so bad nowadays but the economic boycott is still in place so cuba has to look elsewhere for exports that's good news for aficionados in countries like canada for them anything but a cuban is close but no cigar as far as the passion. of the cigar it's really crafted in cuba which is different from any place of. the place to be is have on his annual cigar festival which draws visitors from fifty countries to place orders and sample latest offerings and more and more of those sales are headed for china. the government sells its a car through a panos it's a joint venture with britain's imperial tobacco and this year it hit a milestone. in terms of worldwide sales by no scruple
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reached the historic figure of five hundred million dollars for the first time with twelve percent growth compared to twenty sixteen at a constant exchange rate it's a spectacular result. so cuba's cigar sales are on a roll even if its neighbor to the north isn't buying. business update thanks for keeping me company crystal. back with a fresh update here forty five minutes from now here's a look at how financial markets are currently trading. the to. the to. the to the to.
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the to. the to. cut. is a movie ad has been for a long time thousands of movies have. special on the film festival.
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what drives the economy. to see it going to. the media in germany always has its finger on the homes of. the local market submersibles to mop. in sixty minutes w. . earth a home for saving google ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use the protect the climate and boost green energy solutions to inspire people to take action on global ideas. dreamed up in the international talk show. the globe opinions.
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arguments analysis. for journalists discuss the topic of the week. quadriga on d w. girl in a city with many facets there are photo opportunities everywhere and not just for tourists even filmmakers can find the.


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