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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2018 12:15pm-12:31pm CET

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from the apple store that will give you access to all the latest news from iraq as one must push notifications for any breaking news you can also use of after send us photos and videos which you think my interest to us. please stay with. me to you in just a bit with the business headlines. every journey begins with the first step and every language with the first word emerged in the. eco is in germany to learn german why not learn a simple online on your mobile and free shop d w e learning course the german made easy. it's all about. it's all about the stories. it's all about george chance to discover
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the world from different perspectives. join us in the inspired by distinctive instagram murders. d.w. stories you talk to each week on instagram. are believed to have launched the cyber attack on german government computer not political business between the two countries is roaring ahead russian and german executives are in berlin to ensure that trade keeps growing also from the mold while world congress in barcelona a rival of lightning fast. is changing the unique choreography of. reality and europe solve the mystery and the one reason why so many bees are.
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welcome to do business on crystal cove germany's government security networks have been hacked and officials say russia is behind it. the latest incident involved complex malicious software and targeted more sensitive data than a previous attack in twenty fifteen says a member of the parliamentary committee that oversees german intelligence agencies the hack appears to have originated from the a p t twenty eight cyber espionage group also known as fancy there are many security experts believe it has ties with the russian government. now these revelations come as pressure from the business community is increasing to relax sanctions on russia they were imposed after its anik sation of the crimean peninsula almost four years ago the german russian chamber of commerce is holding a conference here in berlin today as trade between the two countries is increasing again after having dropped significantly last year germany exported goods worth
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a total of nineteen point seven billion euros to russia some twenty five percent up on twenty sixty now russia was able to boost its exports to germany by twenty percent to twenty one billion euros mainly in raw materials the sanctions banned the sale of weapons to russia as well as the export of dual use technologies exports of energy related technologies and equipment to russia all subject to license and on top of that lenders are not allowed to give loans to russia's five largest state owned banks earlier i asked the tire from the association of german chambers of commerce why sanctions needed to be scaled back if businesses apparently had adapted to them. if we ask business so then they are not confident with the sanctions that that's for sure for them sanctions are at the end of the day expenditures or no room for business so business volume has
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shrunk but never the less now and we are glad for that for the this experience is. back on the rise it's relaxing we are coming back but on the on the field where there's sanctions on not effective because the sanctions only are to hit a part of the business relations and if we lost the business then they say ok expenditures we don't want sanctions that self-evident ok and now you're organizing this conference today regarding german and russian trade relations how do you think the news of the hacking of german government institutions will impact this conference. this is a bad news there is no no. it wouldn't be responsible to be naive that there is. a really delicate political situation and maybe
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a situation where we have had her from from russia but it's better to have at least . another world where we have business relations and this could maybe prevent some players in the game not only between russia and germany from doing really even burst things so it's better to have relations in order to give the other side a signal that we are depending on each other like a fire of the association of german chambers of industry and commerce thank you for your time this morning you're welcome. tough times continue for german carmaker opel even under new owner peugeot citroen the embattled company can't seem to shake off its troubled past from its takeover in august to december last year of operating losses of almost one hundred eighty million euros a consolation the losses have gone down but much needs to change says c.e.o.
