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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2018 6:02am-6:16am CET

6:02 am
the creator of aspirin has some headaches of its own germany's renown from a suitable giant buyer disappoints investors with weak figures for last year we'll take a closer look. also coming up education alone is not enough tens of thousands of young people in eastern europe are forced to leave their home to earn a living elsewhere. and sound for business on the w m how you gonna get us welcome to the program by year is under pressure to perform sure shares in the german life sciences company tumbled more than three percent after it announced disappointing financial results for twenty seventeen buyer faces challenges on multiple fronts and some of them are out of its control. if by investors were hoping for good news on wednesday they didn't get much as if multiple delays in the approval of
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a sixty two billion euro tile with agriculture call for monsanto weren't enough twenty seventeen's consumer drug sales were stagnant. system and consumer. we're not satisfied with the development of consumer health. on the one hand competitive forces in the usa require extra investment in our brands. and then in twenty seven teens the unusual situation in china where several over the counter drugs became prescription only product which you could do. and. by as problems are stacking up it's now willing to sell more parts of its business that's to convince authorities to wade through the purchase of monsanto the u.s. food and drug administration is threatening to take buy our products off the shelves of a quality control issues and breck's it could force pharma firms to do the splits
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in europe doubling up on regulatory approval on both sides of the channel. buyers executives putting on a brave face at the results press conference but perhaps they have at least one reason to be cheerful sources quoted by news agency reuters say the e.u. will soon approve the monsanto deal still analysts putting by are under the microscope expect the life science companies other headaches of twenty seventeen to continue this year and it looks like selling toys isn't exactly child's play following the collapse of toys r us in the usa now it looks like the same will play out in the u.k. and ministers say they've got managed or they haven't managed to find a buyer and so they'll begin winding up british stores in the coming weeks up to three thousand two hundred workers are affected. only one hundred five of the toys are stores in the u.k. are open but their days are numbered the livelihoods of thousands of workers hang
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in the balance that customers say they'll miss the shops when they've gone. yeah i think this is one of the cheapest as well compared to other toy stores most of the time they do have everything in stock so yeah i'll be very very disappointed if that is back in the eighty's toys r us good strategy towards opening big box stores but in the face of massive online competition and a shift of consumer patterns to in a city experience led shopping sold the brand left behind is not just toys r us not suffering in the u.k. . it's pretty tough for the u.k. retail sector at the moment we are seeing a softening of consumer good mond we are seeing the absolute necessity to understand to your consumer is we are seeing a cost explosion through a variety of different areas of retail businesses and finally a significant structural change to retail today the chain collapsed in its home
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country of the united states last autumn now in the u.k. it's looking like game over as well. spotify is going public filings on wednesday show the music streaming company will list on the new york stock exchange the i.p.o. will offer one billion dollars in stock the swedish firm said in its filing that it has almost one hundred sixty million monthly users double that of rival apple music that makes spotify the world's biggest music streaming company. or at let's go right there to the new york stock exchange where our correspondent standing by yes well another player trying to make a big at the new york stock exchange how well could spotify do. well and actually everything could happen chua's or rather quickly there is the word out there already by the end of march we could see the i.p.o. here in new york and certainly spotify has quite impressive subscriber
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numbers but they're also burning cash heavily so they certainly can use some extra money in the past two years each year they more than doubled their losses and it probably will be a very unusual i.p.o. because they're not going with banks to set the price but they will let the market the market decide which price is right and speaking of the market the ends of february is coming to an end and boy it has been a rocky one and well it was a rocky month and it was a rocky ending to the month of february we did see a blue chips trading up by about one hundred sixty points early at the trading session and then by the end of the day the dow jones industrial average lost a good three hundred eighty points meaning for the month of february wall street or the dow jones lost a good one thousand one hundred four and that was that this was also the ending of
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a ten month winning streak the longest winning streak since nineteen fifty nine so it has to come to an end at some point so now we are all curious to see of the turbulence as continue in march or if we will see a bit of a calmer trading but well if you take the last trading day of february it does not not look like the market will come down anytime soon everything does come to an end it's some point thank you very much because the new york. police and protesters have clashed in athens ahead of auctions are foreclosed properties the property sales are one of the main conditions of the country's international bailout loan program which expires in just a few months demonstrators from the leftist popular unity party said the auctions are tantamount to stealing poor people's homes banks have repossessed many properties after years of us thirty measures and increased taxation that have left many greeks struggling to make ends meet. say in europe approving or
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prohibiting pesticides is always controversial substances that are useful for farmers often harm the environment so called cotton oids have long been thought to kill bees and now it has been confirmed by a recent study as a result of european union ban of the substance is more likely. near nixon noids are dangerous of bees that's according to the european food safety authority a new study has found that the insecticide is harmful to both honeybees and wild bees it's bad news for a year which is home to five hundred species of wild bees. in the past nantucket annoyed were broadly used to protect crops like corn and canola against different paths but in two thousand and thirteen the e.u. for strict its application due to a collapse in the b population insufficient data proving the insecticides negative impacts meant that a ban could not be implemented but now the food safety authority has provided the
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answers even nations could now be poised for a complete ban on the use of nanak to noids out deuils discussion starting next month and it's not just about animal welfare these are important pollinators and without them the yields of vital crops like fruit and canola could fool sharply. and the e.u. has had some bad publicity in recent years and still many countries would like to join the block the head of the european commission john claude younker is currently visiting countries that have been giving the prospect of becoming you members of the sit on your serbia one challenge those countries are facing is bringing their economies up to speed which is hard when many of their brightest minds prefer to leave this is no simple change of address from marina stefano the twenty five year old isn't just moving down the road she's heading abroad to austria she's finished her training as a vascular surgeon now she wants to turn her qualification into money.
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first i want to go in america. for wrong. so they offered me to come back when they finish my studies graduate marina's packing her portrait along with her german dictionary it's a past tens of thousands in the region of taking unable to find work at home they go abroad once working there they support their families back home their remittances are astounding lehi making up as much as ten percent of serbia's g.d.p. it's similar in neighboring bosnia highly qualified young people are attending german classes here they want to head out as well two thirds of under twenty four year olds have no job tens of thousands leave each year to the disappointment of bosnian companies. many companies complain because their
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best people are going abroad. look at the eye to the sector of the doctors good workers etc people simply feel this is not an environment where they can see themselves with their families in the long term. this is something that worries me especially. even if there were jobs available here students know they get more pay and recognition abroad. there are simply no opportunities for me to show my knowledge. i finished university but i can't find a job in my profession. so i decided to requalify and live in a society that appreciates my hard work and performance. that in the club didn't seem to work out. that's why nadine applied to the both me and labor agency for assistance to move abroad gemini is desperate for another says so now the qualified lawyer has trained to do that instead. in croatia many commemorate their departure
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in the bus station one in serbia the journey into a new life often starts by train se and european countries on just losing a few young people then losing pretty much an entire generation. that's it for a start but. would. like . to.
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move off to fight in full detail to take you seriously in the world. here's what's come out women. go out. for you or me much more much more straight ahead jim wright recently dangerous time for the total for miles thanks. a muse alice. expensive on some. so-called. can suck up to this kind. but the first. place. people put big dreams on the big screen. claim movie magazine on t.w. . we make up oh but we watch as folks that
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found out that if we ought to settle seven percent. want to shape the continents future to. be part of the numbers in dumpsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges such as the seventy seven percent. platform specific charges. just as strong as he made a point of still. represented. really shmita architect of east germany's polish state i. explained if i had my way. east germany would still be feeling. master of her. push you know. starting march thirteenth d w.


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