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who plans to solve matters by twenty twentieth's through cost efficiency and exports for years opel has been general motors hands it has made a profit in almost twenty years. for more let's bring in our markets correspondent daniel colgan frankford dale keeps losing money is there any chance that the company will actually reach the goals that have been set by the new ownership. yeah that's a big question even though investors were prepared for even higher losses many of them have doubts that opel will be able to do their homework because the goal of p.s.a. from france is very clear until twenty twenty that the company needs to be profitable again and when you look at the numbers i guess you really have to be optimistic to believe this opel has tried already in many areas mostly when it comes to the production process to lower their very high costs also to save money when developing new cars such as the new version of their cores or but all of this still
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with very little success here's a is known to be patient at the beginning but also known to react quickly when something goes really wrong four thousand already since the beginning of this year on reduced working hours and they only have a job guarantee until the very end of this year now you've been in touch with opel employees how's the mood among them and how's the new leadership from friends being viewed. while there are divided some have told me that there is really hope inside of the company the problem with g.m. was that for them g.m. never really. the european market very well p.s.a. a company from europe knows exactly what the european customer wants but there is this fear what is going to happen after twenty eighteen and even after twenty twenty if opel doesn't come back into the winning zone when you look over to the your k. and the production facilities of vauxhall for example more than two hundred fifty
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employees have already lost their jobs so i guess very uncertain time at the moment for the employees turman carmaker opel keeps losing money then your corporate porting from frankfurt thank you. for the mobile world mobile congress and barcelona is drawing to a close today in this year's buzzword at the world's biggest fair for mobile communication has been five g. now promoters say in a building the ultrafast transmission of large quantities of data will rapidly transform our lives starting the moment we walk out of our front door. but click on the app does not long to wait before the electric car comes rolling along. just to be on the safe side b.m.w.'s driver sits in the front passenger seat. the driver's seat remains empty the whole time. passengers in the back seats can use
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a display to do things like sound the horn or even stop the car of the german all to make a once its first driverless model on the road by twenty twenty one. but almost entirely autonomous vehicle. the emotional cancer demo showcase which we put on at the mobile world congress is to see also navigates using a digital map we've made of the exhibition grounds to top. in practice it takes the latest five g. mobile technology to enable autonomous driving at the recent south korea winter olympics korea telecom set up the world's first public five g. network in barcelona it's launched a five g. virtual reality game. the technology transfers gigantic data volumes from the players vests with a response time of only ten milliseconds. be the five g. is more much faster than fourteen twenty times twenty times or more and we've
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reduced our lights and seen on a result casey said ok to step on that as you called to viet walkthrough you don't have the way or the heavy equipment and i say it's a totally wild less mobile data network so the hot topic in barcelona this year the number of networked gadgets is expected to grow rapidly from twenty twenty on along with the attendant risks i think five g. represents an opportunity it's going to signal the entrance of mochi all devices that are literally going to revolutionize the way that we live the way that we every component of our lives is going to be impacted but i think what that also represents is potential risk as well because you know things like driverless cars i mean a remote healthcare and so forth security and privacy is going to be literally being number one question that we'll be it's more than just a game it's a serious matter of evaluating and minimizing the potentially disastrous risks of a new technology that will be rolled out within the next two years.
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now to a troubling trend bees are dying in european countries their numbers have dwindled by sixty percent the reason has been a mystery for years now european scientists have uncovered one aspect of why so many bees are dying off and that leads to the question of whether to approve or prohibit pesticides. it makes a noise dangerous to b.s. that's according to the european food safety authority a new study has found that the insecticide is harmful to both honeybees and wild bees it's bad news for europe which is time to five hundred species of wild bees. in the pasta mandy kitchen noids were broadly used to protect crops like corn and canola against different pasts that's in two thousand and thirteen the e.u. for strictly the application cheechoo a collapse and the b. copulation were insufficient data proving the insecticides negative impacts meant
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that a ban could not be implemented but now the food safety authority has provided the anstice. nations could now be poised for a complete spot on the use of me and the kitchen noids out dualist good discussion starting next month and it's not just about animal welfare these are imposed upon h's and without them to yield to vital crops like fruit and canary could full shop for me. and that's it from us for now thanks for watching i'm chris of course are in berlin and i'll be back here with a fresh update in forty five minutes. fishing
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full ferd's in. any of the leg up posse campaigns with the slogan italians first. the posse hopes its stance against immigrants will bring success at the palms. and does have a chance of governing italy. next g.w. . enters the conflict zone goods of sudan is often
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accused of being one of the world's greatest violates it is a human rights crime just as often it denies the charges the man who conveys many of those denials as the country's foreign minister to bring him down dog who is my guest here in munich does he care if anyone's beliefs. if sixty d.w. . think you're smart t.v. the smart or the d w for small cheap. what you want when you want it up to date extraordinary. to decide what songs find out more. dot com smart t.v. . page news analyst mr bush let's focus on subsea sounds like the so-called change to sound like today's confidence
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boost cited by. the. people who put big dreams on the big screen. playing the movie magazine on d w. hello and welcome to focus on europe i'm michelle henery anxiety is running high as much of europe awaits the outcome of italy's election with eve skeptic and far right parties on the rise experts predict they will search in the vote whether italy does lurch further to the right will depend on one man and a tail salvini railing ago.


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